What's this? A viewer for Starboard files hosted on github/gist, in the spirit of nbviewer for jupyter files.
How to use it? Just open/share https://bmacho.github.io/sbviewer/?sb=PATH type links.
For notebooks hosted on gist, the syntax is https://bmacho.github.io/sbviewer/?sb=gist/USER/GISTNUMBER/?revision/?file where both revision and file name are optional. If there are multiple files in a gist, it will open the first one. E.g. for the gist https://gist.github.com/bmacho/67188d770d96b050ea329991b3cbe898/ you can do
For notebooks hosted on github, the syntax is https://bmacho.github.io/sbviewer/?sb=github/USER/REPO/"blob"/BRANCHorCOMMIT/FILEPATH e.g. in this repo :
You also can use any other URL that your browser can get, http urls, or relative paths. e.g.:
- https://bmacho.github.io/sbviewer/?sb=README.md should open README.md in the same folder: https://bmacho.github.io/sbviewer/README.md . You can use this if you place the index.html file in a local folder (needs a webserver because of CORS), or on an own website (e.g. github pages).
- If the file extension is md/js, it creates a markdown/javascript cell. (Does not recognise the file type, if there is no extension.)
- Trims down trailing newline characters from the last cell, because my text editor attaches to the ends of files, and it looks ugly when opened.
- If no sb source given, it defaults to index.sb
- 404 notebook: https://bmacho.github.io/sbviewer/?sb=github/bmacho/sbviewer/blob/main/VALID_NOTEBOOK_PATH_BUT_NOTHING_HERE
It's a very slightly modification of starboard-notebook, both the original, and all of my modification are licensed under MPL2.