# Introduction # This page describes installation of Aperte Reports on preconfigured environment based on Tomcat container. In order to use some application's features, one should additionally configure JMS and mailing. Preconfigured environment approach is suitable for project's contributors and for trying various releases of the application. If it is not your case, please check other [Installation](Installation.md) options. # Download environment bundle # Preconfigured environment is available here: **[Aperte Reports Tomcat 6.0.29 Liferay 6.0.6](http://code.google.com/p/aperte-reports/downloads/detail?name=aperte-reports-liferay-tomcat-bundle.zip&can=2&q=)**. This package contains: * Official bundle **`Liferay 6.0.6`** with **`Tomcat 6.0.29`** * Embedded **`Vaadin`** updated to version 6.7.4 * ActiveMQ jar (added to Tomcat classpath) * JNDI datasource configuration for Aperte Reports --- **Optional settings** To enable JMS features, download, install and run [ActiveMQ](http://activemq.apache.org/download.html) with default settings. To enable mailing, edit file ``` $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/context.xml ``` and provide correct SMTP server settings in "mail/session" resource configuration. --- # Download release # The latest **Aperte Reports** release is available for downloading in the **[Downloads](http://code.google.com/p/aperte-reports/downloads/list)** section. File _aperte-reports-ui-`*`.war_ containins all the application portlets deployable on Liferay Portal. # Deploy the application # After the environment package is unzipped simply start Tomcat with **`startup.sh`** or **`startup.bat`** script in tomcat-6.0.29/bin directory, depending on platform. The Liferay Portal auto-deploys on first run along with its resources. Once server is running, one can deploy the UI war (described in **Download Release** section), copying the file to the directory: ``` $LIFERAY_HOME/deploy/ ``` Aperte Reports will then register its portlets in an active Liferay Portal instance.