From bd3ed769015e561ee0331f721cd01004d366c43f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Documenter.jl" Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 21:16:08 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] build based on b976073 --- dev/.documenter-siteinfo.json | 2 +- dev/devel/index.html | 4 ++-- dev/index.html | 2 +- dev/man/a_toc/index.html | 2 +- dev/man/b_definitions/index.html | 2 +- dev/man/c_descriptor/index.html | 2 +- dev/man/d_tps/index.html | 2 +- dev/man/e_varsparams/index.html | 2 +- dev/man/f_monoindex/index.html | 2 +- dev/man/g_mono/index.html | 2 +- dev/man/h_gjh/index.html | 2 +- dev/man/i_slice/index.html | 2 +- dev/man/j_methods/index.html | 12 ++++++------ dev/man/k_fastgtpsa/index.html | 22 +++++++--------------- dev/man/l_io/index.html | 2 +- dev/man/m_global/index.html | 2 +- dev/man/n_all/index.html | 2 +- dev/quickstart/index.html | 10 +++++++--- dev/search_index.js | 2 +- 19 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-) diff --git a/dev/.documenter-siteinfo.json b/dev/.documenter-siteinfo.json index 0f7724c..d855c2d 100644 --- a/dev/.documenter-siteinfo.json +++ b/dev/.documenter-siteinfo.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"documenter":{"julia_version":"1.10.5","generation_timestamp":"2024-09-15T21:09:20","documenter_version":"1.7.0"}} \ No newline at end of file +{"documenter":{"julia_version":"1.10.5","generation_timestamp":"2024-09-15T21:16:04","documenter_version":"1.7.0"}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dev/devel/index.html b/dev/devel/index.html index 6b7754e..e84b924 100644 --- a/dev/devel/index.html +++ b/dev/devel/index.html @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ Pkg.develop(url="")

The package consists of two layers: a low-level layer written in Julia that is 1-to-1 with the GTPSA C code, and a high-level, user-friendly layer that cleans up the notation for manipulating TPSs, manages temporaries generated during evaluation, and properly manages the memory in C when variables go out of scope in Julia. The low-level functions are listed at the bottom of this page.

When it comes to managing memory in C via Julia, there are certain intricacies that have to be considered. First, let's consider the Descriptor, which is the simplest:


The Descriptor stores all information about the GTPSA, including the indexing table for indexing specific monomials. This is a static object, only created once for a GTPSA, which all TPSs refer to. In C, these structs must exist for the entirety of the program execution. In Julia, because they must not be destroyed when out-of-scope, we wrap these objects in immutable structs. In a single program, up to 250 Descriptors can exist simultanouesly, and they can be manually optionally destroyed using GTPSA.mad_desc_del!. At program termination all Descriptors are destroyed. Given the significantly large number allowed, as well as the danger of still-existing TPS and Descriptor structs after destruction, no front-facing interface to the user is given for destroying existing Descriptors.

The Descriptor struct simply wraps a C-pointer to a low-level struct called Desc: this struct is 1-to-1 equivalent to the C struct desc in GTPSA. See the documentation for GTPSA.Desc below. By having this struct in Julia, we can unsafe_load the struct and get values in the desc. For example, to access the first TPS{Float64} in the buffer of temporaries in the Descriptor, we can do

julia> using GTPSA
julia> import GTPSA: Desc
julia> d = Descriptor(5,8)GTPSA Descriptor ----------------------- # Variables: 5 -Maximum order: 8
julia> desc = unsafe_load(d.desc) # To access the low-level C structGTPSA.Desc(0, 5, 5, 0, 0x08, 0x00, Ptr{UInt8} @0x000000000145bd18, 0, 4, 0x00000507, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, Ptr{Int32} @0x00000000013f00a8, Ptr{UInt8} @0x000000000143b7c8, Ptr{UInt8} @0x00000000007b6538, Ptr{UInt8} @0x00000000007c3698, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}} @0x0000000001238688, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}} @0x000000000144bd48, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}} @0x0000000001c65378, Ptr{Int32} @0x0000000000f8e758, Ptr{Int32} @0x0000000000a26548, Ptr{Int32} @0x0000000000b06fc8, Ptr{Int32} @0x0000000000a8e5c8, Ptr{Ptr{Int32}} @0x00000000013e6f18, Ptr{Ptr{Ptr{Int32}}} @0x0000000000a519c8, 0x0000000000022195, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}} @0x00000000010d9868, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}} @0x00000000010d9978, Ptr{Int32} @0x0000000001559258, Ptr{Int32} @0x00000000015d0a08)
julia> t_jl = unsafe_load(Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{Ptr{TPS{Float64}}}, desc.t), 1) # 1 in Julia = 0 in CPtr{TPS64} @0x0000000001281558

In Julia, if we were to then unsafe_load(t_jl), there would in fact be allocations, as its internally creating a copy of the TPS{Float64} in Julia. This is not well documented in the documentation of unsafe_load (see the discussion here).


The TPS{Float64} struct in Julia corresponds exactly to the C struct tpsa and TPS{ComplexF64} struct in Julia corresponds exactly to ctpsa in C. To understand fully the TPS struct, some history is needed:

In early development versions of GTPSA.jl, the TPS struct was very similar to the Descriptor struct: it used to just wrap a C Ptr to a low-level struct, and instead be mutable so out-of-scope TPSs and temporaries are cleaned up. This at the time seemed like the simplest solution, since in Julia there is no way to tag C pointers for Julia garbage collection. This created some problems though: firstly, there is one indirection because Julia would tag that particular mutable wrapper struct for GC, but then the member Ptr of that struct pointed to a different place in memory that had to be cleaned up. Secondly, when calling GTPSA C functions that want a Vector of TPS (e.g. Ptr to TPS), you would need to do a map(t->t.tpsa, x) where x is a Vector{TPS64} and tpsa is the field member of the wrapper TPS struct. Thirdly, and perhaps most significantly, Julia is not aware of how much memory the C is using. Therefore, it will not call the garbage collector very often, even if actually >100GB of memory is being used. Sometimes the OS will just kill the Julia process.

In order to get around these problems, we must allocate the entire mutable TPS struct in Julia instead of in the C code (e.g. using GTPSA.mad_tpsa_newd). We then can use pointer_from_objref in Julia to get a pointer to that mutable, Julia-owned struct to pass to the C functions.

Sounds simple enough, right? If only! In the GTPSA C code, the coef member array is something called a flexible array member. This is great in C, because instead of the struct storing a pointer to an array (which would cause an indirection every time the coef array is accessed in a TPS), it actually stores the array right there in the struct, with variable size. This gives some performance gains. In Julia, there is no such analog. For those who know about StaticArrays.jl, you might think an SVector could work, but surprise, it doesn't because you cannot mutate the fields of an SVector and neither can the C code.

So the only solution it seems is to change the actual C struct in mad_tpsa_impl.h and mad_ctpsa_impl.h to use regular arrays for coef instead of flexible array members, and indeed this is what is done for GTPSA.jl. There is a tiny speed reduction due to the indirection of accessing coef, however the benefits of Julia's garbage collector knowing how much memory it's using, and keeping memory usage sane, is worth the very tiny cost.

On the Julia side, it turns out you cannot just use a regular Vector for the coef array in the TPS struct, because Julia's Vector structs are quite complex and play a lot of tricks. You might actually be able to use an MVector from StaticArrays, however using this struct might make GTPSA.jl significantly more complex because the size of the array has to be known at compile-time or else you suffer the drastic performance reductions caused by type-instabilities. The complexity of using this could be checked at some point in the future.

The decided solution was to, in the Julia, @ccall jl_malloc for the coef array, and in the finalizer for the mutable TPS struct call @ccall jl_free for the coef array. This gives us C-style arrays that Julia's garbage collector knows about, and so will make sure to keep the memory usage sane.

When @ccall is used, the arguments are Base.unsafe_converted to the corresponding specified argument types. Therefore, for TPS all we had to do then was define

Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{TPS{T}}}, t::TPS{T}) where {T} = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{TPS{T}},pointer_from_objref(t))

and now we can pass our TPS structs to C using @ccall.


Because unsafe_load of a Ptr{<:TPS} creates a copy and allocates, we cannot treat the constant buffer of pre-allocated temporaries in the Descriptor as bona-fide TPSs. Note that the memory addresses of the temporaries in the buffer are constant and do not need to be cleaned up; they are immutable!. The temporaries, which we give the type GTPSA.TempTPS, do not have any of the problems of just wrapping a pointer as do the TPSs, and so that's what they are. Also in Julia, in order to access the fields of a TempTPS (e.g. mo) via unsafe_load without allocating, we need an immutable struct having the same structure as TPS. This is the purpose of GTPSA.LowTempTPS. We need to use the mo field for @FastGTPSA to finally allocate the result TPS with the mo of the result TempTPS.

As with TPS, we also had to define Base.unsafe_convert for TempTPS so we can @ccall. In this case, the unsafe_convert returns the member Ptr of the TempTPS.

struct TempTPS{T<:Union{Float64,ComplexF64}}

This is for internal use only. TempTPS is a temporary TPS, which has been pre-allocated in a buffer for each thread in the Descriptor C struct. When using the @FastGTPSA macro, all temporaries generated will be used from this buffer. "Constructors" of this type simply take a temporary from that particular thread's buffer in a stack-like manner and "Destructors" (which must be manually called because this is immutable) release it from the stack.


  • t::Ptr{TPS{T}} – Pointer to the TPS in the buffer in the Descriptor

Library Structure

All operators have an in-place, mutating version specified with a bang (!). These are the lowest-level pure Julia code, following the convention that the first argument is the one to contain the result. In the GTPSA C library, the last argument contains the result, so this is accounted for in the file inplace_operators.jl. All in-place functions can receive either a regular TPS , which the user will be using, as well as a GTPSA.TempTPS, which the user should not concern themselves with. The constants RealTPS and ComplexTPS are defined respectively in low_level/rtpsa.jl and low_level/ctpsa.jl to simplify the notation. These are just:

# Internal constants to aid multiple dispatch including temporaries 
+Maximum order:     8
julia> desc = unsafe_load(d.desc) # To access the low-level C structGTPSA.Desc(0, 5, 5, 0, 0x08, 0x00, Ptr{UInt8} @0x00000000029276f8, 0, 4, 0x00000507, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, Ptr{Int32} @0x0000000002d85238, Ptr{UInt8} @0x0000000002bdccc8, Ptr{UInt8} @0x0000000002168538, Ptr{UInt8} @0x0000000002f09558, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}} @0x0000000002c4b088, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}} @0x0000000002ceffc8, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}} @0x0000000002e84b78, Ptr{Int32} @0x0000000002e069d8, Ptr{Int32} @0x0000000003284288, Ptr{Int32} @0x00000000035b6f08, Ptr{Int32} @0x000000000216a008, Ptr{Ptr{Int32}} @0x0000000002d9b708, Ptr{Ptr{Ptr{Int32}}} @0x0000000003103e18, 0x0000000000022195, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}} @0x0000000002209348, Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}} @0x0000000002caa588, Ptr{Int32} @0x0000000002ed3168, Ptr{Int32} @0x0000000002d28858)
julia> t_jl = unsafe_load(Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{Ptr{TPS{Float64}}}, desc.t), 1) # 1 in Julia = 0 in CPtr{TPS64} @0x000000000276b348

In Julia, if we were to then unsafe_load(t_jl), there would in fact be allocations, as its internally creating a copy of the TPS{Float64} in Julia. This is not well documented in the documentation of unsafe_load (see the discussion here).


The TPS{Float64} struct in Julia corresponds exactly to the C struct tpsa and TPS{ComplexF64} struct in Julia corresponds exactly to ctpsa in C. To understand fully the TPS struct, some history is needed:

In early development versions of GTPSA.jl, the TPS struct was very similar to the Descriptor struct: it used to just wrap a C Ptr to a low-level struct, and instead be mutable so out-of-scope TPSs and temporaries are cleaned up. This at the time seemed like the simplest solution, since in Julia there is no way to tag C pointers for Julia garbage collection. This created some problems though: firstly, there is one indirection because Julia would tag that particular mutable wrapper struct for GC, but then the member Ptr of that struct pointed to a different place in memory that had to be cleaned up. Secondly, when calling GTPSA C functions that want a Vector of TPS (e.g. Ptr to TPS), you would need to do a map(t->t.tpsa, x) where x is a Vector{TPS64} and tpsa is the field member of the wrapper TPS struct. Thirdly, and perhaps most significantly, Julia is not aware of how much memory the C is using. Therefore, it will not call the garbage collector very often, even if actually >100GB of memory is being used. Sometimes the OS will just kill the Julia process.

In order to get around these problems, we must allocate the entire mutable TPS struct in Julia instead of in the C code (e.g. using GTPSA.mad_tpsa_newd). We then can use pointer_from_objref in Julia to get a pointer to that mutable, Julia-owned struct to pass to the C functions.

Sounds simple enough, right? If only! In the GTPSA C code, the coef member array is something called a flexible array member. This is great in C, because instead of the struct storing a pointer to an array (which would cause an indirection every time the coef array is accessed in a TPS), it actually stores the array right there in the struct, with variable size. This gives some performance gains. In Julia, there is no such analog. For those who know about StaticArrays.jl, you might think an SVector could work, but surprise, it doesn't because you cannot mutate the fields of an SVector and neither can the C code.

So the only solution it seems is to change the actual C struct in mad_tpsa_impl.h and mad_ctpsa_impl.h to use regular arrays for coef instead of flexible array members, and indeed this is what is done for GTPSA.jl. There is a tiny speed reduction due to the indirection of accessing coef, however the benefits of Julia's garbage collector knowing how much memory it's using, and keeping memory usage sane, is worth the very tiny cost.

On the Julia side, it turns out you cannot just use a regular Vector for the coef array in the TPS struct, because Julia's Vector structs are quite complex and play a lot of tricks. You might actually be able to use an MVector from StaticArrays, however using this struct might make GTPSA.jl significantly more complex because the size of the array has to be known at compile-time or else you suffer the drastic performance reductions caused by type-instabilities. The complexity of using this could be checked at some point in the future.

The decided solution was to, in the Julia, @ccall jl_malloc for the coef array, and in the finalizer for the mutable TPS struct call @ccall jl_free for the coef array. This gives us C-style arrays that Julia's garbage collector knows about, and so will make sure to keep the memory usage sane.

When @ccall is used, the arguments are Base.unsafe_converted to the corresponding specified argument types. Therefore, for TPS all we had to do then was define

Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{TPS{T}}}, t::TPS{T}) where {T} = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{TPS{T}},pointer_from_objref(t))

and now we can pass our TPS structs to C using @ccall.


Because unsafe_load of a Ptr{<:TPS} creates a copy and allocates, we cannot treat the constant buffer of pre-allocated temporaries in the Descriptor as bona-fide TPSs. Note that the memory addresses of the temporaries in the buffer are constant and do not need to be cleaned up; they are immutable!. The temporaries, which we give the type GTPSA.TempTPS, do not have any of the problems of just wrapping a pointer as do the TPSs, and so that's what they are. Also in Julia, in order to access the fields of a TempTPS (e.g. mo) via unsafe_load without allocating, we need an immutable struct having the same structure as TPS. This is the purpose of GTPSA.LowTempTPS. We need to use the mo field for @FastGTPSA to finally allocate the result TPS with the mo of the result TempTPS.

As with TPS, we also had to define Base.unsafe_convert for TempTPS so we can @ccall. In this case, the unsafe_convert returns the member Ptr of the TempTPS.

struct TempTPS{T<:Union{Float64,ComplexF64}}

This is for internal use only. TempTPS is a temporary TPS, which has been pre-allocated in a buffer for each thread in the Descriptor C struct. When using the @FastGTPSA macro, all temporaries generated will be used from this buffer. "Constructors" of this type simply take a temporary from that particular thread's buffer in a stack-like manner and "Destructors" (which must be manually called because this is immutable) release it from the stack.


  • t::Ptr{TPS{T}} – Pointer to the TPS in the buffer in the Descriptor

Library Structure

All operators have an in-place, mutating version specified with a bang (!). These are the lowest-level pure Julia code, following the convention that the first argument is the one to contain the result. In the GTPSA C library, the last argument contains the result, so this is accounted for in the file inplace_operators.jl. All in-place functions can receive either a regular TPS , which the user will be using, as well as a GTPSA.TempTPS, which the user should not concern themselves with. The constants RealTPS and ComplexTPS are defined respectively in low_level/rtpsa.jl and low_level/ctpsa.jl to simplify the notation. These are just:

# Internal constants to aid multiple dispatch including temporaries 
 const RealTPS = Union{TempTPS{Float64}, TPS{Float64}}
-const ComplexTPS = Union{TempTPS{ComplexF64}, TPS{ComplexF64}}

All this does is enforce correct types for the in-place functions, while keeping the notation/code simple.

The in-place, mutating functions, defined in inplace_operators.jl must all use the RealTPS and ComplexTPS "types". Then, the higher level out-of-place functions for both TPS and TempTPS, which do different things with the result, will use these in-place functions.

The out-of-place functions for TPS are defined in operators.jl, and the out-of-place functions for TempTPS are defined in fastgtpsa/operators.jl.

Fast GTPSA Macros

The @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! macros work by changes all arithmetic operators in different Julia arithmetic operators with the same operator precedence and unary operator capabilities. These special operators then dispatch on functions that use the temporaries when a TPS or TempTPS is passed, else default to their original operators, thereby making it completely transparent to non-TPS types. Both + and - must work as unary operators, and there is a very short list of allowed ones shown here. The other arithmetic operators were chosen somewhat randomly from the top of the same file, next to prec-plus, prec-times, and prec-power which defines the operator precedences. By taking this approach, we relieve ourselves of having to rewrite PEMDAS and instead let the Julia do it for us.

All arithmetic operators are changed to GTPSA.:<special symbols>, e.g. +GTPSA.:±. All non-arithmetic operators that are supported by GTPSA are then changed to GTPSA.__t_<operator>, e.g. sinGTPSA.__t_sin, where the prefix __t_ is also chosen somewhat arbitrarily. These operators are all defined in fastgtpsa/operators.jl, and when they encounter a TPS type, they use the temporaries, and when other number types are detected, they fallback to the regular, non-__t_ operator. This approach works extraordinarily well, and introduces no problems externally because none of these functions/symbols are exported.

Calling the C-library with pointer-to-pointers

All of the GTPSA map functions required a vector of TPS as input, in C **tpsa. In Julia, this works automatically for Vector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}} by specifying the C argument type in the C call as ::Ptr{TPS64} or ::Ptr{ComplexTPS64}. However, in some cases, one might have only a single TPS64 and would like the call the corresponding map function without having to allocate an array. After some experimenting, I've found the following solution to have zero allocations, using compose! as an example:

mad_compose!(na, ma::TPS64, nb, mb::AbstractVector{TPS64}, mc::TPS64) = GC.@preserve ma mc @ccall MAD_TPSA.mad_tpsa_compose(Cint(na)::Cint, Ref(pointer_from_objref(ma))::Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint(nb)::Cint, mb::Ptr{TPS64}, Ref(pointer_from_objref(mc))::Ptr{Cvoid})::Cvoid


Below is documentation for every single 1-to-1 C function in the GTPSA library. If there is any function missing, please submit an issue to GTPSA.jl.


mad_mono_add!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})

Sets monomial r = a + b.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Source monomial a
  • b – Source monomial b


  • r – Destination monomial, r = a + b
mad_mono_cat!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, m::Cint, b::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})

Sets monomial r equal to the concatenation of the monomials a and b


  • n – Length of monomonial a
  • a – Source monomial a
  • m – Length of monomial b
  • b – Source monomial b


  • r – Destination monomial of concatenation of a and b (length n+m)
mad_mono_cmp(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Compares monomial a to monomial b, and returns the first difference in the lowest order variables.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Monomial a
  • b – Monomial b


  • ret – First a[i]-b[i] != 0
mad_mono_copy!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})

Copies monomial a to monomial r.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Source monomial
  • r – Destination monomial
mad_mono_eq(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool

Checks if the monomial a is equal to the monomial b.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Monomial a
  • b – Monomial b


  • ret – True if the monomials are equal, false if otherwise
mad_mono_eqn(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Cuchar)::Bool


mad_mono_fill!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, v::Cuchar)

Fills the monomial a with the value v.


  • n – Monomial length
  • a – Monomial
  • v – Value
mad_mono_le(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool

Checks if monomial a is less than or equal to monomial b.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Monomial a
  • b – Monomial b


  • ret – True if a <= mono_b, false otherwise
mad_mono_lt(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool

Checks if monomial a is less than monomial b.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Monomial a
  • b – Monomial b


  • ret – True if a < b, false otherwise
mad_mono_max(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar

Returns the maximum order of the monomial.


  • n – Length of monomial
  • a – Monomial


  • mo – Maximum order of monomial a
mad_mono_min(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar

Returns the minimum order of the monomial.


  • n – Length of monomial
  • a – Monomial


  • mo – Mininum order of monomial a
mad_mono_ord(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Returns the sum of the orders of the monomial a.


  • n – Monomial length
  • a – Monomial


  • s – Sum of orders of monomial
mad_mono_ordp(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, stp::Cint)::Cdouble

Returns the product of each stp-th order in monomial a. For example, stp = 2 collects every order in the monomial with a step of 2 between each. As a is a pointer, the product can be started at any element in the monomial.


  • n – Monomial length
  • a – Monomial as byte array
  • stp – Step over which orders to include in the product


  • p – Product of orders of monomial separated by stp.
mad_mono_ordpf(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, stp::Cint)::Cdouble

Returns the product of factorials each stp-th order in monomial a. For example, stp = 2 collects every order in the monomial with a step of 2 between each. As a is a pointer, the product can be started at any element in the monomial.


  • n – Monomial length
  • a – Monomial as byte array
  • stp – Step over which orders to include in the product of factorials


  • p – Product of factorials of orders of monomial separated by stp
mad_mono_print(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, sep_::Cstring, fp_::Ptr{Cvoid})

Prints the monomial to stdout.


  • n – Length of monomial
  • a – Source monomial to print to stdout
  • sep_ – Separator string
  • fp_ – C FILE pointer, if null will print to stdout
mad_mono_prt(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, s::Ptr{Cuchar})::Cstring

Writes the monomial defined by the byte array a (with orders stored as hexadecimal) into a null terminated string s.


  • n – Monomial and string length
  • a – Monomial as byte array


  • ret – Monomial as string
mad_mono_rcmp(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Compares monomial a to monomial b starting from the right (when the monomials are ordered by variable, which is almost never the case) and returns the first difference in the lowest order variables.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Monomial a
  • b – Monomial b


  • ret – First a[i]-b[i] != 0 where i starts from the end.
mad_mono_rev!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})

Sets destination monomial r equal to the reverse of source monomial a.


  • n – Lengths of monomials
  • a – Source monomial a


  • r – Destination monomial of reverse monomial a
mad_mono_str!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, s::Cstring)::Cint

Writes the monomial defined in the string s, which stores the orders in a human-readable format (e.g. 10 is 10, not 0xa), into the byte array a with the orders specified in hexadecimal.


  • n – Monomial and string length
  • s – Monomial as string "[0-9]*"


  • a – Monomial as a byte array converted from the input string
  • i – Adjusted size n of byte array if '' found
mad_mono_sub!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})

Sets monomial r = a - b.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Source monomial a
  • b – Source monomial b


  • r – Destination monomial, r = a - b



This is a 1-to-1 struct for the C definition desc (descriptor) in GTPSA. Descriptors include all information about the TPSA, including the number of variables/parameters and their orders, lookup tables for the monomials, monomial indexing function, and pre-allocated permanent temporaries for fast evaluation.


  • id::Cint – Index in list of registered descriptors

  • nn::Cint – Number of variables + number of parameters, nn = nv+np <= 100000

  • nv::Cint – Number of variables

  • np::Cint – Number of parameters

  • mo::Cuchar – Max order of both variables AND parameters

  • po::Cuchar – Max order of parameters

  • no::Ptr{Cuchar} – Array of orders of each variable (first nv entries) and parameters (last np entries), length nn. Note: In C this is const

  • uno::Cint – User provided array of orders of each variable/parameter (with mad_desc_newvpo)

  • nth::Cint – Max number of threads or 1

  • nc::Cuint – Number of coefficients (max length of TPSA)

  • pmul::Cuint – Threshold for parallel mult (0 = disable)

  • pcomp::Cuint – Threshold for parallel compose (0 = disable)

  • shared::Ptr{Cint} – counter of shared desc (all tables below except prms)

  • monos::Ptr{Cuchar} – 'Matrix' storing the monomials (sorted by variable)

  • ords::Ptr{Cuchar} – Order of each monomial of To

  • prms::Ptr{Cuchar} – Order of parameters in each monomial of To (zero = no parameters)

  • To::Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}} – Table by orders - pointers to monomials, sorted by order

  • Tv::Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}} – Table by vars - pointers to monomials, sorted by variable

  • ocs::Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}}ocs[t,i] -> o in mul, compute o on thread t 3 <= o <= mo aterminated with 0

  • ord2idx::Ptr{Cint} – Order to polynomial start index in To (i.e. in TPSA coef)

  • tv2to::Ptr{Cint} – Lookup tv->to

  • to2tv::Ptr{Cint} – Lookup to->tv

  • H::Ptr{Cint} – Indexing matrix in Tv

  • L::Ptr{Ptr{Cint}} – Multiplication indexes L[oa,ob]->L_ord L_ord[ia,ib]->ic

  • L_idx::Ptr{Ptr{Ptr{Cint}}}L_idx[oa,ob]->[start] [split] [end] idxs in L

  • size::Culonglong – Bytes used by desc. Unsigned Long Int: In 32 bit system is Int32 but 64 bit is Int64. Using Culonglong assuming 64 bit

  • t::Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}} – Temporary array contains 8 pointers to TPS{Float64}s already initialized

  • ct::Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}} – Temporary array contains 8 pointers to TPS{ComplexF64}s already initialized

  • ti::Ptr{Cint} – idx of tmp used by each thread (length = # threads)

  • cti::Ptr{Cint} – idx of tmp used by each thread (length = # threads)


Calls the destructor for the passed descriptor.

mad_desc_getnv!(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo_::Ref{Cuchar}, np_::Ref{Cint}, po_::Ref{Cuchar}::Cint

Returns the number of variables in the descriptor, and sets the passed mo_, np_, and po_ to the maximum order, number of parameters, and parameter order respectively.


  • d – Descriptor


  • mo_ – (Optional) Maximum order of the descriptor
  • np_ – (Optional) Number of parameters of the descriptor
  • po_ – (Optional) Parameter order of the descriptor
  • ret – Number of variables in TPSA
mad_desc_idxm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Returns the index of the monomial as byte array m in the descriptor, or -1 if the monomial is invalid.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – Monomial length
  • m – Monomial as byte array


  • ret – Monomial index or -1 if invalid
mad_desc_idxs(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cint

Returns the index of the monomial as string s in the descriptor, or -1 if the monomial is invalid.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – String length or 0 if unknown
  • s – Monomial as string "[0-9]*"


  • ret – Monomial index or -1 if invalid monomial
mad_desc_idxsm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cint

Returns the index of the monomial as sparse monomial m, indexed as [(i,o)], in the descriptor, or -1 if the monomial is invalid.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – Monomial length
  • m – Sparse monomial [(idx,ord)]


  • ret – Monomial index or -1 if invalid
mad_desc_info(d::Ptr{Desc}, fp::Ptr{Cvoid})

For debugging.


  • d – Descriptor to debug
  • fp – File to write to. If null, will write to stdout
mad_desc_isvalidm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool

Checks if monomial as byte array m is valid given maximum order of descriptor.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as byte array


  • ret – True if valid, false if invalid
mad_desc_isvalids(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Bool

Checks if monomial as string s is valid given maximum order of descriptor.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – Monomial string length
  • s – Monomial as string "[0-9]*"


  • ret – True if valid, false if invalid
mad_desc_isvalidsm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Bool

Checks the monomial as sparse monomial m (monomial stored as sequence of integers with each pair [(i,o)] such that i = index, o = order) is valid given the maximum order of the descriptor.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Sparse monomial [(idx, ord)]


  • ret – True if valid, false if invalid
mad_desc_maxlen(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)::Cint

Gets the maximum length of the TPSA given an order.


  • d – Descriptor
  • mo – Order (ordlen(maxord) == maxlen)


  • ret – monomials in 0..order
mad_desc_maxord(d::Ptr{Desc}, nn::Cint, no_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar

Sets the order of the variables and parameters of the TPSA to those specified in no_ and returns the maximum order of the TPSA.


  • d – Descriptor
  • nn – Number of variables + number of parameters, no_[1..nn]
  • no_ – (Optional) Orders of parameters to be filled if provided


  • ret – Maximum order of TPSA
mad_desc_mono!(d::Ptr{Desc}, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_::Vector{Cuchar}, p_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar

Returns the order of the monomial at index i, and if n and m_ are provided, then will also fill m_ with the monomial at this index. Also will optionally return the order of the parameters in the monomial if p_ is provided


  • d – Descriptor
  • i – Slot index (must be valid)
  • n – Monomial length (must be provided if m_ is to be filled)


  • ret – Monomial order at slot index
  • m_ – (Optional) Monomial to fill if provided
  • p_ – (Optional) Order of parameters in monomial if provided
mad_desc_newv(nv::Cint, mo::Cuchar)::Ptr{Desc}

Creates a TPSA descriptor with the specified number of variables and maximum order. The number of parameters is set to 0.


  • nv – Number of variables in the TPSA
  • mo – Maximum order of TPSA, mo = max(1, mo)


  • ret – Descriptor with the specified number of variables and maximum order
mad_desc_newvp(nv::Cint, mo::Cuchar, np_::Cint, po_::Cuchar)::Ptr{Desc}

Creates a TPSA descriptor with the specifed number of variables, maximum order, number of parameters, and parameter order.


  • nv – Number of variables
  • mo – Maximum order of TPSA INCLUDING PARAMETERS, mo = max(1, mo)
  • np_ – (Optional) Number of parameters, default is 0
  • po_ – (Optional) Order of parameters, po = max(1, po_)


  • ret – Descriptor with the specified nv, mo, np, and po
mad_desc_newvpo(nv::Cint, mo::Cuchar, np_::Cint, po_::Cuchar, no_::Vector{Cuchar})::Ptr{Desc}

Creates a TPSA descriptor with the specifed number of variables, maximum order for both variables and parameters, number of parameters, parameter order, and individual variable/parameter orders specified in no. The first nv entries in no correspond to the variables' orders and the next np entries correspond the parameters' orders.


  • nv – Number of variables
  • mo – Maximum order of TPSA (mo = max(mo , no[0 :nn-1]), nn = nv+np)
  • np_ – (Optional) Number of parameters, default is 0
  • po_ – (Optional) Order of parameters (po = max(po_, no[nv:nn-1]), po <= mo)
  • no_ – (Optional) Array of orders of variables and parameters


  • ret – Descriptor with the specified nv, mo, np, po, no.
mad_desc_nxtbyord(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Returns the next monomial after monomial m in the TPSA when sorted by order.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – Monomial length
  • m – Monomial as byte array


  • idx – Monomial index or -1 if no valid next monomial
mad_desc_nxtbyvar(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Returns the next monomial after monomial m in the TPSA when sorted by variable.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – Monomial length
  • m – Monomial as byte array


  • idx – Monomial index or -1 if no valid next monomial
mad_desc_paropsth!(d::Ptr{Desc}, mult_, comp_)

Sets the parallelised operations thresholds for multiplication (mult_) and/or composition (comp_). Will return in mult_ and/or comp_ the previous threshold.


  • mult_ – (Optional) Ptr{Cint} to new multiplication OMP parallelization threshold
  • comp_ – (Optional) Ptr{Cint} to new composition OMP parallelization threshold


  • mult_ – (Optional) old multiplication parallelization threshold
  • comp_ – (Optional) old composition parallelization threshold


mad_tpsa_abs!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the absolute value of TPSA a. Specifically, the result contains a TPSA with the abs of all coefficients.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = |a|
mad_tpsa_acc!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)

Adds a*v to TPSA c. Aliasing OK.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c += v*a
mad_tpsa_acos!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acos of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = acos(a)
mad_tpsa_acosh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acosh of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA `c = acosh(a)'
mad_tpsa_acot!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acot of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = acot(a)
mad_tpsa_acoth!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acoth of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA `c = acoth(a)'
mad_tpsa_add!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a + b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a + b
mad_tpsa_asin!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asin of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = asin(a)
mad_tpsa_asinc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asinc(a) = asin(a)/a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = asinc(a) = asin(a)/a
mad_tpsa_asinh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asinh of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA `c = asinh(a)'
mad_tpsa_asinhc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asinhc of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA `c = asinhc(a)'
mad_tpsa_atan!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the atan of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = atan(a)
mad_tpsa_atan2!(y::RealTPS, x::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA r to atan2(y,x)


  • y – Source TPSA y
  • x – Source TPSA x


  • r – Destination TPSA r = atan2(y,x)
mad_tpsa_atanh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the atanh of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA `c = atanh(a)'
mad_tpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, y::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, z::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)

r = a*x^2 + b*y^2 + c*z^2


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b – Scalar b
  • y – TPSA y
  • c – Scalar c
  • z – TPSA z


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_axpb!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)

r = a*x + b


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b – Scalar b


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_axpbypc!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, y::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)

r = a*x + b*y + c


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b – Scalar b
  • y – TPSA y
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!(x::RealTPS, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)

r = a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2)


  • x – TPSA x
  • a – Scalar a
  • b – Scalar b
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_axypb!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)

r = a*x*y + b


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b – Scalar b


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_axypbvwpc!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, v::RealTPS, w::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)

r = a*x*y + b*v*w + c


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b – Scalar b
  • v – TPSA v
  • w – TPSA w
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_axypbzpc!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, z::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)

r = a*x*y + b*z + c


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b – Scalar b
  • z – TPSA z
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r

Clears the TPSA (reset to 0)


  • t – TPSA
mad_tpsa_clrord!(t::RealTPS, ord::Cuchar)

Clears all monomial coefficients of the TPSA at order ord


  • t – TPSA
  • ord – Order to clear monomial coefficients
mad_tpsa_compose!(na::Cint, ma, nb::Cint, mb, mc)

Composes two maps.


  • na – Number of TPSAs in map ma
  • ma – map ma
  • nb – Number of TPSAs in map mb
  • mb – map mb


  • mc – Composition of maps ma and mb
mad_tpsa_convert!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)

General function to convert TPSAs to different orders and reshuffle canonical coordinates. The destination TPSA will be of order n, and optionally have the variable reshuffling defined by t2r_ and poisson bracket sign. e.g. if t2r_ = {1,2,3,4,6,5} and pb = -1, canonical coordinates 6 and 5 are swapped and the new 5th canonical coordinate will be negated. Useful for comparing with different differential algebra packages.


  • t – Source TPSA
  • n – Length of vector
  • t2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup
  • pb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd


  • r – Destination TPSA with specified order and canonical coordinate reshuffling.
mad_tpsa_copy!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)

Makes a copy of the TPSA t to r.


  • t – Source TPSA


  • r – Destination TPSA
mad_tpsa_cos!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the cos of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)
mad_tpsa_cosh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the cosh of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)
mad_tpsa_cot!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the cot of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = cot(a)
mad_tpsa_coth!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the coth of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = coth(a)
mad_tpsa_cpyi!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, i::Cint)

Copies the monomial coefficient at index i in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • i – Index of monomial
mad_tpsa_cpym!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})

Copies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-vector-of-orders m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial m
  • m – Monomial as vector of orders
mad_tpsa_cpys!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)

Copies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-string-of-order s in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • n – Length of string
  • s – Monomial as string
mad_tpsa_cpysm!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})

Copies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-sparse-monomial m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial m
  • m – Monomial as sparse-monomial
mad_tpsa_cutord!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, ord::Cint)

Cuts the TPSA off at the given order and above, or if ord is negative, will cut orders below abs(ord) (e.g. if ord = -3, then orders 0-3 are cut off).


  • t – Source TPSA
  • ord – Cut order: 0..-ord or


  • r – Destination TPSA
mad_tpsa_cycle!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_, v_)::Cint

Used for scanning through each nonzero monomial in the TPSA. Given a starting index (-1 if starting at 0), will optionally fill monomial m_ with the monomial at index i and the value at v_ with the monomials coefficient, and return the next NONZERO monomial index in the TPSA. This is useful for building an iterator through the TPSA.


  • t – TPSA to scan
  • i – Index to start from (-1 to start at 0)
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m_ – (Optional) Monomial to be filled if provided
  • v_ – (Optional) Pointer to value of coefficient


  • i – Index of next nonzero monomial in the TPSA, or -1 if reached the end
mad_tpsa_debug(t::RealTPS, name_::Cstring, fnam_::Cstring, line_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Cint

Prints TPSA with all information of data structure.


  • t – TPSA
  • name_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA
  • fnam_ – (Optional) File name to print to
  • line_ – (Optional) Line number in file to start at
  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to print to, default is stdout


  • retCint reflecting internal state of TPSA

Calls the destructor for the TPSA.


  • t – TPSA to destruct
mad_tpsa_density(t::RealTPS, stat_, reset::Bool)::Cdouble

Computes the ratio of nz/nc in [0] U [lo,hi] or stat_

mad_tpsa_deriv!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, iv::Cint)

Differentiates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.


  • a – Source TPSA to differentiate
  • iv – Index of variable to take derivative wrt to (e.g. derivative wrt x, iv = 1).


  • c – Destination TPSA
mad_tpsa_derivm!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})

Differentiates TPSA with respect to the monomial defined by byte array m.


  • a – Source TPSA to differentiate
  • n – Length of monomial to differentiate wrt
  • m – Monomial to take derivative wrt


  • c – Destination TPSA

Gets the descriptor for the TPSA.


  • t – TPSA


  • ret – Descriptor for the TPS{Float64}
mad_tpsa_dif!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

For each homogeneous polynomial in TPSAs a and b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:

c_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c
mad_tpsa_div!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a / b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a / b
mad_tpsa_equ(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, tol_::Cdouble)::Bool

Checks if the TPSAs a and b are equal within the specified tolerance tol_. If tol_ is not specified, DBL_GTPSA.show_epsILON is used.


  • a – TPSA a
  • b – TPSA b
  • tol_ – (Optional) Difference below which the TPSAs are considered equal


  • ret - True if a == b within tol_
mad_tpsa_erf!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the erf of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA `c = erf(a)'
mad_tpsa_erfc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the erfc of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA `c = erfc(a)'
mad_tpsa_eval!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{Cdouble}, tc::Vector{Cdouble})

Evaluates the map at the point tb


  • na – Number of TPSAs in the map
  • ma – map ma
  • nb – Length of tb
  • tb – Point at which to evaluate the map


  • tc – Values for each TPSA in the map evaluated at the point tb
mad_tpsa_exp!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the exponential of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = exp(a)
mad_tpsa_exppb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})

Computes the exponential of fgrad of the vector fields ma and mb, literally exppb(ma, mb) = mb + fgrad(ma, mb) + fgrad(ma, fgrad(ma, mb))/2! + ...


  • na – Length of ma and mb
  • ma – Vector of TPSA ma
  • mb – Vector of TPSA mb


  • mc – Destination vector of TPSA mc
mad_tpsa_fgrad!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Calculates dot(ma, grad(b))


  • na – Length of ma consistent with number of variables in b
  • ma – Vector of TPSA
  • b – TPSA


  • cdot(ma, grad(b))
mad_tpsa_fld2vec!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, c::RealTPS)

Assuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the Hamiltonian one obtains from ther vector field (in the form [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...])


  • na – Number of TPSA in ma consistent with number of variables in c
  • ma – Vector field


  • c – Hamiltonian as a TPSA derived from the vector field ma
mad_tpsa_geti(t::RealTPS, i::Cint)::Cdouble

Gets the coefficient of the monomial at index i. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Monomial index


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial at index i
mad_tpsa_getm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cdouble

Gets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a byte array. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as byte array


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA
mad_tpsa_getord!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, ord::Cuchar)

Extract one homogeneous polynomial of the given order


  • t – Source TPSA
  • ord – Order to retrieve


  • r – Destination TPSA
mad_tpsa_gets(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cdouble

Gets the coefficient of the monomial s defined as a string. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial s in TPSA
mad_tpsa_getsm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cdouble

Gets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a sparse monomial. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as sparse monomial


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA
mad_tpsa_getv!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v)

Vectorized getter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for extracting the 1st order parts of a TPSA to construct a matrix (i = 1, n = nv+np = nn).


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Starting index of monomials to get coefficients
  • n – Number of monomials to get coefficients of starting at i


  • v – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n
mad_tpsa_hypot!(x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA r to sqrt(x^2+y^2). Used to oversimplify polymorphism in code but not optimized


  • x – Source TPSA x
  • y – Source TPSA y


  • r – Destination TPSA r = sqrt(x^2+y^2)
mad_tpsa_hypot3!(x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, z::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA r to sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2). Does NOT allow for r = x, y, z !!!


  • x – Source TPSA x
  • y – Source TPSA y
  • z – Source TPSA z


  • r – Destination TPSA r = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
mad_tpsa_idxm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Returns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a byte array


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as byte array


  • ret – Index of monomial in TPSA
mad_tpsa_idxs(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cint

Returns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as string. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string


  • ret – Index of monomial in TPSA
mad_tpsa_idxsm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cint

Returns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a sparse monomial. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as sparse monomial


  • ret – Index of monomial in TPSA
mad_tpsa_init(t::RealTPS, d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)::RealTPS

Unsafe initialization of an already existing TPSA t with maximum order mo to the descriptor d. mo must be less than the maximum order of the descriptor. t is modified in place and also returned.


  • t – TPSA to initialize to descriptor d
  • d – Descriptor
  • mo – Maximum order of the TPSA (must be less than maximum order of the descriptor)


  • t – TPSA initialized to descriptor d with maximum order mo
mad_tpsa_integ!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, iv::Cint)

Integrates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.


  • a – Source TPSA to integrate
  • iv – Index of variable to integrate over (e.g. integrate over x, iv = 1).


  • c – Destination TPSA
mad_tpsa_inv!(a::RealTPS,  v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v/a.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v/a
mad_tpsa_invsqrt!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v/sqrt(a).


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v/sqrt(a)

Checks if TPSA is 0 or not


  • t – TPSA to check


  • ret – True or false

Sanity check of the TPSA integrity.


  • t – TPSA to check if valid


  • ret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise

Sanity check of the TPSA integrity.


  • t – TPSA to check if valid


  • ret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise
mad_tpsa_len(t::RealTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cint

Gets the length of the TPSA itself (e.g. the descriptor may be order 10 but TPSA may only be order 2)


  • t – TPSA
  • hi_ – If true, returns the length up to the hi order in the TPSA, else up to mo. Default is false


  • ret – Length of TPS{Float64}
mad_tpsa_liebra!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})

Computes the Lie bracket of the vector fields ma and mb, defined as sumi mai (dmb/dxi) - mbi (dma/dx_i).


  • na – Length of ma and mb
  • ma – Vector of TPSA ma
  • mb – Vector of TPSA mb


  • mc – Destination vector of TPSA mc
mad_tpsa_log!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the log of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = log(a)
mad_tpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!(x::RealTPS, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)

r = log(a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2))


  • x – TPSA x
  • a – Scalar a
  • b – Scalar b
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_logpb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})

Computes the log of the Poisson bracket of the vector of TPSA ma and mb; the result is the vector field F used to evolve to ma from mb.


  • na – Length of ma and mb
  • ma – Vector of TPSA ma
  • mb – Vector of TPSA mb


  • mc – Destination vector of TPSA mc
mad_tpsa_logxdy!(x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)

r = log(x / y)


  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_maxord!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, idx_::Vector{Cint})::Cint

Returns the index to the monomial with maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA for all orders 0 to n. If idx_ is provided, it is filled with the indices for the maximum abs(coefficient) monomial for each order up to n.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Highest order to include in finding the maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA, length of idx_ if provided


  • idx_ – (Optional) If provided, is filled with indices to the monomial for each order up to n with maximum abs(coefficient)
  • mi – Index to the monomial in the TPSA with maximum abs(coefficient)
mad_tpsa_mconv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nc::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)

Equivalent to mad_tpsa_convert, but applies the conversion to all TPSAs in the map ma.


  • na – Number of TPSAs in the map
  • ma – map ma
  • nc – Number of TPSAs in the output map mc
  • n – Length of vector (size of t2r_)
  • t2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup
  • pb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd


  • mc – map mc with specified conversions
mad_tpsa_minv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})

Inverts the map. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.


  • na – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)
  • ma – Map ma
  • nb – Output map length (generally = nv)


  • mc – Inversion of map ma
mad_tpsa_mnrm(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}})::Cdouble

Computes the norm of the map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map).


  • na – Number of TPSAs in the map
  • ma – map ma


  • nrm – Norm of map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map)
mad_tpsa_mo!(t::RealTPS, mo::Cuchar)::Cuchar

Sets the maximum order mo of the TPSA t, and returns the original mo. mo_ should be less than or equal to the allocated order ao.


  • t – TPSA
  • mo_ – Maximum order to set the TPSA


  • ret – Original mo of the TPSA
mad_tpsa_mono!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_::Vector{Cuchar}, p_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar

Returns the order of the monomial at index i in the TPSA and optionally the monomial at that index is returned in m_ and the order of parameters in the monomial in p_


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Index valid in TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial


  • m_ – (Optional) Monomial at index i in TPSA
  • p_ – (Optional) Order of parameters in monomial
  • ret – Order of monomial in TPSA at index i
mad_tpsa_mord(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, hi::Bool)::Cuchar

If hi is false, getting the maximum mo among all TPSAs in ma. If hi is true, gets the maximum hi of the map instead of mo


  • na – Length of map ma
  • ma – Map (vector of TPSAs)
  • hi – If true, returns maximum hi, else returns maximum mo of the map


  • ret – Maximum hi of the map if hi is true, else returns maximum mo of the map
mad_tpsa_mul!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a * b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a * b
mad_tpsa_nam(t::RealTPS, nam_)::Cstring

Get the name of the TPSA, and will optionally set if nam_ != null


  • t – TPSA
  • nam_ – Name to set the TPSA


  • ret – Name of TPS{Float64} (null terminated in C)
mad_tpsa_new(t::Ptr{TPS{Float64}}, mo::Cuchar)

Creates a blank TPSA with same number of variables/parameters of the inputted TPSA, with maximum order specified by mo. If MAD_TPSA_SAME is passed for mo, the mo currently in t is used for the created TPSA. Ok with t=(tpsa_t*)ctpsa


  • t – TPSA
  • mo – Maximum order of new TPSA


  • ret – New blank TPSA with maximum order mo
mad_tpsa_newd(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)

Creates a TPSA defined by the specified descriptor and maximum order. If MAD_TPSA_DEFAULT is passed for mo, the mo defined in the descriptor is used. If mo > d_mo, then mo = d_mo.


  • d – Descriptor
  • mo – Maximum order


  • t – New TPSA defined by the descriptor

Calculates the 1-norm of TPSA a (sum of abs of all coefficients)


  • a – TPSA


  • nrm – 1-Norm of TPSA
mad_tpsa_ord(t::RealTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cuchar

Gets the TPSA maximum order, or hi if hi_ is true.


  • t – TPSA
  • hi_ – Set true if hi is returned, else mo is returned


  • ret – Order of TPSA
mad_tpsa_ordv(t::RealTPS, ts::RealTPS...)::Cuchar

Returns maximum order of all TPSAs provided.


  • t – TPSA
  • ts – Variable number of TPSAs passed as parameters


  • mo – Maximum order of all TPSAs provided
mad_tpsa_pminv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, select::Vector{Cint})

Computes the partial inverse of the map with only the selected variables, specified by 0s or 1s in select. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.


  • na – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)
  • ma – Map ma
  • nb – Output map length (generally = nv)
  • select – Array of 0s or 1s defining which variables to do inverse on (atleast same size as na)'


  • mc – Partially inverted map using variables specified as 1 in the select array
mad_tpsa_poisbra!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, nv::Cint)

Sets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPSAs a and b.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b
  • nv – Number of variables in the TPSA


  • c – Destination TPSA c
mad_tpsa_pow!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a ^ b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ b
mad_tpsa_powi!(a::RealTPS, n::Cint, c::RealTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a ^ n where n is an integer.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • n – Integer power


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ n
mad_tpsa_pown!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a ^ v where v is of double precision.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – "double" precision power


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ v
mad_tpsa_print(t::RealTPS, name_::Cstring, eps_::Cdouble, nohdr_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})

Prints the TPSA coefficients with precision eps_. If nohdr_ is not zero, the header is not printed.


  • t – TPSA to print
  • name_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA
  • eps_ – (Optional) Precision to output
  • nohdr_ – (Optional) If True, no header is printed
  • stream_ – (Optional) FILE pointer of output stream. Default is stdout

Scans in a TPSA from the stream_.


  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream from which to read the TPSA, default is stdin


  • t – TPSA scanned from I/O stream_
mad_tpsa_scan_coef!(t::RealTPS, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})

Read TPSA coefficients into TPSA t. This should be used with mad_tpsa_scan_hdr for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.


  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin


  • t – TPSA with coefficients scanned from stream_
mad_tpsa_scan_hdr(kind_::Ref{Cint}, name_::Ptr{Cuchar}, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Ptr{Desc}

Read TPSA header. Returns descriptor for TPSA given the header. This is useful for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.


  • kind_ – (Optional) Real or complex TPSA, or detect automatically if not provided.
  • name_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA
  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin


  • ret – Descriptor for the TPSA
mad_tpsa_scl!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v*a.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v*a
mad_tpsa_sclord!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, inv::Bool, prm::Bool)

Scales all coefficients by order. If inv == 0, scales coefficients by order (derivation), else scales coefficients by 1/order (integration).


  • t – Source TPSA
  • inv – Put order up, divide, scale by inv of value of order
  • prm – Parameters flag. If set to 0x0, the scaling excludes the order of the parameters in the monomials. Else, scaling is with total order of monomial


  • r – Destination TPSA
mad_tpsa_seti!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial at index i to coef[i] = a*coef[i] + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Index of monomial
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_tpsa_setm!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by byte array m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as byte array
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_tpsa_setprm!(t::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, ip::Cint)

Sets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified parameter, and sets the rest of the variables/parameters to 0. The 1st order value scl_ of a parameter is always 1.


  • t – TPSA
  • v – 0th order value (coefficient)
  • ip – Parameter index (e.g. iv = 1 is nn-nv+1)
mad_tpsa_sets!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by string s to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_tpsa_setsm!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by sparse monomial m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as sparse monomial
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_tpsa_setv!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v::Vector{Cdouble})

Vectorized setter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for putting a matrix into a map.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Starting index of monomials to set coefficients
  • n – Number of monomials to set coefficients of starting at i
  • v – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n
mad_tpsa_setval!(t::RealTPS, v::Cdouble)

Sets the scalar part of the TPSA to v and all other values to 0 (sets the TPSA order to 0).


  • t – TPSA to set to scalar
  • v – Scalar value to set TPSA
mad_tpsa_setvar!(t::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, iv::Cint, scl_::Cdouble)

Sets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified variable, and sets the rest of the variables/parameters to 0


  • t – TPSA
  • v – 0th order value (coefficient)
  • iv – Variable index
  • scl_ – 1st order variable value (typically will be 1)
mad_tpsa_sin!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sin of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sin(a)
mad_tpsa_sinc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sinc of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sinc(a)
mad_tpsa_sincos!(a::RealTPS, s::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA s = sin(a) and TPSA c = cos(a)


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • s – Destination TPSA s = sin(a)
  • c – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)
mad_tpsa_sincosh!(a::RealTPS, s::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA s = sinh(a) and TPSA c = cosh(a)


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • s – Destination TPSA s = sinh(a)
  • c – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)
mad_tpsa_sinh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sinh of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sinh(a)
mad_tpsa_sinhc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sinhc of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sinhc(a)
mad_tpsa_sqrt!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sqrt of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sqrt(a)
mad_tpsa_sub!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a - b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a - b
mad_tpsa_tan!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the tan of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = tan(a)
mad_tpsa_tanh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the tanh of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = tanh(a)
mad_tpsa_taylor!(a::RealTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{Cdouble}, c::RealTPS)

Computes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a.


  • a – TPSA a
  • nOrder-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array
  • coef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s
  • c – Result
mad_tpsa_taylor_h!(a::RealTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{Cdouble}, c::RealTPS)

Computes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a.

Same as mad_tpsa_taylor, but uses Horner's method (which is 50%-100% slower because mul is always full order).


  • a – TPSA a
  • nOrder-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array
  • coef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s
  • c – Result
mad_tpsa_translate!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{Cdouble}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})

Translates the expansion point of the map by the amount tb.


  • na – Number of TPSAS in the map
  • ma – map ma
  • nb – Length of tb
  • tb – Vector of amount to translate for each variable


  • mc – Map evaluated at the new point translated tb from the original evaluation point
mad_tpsa_uid!(t::RealTPS, uid_::Cint)::Cint

Sets the TPSA uid if uid_ != 0, and returns the current (previous if set) TPSA uid.


  • t – TPSA
  • uid_uid to set in the TPSA if uid_ != 0


  • ret – Current (previous if set) TPSA uid
mad_tpsa_unit!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Interpreting TPSA as a vector, gets the "unit vector", e.g. c = a/norm(a). May be useful for checking for convergence.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c

Updates the lo and hi fields of the TPSA to reflect the current state given the lowest/highest nonzero monomial coefficients.

mad_tpsa_vec2fld!(na::Cint, a::RealTPS, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})

Assuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the vector field (Hamilton's equations) from the passed Hamiltonian, defined as [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...]


  • na – Number of TPSA in mc consistent with number of variables in a
  • a – Hamiltonian as a TPSA


  • mc – Vector field derived from a using Hamilton's equations


mad_ctpsa_acc!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)

Adds a*v to TPSA c. Aliasing OK.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c += v*a
mad_ctpsa_acc_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)

Adds a*v to TPSA c. Aliasing OK. Without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v_re – Real part of scalar with double precision
  • v_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c += v*a
mad_ctpsa_acos!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acos of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = acos(a)
mad_ctpsa_acosh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acosh of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = acosh(a)
mad_ctpsa_acot!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acot of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = acot(a)
mad_ctpsa_acoth!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acoth of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = acoth(a)
mad_ctpsa_add!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a + b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a + b
mad_ctpsa_addt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a + b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – Source TPS{Float64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a + b
mad_ctpsa_asin!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asin of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = asin(a)
mad_ctpsa_asinc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asinc(a) = asin(a)/a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = asinc(a) = asin(a)/a
mad_ctpsa_asinh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asinh of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = asinh(a)
mad_ctpsa_asinhc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asinhc of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = asinhc(a)
mad_ctpsa_atan!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the atan of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = atan(a)
mad_ctpsa_atanh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the atanh of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = atanh(a)
mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, y::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, z::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x^2 + b*y^2 + c*z^2


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b – Scalar b
  • y – TPSA y
  • c – Scalar c
  • z – TPSA z


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, y::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, z::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x^2 + b*y^2 + c*z^2. Same as mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2 without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b
  • y – TPSA y
  • c_re – Real part of Scalar c
  • c_im – Imag part of Scalar c
  • z – TPSA z


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axpb!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x + b


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b – Scalar b


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axpb_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x + b. Same as mad_ctpsa_axpb without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axpbypc!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, y::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x+b*y+c


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b – Scalar b
  • y – TPSA y
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axpbypc_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, y::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x + b*y + c. Same as mad_ctpsa_axpbypc without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b
  • y – TPSA y
  • c_re – Real part of Scalar c
  • c_im – Imag part of Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!(x::ComplexTPS, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2)


  • x – TPSA x
  • a – Scalar a
  • b – Scalar b
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2_r!(x::ComplexTPS, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2). Same as mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2 without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b
  • c_re – Real part of Scalar c
  • c_im – Imag part of Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axypb!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x*y + b


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b – Scalar b


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axypb_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x*y + b. Same as mad_ctpsa_axypb without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, v::ComplexTPS, w::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x*y + b*v*w + c


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b – Scalar b
  • v – TPSA v
  • w – TPSA w
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, v::ComplexTPS, w::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x*y + b*v*w + c. Same as mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b
  • v – TPSA v
  • w – TPSA w
  • c_re – Real part of Scalar c
  • c_im – Imag part of Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, z::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x*y + b*z + c


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b – Scalar b
  • z – TPSA z
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, z::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x*y + b*z + c. Same as mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b
  • z – TPSA z
  • c_re – Real part of Scalar c
  • c_im – Imag part of Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_cabs!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)

Sets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the aboslute value of TPS{ComplexF64} t. Specifically, the result contains a TPSA with the abs of all coefficients.


  • t – Source TPS{ComplexF64}


  • r – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = |t|
mad_ctpsa_carg!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)

Sets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the argument (phase) of TPS{ComplexF64} t


  • t – Source TPS{ComplexF64}


  • r – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = carg(t)

Clears the TPSA (reset to 0)


  • t – Complex TPSA
mad_ctpsa_clrord!(t::ComplexTPS, ord::Cuchar)

Clears all monomial coefficients of the TPSA at order ord


  • t – TPSA
  • ord – Order to clear monomial coefficients
mad_ctpsa_compose!(na::Cint, ma, nb::Cint, mb, mc)

Composes two maps.


  • na – Number of TPSAs in Map ma
  • ma – Map ma
  • nb – Number of TPSAs in Map mb
  • mb – Map mb


  • mc – Composition of maps ma and mb
mad_ctpsa_conj(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Calculates the complex conjugate of of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = conj(a)
mad_ctpsa_convert!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)

General function to convert TPSAs to different orders and reshuffle canonical coordinates. The destination TPSA will be of order n, and optionally have the variable reshuffling defined by t2r_ and poisson bracket sign. e.g. if t2r_ = {1,2,3,4,6,5} and pb = -1, canonical coordinates 6 and 5 are swapped and the new 5th canonical coordinate will be negated. Useful for comparing with different differential algebra packages.


  • t – Source complex TPSA
  • n – Length of vector
  • t2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup
  • pb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd


  • r – Destination complex TPSA with specified order and canonical coordinate reshuffling.
mad_ctpsa_copy!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

Makes a copy of the complex TPSA t to r.


  • t – Source complex TPSA


  • r – Destination complex TPSA
mad_ctpsa_cos!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the cos of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)
mad_ctpsa_cosh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the cosh of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)
mad_ctpsa_cot!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the cot of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = cot(a)
mad_ctpsa_coth!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the coth of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = coth(a)
mad_ctpsa_cplx!(re_, im_, r::ComplexTPS)

Creates a TPS{ComplexF64} with real and imaginary parts from the TPS{Float64}s re_ and im_ respectively.


  • re_ – Real part of TPS{ComplexF64} to make
  • im_ – Imaginary part of TPS{ComplexF64} to make


  • r – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} with r = re_ + im*im_
mad_ctpsa_cpyi!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, i::Cint)

Copies the monomial coefficient at index i in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • i – Index of monomial
mad_ctpsa_cpym!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})

Copies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-vector-of-orders m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial m
  • m – Monomial as vector of orders
mad_ctpsa_cpys!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)

Copies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-string-of-order s in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • n – Length of string
  • s – Monomial as string
mad_ctpsa_cpysm!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})

Copies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-sparse-monomial m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • n – Length of sparse monomial m
  • m – Monomial as sparse-monomial
mad_ctpsa_cutord!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, ord::Cint)

Cuts the TPSA off at the given order and above, or if ord is negative, will cut orders below abs(ord) (e.g. if ord = -3, then orders 0-3 are cut off).


  • t – Source complex TPSA
  • ord – Cut order: 0..-ord or


  • r – Destination complex TPSA
mad_ctpsa_cycle!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_, v_)::Cint

Used for scanning through each nonzero monomial in the TPSA. Given a starting index (-1 if starting at 0), will optionally fill monomial m_ with the monomial at index i and the value at v_ with the monomials coefficient, and return the next NONZERO monomial index in the TPSA. This is useful for building an iterator through the TPSA.


  • t – TPSA to scan
  • i – Index to start from (-1 to start at 0)
  • n – Size of monomial
  • m_ – (Optional) Monomial to be filled if provided
  • v_ – (Optional) Pointer to value of coefficient


  • i – Index of next nonzero monomial in the TPSA, or -1 if reached the end
mad_ctpsa_debug(t::ComplexTPS, name_::Cstring, fnam_::Cstring, line_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Cint

Prints TPSA with all information of data structure.


  • t – TPSA
  • name_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA
  • fnam_ – (Optional) File name to print to
  • line_ – (Optional) Line number in file to start at
  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to print to, default is stdout


  • retCint reflecting internal state of TPSA

Calls the destructor for the complex TPSA.


  • t – Complex TPSA to destruct
mad_ctpsa_density(t::ComplexTPS, stat_, reset::Bool)::Cdouble

Computes the ratio of nz/nc in [0] U [lo,hi] or stat_

mad_ctpsa_deriv!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, iv::Cint)

Differentiates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.


  • a – Source TPSA to differentiate
  • iv – Index of variable to take derivative wrt to (e.g. derivative wrt x, iv = 1).


  • c – Destination TPSA
mad_ctpsa_derivm!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})

Differentiates TPSA with respect to the monomial defined by byte array m.


  • a – Source TPSA to differentiate
  • n – Length of monomial to differentiate wrt
  • m – Monomial to take derivative wrt


  • c – Destination TPSA

Gets the descriptor for the complex TPSA.


  • t – Complex TPSA


  • ret – Descriptor for the TPSA
mad_ctpsa_dif!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

For each homogeneous polynomial in TPSAs a and b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:

c_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c
mad_ctpsa_dift!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

For each homogeneous polynomial in TPS{ComplexF64} a and TPS{Float64} b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:

c_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i


  • a – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – Source TPS{Float64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c
mad_ctpsa_div!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a / b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a / b
mad_ctpsa_divt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – Source TPS{Float64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b
mad_ctpsa_equ(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, tol_::Cdouble)::Bool

Checks if the TPSAs a and b are equal within the specified tolerance tol_. If tol_ is not specified, DBL_GTPSA.show_epsILON is used.


  • a – TPSA a
  • b – TPSA b
  • tol_ – (Optional) Difference below which the TPSAs are considered equal


  • ret - True if a == b within tol_
mad_ctpsa_equt(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, tol::Cdouble)::Bool

Checks if the TPS{ComplexF64} a is equal to the TPS{Float64} b within the specified tolerance tol_ (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – TPS{Float64} b
  • tol_ – (Optional) Difference below which the TPSAs are considered equal


  • ret - True if a == b within tol_
mad_ctpsa_erf!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the erf of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = erf(a)
mad_ctpsa_erfc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the erfc of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = erfc(a)
mad_ctpsa_eval!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{ComplexF64}, tc::Vector{ComplexF64})

Evaluates the map at the point tb


  • na – Number of TPSAs in the map
  • ma – Map ma
  • nb – Length of tb
  • tb – Point at which to evaluate the map


  • tc – Values for each TPSA in the map evaluated at the point tb
mad_ctpsa_exp!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the exp of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = exp(a)
mad_ctpsa_exppb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})

Computes the exponential of fgrad of the vector fields ma and mb, literally exppb(ma, mb) = mb + fgrad(ma, mb) + fgrad(ma, fgrad(ma, mb))/2! + ...


  • na – Length of ma and mb
  • ma – Vector of TPSA ma
  • mb – Vector of TPSA mb


  • mc – Destination vector of TPSA mc
mad_ctpsa_fgrad!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Calculates dot(ma, grad(b))


  • na – Length of ma consistent with number of variables in b
  • ma – Vector of TPSA
  • b – TPSA


  • cdot(ma, grad(b))
mad_ctpsa_fld2vec!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, c::ComplexTPS)

Assuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the Hamiltonian one obtains from ther vector field (in the form [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...])


  • na – Number of TPSA in ma consistent with number of variables in c
  • ma – Vector field


  • c – Hamiltonian as a TPSA derived from the vector field ma
mad_ctpsa_geti(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint)::ComplexF64

Gets the coefficient of the monomial at index i. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Monomial index


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial at index i
mad_ctpsa_geti_r!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint,  r::Ref{ComplexF64})

Gets the coefficient of the monomial at index i in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Monomial index


  • r – Coefficient of monomial at index i
mad_ctpsa_getm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::ComplexF64

Gets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a byte array. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as byte array


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_getm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Ref{ComplexF64})

Gets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a byte array in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as byte array


  • r – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_getord!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, ord::Cuchar)

Extract one homogeneous polynomial of the given order


  • t – Sourcecomplex TPSA
  • ord – Order to retrieve


  • r – Destination complex TPSA
mad_ctpsa_gets(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::ComplexF64

Gets the coefficient of the monomial s defined as a string. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Size of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial s in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_gets_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, r::Ref{ComplexF64})

Gets the coefficient of the monomial s defined as a string in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string


  • r – Coefficient of monomial s in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_getsm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::ComplexF64

Gets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a sparse monomial. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as sparse monomial


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_getsm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, r::Ref{ComplexF64})

Gets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a sparse monomial in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as sparse monomial


  • r – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_getv!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v)

Vectorized getter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for extracting the 1st order parts of a TPSA to construct a matrix (i = 1, n = nv+np = nn).


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Starting index of monomials to get coefficients
  • n – Number of monomials to get coefficients of starting at i


  • v – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n
mad_ctpsa_hypot!(x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA r to sqrt(real(x)^2+real(y)^2) + im*sqrt(imag(x)^2+imag(y)^2)


  • x – Source TPSA x
  • y – Source TPSA y


  • r – Destination TPSA sqrt(real(x)^2+real(y)^2) + im*sqrt(imag(x)^2+imag(y)^2)
mad_ctpsa_hypot3!(x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, z::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA r to sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2). Does NOT allow for r = x, y, z !!!


  • x – Source TPSA x
  • y – Source TPSA y
  • z – Source TPSA z


  • r – Destination TPSA r = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
mad_ctpsa_idxm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Returns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a byte array. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as byte array


  • ret – Index of monomial in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_idxs(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cint

Returns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as string. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string


  • ret – Index of monomial in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_idxsm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cint

Returns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a sparse monomial. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as sparse monomial


  • ret – Index of monomial in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_imag!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)

Sets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the imaginary part of TPS{ComplexF64} t.


  • t – Source TPS{ComplexF64}


  • r – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = Im(t)
mad_ctpsa_init(t::ComplexTPS, d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)::ComplexTPS

Unsafe initialization of an already existing TPSA t with maximum order mo to the descriptor d. mo must be less than the maximum order of the descriptor. t is modified in place and also returned.


  • t – TPSA to initialize to descriptor d
  • d – Descriptor
  • mo – Maximum order of the TPSA (must be less than maximum order of the descriptor)


  • t – TPSA initialized to descriptor d with maximum order mo
mad_ctpsa_integ!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, iv::Cint)

Integrates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.


  • a – Source TPSA to integrate
  • iv – Index of variable to integrate over (e.g. integrate over x, iv = 1).


  • c – Destination TPSA
mad_ctpsa_inv!(a::ComplexTPS,  v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v/a.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v/a
mad_ctpsa_inv_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v/a. Without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v_re – Real part of scalar with double precision
  • v_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v*a
mad_ctpsa_invsqrt!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v/sqrt(a).


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v/sqrt(a)
mad_ctpsa_invsqrt_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v/sqrt(a). Without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v_re – Real part of scalar with double precision
  • v_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v*a

Checks if TPSA is 0 or not


  • t – Complex TPSA to check


  • ret – True or false

Sanity check of the TPSA integrity.


  • t – TPSA to check if valid


  • ret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise

Sanity check of the TPSA integrity.


  • t – Complex TPSA to check if valid


  • ret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise
mad_ctpsa_len(t::ComplexTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cint

Gets the length of the TPSA itself (e.g. the descriptor may be order 10 but TPSA may only be order 2)


  • t – Complex TPSA
  • hi_ – If true, returns the length up to the hi order in the TPSA, else up to mo. Default is false


  • ret – Length of TPS{ComplexF64}
mad_ctpsa_liebra!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})

Computes the Lie bracket of the vector fields ma and mb, defined as sumi mai (dmb/dxi) - mbi (dma/dx_i).


  • na – Length of ma and mb
  • ma – Vector of TPSA ma
  • mb – Vector of TPSA mb


  • mc – Destination vector of TPSA mc
mad_ctpsa_log!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the log of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = log(a)
mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!(x::ComplexTPS, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)

r = log(a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2))


  • x – TPSA x
  • a – Scalar a
  • b – Scalar b
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2_r!(x::ComplexTPS, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)

r = log(a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2)). Same as mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2 without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b
  • c_re – Real part of Scalar c
  • c_im – Imag part of Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_logpb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})

Computes the log of the Poisson bracket of the vector of TPSA ma and mb; the result is the vector field F used to evolve to ma from mb.


  • na – Length of ma and mb
  • ma – Vector of TPSA ma
  • mb – Vector of TPSA mb


  • mc – Destination vector of TPSA mc
mad_ctpsa_logxdy!(x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

r = log(x / y)


  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_maxord(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, idx_::Vector{Cint})::Cint

Returns the index to the monomial with maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA for all orders 0 to n. If idx_ is provided, it is filled with the indices for the maximum abs(coefficient) monomial for each order up to n.


  • t – Complex TPSA
  • n – Highest order to include in finding the maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA, length of idx_ if provided


  • idx_ – (Optional) If provided, is filled with indices to the monomial for each order up to n with maximum abs(coefficient)
  • mi – Index to the monomial in the TPSA with maximum abs(coefficient)
mad_ctpsa_mconv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nc::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)

Equivalent to mad_tpsa_convert, but applies the conversion to all TPSAs in the map ma.


  • na – Number of TPSAs in the map
  • ma – Map ma
  • nc – Number of TPSAs in the output map mc
  • n – Length of vector (size of t2r_)
  • t2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup
  • pb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd


  • mc – Map mc with specified conversions
mad_ctpsa_minv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})

Inverts the map. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.


  • na – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)
  • ma – Map ma
  • nb – Output map length (generally = nv)


  • mc – Inversion of map ma
mad_ctpsa_mnrm(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})::Cdouble

Computes the norm of the map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map).


  • na – Number of TPSAs in the map
  • ma – Map ma


  • nrm – Norm of map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map)
mad_ctpsa_mo!(t::ComplexTPS, mo::Cuchar)::Cuchar

Sets the maximum order mo of the TPSA t, and returns the original mo. mo_ should be less than or equal to the allocated order ao.


  • t – TPSA
  • mo_ – Maximum order to set the TPSA


  • ret – Original mo of the TPSA
mad_ctpsa_mono!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_::Vector{Cuchar}, p_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar

Returns the order of the monomial at index i in the TPSA and optionally the monomial at that index is returned in m_ and the order of parameters in the monomial in p_


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Index valid in TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial


  • m_ – (Optional) Monomial at index i in TPSA
  • p_ – (Optional) Order of parameters in monomial
  • ret – Order of monomial in TPSA a index i
mad_ctpsa_mord(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, hi::Bool)::Cuchar

If hi is false, getting the maximum mo among all TPSAs in ma. If hi is true, gets the maximum hi of the map instead of mo


  • na – Length of map ma
  • ma – Map (vector of TPSAs)
  • hi – If true, returns maximum hi, else returns maximum mo of the map


  • ret – Maximum hi of the map if hi is true, else returns maximum mo of the map
mad_ctpsa_mul!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a * b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a * b
mad_ctpsa_mult!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a * b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – Source TPS{Float64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a * b
mad_ctpsa_nam(t::ComplexTPS, nam_::Cstring)::Cstring

Get the name of the TPSA, and will optionally set if nam_ != null


  • t – TPSA
  • nam_ – Optional name to set the TPSA


  • ret – Name of TPS{ComplexF64} (Null terminated in C)
mad_ctpsa_new(t::Ptr{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mo::Cuchar)

Creates a blank TPSA with same number of variables/parameters of the inputted TPSA, with maximum order specified by mo. If MAD_TPSA_SAME is passed for mo, the mo currently in t is used for the created TPSA. Ok with t=(tpsa_t*)ctpsa


  • t – TPSA
  • mo – Maximum order of new TPSA


  • ret – New blank TPSA with maximum order mo
mad_ctpsa_newd(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)

Creates a complex TPSA defined by the specified descriptor and maximum order. If MADTPS{ComplexF64}DEFAULT is passed for mo, the mo defined in the descriptor is used. If mo > d_mo, then mo = d_mo.


  • d – Descriptor
  • mo – Maximum order


  • t – New complex TPSA defined by the descriptor

Calculates the 1-norm of TPSA a (sum of abs of all coefficients)


  • a – TPSA


  • nrm – 1-Norm of TPSA a
mad_ctpsa_ord(t::ComplexTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cuchar

Gets the TPSA maximum order, or hi if hi_ is true.


  • t – TPSA
  • hi_ – Set true if hi is returned, else mo is returned


  • ret – Order of TPSA
mad_ctpsa_ordv(t::ComplexTPS, ts::ComplexTPS...)::Cuchar

Returns maximum order of all TPSAs provided.


  • t – TPSA
  • ts – Variable number of TPSAs passed as parameters


  • mo – Maximum order of all TPSAs provided
mad_ctpsa_pminv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, select::Vector{Cint})

Computes the partial inverse of the map with only the selected variables, specified by 0s or 1s in select. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.


  • na – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)
  • ma – Map ma
  • nb – Output map length (generally = nv)
  • select – Array of 0s or 1s defining which variables to do inverse on (atleast same size as na)'


  • mc – Partially inverted map using variables specified as 1 in the select array
mad_ctpsa_poisbra!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, nv::Cint)

Sets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPSAs a and b.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b
  • nv – Number of variables in the TPSA


  • c – Destination TPSA c
mad_ctpsa_poisbrat!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS, nv::Cint)

Sets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPS{ComplexF64} aand TPS{Float64} b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – Source TPS{Float64} b
  • nv – Number of variables in the TPSA


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c
mad_ctpsa_polar!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

Sets r = |t| + im*atan2(Im(t), Re(t))


  • t – Source TPS{ComplexF64}
  • r – Destination TPS{ComplexF64}
mad_ctpsa_pow!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a ^ b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ b
mad_ctpsa_powi!(a::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a ^ n where n is an integer.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • n – Integer power


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ n
mad_ctpsa_pown!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a ^ v where v is of double precision.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Power, ComplexF64


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ v
mad_ctpsa_pown_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a ^ v where v is of double precision. Without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v_re – Real part of power
  • v_im – Imaginary part of power


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ v
mad_ctpsa_powt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a ^ b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – Source TPS{Float64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a ^ b
mad_ctpsa_print(t::ComplexTPS, name_ eps_::Cdouble, nohdr_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})

Prints the TPSA coefficients with precision eps_. If nohdr_ is not zero, the header is not printed.


  • t – TPSA to print
  • name_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA
  • eps_ – (Optional) Precision to output
  • nohdr_ – (Optional) If True, no header is printed
  • stream_ – (Optional) FILE pointer of output stream. Default is stdout
mad_ctpsa_real!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)

Sets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the real part of TPS{ComplexF64} t.


  • t – Source TPS{ComplexF64}


  • r – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = Re(t)
mad_ctpsa_rect!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

Sets r = Re(t)*cos(Im(t)) + im*Re(t)*sin(Im(t))


  • t – Source TPS{ComplexF64}
  • r – Destination TPS{ComplexF64}

Scans in a TPSA from the stream_.


  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream from which to read the TPSA, default is stdin


  • t – TPSA scanned from I/O stream_
mad_ctpsa_scan_coef!(t::ComplexTPS, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})

Read TPSA coefficients into TPSA t. This should be used with mad_tpsa_scan_hdr for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.


  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin


  • t – TPSA with coefficients scanned from stream_
mad_ctpsa_scan_hdr(kind_::Ref{Cint}, name_::Ptr{Cuchar}, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Ptr{Desc}

Read TPSA header. Returns descriptor for TPSA given the header. This is useful for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.


  • kind_ – (Optional) Real or complex TPSA, or detect automatically if not provided.
  • name_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA
  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin


  • ret – Descriptor for the TPSA
mad_ctpsa_scl!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v*a.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v*a
mad_ctpsa_scl_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble,, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v*a. Without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v_re – Real part of scalar with double precision
  • v_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v*a
mad_ctpsa_sclord!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, inv::Bool, prm::Bool)

Scales all coefficients by order. If inv == 0, scales coefficients by order (derivation), else scales coefficients by 1/order (integration).


  • t – Source complex TPSA
  • inv – Put order up, divide, scale by inv of value of order
  • prm – Parameters flag. If set to 0x0, the scaling excludes the order of the parameters in the monomials. Else, scaling is with total order of monomial


  • r – Destination complex TPSA
mad_ctpsa_seti!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)

Sets the coefficient of monomial at index i to coef[i] = a*coef[i] + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Index of monomial
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_ctpsa_seti_r!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial at index i to coef[i] = a*coef[i] + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_seti but without complex-by-value arguments.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Index of monomial
  • a_re – Real part of a
  • a_im – Imaginary part of a
  • b_re – Real part of b
  • b_im – Imaginary part of b
mad_ctpsa_setm!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by byte array m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as byte array
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_ctpsa_setm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by byte array m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setm but without complex-by-value arguments.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as byte array
  • a_re – Real part of a
  • a_im – Imaginary part of a
  • b_re – Real part of b
  • b_im – Imaginary part of b
mad_ctpsa_setprm!(t::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, ip::Cint)

Sets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified parameter, and sets the rest of the variables/parameters to 0. The 1st order value scl_ of a parameter is always 1.


  • t – TPSA
  • v – 0th order value (coefficient)
  • ip – Parameter index (e.g. iv = 1 is nn-nv+1)
mad_ctpsa_setprm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, ip::Cint)

Sets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified parameter. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setprm but without complex-by-value arguments. The 1st order value scl_ of a parameter is always 1.


  • t – Complex TPSA
  • v_re – Real part of 0th order value
  • v_im – Imaginary part of 0th order value
  • ip – Parameter index
mad_ctpsa_sets!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by string s to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_ctpsa_sets_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by string s to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_set but without complex-by-value arguments.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string
  • a_re – Real part of a
  • a_im – Imaginary part of a
  • b_re – Real part of b
  • b_im – Imaginary part of b
mad_ctpsa_setsm!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by sparse monomial m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as sparse monomial
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_ctpsa_setsm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by sparse monomial m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setsm but without complex-by-value arguments.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as sparse monomial
  • a_re – Real part of a
  • a_im – Imaginary part of a
  • b_re – Real part of b
  • b_im – Imaginary part of b
mad_ctpsa_setv!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v::Vector{ComplexF64})

Vectorized setter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for putting a matrix into a map.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Starting index of monomials to set coefficients
  • n – Number of monomials to set coefficients of starting at i
  • v – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n
mad_ctpsa_setval!(t::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64)

Sets the scalar part of the TPSA to v and all other values to 0 (sets the TPSA order to 0).


  • t – TPSA to set to scalar
  • v – Scalar value to set TPSA
mad_ctpsa_setval_r!(t::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble)

Sets the scalar part of the TPSA to v and all other values to 0 (sets the TPSA order to 0). Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setval but without complex-by-value arguments.


  • t – TPSA to set to scalar
  • v_re – Real part of scalar value to set TPSA
  • v_im – Imaginary part of scalar value to set TPSA

madctpsasetvar!(t::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, iv::Cint, scl_::ComplexF64)

Sets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified variable, and sets the rest of the variables to 0


  • t – TPSA
  • v – 0th order value (coefficient)
  • iv – Variable index
  • scl_ – 1st order variable value (typically will be 1)
mad_ctpsa_setvar_r!(t::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, iv::Cint, scl_re_::Cdouble, scl_im_::Cdouble)

Sets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified variable. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setvar but without complex-by-value arguments.


  • t – Complex TPSA
  • v_re – Real part of 0th order value
  • v_im – Imaginary part of 0th order value
  • iv – Variable index
  • scl_re_ – (Optional) Real part of 1st order variable value
  • scl_im_ – (Optional)Imaginary part of 1st order variable value
mad_ctpsa_sin!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sin of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sin(a)
mad_ctpsa_sinc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sinc of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sinc(a)
mad_ctpsa_sincos!(a::ComplexTPS, s::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA s = sin(a) and TPSA c = cos(a)


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • s – Destination TPSA s = sin(a)
  • c – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)
mad_ctpsa_sincosh!(a::ComplexTPS, s::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA s = sinh(a) and TPSA c = cosh(a)


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • s – Destination TPSA s = sinh(a)
  • c – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)
mad_ctpsa_sinh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sinh of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sinh(a)
mad_ctpsa_sinhc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sinhc of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sinhc(a)
mad_ctpsa_sqrt!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sqrt of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sqrt(a)
mad_ctpsa_sub!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a - b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a - b
mad_ctpsa_subt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – Source TPS{Float64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b
mad_ctpsa_tan!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the tan of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = tan(a)
mad_ctpsa_tanh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the tanh of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = tanh(a)
mad_ctpsa_taylor!(a::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{ComplexF64}, c::ComplexTPS)

Computes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a


  • a – TPSA a
  • nOrder-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array
  • coef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s
  • c – Result
mad_ctpsa_taylor_h!(a::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{ComplexF64}, c::ComplexTPS)

Computes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a.

Same as mad_ctpsa_taylor, but uses Horner's method (which is 50%-100% slower because mul is always full order).


  • a – TPSA a
  • nOrder-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array
  • coef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s
  • c – Result
mad_ctpsa_tdif!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

For each homogeneous polynomial in TPS{Float64} a and TPS{ComplexF64} b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:

c_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i


  • a – Source TPS{Float64} a
  • b – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c
mad_ctpsa_tdiv!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{Float64} a
  • b – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b
mad_ctpsa_tpoisbra!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, nv::Cint)

Sets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPS{Float64} a and TPS{ComplexF64} b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{Float64} a
  • b – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b
  • nv – Number of variables in the TPSA


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c
mad_ctpsa_tpow!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a ^ b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{Float64} a
  • b – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ b
mad_ctpsa_translate!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{ComplexF64}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})

Translates the expansion point of the map by the amount tb.


  • na – Number of TPSAS in the map
  • ma – Map ma
  • nb – Length of tb
  • tb – Vector of amount to translate for each variable


  • mc – Map evaluated at the new point translated tb from the original evaluation point
mad_ctpsa_tsub!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{Float64} a
  • b – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b
mad_ctpsa_uid!(t::ComplexTPS, uid_::Cint)::Cint

Sets the TPSA uid if uid_ != 0, and returns the current (previous if set) TPSA uid.


  • t – Complex TPSA
  • uid_uid to set in the TPSA if uid_ != 0


  • ret – Current (previous if set) TPSA uid
mad_ctpsa_unit!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Interpreting TPSA as a vector, gets the "unit vector", e.g. c = a/norm(a). May be useful for checking for convergence.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c

Updates the lo and hi fields of the TPSA to reflect the current state given the lowest/highest nonzero monomial coefficients.

mad_ctpsa_vec2fld!(na::Cint, a::ComplexTPS, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})

Assuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the vector field (Hamilton's equations) from the passed Hamiltonian, defined as [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...]


  • na – Number of TPSA in mc consistent with number of variables in a
  • a – Hamiltonian as a TPSA


  • mc – Vector field derived from a using Hamilton's equations
+const ComplexTPS = Union{TempTPS{ComplexF64}, TPS{ComplexF64}}

All this does is enforce correct types for the in-place functions, while keeping the notation/code simple.

The in-place, mutating functions, defined in inplace_operators.jl must all use the RealTPS and ComplexTPS "types". Then, the higher level out-of-place functions for both TPS and TempTPS, which do different things with the result, will use these in-place functions.

The out-of-place functions for TPS are defined in operators.jl, and the out-of-place functions for TempTPS are defined in fastgtpsa/operators.jl.

Fast GTPSA Macros

The @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! macros work by changes all arithmetic operators in different Julia arithmetic operators with the same operator precedence and unary operator capabilities. These special operators then dispatch on functions that use the temporaries when a TPS or TempTPS is passed, else default to their original operators, thereby making it completely transparent to non-TPS types. Both + and - must work as unary operators, and there is a very short list of allowed ones shown here. The other arithmetic operators were chosen somewhat randomly from the top of the same file, next to prec-plus, prec-times, and prec-power which defines the operator precedences. By taking this approach, we relieve ourselves of having to rewrite PEMDAS and instead let the Julia do it for us.

All arithmetic operators are changed to GTPSA.:<special symbols>, e.g. +GTPSA.:±. All non-arithmetic operators that are supported by GTPSA are then changed to GTPSA.__t_<operator>, e.g. sinGTPSA.__t_sin, where the prefix __t_ is also chosen somewhat arbitrarily. These operators are all defined in fastgtpsa/operators.jl, and when they encounter a TPS type, they use the temporaries, and when other number types are detected, they fallback to the regular, non-__t_ operator. This approach works extraordinarily well, and introduces no problems externally because none of these functions/symbols are exported.

Calling the C-library with pointer-to-pointers

All of the GTPSA map functions required a vector of TPS as input, in C **tpsa. In Julia, this works automatically for Vector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}} by specifying the C argument type in the C call as ::Ptr{TPS64} or ::Ptr{ComplexTPS64}. However, in some cases, one might have only a single TPS64 and would like the call the corresponding map function without having to allocate an array. After some experimenting, I've found the following solution to have zero allocations, using compose! as an example:

mad_compose!(na, ma::TPS64, nb, mb::AbstractVector{TPS64}, mc::TPS64) = GC.@preserve ma mc @ccall MAD_TPSA.mad_tpsa_compose(Cint(na)::Cint, Ref(pointer_from_objref(ma))::Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint(nb)::Cint, mb::Ptr{TPS64}, Ref(pointer_from_objref(mc))::Ptr{Cvoid})::Cvoid


Below is documentation for every single 1-to-1 C function in the GTPSA library. If there is any function missing, please submit an issue to GTPSA.jl.


mad_mono_add!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})

Sets monomial r = a + b.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Source monomial a
  • b – Source monomial b


  • r – Destination monomial, r = a + b
mad_mono_cat!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, m::Cint, b::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})

Sets monomial r equal to the concatenation of the monomials a and b


  • n – Length of monomonial a
  • a – Source monomial a
  • m – Length of monomial b
  • b – Source monomial b


  • r – Destination monomial of concatenation of a and b (length n+m)
mad_mono_cmp(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Compares monomial a to monomial b, and returns the first difference in the lowest order variables.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Monomial a
  • b – Monomial b


  • ret – First a[i]-b[i] != 0
mad_mono_copy!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})

Copies monomial a to monomial r.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Source monomial
  • r – Destination monomial
mad_mono_eq(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool

Checks if the monomial a is equal to the monomial b.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Monomial a
  • b – Monomial b


  • ret – True if the monomials are equal, false if otherwise
mad_mono_eqn(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Cuchar)::Bool


mad_mono_fill!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, v::Cuchar)

Fills the monomial a with the value v.


  • n – Monomial length
  • a – Monomial
  • v – Value
mad_mono_le(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool

Checks if monomial a is less than or equal to monomial b.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Monomial a
  • b – Monomial b


  • ret – True if a <= mono_b, false otherwise
mad_mono_lt(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool

Checks if monomial a is less than monomial b.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Monomial a
  • b – Monomial b


  • ret – True if a < b, false otherwise
mad_mono_max(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar

Returns the maximum order of the monomial.


  • n – Length of monomial
  • a – Monomial


  • mo – Maximum order of monomial a
mad_mono_min(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar

Returns the minimum order of the monomial.


  • n – Length of monomial
  • a – Monomial


  • mo – Mininum order of monomial a
mad_mono_ord(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Returns the sum of the orders of the monomial a.


  • n – Monomial length
  • a – Monomial


  • s – Sum of orders of monomial
mad_mono_ordp(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, stp::Cint)::Cdouble

Returns the product of each stp-th order in monomial a. For example, stp = 2 collects every order in the monomial with a step of 2 between each. As a is a pointer, the product can be started at any element in the monomial.


  • n – Monomial length
  • a – Monomial as byte array
  • stp – Step over which orders to include in the product


  • p – Product of orders of monomial separated by stp.
mad_mono_ordpf(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, stp::Cint)::Cdouble

Returns the product of factorials each stp-th order in monomial a. For example, stp = 2 collects every order in the monomial with a step of 2 between each. As a is a pointer, the product can be started at any element in the monomial.


  • n – Monomial length
  • a – Monomial as byte array
  • stp – Step over which orders to include in the product of factorials


  • p – Product of factorials of orders of monomial separated by stp
mad_mono_print(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, sep_::Cstring, fp_::Ptr{Cvoid})

Prints the monomial to stdout.


  • n – Length of monomial
  • a – Source monomial to print to stdout
  • sep_ – Separator string
  • fp_ – C FILE pointer, if null will print to stdout
mad_mono_prt(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, s::Ptr{Cuchar})::Cstring

Writes the monomial defined by the byte array a (with orders stored as hexadecimal) into a null terminated string s.


  • n – Monomial and string length
  • a – Monomial as byte array


  • ret – Monomial as string
mad_mono_rcmp(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Compares monomial a to monomial b starting from the right (when the monomials are ordered by variable, which is almost never the case) and returns the first difference in the lowest order variables.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Monomial a
  • b – Monomial b


  • ret – First a[i]-b[i] != 0 where i starts from the end.
mad_mono_rev!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})

Sets destination monomial r equal to the reverse of source monomial a.


  • n – Lengths of monomials
  • a – Source monomial a


  • r – Destination monomial of reverse monomial a
mad_mono_str!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, s::Cstring)::Cint

Writes the monomial defined in the string s, which stores the orders in a human-readable format (e.g. 10 is 10, not 0xa), into the byte array a with the orders specified in hexadecimal.


  • n – Monomial and string length
  • s – Monomial as string "[0-9]*"


  • a – Monomial as a byte array converted from the input string
  • i – Adjusted size n of byte array if '' found
mad_mono_sub!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})

Sets monomial r = a - b.


  • n – Length of monomials
  • a – Source monomial a
  • b – Source monomial b


  • r – Destination monomial, r = a - b



This is a 1-to-1 struct for the C definition desc (descriptor) in GTPSA. Descriptors include all information about the TPSA, including the number of variables/parameters and their orders, lookup tables for the monomials, monomial indexing function, and pre-allocated permanent temporaries for fast evaluation.


  • id::Cint – Index in list of registered descriptors

  • nn::Cint – Number of variables + number of parameters, nn = nv+np <= 100000

  • nv::Cint – Number of variables

  • np::Cint – Number of parameters

  • mo::Cuchar – Max order of both variables AND parameters

  • po::Cuchar – Max order of parameters

  • no::Ptr{Cuchar} – Array of orders of each variable (first nv entries) and parameters (last np entries), length nn. Note: In C this is const

  • uno::Cint – User provided array of orders of each variable/parameter (with mad_desc_newvpo)

  • nth::Cint – Max number of threads or 1

  • nc::Cuint – Number of coefficients (max length of TPSA)

  • pmul::Cuint – Threshold for parallel mult (0 = disable)

  • pcomp::Cuint – Threshold for parallel compose (0 = disable)

  • shared::Ptr{Cint} – counter of shared desc (all tables below except prms)

  • monos::Ptr{Cuchar} – 'Matrix' storing the monomials (sorted by variable)

  • ords::Ptr{Cuchar} – Order of each monomial of To

  • prms::Ptr{Cuchar} – Order of parameters in each monomial of To (zero = no parameters)

  • To::Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}} – Table by orders - pointers to monomials, sorted by order

  • Tv::Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}} – Table by vars - pointers to monomials, sorted by variable

  • ocs::Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}}ocs[t,i] -> o in mul, compute o on thread t 3 <= o <= mo aterminated with 0

  • ord2idx::Ptr{Cint} – Order to polynomial start index in To (i.e. in TPSA coef)

  • tv2to::Ptr{Cint} – Lookup tv->to

  • to2tv::Ptr{Cint} – Lookup to->tv

  • H::Ptr{Cint} – Indexing matrix in Tv

  • L::Ptr{Ptr{Cint}} – Multiplication indexes L[oa,ob]->L_ord L_ord[ia,ib]->ic

  • L_idx::Ptr{Ptr{Ptr{Cint}}}L_idx[oa,ob]->[start] [split] [end] idxs in L

  • size::Culonglong – Bytes used by desc. Unsigned Long Int: In 32 bit system is Int32 but 64 bit is Int64. Using Culonglong assuming 64 bit

  • t::Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}} – Temporary array contains 8 pointers to TPS{Float64}s already initialized

  • ct::Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}} – Temporary array contains 8 pointers to TPS{ComplexF64}s already initialized

  • ti::Ptr{Cint} – idx of tmp used by each thread (length = # threads)

  • cti::Ptr{Cint} – idx of tmp used by each thread (length = # threads)


Calls the destructor for the passed descriptor.

mad_desc_getnv!(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo_::Ref{Cuchar}, np_::Ref{Cint}, po_::Ref{Cuchar}::Cint

Returns the number of variables in the descriptor, and sets the passed mo_, np_, and po_ to the maximum order, number of parameters, and parameter order respectively.


  • d – Descriptor


  • mo_ – (Optional) Maximum order of the descriptor
  • np_ – (Optional) Number of parameters of the descriptor
  • po_ – (Optional) Parameter order of the descriptor
  • ret – Number of variables in TPSA
mad_desc_idxm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Returns the index of the monomial as byte array m in the descriptor, or -1 if the monomial is invalid.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – Monomial length
  • m – Monomial as byte array


  • ret – Monomial index or -1 if invalid
mad_desc_idxs(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cint

Returns the index of the monomial as string s in the descriptor, or -1 if the monomial is invalid.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – String length or 0 if unknown
  • s – Monomial as string "[0-9]*"


  • ret – Monomial index or -1 if invalid monomial
mad_desc_idxsm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cint

Returns the index of the monomial as sparse monomial m, indexed as [(i,o)], in the descriptor, or -1 if the monomial is invalid.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – Monomial length
  • m – Sparse monomial [(idx,ord)]


  • ret – Monomial index or -1 if invalid
mad_desc_info(d::Ptr{Desc}, fp::Ptr{Cvoid})

For debugging.


  • d – Descriptor to debug
  • fp – File to write to. If null, will write to stdout
mad_desc_isvalidm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool

Checks if monomial as byte array m is valid given maximum order of descriptor.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as byte array


  • ret – True if valid, false if invalid
mad_desc_isvalids(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Bool

Checks if monomial as string s is valid given maximum order of descriptor.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – Monomial string length
  • s – Monomial as string "[0-9]*"


  • ret – True if valid, false if invalid
mad_desc_isvalidsm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Bool

Checks the monomial as sparse monomial m (monomial stored as sequence of integers with each pair [(i,o)] such that i = index, o = order) is valid given the maximum order of the descriptor.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Sparse monomial [(idx, ord)]


  • ret – True if valid, false if invalid
mad_desc_maxlen(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)::Cint

Gets the maximum length of the TPSA given an order.


  • d – Descriptor
  • mo – Order (ordlen(maxord) == maxlen)


  • ret – monomials in 0..order
mad_desc_maxord(d::Ptr{Desc}, nn::Cint, no_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar

Sets the order of the variables and parameters of the TPSA to those specified in no_ and returns the maximum order of the TPSA.


  • d – Descriptor
  • nn – Number of variables + number of parameters, no_[1..nn]
  • no_ – (Optional) Orders of parameters to be filled if provided


  • ret – Maximum order of TPSA
mad_desc_mono!(d::Ptr{Desc}, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_::Vector{Cuchar}, p_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar

Returns the order of the monomial at index i, and if n and m_ are provided, then will also fill m_ with the monomial at this index. Also will optionally return the order of the parameters in the monomial if p_ is provided


  • d – Descriptor
  • i – Slot index (must be valid)
  • n – Monomial length (must be provided if m_ is to be filled)


  • ret – Monomial order at slot index
  • m_ – (Optional) Monomial to fill if provided
  • p_ – (Optional) Order of parameters in monomial if provided
mad_desc_newv(nv::Cint, mo::Cuchar)::Ptr{Desc}

Creates a TPSA descriptor with the specified number of variables and maximum order. The number of parameters is set to 0.


  • nv – Number of variables in the TPSA
  • mo – Maximum order of TPSA, mo = max(1, mo)


  • ret – Descriptor with the specified number of variables and maximum order
mad_desc_newvp(nv::Cint, mo::Cuchar, np_::Cint, po_::Cuchar)::Ptr{Desc}

Creates a TPSA descriptor with the specifed number of variables, maximum order, number of parameters, and parameter order.


  • nv – Number of variables
  • mo – Maximum order of TPSA INCLUDING PARAMETERS, mo = max(1, mo)
  • np_ – (Optional) Number of parameters, default is 0
  • po_ – (Optional) Order of parameters, po = max(1, po_)


  • ret – Descriptor with the specified nv, mo, np, and po
mad_desc_newvpo(nv::Cint, mo::Cuchar, np_::Cint, po_::Cuchar, no_::Vector{Cuchar})::Ptr{Desc}

Creates a TPSA descriptor with the specifed number of variables, maximum order for both variables and parameters, number of parameters, parameter order, and individual variable/parameter orders specified in no. The first nv entries in no correspond to the variables' orders and the next np entries correspond the parameters' orders.


  • nv – Number of variables
  • mo – Maximum order of TPSA (mo = max(mo , no[0 :nn-1]), nn = nv+np)
  • np_ – (Optional) Number of parameters, default is 0
  • po_ – (Optional) Order of parameters (po = max(po_, no[nv:nn-1]), po <= mo)
  • no_ – (Optional) Array of orders of variables and parameters


  • ret – Descriptor with the specified nv, mo, np, po, no.
mad_desc_nxtbyord(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Returns the next monomial after monomial m in the TPSA when sorted by order.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – Monomial length
  • m – Monomial as byte array


  • idx – Monomial index or -1 if no valid next monomial
mad_desc_nxtbyvar(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Returns the next monomial after monomial m in the TPSA when sorted by variable.


  • d – Descriptor
  • n – Monomial length
  • m – Monomial as byte array


  • idx – Monomial index or -1 if no valid next monomial
mad_desc_paropsth!(d::Ptr{Desc}, mult_, comp_)

Sets the parallelised operations thresholds for multiplication (mult_) and/or composition (comp_). Will return in mult_ and/or comp_ the previous threshold.


  • mult_ – (Optional) Ptr{Cint} to new multiplication OMP parallelization threshold
  • comp_ – (Optional) Ptr{Cint} to new composition OMP parallelization threshold


  • mult_ – (Optional) old multiplication parallelization threshold
  • comp_ – (Optional) old composition parallelization threshold


mad_tpsa_abs!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the absolute value of TPSA a. Specifically, the result contains a TPSA with the abs of all coefficients.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = |a|
mad_tpsa_acc!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)

Adds a*v to TPSA c. Aliasing OK.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c += v*a
mad_tpsa_acos!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acos of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = acos(a)
mad_tpsa_acosh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acosh of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA `c = acosh(a)'
mad_tpsa_acot!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acot of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = acot(a)
mad_tpsa_acoth!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acoth of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA `c = acoth(a)'
mad_tpsa_add!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a + b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a + b
mad_tpsa_asin!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asin of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = asin(a)
mad_tpsa_asinc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asinc(a) = asin(a)/a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = asinc(a) = asin(a)/a
mad_tpsa_asinh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asinh of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA `c = asinh(a)'
mad_tpsa_asinhc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asinhc of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA `c = asinhc(a)'
mad_tpsa_atan!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the atan of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = atan(a)
mad_tpsa_atan2!(y::RealTPS, x::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA r to atan2(y,x)


  • y – Source TPSA y
  • x – Source TPSA x


  • r – Destination TPSA r = atan2(y,x)
mad_tpsa_atanh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the atanh of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA `c = atanh(a)'
mad_tpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, y::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, z::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)

r = a*x^2 + b*y^2 + c*z^2


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b – Scalar b
  • y – TPSA y
  • c – Scalar c
  • z – TPSA z


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_axpb!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)

r = a*x + b


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b – Scalar b


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_axpbypc!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, y::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)

r = a*x + b*y + c


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b – Scalar b
  • y – TPSA y
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!(x::RealTPS, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)

r = a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2)


  • x – TPSA x
  • a – Scalar a
  • b – Scalar b
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_axypb!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)

r = a*x*y + b


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b – Scalar b


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_axypbvwpc!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, v::RealTPS, w::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)

r = a*x*y + b*v*w + c


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b – Scalar b
  • v – TPSA v
  • w – TPSA w
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_axypbzpc!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, z::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)

r = a*x*y + b*z + c


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b – Scalar b
  • z – TPSA z
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r

Clears the TPSA (reset to 0)


  • t – TPSA
mad_tpsa_clrord!(t::RealTPS, ord::Cuchar)

Clears all monomial coefficients of the TPSA at order ord


  • t – TPSA
  • ord – Order to clear monomial coefficients
mad_tpsa_compose!(na::Cint, ma, nb::Cint, mb, mc)

Composes two maps.


  • na – Number of TPSAs in map ma
  • ma – map ma
  • nb – Number of TPSAs in map mb
  • mb – map mb


  • mc – Composition of maps ma and mb
mad_tpsa_convert!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)

General function to convert TPSAs to different orders and reshuffle canonical coordinates. The destination TPSA will be of order n, and optionally have the variable reshuffling defined by t2r_ and poisson bracket sign. e.g. if t2r_ = {1,2,3,4,6,5} and pb = -1, canonical coordinates 6 and 5 are swapped and the new 5th canonical coordinate will be negated. Useful for comparing with different differential algebra packages.


  • t – Source TPSA
  • n – Length of vector
  • t2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup
  • pb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd


  • r – Destination TPSA with specified order and canonical coordinate reshuffling.
mad_tpsa_copy!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)

Makes a copy of the TPSA t to r.


  • t – Source TPSA


  • r – Destination TPSA
mad_tpsa_cos!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the cos of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)
mad_tpsa_cosh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the cosh of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)
mad_tpsa_cot!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the cot of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = cot(a)
mad_tpsa_coth!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the coth of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = coth(a)
mad_tpsa_cpyi!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, i::Cint)

Copies the monomial coefficient at index i in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • i – Index of monomial
mad_tpsa_cpym!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})

Copies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-vector-of-orders m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial m
  • m – Monomial as vector of orders
mad_tpsa_cpys!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)

Copies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-string-of-order s in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • n – Length of string
  • s – Monomial as string
mad_tpsa_cpysm!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})

Copies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-sparse-monomial m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial m
  • m – Monomial as sparse-monomial
mad_tpsa_cutord!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, ord::Cint)

Cuts the TPSA off at the given order and above, or if ord is negative, will cut orders below abs(ord) (e.g. if ord = -3, then orders 0-3 are cut off).


  • t – Source TPSA
  • ord – Cut order: 0..-ord or


  • r – Destination TPSA
mad_tpsa_cycle!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_, v_)::Cint

Used for scanning through each nonzero monomial in the TPSA. Given a starting index (-1 if starting at 0), will optionally fill monomial m_ with the monomial at index i and the value at v_ with the monomials coefficient, and return the next NONZERO monomial index in the TPSA. This is useful for building an iterator through the TPSA.


  • t – TPSA to scan
  • i – Index to start from (-1 to start at 0)
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m_ – (Optional) Monomial to be filled if provided
  • v_ – (Optional) Pointer to value of coefficient


  • i – Index of next nonzero monomial in the TPSA, or -1 if reached the end
mad_tpsa_debug(t::RealTPS, name_::Cstring, fnam_::Cstring, line_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Cint

Prints TPSA with all information of data structure.


  • t – TPSA
  • name_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA
  • fnam_ – (Optional) File name to print to
  • line_ – (Optional) Line number in file to start at
  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to print to, default is stdout


  • retCint reflecting internal state of TPSA

Calls the destructor for the TPSA.


  • t – TPSA to destruct
mad_tpsa_density(t::RealTPS, stat_, reset::Bool)::Cdouble

Computes the ratio of nz/nc in [0] U [lo,hi] or stat_

mad_tpsa_deriv!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, iv::Cint)

Differentiates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.


  • a – Source TPSA to differentiate
  • iv – Index of variable to take derivative wrt to (e.g. derivative wrt x, iv = 1).


  • c – Destination TPSA
mad_tpsa_derivm!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})

Differentiates TPSA with respect to the monomial defined by byte array m.


  • a – Source TPSA to differentiate
  • n – Length of monomial to differentiate wrt
  • m – Monomial to take derivative wrt


  • c – Destination TPSA

Gets the descriptor for the TPSA.


  • t – TPSA


  • ret – Descriptor for the TPS{Float64}
mad_tpsa_dif!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

For each homogeneous polynomial in TPSAs a and b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:

c_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c
mad_tpsa_div!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a / b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a / b
mad_tpsa_equ(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, tol_::Cdouble)::Bool

Checks if the TPSAs a and b are equal within the specified tolerance tol_. If tol_ is not specified, DBL_GTPSA.show_epsILON is used.


  • a – TPSA a
  • b – TPSA b
  • tol_ – (Optional) Difference below which the TPSAs are considered equal


  • ret - True if a == b within tol_
mad_tpsa_erf!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the erf of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA `c = erf(a)'
mad_tpsa_erfc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the erfc of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA `c = erfc(a)'
mad_tpsa_eval!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{Cdouble}, tc::Vector{Cdouble})

Evaluates the map at the point tb


  • na – Number of TPSAs in the map
  • ma – map ma
  • nb – Length of tb
  • tb – Point at which to evaluate the map


  • tc – Values for each TPSA in the map evaluated at the point tb
mad_tpsa_exp!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the exponential of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = exp(a)
mad_tpsa_exppb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})

Computes the exponential of fgrad of the vector fields ma and mb, literally exppb(ma, mb) = mb + fgrad(ma, mb) + fgrad(ma, fgrad(ma, mb))/2! + ...


  • na – Length of ma and mb
  • ma – Vector of TPSA ma
  • mb – Vector of TPSA mb


  • mc – Destination vector of TPSA mc
mad_tpsa_fgrad!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Calculates dot(ma, grad(b))


  • na – Length of ma consistent with number of variables in b
  • ma – Vector of TPSA
  • b – TPSA


  • cdot(ma, grad(b))
mad_tpsa_fld2vec!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, c::RealTPS)

Assuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the Hamiltonian one obtains from ther vector field (in the form [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...])


  • na – Number of TPSA in ma consistent with number of variables in c
  • ma – Vector field


  • c – Hamiltonian as a TPSA derived from the vector field ma
mad_tpsa_geti(t::RealTPS, i::Cint)::Cdouble

Gets the coefficient of the monomial at index i. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Monomial index


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial at index i
mad_tpsa_getm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cdouble

Gets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a byte array. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as byte array


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA
mad_tpsa_getord!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, ord::Cuchar)

Extract one homogeneous polynomial of the given order


  • t – Source TPSA
  • ord – Order to retrieve


  • r – Destination TPSA
mad_tpsa_gets(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cdouble

Gets the coefficient of the monomial s defined as a string. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial s in TPSA
mad_tpsa_getsm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cdouble

Gets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a sparse monomial. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as sparse monomial


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA
mad_tpsa_getv!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v)

Vectorized getter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for extracting the 1st order parts of a TPSA to construct a matrix (i = 1, n = nv+np = nn).


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Starting index of monomials to get coefficients
  • n – Number of monomials to get coefficients of starting at i


  • v – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n
mad_tpsa_hypot!(x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA r to sqrt(x^2+y^2). Used to oversimplify polymorphism in code but not optimized


  • x – Source TPSA x
  • y – Source TPSA y


  • r – Destination TPSA r = sqrt(x^2+y^2)
mad_tpsa_hypot3!(x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, z::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA r to sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2). Does NOT allow for r = x, y, z !!!


  • x – Source TPSA x
  • y – Source TPSA y
  • z – Source TPSA z


  • r – Destination TPSA r = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
mad_tpsa_idxm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Returns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a byte array


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as byte array


  • ret – Index of monomial in TPSA
mad_tpsa_idxs(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cint

Returns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as string. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string


  • ret – Index of monomial in TPSA
mad_tpsa_idxsm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cint

Returns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a sparse monomial. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as sparse monomial


  • ret – Index of monomial in TPSA
mad_tpsa_init(t::RealTPS, d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)::RealTPS

Unsafe initialization of an already existing TPSA t with maximum order mo to the descriptor d. mo must be less than the maximum order of the descriptor. t is modified in place and also returned.


  • t – TPSA to initialize to descriptor d
  • d – Descriptor
  • mo – Maximum order of the TPSA (must be less than maximum order of the descriptor)


  • t – TPSA initialized to descriptor d with maximum order mo
mad_tpsa_integ!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, iv::Cint)

Integrates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.


  • a – Source TPSA to integrate
  • iv – Index of variable to integrate over (e.g. integrate over x, iv = 1).


  • c – Destination TPSA
mad_tpsa_inv!(a::RealTPS,  v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v/a.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v/a
mad_tpsa_invsqrt!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v/sqrt(a).


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v/sqrt(a)

Checks if TPSA is 0 or not


  • t – TPSA to check


  • ret – True or false

Sanity check of the TPSA integrity.


  • t – TPSA to check if valid


  • ret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise

Sanity check of the TPSA integrity.


  • t – TPSA to check if valid


  • ret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise
mad_tpsa_len(t::RealTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cint

Gets the length of the TPSA itself (e.g. the descriptor may be order 10 but TPSA may only be order 2)


  • t – TPSA
  • hi_ – If true, returns the length up to the hi order in the TPSA, else up to mo. Default is false


  • ret – Length of TPS{Float64}
mad_tpsa_liebra!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})

Computes the Lie bracket of the vector fields ma and mb, defined as sumi mai (dmb/dxi) - mbi (dma/dx_i).


  • na – Length of ma and mb
  • ma – Vector of TPSA ma
  • mb – Vector of TPSA mb


  • mc – Destination vector of TPSA mc
mad_tpsa_log!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the log of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = log(a)
mad_tpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!(x::RealTPS, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)

r = log(a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2))


  • x – TPSA x
  • a – Scalar a
  • b – Scalar b
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_logpb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})

Computes the log of the Poisson bracket of the vector of TPSA ma and mb; the result is the vector field F used to evolve to ma from mb.


  • na – Length of ma and mb
  • ma – Vector of TPSA ma
  • mb – Vector of TPSA mb


  • mc – Destination vector of TPSA mc
mad_tpsa_logxdy!(x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)

r = log(x / y)


  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_tpsa_maxord!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, idx_::Vector{Cint})::Cint

Returns the index to the monomial with maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA for all orders 0 to n. If idx_ is provided, it is filled with the indices for the maximum abs(coefficient) monomial for each order up to n.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Highest order to include in finding the maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA, length of idx_ if provided


  • idx_ – (Optional) If provided, is filled with indices to the monomial for each order up to n with maximum abs(coefficient)
  • mi – Index to the monomial in the TPSA with maximum abs(coefficient)
mad_tpsa_mconv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nc::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)

Equivalent to mad_tpsa_convert, but applies the conversion to all TPSAs in the map ma.


  • na – Number of TPSAs in the map
  • ma – map ma
  • nc – Number of TPSAs in the output map mc
  • n – Length of vector (size of t2r_)
  • t2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup
  • pb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd


  • mc – map mc with specified conversions
mad_tpsa_minv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})

Inverts the map. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.


  • na – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)
  • ma – Map ma
  • nb – Output map length (generally = nv)


  • mc – Inversion of map ma
mad_tpsa_mnrm(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}})::Cdouble

Computes the norm of the map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map).


  • na – Number of TPSAs in the map
  • ma – map ma


  • nrm – Norm of map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map)
mad_tpsa_mo!(t::RealTPS, mo::Cuchar)::Cuchar

Sets the maximum order mo of the TPSA t, and returns the original mo. mo_ should be less than or equal to the allocated order ao.


  • t – TPSA
  • mo_ – Maximum order to set the TPSA


  • ret – Original mo of the TPSA
mad_tpsa_mono!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_::Vector{Cuchar}, p_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar

Returns the order of the monomial at index i in the TPSA and optionally the monomial at that index is returned in m_ and the order of parameters in the monomial in p_


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Index valid in TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial


  • m_ – (Optional) Monomial at index i in TPSA
  • p_ – (Optional) Order of parameters in monomial
  • ret – Order of monomial in TPSA at index i
mad_tpsa_mord(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, hi::Bool)::Cuchar

If hi is false, getting the maximum mo among all TPSAs in ma. If hi is true, gets the maximum hi of the map instead of mo


  • na – Length of map ma
  • ma – Map (vector of TPSAs)
  • hi – If true, returns maximum hi, else returns maximum mo of the map


  • ret – Maximum hi of the map if hi is true, else returns maximum mo of the map
mad_tpsa_mul!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a * b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a * b
mad_tpsa_nam(t::RealTPS, nam_)::Cstring

Get the name of the TPSA, and will optionally set if nam_ != null


  • t – TPSA
  • nam_ – Name to set the TPSA


  • ret – Name of TPS{Float64} (null terminated in C)
mad_tpsa_new(t::Ptr{TPS{Float64}}, mo::Cuchar)

Creates a blank TPSA with same number of variables/parameters of the inputted TPSA, with maximum order specified by mo. If MAD_TPSA_SAME is passed for mo, the mo currently in t is used for the created TPSA. Ok with t=(tpsa_t*)ctpsa


  • t – TPSA
  • mo – Maximum order of new TPSA


  • ret – New blank TPSA with maximum order mo
mad_tpsa_newd(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)

Creates a TPSA defined by the specified descriptor and maximum order. If MAD_TPSA_DEFAULT is passed for mo, the mo defined in the descriptor is used. If mo > d_mo, then mo = d_mo.


  • d – Descriptor
  • mo – Maximum order


  • t – New TPSA defined by the descriptor

Calculates the 1-norm of TPSA a (sum of abs of all coefficients)


  • a – TPSA


  • nrm – 1-Norm of TPSA
mad_tpsa_ord(t::RealTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cuchar

Gets the TPSA maximum order, or hi if hi_ is true.


  • t – TPSA
  • hi_ – Set true if hi is returned, else mo is returned


  • ret – Order of TPSA
mad_tpsa_ordv(t::RealTPS, ts::RealTPS...)::Cuchar

Returns maximum order of all TPSAs provided.


  • t – TPSA
  • ts – Variable number of TPSAs passed as parameters


  • mo – Maximum order of all TPSAs provided
mad_tpsa_pminv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, select::Vector{Cint})

Computes the partial inverse of the map with only the selected variables, specified by 0s or 1s in select. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.


  • na – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)
  • ma – Map ma
  • nb – Output map length (generally = nv)
  • select – Array of 0s or 1s defining which variables to do inverse on (atleast same size as na)'


  • mc – Partially inverted map using variables specified as 1 in the select array
mad_tpsa_poisbra!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, nv::Cint)

Sets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPSAs a and b.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b
  • nv – Number of variables in the TPSA


  • c – Destination TPSA c
mad_tpsa_pow!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a ^ b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ b
mad_tpsa_powi!(a::RealTPS, n::Cint, c::RealTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a ^ n where n is an integer.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • n – Integer power


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ n
mad_tpsa_pown!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a ^ v where v is of double precision.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – "double" precision power


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ v
mad_tpsa_print(t::RealTPS, name_::Cstring, eps_::Cdouble, nohdr_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})

Prints the TPSA coefficients with precision eps_. If nohdr_ is not zero, the header is not printed.


  • t – TPSA to print
  • name_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA
  • eps_ – (Optional) Precision to output
  • nohdr_ – (Optional) If True, no header is printed
  • stream_ – (Optional) FILE pointer of output stream. Default is stdout

Scans in a TPSA from the stream_.


  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream from which to read the TPSA, default is stdin


  • t – TPSA scanned from I/O stream_
mad_tpsa_scan_coef!(t::RealTPS, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})

Read TPSA coefficients into TPSA t. This should be used with mad_tpsa_scan_hdr for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.


  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin


  • t – TPSA with coefficients scanned from stream_
mad_tpsa_scan_hdr(kind_::Ref{Cint}, name_::Ptr{Cuchar}, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Ptr{Desc}

Read TPSA header. Returns descriptor for TPSA given the header. This is useful for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.


  • kind_ – (Optional) Real or complex TPSA, or detect automatically if not provided.
  • name_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA
  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin


  • ret – Descriptor for the TPSA
mad_tpsa_scl!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v*a.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v*a
mad_tpsa_sclord!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, inv::Bool, prm::Bool)

Scales all coefficients by order. If inv == 0, scales coefficients by order (derivation), else scales coefficients by 1/order (integration).


  • t – Source TPSA
  • inv – Put order up, divide, scale by inv of value of order
  • prm – Parameters flag. If set to 0x0, the scaling excludes the order of the parameters in the monomials. Else, scaling is with total order of monomial


  • r – Destination TPSA
mad_tpsa_seti!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial at index i to coef[i] = a*coef[i] + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Index of monomial
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_tpsa_setm!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by byte array m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as byte array
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_tpsa_setprm!(t::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, ip::Cint)

Sets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified parameter, and sets the rest of the variables/parameters to 0. The 1st order value scl_ of a parameter is always 1.


  • t – TPSA
  • v – 0th order value (coefficient)
  • ip – Parameter index (e.g. iv = 1 is nn-nv+1)
mad_tpsa_sets!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by string s to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_tpsa_setsm!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by sparse monomial m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as sparse monomial
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_tpsa_setv!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v::Vector{Cdouble})

Vectorized setter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for putting a matrix into a map.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Starting index of monomials to set coefficients
  • n – Number of monomials to set coefficients of starting at i
  • v – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n
mad_tpsa_setval!(t::RealTPS, v::Cdouble)

Sets the scalar part of the TPSA to v and all other values to 0 (sets the TPSA order to 0).


  • t – TPSA to set to scalar
  • v – Scalar value to set TPSA
mad_tpsa_setvar!(t::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, iv::Cint, scl_::Cdouble)

Sets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified variable, and sets the rest of the variables/parameters to 0


  • t – TPSA
  • v – 0th order value (coefficient)
  • iv – Variable index
  • scl_ – 1st order variable value (typically will be 1)
mad_tpsa_sin!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sin of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sin(a)
mad_tpsa_sinc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sinc of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sinc(a)
mad_tpsa_sincos!(a::RealTPS, s::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA s = sin(a) and TPSA c = cos(a)


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • s – Destination TPSA s = sin(a)
  • c – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)
mad_tpsa_sincosh!(a::RealTPS, s::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA s = sinh(a) and TPSA c = cosh(a)


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • s – Destination TPSA s = sinh(a)
  • c – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)
mad_tpsa_sinh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sinh of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sinh(a)
mad_tpsa_sinhc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sinhc of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sinhc(a)
mad_tpsa_sqrt!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sqrt of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sqrt(a)
mad_tpsa_sub!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a - b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a - b
mad_tpsa_tan!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the tan of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = tan(a)
mad_tpsa_tanh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the tanh of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = tanh(a)
mad_tpsa_taylor!(a::RealTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{Cdouble}, c::RealTPS)

Computes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a.


  • a – TPSA a
  • nOrder-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array
  • coef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s
  • c – Result
mad_tpsa_taylor_h!(a::RealTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{Cdouble}, c::RealTPS)

Computes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a.

Same as mad_tpsa_taylor, but uses Horner's method (which is 50%-100% slower because mul is always full order).


  • a – TPSA a
  • nOrder-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array
  • coef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s
  • c – Result
mad_tpsa_translate!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{Cdouble}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})

Translates the expansion point of the map by the amount tb.


  • na – Number of TPSAS in the map
  • ma – map ma
  • nb – Length of tb
  • tb – Vector of amount to translate for each variable


  • mc – Map evaluated at the new point translated tb from the original evaluation point
mad_tpsa_uid!(t::RealTPS, uid_::Cint)::Cint

Sets the TPSA uid if uid_ != 0, and returns the current (previous if set) TPSA uid.


  • t – TPSA
  • uid_uid to set in the TPSA if uid_ != 0


  • ret – Current (previous if set) TPSA uid
mad_tpsa_unit!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)

Interpreting TPSA as a vector, gets the "unit vector", e.g. c = a/norm(a). May be useful for checking for convergence.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c

Updates the lo and hi fields of the TPSA to reflect the current state given the lowest/highest nonzero monomial coefficients.

mad_tpsa_vec2fld!(na::Cint, a::RealTPS, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})

Assuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the vector field (Hamilton's equations) from the passed Hamiltonian, defined as [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...]


  • na – Number of TPSA in mc consistent with number of variables in a
  • a – Hamiltonian as a TPSA


  • mc – Vector field derived from a using Hamilton's equations


mad_ctpsa_acc!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)

Adds a*v to TPSA c. Aliasing OK.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c += v*a
mad_ctpsa_acc_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)

Adds a*v to TPSA c. Aliasing OK. Without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v_re – Real part of scalar with double precision
  • v_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c += v*a
mad_ctpsa_acos!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acos of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = acos(a)
mad_ctpsa_acosh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acosh of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = acosh(a)
mad_ctpsa_acot!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acot of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = acot(a)
mad_ctpsa_acoth!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the acoth of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = acoth(a)
mad_ctpsa_add!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a + b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a + b
mad_ctpsa_addt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a + b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – Source TPS{Float64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a + b
mad_ctpsa_asin!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asin of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = asin(a)
mad_ctpsa_asinc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asinc(a) = asin(a)/a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = asinc(a) = asin(a)/a
mad_ctpsa_asinh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asinh of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = asinh(a)
mad_ctpsa_asinhc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the asinhc of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = asinhc(a)
mad_ctpsa_atan!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the atan of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = atan(a)
mad_ctpsa_atanh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the atanh of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = atanh(a)
mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, y::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, z::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x^2 + b*y^2 + c*z^2


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b – Scalar b
  • y – TPSA y
  • c – Scalar c
  • z – TPSA z


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, y::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, z::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x^2 + b*y^2 + c*z^2. Same as mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2 without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b
  • y – TPSA y
  • c_re – Real part of Scalar c
  • c_im – Imag part of Scalar c
  • z – TPSA z


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axpb!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x + b


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b – Scalar b


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axpb_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x + b. Same as mad_ctpsa_axpb without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axpbypc!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, y::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x+b*y+c


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b – Scalar b
  • y – TPSA y
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axpbypc_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, y::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x + b*y + c. Same as mad_ctpsa_axpbypc without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b
  • y – TPSA y
  • c_re – Real part of Scalar c
  • c_im – Imag part of Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!(x::ComplexTPS, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2)


  • x – TPSA x
  • a – Scalar a
  • b – Scalar b
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2_r!(x::ComplexTPS, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2). Same as mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2 without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b
  • c_re – Real part of Scalar c
  • c_im – Imag part of Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axypb!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x*y + b


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b – Scalar b


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axypb_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x*y + b. Same as mad_ctpsa_axypb without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, v::ComplexTPS, w::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x*y + b*v*w + c


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b – Scalar b
  • v – TPSA v
  • w – TPSA w
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, v::ComplexTPS, w::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x*y + b*v*w + c. Same as mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b
  • v – TPSA v
  • w – TPSA w
  • c_re – Real part of Scalar c
  • c_im – Imag part of Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, z::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x*y + b*z + c


  • a – Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b – Scalar b
  • z – TPSA z
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, z::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)

r = a*x*y + b*z + c. Same as mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b
  • z – TPSA z
  • c_re – Real part of Scalar c
  • c_im – Imag part of Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_cabs!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)

Sets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the aboslute value of TPS{ComplexF64} t. Specifically, the result contains a TPSA with the abs of all coefficients.


  • t – Source TPS{ComplexF64}


  • r – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = |t|
mad_ctpsa_carg!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)

Sets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the argument (phase) of TPS{ComplexF64} t


  • t – Source TPS{ComplexF64}


  • r – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = carg(t)

Clears the TPSA (reset to 0)


  • t – Complex TPSA
mad_ctpsa_clrord!(t::ComplexTPS, ord::Cuchar)

Clears all monomial coefficients of the TPSA at order ord


  • t – TPSA
  • ord – Order to clear monomial coefficients
mad_ctpsa_compose!(na::Cint, ma, nb::Cint, mb, mc)

Composes two maps.


  • na – Number of TPSAs in Map ma
  • ma – Map ma
  • nb – Number of TPSAs in Map mb
  • mb – Map mb


  • mc – Composition of maps ma and mb
mad_ctpsa_conj(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Calculates the complex conjugate of of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = conj(a)
mad_ctpsa_convert!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)

General function to convert TPSAs to different orders and reshuffle canonical coordinates. The destination TPSA will be of order n, and optionally have the variable reshuffling defined by t2r_ and poisson bracket sign. e.g. if t2r_ = {1,2,3,4,6,5} and pb = -1, canonical coordinates 6 and 5 are swapped and the new 5th canonical coordinate will be negated. Useful for comparing with different differential algebra packages.


  • t – Source complex TPSA
  • n – Length of vector
  • t2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup
  • pb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd


  • r – Destination complex TPSA with specified order and canonical coordinate reshuffling.
mad_ctpsa_copy!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

Makes a copy of the complex TPSA t to r.


  • t – Source complex TPSA


  • r – Destination complex TPSA
mad_ctpsa_cos!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the cos of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)
mad_ctpsa_cosh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the cosh of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)
mad_ctpsa_cot!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the cot of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = cot(a)
mad_ctpsa_coth!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the coth of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = coth(a)
mad_ctpsa_cplx!(re_, im_, r::ComplexTPS)

Creates a TPS{ComplexF64} with real and imaginary parts from the TPS{Float64}s re_ and im_ respectively.


  • re_ – Real part of TPS{ComplexF64} to make
  • im_ – Imaginary part of TPS{ComplexF64} to make


  • r – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} with r = re_ + im*im_
mad_ctpsa_cpyi!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, i::Cint)

Copies the monomial coefficient at index i in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • i – Index of monomial
mad_ctpsa_cpym!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})

Copies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-vector-of-orders m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial m
  • m – Monomial as vector of orders
mad_ctpsa_cpys!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)

Copies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-string-of-order s in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • n – Length of string
  • s – Monomial as string
mad_ctpsa_cpysm!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})

Copies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-sparse-monomial m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r


  • t – Source TPSA
  • r – Destination TPSA
  • n – Length of sparse monomial m
  • m – Monomial as sparse-monomial
mad_ctpsa_cutord!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, ord::Cint)

Cuts the TPSA off at the given order and above, or if ord is negative, will cut orders below abs(ord) (e.g. if ord = -3, then orders 0-3 are cut off).


  • t – Source complex TPSA
  • ord – Cut order: 0..-ord or


  • r – Destination complex TPSA
mad_ctpsa_cycle!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_, v_)::Cint

Used for scanning through each nonzero monomial in the TPSA. Given a starting index (-1 if starting at 0), will optionally fill monomial m_ with the monomial at index i and the value at v_ with the monomials coefficient, and return the next NONZERO monomial index in the TPSA. This is useful for building an iterator through the TPSA.


  • t – TPSA to scan
  • i – Index to start from (-1 to start at 0)
  • n – Size of monomial
  • m_ – (Optional) Monomial to be filled if provided
  • v_ – (Optional) Pointer to value of coefficient


  • i – Index of next nonzero monomial in the TPSA, or -1 if reached the end
mad_ctpsa_debug(t::ComplexTPS, name_::Cstring, fnam_::Cstring, line_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Cint

Prints TPSA with all information of data structure.


  • t – TPSA
  • name_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA
  • fnam_ – (Optional) File name to print to
  • line_ – (Optional) Line number in file to start at
  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to print to, default is stdout


  • retCint reflecting internal state of TPSA

Calls the destructor for the complex TPSA.


  • t – Complex TPSA to destruct
mad_ctpsa_density(t::ComplexTPS, stat_, reset::Bool)::Cdouble

Computes the ratio of nz/nc in [0] U [lo,hi] or stat_

mad_ctpsa_deriv!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, iv::Cint)

Differentiates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.


  • a – Source TPSA to differentiate
  • iv – Index of variable to take derivative wrt to (e.g. derivative wrt x, iv = 1).


  • c – Destination TPSA
mad_ctpsa_derivm!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})

Differentiates TPSA with respect to the monomial defined by byte array m.


  • a – Source TPSA to differentiate
  • n – Length of monomial to differentiate wrt
  • m – Monomial to take derivative wrt


  • c – Destination TPSA

Gets the descriptor for the complex TPSA.


  • t – Complex TPSA


  • ret – Descriptor for the TPSA
mad_ctpsa_dif!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

For each homogeneous polynomial in TPSAs a and b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:

c_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c
mad_ctpsa_dift!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

For each homogeneous polynomial in TPS{ComplexF64} a and TPS{Float64} b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:

c_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i


  • a – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – Source TPS{Float64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c
mad_ctpsa_div!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a / b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a / b
mad_ctpsa_divt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – Source TPS{Float64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b
mad_ctpsa_equ(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, tol_::Cdouble)::Bool

Checks if the TPSAs a and b are equal within the specified tolerance tol_. If tol_ is not specified, DBL_GTPSA.show_epsILON is used.


  • a – TPSA a
  • b – TPSA b
  • tol_ – (Optional) Difference below which the TPSAs are considered equal


  • ret - True if a == b within tol_
mad_ctpsa_equt(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, tol::Cdouble)::Bool

Checks if the TPS{ComplexF64} a is equal to the TPS{Float64} b within the specified tolerance tol_ (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – TPS{Float64} b
  • tol_ – (Optional) Difference below which the TPSAs are considered equal


  • ret - True if a == b within tol_
mad_ctpsa_erf!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the erf of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = erf(a)
mad_ctpsa_erfc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the erfc of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = erfc(a)
mad_ctpsa_eval!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{ComplexF64}, tc::Vector{ComplexF64})

Evaluates the map at the point tb


  • na – Number of TPSAs in the map
  • ma – Map ma
  • nb – Length of tb
  • tb – Point at which to evaluate the map


  • tc – Values for each TPSA in the map evaluated at the point tb
mad_ctpsa_exp!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the exp of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = exp(a)
mad_ctpsa_exppb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})

Computes the exponential of fgrad of the vector fields ma and mb, literally exppb(ma, mb) = mb + fgrad(ma, mb) + fgrad(ma, fgrad(ma, mb))/2! + ...


  • na – Length of ma and mb
  • ma – Vector of TPSA ma
  • mb – Vector of TPSA mb


  • mc – Destination vector of TPSA mc
mad_ctpsa_fgrad!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Calculates dot(ma, grad(b))


  • na – Length of ma consistent with number of variables in b
  • ma – Vector of TPSA
  • b – TPSA


  • cdot(ma, grad(b))
mad_ctpsa_fld2vec!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, c::ComplexTPS)

Assuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the Hamiltonian one obtains from ther vector field (in the form [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...])


  • na – Number of TPSA in ma consistent with number of variables in c
  • ma – Vector field


  • c – Hamiltonian as a TPSA derived from the vector field ma
mad_ctpsa_geti(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint)::ComplexF64

Gets the coefficient of the monomial at index i. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Monomial index


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial at index i
mad_ctpsa_geti_r!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint,  r::Ref{ComplexF64})

Gets the coefficient of the monomial at index i in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Monomial index


  • r – Coefficient of monomial at index i
mad_ctpsa_getm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::ComplexF64

Gets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a byte array. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as byte array


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_getm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Ref{ComplexF64})

Gets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a byte array in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as byte array


  • r – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_getord!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, ord::Cuchar)

Extract one homogeneous polynomial of the given order


  • t – Sourcecomplex TPSA
  • ord – Order to retrieve


  • r – Destination complex TPSA
mad_ctpsa_gets(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::ComplexF64

Gets the coefficient of the monomial s defined as a string. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Size of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial s in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_gets_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, r::Ref{ComplexF64})

Gets the coefficient of the monomial s defined as a string in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string


  • r – Coefficient of monomial s in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_getsm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::ComplexF64

Gets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a sparse monomial. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as sparse monomial


  • ret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_getsm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, r::Ref{ComplexF64})

Gets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a sparse monomial in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as sparse monomial


  • r – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_getv!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v)

Vectorized getter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for extracting the 1st order parts of a TPSA to construct a matrix (i = 1, n = nv+np = nn).


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Starting index of monomials to get coefficients
  • n – Number of monomials to get coefficients of starting at i


  • v – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n
mad_ctpsa_hypot!(x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA r to sqrt(real(x)^2+real(y)^2) + im*sqrt(imag(x)^2+imag(y)^2)


  • x – Source TPSA x
  • y – Source TPSA y


  • r – Destination TPSA sqrt(real(x)^2+real(y)^2) + im*sqrt(imag(x)^2+imag(y)^2)
mad_ctpsa_hypot3!(x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, z::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA r to sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2). Does NOT allow for r = x, y, z !!!


  • x – Source TPSA x
  • y – Source TPSA y
  • z – Source TPSA z


  • r – Destination TPSA r = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
mad_ctpsa_idxm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint

Returns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a byte array. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as byte array


  • ret – Index of monomial in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_idxs(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cint

Returns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as string. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string


  • ret – Index of monomial in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_idxsm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cint

Returns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a sparse monomial. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as sparse monomial


  • ret – Index of monomial in TPSA
mad_ctpsa_imag!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)

Sets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the imaginary part of TPS{ComplexF64} t.


  • t – Source TPS{ComplexF64}


  • r – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = Im(t)
mad_ctpsa_init(t::ComplexTPS, d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)::ComplexTPS

Unsafe initialization of an already existing TPSA t with maximum order mo to the descriptor d. mo must be less than the maximum order of the descriptor. t is modified in place and also returned.


  • t – TPSA to initialize to descriptor d
  • d – Descriptor
  • mo – Maximum order of the TPSA (must be less than maximum order of the descriptor)


  • t – TPSA initialized to descriptor d with maximum order mo
mad_ctpsa_integ!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, iv::Cint)

Integrates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.


  • a – Source TPSA to integrate
  • iv – Index of variable to integrate over (e.g. integrate over x, iv = 1).


  • c – Destination TPSA
mad_ctpsa_inv!(a::ComplexTPS,  v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v/a.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v/a
mad_ctpsa_inv_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v/a. Without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v_re – Real part of scalar with double precision
  • v_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v*a
mad_ctpsa_invsqrt!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v/sqrt(a).


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v/sqrt(a)
mad_ctpsa_invsqrt_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v/sqrt(a). Without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v_re – Real part of scalar with double precision
  • v_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v*a

Checks if TPSA is 0 or not


  • t – Complex TPSA to check


  • ret – True or false

Sanity check of the TPSA integrity.


  • t – TPSA to check if valid


  • ret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise

Sanity check of the TPSA integrity.


  • t – Complex TPSA to check if valid


  • ret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise
mad_ctpsa_len(t::ComplexTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cint

Gets the length of the TPSA itself (e.g. the descriptor may be order 10 but TPSA may only be order 2)


  • t – Complex TPSA
  • hi_ – If true, returns the length up to the hi order in the TPSA, else up to mo. Default is false


  • ret – Length of TPS{ComplexF64}
mad_ctpsa_liebra!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})

Computes the Lie bracket of the vector fields ma and mb, defined as sumi mai (dmb/dxi) - mbi (dma/dx_i).


  • na – Length of ma and mb
  • ma – Vector of TPSA ma
  • mb – Vector of TPSA mb


  • mc – Destination vector of TPSA mc
mad_ctpsa_log!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the log of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = log(a)
mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!(x::ComplexTPS, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)

r = log(a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2))


  • x – TPSA x
  • a – Scalar a
  • b – Scalar b
  • c – Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2_r!(x::ComplexTPS, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)

r = log(a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2)). Same as mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2 without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a_re – Real part of Scalar a
  • a_im – Imag part of Scalar a
  • b_re – Real part of Scalar b
  • b_im – Imag part of Scalar b
  • c_re – Real part of Scalar c
  • c_im – Imag part of Scalar c


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_logpb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})

Computes the log of the Poisson bracket of the vector of TPSA ma and mb; the result is the vector field F used to evolve to ma from mb.


  • na – Length of ma and mb
  • ma – Vector of TPSA ma
  • mb – Vector of TPSA mb


  • mc – Destination vector of TPSA mc
mad_ctpsa_logxdy!(x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

r = log(x / y)


  • x – TPSA x
  • y – TPSA y


  • r – Destination TPSA r
mad_ctpsa_maxord(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, idx_::Vector{Cint})::Cint

Returns the index to the monomial with maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA for all orders 0 to n. If idx_ is provided, it is filled with the indices for the maximum abs(coefficient) monomial for each order up to n.


  • t – Complex TPSA
  • n – Highest order to include in finding the maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA, length of idx_ if provided


  • idx_ – (Optional) If provided, is filled with indices to the monomial for each order up to n with maximum abs(coefficient)
  • mi – Index to the monomial in the TPSA with maximum abs(coefficient)
mad_ctpsa_mconv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nc::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)

Equivalent to mad_tpsa_convert, but applies the conversion to all TPSAs in the map ma.


  • na – Number of TPSAs in the map
  • ma – Map ma
  • nc – Number of TPSAs in the output map mc
  • n – Length of vector (size of t2r_)
  • t2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup
  • pb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd


  • mc – Map mc with specified conversions
mad_ctpsa_minv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})

Inverts the map. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.


  • na – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)
  • ma – Map ma
  • nb – Output map length (generally = nv)


  • mc – Inversion of map ma
mad_ctpsa_mnrm(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})::Cdouble

Computes the norm of the map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map).


  • na – Number of TPSAs in the map
  • ma – Map ma


  • nrm – Norm of map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map)
mad_ctpsa_mo!(t::ComplexTPS, mo::Cuchar)::Cuchar

Sets the maximum order mo of the TPSA t, and returns the original mo. mo_ should be less than or equal to the allocated order ao.


  • t – TPSA
  • mo_ – Maximum order to set the TPSA


  • ret – Original mo of the TPSA
mad_ctpsa_mono!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_::Vector{Cuchar}, p_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar

Returns the order of the monomial at index i in the TPSA and optionally the monomial at that index is returned in m_ and the order of parameters in the monomial in p_


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Index valid in TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial


  • m_ – (Optional) Monomial at index i in TPSA
  • p_ – (Optional) Order of parameters in monomial
  • ret – Order of monomial in TPSA a index i
mad_ctpsa_mord(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, hi::Bool)::Cuchar

If hi is false, getting the maximum mo among all TPSAs in ma. If hi is true, gets the maximum hi of the map instead of mo


  • na – Length of map ma
  • ma – Map (vector of TPSAs)
  • hi – If true, returns maximum hi, else returns maximum mo of the map


  • ret – Maximum hi of the map if hi is true, else returns maximum mo of the map
mad_ctpsa_mul!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a * b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a * b
mad_ctpsa_mult!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a * b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – Source TPS{Float64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a * b
mad_ctpsa_nam(t::ComplexTPS, nam_::Cstring)::Cstring

Get the name of the TPSA, and will optionally set if nam_ != null


  • t – TPSA
  • nam_ – Optional name to set the TPSA


  • ret – Name of TPS{ComplexF64} (Null terminated in C)
mad_ctpsa_new(t::Ptr{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mo::Cuchar)

Creates a blank TPSA with same number of variables/parameters of the inputted TPSA, with maximum order specified by mo. If MAD_TPSA_SAME is passed for mo, the mo currently in t is used for the created TPSA. Ok with t=(tpsa_t*)ctpsa


  • t – TPSA
  • mo – Maximum order of new TPSA


  • ret – New blank TPSA with maximum order mo
mad_ctpsa_newd(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)

Creates a complex TPSA defined by the specified descriptor and maximum order. If MADTPS{ComplexF64}DEFAULT is passed for mo, the mo defined in the descriptor is used. If mo > d_mo, then mo = d_mo.


  • d – Descriptor
  • mo – Maximum order


  • t – New complex TPSA defined by the descriptor

Calculates the 1-norm of TPSA a (sum of abs of all coefficients)


  • a – TPSA


  • nrm – 1-Norm of TPSA a
mad_ctpsa_ord(t::ComplexTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cuchar

Gets the TPSA maximum order, or hi if hi_ is true.


  • t – TPSA
  • hi_ – Set true if hi is returned, else mo is returned


  • ret – Order of TPSA
mad_ctpsa_ordv(t::ComplexTPS, ts::ComplexTPS...)::Cuchar

Returns maximum order of all TPSAs provided.


  • t – TPSA
  • ts – Variable number of TPSAs passed as parameters


  • mo – Maximum order of all TPSAs provided
mad_ctpsa_pminv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, select::Vector{Cint})

Computes the partial inverse of the map with only the selected variables, specified by 0s or 1s in select. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.


  • na – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)
  • ma – Map ma
  • nb – Output map length (generally = nv)
  • select – Array of 0s or 1s defining which variables to do inverse on (atleast same size as na)'


  • mc – Partially inverted map using variables specified as 1 in the select array
mad_ctpsa_poisbra!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, nv::Cint)

Sets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPSAs a and b.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b
  • nv – Number of variables in the TPSA


  • c – Destination TPSA c
mad_ctpsa_poisbrat!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS, nv::Cint)

Sets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPS{ComplexF64} aand TPS{Float64} b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – Source TPS{Float64} b
  • nv – Number of variables in the TPSA


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c
mad_ctpsa_polar!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

Sets r = |t| + im*atan2(Im(t), Re(t))


  • t – Source TPS{ComplexF64}
  • r – Destination TPS{ComplexF64}
mad_ctpsa_pow!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a ^ b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ b
mad_ctpsa_powi!(a::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a ^ n where n is an integer.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • n – Integer power


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ n
mad_ctpsa_pown!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a ^ v where v is of double precision.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Power, ComplexF64


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ v
mad_ctpsa_pown_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a ^ v where v is of double precision. Without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v_re – Real part of power
  • v_im – Imaginary part of power


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ v
mad_ctpsa_powt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a ^ b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – Source TPS{Float64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a ^ b
mad_ctpsa_print(t::ComplexTPS, name_ eps_::Cdouble, nohdr_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})

Prints the TPSA coefficients with precision eps_. If nohdr_ is not zero, the header is not printed.


  • t – TPSA to print
  • name_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA
  • eps_ – (Optional) Precision to output
  • nohdr_ – (Optional) If True, no header is printed
  • stream_ – (Optional) FILE pointer of output stream. Default is stdout
mad_ctpsa_real!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)

Sets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the real part of TPS{ComplexF64} t.


  • t – Source TPS{ComplexF64}


  • r – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = Re(t)
mad_ctpsa_rect!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)

Sets r = Re(t)*cos(Im(t)) + im*Re(t)*sin(Im(t))


  • t – Source TPS{ComplexF64}
  • r – Destination TPS{ComplexF64}

Scans in a TPSA from the stream_.


  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream from which to read the TPSA, default is stdin


  • t – TPSA scanned from I/O stream_
mad_ctpsa_scan_coef!(t::ComplexTPS, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})

Read TPSA coefficients into TPSA t. This should be used with mad_tpsa_scan_hdr for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.


  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin


  • t – TPSA with coefficients scanned from stream_
mad_ctpsa_scan_hdr(kind_::Ref{Cint}, name_::Ptr{Cuchar}, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Ptr{Desc}

Read TPSA header. Returns descriptor for TPSA given the header. This is useful for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.


  • kind_ – (Optional) Real or complex TPSA, or detect automatically if not provided.
  • name_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA
  • stream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin


  • ret – Descriptor for the TPSA
mad_ctpsa_scl!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v*a.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v – Scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v*a
mad_ctpsa_scl_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble,, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to v*a. Without complex-by-value arguments.


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • v_re – Real part of scalar with double precision
  • v_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision


  • c – Destination TPSA c = v*a
mad_ctpsa_sclord!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, inv::Bool, prm::Bool)

Scales all coefficients by order. If inv == 0, scales coefficients by order (derivation), else scales coefficients by 1/order (integration).


  • t – Source complex TPSA
  • inv – Put order up, divide, scale by inv of value of order
  • prm – Parameters flag. If set to 0x0, the scaling excludes the order of the parameters in the monomials. Else, scaling is with total order of monomial


  • r – Destination complex TPSA
mad_ctpsa_seti!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)

Sets the coefficient of monomial at index i to coef[i] = a*coef[i] + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Index of monomial
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_ctpsa_seti_r!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial at index i to coef[i] = a*coef[i] + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_seti but without complex-by-value arguments.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Index of monomial
  • a_re – Real part of a
  • a_im – Imaginary part of a
  • b_re – Real part of b
  • b_im – Imaginary part of b
mad_ctpsa_setm!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by byte array m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as byte array
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_ctpsa_setm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by byte array m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setm but without complex-by-value arguments.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as byte array
  • a_re – Real part of a
  • a_im – Imaginary part of a
  • b_re – Real part of b
  • b_im – Imaginary part of b
mad_ctpsa_setprm!(t::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, ip::Cint)

Sets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified parameter, and sets the rest of the variables/parameters to 0. The 1st order value scl_ of a parameter is always 1.


  • t – TPSA
  • v – 0th order value (coefficient)
  • ip – Parameter index (e.g. iv = 1 is nn-nv+1)
mad_ctpsa_setprm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, ip::Cint)

Sets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified parameter. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setprm but without complex-by-value arguments. The 1st order value scl_ of a parameter is always 1.


  • t – Complex TPSA
  • v_re – Real part of 0th order value
  • v_im – Imaginary part of 0th order value
  • ip – Parameter index
mad_ctpsa_sets!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by string s to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_ctpsa_sets_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by string s to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_set but without complex-by-value arguments.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • s – Monomial as string
  • a_re – Real part of a
  • a_im – Imaginary part of a
  • b_re – Real part of b
  • b_im – Imaginary part of b
mad_ctpsa_setsm!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by sparse monomial m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as sparse monomial
  • a – Scaling of current coefficient
  • b – Constant added to current coefficient
mad_ctpsa_setsm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)

Sets the coefficient of monomial defined by sparse monomial m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setsm but without complex-by-value arguments.


  • t – TPSA
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m – Monomial as sparse monomial
  • a_re – Real part of a
  • a_im – Imaginary part of a
  • b_re – Real part of b
  • b_im – Imaginary part of b
mad_ctpsa_setv!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v::Vector{ComplexF64})

Vectorized setter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for putting a matrix into a map.


  • t – TPSA
  • i – Starting index of monomials to set coefficients
  • n – Number of monomials to set coefficients of starting at i
  • v – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n
mad_ctpsa_setval!(t::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64)

Sets the scalar part of the TPSA to v and all other values to 0 (sets the TPSA order to 0).


  • t – TPSA to set to scalar
  • v – Scalar value to set TPSA
mad_ctpsa_setval_r!(t::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble)

Sets the scalar part of the TPSA to v and all other values to 0 (sets the TPSA order to 0). Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setval but without complex-by-value arguments.


  • t – TPSA to set to scalar
  • v_re – Real part of scalar value to set TPSA
  • v_im – Imaginary part of scalar value to set TPSA

madctpsasetvar!(t::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, iv::Cint, scl_::ComplexF64)

Sets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified variable, and sets the rest of the variables to 0


  • t – TPSA
  • v – 0th order value (coefficient)
  • iv – Variable index
  • scl_ – 1st order variable value (typically will be 1)
mad_ctpsa_setvar_r!(t::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, iv::Cint, scl_re_::Cdouble, scl_im_::Cdouble)

Sets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified variable. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setvar but without complex-by-value arguments.


  • t – Complex TPSA
  • v_re – Real part of 0th order value
  • v_im – Imaginary part of 0th order value
  • iv – Variable index
  • scl_re_ – (Optional) Real part of 1st order variable value
  • scl_im_ – (Optional)Imaginary part of 1st order variable value
mad_ctpsa_sin!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sin of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sin(a)
mad_ctpsa_sinc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sinc of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sinc(a)
mad_ctpsa_sincos!(a::ComplexTPS, s::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA s = sin(a) and TPSA c = cos(a)


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • s – Destination TPSA s = sin(a)
  • c – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)
mad_ctpsa_sincosh!(a::ComplexTPS, s::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA s = sinh(a) and TPSA c = cosh(a)


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • s – Destination TPSA s = sinh(a)
  • c – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)
mad_ctpsa_sinh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sinh of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sinh(a)
mad_ctpsa_sinhc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sinhc of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sinhc(a)
mad_ctpsa_sqrt!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the sqrt of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = sqrt(a)
mad_ctpsa_sub!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPSA c = a - b


  • a – Source TPSA a
  • b – Source TPSA b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a - b
mad_ctpsa_subt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a
  • b – Source TPS{Float64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b
mad_ctpsa_tan!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the tan of TPSA a.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = tan(a)
mad_ctpsa_tanh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets TPSA c to the tanh of TPSA a


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c = tanh(a)
mad_ctpsa_taylor!(a::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{ComplexF64}, c::ComplexTPS)

Computes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a


  • a – TPSA a
  • nOrder-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array
  • coef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s
  • c – Result
mad_ctpsa_taylor_h!(a::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{ComplexF64}, c::ComplexTPS)

Computes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a.

Same as mad_ctpsa_taylor, but uses Horner's method (which is 50%-100% slower because mul is always full order).


  • a – TPSA a
  • nOrder-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array
  • coef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s
  • c – Result
mad_ctpsa_tdif!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

For each homogeneous polynomial in TPS{Float64} a and TPS{ComplexF64} b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:

c_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i


  • a – Source TPS{Float64} a
  • b – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c
mad_ctpsa_tdiv!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{Float64} a
  • b – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b
mad_ctpsa_tpoisbra!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, nv::Cint)

Sets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPS{Float64} a and TPS{ComplexF64} b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{Float64} a
  • b – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b
  • nv – Number of variables in the TPSA


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c
mad_ctpsa_tpow!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a ^ b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{Float64} a
  • b – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b


  • c – Destination TPSA c = a ^ b
mad_ctpsa_translate!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{ComplexF64}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})

Translates the expansion point of the map by the amount tb.


  • na – Number of TPSAS in the map
  • ma – Map ma
  • nb – Length of tb
  • tb – Vector of amount to translate for each variable


  • mc – Map evaluated at the new point translated tb from the original evaluation point
mad_ctpsa_tsub!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Sets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b (internal real-to-complex conversion).


  • a – Source TPS{Float64} a
  • b – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b


  • c – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b
mad_ctpsa_uid!(t::ComplexTPS, uid_::Cint)::Cint

Sets the TPSA uid if uid_ != 0, and returns the current (previous if set) TPSA uid.


  • t – Complex TPSA
  • uid_uid to set in the TPSA if uid_ != 0


  • ret – Current (previous if set) TPSA uid
mad_ctpsa_unit!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)

Interpreting TPSA as a vector, gets the "unit vector", e.g. c = a/norm(a). May be useful for checking for convergence.


  • a – Source TPSA a


  • c – Destination TPSA c

Updates the lo and hi fields of the TPSA to reflect the current state given the lowest/highest nonzero monomial coefficients.

mad_ctpsa_vec2fld!(na::Cint, a::ComplexTPS, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})

Assuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the vector field (Hamilton's equations) from the passed Hamiltonian, defined as [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...]


  • na – Number of TPSA in mc consistent with number of variables in a
  • a – Hamiltonian as a TPSA


  • mc – Vector field derived from a using Hamilton's equations
diff --git a/dev/index.html b/dev/index.html index 27f05dd..efe0852 100644 --- a/dev/index.html +++ b/dev/index.html @@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ 0.0000000000000000e+00 -1.6666666666666666e-01 3 0 3 4.1666666666666664e-02 0.0000000000000000e+00 4 4 0 0.0000000000000000e+00 8.3333333333333332e-03 5 0 5 - -1.3888888888888887e-03 0.0000000000000000e+00 6 6 0

The GTPSA library currently only supports truncated power series representing Float64 and ComplexF64 number types.


Much thanks must be given to Laurent Deniau, the creator of the C GTPSA library, for his time and great patience in explaining his code.

Advanced users are referred to this paper discussing the inner workings of the C GTPSA library.

+ -1.3888888888888887e-03 0.0000000000000000e+00 6 6 0

The GTPSA library currently only supports truncated power series representing Float64 and ComplexF64 number types.


Much thanks must be given to Laurent Deniau, the creator of the C GTPSA library, for his time and great patience in explaining his code.

Advanced users are referred to this paper discussing the inner workings of the C GTPSA library.

diff --git a/dev/man/a_toc/index.html b/dev/man/a_toc/index.html index e74fc77..e4dbfa0 100644 --- a/dev/man/a_toc/index.html +++ b/dev/man/a_toc/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Table of Contents · GTPSA.jl

Table of Contents

  1. Definitions
  2. Descriptor: Defines the number of variables and parameters, and orders for each in the GTPSA
  3. TPS: Truncated Power Series struct
  4. vars, params: Creates a vector of TPSs corresponding to each variable/parameter in the GTPSA
  5. gradient, jacobian, hessian: Extracts specific partial derivatives from a TPS
  6. Monomial Indexing: Get/set individual monomial coefficients
  7. mono: Creates a TPS corresponding to a specific monomial
  8. Slicing and par: Indexing a specific polynomial within the TPS
  9. TPS Methods: Integrate, differentiate, composition, evaluation, etc.
  10. @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros: Speed up evaluation of expressions containing TPSs, transparent to other types
  11. I/O: Reading/writing TPSs
  12. All Overloaded Functions: List of all overloaded Base functions and more
+Table of Contents · GTPSA.jl

Table of Contents

  1. Definitions
  2. Descriptor: Defines the number of variables and parameters, and orders for each in the GTPSA
  3. TPS: Truncated Power Series struct
  4. vars, params: Creates a vector of TPSs corresponding to each variable/parameter in the GTPSA
  5. gradient, jacobian, hessian: Extracts specific partial derivatives from a TPS
  6. Monomial Indexing: Get/set individual monomial coefficients
  7. mono: Creates a TPS corresponding to a specific monomial
  8. Slicing and par: Indexing a specific polynomial within the TPS
  9. TPS Methods: Integrate, differentiate, composition, evaluation, etc.
  10. @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros: Speed up evaluation of expressions containing TPSs, transparent to other types
  11. I/O: Reading/writing TPSs
  12. All Overloaded Functions: List of all overloaded Base functions and more
diff --git a/dev/man/b_definitions/index.html b/dev/man/b_definitions/index.html index d77ee0c..00d3f4b 100644 --- a/dev/man/b_definitions/index.html +++ b/dev/man/b_definitions/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Definitions · GTPSA.jl


This section is incomplete, and will be expanded in the near future

Custom Truncation Orders

GTPSA allows for significant customization in the truncation of specific variables within a monomial of the truncated power series (TPS). One can specify individually the truncation orders for each variable in a truncated power series, as well as the maximum truncation order for an entire monomial in the TPS. This is best shown with an example:

Suppose we'd like to express a function $f(x_1,x_2)$ as a truncated power series, and keep only terms that are up to 1st-order in $x_1$ but up to 2nd order in $x_2$; basically, we should not have any monomials where $x_1$ has an exponent > 1, nor any monomials where $x_2$ has an exponent > 2. GTPSA allows one to select the individual truncation orders for variables in a monomial in this manner. The next question to consider is the maximum truncation order for the entire monomial; in the above example, note that the 3rd-order term $x_1x_2^2$ follows the rules we layed out so far. But what if we'd also like to truncate all monomials with order 3 and above, and not allow this monomial? This can be achieved by setting the maximum truncation order equal to 2. When defining a GTPSA, the user must always specify the maximum truncation order, which when specifying individual truncation orders must lie within the range $[\textrm{max}{(\textrm{individual truncation orders})}, \textrm{sum}{(\textrm{individual truncation orders})}]$. If individual truncation orders are not specified, then they are automatically set to the maximum truncation order.

Example: allowed monomials for $f(x_1,x_2)$ with individual variable truncation orders [1,2] and different maximum truncation orders:

ExponentsMax Order = 2Max Order = 3
$1\quad 0$
$0\quad 1$
$2\quad 0$
$1\quad 1$
$0\quad 2$
$3\quad 0$
$2\quad 1$
$1\quad 2$
$0\quad 3$


GTPSA allows one to explicitly distinguish between variables and parameters. Generally, a variable would be a dependent variable in a differential equation, and a parameter would be a variation in something defining or influencing the system (for example, in a harmonic oscillator the restoring constant $k$ would be a parameter). Individual truncation orders can be specified for the parameters in the same way as described for the variables, however there is a special extra truncation order the can be specified for solely the parameters part of the monomial, referred to as the parameter order. The parameter order defines the truncation order for only the parameters part of a monomial.

Example: allowed monomials for $f(x_1,k_1,k_2)$ (one variable, two parameters) with individual variable truncation order [1], individual parameter truncation orders [1,1], maximum order = 3, and different parameter orders:

ExponentsParameter Order = 1Parameter Order = 2
$0\quad | \quad 1 \quad 0$
$0\quad | \quad 0 \quad 1$
$0\quad | \quad 1 \quad 1$
$1\quad | \quad 1 \quad 0$
$1\quad | \quad 0 \quad 1$
$1\quad | \quad 1 \quad 1$

(Note: many monomials are excluded for brevity in the above table)

+Definitions · GTPSA.jl


This section is incomplete, and will be expanded in the near future

Custom Truncation Orders

GTPSA allows for significant customization in the truncation of specific variables within a monomial of the truncated power series (TPS). One can specify individually the truncation orders for each variable in a truncated power series, as well as the maximum truncation order for an entire monomial in the TPS. This is best shown with an example:

Suppose we'd like to express a function $f(x_1,x_2)$ as a truncated power series, and keep only terms that are up to 1st-order in $x_1$ but up to 2nd order in $x_2$; basically, we should not have any monomials where $x_1$ has an exponent > 1, nor any monomials where $x_2$ has an exponent > 2. GTPSA allows one to select the individual truncation orders for variables in a monomial in this manner. The next question to consider is the maximum truncation order for the entire monomial; in the above example, note that the 3rd-order term $x_1x_2^2$ follows the rules we layed out so far. But what if we'd also like to truncate all monomials with order 3 and above, and not allow this monomial? This can be achieved by setting the maximum truncation order equal to 2. When defining a GTPSA, the user must always specify the maximum truncation order, which when specifying individual truncation orders must lie within the range $[\textrm{max}{(\textrm{individual truncation orders})}, \textrm{sum}{(\textrm{individual truncation orders})}]$. If individual truncation orders are not specified, then they are automatically set to the maximum truncation order.

Example: allowed monomials for $f(x_1,x_2)$ with individual variable truncation orders [1,2] and different maximum truncation orders:

ExponentsMax Order = 2Max Order = 3
$1\quad 0$
$0\quad 1$
$2\quad 0$
$1\quad 1$
$0\quad 2$
$3\quad 0$
$2\quad 1$
$1\quad 2$
$0\quad 3$


GTPSA allows one to explicitly distinguish between variables and parameters. Generally, a variable would be a dependent variable in a differential equation, and a parameter would be a variation in something defining or influencing the system (for example, in a harmonic oscillator the restoring constant $k$ would be a parameter). Individual truncation orders can be specified for the parameters in the same way as described for the variables, however there is a special extra truncation order the can be specified for solely the parameters part of the monomial, referred to as the parameter order. The parameter order defines the truncation order for only the parameters part of a monomial.

Example: allowed monomials for $f(x_1,k_1,k_2)$ (one variable, two parameters) with individual variable truncation order [1], individual parameter truncation orders [1,1], maximum order = 3, and different parameter orders:

ExponentsParameter Order = 1Parameter Order = 2
$0\quad | \quad 1 \quad 0$
$0\quad | \quad 0 \quad 1$
$0\quad | \quad 1 \quad 1$
$1\quad | \quad 1 \quad 0$
$1\quad | \quad 0 \quad 1$
$1\quad | \quad 1 \quad 1$

(Note: many monomials are excluded for brevity in the above table)

diff --git a/dev/man/c_descriptor/index.html b/dev/man/c_descriptor/index.html index 5cc12a1..8918c7a 100644 --- a/dev/man/c_descriptor/index.html +++ b/dev/man/c_descriptor/index.html @@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ Parameter order: 7
julia> GTPSA.desc_current = d1GTPSA Descriptor ----------------------- # Variables: 2 -Maximum order: 10


Descriptor(nv::Integer, mo::Integer)::Descriptor

Creates a TPSA Descriptor with nv variables, and a maximum truncation order mo.


  • nv – Number of variables in the TPSA
  • mo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA
Descriptor(vos::Vector{<:Integer}, mo::Integer)::Descriptor

Creates a TPSA Descriptor with length(vos) variables with individual truncation orders specified in the Vector vos, and a maximum truncation order mo for the TPSA.


  • vosVector of the individual truncation orders of each variable
  • mo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA, <= sum(vos)
Descriptor(nv::Integer, mo::Integer, np::Integer, po::Integer)::Descriptor

Creates a TPSA Descriptor with nv variables and np parameters. The maximum truncation order is mo (including the parameters), and the truncation order for the parameters part of a monomial is po.


  • nv – Number of variables in the TPSA
  • mo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA including variables and parameters
  • np – Number of parameters in the TPSA
  • po – Truncation order of the parameters part of a monomial
Descriptor(vos::Vector{<:Integer}, mo::Integer, pos::Vector{<:Integer}, po::Integer)::Descriptor

Creates a TPSA Descriptor with length(vos) variables with individual truncation orders specified in vos, and length(pos) parameters with individual truncation orders specified in pos. The maximum truncation order including both variables and parameters is mo, and the truncation order for just the parameters part of the is po.


  • vosVector of the individual truncation orders of each variable
  • mo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA including variables and parameters
  • posVector of the individual truncation orders of each parameter
  • po – Truncation order of the parameters part of a monomial
+Maximum order: 10


Descriptor(nv::Integer, mo::Integer)::Descriptor

Creates a TPSA Descriptor with nv variables, and a maximum truncation order mo.


  • nv – Number of variables in the TPSA
  • mo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA
Descriptor(vos::Vector{<:Integer}, mo::Integer)::Descriptor

Creates a TPSA Descriptor with length(vos) variables with individual truncation orders specified in the Vector vos, and a maximum truncation order mo for the TPSA.


  • vosVector of the individual truncation orders of each variable
  • mo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA, <= sum(vos)
Descriptor(nv::Integer, mo::Integer, np::Integer, po::Integer)::Descriptor

Creates a TPSA Descriptor with nv variables and np parameters. The maximum truncation order is mo (including the parameters), and the truncation order for the parameters part of a monomial is po.


  • nv – Number of variables in the TPSA
  • mo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA including variables and parameters
  • np – Number of parameters in the TPSA
  • po – Truncation order of the parameters part of a monomial
Descriptor(vos::Vector{<:Integer}, mo::Integer, pos::Vector{<:Integer}, po::Integer)::Descriptor

Creates a TPSA Descriptor with length(vos) variables with individual truncation orders specified in vos, and length(pos) parameters with individual truncation orders specified in pos. The maximum truncation order including both variables and parameters is mo, and the truncation order for just the parameters part of the is po.


  • vosVector of the individual truncation orders of each variable
  • mo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA including variables and parameters
  • posVector of the individual truncation orders of each parameter
  • po – Truncation order of the parameters part of a monomial
diff --git a/dev/man/d_tps/index.html b/dev/man/d_tps/index.html index c2ad7c8..c7cdaa1 100644 --- a/dev/man/d_tps/index.html +++ b/dev/man/d_tps/index.html @@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ ----------------------- Real Imag Order Exponent 5.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 0 0


TPS(ta::Union{Number,Nothing}=nothing; use::Union{Descriptor,TPS,Nothing}=nothing)
-TPS{T}(ta::Union{Number,Nothing}=nothing; use::Union{Descriptor,TPS,Nothing}=nothing) where {T<:Union{Float64,ComplexF64}}

Constructor to create a new TPS equal to the real value ta. If ta is a TPS, this is equivalent to a copy constructor, with the result by default having the same Descriptor as ta. If ta is not a TPS, then the Descriptor used will by default be GTPSA.desc_current. The Descriptor for the constructed TPS can be set using use. If a TPS or ComplexTPS64 is passed to use, the Descriptor for that TPS will be used.

The constructor can also be used to create a copy of a TPS under one Descriptor to instead have a different Descriptor. In this case, invalid monomials under the new Descriptor are removed.


  • ta – Any Number
  • use – (Optional) specify which Descriptor to use, default is nothing which uses the Descriptor for ta if ta isa TPS, else uses GTPSA.desc_current


  • ret – New TPS equal to ta, with removal of invalid monomials if ta is a TPS and a new Descriptor is specified
+TPS{T}(ta::Union{Number,Nothing}=nothing; use::Union{Descriptor,TPS,Nothing}=nothing) where {T<:Union{Float64,ComplexF64}}

Constructor to create a new TPS equal to the real value ta. If ta is a TPS, this is equivalent to a copy constructor, with the result by default having the same Descriptor as ta. If ta is not a TPS, then the Descriptor used will by default be GTPSA.desc_current. The Descriptor for the constructed TPS can be set using use. If a TPS or ComplexTPS64 is passed to use, the Descriptor for that TPS will be used.

The constructor can also be used to create a copy of a TPS under one Descriptor to instead have a different Descriptor. In this case, invalid monomials under the new Descriptor are removed.



source diff --git a/dev/man/e_varsparams/index.html b/dev/man/e_varsparams/index.html index 3743ed7..88957e7 100644 --- a/dev/man/e_varsparams/index.html +++ b/dev/man/e_varsparams/index.html @@ -58,4 +58,4 @@ ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1: 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 0 0 | 1 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- - 2: 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 0 0 | 0 1



Returns a vector of TPSs corresponding to the variables for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.


  • use – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current


  • xVector containing unit TPS{Float64}s corresponding to each variable

Returns a vector of ComplexTPS64s corresponding to the variables for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.


  • use – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current


  • xVector containing unit ComplexTPS64s corresponding to each variable

Returns a vector of TPSs corresponding to the parameters for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.


  • use – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current


  • xVector containing unit TPS{Float64}s corresponding to each parameters

Returns a vector of ComplexTPS64s corresponding to the parameters for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.


  • use – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current


  • xVector containing unit ComplexTPS64s corresponding to each parameters
+ 2: 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 0 0 | 0 1



Returns a vector of TPSs corresponding to the variables for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.


  • use – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current


  • xVector containing unit TPS{Float64}s corresponding to each variable

Returns a vector of ComplexTPS64s corresponding to the variables for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.


  • use – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current


  • xVector containing unit ComplexTPS64s corresponding to each variable

Returns a vector of TPSs corresponding to the parameters for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.


  • use – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current


  • xVector containing unit TPS{Float64}s corresponding to each parameters

Returns a vector of ComplexTPS64s corresponding to the parameters for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.


  • use – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current


  • xVector containing unit ComplexTPS64s corresponding to each parameters
diff --git a/dev/man/f_monoindex/index.html b/dev/man/f_monoindex/index.html index 98033c3..253c18e 100644 --- a/dev/man/f_monoindex/index.html +++ b/dev/man/f_monoindex/index.html @@ -63,4 +63,4 @@ 7.0000000000000000e+00 2 1 0 | 1 8.0000000000000000e+00 2 0 1 | 1 9.0000000000000000e+00 2 0 0 | 2 - 1.0000000000000000e+01 3 3 0 | 0 + 1.0000000000000000e+01 3 3 0 | 0 diff --git a/dev/man/g_mono/index.html b/dev/man/g_mono/index.html index beb83ac..6cacc1a 100644 --- a/dev/man/g_mono/index.html +++ b/dev/man/g_mono/index.html @@ -71,4 +71,4 @@ julia> mono([1=>1], params=[2=>1], use=d) TPS{Float64}: Coefficient Order Exponent - 1.0000000000000000e+00 2 1 0 0 0 1source + 1.0000000000000000e+00 2 1 0 0 0 1source diff --git a/dev/man/h_gjh/index.html b/dev/man/h_gjh/index.html index 96847a9..40d4218 100644 --- a/dev/man/h_gjh/index.html +++ b/dev/man/h_gjh/index.html @@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ 1.0 2.0 5.0 4.0
julia> H = GTPSA.hessian(f)2×2 Matrix{Float64}: 6.0 4.0 - 4.0 10.0


GTPSA.gradient(t::TPS; include_params=false)

Extracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.


  • tTPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the gradient from
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false


  • grad – Gradient of the TPS
GTPSA.gradient!(result, t::TPS; include_params=false)

Extracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS and fills the result vector in-place. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.


  • tTPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the gradient from
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false


  • result – Vector to fill with the gradient of the TPS, must be 1-based indexing
GTPSA.jacobian(m::AbstractArray{<:TPS}; include_params=false)

Extracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the array of TPSs. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs.


  • m – Array of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false


  • J – Jacobian of m
GTPSA.jacobian!(result, m::AbstractArray{<:TPS}; include_params=false)

Extracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the array of TPSs. and fills the result matrix in-place. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs.


  • m – Array of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false


  • result – Matrix to fill with the Jacobian of m, must be 1-based indexing
GTPSA.jacobiant(m::AbstractVector{<:TPS}; include_params=false) where {N,P,I}

Extracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the Vector of TPSs, as the transpose of the Jacobian. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs.


  • m –`Vector of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false


  • Jt – Transpose of the Jacobian of m
GTPSA.jacobiant!(result, m::AbstractVector{<:TPS}; include_params=false)

Extracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the Vector of TPSs, as the transpose of the Jacobian. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs and filling result.


  • m – Vector of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false


  • result – Matrix to fill with the transpose of the Jacobian of m, must be 1-based indexing
GTPSA.hessian(t::TPS; include_params=false)

Extracts the second-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the second-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.


  • tTPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the Hessian from
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false


  • H – Hessian of the TPS
GTPSA.hessian!(result, t::TPS; include_params=false, tmp_mono::Union{Nothing,Vector{UInt8}}=nothing, unsafe_fast::Bool=false)

Extracts the second-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS and fills the result matrix in-place. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the second-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.


  • tTPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the Hessian from
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false
  • tmp_mono – (Optional) Vector{UInt8} to store the monomial, when different orders of truncation are used
  • unsafe_fast – (Optional) Flag to specify that "fast" indexing should be used without checking. This will give incorrect results if any variable has a TO < 2. Default is false.


  • result – Matrix to fill with the Hessian of the TPS, must be 1-based indexing
+ 4.0 10.0


GTPSA.gradient(t::TPS; include_params=false)

Extracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.


  • tTPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the gradient from
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false


  • grad – Gradient of the TPS
GTPSA.gradient!(result, t::TPS; include_params=false)

Extracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS and fills the result vector in-place. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.


  • tTPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the gradient from
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false


  • result – Vector to fill with the gradient of the TPS, must be 1-based indexing
GTPSA.jacobian(m::AbstractArray{<:TPS}; include_params=false)

Extracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the array of TPSs. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs.


  • m – Array of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false


  • J – Jacobian of m
GTPSA.jacobian!(result, m::AbstractArray{<:TPS}; include_params=false)

Extracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the array of TPSs. and fills the result matrix in-place. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs.


  • m – Array of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false


  • result – Matrix to fill with the Jacobian of m, must be 1-based indexing
GTPSA.jacobiant(m::AbstractVector{<:TPS}; include_params=false) where {N,P,I}

Extracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the Vector of TPSs, as the transpose of the Jacobian. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs.


  • m –`Vector of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false


  • Jt – Transpose of the Jacobian of m
GTPSA.jacobiant!(result, m::AbstractVector{<:TPS}; include_params=false)

Extracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the Vector of TPSs, as the transpose of the Jacobian. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs and filling result.


  • m – Vector of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false


  • result – Matrix to fill with the transpose of the Jacobian of m, must be 1-based indexing
GTPSA.hessian(t::TPS; include_params=false)

Extracts the second-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the second-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.


  • tTPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the Hessian from
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false


  • H – Hessian of the TPS
GTPSA.hessian!(result, t::TPS; include_params=false, tmp_mono::Union{Nothing,Vector{UInt8}}=nothing, unsafe_fast::Bool=false)

Extracts the second-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS and fills the result matrix in-place. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the second-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.


  • tTPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the Hessian from
  • include_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false
  • tmp_mono – (Optional) Vector{UInt8} to store the monomial, when different orders of truncation are used
  • unsafe_fast – (Optional) Flag to specify that "fast" indexing should be used without checking. This will give incorrect results if any variable has a TO < 2. Default is false.


  • result – Matrix to fill with the Hessian of the TPS, must be 1-based indexing
diff --git a/dev/man/i_slice/index.html b/dev/man/i_slice/index.html index ed12a90..322dd65 100644 --- a/dev/man/i_slice/index.html +++ b/dev/man/i_slice/index.html @@ -88,4 +88,4 @@ julia> par(f, params=[1=>1]) TPS: Coefficient Order Exponent - 3.0000000000000000e+00 7 2 1 1 2 1 | 0 0source + 3.0000000000000000e+00 7 2 1 1 2 1 | 0 0source diff --git a/dev/man/j_methods/index.html b/dev/man/j_methods/index.html index b8ee7bf..ae641fd 100644 --- a/dev/man/j_methods/index.html +++ b/dev/man/j_methods/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -TPS Methods · GTPSA.jl

TPS Methods

clearord(t1::TPS, order::Integer)

Returns a new TPS equal to t1 but with all monomial coefficients at the given order cleared (set equal to 0).

clearord!(t::TPS, order::Integer)

Clears all monomial coefficients in t at order order.


Clears all monomial coefficients in the TPS (sets to 0).

complex!(t::ComplexTPS64; tre=nothing, tim=nothing)

Sets t to so that real(t)=tre and imag(t)=tim in place.

compose!(m::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}, m2::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}, m1::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}; work::Union{Nothing,AbstractVector{ComplexTPS64}}=nothing)

Composes the vector functions m2 ∘ m1 and stores the result in-place in m. Promotion is allowed, provided the output vector function m has the correct type.

If promotion is occuring, then one of the input vectors must be promoted to ComplexTPS64. A vector of pre-allocated ComplexTPS64s can optionally provided in work, and has the requirement:

If eltype(m.x) != eltype(m1.x) (then m1 must be promoted): work = m1_prom # Length >= length(m1), Vector{ComplexTPS64}

else if eltype(m.x) != eltype(m2.x) (then m2 must be promoted): work = m2_prom # Length >= length(m2) = length(m), Vector{ComplexTPS64}

The ComplexTPS64s in work must be defined and have the same Descriptor.

compose!(m::TPS, m2::TPS, m1::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}; work::Union{Nothing,ComplexTPS64,AbstractVector{ComplexTPS64}}=nothing)

Composes the scalar TPS function m2 with vector function m1, and stores the result in-place in m. Promotion is allowed, provided the output function m has the correct type.

If promotion is occuring, then the inputs must be promoted to ComplexTPS64. If m1 is to be promoted, a vector of pre-allocated ComplexTPS64s can optionally provided in work, and has the requirement:

If eltype(m.x) != eltype(m1.x) (then m1 must be promoted): work = m1_prom # Length >= length(m1), Vector{ComplexTPS64}

Else if m2 is to be promoted (typeof(m.x) != typeof(m2.x)), a single ComplexTPS64 can be provided in work:

work = m2_prom # ComplexTPS64

The ComplexTPS64(s) in work must be defined and have the same Descriptor.

cutord(t1::TPS, order::Integer)

Cuts out the monomials in t1 at the given order and above. Or, if order is negative, will cut monomials with orders at and below abs(order).


julia> d = Descriptor(1,10);
+TPS Methods · GTPSA.jl

TPS Methods

clearord(t1::TPS, order::Integer)

Returns a new TPS equal to t1 but with all monomial coefficients at the given order cleared (set equal to 0).

clearord!(t::TPS, order::Integer)

Clears all monomial coefficients in t at order order.


Clears all monomial coefficients in the TPS (sets to 0).

complex!(t::ComplexTPS64; tre=nothing, tim=nothing)

Sets t to so that real(t)=tre and imag(t)=tim in place.

compose!(m::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}, m2::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}, m1::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}; work::Union{Nothing,AbstractVector{ComplexTPS64}}=nothing)

Composes the vector functions m2 ∘ m1 and stores the result in-place in m. Promotion is allowed, provided the output vector function m has the correct type.

If promotion is occuring, then one of the input vectors must be promoted to ComplexTPS64. A vector of pre-allocated ComplexTPS64s can optionally provided in work, and has the requirement:

If eltype(m.x) != eltype(m1.x) (then m1 must be promoted): work = m1_prom # Length >= length(m1), Vector{ComplexTPS64}

else if eltype(m.x) != eltype(m2.x) (then m2 must be promoted): work = m2_prom # Length >= length(m2) = length(m), Vector{ComplexTPS64}

The ComplexTPS64s in work must be defined and have the same Descriptor.

compose!(m::TPS, m2::TPS, m1::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}; work::Union{Nothing,ComplexTPS64,AbstractVector{ComplexTPS64}}=nothing)

Composes the scalar TPS function m2 with vector function m1, and stores the result in-place in m. Promotion is allowed, provided the output function m has the correct type.

If promotion is occuring, then the inputs must be promoted to ComplexTPS64. If m1 is to be promoted, a vector of pre-allocated ComplexTPS64s can optionally provided in work, and has the requirement:

If eltype(m.x) != eltype(m1.x) (then m1 must be promoted): work = m1_prom # Length >= length(m1), Vector{ComplexTPS64}

Else if m2 is to be promoted (typeof(m.x) != typeof(m2.x)), a single ComplexTPS64 can be provided in work:

work = m2_prom # ComplexTPS64

The ComplexTPS64(s) in work must be defined and have the same Descriptor.

cutord(t1::TPS, order::Integer)

Cuts out the monomials in t1 at the given order and above. Or, if order is negative, will cut monomials with orders at and below abs(order).


julia> d = Descriptor(1,10);
 julia> x = vars(d);
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
   Coefficient              Order     Exponent
   -1.9841269841269841e-04    7        7
-   2.7557319223985893e-06    9        9
cutord!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, order::Integer) where {T<:TPS}

Cuts out the monomials in t1 at the given order and above. Or, if order is negative, will cut monomials with orders at and below abs(order). t is filled in-place with the result. See the documentation for cutord for examples.

cycle!(t::TPS, i, n, m_, v_)

Given a starting index i (-1 if starting at 0), will optionally fill monomial m_ (if m != C_NULL, and m_ is a DenseVector{UInt8}) with the monomial at index i and optionally the value at v_ with the monomials coefficient (if v_ != C_NULL, and v_ is a Ref{<:Union{Float64,ComplexF64}}), and return the next NONZERO monomial index in the TPS. This is useful for iterating through each monomial in the TPSA.


  • t – TPS to scan
  • i – Index to start from (-1 to start at 0)
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m_ – (Optional) Monomial to be filled if provided
  • v_ – (Optional) Pointer to value of coefficient


  • i – Index of next nonzero monomial in the TPSA, or -1 if reached the end
deriv(t1::TPS, v::Union{TPSIndexType, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing)
+   2.7557319223985893e-06    9        9
cutord!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, order::Integer) where {T<:TPS}

Cuts out the monomials in t1 at the given order and above. Or, if order is negative, will cut monomials with orders at and below abs(order). t is filled in-place with the result. See the documentation for cutord for examples.

cycle!(t::TPS, i, n, m_, v_)

Given a starting index i (-1 if starting at 0), will optionally fill monomial m_ (if m != C_NULL, and m_ is a DenseVector{UInt8}) with the monomial at index i and optionally the value at v_ with the monomials coefficient (if v_ != C_NULL, and v_ is a Ref{<:Union{Float64,ComplexF64}}), and return the next NONZERO monomial index in the TPS. This is useful for iterating through each monomial in the TPSA.


  • t – TPS to scan
  • i – Index to start from (-1 to start at 0)
  • n – Length of monomial
  • m_ – (Optional) Monomial to be filled if provided
  • v_ – (Optional) Pointer to value of coefficient


  • i – Index of next nonzero monomial in the TPSA, or -1 if reached the end
deriv(t1::TPS, v::Union{TPSIndexType, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing)
 ∂(t1::TPS, v::Union{TPSIndexType, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing)

Differentiates t1 wrt the variable/parameter specified by the variable/parameter index, or alternatively any monomial specified by indexing-by-order OR indexing-by-sparse monomial.


  • v – An integer (for variable index), vector/tuple of orders for each variable (for indexing-by-order), or vector/tuple of pairs (sparse monomial)
  • param – (Keyword argument, optional) An integer for the parameter index
  • params – (Keyword argument, optional) Vector/tuple of pairs for sparse-monomial indexing

Examples: Variable/Parameter Index:

julia> d = Descriptor(1,5,1,5);
 julia> x1 = vars(d)[1]; k1 = params(d)[1];
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 julia> deriv(x1*k1, [1=>1], params=[1=>1])
   Coefficient              Order     Exponent
-   1.0000000000000000e+00    0        0    0
deriv!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, v::Union{TPSIndexType, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing) where {T}
-∂!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, v::Union{TPSIndexType, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing) where {T}

Differentiates t1 wrt the variable/parameter specified by the variable/parameter index, or alternatively any monomial specified by indexing-by-order OR indexing-by-sparse monomial, and sets t equal to the result in-place. See the deriv documentation for examples.


  • v – An integer (for variable index), vector/tuple of orders for each variable (for indexing-by-order), or vector/tuple of pairs (sparse monomial)
  • param – (Keyword argument, optional) An integer for the parameter index
  • params – (Keyword argument, optional) Vector/tuple of pairs for sparse-monomial indexing
evaluate(F::Vector{TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}

Evaluates the vector function F at the point x, and returns the result.

evaluate!(y::Vector{T}, F::Vector{TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}

Evaluates the vector function F at the point x, and fills y with the result.

getord(t1::TPS, order::Integer)

Extracts one homogenous polynomial from t1 of the given order.

getord!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, order::Integer) where {T}

Extracts one homogenous polynomial from t1 of the given order and fills t with the result in-place.

integ(t1::TPS, var::Integer=1)
-∫(t1::TPS, var::Integer=1)

Integrates t1 wrt the variable var. Integration wrt parameters is not allowed, and integration wrt higher order monomials is not currently supported.

integ!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, var::Integer=1) where {T}
-∫!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, var::Integer=1) where {T}

Integrates t1 wrt the variable var and fills t with the result. Integration wrt parameters is not allowed, and integration wrt higher order monomials is not currently supported.


Calculates the 1-norm of the TPS, which is the sum of the abs of all coefficients.


Returns the maximum number of monomials (including the scalar part) in the TPS/ComplexTPS64 given its Descriptor.


Extracts the scalar part of the TPS. Equivalent to t[0] but this can be easily broadcasted.

setTPS!(t::TPS, t1::Number; change::Bool=false)

General function for setting a TPS/ComplexTPS64 t equal to t1. If change is true, then t and t1 can have different Descriptors (with invalid monomials removed) so long as the number of variables + number of parameters are equal.

translate(m1::Vector{<:TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}

returns a vector function equal to m1 with its expansion point translated by x.

translate!(m::Vector{<:TPS{T}}, m1::Vector{<:TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}

Fills m with the vector function equal to m1 with its expansion point translated by x.

+ 1.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0
deriv!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, v::Union{TPSIndexType, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing) where {T}
+∂!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, v::Union{TPSIndexType, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing) where {T}

Differentiates t1 wrt the variable/parameter specified by the variable/parameter index, or alternatively any monomial specified by indexing-by-order OR indexing-by-sparse monomial, and sets t equal to the result in-place. See the deriv documentation for examples.


  • v – An integer (for variable index), vector/tuple of orders for each variable (for indexing-by-order), or vector/tuple of pairs (sparse monomial)
  • param – (Keyword argument, optional) An integer for the parameter index
  • params – (Keyword argument, optional) Vector/tuple of pairs for sparse-monomial indexing
evaluate(F::Vector{TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}

Evaluates the vector function F at the point x, and returns the result.

evaluate!(y::Vector{T}, F::Vector{TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}

Evaluates the vector function F at the point x, and fills y with the result.

getord(t1::TPS, order::Integer)

Extracts one homogenous polynomial from t1 of the given order.

getord!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, order::Integer) where {T}

Extracts one homogenous polynomial from t1 of the given order and fills t with the result in-place.

integ(t1::TPS, var::Integer=1)
+∫(t1::TPS, var::Integer=1)

Integrates t1 wrt the variable var. Integration wrt parameters is not allowed, and integration wrt higher order monomials is not currently supported.

integ!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, var::Integer=1) where {T}
+∫!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, var::Integer=1) where {T}

Integrates t1 wrt the variable var and fills t with the result. Integration wrt parameters is not allowed, and integration wrt higher order monomials is not currently supported.


Calculates the 1-norm of the TPS, which is the sum of the abs of all coefficients.


Returns the maximum number of monomials (including the scalar part) in the TPS/ComplexTPS64 given its Descriptor.


Extracts the scalar part of the TPS. Equivalent to t[0] but this can be easily broadcasted.

setTPS!(t::TPS, t1::Number; change::Bool=false)

General function for setting a TPS/ComplexTPS64 t equal to t1. If change is true, then t and t1 can have different Descriptors (with invalid monomials removed) so long as the number of variables + number of parameters are equal.

translate(m1::Vector{<:TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}

returns a vector function equal to m1 with its expansion point translated by x.

translate!(m::Vector{<:TPS{T}}, m1::Vector{<:TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}

Fills m with the vector function equal to m1 with its expansion point translated by x.

diff --git a/dev/man/k_fastgtpsa/index.html b/dev/man/k_fastgtpsa/index.html index add1f53..e232830 100644 --- a/dev/man/k_fastgtpsa/index.html +++ b/dev/man/k_fastgtpsa/index.html @@ -1,25 +1,17 @@ -@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros · GTPSA.jl

@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros

Speed up evaluation of expressions containing TPSs, transparent to other types

The thread-safe macros @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! can be used to speed up evaluation of expressions that may contain TPSs. Both macros are completely transparent to all other types, so they can be prepended to any existing expressions while still maintaining type-generic code. Any functions in the expression that are not overloaded by GTPSA will be ignored. Both macros do not use any -ffast-math business (so still IEEE compliant), but instead will use a thread-safe pre-allocated buffer in the Descriptor for any temporaries that may be generated during evaluation of the expression.

The first macro, @FastGTPSA can be prepended to an expression following assignment (=, +=, etc) to only construct one TPS (which requires two allocations), instead of a TPS for every temporary:

julia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools
julia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);
julia> @btime $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; 5.953 μs (20 allocations: 11.88 KiB)
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; 5.570 μs (2 allocations: 1.94 KiB)
julia> y = rand(3); # transparent to non-TPS types
julia> @btime $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; 22.220 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; 23.166 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

The second macro, @FastGTPSA! can be prepended to the LHS of an assignment, and will fill a preallocated TPS with the result of an expression. @FastGTPSA! will calculate a TPS expression with zero allocations, and will still have no impact if a non-TPS type is used. The only requirement is that all symbols in the expression are defined:

julia> t = ComplexTPS64(); # pre-allocate
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $t = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; 5.348 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> y = rand(3); @gensym z; # transparent to non-TPS types
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; 19.786 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Both @FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! can also be prepended to a block of code, in which case they are applied to each assignment in the block:

julia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);
julia> y = rand(3);
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA begin +@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros · GTPSA.jl

@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros

Speed up evaluation of expressions containing TPSs, transparent to other types

The thread-safe macros @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! can be used to speed up evaluation of expressions that may contain TPSs. Both macros are completely transparent to all other types, so they can be prepended to any existing expressions while still maintaining type-generic code. Any functions in the expression that are not overloaded by GTPSA will be ignored. Both macros do not use any -ffast-math business (so still IEEE compliant), but instead will use a thread-safe pre-allocated buffer in the Descriptor for any temporaries that may be generated during evaluation of the expression.

The first macro, @FastGTPSA can be prepended to an expression following assignment (=, +=, etc) to only construct one TPS (which requires two allocations), instead of a TPS for every temporary:

julia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools
julia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);
julia> @btime $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; 6.025 μs (20 allocations: 11.88 KiB)
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; 5.479 μs (2 allocations: 1.94 KiB)
julia> y = rand(3); # transparent to non-TPS types
julia> @btime $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; 20.379 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; 21.484 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

The second macro, @FastGTPSA! can be prepended to the LHS of an assignment, and will fill a preallocated TPS with the result of an expression. @FastGTPSA! will calculate a TPS expression with zero allocations, and will still have no impact if a non-TPS type is used. The only requirement is that all symbols in the expression are defined:

julia> t = ComplexTPS64(); # pre-allocate
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $t = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; 5.370 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> y = rand(3); @gensym z; # transparent to non-TPS types
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; 20.067 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Both @FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! can also be prepended to a block of code, in which case they are applied to each assignment in the block:

julia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);
julia> y = rand(3);
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA begin t1 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; t2 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; - end; 11.161 μs (4 allocations: 3.88 KiB)
julia> t3 = ComplexTPS64(); t4 = ComplexTPS64(); @gensym w;
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! begin + end; 11.131 μs (4 allocations: 3.88 KiB)
julia> t3 = ComplexTPS64(); t4 = ComplexTPS64(); @gensym w;
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! begin $t3 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; $t4 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; $w = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; - end; 10.850 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

@FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! are also compatible with broadcasted, vectorized operators. This can be very useful for example if a structure-of-arrays (SoA) layout is used in a simulation program, but you would like to calculate a Taylor map of the output by propagating GTPSAs through. Note that for @FastGTPSA, which allocates the result, that there are two allocations per TPS and one for the Array. For @FastGTPSA!, which requires a pre-allocated output, there are zero allocations. Both are still transparent to non-TPS types for universally polymorphic use without cost.

julia> @btime @FastGTPSA begin + end; 10.940 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

@FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! are also compatible with broadcasted, vectorized operators. This can be very useful for example if a structure-of-arrays (SoA) layout is used in a simulation program, but you would like to calculate a Taylor map of the output by propagating GTPSAs through. Note that for @FastGTPSA, which allocates the result, that there are two allocations per TPS and one for the Array. For @FastGTPSA!, which requires a pre-allocated output, there are zero allocations. Both are still transparent to non-TPS types for universally polymorphic use without cost.

julia> @btime @FastGTPSA begin out = @. $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im; - end; 14.527 μs (7 allocations: 5.89 KiB)
julia> out = zeros(ComplexTPS64, 3) # pre-allocate3-element Vector{ComplexTPS64}: - Out Real Imag Order Exponent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 1: 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 0 ⋯ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 2: 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 0 ⋯ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 3: 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 0 ⋯ - 1 column omitted
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! begin + end; 14.437 μs (7 allocations: 5.89 KiB)
julia> out = zeros(ComplexTPS64, 3); # pre-allocate
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! begin @. $out = $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im; - end; 14.116 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

If errors are thrown during usage of @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA!, temporaries in use may not have been properly popped from the stack. Therefore, if the Julia session is not terminated, the helper functions GTPSA.checktemps and `GTPSA.cleartemps! should be used to evaluate and correct the state of the buffer.

Without using the macro, each time an operation is performed using a TPS, a new TPS is dynamically-allocated containing the result. For example in the above expression, the calculation of sin(x[2]) creates a new TPS, and the calculation of x[1]^3 also creates a new TPS. The multiplication of these two resulting TPSs creates a new TPS, and so on until a TPS containing the full result of the evaluated expression is obtained. The intermediate TPSs that must be created to evaluate the expression are referred to as temporaries, because they only exist temporarily. Julia's garbage collector notices when the dynamically-allocated temporaries are no longer in scope, and cleans up that memory when it decides it's a good time to. This process can cause slowdowns in performance critical code however, especially in more complicated expressions where a lot of temporaries are created.

Both @FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! basically tell the code to instead use a permanent, pre-allocated thread-safe buffer of TPSs for the temporaries during evaluation of the expression, so there is no dynamic memory allocation; for @FastGTPSA, the number of allocations is reduced to two (which is one single TPS), and for @FastGTPSA! the number of allocations is zero. Furthermore, these temporaries are accessed and deleted in a stack-like manner from the buffer by each thread, so that temporaries involved in operations are right next to each other in memory. This ensures minimal cache misses throughout the evaluation of the expression.

The speedup of using the macro can be quite significant. See our example, where we observe a x2 speedup at 2nd order.



Macro to speed up evaluation of mathematical expressions containing TPSs. The temporaries generated during evaluation of the expression are drawn from a thread-safe buffer, reducing the number of heap allocations to 2 (which is for a single TPS) for the result. @FastGTPSA is completely transparent to all other types, so it can be prepended to expressions while still maintaining type-generic code.

julia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools
+              end;  14.087 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

If errors are thrown during usage of @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA!, temporaries in use may not have been properly popped from the stack. Therefore, if the Julia session is not terminated, the helper functions GTPSA.checktemps and `GTPSA.cleartemps! should be used to evaluate and correct the state of the buffer.

Without using the macro, each time an operation is performed using a TPS, a new TPS is dynamically-allocated containing the result. For example in the above expression, the calculation of sin(x[2]) creates a new TPS, and the calculation of x[1]^3 also creates a new TPS. The multiplication of these two resulting TPSs creates a new TPS, and so on until a TPS containing the full result of the evaluated expression is obtained. The intermediate TPSs that must be created to evaluate the expression are referred to as temporaries, because they only exist temporarily. Julia's garbage collector notices when the dynamically-allocated temporaries are no longer in scope, and cleans up that memory when it decides it's a good time to. This process can cause slowdowns in performance critical code however, especially in more complicated expressions where a lot of temporaries are created.

Both @FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! basically tell the code to instead use a permanent, pre-allocated thread-safe buffer of TPSs for the temporaries during evaluation of the expression, so there is no dynamic memory allocation; for @FastGTPSA, the number of allocations is reduced to two (which is one single TPS), and for @FastGTPSA! the number of allocations is zero. Furthermore, these temporaries are accessed and deleted in a stack-like manner from the buffer by each thread, so that temporaries involved in operations are right next to each other in memory. This ensures minimal cache misses throughout the evaluation of the expression.

The speedup of using the macro can be quite significant. See our example, where we observe a x2 speedup at 2nd order.



Macro to speed up evaluation of mathematical expressions containing TPSs. The temporaries generated during evaluation of the expression are drawn from a thread-safe buffer, reducing the number of heap allocations to 2 (which is for a single TPS) for the result. @FastGTPSA is completely transparent to all other types, so it can be prepended to expressions while still maintaining type-generic code.

julia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools
 julia> d = Descriptor(3,7); x = vars(d);
@@ -40,7 +32,7 @@
 julia> @btime @FastGTPSA begin
         out = @. $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im;
-  7.573 μs (7 allocations: 5.89 KiB)

Macro to speed up evaluation of mathematical expressions that may contain assignment to pre-allocated TPSs. The temporaries generated during evaluation of the expression are drawn from a thread-safe buffer. With this macro, the number of heap allocations during evaluation of expressions containing TPSs is 0, and it is fully transparent to non-TPS types.

This macro supports assignment using =, +=, -=, *=, /=, and ^=.

Important: The symbols must be defined prior to calling the macro regardless of whether or not the type is a TPS:

julia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools
+  7.573 μs (7 allocations: 5.89 KiB)

Macro to speed up evaluation of mathematical expressions that may contain assignment to pre-allocated TPSs. The temporaries generated during evaluation of the expression are drawn from a thread-safe buffer. With this macro, the number of heap allocations during evaluation of expressions containing TPSs is 0, and it is fully transparent to non-TPS types.

This macro supports assignment using =, +=, -=, *=, /=, and ^=.

Important: The symbols must be defined prior to calling the macro regardless of whether or not the type is a TPS:

julia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools
 julia> d = Descriptor(3,7); x = vars(d); 
@@ -71,4 +63,4 @@
 julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! begin
         @. $out = $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im;
-  7.312 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Clears the "stack" of temporaries currently in use by the Descriptor. This is necessary to run if GTPSA.checktemps(d::Descriptor=GTPSA.desc_current) returns false; this occurs if an error is thrown during evaluation of an expression using @FastGTPSA or @FastGTPSA!, and the Julia session is not terminated.


Sanity check of the temporary buffer in the Descriptor used by @FastGTPSA. Returns true if everything is OK, else false in which case GTPSA.cleartemps!(d::Descriptor=GTPSA.desc_current) should be run. This may occur if an error is thrown during evaluation of an expression using @FastGTPSA or @FastGTPSA!.

+ 7.312 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Clears the "stack" of temporaries currently in use by the Descriptor. This is necessary to run if GTPSA.checktemps(d::Descriptor=GTPSA.desc_current) returns false; this occurs if an error is thrown during evaluation of an expression using @FastGTPSA or @FastGTPSA!, and the Julia session is not terminated.


Sanity check of the temporary buffer in the Descriptor used by @FastGTPSA. Returns true if everything is OK, else false in which case GTPSA.cleartemps!(d::Descriptor=GTPSA.desc_current) should be run. This may occur if an error is thrown during evaluation of an expression using @FastGTPSA or @FastGTPSA!.

diff --git a/dev/man/l_io/index.html b/dev/man/l_io/index.html index 1a7ae34..babe506 100644 --- a/dev/man/l_io/index.html +++ b/dev/man/l_io/index.html @@ -52,4 +52,4 @@ Parameter order: 1 ----------------------- Coefficient Order Monomial - 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 (x₁)¹ + 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 (x₁)¹ diff --git a/dev/man/m_global/index.html b/dev/man/m_global/index.html index 1a8e2f7..edef175 100644 --- a/dev/man/m_global/index.html +++ b/dev/man/m_global/index.html @@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ 1: 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 (x₁)¹
julia> GTPSA.show_sparse = false;
julia> GTPSA.show_sparsefalse
julia> x1-element Vector{TPS64}: Out Coefficient Order Exponent ------------------------------------------------ - 1: 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1 + 1: 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1 diff --git a/dev/man/n_all/index.html b/dev/man/n_all/index.html index 9499845..7a1eb72 100644 --- a/dev/man/n_all/index.html +++ b/dev/man/n_all/index.html @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ acoth, zero, zeros, one, ones, real, imag, conj, angle, complex, promote_rule, getindex, setindex!, ==, <, >, <=, >=, !=, isequal, isless, isinf, isnan, show, copy!, lastindex, firstindex, rand, -unsafe_convert, eltype, eps, floatmin, floatmax

zeros and ones are overloaded from Base so that allocated TPSs are placed in each element. Because of the mutability of TPS, if we didn't explicity overload these functions every element would correspond to the exact same heap-allocated TPS.

GTPSA.jl overloads (and exports) the following functions from the corresponding packages: LinearAlgebra: norm, mul! SpecialFunctions: erf, erfc

GTPSA.jl also provides the following math functions NOT included in Base or any of the above packages (and not already documented in TPS Methods):

unit, sinhc, asinc, asinhc, polar, rect

If there is a mathematical function in Base which you'd like and is not included in the above list, feel free to submit an issue.

Mutable Mathematics Interface

For every math function, GTPSA.jl provides mutating functions to set an allocated TPS in-place. For non-arithmetic operators, this is denoted with a bang (!) symbol. E.g. for sin(a), there also exists GTPSA.sin!(b, a) where b is set equal to sin(a). Aliasing (b === a) for all operators is allowed in GTPSA.

For the arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, ^, there are the corresponding in-place functions GTPSA.add!(c, a, b), GTPSA.sub!(c, a, b), GTPSA.mul!(c, a, b), GTPSA.div!(c, a, b), and GTPSA.pow!(c, a, b). While c must be an allocated TPS, a and b could be a TPS or any Number type, so long as they can be appropriately converted to the destination TPS parametric number type. Aliasing for all arithmetic operators (a === b === c) is allowed in GTPSA.

+unsafe_convert, eltype, eps, floatmin, floatmax

zeros and ones are overloaded from Base so that allocated TPSs are placed in each element. Because of the mutability of TPS, if we didn't explicity overload these functions every element would correspond to the exact same heap-allocated TPS.

GTPSA.jl overloads (and exports) the following functions from the corresponding packages: LinearAlgebra: norm, mul! SpecialFunctions: erf, erfc

GTPSA.jl also provides the following math functions NOT included in Base or any of the above packages (and not already documented in TPS Methods):

unit, sinhc, asinc, asinhc, polar, rect

If there is a mathematical function in Base which you'd like and is not included in the above list, feel free to submit an issue.

Mutable Mathematics Interface

For every math function, GTPSA.jl provides mutating functions to set an allocated TPS in-place. For non-arithmetic operators, this is denoted with a bang (!) symbol. E.g. for sin(a), there also exists GTPSA.sin!(b, a) where b is set equal to sin(a). Aliasing (b === a) for all operators is allowed in GTPSA.

For the arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, ^, there are the corresponding in-place functions GTPSA.add!(c, a, b), GTPSA.sub!(c, a, b), GTPSA.mul!(c, a, b), GTPSA.div!(c, a, b), and GTPSA.pow!(c, a, b). While c must be an allocated TPS, a and b could be a TPS or any Number type, so long as they can be appropriately converted to the destination TPS parametric number type. Aliasing for all arithmetic operators (a === b === c) is allowed in GTPSA.

diff --git a/dev/quickstart/index.html b/dev/quickstart/index.html index 39c0f1e..c77ebef 100644 --- a/dev/quickstart/index.html +++ b/dev/quickstart/index.html @@ -141,12 +141,16 @@ TPS64: Coefficient Order Exponent 2.0000000000000000e+00 3 2 0 1 0 0 - 3.0000000000000000e+00 7 2 1 1 2 1

@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros

The macros @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! can be used to speed up evaluation of expressions that may contain TPSs. Both macros are completely transparent to all other types, so they can be prepended to any existing expressions while still maintaining type-generic code. Any functions in the expression that are not overloaded by GTPSA will be ignored. Both macros do NOT use any -ffast-math business (so still IEEE compliant), but instead will use a thread-safe pre-allocated buffer in the Descriptor for any temporaries that may be generated during evaluation of the expression.

The first macro, @FastGTPSA can be prepended to an expression following assignment (=, +=, etc) to only construct one TPS (which requires two allocations), instead of a TPS for every temporary:

julia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools
julia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);
julia> @btime $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; 5.813 μs (20 allocations: 11.88 KiB)
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; 5.561 μs (2 allocations: 1.94 KiB)
julia> y = rand(3); # transparent to non-TPS types
julia> @btime $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; 20.299 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; 21.323 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

The second macro, @FastGTPSA! can be prepended to the LHS of an assignment, and will fill a preallocated TPS with the result of an expression. @FastGTPSA! will calculate a TPS expression with zero allocations, and will still have no impact if a non-TPS type is used. The only requirement is that all symbols in the expression are defined:

julia> t = ComplexTPS64(); # pre-allocate
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $t = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; 5.340 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> y = rand(3); @gensym z; # transparent to non-TPS types
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; 20.077 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Both @FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! can also be prepended to a block of code, in which case they are applied to each assignment in the block:

julia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);
julia> y = rand(3);
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA begin + 3.0000000000000000e+00 7 2 1 1 2 1

@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros

The macros @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! can be used to speed up evaluation of expressions that may contain TPSs. Both macros are completely transparent to all other types, so they can be prepended to any existing expressions while still maintaining type-generic code. Any functions in the expression that are not overloaded by GTPSA will be ignored. Both macros do NOT use any -ffast-math business (so still IEEE compliant), but instead will use a thread-safe pre-allocated buffer in the Descriptor for any temporaries that may be generated during evaluation of the expression.

The first macro, @FastGTPSA can be prepended to an expression following assignment (=, +=, etc) to only construct one TPS (which requires two allocations), instead of a TPS for every temporary:

julia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools
julia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);
julia> @btime $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; 6.045 μs (20 allocations: 11.88 KiB)
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; 5.504 μs (2 allocations: 1.94 KiB)
julia> y = rand(3); # transparent to non-TPS types
julia> @btime $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; 20.389 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; 21.304 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

The second macro, @FastGTPSA! can be prepended to the LHS of an assignment, and will fill a preallocated TPS with the result of an expression. @FastGTPSA! will calculate a TPS expression with zero allocations, and will still have no impact if a non-TPS type is used. The only requirement is that all symbols in the expression are defined:

julia> t = ComplexTPS64(); # pre-allocate
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $t = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; 5.347 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> y = rand(3); @gensym z; # transparent to non-TPS types
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; 20.067 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Both @FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! can also be prepended to a block of code, in which case they are applied to each assignment in the block:

julia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);
julia> y = rand(3);
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA begin t1 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; t2 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; - end; 11.140 μs (4 allocations: 3.88 KiB)
julia> t3 = ComplexTPS64(); t4 = ComplexTPS64(); @gensym w;
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! begin + end; 11.061 μs (4 allocations: 3.88 KiB)
julia> t3 = ComplexTPS64(); t4 = ComplexTPS64(); @gensym w;
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! begin $t3 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; $t4 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; $w = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; - end; 10.940 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

The advantages of using the macro become especially apparent in more complicated systems, for example in benchmark/track.jl.

Promotion of TPS64 to ComplexTPS64

TPS64s and ComplexTPS64s can be mixed freely without concern. Any time an operation with a TPS64 and a ComplexTPS64 or a Complex number occurs, the result will be a ComplexTPS64. A ComplexTPS64 can be converted back to a TPS64 using the real and imag operators.

+ end; 10.900 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Both macros are also compatible with broadcasted, vectorized operators:

julia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d); y = rand(3);
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA begin + out = @. $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im; + end; 14.487 μs (7 allocations: 5.89 KiB)
julia> out = zeros(ComplexTPS64, 3); # pre-allocate
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! begin + @. $out = $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im; + end; 14.076 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

The advantages of using the macros become especially apparent in more complicated systems, for example in benchmark/track.jl.

Promotion of TPS64 to ComplexTPS64

TPS64s and ComplexTPS64s can be mixed freely without concern. Any time an operation with a TPS64 and a ComplexTPS64 or a Complex number occurs, the result will be a ComplexTPS64. A ComplexTPS64 can be converted back to a TPS64 using the real and imag operators.

diff --git a/dev/search_index.js b/dev/search_index.js index 87ae822..335f873 100644 --- a/dev/search_index.js +++ b/dev/search_index.js @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ var documenterSearchIndex = {"docs": -[{"location":"devel/#For-Developers","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"Developers may fork the GTPSA.jl repo and then dev their forked repo in the REPL. For example, if my Github username is githubuser, then after forking GTPSA.jl I would run in the REPL:","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"import Pkg\nPkg.develop(url=\"\")","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The package consists of two layers: a low-level layer written in Julia that is 1-to-1 with the GTPSA C code, and a high-level, user-friendly layer that cleans up the notation for manipulating TPSs, manages temporaries generated during evaluation, and properly manages the memory in C when variables go out of scope in Julia. The low-level functions are listed at the bottom of this page.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"When it comes to managing memory in C via Julia, there are certain intricacies that have to be considered. First, let's consider the Descriptor, which is the simplest: ","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#Descriptor","page":"For Developers","title":"Descriptor","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The Descriptor stores all information about the GTPSA, including the indexing table for indexing specific monomials. This is a static object, only created once for a GTPSA, which all TPSs refer to. In C, these structs must exist for the entirety of the program execution. In Julia, because they must not be destroyed when out-of-scope, we wrap these objects in immutable structs. In a single program, up to 250 Descriptors can exist simultanouesly, and they can be manually optionally destroyed using GTPSA.mad_desc_del!. At program termination all Descriptors are destroyed. Given the significantly large number allowed, as well as the danger of still-existing TPS and Descriptor structs after destruction, no front-facing interface to the user is given for destroying existing Descriptors.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The Descriptor struct simply wraps a C-pointer to a low-level struct called Desc: this struct is 1-to-1 equivalent to the C struct desc in GTPSA. See the documentation for GTPSA.Desc below. By having this struct in Julia, we can unsafe_load the struct and get values in the desc. For example, to access the first TPS{Float64} in the buffer of temporaries in the Descriptor, we can do","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"using GTPSA\nimport GTPSA: Desc\n\nd = Descriptor(5,8)\n\ndesc = unsafe_load(d.desc) # To access the low-level C struct\nt_jl = unsafe_load(Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{Ptr{TPS{Float64}}}, desc.t), 1) # 1 in Julia = 0 in C","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"In Julia, if we were to then unsafe_load(t_jl), there would in fact be allocations, as its internally creating a copy of the TPS{Float64} in Julia. This is not well documented in the documentation of unsafe_load (see the discussion here).","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#TPS","page":"For Developers","title":"TPS","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The TPS{Float64} struct in Julia corresponds exactly to the C struct tpsa and TPS{ComplexF64} struct in Julia corresponds exactly to ctpsa in C. To understand fully the TPS struct, some history is needed:","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"In early development versions of GTPSA.jl, the TPS struct was very similar to the Descriptor struct: it used to just wrap a C Ptr to a low-level struct, and instead be mutable so out-of-scope TPSs and temporaries are cleaned up. This at the time seemed like the simplest solution, since in Julia there is no way to tag C pointers for Julia garbage collection. This created some problems though: firstly, there is one indirection because Julia would tag that particular mutable wrapper struct for GC, but then the member Ptr of that struct pointed to a different place in memory that had to be cleaned up. Secondly, when calling GTPSA C functions that want a Vector of TPS (e.g. Ptr to TPS), you would need to do a map(t->t.tpsa, x) where x is a Vector{TPS64} and tpsa is the field member of the wrapper TPS struct. Thirdly, and perhaps most significantly, Julia is not aware of how much memory the C is using. Therefore, it will not call the garbage collector very often, even if actually >100GB of memory is being used. Sometimes the OS will just kill the Julia process.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"In order to get around these problems, we must allocate the entire mutable TPS struct in Julia instead of in the C code (e.g. using GTPSA.mad_tpsa_newd). We then can use pointer_from_objref in Julia to get a pointer to that mutable, Julia-owned struct to pass to the C functions. ","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"Sounds simple enough, right? If only! In the GTPSA C code, the coef member array is something called a flexible array member. This is great in C, because instead of the struct storing a pointer to an array (which would cause an indirection every time the coef array is accessed in a TPS), it actually stores the array right there in the struct, with variable size. This gives some performance gains. In Julia, there is no such analog. For those who know about StaticArrays.jl, you might think an SVector could work, but surprise, it doesn't because you cannot mutate the fields of an SVector and neither can the C code.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"So the only solution it seems is to change the actual C struct in mad_tpsa_impl.h and mad_ctpsa_impl.h to use regular arrays for coef instead of flexible array members, and indeed this is what is done for GTPSA.jl. There is a tiny speed reduction due to the indirection of accessing coef, however the benefits of Julia's garbage collector knowing how much memory it's using, and keeping memory usage sane, is worth the very tiny cost.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"On the Julia side, it turns out you cannot just use a regular Vector for the coef array in the TPS struct, because Julia's Vector structs are quite complex and play a lot of tricks. You might actually be able to use an MVector from StaticArrays, however using this struct might make GTPSA.jl significantly more complex because the size of the array has to be known at compile-time or else you suffer the drastic performance reductions caused by type-instabilities. The complexity of using this could be checked at some point in the future.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The decided solution was to, in the Julia, @ccall jl_malloc for the coef array, and in the finalizer for the mutable TPS struct call @ccall jl_free for the coef array. This gives us C-style arrays that Julia's garbage collector knows about, and so will make sure to keep the memory usage sane.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"When @ccall is used, the arguments are Base.unsafe_converted to the corresponding specified argument types. Therefore, for TPS all we had to do then was define","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{TPS{T}}}, t::TPS{T}) where {T} = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{TPS{T}},pointer_from_objref(t))","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"and now we can pass our TPS structs to C using @ccall.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#TempTPS","page":"For Developers","title":"TempTPS","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"Because unsafe_load of a Ptr{<:TPS} creates a copy and allocates, we cannot treat the constant buffer of pre-allocated temporaries in the Descriptor as bona-fide TPSs. Note that the memory addresses of the temporaries in the buffer are constant and do not need to be cleaned up; they are immutable!. The temporaries, which we give the type GTPSA.TempTPS, do not have any of the problems of just wrapping a pointer as do the TPSs, and so that's what they are. Also in Julia, in order to access the fields of a TempTPS (e.g. mo) via unsafe_load without allocating, we need an immutable struct having the same structure as TPS. This is the purpose of GTPSA.LowTempTPS. We need to use the mo field for @FastGTPSA to finally allocate the result TPS with the mo of the result TempTPS.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"As with TPS, we also had to define Base.unsafe_convert for TempTPS so we can @ccall. In this case, the unsafe_convert returns the member Ptr of the TempTPS.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"GTPSA.TempTPS","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.TempTPS","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.TempTPS","text":"struct TempTPS{T<:Union{Float64,ComplexF64}}\n\nThis is for internal use only. TempTPS is a temporary TPS, which has been pre-allocated in a buffer for each thread in the Descriptor C struct. When using the @FastGTPSA macro, all temporaries generated will be used from this buffer. \"Constructors\" of this type simply take a temporary from that particular thread's buffer in a stack-like manner and \"Destructors\" (which must be manually called because this is immutable) release it from the stack.\n\nFields\n\nt::Ptr{TPS{T}} – Pointer to the TPS in the buffer in the Descriptor\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"devel/#Library-Structure","page":"For Developers","title":"Library Structure","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"All operators have an in-place, mutating version specified with a bang (!). These are the lowest-level pure Julia code, following the convention that the first argument is the one to contain the result. In the GTPSA C library, the last argument contains the result, so this is accounted for in the file inplace_operators.jl. All in-place functions can receive either a regular TPS , which the user will be using, as well as a GTPSA.TempTPS, which the user should not concern themselves with. The constants RealTPS and ComplexTPS are defined respectively in low_level/rtpsa.jl and low_level/ctpsa.jl to simplify the notation. These are just:","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"# Internal constants to aid multiple dispatch including temporaries \nconst RealTPS = Union{TempTPS{Float64}, TPS{Float64}}\nconst ComplexTPS = Union{TempTPS{ComplexF64}, TPS{ComplexF64}}","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"All this does is enforce correct types for the in-place functions, while keeping the notation/code simple. ","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The in-place, mutating functions, defined in inplace_operators.jl must all use the RealTPS and ComplexTPS \"types\". Then, the higher level out-of-place functions for both TPS and TempTPS, which do different things with the result, will use these in-place functions.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The out-of-place functions for TPS are defined in operators.jl, and the out-of-place functions for TempTPS are defined in fastgtpsa/operators.jl.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#Fast-GTPSA-Macros","page":"For Developers","title":"Fast GTPSA Macros","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! macros work by changes all arithmetic operators in different Julia arithmetic operators with the same operator precedence and unary operator capabilities. These special operators then dispatch on functions that use the temporaries when a TPS or TempTPS is passed, else default to their original operators, thereby making it completely transparent to non-TPS types. Both + and - must work as unary operators, and there is a very short list of allowed ones shown here. The other arithmetic operators were chosen somewhat randomly from the top of the same file, next to prec-plus, prec-times, and prec-power which defines the operator precedences. By taking this approach, we relieve ourselves of having to rewrite PEMDAS and instead let the Julia do it for us.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"All arithmetic operators are changed to GTPSA.:, e.g. + → GTPSA.:±. All non-arithmetic operators that are supported by GTPSA are then changed to GTPSA.__t_, e.g. sin → GTPSA.__t_sin, where the prefix __t_ is also chosen somewhat arbitrarily. These operators are all defined in fastgtpsa/operators.jl, and when they encounter a TPS type, they use the temporaries, and when other number types are detected, they fallback to the regular, non-__t_ operator. This approach works extraordinarily well, and introduces no problems externally because none of these functions/symbols are exported.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#Calling-the-C-library-with-pointer-to-pointers","page":"For Developers","title":"Calling the C-library with pointer-to-pointers","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"All of the GTPSA map functions required a vector of TPS as input, in C **tpsa. In Julia, this works automatically for Vector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}} by specifying the C argument type in the C call as ::Ptr{TPS64} or ::Ptr{ComplexTPS64}. However, in some cases, one might have only a single TPS64 and would like the call the corresponding map function without having to allocate an array. After some experimenting, I've found the following solution to have zero allocations, using compose! as an example:","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"mad_compose!(na, ma::TPS64, nb, mb::AbstractVector{TPS64}, mc::TPS64) = GC.@preserve ma mc @ccall MAD_TPSA.mad_tpsa_compose(Cint(na)::Cint, Ref(pointer_from_objref(ma))::Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint(nb)::Cint, mb::Ptr{TPS64}, Ref(pointer_from_objref(mc))::Ptr{Cvoid})::Cvoid","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#Low-Level","page":"For Developers","title":"Low-Level","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"Below is documentation for every single 1-to-1 C function in the GTPSA library. If there is any function missing, please submit an issue to GTPSA.jl.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#Monomial","page":"For Developers","title":"Monomial","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"GTPSA.mad_mono_add!\nGTPSA.mad_mono_cat!\nGTPSA.mad_mono_cmp\nGTPSA.mad_mono_copy!\nGTPSA.mad_mono_eq\nGTPSA.mad_mono_eqn\nGTPSA.mad_mono_fill!\nGTPSA.mad_mono_le\nGTPSA.mad_mono_lt\nGTPSA.mad_mono_max\nGTPSA.mad_mono_min\nGTPSA.mad_mono_ord\nGTPSA.mad_mono_ordp\nGTPSA.mad_mono_ordpf\nGTPSA.mad_mono_print\nGTPSA.mad_mono_prt!\nGTPSA.mad_mono_rcmp\nGTPSA.mad_mono_rev!\nGTPSA.mad_mono_str!\nGTPSA.mad_mono_sub!","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_add!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_add!","text":"mad_mono_add!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nSets monomial r = a + b.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Source monomial a\nb – Source monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination monomial, r = a + b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_cat!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_cat!","text":"mad_mono_cat!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, m::Cint, b::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nSets monomial r equal to the concatenation of the monomials a and b\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomonial a\na – Source monomial a\nm – Length of monomial b\nb – Source monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination monomial of concatenation of a and b (length n+m)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_cmp","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_cmp","text":"mad_mono_cmp(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nCompares monomial a to monomial b, and returns the first difference in the lowest order variables.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Monomial a\nb – Monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nret – First a[i]-b[i] != 0\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_copy!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_copy!","text":"mad_mono_copy!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nCopies monomial a to monomial r. \n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Source monomial\nr – Destination monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_eq","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_eq","text":"mad_mono_eq(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool\n\nChecks if the monomial a is equal to the monomial b.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Monomial a\nb – Monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if the monomials are equal, false if otherwise\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_eqn","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_eqn","text":"mad_mono_eqn(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Cuchar)::Bool\n\n???\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_fill!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_fill!","text":"mad_mono_fill!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, v::Cuchar)\n\nFills the monomial a with the value v.\n\nInput\n\nn – Monomial length\na – Monomial\nv – Value\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_le","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_le","text":"mad_mono_le(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool\n\nChecks if monomial a is less than or equal to monomial b.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Monomial a\nb – Monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if a <= mono_b, false otherwise\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_lt","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_lt","text":"mad_mono_lt(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool\n\nChecks if monomial a is less than monomial b.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Monomial a\nb – Monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if a < b, false otherwise\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_max","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_max","text":"mad_mono_max(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar\n\nReturns the maximum order of the monomial.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomial\na – Monomial\n\nOutput\n\nmo – Maximum order of monomial a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_min","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_min","text":"mad_mono_min(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar\n\nReturns the minimum order of the monomial.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomial\na – Monomial\n\nOutput\n\nmo – Mininum order of monomial a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_ord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_ord","text":"mad_mono_ord(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nReturns the sum of the orders of the monomial a.\n\nInput\n\nn – Monomial length\na – Monomial\n\nOutput\n\ns – Sum of orders of monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_ordp","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_ordp","text":"mad_mono_ordp(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, stp::Cint)::Cdouble\n\nReturns the product of each stp-th order in monomial a. For example, stp = 2 collects every order in the monomial with a step of 2 between each. As a is a pointer, the product can be started at any element in the monomial.\n\nInput\n\nn – Monomial length\na – Monomial as byte array\nstp – Step over which orders to include in the product\n\nOutput\n\np – Product of orders of monomial separated by stp.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_ordpf","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_ordpf","text":"mad_mono_ordpf(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, stp::Cint)::Cdouble\n\nReturns the product of factorials each stp-th order in monomial a. For example, stp = 2 collects every order in the monomial with a step of 2 between each. As a is a pointer, the product can be started at any element in the monomial.\n\nInput\n\nn – Monomial length\na – Monomial as byte array\nstp – Step over which orders to include in the product of factorials\n\nOutput\n\np – Product of factorials of orders of monomial separated by stp\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_print","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_print","text":"mad_mono_print(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, sep_::Cstring, fp_::Ptr{Cvoid})\n\nPrints the monomial to stdout.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomial\na – Source monomial to print to stdout\nsep_ – Separator string\nfp_ – C FILE pointer, if null will print to stdout\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_prt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_prt!","text":"mad_mono_prt(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, s::Ptr{Cuchar})::Cstring\n\nWrites the monomial defined by the byte array a (with orders stored as hexadecimal) into a null terminated string s.\n\nInput\n\nn – Monomial and string length\na – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nret – Monomial as string\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_rcmp","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_rcmp","text":"mad_mono_rcmp(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nCompares monomial a to monomial b starting from the right (when the monomials are ordered by variable, which is almost never the case) and returns the first difference in the lowest order variables. \n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Monomial a\nb – Monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nret – First a[i]-b[i] != 0 where i starts from the end.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_rev!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_rev!","text":"mad_mono_rev!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nSets destination monomial r equal to the reverse of source monomial a.\n\nInput\n\nn – Lengths of monomials\na – Source monomial a\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination monomial of reverse monomial a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_str!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_str!","text":"mad_mono_str!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, s::Cstring)::Cint\n\nWrites the monomial defined in the string s, which stores the orders in a human-readable format (e.g. 10 is 10, not 0xa), into the byte array a with the orders specified in hexadecimal.\n\nInput\n\nn – Monomial and string length\ns – Monomial as string \"[0-9]*\"\n\nOutput\n\na – Monomial as a byte array converted from the input string\ni – Adjusted size n of byte array if '\u0000' found\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_sub!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_sub!","text":"mad_mono_sub!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nSets monomial r = a - b.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Source monomial a\nb – Source monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination monomial, r = a - b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#Desc","page":"For Developers","title":"Desc","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"GTPSA.Desc\nGTPSA.mad_desc_del!\nGTPSA.mad_desc_getnv!\nGTPSA.mad_desc_idxm\nGTPSA.mad_desc_idxs\nGTPSA.mad_desc_idxsm\nGTPSA.mad_desc_info\nGTPSA.mad_desc_isvalidm\nGTPSA.mad_desc_isvalids\nGTPSA.mad_desc_isvalidsm\nGTPSA.mad_desc_maxlen\nGTPSA.mad_desc_maxord\nGTPSA.mad_desc_mono!\nGTPSA.mad_desc_newv\nGTPSA.mad_desc_newvp\nGTPSA.mad_desc_newvpo\nGTPSA.mad_desc_nxtbyord\nGTPSA.mad_desc_nxtbyvar\nGTPSA.mad_desc_paropsth!","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.Desc","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.Desc","text":"`Desc`\n\nThis is a 1-to-1 struct for the C definition desc (descriptor) in GTPSA. Descriptors include all information about the TPSA, including the number of variables/parameters and their orders, lookup tables for the monomials, monomial indexing function, and pre-allocated permanent temporaries for fast evaluation.\n\nFields\n\nid::Cint – Index in list of registered descriptors\nnn::Cint – Number of variables + number of parameters, nn = nv+np <= 100000\nnv::Cint – Number of variables\nnp::Cint – Number of parameters\nmo::Cuchar – Max order of both variables AND parameters\npo::Cuchar – Max order of parameters\nno::Ptr{Cuchar} – Array of orders of each variable (first nv entries) and parameters (last np entries), length nn. Note: In C this is const\nuno::Cint – User provided array of orders of each variable/parameter (with mad_desc_newvpo)\nnth::Cint – Max number of threads or 1\nnc::Cuint – Number of coefficients (max length of TPSA)\npmul::Cuint – Threshold for parallel mult (0 = disable)\npcomp::Cuint – Threshold for parallel compose (0 = disable)\nshared::Ptr{Cint} – counter of shared desc (all tables below except prms)\nmonos::Ptr{Cuchar} – 'Matrix' storing the monomials (sorted by variable)\nords::Ptr{Cuchar} – Order of each monomial of To\nprms::Ptr{Cuchar} – Order of parameters in each monomial of To (zero = no parameters)\nTo::Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}} – Table by orders - pointers to monomials, sorted by order\nTv::Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}} – Table by vars - pointers to monomials, sorted by variable\nocs::Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}} – ocs[t,i] -> o in mul, compute o on thread t 3 <= o <= mo aterminated with 0\nord2idx::Ptr{Cint} – Order to polynomial start index in To (i.e. in TPSA coef)\ntv2to::Ptr{Cint} – Lookup tv->to\nto2tv::Ptr{Cint} – Lookup to->tv\nH::Ptr{Cint} – Indexing matrix in Tv\nL::Ptr{Ptr{Cint}} – Multiplication indexes L[oa,ob]->L_ord L_ord[ia,ib]->ic\nL_idx::Ptr{Ptr{Ptr{Cint}}} – L_idx[oa,ob]->[start] [split] [end] idxs in L\nsize::Culonglong – Bytes used by desc. Unsigned Long Int: In 32 bit system is Int32 but 64 bit is Int64. Using Culonglong assuming 64 bit\nt::Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}} – Temporary array contains 8 pointers to TPS{Float64}s already initialized\nct::Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}} – Temporary array contains 8 pointers to TPS{ComplexF64}s already initialized\nti::Ptr{Cint} – idx of tmp used by each thread (length = # threads)\ncti::Ptr{Cint} – idx of tmp used by each thread (length = # threads) \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_del!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_del!","text":"mad_desc_del!(d_::Ptr{Desc})\n\nCalls the destructor for the passed descriptor.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_getnv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_getnv!","text":"mad_desc_getnv!(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo_::Ref{Cuchar}, np_::Ref{Cint}, po_::Ref{Cuchar}::Cint\n\nReturns the number of variables in the descriptor, and sets the passed mo_, np_, and po_ to the maximum order, number of parameters, and parameter order respectively.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\n\nOutput\n\nmo_ – (Optional) Maximum order of the descriptor\nnp_ – (Optional) Number of parameters of the descriptor\npo_ – (Optional) Parameter order of the descriptor\nret – Number of variables in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_idxm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_idxm","text":"mad_desc_idxm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nReturns the index of the monomial as byte array m in the descriptor, or -1 if the monomial is invalid.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – Monomial length\nm – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nret – Monomial index or -1 if invalid\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_idxs","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_idxs","text":"mad_desc_idxs(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cint\n\nReturns the index of the monomial as string s in the descriptor, or -1 if the monomial is invalid.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – String length or 0 if unknown\ns – Monomial as string \"[0-9]*\"\n\nOutput\n\nret – Monomial index or -1 if invalid monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_idxsm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_idxsm","text":"mad_desc_idxsm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cint\n\nReturns the index of the monomial as sparse monomial m, indexed as [(i,o)], in the descriptor, or -1 if the monomial is invalid.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – Monomial length\nm – Sparse monomial [(idx,ord)]\n\nOutput\n\nret – Monomial index or -1 if invalid\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_info","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_info","text":"mad_desc_info(d::Ptr{Desc}, fp::Ptr{Cvoid})\n\nFor debugging.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor to debug\nfp – File to write to. If null, will write to stdout\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_isvalidm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_isvalidm","text":"mad_desc_isvalidm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool\n\nChecks if monomial as byte array m is valid given maximum order of descriptor.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if valid, false if invalid\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_isvalids","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_isvalids","text":"mad_desc_isvalids(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Bool\n\nChecks if monomial as string s is valid given maximum order of descriptor.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – Monomial string length\ns – Monomial as string \"[0-9]*\"\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if valid, false if invalid\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_isvalidsm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_isvalidsm","text":"mad_desc_isvalidsm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Bool\n\nChecks the monomial as sparse monomial m (monomial stored as sequence of integers with each pair [(i,o)] such that i = index, o = order) is valid given the maximum order of the descriptor.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Sparse monomial [(idx, ord)]\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if valid, false if invalid\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_maxlen","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_maxlen","text":"mad_desc_maxlen(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)::Cint\n\nGets the maximum length of the TPSA given an order. \n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nmo – Order (ordlen(maxord) == maxlen)\n\nOutput\n\nret – monomials in 0..order\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_maxord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_maxord","text":"mad_desc_maxord(d::Ptr{Desc}, nn::Cint, no_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar\n\nSets the order of the variables and parameters of the TPSA to those specified in no_ and returns the maximum order of the TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nnn – Number of variables + number of parameters, no_[1..nn]\nno_ – (Optional) Orders of parameters to be filled if provided\n\nOutput\n\nret – Maximum order of TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_mono!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_mono!","text":"mad_desc_mono!(d::Ptr{Desc}, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_::Vector{Cuchar}, p_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar\n\nReturns the order of the monomial at index i, and if n and m_ are provided, then will also fill m_ with the monomial at this index. Also will optionally return the order of the parameters in the monomial if p_ is provided\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\ni – Slot index (must be valid)\nn – Monomial length (must be provided if m_ is to be filled)\n\nOutput\n\nret – Monomial order at slot index\nm_ – (Optional) Monomial to fill if provided\np_ – (Optional) Order of parameters in monomial if provided\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_newv","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_newv","text":"mad_desc_newv(nv::Cint, mo::Cuchar)::Ptr{Desc}\n\nCreates a TPSA descriptor with the specified number of variables and maximum order. The number of parameters is set to 0.\n\nInput\n\nnv – Number of variables in the TPSA\nmo – Maximum order of TPSA, mo = max(1, mo)\n\nOutput\n\nret – Descriptor with the specified number of variables and maximum order\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_newvp","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_newvp","text":"mad_desc_newvp(nv::Cint, mo::Cuchar, np_::Cint, po_::Cuchar)::Ptr{Desc}\n\nCreates a TPSA descriptor with the specifed number of variables, maximum order, number of parameters, and parameter order.\n\nInput\n\nnv – Number of variables\nmo – Maximum order of TPSA INCLUDING PARAMETERS, mo = max(1, mo)\nnp_ – (Optional) Number of parameters, default is 0\npo_ – (Optional) Order of parameters, po = max(1, po_)\n\nOutput\n\nret – Descriptor with the specified nv, mo, np, and po\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_newvpo","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_newvpo","text":"mad_desc_newvpo(nv::Cint, mo::Cuchar, np_::Cint, po_::Cuchar, no_::Vector{Cuchar})::Ptr{Desc}\n\nCreates a TPSA descriptor with the specifed number of variables, maximum order for both variables and parameters, number of parameters, parameter order, and individual variable/parameter orders specified in no. The first nv entries in no correspond to the variables' orders and the next np entries correspond the parameters' orders.\n\nInput\n\nnv – Number of variables\nmo – Maximum order of TPSA (mo = max(mo , no[0 :nn-1]), nn = nv+np)\nnp_ – (Optional) Number of parameters, default is 0\npo_ – (Optional) Order of parameters (po = max(po_, no[nv:nn-1]), po <= mo)\nno_ – (Optional) Array of orders of variables and parameters\n\nOutput\n\nret – Descriptor with the specified nv, mo, np, po, no.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_nxtbyord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_nxtbyord","text":"mad_desc_nxtbyord(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nReturns the next monomial after monomial m in the TPSA when sorted by order.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – Monomial length\nm – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nidx – Monomial index or -1 if no valid next monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_nxtbyvar","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_nxtbyvar","text":"mad_desc_nxtbyvar(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nReturns the next monomial after monomial m in the TPSA when sorted by variable.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – Monomial length\nm – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nidx – Monomial index or -1 if no valid next monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_paropsth!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_paropsth!","text":"mad_desc_paropsth!(d::Ptr{Desc}, mult_, comp_)\n\nSets the parallelised operations thresholds for multiplication (mult_) and/or composition (comp_). Will return in mult_ and/or comp_ the previous threshold.\n\nInput\n\nmult_ – (Optional) Ptr{Cint} to new multiplication OMP parallelization threshold\ncomp_ – (Optional) Ptr{Cint} to new composition OMP parallelization threshold\n\nOutput\n\nmult_ – (Optional) old multiplication parallelization threshold\ncomp_ – (Optional) old composition parallelization threshold\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#TPS{Float64}","page":"For Developers","title":"TPS{Float64}","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_abs!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_acc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_acos!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_acosh!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_acot!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_acoth!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_add!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_asin!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinh!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinhc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_atan!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_atan2!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_atanh!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpb!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpbypc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypb!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypbvwpc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypbzpc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_clear!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_clrord!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_compose!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_convert!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_copy!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cos!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cosh!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cot!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_coth!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpyi!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpym!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpys!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpysm!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cutord!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cycle!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_debug\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_del!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_density\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_deriv!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_derivm!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_desc\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_dif!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_div!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_equ\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_erf!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_erfc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_eval!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_exp!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_exppb!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_fgrad!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_fld2vec!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_geti\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_getm\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_getord!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_gets\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_getsm\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_getv!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_hypot!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_hypot3!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxm\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxs\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxsm\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_init!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_integ!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_inv!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_invsqrt!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_isnul\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_isval\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_isvalid\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_len\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_liebra!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_log!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_logpb!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_logxdy!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_maxord!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_mconv!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_minv!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_mnrm\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_mo!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_mono!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_mord\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_mul!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_nam\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_new\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_newd\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_nrm\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_ord\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_ordv\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_pminv!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_poisbra!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_pow!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_powi!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_pown!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_print\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan_coef!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan_hdr\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_scl!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sclord!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_seti!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_setm!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_setprm!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sets!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_setsm!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_setv!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_setval!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_setvar!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sin!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sincos!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sincosh!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinh!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinhc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sqrt!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sub!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_tan!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_tanh!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_taylor!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_taylor_h!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_translate!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_uid!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_unit!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_update!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_vec2fld!","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_abs!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_abs!","text":"mad_tpsa_abs!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the absolute value of TPSA a. Specifically, the result contains a TPSA with the abs of all coefficients.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = |a|\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acc!","text":"mad_tpsa_acc!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)\n\nAdds a*v to TPSA c. Aliasing OK.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c += v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acos!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acos!","text":"mad_tpsa_acos!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acos of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = acos(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acosh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acosh!","text":"mad_tpsa_acosh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acosh of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA `c = acosh(a)'\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acot!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acot!","text":"mad_tpsa_acot!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acot of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = acot(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acoth!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acoth!","text":"mad_tpsa_acoth!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acoth of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA `c = acoth(a)'\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_add!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_add!","text":"mad_tpsa_add!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a + b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a + b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asin!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asin!","text":"mad_tpsa_asin!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asin of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = asin(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinc!","text":"mad_tpsa_asinc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asinc(a) = asin(a)/a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = asinc(a) = asin(a)/a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinh!","text":"mad_tpsa_asinh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asinh of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA `c = asinh(a)'\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinhc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinhc!","text":"mad_tpsa_asinhc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asinhc of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA `c = asinhc(a)'\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_atan!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_atan!","text":"mad_tpsa_atan!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the atan of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = atan(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_atan2!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_atan2!","text":"mad_tpsa_atan2!(y::RealTPS, x::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA r to atan2(y,x)\n\nInput\n\ny – Source TPSA y\nx – Source TPSA x\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r = atan2(y,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_atanh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_atanh!","text":"mad_tpsa_atanh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the atanh of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA `c = atanh(a)'\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!","text":"mad_tpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, y::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, z::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = a*x^2 + b*y^2 + c*z^2\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb – Scalar b\ny – TPSA y\nc – Scalar c\nz – TPSA z\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpb!","text":"mad_tpsa_axpb!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = a*x + b\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb – Scalar b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpbypc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpbypc!","text":"mad_tpsa_axpbypc!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, y::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = a*x + b*y + c\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb – Scalar b\ny – TPSA y\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!","text":"mad_tpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!(x::RealTPS, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2)\n\nInput\n\nx – TPSA x\na – Scalar a\nb – Scalar b\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypb!","text":"mad_tpsa_axypb!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb – Scalar b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypbvwpc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypbvwpc!","text":"mad_tpsa_axypbvwpc!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, v::RealTPS, w::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b*v*w + c\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb – Scalar b\nv – TPSA v\nw – TPSA w\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypbzpc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypbzpc!","text":"mad_tpsa_axypbzpc!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, z::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b*z + c\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb – Scalar b\nz – TPSA z\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_clear!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_clear!","text":"mad_tpsa_clear!(t::RealTPS)\n\nClears the TPSA (reset to 0)\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_clrord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_clrord!","text":"mad_tpsa_clrord!(t::RealTPS, ord::Cuchar)\n\nClears all monomial coefficients of the TPSA at order ord\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nord – Order to clear monomial coefficients\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_compose!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_compose!","text":"mad_tpsa_compose!(na::Cint, ma, nb::Cint, mb, mc)\n\nComposes two maps.\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in map ma\nma – map ma\nnb – Number of TPSAs in map mb\nmb – map mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Composition of maps ma and mb\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_convert!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_convert!","text":"mad_tpsa_convert!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)\n\nGeneral function to convert TPSAs to different orders and reshuffle canonical coordinates. The destination TPSA will be of order n, and optionally have the variable reshuffling defined by t2r_ and poisson bracket sign. e.g. if t2r_ = {1,2,3,4,6,5} and pb = -1, canonical coordinates 6 and 5 are swapped and the new 5th canonical coordinate will be negated. Useful for comparing with different differential algebra packages.\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nn – Length of vector\nt2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup\npb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA with specified order and canonical coordinate reshuffling.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_copy!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_copy!","text":"mad_tpsa_copy!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nMakes a copy of the TPSA t to r.\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cos!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cos!","text":"mad_tpsa_cos!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the cos of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cosh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cosh!","text":"mad_tpsa_cosh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the cosh of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cot!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cot!","text":"mad_tpsa_cot!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the cot of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = cot(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_coth!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_coth!","text":"mad_tpsa_coth!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the coth of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = coth(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpyi!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpyi!","text":"mad_tpsa_cpyi!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, i::Cint)\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at index i in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \ni – Index of monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpym!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpym!","text":"mad_tpsa_cpym!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-vector-of-orders m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \nn – Length of monomial m\nm – Monomial as vector of orders\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpys!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpys!","text":"mad_tpsa_cpys!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-string-of-order s in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \nn – Length of string\ns – Monomial as string\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpysm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpysm!","text":"mad_tpsa_cpysm!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-sparse-monomial m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \nn – Length of monomial m\nm – Monomial as sparse-monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cutord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cutord!","text":"mad_tpsa_cutord!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, ord::Cint)\n\nCuts the TPSA off at the given order and above, or if ord is negative, will cut orders below abs(ord) (e.g. if ord = -3, then orders 0-3 are cut off).\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nord – Cut order: 0..-ord or\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cycle!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cycle!","text":"mad_tpsa_cycle!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_, v_)::Cint\n\nUsed for scanning through each nonzero monomial in the TPSA. Given a starting index (-1 if starting at 0), will optionally fill monomial m_ with the monomial at index i and the value at v_ with the monomials coefficient, and return the next NONZERO monomial index in the TPSA. This is useful for building an iterator through the TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to scan\ni – Index to start from (-1 to start at 0)\nn – Length of monomial\nm_ – (Optional) Monomial to be filled if provided\nv_ – (Optional) Pointer to value of coefficient\n\nOutput\n\ni – Index of next nonzero monomial in the TPSA, or -1 if reached the end\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_debug","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_debug","text":"mad_tpsa_debug(t::RealTPS, name_::Cstring, fnam_::Cstring, line_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Cint\n\nPrints TPSA with all information of data structure.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nname_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA\nfnam_ – (Optional) File name to print to\nline_ – (Optional) Line number in file to start at\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to print to, default is stdout\n\nOutput\n\nret – Cint reflecting internal state of TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_del!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_del!","text":"mad_tpsa_del!(t::Ptr{TPS{Float64}})\n\nCalls the destructor for the TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to destruct\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_density","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_density","text":"mad_tpsa_density(t::RealTPS, stat_, reset::Bool)::Cdouble\n\nComputes the ratio of nz/nc in [0] U [lo,hi] or stat_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_deriv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_deriv!","text":"mad_tpsa_deriv!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, iv::Cint)\n\nDifferentiates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA to differentiate\niv – Index of variable to take derivative wrt to (e.g. derivative wrt x, iv = 1). \n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_derivm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_derivm!","text":"mad_tpsa_derivm!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nDifferentiates TPSA with respect to the monomial defined by byte array m.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA to differentiate\nn – Length of monomial to differentiate wrt\nm – Monomial to take derivative wrt\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_desc","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_desc","text":"mad_tpsa_desc(t::RealTPS)::Ptr{Desc}\n\nGets the descriptor for the TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – Descriptor for the TPS{Float64}\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_dif!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_dif!","text":"mad_tpsa_dif!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nFor each homogeneous polynomial in TPSAs a and b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:\n\nc_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_div!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_div!","text":"mad_tpsa_div!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a / b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a / b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_equ","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_equ","text":"mad_tpsa_equ(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, tol_::Cdouble)::Bool\n\nChecks if the TPSAs a and b are equal within the specified tolerance tol_. If tol_ is not specified, DBL_GTPSA.show_epsILON is used.\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA a\nb – TPSA b\ntol_ – (Optional) Difference below which the TPSAs are considered equal\n\nOutput\n\nret - True if a == b within tol_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_erf!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_erf!","text":"mad_tpsa_erf!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the erf of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA `c = erf(a)'\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_erfc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_erfc!","text":"mad_tpsa_erfc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the erfc of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA `c = erfc(a)'\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_eval!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_eval!","text":"mad_tpsa_eval!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{Cdouble}, tc::Vector{Cdouble})\n\nEvaluates the map at the point tb\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in the map\nma – map ma\nnb – Length of tb\ntb – Point at which to evaluate the map\n\nOutput\n\ntc – Values for each TPSA in the map evaluated at the point tb\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_exp!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_exp!","text":"mad_tpsa_exp!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the exponential of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = exp(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_exppb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_exppb!","text":"mad_tpsa_exppb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})\n\nComputes the exponential of fgrad of the vector fields ma and mb, literally exppb(ma, mb) = mb + fgrad(ma, mb) + fgrad(ma, fgrad(ma, mb))/2! + ...\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma and mb\nma – Vector of TPSA ma\nmb – Vector of TPSA mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Destination vector of TPSA mc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_fgrad!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_fgrad!","text":"mad_tpsa_fgrad!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nCalculates dot(ma, grad(b))\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma consistent with number of variables in b\nma – Vector of TPSA\nb – TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nc – dot(ma, grad(b))\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_fld2vec!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_fld2vec!","text":"mad_tpsa_fld2vec!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, c::RealTPS)\n\nAssuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the Hamiltonian one obtains from ther vector field (in the form [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...])\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSA in ma consistent with number of variables in c\nma – Vector field \n\nOutput\n\nc – Hamiltonian as a TPSA derived from the vector field ma\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_geti","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_geti","text":"mad_tpsa_geti(t::RealTPS, i::Cint)::Cdouble\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial at index i. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Monomial index\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial at index i\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getm","text":"mad_tpsa_getm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cdouble\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a byte array. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getord!","text":"mad_tpsa_getord!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, ord::Cuchar)\n\nExtract one homogeneous polynomial of the given order\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nord – Order to retrieve\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_gets","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_gets","text":"mad_tpsa_gets(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cdouble\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial s defined as a string. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial s in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getsm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getsm","text":"mad_tpsa_getsm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cdouble\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a sparse monomial. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as sparse monomial\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getv!","text":"mad_tpsa_getv!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v)\n\nVectorized getter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for extracting the 1st order parts of a TPSA to construct a matrix (i = 1, n = nv+np = nn). \n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Starting index of monomials to get coefficients\nn – Number of monomials to get coefficients of starting at i\n\nOutput\n\nv – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_hypot!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_hypot!","text":"mad_tpsa_hypot!(x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA r to sqrt(x^2+y^2). Used to oversimplify polymorphism in code but not optimized\n\nInput\n\nx – Source TPSA x\ny – Source TPSA y\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r = sqrt(x^2+y^2)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_hypot3!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_hypot3!","text":"mad_tpsa_hypot3!(x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, z::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA r to sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2). Does NOT allow for r = x, y, z !!!\n\nInput\n\nx – Source TPSA x\ny – Source TPSA y\nz – Source TPSA z\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxm","text":"mad_tpsa_idxm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nReturns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a byte array\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nret – Index of monomial in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxs","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxs","text":"mad_tpsa_idxs(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cint\n\nReturns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as string. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\n\nOutput\n\nret – Index of monomial in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxsm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxsm","text":"mad_tpsa_idxsm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cint\n\nReturns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a sparse monomial. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as sparse monomial\n\nOutput\n\nret – Index of monomial in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_init!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_init!","text":"mad_tpsa_init(t::RealTPS, d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)::RealTPS\n\nUnsafe initialization of an already existing TPSA t with maximum order mo to the descriptor d. mo must be less than the maximum order of the descriptor. t is modified in place and also returned.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to initialize to descriptor d\nd – Descriptor\nmo – Maximum order of the TPSA (must be less than maximum order of the descriptor)\n\nOutput\n\nt – TPSA initialized to descriptor d with maximum order mo\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_integ!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_integ!","text":"mad_tpsa_integ!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, iv::Cint)\n\nIntegrates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA to integrate\niv – Index of variable to integrate over (e.g. integrate over x, iv = 1). \n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_inv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_inv!","text":"mad_tpsa_inv!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v/a. \n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v/a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_invsqrt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_invsqrt!","text":"mad_tpsa_invsqrt!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v/sqrt(a). \n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v/sqrt(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_isnul","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_isnul","text":"mad_tpsa_isnul(t::RealTPS)::Bool\n\nChecks if TPSA is 0 or not\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to check\n\nOutput\n\nret – True or false\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_isval","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_isval","text":"mad_tpsa_isval(t::RealTPS)::Bool\n\nSanity check of the TPSA integrity.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to check if valid\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_isvalid","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_isvalid","text":"mad_tpsa_isvalid(t::RealTPS)::Bool\n\nSanity check of the TPSA integrity.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to check if valid\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_len","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_len","text":"mad_tpsa_len(t::RealTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cint\n\nGets the length of the TPSA itself (e.g. the descriptor may be order 10 but TPSA may only be order 2)\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nhi_ – If true, returns the length up to the hi order in the TPSA, else up to mo. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nret – Length of TPS{Float64}\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_liebra!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_liebra!","text":"mad_tpsa_liebra!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})\n\nComputes the Lie bracket of the vector fields ma and mb, defined as sumi mai (dmb/dxi) - mbi (dma/dx_i).\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma and mb\nma – Vector of TPSA ma\nmb – Vector of TPSA mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Destination vector of TPSA mc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_log!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_log!","text":"mad_tpsa_log!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the log of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = log(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!","text":"mad_tpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!(x::RealTPS, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = log(a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2))\n\nInput\n\nx – TPSA x\na – Scalar a\nb – Scalar b\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_logpb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_logpb!","text":"mad_tpsa_logpb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})\n\nComputes the log of the Poisson bracket of the vector of TPSA ma and mb; the result is the vector field F used to evolve to ma from mb.\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma and mb\nma – Vector of TPSA ma\nmb – Vector of TPSA mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Destination vector of TPSA mc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_logxdy!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_logxdy!","text":"mad_tpsa_logxdy!(x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = log(x / y)\n\nInput\n\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_maxord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_maxord!","text":"mad_tpsa_maxord!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, idx_::Vector{Cint})::Cint\n\nReturns the index to the monomial with maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA for all orders 0 to n. If idx_ is provided, it is filled with the indices for the maximum abs(coefficient) monomial for each order up to n. \n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Highest order to include in finding the maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA, length of idx_ if provided\n\nOutput\n\nidx_ – (Optional) If provided, is filled with indices to the monomial for each order up to n with maximum abs(coefficient)\nmi – Index to the monomial in the TPSA with maximum abs(coefficient)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mconv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mconv!","text":"mad_tpsa_mconv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nc::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)\n\nEquivalent to mad_tpsa_convert, but applies the conversion to all TPSAs in the map ma.\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in the map\nma – map ma\nnc – Number of TPSAs in the output map mc\nn – Length of vector (size of t2r_)\nt2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup\npb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd\n\nOutput\n\nmc – map mc with specified conversions \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_minv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_minv!","text":"mad_tpsa_minv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})\n\nInverts the map. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.\n\nInput\n\nna – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)\nma – Map ma\nnb – Output map length (generally = nv)\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Inversion of map ma\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mnrm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mnrm","text":"mad_tpsa_mnrm(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}})::Cdouble\n\nComputes the norm of the map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map).\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in the map\nma – map ma\n\nOutput\n\nnrm – Norm of map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mo!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mo!","text":"mad_tpsa_mo!(t::RealTPS, mo::Cuchar)::Cuchar\n\nSets the maximum order mo of the TPSA t, and returns the original mo. mo_ should be less than or equal to the allocated order ao.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nmo_ – Maximum order to set the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – Original mo of the TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mono!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mono!","text":"mad_tpsa_mono!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_::Vector{Cuchar}, p_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar\n\nReturns the order of the monomial at index i in the TPSA and optionally the monomial at that index is returned in m_ and the order of parameters in the monomial in p_\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Index valid in TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\n\nOutput\n\nm_ – (Optional) Monomial at index i in TPSA\np_ – (Optional) Order of parameters in monomial\nret – Order of monomial in TPSA at index i\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mord","text":"mad_tpsa_mord(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, hi::Bool)::Cuchar\n\nIf hi is false, getting the maximum mo among all TPSAs in ma. If hi is true, gets the maximum hi of the map instead of mo\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of map ma\nma – Map (vector of TPSAs)\nhi – If true, returns maximum hi, else returns maximum mo of the map\n\nOutput\n\nret – Maximum hi of the map if hi is true, else returns maximum mo of the map\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mul!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mul!","text":"mad_tpsa_mul!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a * b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a * b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_nam","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_nam","text":"mad_tpsa_nam(t::RealTPS, nam_)::Cstring\n\nGet the name of the TPSA, and will optionally set if nam_ != null\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nnam_ – Name to set the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – Name of TPS{Float64} (null terminated in C)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_new","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_new","text":"mad_tpsa_new(t::Ptr{TPS{Float64}}, mo::Cuchar)\n\nCreates a blank TPSA with same number of variables/parameters of the inputted TPSA, with maximum order specified by mo. If MAD_TPSA_SAME is passed for mo, the mo currently in t is used for the created TPSA. Ok with t=(tpsa_t*)ctpsa\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nmo – Maximum order of new TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – New blank TPSA with maximum order mo\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_newd","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_newd","text":"mad_tpsa_newd(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)\n\nCreates a TPSA defined by the specified descriptor and maximum order. If MAD_TPSA_DEFAULT is passed for mo, the mo defined in the descriptor is used. If mo > d_mo, then mo = d_mo.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nmo – Maximum order\n\nOutput\n\nt – New TPSA defined by the descriptor\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_nrm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_nrm","text":"mad_tpsa_nrm(a::RealTPS)::Cdouble\n\nCalculates the 1-norm of TPSA a (sum of abs of all coefficients)\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nnrm – 1-Norm of TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_ord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_ord","text":"mad_tpsa_ord(t::RealTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cuchar\n\nGets the TPSA maximum order, or hi if hi_ is true.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nhi_ – Set true if hi is returned, else mo is returned\n\nOutput\n\nret – Order of TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_ordv","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_ordv","text":"mad_tpsa_ordv(t::RealTPS, ts::RealTPS...)::Cuchar\n\nReturns maximum order of all TPSAs provided.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nts – Variable number of TPSAs passed as parameters\n\nOutput\n\nmo – Maximum order of all TPSAs provided\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_pminv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_pminv!","text":"mad_tpsa_pminv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, select::Vector{Cint})\n\nComputes the partial inverse of the map with only the selected variables, specified by 0s or 1s in select. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.\n\nInput\n\nna – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)\nma – Map ma\nnb – Output map length (generally = nv)\nselect – Array of 0s or 1s defining which variables to do inverse on (atleast same size as na)'\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Partially inverted map using variables specified as 1 in the select array\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_poisbra!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_poisbra!","text":"mad_tpsa_poisbra!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, nv::Cint)\n\nSets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPSAs a and b.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\nnv – Number of variables in the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_pow!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_pow!","text":"mad_tpsa_pow!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a ^ b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_powi!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_powi!","text":"mad_tpsa_powi!(a::RealTPS, n::Cint, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a ^ n where n is an integer.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nn – Integer power\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ n\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_pown!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_pown!","text":"mad_tpsa_pown!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a ^ v where v is of double precision.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – \"double\" precision power\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ v\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_print","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_print","text":"mad_tpsa_print(t::RealTPS, name_::Cstring, eps_::Cdouble, nohdr_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})\n\nPrints the TPSA coefficients with precision eps_. If nohdr_ is not zero, the header is not printed. \n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to print\nname_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA\neps_ – (Optional) Precision to output\nnohdr_ – (Optional) If True, no header is printed\nstream_ – (Optional) FILE pointer of output stream. Default is stdout\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan","text":"mad_tpsa_scan(stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::RealTPS\n\nScans in a TPSA from the stream_.\n\nInput\n\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream from which to read the TPSA, default is stdin\n\nOutput\n\nt – TPSA scanned from I/O stream_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan_coef!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan_coef!","text":"mad_tpsa_scan_coef!(t::RealTPS, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})\n\nRead TPSA coefficients into TPSA t. This should be used with mad_tpsa_scan_hdr for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.\n\nInput\n\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin\n\nOutput\n\nt – TPSA with coefficients scanned from stream_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan_hdr","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan_hdr","text":"mad_tpsa_scan_hdr(kind_::Ref{Cint}, name_::Ptr{Cuchar}, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Ptr{Desc}\n\nRead TPSA header. Returns descriptor for TPSA given the header. This is useful for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.\n\nInput\n\nkind_ – (Optional) Real or complex TPSA, or detect automatically if not provided.\nname_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin\n\nOutput\n\nret – Descriptor for the TPSA \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scl!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scl!","text":"mad_tpsa_scl!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v*a. \n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sclord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sclord!","text":"mad_tpsa_sclord!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, inv::Bool, prm::Bool)\n\nScales all coefficients by order. If inv == 0, scales coefficients by order (derivation), else scales coefficients by 1/order (integration).\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\ninv – Put order up, divide, scale by inv of value of order\nprm – Parameters flag. If set to 0x0, the scaling excludes the order of the parameters in the monomials. Else, scaling is with total order of monomial\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_seti!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_seti!","text":"mad_tpsa_seti!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial at index i to coef[i] = a*coef[i] + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Index of monomial\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setm!","text":"mad_tpsa_setm!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by byte array m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as byte array\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setprm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setprm!","text":"mad_tpsa_setprm!(t::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, ip::Cint)\n\nSets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified parameter, and sets the rest of the variables/parameters to 0. The 1st order value scl_ of a parameter is always 1.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nv – 0th order value (coefficient)\nip – Parameter index (e.g. iv = 1 is nn-nv+1)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sets!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sets!","text":"mad_tpsa_sets!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by string s to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setsm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setsm!","text":"mad_tpsa_setsm!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by sparse monomial m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as sparse monomial\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setv!","text":"mad_tpsa_setv!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v::Vector{Cdouble})\n\nVectorized setter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for putting a matrix into a map.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Starting index of monomials to set coefficients\nn – Number of monomials to set coefficients of starting at i\nv – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setval!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setval!","text":"mad_tpsa_setval!(t::RealTPS, v::Cdouble)\n\nSets the scalar part of the TPSA to v and all other values to 0 (sets the TPSA order to 0).\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to set to scalar\nv – Scalar value to set TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setvar!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setvar!","text":"mad_tpsa_setvar!(t::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, iv::Cint, scl_::Cdouble)\n\nSets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified variable, and sets the rest of the variables/parameters to 0\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nv – 0th order value (coefficient)\niv – Variable index\nscl_ – 1st order variable value (typically will be 1)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sin!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sin!","text":"mad_tpsa_sin!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sin of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sin(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinc!","text":"mad_tpsa_sinc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sinc of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sinc(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sincos!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sincos!","text":"mad_tpsa_sincos!(a::RealTPS, s::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA s = sin(a) and TPSA c = cos(a)\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\ns – Destination TPSA s = sin(a)\nc – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sincosh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sincosh!","text":"mad_tpsa_sincosh!(a::RealTPS, s::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA s = sinh(a) and TPSA c = cosh(a)\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\ns – Destination TPSA s = sinh(a)\nc – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinh!","text":"mad_tpsa_sinh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sinh of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sinh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinhc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinhc!","text":"mad_tpsa_sinhc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sinhc of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sinhc(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sqrt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sqrt!","text":"mad_tpsa_sqrt!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sqrt of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sqrt(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sub!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sub!","text":"mad_tpsa_sub!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a - b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a - b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_tan!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_tan!","text":"mad_tpsa_tan!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the tan of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = tan(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_tanh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_tanh!","text":"mad_tpsa_tanh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the tanh of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = tanh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_taylor!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_taylor!","text":"mad_tpsa_taylor!(a::RealTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{Cdouble}, c::RealTPS)\n\nComputes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA a\nn – Order-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array\ncoef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s\nc – Result\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_taylor_h!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_taylor_h!","text":"mad_tpsa_taylor_h!(a::RealTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{Cdouble}, c::RealTPS)\n\nComputes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a.\n\nSame as mad_tpsa_taylor, but uses Horner's method (which is 50%-100% slower because mul is always full order).\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA a\nn – Order-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array\ncoef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s\nc – Result\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_translate!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_translate!","text":"mad_tpsa_translate!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{Cdouble}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})\n\nTranslates the expansion point of the map by the amount tb.\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAS in the map\nma – map ma\nnb – Length of tb\ntb – Vector of amount to translate for each variable\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Map evaluated at the new point translated tb from the original evaluation point\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_uid!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_uid!","text":"mad_tpsa_uid!(t::RealTPS, uid_::Cint)::Cint\n\nSets the TPSA uid if uid_ != 0, and returns the current (previous if set) TPSA uid. \n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nuid_ – uid to set in the TPSA if uid_ != 0\n\nOutput\n\nret – Current (previous if set) TPSA uid\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_unit!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_unit!","text":"mad_tpsa_unit!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nInterpreting TPSA as a vector, gets the \"unit vector\", e.g. c = a/norm(a). May be useful for checking for convergence.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_update!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_update!","text":"mad_tpsa_update!(t::RealTPS)\n\nUpdates the lo and hi fields of the TPSA to reflect the current state given the lowest/highest nonzero monomial coefficients.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_vec2fld!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_vec2fld!","text":"mad_tpsa_vec2fld!(na::Cint, a::RealTPS, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})\n\nAssuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the vector field (Hamilton's equations) from the passed Hamiltonian, defined as [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...]\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSA in mc consistent with number of variables in a\na – Hamiltonian as a TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Vector field derived from a using Hamilton's equations \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#TPS{ComplexF64}","page":"For Developers","title":"TPS{ComplexF64}","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acc_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acos!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acosh!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acot!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acoth!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_add!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_addt!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asin!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinh!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinhc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_atan!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_atanh!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpb!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpb_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpbypc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpbypc_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypb!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypb_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cabs!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_carg!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_clear!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_clrord!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_compose!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_conj!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_convert!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_copy!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cos!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cosh!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cot!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_coth!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cplx!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpyi!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpym!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpys!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpysm!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cutord!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cycle!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_debug\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_del!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_density\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_deriv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_derivm!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_desc\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_dif!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_dift!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_div!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_divt!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_equ\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_equt\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_erf!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_erfc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_eval!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_exp!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_exppb!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_fgrad!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_fld2vec!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_geti\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_geti_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getm\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getm_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getord!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_gets\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_gets_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getsm\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getsm_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_hypot!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_hypot3!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxm\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxs\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxsm\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_imag!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_init!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_integ!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_inv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_inv_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_invsqrt!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_invsqrt_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isnul\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isval\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isvalid\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_len\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_liebra!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_log!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logpb!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logxdy!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_maxord\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mconv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_minv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mnrm\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mo!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mono!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mord\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mul!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mult!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_nam\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_new\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_newd\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_nrm\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ord\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ordv\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pminv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_poisbra!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_poisbrat!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_polar!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pow!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_powi!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pown!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pown_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_powt!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_print\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_real!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_rect!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan_coef!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan_hdr\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scl!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scl_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sclord!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_seti!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_seti_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setm!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setm_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setprm!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setprm_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sets!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sets_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setsm!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setsm_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setval!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setval_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setvar!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setvar_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sin!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sincos!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sincosh!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinh!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinhc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sqrt!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sub!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_subt!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tan!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tanh!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_taylor!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_taylor_h!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tdif!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tdiv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tpoisbra!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tpow!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_translate!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tsub!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_uid!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_unit!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_update!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_vec2fld!","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_acc!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nAdds a*v to TPSA c. Aliasing OK.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c += v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acc_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acc_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_acc_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nAdds a*v to TPSA c. Aliasing OK. Without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv_re – Real part of scalar with double precision\nv_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c += v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acos!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acos!","text":"mad_ctpsa_acos!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acos of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = acos(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acosh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acosh!","text":"mad_ctpsa_acosh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acosh of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = acosh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acot!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acot!","text":"mad_ctpsa_acot!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acot of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = acot(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acoth!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acoth!","text":"mad_ctpsa_acoth!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acoth of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = acoth(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_add!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_add!","text":"mad_ctpsa_add!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a + b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a + b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_addt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_addt!","text":"mad_ctpsa_addt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a + b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – Source TPS{Float64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a + b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asin!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asin!","text":"mad_ctpsa_asin!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asin of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = asin(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_asinc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asinc(a) = asin(a)/a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = asinc(a) = asin(a)/a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinh!","text":"mad_ctpsa_asinh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asinh of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = asinh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinhc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinhc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_asinhc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asinhc of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = asinhc(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_atan!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_atan!","text":"mad_ctpsa_atan!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the atan of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = atan(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_atanh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_atanh!","text":"mad_ctpsa_atanh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the atanh of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = atanh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!","text":"mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, y::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, z::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x^2 + b*y^2 + c*z^2\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb – Scalar b\ny – TPSA y\nc – Scalar c\nz – TPSA z\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, y::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, z::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x^2 + b*y^2 + c*z^2. Same as mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2 without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\ny – TPSA y\nc_re – Real part of Scalar c\nc_im – Imag part of Scalar c\nz – TPSA z\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpb!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axpb!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x + b\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb – Scalar b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpb_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpb_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axpb_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x + b. Same as mad_ctpsa_axpb without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpbypc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpbypc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axpbypc!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, y::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x+b*y+c\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb – Scalar b\ny – TPSA y\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpbypc_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpbypc_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axpbypc_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, y::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x + b*y + c. Same as mad_ctpsa_axpbypc without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\ny – TPSA y\nc_re – Real part of Scalar c\nc_im – Imag part of Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!(x::ComplexTPS, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2)\n\nInput\n\nx – TPSA x\na – Scalar a\nb – Scalar b\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2_r!(x::ComplexTPS, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2). Same as mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2 without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\nc_re – Real part of Scalar c\nc_im – Imag part of Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypb!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axypb!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb – Scalar b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypb_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypb_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axypb_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b. Same as mad_ctpsa_axypb without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, v::ComplexTPS, w::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b*v*w + c\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb – Scalar b\nv – TPSA v\nw – TPSA w\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, v::ComplexTPS, w::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b*v*w + c. Same as mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\nv – TPSA v\nw – TPSA w\nc_re – Real part of Scalar c\nc_im – Imag part of Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, z::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b*z + c\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb – Scalar b\nz – TPSA z\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, z::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b*z + c. Same as mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\nz – TPSA z\nc_re – Real part of Scalar c\nc_im – Imag part of Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cabs!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cabs!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cabs!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nSets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the aboslute value of TPS{ComplexF64} t. Specifically, the result contains a TPSA with the abs of all coefficients.\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPS{ComplexF64}\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = |t|\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_carg!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_carg!","text":"mad_ctpsa_carg!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nSets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the argument (phase) of TPS{ComplexF64} t\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPS{ComplexF64}\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = carg(t)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_clear!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_clear!","text":"mad_ctpsa_clear!(t::ComplexTPS)\n\nClears the TPSA (reset to 0)\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_clrord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_clrord!","text":"mad_ctpsa_clrord!(t::ComplexTPS, ord::Cuchar)\n\nClears all monomial coefficients of the TPSA at order ord\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nord – Order to clear monomial coefficients\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_compose!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_compose!","text":"mad_ctpsa_compose!(na::Cint, ma, nb::Cint, mb, mc)\n\nComposes two maps.\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in Map ma\nma – Map ma\nnb – Number of TPSAs in Map mb\nmb – Map mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Composition of maps ma and mb\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_conj!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_conj!","text":"mad_ctpsa_conj(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nCalculates the complex conjugate of of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = conj(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_convert!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_convert!","text":"mad_ctpsa_convert!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)\n\nGeneral function to convert TPSAs to different orders and reshuffle canonical coordinates. The destination TPSA will be of order n, and optionally have the variable reshuffling defined by t2r_ and poisson bracket sign. e.g. if t2r_ = {1,2,3,4,6,5} and pb = -1, canonical coordinates 6 and 5 are swapped and the new 5th canonical coordinate will be negated. Useful for comparing with different differential algebra packages.\n\nInput\n\nt – Source complex TPSA\nn – Length of vector\nt2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup\npb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination complex TPSA with specified order and canonical coordinate reshuffling.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_copy!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_copy!","text":"mad_ctpsa_copy!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nMakes a copy of the complex TPSA t to r.\n\nInput\n\nt – Source complex TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination complex TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cos!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cos!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cos!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the cos of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cosh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cosh!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cosh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the cosh of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cot!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cot!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cot!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the cot of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = cot(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_coth!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_coth!","text":"mad_ctpsa_coth!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the coth of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = coth(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cplx!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cplx!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cplx!(re_, im_, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nCreates a TPS{ComplexF64} with real and imaginary parts from the TPS{Float64}s re_ and im_ respectively.\n\nInput\n\nre_ – Real part of TPS{ComplexF64} to make\nim_ – Imaginary part of TPS{ComplexF64} to make\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} with r = re_ + im*im_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpyi!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpyi!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cpyi!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, i::Cint)\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at index i in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \ni – Index of monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpym!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpym!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cpym!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-vector-of-orders m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \nn – Length of monomial m\nm – Monomial as vector of orders\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpys!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpys!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cpys!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-string-of-order s in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \nn – Length of string\ns – Monomial as string\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpysm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpysm!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cpysm!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-sparse-monomial m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \nn – Length of sparse monomial m\nm – Monomial as sparse-monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cutord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cutord!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cutord!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, ord::Cint)\n\nCuts the TPSA off at the given order and above, or if ord is negative, will cut orders below abs(ord) (e.g. if ord = -3, then orders 0-3 are cut off).\n\nInput\n\nt – Source complex TPSA\nord – Cut order: 0..-ord or\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination complex TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cycle!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cycle!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cycle!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_, v_)::Cint\n\nUsed for scanning through each nonzero monomial in the TPSA. Given a starting index (-1 if starting at 0), will optionally fill monomial m_ with the monomial at index i and the value at v_ with the monomials coefficient, and return the next NONZERO monomial index in the TPSA. This is useful for building an iterator through the TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to scan\ni – Index to start from (-1 to start at 0)\nn – Size of monomial\nm_ – (Optional) Monomial to be filled if provided\nv_ – (Optional) Pointer to value of coefficient\n\nOutput\n\ni – Index of next nonzero monomial in the TPSA, or -1 if reached the end\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_debug","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_debug","text":"mad_ctpsa_debug(t::ComplexTPS, name_::Cstring, fnam_::Cstring, line_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Cint\n\nPrints TPSA with all information of data structure.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nname_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA\nfnam_ – (Optional) File name to print to\nline_ – (Optional) Line number in file to start at\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to print to, default is stdout\n\nOutput\n\nret – Cint reflecting internal state of TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_del!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_del!","text":"mad_ctpsa_del!(t::Ptr{TPS{ComplexF64}})\n\nCalls the destructor for the complex TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA to destruct\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_density","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_density","text":"mad_ctpsa_density(t::ComplexTPS, stat_, reset::Bool)::Cdouble\n\nComputes the ratio of nz/nc in [0] U [lo,hi] or stat_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_deriv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_deriv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_deriv!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, iv::Cint)\n\nDifferentiates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA to differentiate\niv – Index of variable to take derivative wrt to (e.g. derivative wrt x, iv = 1). \n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_derivm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_derivm!","text":"mad_ctpsa_derivm!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nDifferentiates TPSA with respect to the monomial defined by byte array m.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA to differentiate\nn – Length of monomial to differentiate wrt\nm – Monomial to take derivative wrt\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_desc","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_desc","text":"mad_ctpsa_desc(t::ComplexTPS)::Ptr{Desc}\n\nGets the descriptor for the complex TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – Descriptor for the TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_dif!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_dif!","text":"mad_ctpsa_dif!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nFor each homogeneous polynomial in TPSAs a and b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:\n\nc_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_dift!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_dift!","text":"mad_ctpsa_dift!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nFor each homogeneous polynomial in TPS{ComplexF64} a and TPS{Float64} b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:\n\nc_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – Source TPS{Float64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_div!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_div!","text":"mad_ctpsa_div!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a / b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a / b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_divt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_divt!","text":"mad_ctpsa_divt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – Source TPS{Float64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_equ","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_equ","text":"mad_ctpsa_equ(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, tol_::Cdouble)::Bool\n\nChecks if the TPSAs a and b are equal within the specified tolerance tol_. If tol_ is not specified, DBL_GTPSA.show_epsILON is used.\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA a\nb – TPSA b\ntol_ – (Optional) Difference below which the TPSAs are considered equal\n\nOutput\n\nret - True if a == b within tol_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_equt","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_equt","text":"mad_ctpsa_equt(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, tol::Cdouble)::Bool\n\nChecks if the TPS{ComplexF64} a is equal to the TPS{Float64} b within the specified tolerance tol_ (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – TPS{Float64} b\ntol_ – (Optional) Difference below which the TPSAs are considered equal\n\nOutput\n\nret - True if a == b within tol_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_erf!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_erf!","text":"mad_ctpsa_erf!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the erf of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = erf(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_erfc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_erfc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_erfc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the erfc of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = erfc(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_eval!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_eval!","text":"mad_ctpsa_eval!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{ComplexF64}, tc::Vector{ComplexF64})\n\nEvaluates the map at the point tb\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in the map\nma – Map ma\nnb – Length of tb\ntb – Point at which to evaluate the map\n\nOutput\n\ntc – Values for each TPSA in the map evaluated at the point tb\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_exp!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_exp!","text":"mad_ctpsa_exp!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the exp of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = exp(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_exppb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_exppb!","text":"mad_ctpsa_exppb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})\n\nComputes the exponential of fgrad of the vector fields ma and mb, literally exppb(ma, mb) = mb + fgrad(ma, mb) + fgrad(ma, fgrad(ma, mb))/2! + ...\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma and mb\nma – Vector of TPSA ma\nmb – Vector of TPSA mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Destination vector of TPSA mc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_fgrad!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_fgrad!","text":"mad_ctpsa_fgrad!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nCalculates dot(ma, grad(b))\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma consistent with number of variables in b\nma – Vector of TPSA\nb – TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nc – dot(ma, grad(b))\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_fld2vec!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_fld2vec!","text":"mad_ctpsa_fld2vec!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nAssuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the Hamiltonian one obtains from ther vector field (in the form [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...])\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSA in ma consistent with number of variables in c\nma – Vector field \n\nOutput\n\nc – Hamiltonian as a TPSA derived from the vector field ma\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_geti","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_geti","text":"mad_ctpsa_geti(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint)::ComplexF64\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial at index i. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Monomial index\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial at index i\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_geti_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_geti_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_geti_r!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, r::Ref{ComplexF64})\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial at index i in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Monomial index\n\nOutput\n\nr – Coefficient of monomial at index i\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getm","text":"mad_ctpsa_getm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::ComplexF64\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a byte array. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getm_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getm_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_getm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Ref{ComplexF64})\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a byte array in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nr – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getord!","text":"mad_ctpsa_getord!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, ord::Cuchar)\n\nExtract one homogeneous polynomial of the given order\n\nInput\n\nt – Sourcecomplex TPSA\nord – Order to retrieve\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination complex TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_gets","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_gets","text":"mad_ctpsa_gets(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::ComplexF64\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial s defined as a string. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Size of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial s in TPSA \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_gets_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_gets_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_gets_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, r::Ref{ComplexF64})\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial s defined as a string in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\n\nOutput\n\nr – Coefficient of monomial s in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getsm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getsm","text":"mad_ctpsa_getsm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::ComplexF64\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a sparse monomial. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as sparse monomial\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getsm_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getsm_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_getsm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, r::Ref{ComplexF64})\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a sparse monomial in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as sparse monomial\n\nOutput\n\nr – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_getv!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v)\n\nVectorized getter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for extracting the 1st order parts of a TPSA to construct a matrix (i = 1, n = nv+np = nn). \n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Starting index of monomials to get coefficients\nn – Number of monomials to get coefficients of starting at i\n\nOutput\n\nv – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_hypot!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_hypot!","text":"mad_ctpsa_hypot!(x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA r to sqrt(real(x)^2+real(y)^2) + im*sqrt(imag(x)^2+imag(y)^2)\n\nInput\n\nx – Source TPSA x\ny – Source TPSA y\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA sqrt(real(x)^2+real(y)^2) + im*sqrt(imag(x)^2+imag(y)^2)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_hypot3!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_hypot3!","text":"mad_ctpsa_hypot3!(x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, z::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA r to sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2). Does NOT allow for r = x, y, z !!!\n\nInput\n\nx – Source TPSA x\ny – Source TPSA y\nz – Source TPSA z\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxm","text":"mad_ctpsa_idxm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nReturns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a byte array. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nret – Index of monomial in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxs","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxs","text":"mad_ctpsa_idxs(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cint\n\nReturns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as string. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\n\nOutput\n\nret – Index of monomial in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxsm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxsm","text":"mad_ctpsa_idxsm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cint\n\nReturns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a sparse monomial. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as sparse monomial\n\nOutput\n\nret – Index of monomial in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_imag!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_imag!","text":"mad_ctpsa_imag!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nSets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the imaginary part of TPS{ComplexF64} t.\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPS{ComplexF64}\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = Im(t)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_init!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_init!","text":"mad_ctpsa_init(t::ComplexTPS, d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)::ComplexTPS\n\nUnsafe initialization of an already existing TPSA t with maximum order mo to the descriptor d. mo must be less than the maximum order of the descriptor. t is modified in place and also returned.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to initialize to descriptor d\nd – Descriptor\nmo – Maximum order of the TPSA (must be less than maximum order of the descriptor)\n\nOutput\n\nt – TPSA initialized to descriptor d with maximum order mo\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_integ!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_integ!","text":"mad_ctpsa_integ!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, iv::Cint)\n\nIntegrates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA to integrate\niv – Index of variable to integrate over (e.g. integrate over x, iv = 1). \n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_inv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_inv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_inv!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v/a. \n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v/a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_inv_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_inv_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_inv_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v/a. Without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv_re – Real part of scalar with double precision\nv_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_invsqrt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_invsqrt!","text":"mad_ctpsa_invsqrt!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v/sqrt(a). \n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v/sqrt(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_invsqrt_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_invsqrt_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_invsqrt_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v/sqrt(a). Without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv_re – Real part of scalar with double precision\nv_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isnul","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isnul","text":"mad_ctpsa_isnul(t::ComplexTPS)::Bool\n\nChecks if TPSA is 0 or not\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA to check\n\nOutput\n\nret – True or false\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isval","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isval","text":"mad_ctpsa_isval(t::ComplexTPS)::Bool\n\nSanity check of the TPSA integrity.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to check if valid\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isvalid","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isvalid","text":"mad_ctpsa_isvalid(t::ComplexTPS)::Bool\n\nSanity check of the TPSA integrity.\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA to check if valid\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_len","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_len","text":"mad_ctpsa_len(t::ComplexTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cint\n\nGets the length of the TPSA itself (e.g. the descriptor may be order 10 but TPSA may only be order 2)\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA\nhi_ – If true, returns the length up to the hi order in the TPSA, else up to mo. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nret – Length of TPS{ComplexF64}\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_liebra!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_liebra!","text":"mad_ctpsa_liebra!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})\n\nComputes the Lie bracket of the vector fields ma and mb, defined as sumi mai (dmb/dxi) - mbi (dma/dx_i).\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma and mb\nma – Vector of TPSA ma\nmb – Vector of TPSA mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Destination vector of TPSA mc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_log!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_log!","text":"mad_ctpsa_log!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the log of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = log(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!","text":"mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!(x::ComplexTPS, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = log(a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2))\n\nInput\n\nx – TPSA x\na – Scalar a\nb – Scalar b\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2_r!(x::ComplexTPS, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = log(a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2)). Same as mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2 without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\nc_re – Real part of Scalar c\nc_im – Imag part of Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logpb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logpb!","text":"mad_ctpsa_logpb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})\n\nComputes the log of the Poisson bracket of the vector of TPSA ma and mb; the result is the vector field F used to evolve to ma from mb.\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma and mb\nma – Vector of TPSA ma\nmb – Vector of TPSA mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Destination vector of TPSA mc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logxdy!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logxdy!","text":"mad_ctpsa_logxdy!(x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = log(x / y)\n\nInput\n\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_maxord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_maxord","text":"mad_ctpsa_maxord(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, idx_::Vector{Cint})::Cint\n\nReturns the index to the monomial with maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA for all orders 0 to n. If idx_ is provided, it is filled with the indices for the maximum abs(coefficient) monomial for each order up to n. \n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA\nn – Highest order to include in finding the maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA, length of idx_ if provided\n\nOutput\n\nidx_ – (Optional) If provided, is filled with indices to the monomial for each order up to n with maximum abs(coefficient)\nmi – Index to the monomial in the TPSA with maximum abs(coefficient)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mconv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mconv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_mconv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nc::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)\n\nEquivalent to mad_tpsa_convert, but applies the conversion to all TPSAs in the map ma.\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in the map\nma – Map ma\nnc – Number of TPSAs in the output map mc\nn – Length of vector (size of t2r_)\nt2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup\npb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Map mc with specified conversions \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_minv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_minv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_minv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})\n\nInverts the map. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.\n\nInput\n\nna – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)\nma – Map ma\nnb – Output map length (generally = nv)\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Inversion of map ma\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mnrm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mnrm","text":"mad_ctpsa_mnrm(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})::Cdouble\n\nComputes the norm of the map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map).\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in the map\nma – Map ma\n\nOutput\n\nnrm – Norm of map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mo!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mo!","text":"mad_ctpsa_mo!(t::ComplexTPS, mo::Cuchar)::Cuchar\n\nSets the maximum order mo of the TPSA t, and returns the original mo. mo_ should be less than or equal to the allocated order ao.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nmo_ – Maximum order to set the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – Original mo of the TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mono!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mono!","text":"mad_ctpsa_mono!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_::Vector{Cuchar}, p_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar\n\nReturns the order of the monomial at index i in the TPSA and optionally the monomial at that index is returned in m_ and the order of parameters in the monomial in p_\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Index valid in TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\n\nOutput\n\nm_ – (Optional) Monomial at index i in TPSA\np_ – (Optional) Order of parameters in monomial\nret – Order of monomial in TPSA a index i\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mord","text":"mad_ctpsa_mord(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, hi::Bool)::Cuchar\n\nIf hi is false, getting the maximum mo among all TPSAs in ma. If hi is true, gets the maximum hi of the map instead of mo\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of map ma\nma – Map (vector of TPSAs)\nhi – If true, returns maximum hi, else returns maximum mo of the map\n\nOutput\n\nret – Maximum hi of the map if hi is true, else returns maximum mo of the map\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mul!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mul!","text":"mad_ctpsa_mul!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a * b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a * b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mult!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mult!","text":"mad_ctpsa_mult!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a * b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – Source TPS{Float64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a * b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_nam","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_nam","text":"mad_ctpsa_nam(t::ComplexTPS, nam_::Cstring)::Cstring\n\nGet the name of the TPSA, and will optionally set if nam_ != null\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nnam_ – Optional name to set the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – Name of TPS{ComplexF64} (Null terminated in C)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_new","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_new","text":"mad_ctpsa_new(t::Ptr{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mo::Cuchar)\n\nCreates a blank TPSA with same number of variables/parameters of the inputted TPSA, with maximum order specified by mo. If MAD_TPSA_SAME is passed for mo, the mo currently in t is used for the created TPSA. Ok with t=(tpsa_t*)ctpsa\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nmo – Maximum order of new TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – New blank TPSA with maximum order mo\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_newd","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_newd","text":"mad_ctpsa_newd(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)\n\nCreates a complex TPSA defined by the specified descriptor and maximum order. If MADTPS{ComplexF64}DEFAULT is passed for mo, the mo defined in the descriptor is used. If mo > d_mo, then mo = d_mo.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nmo – Maximum order\n\nOutput\n\nt – New complex TPSA defined by the descriptor\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_nrm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_nrm","text":"mad_ctpsa_nrm(a::ComplexTPS)::Cdouble\n\nCalculates the 1-norm of TPSA a (sum of abs of all coefficients)\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nnrm – 1-Norm of TPSA a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ord","text":"mad_ctpsa_ord(t::ComplexTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cuchar\n\nGets the TPSA maximum order, or hi if hi_ is true.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nhi_ – Set true if hi is returned, else mo is returned\n\nOutput\n\nret – Order of TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ordv","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ordv","text":"mad_ctpsa_ordv(t::ComplexTPS, ts::ComplexTPS...)::Cuchar\n\nReturns maximum order of all TPSAs provided.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nts – Variable number of TPSAs passed as parameters\n\nOutput\n\nmo – Maximum order of all TPSAs provided\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pminv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pminv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_pminv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, select::Vector{Cint})\n\nComputes the partial inverse of the map with only the selected variables, specified by 0s or 1s in select. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.\n\nInput\n\nna – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)\nma – Map ma\nnb – Output map length (generally = nv)\nselect – Array of 0s or 1s defining which variables to do inverse on (atleast same size as na)'\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Partially inverted map using variables specified as 1 in the select array\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_poisbra!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_poisbra!","text":"mad_ctpsa_poisbra!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, nv::Cint)\n\nSets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPSAs a and b.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\nnv – Number of variables in the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_poisbrat!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_poisbrat!","text":"mad_ctpsa_poisbrat!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS, nv::Cint)\n\nSets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPS{ComplexF64} aand TPS{Float64} b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – Source TPS{Float64} b\nnv – Number of variables in the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_polar!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_polar!","text":"mad_ctpsa_polar!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets r = |t| + im*atan2(Im(t), Re(t))\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPS{ComplexF64}\nr – Destination TPS{ComplexF64}\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pow!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pow!","text":"mad_ctpsa_pow!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a ^ b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_powi!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_powi!","text":"mad_ctpsa_powi!(a::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a ^ n where n is an integer.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nn – Integer power\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ n\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pown!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pown!","text":"mad_ctpsa_pown!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a ^ v where v is of double precision.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Power, ComplexF64\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ v\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pown_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pown_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_pown_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a ^ v where v is of double precision. Without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv_re – Real part of power\nv_im – Imaginary part of power\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ v\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_powt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_powt!","text":"mad_ctpsa_powt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a ^ b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – Source TPS{Float64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a ^ b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_print","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_print","text":"mad_ctpsa_print(t::ComplexTPS, name_ eps_::Cdouble, nohdr_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})\n\nPrints the TPSA coefficients with precision eps_. If nohdr_ is not zero, the header is not printed. \n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to print\nname_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA\neps_ – (Optional) Precision to output\nnohdr_ – (Optional) If True, no header is printed\nstream_ – (Optional) FILE pointer of output stream. Default is stdout\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_real!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_real!","text":"mad_ctpsa_real!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nSets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the real part of TPS{ComplexF64} t.\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPS{ComplexF64}\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = Re(t)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_rect!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_rect!","text":"mad_ctpsa_rect!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets r = Re(t)*cos(Im(t)) + im*Re(t)*sin(Im(t))\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPS{ComplexF64}\nr – Destination TPS{ComplexF64}\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan","text":"mad_ctpsa_scan(stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::ComplexTPS\n\nScans in a TPSA from the stream_.\n\nInput\n\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream from which to read the TPSA, default is stdin\n\nOutput\n\nt – TPSA scanned from I/O stream_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan_coef!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan_coef!","text":"mad_ctpsa_scan_coef!(t::ComplexTPS, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})\n\nRead TPSA coefficients into TPSA t. This should be used with mad_tpsa_scan_hdr for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.\n\nInput\n\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin\n\nOutput\n\nt – TPSA with coefficients scanned from stream_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan_hdr","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan_hdr","text":"mad_ctpsa_scan_hdr(kind_::Ref{Cint}, name_::Ptr{Cuchar}, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Ptr{Desc}\n\nRead TPSA header. Returns descriptor for TPSA given the header. This is useful for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.\n\nInput\n\nkind_ – (Optional) Real or complex TPSA, or detect automatically if not provided.\nname_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin\n\nOutput\n\nret – Descriptor for the TPSA \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scl!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scl!","text":"mad_ctpsa_scl!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v*a. \n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scl_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scl_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_scl_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble,, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v*a. Without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv_re – Real part of scalar with double precision\nv_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sclord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sclord!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sclord!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, inv::Bool, prm::Bool)\n\nScales all coefficients by order. If inv == 0, scales coefficients by order (derivation), else scales coefficients by 1/order (integration).\n\nInput\n\nt – Source complex TPSA\ninv – Put order up, divide, scale by inv of value of order\nprm – Parameters flag. If set to 0x0, the scaling excludes the order of the parameters in the monomials. Else, scaling is with total order of monomial\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination complex TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_seti!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_seti!","text":"mad_ctpsa_seti!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial at index i to coef[i] = a*coef[i] + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Index of monomial\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_seti_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_seti_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_seti_r!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial at index i to coef[i] = a*coef[i] + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_seti but without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Index of monomial\na_re – Real part of a\na_im – Imaginary part of a\nb_re – Real part of b\nb_im – Imaginary part of b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setm!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setm!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by byte array m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as byte array\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setm_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setm_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by byte array m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setm but without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as byte array\na_re – Real part of a\na_im – Imaginary part of a\nb_re – Real part of b\nb_im – Imaginary part of b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setprm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setprm!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setprm!(t::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, ip::Cint)\n\nSets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified parameter, and sets the rest of the variables/parameters to 0. The 1st order value scl_ of a parameter is always 1.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nv – 0th order value (coefficient)\nip – Parameter index (e.g. iv = 1 is nn-nv+1)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setprm_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setprm_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setprm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, ip::Cint)\n\nSets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified parameter. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setprm but without complex-by-value arguments. The 1st order value scl_ of a parameter is always 1.\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA\nv_re – Real part of 0th order value\nv_im – Imaginary part of 0th order value\nip – Parameter index\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sets!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sets!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sets!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by string s to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sets_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sets_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sets_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by string s to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_set but without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\na_re – Real part of a\na_im – Imaginary part of a\nb_re – Real part of b\nb_im – Imaginary part of b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setsm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setsm!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setsm!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by sparse monomial m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as sparse monomial\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setsm_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setsm_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setsm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by sparse monomial m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setsm but without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as sparse monomial\na_re – Real part of a\na_im – Imaginary part of a\nb_re – Real part of b\nb_im – Imaginary part of b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setv!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v::Vector{ComplexF64})\n\nVectorized setter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for putting a matrix into a map.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Starting index of monomials to set coefficients\nn – Number of monomials to set coefficients of starting at i\nv – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setval!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setval!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setval!(t::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64)\n\nSets the scalar part of the TPSA to v and all other values to 0 (sets the TPSA order to 0).\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to set to scalar\nv – Scalar value to set TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setval_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setval_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setval_r!(t::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble)\n\nSets the scalar part of the TPSA to v and all other values to 0 (sets the TPSA order to 0). Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setval but without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to set to scalar\nv_re – Real part of scalar value to set TPSA\nv_im – Imaginary part of scalar value to set TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setvar!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setvar!","text":"madctpsasetvar!(t::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, iv::Cint, scl_::ComplexF64)\n\nSets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified variable, and sets the rest of the variables to 0\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nv – 0th order value (coefficient)\niv – Variable index\nscl_ – 1st order variable value (typically will be 1)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setvar_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setvar_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setvar_r!(t::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, iv::Cint, scl_re_::Cdouble, scl_im_::Cdouble)\n\nSets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified variable. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setvar but without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA\nv_re – Real part of 0th order value\nv_im – Imaginary part of 0th order value\niv – Variable index\nscl_re_ – (Optional) Real part of 1st order variable value\nscl_im_ – (Optional)Imaginary part of 1st order variable value\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sin!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sin!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sin!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sin of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sin(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sinc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sinc of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sinc(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sincos!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sincos!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sincos!(a::ComplexTPS, s::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA s = sin(a) and TPSA c = cos(a)\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\ns – Destination TPSA s = sin(a)\nc – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sincosh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sincosh!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sincosh!(a::ComplexTPS, s::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA s = sinh(a) and TPSA c = cosh(a)\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\ns – Destination TPSA s = sinh(a)\nc – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinh!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sinh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sinh of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sinh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinhc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinhc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sinhc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sinhc of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sinhc(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sqrt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sqrt!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sqrt!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sqrt of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sqrt(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sub!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sub!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sub!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a - b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a - b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_subt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_subt!","text":"mad_ctpsa_subt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – Source TPS{Float64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tan!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tan!","text":"mad_ctpsa_tan!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the tan of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = tan(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tanh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tanh!","text":"mad_ctpsa_tanh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the tanh of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = tanh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_taylor!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_taylor!","text":"mad_ctpsa_taylor!(a::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{ComplexF64}, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nComputes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA a\nn – Order-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array\ncoef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s\nc – Result\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_taylor_h!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_taylor_h!","text":"mad_ctpsa_taylor_h!(a::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{ComplexF64}, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nComputes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a.\n\nSame as mad_ctpsa_taylor, but uses Horner's method (which is 50%-100% slower because mul is always full order).\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA a\nn – Order-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array\ncoef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s\nc – Result\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tdif!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tdif!","text":"mad_ctpsa_tdif!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nFor each homogeneous polynomial in TPS{Float64} a and TPS{ComplexF64} b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:\n\nc_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{Float64} a\nb – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tdiv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tdiv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_tdiv!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{Float64} a\nb – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tpoisbra!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tpoisbra!","text":"mad_ctpsa_tpoisbra!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, nv::Cint)\n\nSets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPS{Float64} a and TPS{ComplexF64} b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{Float64} a\nb – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b\nnv – Number of variables in the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tpow!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tpow!","text":"mad_ctpsa_tpow!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a ^ b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{Float64} a\nb – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_translate!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_translate!","text":"mad_ctpsa_translate!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{ComplexF64}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})\n\nTranslates the expansion point of the map by the amount tb.\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAS in the map\nma – Map ma\nnb – Length of tb\ntb – Vector of amount to translate for each variable\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Map evaluated at the new point translated tb from the original evaluation point\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tsub!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tsub!","text":"mad_ctpsa_tsub!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{Float64} a\nb – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_uid!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_uid!","text":"mad_ctpsa_uid!(t::ComplexTPS, uid_::Cint)::Cint\n\nSets the TPSA uid if uid_ != 0, and returns the current (previous if set) TPSA uid. \n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA\nuid_ – uid to set in the TPSA if uid_ != 0\n\nOutput\n\nret – Current (previous if set) TPSA uid\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_unit!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_unit!","text":"mad_ctpsa_unit!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nInterpreting TPSA as a vector, gets the \"unit vector\", e.g. c = a/norm(a). May be useful for checking for convergence.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_update!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_update!","text":"mad_ctpsa_update!(t::ComplexTPS)\n\nUpdates the lo and hi fields of the TPSA to reflect the current state given the lowest/highest nonzero monomial coefficients.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_vec2fld!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_vec2fld!","text":"mad_ctpsa_vec2fld!(na::Cint, a::ComplexTPS, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})\n\nAssuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the vector field (Hamilton's equations) from the passed Hamiltonian, defined as [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...]\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSA in mc consistent with number of variables in a\na – Hamiltonian as a TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Vector field derived from a using Hamilton's equations \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/a_toc/#Table-of-Contents","page":"Table of Contents","title":"Table of Contents","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/a_toc/","page":"Table of Contents","title":"Table of Contents","text":"Definitions\nDescriptor: Defines the number of variables and parameters, and orders for each in the GTPSA\nTPS: Truncated Power Series struct\nvars, params: Creates a vector of TPSs corresponding to each variable/parameter in the GTPSA\ngradient, jacobian, hessian: Extracts specific partial derivatives from a TPS\nMonomial Indexing: Get/set individual monomial coefficients\nmono: Creates a TPS corresponding to a specific monomial\nSlicing and par: Indexing a specific polynomial within the TPS\nTPS Methods: Integrate, differentiate, composition, evaluation, etc.\n@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros: Speed up evaluation of expressions containing TPSs, transparent to other types\nI/O: Reading/writing TPSs\nAll Overloaded Functions: List of all overloaded Base functions and more ","category":"page"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#tpsmethods","page":"TPS Methods","title":"TPS Methods","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/j_methods/","page":"TPS Methods","title":"TPS Methods","text":"clearord\nclearord!\nclear!\ncomplex!\ncompose!\ncutord\ncutord!\ncycle!\nderiv\nderiv!\nevaluate\nevaluate!\ngetord\ngetord!\ninteg\ninteg!\nnormTPS\nnumcoefs\nscalar\nsetTPS!\ntranslate\ntranslate!","category":"page"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.clearord","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.clearord","text":"clearord(t1::TPS, order::Integer)\n\nReturns a new TPS equal to t1 but with all monomial coefficients at the given order cleared (set equal to 0).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.clearord!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.clearord!","text":"clearord!(t::TPS, order::Integer)\n\nClears all monomial coefficients in t at order order.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.clear!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.clear!","text":"clear!(t::TPS)\n\nClears all monomial coefficients in the TPS (sets to 0).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.complex!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.complex!","text":"complex!(t::ComplexTPS64; tre=nothing, tim=nothing)\n\nSets t to so that real(t)=tre and imag(t)=tim in place.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.compose!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.compose!","text":"compose!(m::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}, m2::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}, m1::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}; work::Union{Nothing,AbstractVector{ComplexTPS64}}=nothing)\n\nComposes the vector functions m2 ∘ m1 and stores the result in-place in m. Promotion is allowed, provided the output vector function m has the correct type. \n\nIf promotion is occuring, then one of the input vectors must be promoted to ComplexTPS64. A vector of pre-allocated ComplexTPS64s can optionally provided in work, and has the requirement:\n\nIf eltype(m.x) != eltype(m1.x) (then m1 must be promoted): work = m1_prom # Length >= length(m1), Vector{ComplexTPS64}\n\nelse if eltype(m.x) != eltype(m2.x) (then m2 must be promoted): work = m2_prom # Length >= length(m2) = length(m), Vector{ComplexTPS64}\n\nThe ComplexTPS64s in work must be defined and have the same Descriptor.\n\n\n\n\n\ncompose!(m::TPS, m2::TPS, m1::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}; work::Union{Nothing,ComplexTPS64,AbstractVector{ComplexTPS64}}=nothing)\n\nComposes the scalar TPS function m2 with vector function m1, and stores the result in-place in m. Promotion is allowed, provided the output function m has the correct type. \n\nIf promotion is occuring, then the inputs must be promoted to ComplexTPS64. If m1 is to be promoted, a vector of pre-allocated ComplexTPS64s can optionally provided in work, and has the requirement:\n\nIf eltype(m.x) != eltype(m1.x) (then m1 must be promoted): work = m1_prom # Length >= length(m1), Vector{ComplexTPS64}\n\nElse if m2 is to be promoted (typeof(m.x) != typeof(m2.x)), a single ComplexTPS64 can be provided in work: \n\nwork = m2_prom # ComplexTPS64\n\nThe ComplexTPS64(s) in work must be defined and have the same Descriptor.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.cutord","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.cutord","text":"cutord(t1::TPS, order::Integer)\n\nCuts out the monomials in t1 at the given order and above. Or, if order is negative, will cut monomials with orders at and below abs(order).\n\nExamples\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(1,10);\n\njulia> x = vars(d);\n\njulia> cutord(sin(x[1]), 5)\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1\n -1.6666666666666666e-01 3 3\n\n\njulia> cutord(sin(x[1]), -5)\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n -1.9841269841269841e-04 7 7\n 2.7557319223985893e-06 9 9\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.cutord!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.cutord!","text":"cutord!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, order::Integer) where {T<:TPS}\n\nCuts out the monomials in t1 at the given order and above. Or, if order is negative, will cut monomials with orders at and below abs(order). t is filled in-place with the result. See the documentation for cutord for examples.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.cycle!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.cycle!","text":"cycle!(t::TPS, i, n, m_, v_)\n\nGiven a starting index i (-1 if starting at 0), will optionally fill monomial m_ (if m != C_NULL, and m_ is a DenseVector{UInt8}) with the monomial at index i and optionally the value at v_ with the monomials coefficient (if v_ != C_NULL, and v_ is a Ref{<:Union{Float64,ComplexF64}}), and return the next NONZERO monomial index in the TPS. This is useful for iterating through each monomial in the TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPS to scan\ni – Index to start from (-1 to start at 0)\nn – Length of monomial\nm_ – (Optional) Monomial to be filled if provided\nv_ – (Optional) Pointer to value of coefficient\n\nOutput\n\ni – Index of next nonzero monomial in the TPSA, or -1 if reached the end\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.deriv","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.deriv","text":"deriv(t1::TPS, v::Union{TPSIndexType, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing)\n∂(t1::TPS, v::Union{TPSIndexType, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing)\n\nDifferentiates t1 wrt the variable/parameter specified by the variable/parameter index, or alternatively any monomial specified by indexing-by-order OR indexing-by-sparse monomial.\n\nInput\n\nv – An integer (for variable index), vector/tuple of orders for each variable (for indexing-by-order), or vector/tuple of pairs (sparse monomial)\nparam – (Keyword argument, optional) An integer for the parameter index\nparams – (Keyword argument, optional) Vector/tuple of pairs for sparse-monomial indexing\n\nExamples: Variable/Parameter Index:\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(1,5,1,5);\n\njulia> x1 = vars(d)[1]; k1 = params(d)[1];\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, 1)\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 1\n\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, param=1)\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1 0\n\nExamples: Monomial Index-by-Order\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, [1,0])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 1\n\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, [0,1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1 0\n\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, [1,1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0\n\nExamples: Monomial Index-by-Sparse Monomial\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, [1=>1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 1\n\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, params=[1=>1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1 0\n\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, [1=>1], params=[1=>1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.deriv!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.deriv!","text":"deriv!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, v::Union{TPSIndexType, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing) where {T}\n∂!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, v::Union{TPSIndexType, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing) where {T}\n\nDifferentiates t1 wrt the variable/parameter specified by the variable/parameter index, or alternatively any monomial specified by indexing-by-order OR indexing-by-sparse monomial, and sets t equal to the result in-place. See the deriv documentation for examples.\n\nInput\n\nv – An integer (for variable index), vector/tuple of orders for each variable (for indexing-by-order), or vector/tuple of pairs (sparse monomial)\nparam – (Keyword argument, optional) An integer for the parameter index\nparams – (Keyword argument, optional) Vector/tuple of pairs for sparse-monomial indexing\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.evaluate","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.evaluate","text":"evaluate(F::Vector{TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}\n\nEvaluates the vector function F at the point x, and returns the result.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.evaluate!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.evaluate!","text":"evaluate!(y::Vector{T}, F::Vector{TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}\n\nEvaluates the vector function F at the point x, and fills y with the result. \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.getord","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.getord","text":"getord(t1::TPS, order::Integer)\n\nExtracts one homogenous polynomial from t1 of the given order.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.getord!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.getord!","text":"getord!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, order::Integer) where {T}\n\nExtracts one homogenous polynomial from t1 of the given order and fills t with the result in-place.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.integ","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.integ","text":"integ(t1::TPS, var::Integer=1)\n∫(t1::TPS, var::Integer=1)\n\nIntegrates t1 wrt the variable var. Integration wrt parameters is not allowed, and integration wrt higher order monomials is not currently supported.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.integ!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.integ!","text":"integ!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, var::Integer=1) where {T}\n∫!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, var::Integer=1) where {T}\n\nIntegrates t1 wrt the variable var and fills t with the result. Integration wrt parameters is not allowed, and integration wrt higher order monomials is not currently supported.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.normTPS","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.normTPS","text":"normTPS(t1::TPS)\n\nCalculates the 1-norm of the TPS, which is the sum of the abs of all coefficients.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.numcoefs","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.numcoefs","text":"numcoefs(t::TPS)\n\nReturns the maximum number of monomials (including the scalar part) in the TPS/ComplexTPS64 given its Descriptor. \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.scalar","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.scalar","text":"scalar(t::TPS)\n\nExtracts the scalar part of the TPS. Equivalent to t[0] but this can be easily broadcasted.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.setTPS!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.setTPS!","text":"setTPS!(t::TPS, t1::Number; change::Bool=false)\n\nGeneral function for setting a TPS/ComplexTPS64 t equal to t1. If change is true, then t and t1 can have different Descriptors (with invalid monomials removed) so long as the number of variables + number of parameters are equal.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.translate","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.translate","text":"translate(m1::Vector{<:TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}\n\nreturns a vector function equal to m1 with its expansion point translated by x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.translate!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.translate!","text":"translate!(m::Vector{<:TPS{T}}, m1::Vector{<:TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}\n\nFills m with the vector function equal to m1 with its expansion point translated by x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/#descriptor","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"Defines the number of variables, number of parameters, and order(s) for each in the GTPSA","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/#Syntax","page":"Descriptor","title":"Syntax","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"d = Descriptor(num_vars, max_order) \nd = Descriptor(vars_orders, max_order)\nd = Descriptor(num_vars, max_order, num_params, param_order) \nd = Descriptor(vars_orders, max_order, params_orders, param_order)\n\nGTPSA.desc_current = d","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/#Description","page":"Descriptor","title":"Description","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"d = Descriptor(num_vars, max_order) defines a GTPSA Descriptor with num_vars variables and a maximum truncation order max_order","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"d = Descriptor(vars_orders, max_order) defines a GTPSA Descriptor with length(var_orders) variables each having individual truncation orders specified in the var_orders vector, and a maximum truncation order max_order for the entire monomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"d = Descriptor(num_vars, max_order, num_params, param_order) defines a GTPSA Descriptor with num_vars variables and num_params parameters. The parameters part of a monomial is truncated at param_order, and the entire monomial is truncated at max_order (so param_order <= max_order)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"d = Descriptor(vars_orders, max_order, params_orders, param_order) defines a GTPSA Descriptor with length(var_orders) variables each having individual truncation orders specified in the vars_orders vector, and length(param_orders) parameters each having individual truncation orders specified in the params_orders vector. The parameters part of the monomial is truncated at param_order, and the entire monomial is truncated at max_order (so param_order <= max_order)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"GTPSA.desc_current is a global variable that is set each time a user creates a new Descriptor, and can also be set manually by a user. GTPSA.desc_current defines the Descriptor to use when that information is not explicitly (or implicitly in a TPS copy constructor) available, e.g. when calling TPS(a) where a is not a TPS. This also allows one to use general Number commands like convert(TPS, a) and zeros(TPS, 6).","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/#Examples","page":"Descriptor","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"using GTPSA #hide\nd1 = Descriptor(2, 10) \nd2 = Descriptor([1, 2, 3], 5) \nd3 = Descriptor(3, 4, 1, 2) \nd4 = Descriptor([6, 5], 8, [4, 3], 7) \nGTPSA.desc_current = d1","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/#Documentation","page":"Descriptor","title":"Documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"Descriptor","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/#GTPSA.Descriptor","page":"Descriptor","title":"GTPSA.Descriptor","text":"Descriptor(nv::Integer, mo::Integer)::Descriptor\n\nCreates a TPSA Descriptor with nv variables, and a maximum truncation order mo.\n\nInput\n\nnv – Number of variables in the TPSA\nmo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\nDescriptor(vos::Vector{<:Integer}, mo::Integer)::Descriptor\n\nCreates a TPSA Descriptor with length(vos) variables with individual truncation orders specified in the Vector vos, and a maximum truncation order mo for the TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nvos – Vector of the individual truncation orders of each variable\nmo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA, <= sum(vos)\n\n\n\n\n\nDescriptor(nv::Integer, mo::Integer, np::Integer, po::Integer)::Descriptor\n\nCreates a TPSA Descriptor with nv variables and np parameters. The maximum truncation order is mo (including the parameters), and the truncation order for the parameters part of a monomial is po.\n\nInput\n\nnv – Number of variables in the TPSA\nmo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA including variables and parameters\nnp – Number of parameters in the TPSA\npo – Truncation order of the parameters part of a monomial\n\n\n\n\n\nDescriptor(vos::Vector{<:Integer}, mo::Integer, pos::Vector{<:Integer}, po::Integer)::Descriptor\n\nCreates a TPSA Descriptor with length(vos) variables with individual truncation orders specified in vos, and length(pos) parameters with individual truncation orders specified in pos. The maximum truncation order including both variables and parameters is mo, and the truncation order for just the parameters part of the is po.\n\nInput\n\nvos – Vector of the individual truncation orders of each variable\nmo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA including variables and parameters\npos – Vector of the individual truncation orders of each parameter\npo – Truncation order of the parameters part of a monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#gjh","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"Extracts specific partial derivatives from a TPS","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#Syntax","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"Syntax","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"grad = GTPSA.gradient(f [, include_params=bool])\nGTPSA.gradient!(grad, f [, include_params=bool])\n\nJ = GTPSA.jacobian(F [, include_params=bool])\nGTPSA.jacobian!(J, F [, include_params=bool])\n\nJt = GTPSA.jacobiant(F [, include_params=bool])\njacobiant!(Jt, F [, include_params=bool])\n\nH = GTPSA.hessian(f [, include_params=bool])\nGTPSA.hessian!(H, f [, include_params=bool])","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#Description","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"Description","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"grad = GTPSA.gradient(f) extracts the gradient from the TPS f, defined as nabla f","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"GTPSA.gradient!(grad, f) fills grad vector in-place with the gradient extracted from the TPS f","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"J = GTPSA.jacobian(F) extracts the Jacobian matrix from the array of TPSs F, defined as J_ij = fracpartial F_ipartial x_j","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"GTPSA.jacobian!(J, F) fills the J matrix in-place with the Jacobian extracted from the array of TPSs F","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"Jt = GTPSA.jacobiant(F) extracts the transpose of the Jacobian matrix from the vector of TPSs F, with the Jacobian defined as J_ij = fracpartial F_ipartial x_j","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"GTPSA.jacobiant!(Jt, F) fills the Jt matrix in-place with the transpose of the Jacobian extracted from the vector of TPSs F","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"H = GTPSA.hessian(f) extracts the Hessian matrix from the TPS f, defined as H_ij = fracpartial^2 fpartial x_ipartial x_j","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"GTPSA.hessian!(H, f) fills the H matrix in-place with the Hessian extracted from the TPS f","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#Optional-Argument","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"Optional Argument","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"include_params can be set to true (default is false) to include the partial derivatives with respect to the parameters in any of the extraction functions above.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#Examples","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"using GTPSA; #hide\nd = Descriptor(2,10);\nx = vars(d);\nf = x[1] + 2*x[2] + 3*x[1]^2 + 4*x[1]*x[2] + 5*x[2]^2;\ng = 5*x[1] + 4*x[2] + 3*x[1]^2 + 2*x[1]*x[2] + x[2]^2;\ngrad = GTPSA.gradient(f)\nJ = GTPSA.jacobian([f, g])\nH = GTPSA.hessian(f)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#Documentation","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"Documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"GTPSA.gradient\nGTPSA.gradient!\nGTPSA.jacobian\nGTPSA.jacobian!\nGTPSA.jacobiant\nGTPSA.jacobiant!\nGTPSA.hessian\nGTPSA.hessian!","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.gradient","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.gradient","text":"GTPSA.gradient(t::TPS; include_params=false)\n\nExtracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the gradient from\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\ngrad – Gradient of the TPS\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.gradient!","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.gradient!","text":"GTPSA.gradient!(result, t::TPS; include_params=false)\n\nExtracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS and fills the result vector in-place. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the gradient from\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nresult – Vector to fill with the gradient of the TPS, must be 1-based indexing\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.jacobian","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.jacobian","text":"GTPSA.jacobian(m::AbstractArray{<:TPS}; include_params=false)\n\nExtracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the array of TPSs. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs.\n\nInput\n\nm – Array of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nJ – Jacobian of m\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.jacobian!","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.jacobian!","text":"GTPSA.jacobian!(result, m::AbstractArray{<:TPS}; include_params=false)\n\nExtracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the array of TPSs. and fills the result matrix in-place. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs.\n\nInput\n\nm – Array of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nresult – Matrix to fill with the Jacobian of m, must be 1-based indexing\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.jacobiant","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.jacobiant","text":"GTPSA.jacobiant(m::AbstractVector{<:TPS}; include_params=false) where {N,P,I}\n\nExtracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the Vector of TPSs, as the transpose of the Jacobian. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs.\n\nInput\n\nm –`Vector of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nJt – Transpose of the Jacobian of m\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.jacobiant!","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.jacobiant!","text":"GTPSA.jacobiant!(result, m::AbstractVector{<:TPS}; include_params=false)\n\nExtracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the Vector of TPSs, as the transpose of the Jacobian. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs and filling result.\n\nInput\n\nm – Vector of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nresult – Matrix to fill with the transpose of the Jacobian of m, must be 1-based indexing\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.hessian","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.hessian","text":"GTPSA.hessian(t::TPS; include_params=false)\n\nExtracts the second-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the second-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the Hessian from\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nH – Hessian of the TPS\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.hessian!","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.hessian!","text":"GTPSA.hessian!(result, t::TPS; include_params=false, tmp_mono::Union{Nothing,Vector{UInt8}}=nothing, unsafe_fast::Bool=false)\n\nExtracts the second-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS and fills the result matrix in-place. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the second-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the Hessian from\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\ntmp_mono – (Optional) Vector{UInt8} to store the monomial, when different orders of truncation are used\nunsafe_fast – (Optional) Flag to specify that \"fast\" indexing should be used without checking. This will give incorrect results if any variable has a TO < 2. Default is false.\n\nOutput\n\nresult – Matrix to fill with the Hessian of the TPS, must be 1-based indexing\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/#monoindex","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"Get/set individual monomial coefficients","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"Individual monomial coefficients in a TPS can be get/set with two methods of indexing: by order, and by sparse monomial. ","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/#By-Order","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"By Order","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"t[[, ..., ,, ..., ]]\nt[(, ..., ,, ..., )]","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"A particular monomial can be indexed by specifying the orders of each variable and parameter. For example, for a TPS t with variables x_1, x_2 and parameters k_1, k_2, the x_1^3x_2^1k_1^2 monomial coefficient is accessed with t[[3,1,2,0]] or equivalently t[[3,1,2]], as leaving out trailing zeros for unincluded variables/parameters is allowed. A tuple is also allowed instead of a vector for the list of orders.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/#Examples","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false;#hide\nd = Descriptor(2, 6, 3, 6); # 2 variables, 3 parameters all to 6th order\nx = vars(d);\nk = params(d);\nf = 5 + sin(x[1])*sin(x[2])*cos(k[1])\nf[[3,1,2]] # Leave out trailing zeros for unincluded variables/parameters\nf[[0]] # Scalar part\nf[(1,1,1,1,1)] = 123; # Set monomial coefficient\nprint(f)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/#By-Sparse-Monomial","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"By Sparse Monomial","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"t[[ => , ...], params=[ => , ...]]\nt[( => , ...), params=( => , ...)]","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"In GTPSAs with many variables and parameters, indexing-by-order is inconvenient because each order needs to be included up to the last included variable/parameter with nonzero order. In this case, a particular monomial can be indexed instead by specifying each variable/parameter number and its corresponding order in pairs. For example, for a TPS with variables x_1 x_15 and parameters k_1 k_10, the x_1^3x_15^1k_10^2 monomial coefficient is accessed with t[[1=>3, 15=>1], params=[10=>2]]. The scalar part of the TPS cannot be get/set with this method. A tuple is also allowed instead of a vector for the list of pairs.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/#Examples-2","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false; #hide\nd = Descriptor(15, 6, 10, 6); # 15 variables, 10 parameters all to 6th order\nGTPSA.show_sparse = true; # Use sparse output\nx = vars(d);\nk = params(d);\nf = 5 + sin(x[1])*sin(x[15])*cos(k[10])\nf[[1=>3, 15=>1], params=[10=>2]]\nf[(1=>1, 15=>2), params=(10=>3,)] = 123; # Set monomial coefficient\nprint(f)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/#By-Monomial-Index","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"By Monomial Index","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"t[idx]\nt[param=param_idx]","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"This indexing method is not recommended/requires care when indexing monomials above first order. Indexes the TPS with all monomials sorted by order. For example, for a TPS with one variable x_1 and one parameter k_1 the x_1 monomial is indexed with t[1] and the x_1^2 monomial is indexed with either t[3]. The k_1 monomial can be indexed with either t[2] or equivalently using the param helper kwarg t[param=1], which simply adds the number of variables in the GTPSA to the provided index. Note that above first-order, the param kwarg is basically useless. The zeroth order part, or the scalar part of the TPS, can be set with t[0]. This method requires zero allocations for indexing, unlike the other two.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/#Examples-3","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false; #hide\n# Example of indexing by monomial index -----------\nd = Descriptor(2, 10, 1, 10);\nt = TPS(use=d); # Create zero TPS based on d\n\nt[0] = 0;\nt[1] = 1;\nt[2] = 2;\nt[3] = 3; # or t[param=1] = 3\nt[4] = 4;\nt[5] = 5; \nt[6] = 6;\nt[7] = 7;\nt[8] = 8;\nt[9] = 9;\nt[10] = 10;\nprint(t)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/l_io/#io","page":"I/O","title":"I/O","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/l_io/#Global-Variables","page":"I/O","title":"Global Variables","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/l_io/","page":"I/O","title":"I/O","text":"There are three non-constant global variables which can be set to customize the printed output of TPSs:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/l_io/","page":"I/O","title":"I/O","text":"show_eps::Float64 = 0.0 # Print epsilon\nshow_sparse::Bool = false # Use sparse monomial print\nshow_header::Bool = false # Print a header above each TPS","category":"page"},{"location":"man/l_io/","page":"I/O","title":"I/O","text":"show_eps defines the value below which the absolute value of a monomial coefficient is NOT printed","category":"page"},{"location":"man/l_io/","page":"I/O","title":"I/O","text":"show_sparse specifies whether the sparse monomial format is used for printing. This is useful for GTPSAs containing a large number of variables and parameters","category":"page"},{"location":"man/l_io/","page":"I/O","title":"I/O","text":"show_header specifies whether or not to print the GTPSA Descriptor information above each TPS output","category":"page"},{"location":"man/l_io/#Examples","page":"I/O","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/l_io/","page":"I/O","title":"I/O","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false; #hide\nd = Descriptor(100, 1, 10, 1)\nx = vars() # Doesn't fit on screen\nGTPSA.show_sparse = true;\nx\nGTPSA.show_header = true\nx[1]","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#slice","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"Indexing a specific polynomial within the TPS","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Slicing-a-TPS","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing a TPS","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"A polynomial within the TPS with certain variable orders can be extracted by slicing the TPS. When indexing by order, a colon (:) can be used in place for a variable order to include all orders of that variable. If the last specified index is a colon, then the rest of the variable indices are assumed to be colons (else, they are assumed to be zero, following the convention of monomial coefficient indexing).","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header = false; #hide\nd = Descriptor(5, 10, 2, 10);\nx = vars(d);\nk = params(d);\n f = 2*x[1]^2*x[3] + 3*x[1]^2*x[2]*x[3]*x[4]^2*x[5]*k[1] + 6*x[3] + 5\ng = f[[2,:,1]]\nh = f[[2,:,1,:]]","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"A TPS can also be sliced with indexing by sparse monomial. In this case, if a colon is included anywhere in the sparse monomial variable index, then all orders of all variables and parameters not explicity specified will be included (colon position does not matter in sparse monomial indexing):","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"g = f[[1=>2, :, 3=>1, 4=>0, 5=>0], params=[1=>0, 2=>0]]\nh = f[(1=>2, 3=>1, :)] # Colon position is irrelevant in slicing with sparse monomial indexing","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"When indexing by monomial index, a colon simply needs to be included after the variable index, or just a colon if a parameter is specified:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"fx3 = f[3,:]\nfk1 = f[:,param=1]","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#par","page":"Slicing and par","title":"par","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"par is very similar to slicing a TPS, with two differences:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"The specified variables and parameters are removed from the resulting slice\nWhen indexing by order, a colon is always presumed for unincluded variables/parameters","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Syntax","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Syntax","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"f = par(tps, orders)\n\nf = par(tps [, vars_sparse_mono] [, params=params_sparse_mono])\n\nf = par(tps, idx)\nf = par(tps, param=param_idx)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Description","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Description","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Indexing-by-Order","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Indexing by Order","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"f = par(tps, orders) extracts the polynomial from the TPS with the monomial indexed-by-order in orders, and removes the variables/parameters included in the indexing from the polynomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Indexing-by-Sparse-Monomial","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Indexing by Sparse Monomial","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"f = par(tps, vars_sparse_mono) extracts the polynomial from the TPS with the monomial indexed-by-sparse monomial in vars_sparse_mono, and removes the variables included in the indexing from the polynomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"f = par(tps, params=params_sparse_mono) extracts the polynomial from the TPS with the monomial indexed-by-sparse monomial in params_sparse_mono, and removes the parameters included in the indexing from the polynomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"f = par(tps, vars_sparse_mono, params=params_sparse_mono) extracts the polynomial from the TPS with the monomial indexed-by-sparse monomial in vars_sparse_mono and params_sparse_mono, and removes the variables and/or parameters included in the indexing from the polynomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Indexing-by-Monomial-Index","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Indexing by Monomial Index","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"f = par(tps, idx) extracts the polynomial from the TPS with a first-order dependence on the specified monomial, and removes the variable from the polynomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"f = par(tps, param=param_idx) extracts the polynomial from the TPS with a first-order dependence on the specified monomial with index param_idx+nv where nv is the number of variables in the GTPSA, and removes the parameter from the polynomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Examples","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false; #hide\nd = Descriptor(5, 10, 2, 10);\nx = vars(d);\nk = params(d);\nf = 2*x[1]^2*x[3] + 3*x[1]^2*x[2]*x[3]*x[4]^2*x[5]*k[1] + 6*x[3] + 5\npar(f, 3)\npar(f, param=1)\npar(f, [2,:,1])\npar(f, [2,0,1])\npar(f, [1=>2, 3=>1])\npar(f, params=[1=>1])","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Documentation","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"par","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#GTPSA.par","page":"Slicing and par","title":"GTPSA.par","text":"par(t::TPS, v::Union{TPSColonIndexType, Vector{Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer}}, Vector{<:Integer}, Integer, Colon, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing)\n\nExtracts a polynomial from the TPS containing the specified monomial, and removes the monomial.\n\nInput\n\nv – An integer (for variable index), an array/tuple of orders for each variable (for indexing-by-order), or an array/tuple of pairs (sparse monomial)\nparam – (Keyword argument, optional) An integer for the parameter index\nparams – (Keyword argument, optional) An array of pairs for sparse-monomial indexing\n\nExamples: Variable/Parameter Index:\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(5, 10, 2, 10); x = vars(d); k = params(d);\n\njulia> f = 2*x[1]^2*x[3] + 3*x[1]^2*x[2]*x[3]*x[4]^2*x[5]*k[1] + 6*x[3] + 5\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 5.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 0\n 6.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 0 1 0 0 | 0 0\n 2.0000000000000000e+00 3 2 0 1 0 0 | 0 0\n 3.0000000000000000e+00 8 2 1 1 2 1 | 1 0\n\n\njulia> par(f, 3)\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 6.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 0\n 2.0000000000000000e+00 2 2 0 0 0 0 | 0 0\n 3.0000000000000000e+00 7 2 1 0 2 1 | 1 0\n\n\njulia> par(f, param=1)\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 3.0000000000000000e+00 7 2 1 1 2 1 | 0 0\n\nExamples: Monomial Index-by-Order\n\njulia> par(f, [2,:,1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 2.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 0\n 3.0000000000000000e+00 5 0 1 0 2 1 | 1 0\n\n\njulia> par(f, [2,0,1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 2.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 0\n\nExamples: Monomial Index-by-Sparse Monomial\n\njulia> par(f, [1=>2, 3=>1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 2.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 0\n 3.0000000000000000e+00 5 0 1 0 2 1 | 1 0\n\n \njulia> par(f, params=[1=>1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 3.0000000000000000e+00 7 2 1 1 2 1 | 0 0\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#varsparams","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"Creates a vector of TPSs corresponding to each variable/parameter in the GTPSA","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#Syntax","page":"vars, params","title":"Syntax","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"x = vars([(descriptor|tps)])\nxc = complexvars([(descriptor|tps)])\n\nk = params([(descriptor|tps)])\nkc = complexparams([(descriptor|tps)])","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#Description","page":"vars, params","title":"Description","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"x = vars() creates a vector of TPS64s corresponding to each of the variables in the GTPSA defined by the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"x = complexvars() creates a vector of ComplexTPS64s corresponding to each of the variables in the GTPSA defined by the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"k = params() creates a vector of TPS64s corresponding to each of the parameters in the GTPSA defined by the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"k = complexparams() creates a vector of ComplexTPS64s corresponding to each of the parameters in the GTPSA defined by the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#Optional-Argument","page":"vars, params","title":"Optional Argument","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"descriptor tells vars/params to create a vector of TPSs corresponding to each of the variables/parameters in the GTPSA defined by the passed Descriptor","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"tps tells vars/params to create a vector of TPSs corresponding to each of the variables/parameters in the GTPSA defined by the Descriptor of the passed TPS","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#Examples","page":"vars, params","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; #hide\nGTPSA.show_header=true\nd1 = Descriptor(3, 5, 2, 5); # 3 vars, 2 params, all to order 5\nx1 = vars()\nk1 = params()\nd2 = Descriptor(2, 5, 1, 5); # 2 vars, 1 param, all to order 5\nx2 = vars()\nk2 = params()\nk1 = params(d1)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#Documentation","page":"vars, params","title":"Documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"vars\ncomplexvars\nparams\ncomplexparams","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#GTPSA.vars","page":"vars, params","title":"GTPSA.vars","text":"vars(use::Union{Descriptor,TPS}=GTPSA.desc_current)\n\nReturns a vector of TPSs corresponding to the variables for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.\n\nInput\n\nuse – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current\n\nOutput\n\nx – Vector containing unit TPS{Float64}s corresponding to each variable\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#GTPSA.complexvars","page":"vars, params","title":"GTPSA.complexvars","text":"complexvars(use::Union{Descriptor,TPS}=GTPSA.desc_current)\n\nReturns a vector of ComplexTPS64s corresponding to the variables for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.\n\nInput\n\nuse – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current\n\nOutput\n\nx – Vector containing unit ComplexTPS64s corresponding to each variable\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#GTPSA.params","page":"vars, params","title":"GTPSA.params","text":"params(use::Union{Descriptor,TPS}=GTPSA.desc_current)\n\nReturns a vector of TPSs corresponding to the parameters for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.\n\nInput\n\nuse – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current\n\nOutput\n\nx – Vector containing unit TPS{Float64}s corresponding to each parameters\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#GTPSA.complexparams","page":"vars, params","title":"GTPSA.complexparams","text":"complexparams(use::Union{Descriptor,TPS}=GTPSA.desc_current)\n\nReturns a vector of ComplexTPS64s corresponding to the parameters for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.\n\nInput\n\nuse – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current\n\nOutput\n\nx – Vector containing unit ComplexTPS64s corresponding to each parameters\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#mono","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"Creates a TPS corresponding to a specific monomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Syntax","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Syntax","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"m = mono(orders [, use=(descriptor|tps)])\n\nm = mono([vars_sparse_mono] [, params=params_sparse_mono] [, use=(descriptor|tps)])\n\nm = mono(idx [, use=(descriptor|tps)])\nm = mono(param=param_idx [, use=(descriptor|tps)])\n\nm = complexmono(...)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Description","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Description","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Indexing-by-Order","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Indexing by Order","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"m = mono(orders) creates a TPS equal to the monomial specified by the indexing-by-order vector/tuple orders using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Indexing-by-Sparse-Monomial","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Indexing by Sparse Monomial","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"m = mono(vars_sparse_mono, params=params_sparse_mono) creates a TPS equal to the monomial specified by the indexing-by-sparse monomial vector/tuple vars_sparse_mono and params_sparse_mono using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Indexing-by-Monomial-Index","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Indexing by Monomial Index","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"m = mono(idx) creates a TPS equal to the monomial specified by idx and the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"m = mono(param=param_idx) creates a TPS equal to the monomial specified by param_idx + nv where nv is the number of variables in the GTPSA, using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Optional-Keyword-Argument","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Optional Keyword Argument","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"use=(descriptor|tps) creates a mono using any of the above methods but using the Descriptor specified by use","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Complex-Monomial","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Complex Monomial","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"complexmono will create a ComplexTPS64 using any of the above methods without the overhead of creating a TPS and converting it to a ComplexTPS64","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Examples","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false;#hide\nd1 = Descriptor(3, 15, 2, 15); # 3 vars, 2 params, all to order 15\nx1 = mono(1)\nk1 = mono(param=1)\nm312 = mono([3,1,2])\nm31221 = mono((3,1,2,2,1)) # Tuples allowed for indexing\nm312 = mono([1=>3, 2=>1, 3=>3])\nm31221 = mono((1=>3, 2=>1, 3=>2), params=(1=>2, 2=>1))","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Documentation","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"mono","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#GTPSA.mono","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"GTPSA.mono","text":"mono(v::Union{Integer, Vector{<:Union{<:Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer},<:Integer}}, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{Vector{<:Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer}}, Nothing}=nothing, use::Descriptor=GTPSA.desc_current)\n\nReturns a TPS{Float64} corresponding to a specific monomial, specified using the variable/parameter index, or monomial indexing-by-order OR monomial indexing-by-sparse monomial. \n\nInput\n\nv – An integer (for variable index), an array of orders for each variable (for indexing-by-order), or an array of pairs (sparse monomial)\nparam – (Keyword argument, optional) An integer for the parameter index\nparams – (Keyword argument, optional) An array of pairs for sparse-monomial indexing\nuse – (Keyword argument, optional) The descriptor to use to generate the monomial. Default is most recently-defined.\n\nExamples: Variable/Parameter Index:\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(3,10,2,10);\n\njulia> mono(1)\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1 0 0 0 0\n\n\njulia> mono(2, use=d)\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 1 0 0 0\n\n\njulia> mono(param=2)\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 0 0 0 1\n\nExamples: Monomial Index-by-Order\n\njulia> mono([1])\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1 0 0 0 0\n\n\njulia> mono([0,1])\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 1 0 0 0\n\n\njulia> mono([0,0,0,0,1], use=d)\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 0 0 0 1\n\n\njulia> mono([1,0,0,0,1])\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 2 1 0 0 0 1\n\nExamples: Monomial Index-by-Sparse Monomial\n\njulia> mono([1=>1])\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1 0 0 0 0\n\n\njulia> mono([2=>1])\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 1 0 0 0\n\n\njulia> mono([1=>1], params=[2=>1], use=d)\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 2 1 0 0 0 1\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"quickstart/#Quickstart-Guide","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/#Defining-the-GTPSA","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Defining the GTPSA","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"A Descriptor defines all information about the GTPSA, including the number of variables and truncation orders for each variable. The constructors for a Descriptor including only variables are:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA #hide\n# 2 variables with max truncation order 10\nd1 = Descriptor(2, 10) ","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"# 3 variables with individual truncation orders 1, 2, 3 and max truncation order 6\nd2 = Descriptor([1, 2, 3], 6)","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/#Calculating-a-TPS","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Calculating a TPS","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"After defining a Descriptor for the TPSA, the variables (which themselves are represented as TPSs) can be obtained using vars or complexvars. For example, to calculate the Taylor series for f(x_1x_2) = cos(x_1) + sqrt1+x_2 to 4th order in x_1 and but only 1st order in x_2 (up to maximally 1 + 4 = 5th order):","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_header=false; GTPSA.show_sparse=false;#hide\nd = Descriptor([4, 1], 5);\n\n# Returns a Vector of each variable as a TPS\nx = vars(d) ","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"These TPSs can then be manipulated just like any other mathematical quantity in Julia:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"f = cos(x[1]) + sqrt(1 + x[2])","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"A blank TPS with all coefficients equal to zero can be created using TPS(use=d). This will construct a new TPS where each monomial coefficient is a Float64. If use is not explicitly passed in the constructor, then the global GTPSA.desc_current, which is set each time a new Descriptor is defined, will be used. Equivalently, TPS64(use=d) or TPS{Float64}(use=d) could have been used; a TPS is a parametric type where the type parameter specifies the number type that the TPS represents, and therefore the number type for each monomial coefficient in the TPS. TPS64 is an alias for TPS{Float64}, and if no type parameter is specified, then the default is TPS64. Likewise, a blank complex TPS can be created used ComplexTPS64(use=d) or TPS{ComplexF64}(use=d), with ComplexTPS64 being an alias for TPS{ComplexF64}. Currently, the GTPSA library only supports TPSs representing Float64 and ComplexF64 number types.","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"A regular scalar number a can be promoted to a TPS using TPS(a) (note by excluding the use keyword argument, GTPSA.desc_current is used for the Descriptor). In this case, the type parameter of the TPS is inferred from the type of a.","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"When a TPS contains a lot of variables, the default output showing each variable exponent can be larger than the screen can show. A global variable GTPSA.show_sparse, which is by default set to false, can be set to true to instead show each specific monomial instead of the exponents for each variable:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_header=false; GTPSA.show_sparse=false;#hide\nd = Descriptor(10, 10);\nx = vars(d);\n\nGTPSA.show_sparse = true;\ng = sin(x[1]*x[3]^2) + cos(x[2]*x[7]);\n\nprint(g)","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"Another global variable GTPSA.show_eps can be set to exclude showing monomials with coefficients having an absolute value less than GTPSA.show_eps.","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/#Partial-Derivative-Getting/Setting","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Partial Derivative Getting/Setting","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/#Individual-Monomial-Coefficient","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Individual Monomial Coefficient","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"note: Note\nThe value of a partial derivative is equal to the monomial coefficient in the Taylor series multiplied by a constant factor. E.g. for an expansion around zero f(x)approx f(0) + fracpartial fpartial xrvert_0x + frac12fracpartial^2 fpartial x^2rvert_0 x^2 + , the 2nd order monomial coefficient is frac12fracpartial^2 fpartial x^2rvert_0. ","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"Individual monomial coefficients in a TPS t can be get/set with three methods of indexing:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"By Order: t[[, ..., ]]. For example, for a TPS with three variables x_1, x_2, and x_3, the x_1^3x_2^1 monomial coefficient is accessed with t[[3,1,0]] or equivalently t[[3,1]], as leaving out trailing zeros for unincluded variables is allowed. A tuple is also allowed instead of a vector for the list of orders.\nBy Sparse Monomial t[[ => , ...]]. This method of indexing is convenient when a TPS contains many variables and parameters. For example, for a TPS with variables x_1x_2x_100, the x_1^3x_99^1 monomial coefficient is accessed with t[[1=>3, 99=>1]]. A tuple is also allowed instead of a vector for the list of pairs.\nBy Monomial Index t[idx]. This method is generally not recommended for indexing above first order. Indexes the TPS with all monomials sorted by order. For example, for a TPS with two variables x_1 and x_2, the x_1 monomial is indexed with t[1] and the x_1^2 monomial is indexed with t[3]. The zeroth order part, or the scalar part of the TPS, can be set with t[0]. This method requires zero allocations for indexing, unlike the other two.","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"These three methods of indexing are best shown with an example:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_header=false; GTPSA.show_sparse=false;#hide\n# Example of indexing by order -----------\nd = Descriptor(3, 10);\nt = TPS(use=d); # Create zero TPS based on d\n\nt[[0]] = 1;\nt[[1]] = 2;\nt[[0,1]] = 3;\nt[(0,0,1)] = 4; # Tuples also allowed\nt[(2,1,3)] = 5;\n\nprint(t)","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_header=false; GTPSA.show_sparse=false; #hide\n# Example of indexing by sparse monomial -----------\nd = Descriptor(3, 10);\nt = TPS(use=d); # Create zero TPS based on d\n\nt[[1=>1]] = 2;\nt[[2=>1]] = 3;\nt[[3=>1]] = 4;\nt[(1=>2,2=>1,3=>3)] = 5; # Tuples also allowed\n\nprint(t)","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false; #hide\n# Example of indexing by monomial index -----------\nd = Descriptor(3, 10);\nt = TPS(use=d); # Create zero TPS based on d\n\nt[0] = 0;\nt[1] = 1;\nt[2] = 2;\nt[3] = 3;\nt[4] = 4;\nt[5] = 5; \nt[6] = 6;\nt[7] = 7;\nt[8] = 8;\nt[9] = 9;\nt[10] = 10;\nprint(t)","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/#Gradients,-Jacobians,-Hessians","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Gradients, Jacobians, Hessians","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"The convenience getters gradient, jacobian, and hessian (as well as their corresponding in-place methods gradient!, jacobian!, and hessian!) are also provided for extracting partial derivatives from a TPS/Vector of TPSs. Note that these functions are not actually calculating anything - at this point the TPS should already have been propagated through the system, and these functions are just extracting the corresponding partial derivatives. Note that these function names are not exported, because they are commonly used by other automatic differentiation packages.","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_header=false; GTPSA.show_sparse=false; #hide\n# 2nd Order TPSA with 100 variables\nd = Descriptor(100, 2);\nx = vars(d);\n\nout = cumsum(x);\n\n# Convenience getters for partial derivative extracting:\ngrad1 = GTPSA.gradient(out[1]);\nJ = GTPSA.jacobian(out);\nh1 = GTPSA.hessian(out[1]);\n\n# Also in-place getters\nGTPSA.gradient!(grad1, out[1]);\nGTPSA.jacobian!(J, out);\nGTPSA.hessian!(h1, out[1]);","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/#Slicing-a-TPS","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Slicing a TPS","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"Parts of a TPS with certain variable orders can be extracted by slicing the TPS. When indexing by order, a colon (:) can be used in place for a variable order to include all orders of that variable. If the last specified index is a colon, then the rest of the variable indices are assumed to be colons:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_header=false; GTPSA.show_sparse=false; #hide\nd = Descriptor(5, 10);\nx = vars(d);\n\nf = 2*x[1]^2*x[3] + 3*x[1]^2*x[2]*x[3]*x[4]^2*x[5] + 6*x[3] + 5;\ng = f[[2,:,1]];\nh = f[[2,:,1,:]];\n\nprint(f)\nprint(g)\nprint(h)","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"A TPS can also be sliced with indexing by sparse monomial. In this case, if a colon is included anywhere in the sparse monomial index, then all orders of all variables not explicity specified will be included:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":" # Colon position does not matter in sparse-monomial indexing\ng = f[[1=>2, :, 3=>1, 4=>0, 5=>0]];\nh = f[[1=>2, 3=>1, :]];\n\n\nprint(g)\nprint(h)","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/#@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA!-Macros","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"The macros @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! can be used to speed up evaluation of expressions that may contain TPSs. Both macros are completely transparent to all other types, so they can be prepended to any existing expressions while still maintaining type-generic code. Any functions in the expression that are not overloaded by GTPSA will be ignored. Both macros do NOT use any -ffast-math business (so still IEEE compliant), but instead will use a thread-safe pre-allocated buffer in the Descriptor for any temporaries that may be generated during evaluation of the expression.","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"The first macro, @FastGTPSA can be prepended to an expression following assignment (=, +=, etc) to only construct one TPS (which requires two allocations), instead of a TPS for every temporary:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools\n\nd = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);\n\n@btime $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n\ny = rand(3); # transparent to non-TPS types\n\n@btime $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"The second macro, @FastGTPSA! can be prepended to the LHS of an assignment, and will fill a preallocated TPS with the result of an expression. @FastGTPSA! will calculate a TPS expression with zero allocations, and will still have no impact if a non-TPS type is used. The only requirement is that all symbols in the expression are defined:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools # hide\nd = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d); # hide\n\nt = ComplexTPS64(); # pre-allocate\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA! $t = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; \n\ny = rand(3); @gensym z; # transparent to non-TPS types\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA! $z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"Both @FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! can also be prepended to a block of code, in which case they are applied to each assignment in the block:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools # hide\nd = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);\n\ny = rand(3);\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA begin\n t1 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n t2 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;\n end;\n\nt3 = ComplexTPS64(); t4 = ComplexTPS64(); @gensym w;\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA! begin\n $t3 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n $t4 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n $w = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;\n end;\n","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"The advantages of using the macro become especially apparent in more complicated systems, for example in benchmark/track.jl. ","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/#Promotion-of-TPS64-to-ComplexTPS64","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Promotion of TPS64 to ComplexTPS64","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"TPS64s and ComplexTPS64s can be mixed freely without concern. Any time an operation with a TPS64 and a ComplexTPS64 or a Complex number occurs, the result will be a ComplexTPS64. A ComplexTPS64 can be converted back to a TPS64 using the real and imag operators.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/#all","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"The following functions from Base have been overloaded for operations with TPS:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"+, -, *, /, ^, ∘, inv, atan, hypot, abs, sqrt, exp, log, sin, cos, \ntan, csc, sec, cot, sinc, sinh, cosh, tanh, csch, sech, coth, asin, \nacos, atan, acsc, asec, acot, asinh, acosh, atanh, acsch, asech, \nacoth, zero, zeros, one, ones, real, imag, conj, angle, complex, \npromote_rule, getindex, setindex!, ==, <, >, <=, >=, !=, isequal, \nisless, isinf, isnan, show, copy!, lastindex, firstindex, rand, \nunsafe_convert, eltype, eps, floatmin, floatmax","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"zeros and ones are overloaded from Base so that allocated TPSs are placed in each element. Because of the mutability of TPS, if we didn't explicity overload these functions every element would correspond to the exact same heap-allocated TPS.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"GTPSA.jl overloads (and exports) the following functions from the corresponding packages: LinearAlgebra: norm, mul! SpecialFunctions: erf, erfc","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"GTPSA.jl also provides the following math functions NOT included in Base or any of the above packages (and not already documented in TPS Methods):","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"unit, sinhc, asinc, asinhc, polar, rect","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"If there is a mathematical function in Base which you'd like and is not included in the above list, feel free to submit an issue.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/#Mutable-Mathematics-Interface","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"Mutable Mathematics Interface","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"For every math function, GTPSA.jl provides mutating functions to set an allocated TPS in-place. For non-arithmetic operators, this is denoted with a bang (!) symbol. E.g. for sin(a), there also exists GTPSA.sin!(b, a) where b is set equal to sin(a). Aliasing (b === a) for all operators is allowed in GTPSA.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"For the arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, ^, there are the corresponding in-place functions GTPSA.add!(c, a, b), GTPSA.sub!(c, a, b), GTPSA.mul!(c, a, b), GTPSA.div!(c, a, b), and GTPSA.pow!(c, a, b). While c must be an allocated TPS, a and b could be a TPS or any Number type, so long as they can be appropriately converted to the destination TPS parametric number type. Aliasing for all arithmetic operators (a === b === c) is allowed in GTPSA.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/#tps","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"Truncated Power Series struct TPS{T<:Union{Float64,ComplexF64}} <: Number","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/#Syntax","page":"TPS","title":"Syntax","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"t = TPS([number] [, use=(descriptor|tps)])\n\nt = TPS64([real] [, use=(descriptor|tps)])\n\nt = ComplexTPS64([number] [, use=(descriptor|tps)])","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/#Description","page":"TPS","title":"Description","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"Currently, GTPSA only supports TPSs with Float64 or ComplexF64 monomial coefficients.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"t = TPS() creates a new TPS{Float64} (=TPS64) with all coefficients equal to zero using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"t = TPS(number) creates a new TPS equal to number. If number is a TPS, then this acts as a copy constructor, using that TPS's Descriptor (nesting TPSs is not permitted). Else, a TPS with monomial coefficient type promote_type(Float64,typeof(number)) is constructed using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"t = TPS64() creates a new TPS{Float64} with all coefficients equal to zero using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"t = TPS64(real) creates a new TPS{Float64} equal to real. If real is a TPS, then this acts as a copy constructor, using that TPS's Descriptor (nesting TPSs is not permitted). Else, a TPS with monomial coefficient type Float64 is constructed using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"t = ComplexTPS64() creates a new TPS{ComplexF64} with all coefficients equal to zero using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"t = ComplexTPS64(number) creates a new TPS{ComplexF64} equal to number. If number is a TPS, then this acts as a copy constructor, using that TPS's Descriptor (nesting TPSs is not permitted). Else, a TPS with monomial coefficient type ComplexF64 is constructed using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/#Optional-Keyword-Argument","page":"TPS","title":"Optional Keyword Argument","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"use=descriptor creates a new TPS having a Descriptor equal to that passed. If changing the Descriptor of a TPS, the number of variable + number of parameters must be equivalent, and invalid monomials in the new Descriptor will be removed.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"use=tps creates a new TPS having a Descriptor equal to that used by the passed TPS. If changing the Descriptor of a TPS, the number of variable + number of parameters must be equivalent, and invalid monomials in the new Descriptor will be removed.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/#Examples","page":"TPS","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; #hide\nGTPSA.show_header = true\nd1 = Descriptor(1, 1); # 1 variable to order 1\nt1_1 = TPS()\nt2_1 = TPS(5)\nt3_1 = TPS(t2_1)\nd2 = Descriptor(1, 10); # New Descriptor to order 10\nt1_2 = ComplexTPS64() # Uses d2\nt2_2 = ComplexTPS64(6)\nt3_2 = ComplexTPS64(t3_1, use=d2) # Promotes and changes Descriptor\nGTPSA.show_header = false #hide","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/#Documentation","page":"TPS","title":"Documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"TPS","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/#GTPSA.TPS","page":"TPS","title":"GTPSA.TPS","text":"TPS(ta::Union{Number,Nothing}=nothing; use::Union{Descriptor,TPS,Nothing}=nothing)\nTPS{T}(ta::Union{Number,Nothing}=nothing; use::Union{Descriptor,TPS,Nothing}=nothing) where {T<:Union{Float64,ComplexF64}}\n\nConstructor to create a new TPS equal to the real value ta. If ta is a TPS, this is equivalent to a copy constructor, with the result by default having the same Descriptor as ta. If ta is not a TPS, then the Descriptor used will by default be GTPSA.desc_current. The Descriptor for the constructed TPS can be set using use. If a TPS or ComplexTPS64 is passed to use, the Descriptor for that TPS will be used.\n\nThe constructor can also be used to create a copy of a TPS under one Descriptor to instead have a different Descriptor. In this case, invalid monomials under the new Descriptor are removed.\n\nInput\n\nta – Any Number\nuse – (Optional) specify which Descriptor to use, default is nothing which uses the Descriptor for ta if ta isa TPS, else uses GTPSA.desc_current\n\nOutput\n\nret – New TPS equal to ta, with removal of invalid monomials if ta is a TPS and a new Descriptor is specified\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/#fastgtpsa","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"Speed up evaluation of expressions containing TPSs, transparent to other types","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"The thread-safe macros @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! can be used to speed up evaluation of expressions that may contain TPSs. Both macros are completely transparent to all other types, so they can be prepended to any existing expressions while still maintaining type-generic code. Any functions in the expression that are not overloaded by GTPSA will be ignored. Both macros do not use any -ffast-math business (so still IEEE compliant), but instead will use a thread-safe pre-allocated buffer in the Descriptor for any temporaries that may be generated during evaluation of the expression.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"The first macro, @FastGTPSA can be prepended to an expression following assignment (=, +=, etc) to only construct one TPS (which requires two allocations), instead of a TPS for every temporary:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools\n\nd = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);\n\n@btime $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n\ny = rand(3); # transparent to non-TPS types\n\n@btime $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"The second macro, @FastGTPSA! can be prepended to the LHS of an assignment, and will fill a preallocated TPS with the result of an expression. @FastGTPSA! will calculate a TPS expression with zero allocations, and will still have no impact if a non-TPS type is used. The only requirement is that all symbols in the expression are defined:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools # hide\nd = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d); # hide\n\nt = ComplexTPS64(); # pre-allocate\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA! $t = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; \n\ny = rand(3); @gensym z; # transparent to non-TPS types\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA! $z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"Both @FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! can also be prepended to a block of code, in which case they are applied to each assignment in the block:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools # hide\nd = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);\n\ny = rand(3);\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA begin\n t1 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n t2 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;\n end;\n\nt3 = ComplexTPS64(); t4 = ComplexTPS64(); @gensym w;\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA! begin\n $t3 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n $t4 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n $w = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;\n end;\n","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"@FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! are also compatible with broadcasted, vectorized operators. This can be very useful for example if a structure-of-arrays (SoA) layout is used in a simulation program, but you would like to calculate a Taylor map of the output by propagating GTPSAs through. Note that for @FastGTPSA, which allocates the result, that there are two allocations per TPS and one for the Array. For @FastGTPSA!, which requires a pre-allocated output, there are zero allocations. Both are still transparent to non-TPS types for universally polymorphic use without cost.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools # hide\nd = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d); # hide\ny = rand(3); # hide\n@btime @FastGTPSA begin\n out = @. $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im;\n end;\nout = zeros(ComplexTPS64, 3) # pre-allocate\n@btime @FastGTPSA! begin\n @. $out = $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im;\n end;","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"If errors are thrown during usage of @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA!, temporaries in use may not have been properly popped from the stack. Therefore, if the Julia session is not terminated, the helper functions GTPSA.checktemps and `GTPSA.cleartemps! should be used to evaluate and correct the state of the buffer.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"Without using the macro, each time an operation is performed using a TPS, a new TPS is dynamically-allocated containing the result. For example in the above expression, the calculation of sin(x[2]) creates a new TPS, and the calculation of x[1]^3 also creates a new TPS. The multiplication of these two resulting TPSs creates a new TPS, and so on until a TPS containing the full result of the evaluated expression is obtained. The intermediate TPSs that must be created to evaluate the expression are referred to as temporaries, because they only exist temporarily. Julia's garbage collector notices when the dynamically-allocated temporaries are no longer in scope, and cleans up that memory when it decides it's a good time to. This process can cause slowdowns in performance critical code however, especially in more complicated expressions where a lot of temporaries are created.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"Both @FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! basically tell the code to instead use a permanent, pre-allocated thread-safe buffer of TPSs for the temporaries during evaluation of the expression, so there is no dynamic memory allocation; for @FastGTPSA, the number of allocations is reduced to two (which is one single TPS), and for @FastGTPSA! the number of allocations is zero. Furthermore, these temporaries are accessed and deleted in a stack-like manner from the buffer by each thread, so that temporaries involved in operations are right next to each other in memory. This ensures minimal cache misses throughout the evaluation of the expression.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"The speedup of using the macro can be quite significant. See our example, where we observe a x2 speedup at 2nd order. ","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/#Documentation","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"Documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"@FastGTPSA\n@FastGTPSA!\nGTPSA.cleartemps!\nGTPSA.checktemps","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/#GTPSA.@FastGTPSA","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"GTPSA.@FastGTPSA","text":"@FastGTPSA(expr_or_block)\n\nMacro to speed up evaluation of mathematical expressions containing TPSs. The temporaries generated during evaluation of the expression are drawn from a thread-safe buffer, reducing the number of heap allocations to 2 (which is for a single TPS) for the result. @FastGTPSA is completely transparent to all other types, so it can be prepended to expressions while still maintaining type-generic code.\n\njulia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(3,7); x = vars(d);\n\njulia> t = @btime $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n 3.458 μs (20 allocations: 11.88 KiB)\n\njulia> t = @btime @FastGTPSA $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n 3.172 μs (2 allocations: 1.94 KiB)\n\n@FastGTPSA can also be prepended to a block of code, in which case it is applied after every = sign in the block: \n\njulia> @btime @FastGTPSA begin\n t1 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n t2 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n a = t1+t2\n L = 5+3*exp(7)\n end\n 6.317 μs (6 allocations: 5.81 KiB)\n\nBroadcasting is also compatible with @FastGTPSA (note two allocations per TPS and one allocation per Array):\n\njulia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d); y = rand(3);\n\njulia> @btime @FastGTPSA begin\n out = @. $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im;\n end;\n 7.573 μs (7 allocations: 5.89 KiB)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"macro"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/#GTPSA.@FastGTPSA!","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"GTPSA.@FastGTPSA!","text":"@FastGTPSA!(expr_or_block)\n\nMacro to speed up evaluation of mathematical expressions that may contain assignment to pre-allocated TPSs. The temporaries generated during evaluation of the expression are drawn from a thread-safe buffer. With this macro, the number of heap allocations during evaluation of expressions containing TPSs is 0, and it is fully transparent to non-TPS types.\n\nThis macro supports assignment using =, +=, -=, *=, /=, and ^=.\n\nImportant: The symbols must be defined prior to calling the macro regardless of whether or not the type is a TPS:\n\njulia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(3,7); x = vars(d); \n\njulia> t = ComplexTPS64(); # Pre-allocate\n\njulia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $t = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n 2.972 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)\n\njulia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $t ^= $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n 6.550 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)\n\njulia> y = rand(3); z = 2; # transparent to non-TPS types \n\njulia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;\n 11.344 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)\n\nLike @FastGTPSA, @FastGTPSA! can prepended to a block of code, in which case it is applied before every line in the block containing assignment:\n\njulia> t1 = zero(ComplexTPS64); t2 = zero(ComplexTPS64); z = 0; \n\njulia> @btime @FastGTPSA! begin\n $t1 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n $t2 -= $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n $z += 7\n end\n 5.965 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)\n\nBroadcasting is also compatible with @FastGTPSA!:\n\njulia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d); y = rand(3);\n\njulia> out = zeros(ComplexTPS64, 3) # pre-allocate\n\njulia> @btime @FastGTPSA! begin\n @. $out = $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im;\n end;\n 7.312 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"macro"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/#GTPSA.cleartemps!","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"GTPSA.cleartemps!","text":"GTPSA.cleartemps!(d::Descriptor=GTPSA.desc_current)\n\nClears the \"stack\" of temporaries currently in use by the Descriptor. This is necessary to run if GTPSA.checktemps(d::Descriptor=GTPSA.desc_current) returns false; this occurs if an error is thrown during evaluation of an expression using @FastGTPSA or @FastGTPSA!, and the Julia session is not terminated.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/#GTPSA.checktemps","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"GTPSA.checktemps","text":"GTPSA.checktemps(d::Descriptor=GTPSA.desc_current)\n\nSanity check of the temporary buffer in the Descriptor used by @FastGTPSA. Returns true if everything is OK, else false in which case GTPSA.cleartemps!(d::Descriptor=GTPSA.desc_current) should be run. This may occur if an error is thrown during evaluation of an expression using @FastGTPSA or @FastGTPSA!.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"#GTPSA.jl","page":"Home","title":"GTPSA.jl","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"A full-featured Julia interface to the Generalised Truncated Power Series Algebra library.","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"GTPSA.jl is a full-featured Julia interface to the Generalised Truncated Power Series Algebra (GTPSA) library, which computes Taylor expansions, or Truncated Power Series (TPSs), of real and complex multivariable functions to high orders.","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Truncated Power Series Algebra (TPSA) performs forward-mode automatic differentation (AD) similar to the typical dual-number implementation, as in ForwardDiff.jl. However, instead of nesting derivatives for higher orders, TPSA naturally extends to arbitary orders by directly using the power series expansions. Furthermore, because TPSA is designed for high order AD, extra focus is given to the data structure storing all partial derivatives, as well as indexing/propagating each of the nonzero partial derivatives in an efficient way. With these features, GTPSA.jl is significantly faster than ForwardDiff.jl for 2nd-order calculations and above, and has similar performance to 1st-order. See the benchmark/track.jl example for a speed comparison in calculating the partial derivatives for a system with 58 inputs and 6 outputs. In this example, GTPSA was x3.5 faster than ForwardDiff to 2nd order, and x19.8 faster to 3rd order.","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"GTPSA provides several advantages over current Julia AD packages:","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Speed: GTPSA.jl is significantly faster than ForwardDiff.jl for 2nd-order calculations and above, and has very similar performance at 1st-order\nEasy Monomial Indexing: Beyond 2nd order, accessing/manipulating the partial derivatives in an organized way can be a significant challenge when using other AD packages. In GTPSA, three simple indexing schemes for getting/setting monomial coefficients in a truncated power series is provided, as well as a cycle! function for cycling through all nonzero monomials\nCustom Orders in Individual Variables: Other packages use a single maximum order for all variables. With GTPSA, the maximum order can be set differently for individual variables, as well as for a separate part of the monomial. For example, computing the Taylor expansion of f(x_1x_2) to 2nd order in x_1 and 6th order in x_2 is possible\nComplex Numbers: GTPSA natively supports complex numbers and allows for mixing of complex and real truncated power series\nDistinction Between State Variables and Parameters: Distinguishing between dependent variables and parameters in the solution of a differential equation expressed as a power series in the dependent variables/parameters can be advantageous in analysis","category":"page"},{"location":"#Setup","page":"Home","title":"Setup","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"To use GTPSA.jl, in the Julia REPL run","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"import Pkg; Pkg.add(\"GTPSA\")","category":"page"},{"location":"#Basic-Usage","page":"Home","title":"Basic Usage","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"First, a Descriptor must be created specifying the number of variables, number of parameters, and truncation order(s) for the variables/parameters in the TPSA. A TPS can then be created based on the Descriptor. TPSs can be manipulated using all of the arithmetic operators (+,-,*,/,^) and math functions (e.g. abs, sqrt, sin, exp, log, tanh, etc.).","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"TPSs can be viewed as structures containing the coefficients for all of the monomials of a multivariable Taylor expansion up to the orders specified in the Descriptor. As an example, to compute the truncated power series of a function f(x_1 x_2) = cos(x_1)+isin(x_2) to 6th order in x_1 and x_2:","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"using GTPSA\n\n# Descriptor for TPSA with 2 variables to 6th order\nd = Descriptor(2, 6)\n\n# Get the TPSs corresponding to each variable based on the Descriptor\nx = vars()\n# x[1] corresponds to the first variable and x[2] corresponds to the second variable\n\n# Manipulate the TPSs as you would any other mathematical variable in Julia\nf = cos(x[1]) + im*sin(x[2])\n# f is a new ComplexTPS64 ","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Note that scalars do not need to be defined as TPSs when writing expressions. Running print(f) gives the output","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"ComplexTPS64:\n Real Imag Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0\n 0.0000000000000000e+00 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 1\n -5.0000000000000000e-01 0.0000000000000000e+00 2 2 0\n 0.0000000000000000e+00 -1.6666666666666666e-01 3 0 3\n 4.1666666666666664e-02 0.0000000000000000e+00 4 4 0\n 0.0000000000000000e+00 8.3333333333333332e-03 5 0 5\n -1.3888888888888887e-03 0.0000000000000000e+00 6 6 0","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"The GTPSA library currently only supports truncated power series representing Float64 and ComplexF64 number types.","category":"page"},{"location":"#Acknowledgements","page":"Home","title":"Acknowledgements","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Much thanks must be given to Laurent Deniau, the creator of the C GTPSA library, for his time and great patience in explaining his code. ","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Advanced users are referred to this paper discussing the inner workings of the C GTPSA library.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/#definitions","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"This section is incomplete, and will be expanded in the near future","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/#cto","page":"Definitions","title":"Custom Truncation Orders","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"GTPSA allows for significant customization in the truncation of specific variables within a monomial of the truncated power series (TPS). One can specify individually the truncation orders for each variable in a truncated power series, as well as the maximum truncation order for an entire monomial in the TPS. This is best shown with an example:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"Suppose we'd like to express a function f(x_1x_2) as a truncated power series, and keep only terms that are up to 1st-order in x_1 but up to 2nd order in x_2; basically, we should not have any monomials where x_1 has an exponent > 1, nor any monomials where x_2 has an exponent > 2. GTPSA allows one to select the individual truncation orders for variables in a monomial in this manner. The next question to consider is the maximum truncation order for the entire monomial; in the above example, note that the 3rd-order term x_1x_2^2 follows the rules we layed out so far. But what if we'd also like to truncate all monomials with order 3 and above, and not allow this monomial? This can be achieved by setting the maximum truncation order equal to 2. When defining a GTPSA, the user must always specify the maximum truncation order, which when specifying individual truncation orders must lie within the range textrmmax(textrmindividual truncation orders) textrmsum(textrmindividual truncation orders). If individual truncation orders are not specified, then they are automatically set to the maximum truncation order.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"Example: allowed monomials for f(x_1x_2) with individual variable truncation orders [1,2] and different maximum truncation orders:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"Exponents Max Order = 2 Max Order = 3\n1quad 0 ✅ ✅\n0quad 1 ✅ ✅\n2quad 0 ❌ ❌\n1quad 1 ✅ ✅\n0quad 2 ✅ ✅\n3quad 0 ❌ ❌\n2quad 1 ❌ ❌\n1quad 2 ❌ ✅\n0quad 3 ❌ ❌","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/#Parameters","page":"Definitions","title":"Parameters","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"GTPSA allows one to explicitly distinguish between variables and parameters. Generally, a variable would be a dependent variable in a differential equation, and a parameter would be a variation in something defining or influencing the system (for example, in a harmonic oscillator the restoring constant k would be a parameter). Individual truncation orders can be specified for the parameters in the same way as described for the variables, however there is a special extra truncation order the can be specified for solely the parameters part of the monomial, referred to as the parameter order. The parameter order defines the truncation order for only the parameters part of a monomial. ","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"Example: allowed monomials for f(x_1k_1k_2) (one variable, two parameters) with individual variable truncation order [1], individual parameter truncation orders [1,1], maximum order = 3, and different parameter orders:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"Exponents Parameter Order = 1 Parameter Order = 2\n0quad quad 1 quad 0 ✅ ✅\n0quad quad 0 quad 1 ✅ ✅\n0quad quad 1 quad 1 ❌ ✅\n1quad quad 1 quad 0 ✅ ✅\n1quad quad 0 quad 1 ✅ ✅\n1quad quad 1 quad 1 ❌ ✅","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"(Note: many monomials are excluded for brevity in the above table)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/#global","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"The following non-constant global variables can be set:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"desc_current::Descriptor # Current Descriptor to use\nshow_eps::Float64 = 0.0 # Print epsilon\nshow_sparse::Bool = false # Use sparse monomial print\nshow_header::Bool = false # Print a header above each TPS","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"desc_current defines the Descriptor to use when that information is not explicitly (or implicitly in a TPS copy constructor) available, e.g. when calling TPS(a) where a is not a TPS. This also allows one to use general Number commands like convert(TPS, a) and zeros(TPS, 6) ","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"show_eps defines the value below which the absolute value of a monomial coefficient is NOT printed","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"show_sparse specifies whether the sparse monomial format is used for printing. This is useful for GTPSAs containing a large number of variables and parameters","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"show_header specifies whether or not to print the GTPSA Descriptor information above each TPS output","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/#Examples","page":"Global Variables","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false; #hide\nd1 = Descriptor(1, 6);\nx = vars()\nGTPSA.show_sparse = true;\nx\nGTPSA.show_sparse = false;\nGTPSA.show_sparse\nx","category":"page"}] +[{"location":"devel/#For-Developers","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"Developers may fork the GTPSA.jl repo and then dev their forked repo in the REPL. For example, if my Github username is githubuser, then after forking GTPSA.jl I would run in the REPL:","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"import Pkg\nPkg.develop(url=\"\")","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The package consists of two layers: a low-level layer written in Julia that is 1-to-1 with the GTPSA C code, and a high-level, user-friendly layer that cleans up the notation for manipulating TPSs, manages temporaries generated during evaluation, and properly manages the memory in C when variables go out of scope in Julia. The low-level functions are listed at the bottom of this page.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"When it comes to managing memory in C via Julia, there are certain intricacies that have to be considered. First, let's consider the Descriptor, which is the simplest: ","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#Descriptor","page":"For Developers","title":"Descriptor","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The Descriptor stores all information about the GTPSA, including the indexing table for indexing specific monomials. This is a static object, only created once for a GTPSA, which all TPSs refer to. In C, these structs must exist for the entirety of the program execution. In Julia, because they must not be destroyed when out-of-scope, we wrap these objects in immutable structs. In a single program, up to 250 Descriptors can exist simultanouesly, and they can be manually optionally destroyed using GTPSA.mad_desc_del!. At program termination all Descriptors are destroyed. Given the significantly large number allowed, as well as the danger of still-existing TPS and Descriptor structs after destruction, no front-facing interface to the user is given for destroying existing Descriptors.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The Descriptor struct simply wraps a C-pointer to a low-level struct called Desc: this struct is 1-to-1 equivalent to the C struct desc in GTPSA. See the documentation for GTPSA.Desc below. By having this struct in Julia, we can unsafe_load the struct and get values in the desc. For example, to access the first TPS{Float64} in the buffer of temporaries in the Descriptor, we can do","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"using GTPSA\nimport GTPSA: Desc\n\nd = Descriptor(5,8)\n\ndesc = unsafe_load(d.desc) # To access the low-level C struct\nt_jl = unsafe_load(Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{Ptr{TPS{Float64}}}, desc.t), 1) # 1 in Julia = 0 in C","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"In Julia, if we were to then unsafe_load(t_jl), there would in fact be allocations, as its internally creating a copy of the TPS{Float64} in Julia. This is not well documented in the documentation of unsafe_load (see the discussion here).","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#TPS","page":"For Developers","title":"TPS","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The TPS{Float64} struct in Julia corresponds exactly to the C struct tpsa and TPS{ComplexF64} struct in Julia corresponds exactly to ctpsa in C. To understand fully the TPS struct, some history is needed:","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"In early development versions of GTPSA.jl, the TPS struct was very similar to the Descriptor struct: it used to just wrap a C Ptr to a low-level struct, and instead be mutable so out-of-scope TPSs and temporaries are cleaned up. This at the time seemed like the simplest solution, since in Julia there is no way to tag C pointers for Julia garbage collection. This created some problems though: firstly, there is one indirection because Julia would tag that particular mutable wrapper struct for GC, but then the member Ptr of that struct pointed to a different place in memory that had to be cleaned up. Secondly, when calling GTPSA C functions that want a Vector of TPS (e.g. Ptr to TPS), you would need to do a map(t->t.tpsa, x) where x is a Vector{TPS64} and tpsa is the field member of the wrapper TPS struct. Thirdly, and perhaps most significantly, Julia is not aware of how much memory the C is using. Therefore, it will not call the garbage collector very often, even if actually >100GB of memory is being used. Sometimes the OS will just kill the Julia process.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"In order to get around these problems, we must allocate the entire mutable TPS struct in Julia instead of in the C code (e.g. using GTPSA.mad_tpsa_newd). We then can use pointer_from_objref in Julia to get a pointer to that mutable, Julia-owned struct to pass to the C functions. ","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"Sounds simple enough, right? If only! In the GTPSA C code, the coef member array is something called a flexible array member. This is great in C, because instead of the struct storing a pointer to an array (which would cause an indirection every time the coef array is accessed in a TPS), it actually stores the array right there in the struct, with variable size. This gives some performance gains. In Julia, there is no such analog. For those who know about StaticArrays.jl, you might think an SVector could work, but surprise, it doesn't because you cannot mutate the fields of an SVector and neither can the C code.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"So the only solution it seems is to change the actual C struct in mad_tpsa_impl.h and mad_ctpsa_impl.h to use regular arrays for coef instead of flexible array members, and indeed this is what is done for GTPSA.jl. There is a tiny speed reduction due to the indirection of accessing coef, however the benefits of Julia's garbage collector knowing how much memory it's using, and keeping memory usage sane, is worth the very tiny cost.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"On the Julia side, it turns out you cannot just use a regular Vector for the coef array in the TPS struct, because Julia's Vector structs are quite complex and play a lot of tricks. You might actually be able to use an MVector from StaticArrays, however using this struct might make GTPSA.jl significantly more complex because the size of the array has to be known at compile-time or else you suffer the drastic performance reductions caused by type-instabilities. The complexity of using this could be checked at some point in the future.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The decided solution was to, in the Julia, @ccall jl_malloc for the coef array, and in the finalizer for the mutable TPS struct call @ccall jl_free for the coef array. This gives us C-style arrays that Julia's garbage collector knows about, and so will make sure to keep the memory usage sane.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"When @ccall is used, the arguments are Base.unsafe_converted to the corresponding specified argument types. Therefore, for TPS all we had to do then was define","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{TPS{T}}}, t::TPS{T}) where {T} = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{TPS{T}},pointer_from_objref(t))","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"and now we can pass our TPS structs to C using @ccall.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#TempTPS","page":"For Developers","title":"TempTPS","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"Because unsafe_load of a Ptr{<:TPS} creates a copy and allocates, we cannot treat the constant buffer of pre-allocated temporaries in the Descriptor as bona-fide TPSs. Note that the memory addresses of the temporaries in the buffer are constant and do not need to be cleaned up; they are immutable!. The temporaries, which we give the type GTPSA.TempTPS, do not have any of the problems of just wrapping a pointer as do the TPSs, and so that's what they are. Also in Julia, in order to access the fields of a TempTPS (e.g. mo) via unsafe_load without allocating, we need an immutable struct having the same structure as TPS. This is the purpose of GTPSA.LowTempTPS. We need to use the mo field for @FastGTPSA to finally allocate the result TPS with the mo of the result TempTPS.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"As with TPS, we also had to define Base.unsafe_convert for TempTPS so we can @ccall. In this case, the unsafe_convert returns the member Ptr of the TempTPS.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"GTPSA.TempTPS","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.TempTPS","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.TempTPS","text":"struct TempTPS{T<:Union{Float64,ComplexF64}}\n\nThis is for internal use only. TempTPS is a temporary TPS, which has been pre-allocated in a buffer for each thread in the Descriptor C struct. When using the @FastGTPSA macro, all temporaries generated will be used from this buffer. \"Constructors\" of this type simply take a temporary from that particular thread's buffer in a stack-like manner and \"Destructors\" (which must be manually called because this is immutable) release it from the stack.\n\nFields\n\nt::Ptr{TPS{T}} – Pointer to the TPS in the buffer in the Descriptor\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"devel/#Library-Structure","page":"For Developers","title":"Library Structure","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"All operators have an in-place, mutating version specified with a bang (!). These are the lowest-level pure Julia code, following the convention that the first argument is the one to contain the result. In the GTPSA C library, the last argument contains the result, so this is accounted for in the file inplace_operators.jl. All in-place functions can receive either a regular TPS , which the user will be using, as well as a GTPSA.TempTPS, which the user should not concern themselves with. The constants RealTPS and ComplexTPS are defined respectively in low_level/rtpsa.jl and low_level/ctpsa.jl to simplify the notation. These are just:","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"# Internal constants to aid multiple dispatch including temporaries \nconst RealTPS = Union{TempTPS{Float64}, TPS{Float64}}\nconst ComplexTPS = Union{TempTPS{ComplexF64}, TPS{ComplexF64}}","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"All this does is enforce correct types for the in-place functions, while keeping the notation/code simple. ","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The in-place, mutating functions, defined in inplace_operators.jl must all use the RealTPS and ComplexTPS \"types\". Then, the higher level out-of-place functions for both TPS and TempTPS, which do different things with the result, will use these in-place functions.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The out-of-place functions for TPS are defined in operators.jl, and the out-of-place functions for TempTPS are defined in fastgtpsa/operators.jl.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#Fast-GTPSA-Macros","page":"For Developers","title":"Fast GTPSA Macros","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"The @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! macros work by changes all arithmetic operators in different Julia arithmetic operators with the same operator precedence and unary operator capabilities. These special operators then dispatch on functions that use the temporaries when a TPS or TempTPS is passed, else default to their original operators, thereby making it completely transparent to non-TPS types. Both + and - must work as unary operators, and there is a very short list of allowed ones shown here. The other arithmetic operators were chosen somewhat randomly from the top of the same file, next to prec-plus, prec-times, and prec-power which defines the operator precedences. By taking this approach, we relieve ourselves of having to rewrite PEMDAS and instead let the Julia do it for us.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"All arithmetic operators are changed to GTPSA.:, e.g. + → GTPSA.:±. All non-arithmetic operators that are supported by GTPSA are then changed to GTPSA.__t_, e.g. sin → GTPSA.__t_sin, where the prefix __t_ is also chosen somewhat arbitrarily. These operators are all defined in fastgtpsa/operators.jl, and when they encounter a TPS type, they use the temporaries, and when other number types are detected, they fallback to the regular, non-__t_ operator. This approach works extraordinarily well, and introduces no problems externally because none of these functions/symbols are exported.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#Calling-the-C-library-with-pointer-to-pointers","page":"For Developers","title":"Calling the C-library with pointer-to-pointers","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"All of the GTPSA map functions required a vector of TPS as input, in C **tpsa. In Julia, this works automatically for Vector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}} by specifying the C argument type in the C call as ::Ptr{TPS64} or ::Ptr{ComplexTPS64}. However, in some cases, one might have only a single TPS64 and would like the call the corresponding map function without having to allocate an array. After some experimenting, I've found the following solution to have zero allocations, using compose! as an example:","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"mad_compose!(na, ma::TPS64, nb, mb::AbstractVector{TPS64}, mc::TPS64) = GC.@preserve ma mc @ccall MAD_TPSA.mad_tpsa_compose(Cint(na)::Cint, Ref(pointer_from_objref(ma))::Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint(nb)::Cint, mb::Ptr{TPS64}, Ref(pointer_from_objref(mc))::Ptr{Cvoid})::Cvoid","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#Low-Level","page":"For Developers","title":"Low-Level","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"Below is documentation for every single 1-to-1 C function in the GTPSA library. If there is any function missing, please submit an issue to GTPSA.jl.","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#Monomial","page":"For Developers","title":"Monomial","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"GTPSA.mad_mono_add!\nGTPSA.mad_mono_cat!\nGTPSA.mad_mono_cmp\nGTPSA.mad_mono_copy!\nGTPSA.mad_mono_eq\nGTPSA.mad_mono_eqn\nGTPSA.mad_mono_fill!\nGTPSA.mad_mono_le\nGTPSA.mad_mono_lt\nGTPSA.mad_mono_max\nGTPSA.mad_mono_min\nGTPSA.mad_mono_ord\nGTPSA.mad_mono_ordp\nGTPSA.mad_mono_ordpf\nGTPSA.mad_mono_print\nGTPSA.mad_mono_prt!\nGTPSA.mad_mono_rcmp\nGTPSA.mad_mono_rev!\nGTPSA.mad_mono_str!\nGTPSA.mad_mono_sub!","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_add!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_add!","text":"mad_mono_add!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nSets monomial r = a + b.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Source monomial a\nb – Source monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination monomial, r = a + b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_cat!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_cat!","text":"mad_mono_cat!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, m::Cint, b::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nSets monomial r equal to the concatenation of the monomials a and b\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomonial a\na – Source monomial a\nm – Length of monomial b\nb – Source monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination monomial of concatenation of a and b (length n+m)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_cmp","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_cmp","text":"mad_mono_cmp(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nCompares monomial a to monomial b, and returns the first difference in the lowest order variables.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Monomial a\nb – Monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nret – First a[i]-b[i] != 0\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_copy!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_copy!","text":"mad_mono_copy!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nCopies monomial a to monomial r. \n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Source monomial\nr – Destination monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_eq","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_eq","text":"mad_mono_eq(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool\n\nChecks if the monomial a is equal to the monomial b.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Monomial a\nb – Monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if the monomials are equal, false if otherwise\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_eqn","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_eqn","text":"mad_mono_eqn(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Cuchar)::Bool\n\n???\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_fill!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_fill!","text":"mad_mono_fill!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, v::Cuchar)\n\nFills the monomial a with the value v.\n\nInput\n\nn – Monomial length\na – Monomial\nv – Value\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_le","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_le","text":"mad_mono_le(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool\n\nChecks if monomial a is less than or equal to monomial b.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Monomial a\nb – Monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if a <= mono_b, false otherwise\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_lt","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_lt","text":"mad_mono_lt(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool\n\nChecks if monomial a is less than monomial b.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Monomial a\nb – Monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if a < b, false otherwise\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_max","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_max","text":"mad_mono_max(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar\n\nReturns the maximum order of the monomial.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomial\na – Monomial\n\nOutput\n\nmo – Maximum order of monomial a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_min","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_min","text":"mad_mono_min(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar\n\nReturns the minimum order of the monomial.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomial\na – Monomial\n\nOutput\n\nmo – Mininum order of monomial a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_ord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_ord","text":"mad_mono_ord(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nReturns the sum of the orders of the monomial a.\n\nInput\n\nn – Monomial length\na – Monomial\n\nOutput\n\ns – Sum of orders of monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_ordp","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_ordp","text":"mad_mono_ordp(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, stp::Cint)::Cdouble\n\nReturns the product of each stp-th order in monomial a. For example, stp = 2 collects every order in the monomial with a step of 2 between each. As a is a pointer, the product can be started at any element in the monomial.\n\nInput\n\nn – Monomial length\na – Monomial as byte array\nstp – Step over which orders to include in the product\n\nOutput\n\np – Product of orders of monomial separated by stp.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_ordpf","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_ordpf","text":"mad_mono_ordpf(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, stp::Cint)::Cdouble\n\nReturns the product of factorials each stp-th order in monomial a. For example, stp = 2 collects every order in the monomial with a step of 2 between each. As a is a pointer, the product can be started at any element in the monomial.\n\nInput\n\nn – Monomial length\na – Monomial as byte array\nstp – Step over which orders to include in the product of factorials\n\nOutput\n\np – Product of factorials of orders of monomial separated by stp\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_print","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_print","text":"mad_mono_print(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, sep_::Cstring, fp_::Ptr{Cvoid})\n\nPrints the monomial to stdout.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomial\na – Source monomial to print to stdout\nsep_ – Separator string\nfp_ – C FILE pointer, if null will print to stdout\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_prt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_prt!","text":"mad_mono_prt(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, s::Ptr{Cuchar})::Cstring\n\nWrites the monomial defined by the byte array a (with orders stored as hexadecimal) into a null terminated string s.\n\nInput\n\nn – Monomial and string length\na – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nret – Monomial as string\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_rcmp","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_rcmp","text":"mad_mono_rcmp(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nCompares monomial a to monomial b starting from the right (when the monomials are ordered by variable, which is almost never the case) and returns the first difference in the lowest order variables. \n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Monomial a\nb – Monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nret – First a[i]-b[i] != 0 where i starts from the end.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_rev!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_rev!","text":"mad_mono_rev!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nSets destination monomial r equal to the reverse of source monomial a.\n\nInput\n\nn – Lengths of monomials\na – Source monomial a\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination monomial of reverse monomial a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_str!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_str!","text":"mad_mono_str!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, s::Cstring)::Cint\n\nWrites the monomial defined in the string s, which stores the orders in a human-readable format (e.g. 10 is 10, not 0xa), into the byte array a with the orders specified in hexadecimal.\n\nInput\n\nn – Monomial and string length\ns – Monomial as string \"[0-9]*\"\n\nOutput\n\na – Monomial as a byte array converted from the input string\ni – Adjusted size n of byte array if '\u0000' found\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_mono_sub!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_mono_sub!","text":"mad_mono_sub!(n::Cint, a::Vector{Cuchar}, b::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nSets monomial r = a - b.\n\nInput\n\nn – Length of monomials\na – Source monomial a\nb – Source monomial b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination monomial, r = a - b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#Desc","page":"For Developers","title":"Desc","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"GTPSA.Desc\nGTPSA.mad_desc_del!\nGTPSA.mad_desc_getnv!\nGTPSA.mad_desc_idxm\nGTPSA.mad_desc_idxs\nGTPSA.mad_desc_idxsm\nGTPSA.mad_desc_info\nGTPSA.mad_desc_isvalidm\nGTPSA.mad_desc_isvalids\nGTPSA.mad_desc_isvalidsm\nGTPSA.mad_desc_maxlen\nGTPSA.mad_desc_maxord\nGTPSA.mad_desc_mono!\nGTPSA.mad_desc_newv\nGTPSA.mad_desc_newvp\nGTPSA.mad_desc_newvpo\nGTPSA.mad_desc_nxtbyord\nGTPSA.mad_desc_nxtbyvar\nGTPSA.mad_desc_paropsth!","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.Desc","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.Desc","text":"`Desc`\n\nThis is a 1-to-1 struct for the C definition desc (descriptor) in GTPSA. Descriptors include all information about the TPSA, including the number of variables/parameters and their orders, lookup tables for the monomials, monomial indexing function, and pre-allocated permanent temporaries for fast evaluation.\n\nFields\n\nid::Cint – Index in list of registered descriptors\nnn::Cint – Number of variables + number of parameters, nn = nv+np <= 100000\nnv::Cint – Number of variables\nnp::Cint – Number of parameters\nmo::Cuchar – Max order of both variables AND parameters\npo::Cuchar – Max order of parameters\nno::Ptr{Cuchar} – Array of orders of each variable (first nv entries) and parameters (last np entries), length nn. Note: In C this is const\nuno::Cint – User provided array of orders of each variable/parameter (with mad_desc_newvpo)\nnth::Cint – Max number of threads or 1\nnc::Cuint – Number of coefficients (max length of TPSA)\npmul::Cuint – Threshold for parallel mult (0 = disable)\npcomp::Cuint – Threshold for parallel compose (0 = disable)\nshared::Ptr{Cint} – counter of shared desc (all tables below except prms)\nmonos::Ptr{Cuchar} – 'Matrix' storing the monomials (sorted by variable)\nords::Ptr{Cuchar} – Order of each monomial of To\nprms::Ptr{Cuchar} – Order of parameters in each monomial of To (zero = no parameters)\nTo::Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}} – Table by orders - pointers to monomials, sorted by order\nTv::Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}} – Table by vars - pointers to monomials, sorted by variable\nocs::Ptr{Ptr{Cuchar}} – ocs[t,i] -> o in mul, compute o on thread t 3 <= o <= mo aterminated with 0\nord2idx::Ptr{Cint} – Order to polynomial start index in To (i.e. in TPSA coef)\ntv2to::Ptr{Cint} – Lookup tv->to\nto2tv::Ptr{Cint} – Lookup to->tv\nH::Ptr{Cint} – Indexing matrix in Tv\nL::Ptr{Ptr{Cint}} – Multiplication indexes L[oa,ob]->L_ord L_ord[ia,ib]->ic\nL_idx::Ptr{Ptr{Ptr{Cint}}} – L_idx[oa,ob]->[start] [split] [end] idxs in L\nsize::Culonglong – Bytes used by desc. Unsigned Long Int: In 32 bit system is Int32 but 64 bit is Int64. Using Culonglong assuming 64 bit\nt::Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}} – Temporary array contains 8 pointers to TPS{Float64}s already initialized\nct::Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}} – Temporary array contains 8 pointers to TPS{ComplexF64}s already initialized\nti::Ptr{Cint} – idx of tmp used by each thread (length = # threads)\ncti::Ptr{Cint} – idx of tmp used by each thread (length = # threads) \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_del!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_del!","text":"mad_desc_del!(d_::Ptr{Desc})\n\nCalls the destructor for the passed descriptor.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_getnv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_getnv!","text":"mad_desc_getnv!(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo_::Ref{Cuchar}, np_::Ref{Cint}, po_::Ref{Cuchar}::Cint\n\nReturns the number of variables in the descriptor, and sets the passed mo_, np_, and po_ to the maximum order, number of parameters, and parameter order respectively.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\n\nOutput\n\nmo_ – (Optional) Maximum order of the descriptor\nnp_ – (Optional) Number of parameters of the descriptor\npo_ – (Optional) Parameter order of the descriptor\nret – Number of variables in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_idxm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_idxm","text":"mad_desc_idxm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nReturns the index of the monomial as byte array m in the descriptor, or -1 if the monomial is invalid.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – Monomial length\nm – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nret – Monomial index or -1 if invalid\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_idxs","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_idxs","text":"mad_desc_idxs(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cint\n\nReturns the index of the monomial as string s in the descriptor, or -1 if the monomial is invalid.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – String length or 0 if unknown\ns – Monomial as string \"[0-9]*\"\n\nOutput\n\nret – Monomial index or -1 if invalid monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_idxsm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_idxsm","text":"mad_desc_idxsm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cint\n\nReturns the index of the monomial as sparse monomial m, indexed as [(i,o)], in the descriptor, or -1 if the monomial is invalid.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – Monomial length\nm – Sparse monomial [(idx,ord)]\n\nOutput\n\nret – Monomial index or -1 if invalid\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_info","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_info","text":"mad_desc_info(d::Ptr{Desc}, fp::Ptr{Cvoid})\n\nFor debugging.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor to debug\nfp – File to write to. If null, will write to stdout\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_isvalidm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_isvalidm","text":"mad_desc_isvalidm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Bool\n\nChecks if monomial as byte array m is valid given maximum order of descriptor.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if valid, false if invalid\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_isvalids","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_isvalids","text":"mad_desc_isvalids(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Bool\n\nChecks if monomial as string s is valid given maximum order of descriptor.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – Monomial string length\ns – Monomial as string \"[0-9]*\"\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if valid, false if invalid\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_isvalidsm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_isvalidsm","text":"mad_desc_isvalidsm(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Bool\n\nChecks the monomial as sparse monomial m (monomial stored as sequence of integers with each pair [(i,o)] such that i = index, o = order) is valid given the maximum order of the descriptor.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Sparse monomial [(idx, ord)]\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if valid, false if invalid\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_maxlen","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_maxlen","text":"mad_desc_maxlen(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)::Cint\n\nGets the maximum length of the TPSA given an order. \n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nmo – Order (ordlen(maxord) == maxlen)\n\nOutput\n\nret – monomials in 0..order\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_maxord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_maxord","text":"mad_desc_maxord(d::Ptr{Desc}, nn::Cint, no_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar\n\nSets the order of the variables and parameters of the TPSA to those specified in no_ and returns the maximum order of the TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nnn – Number of variables + number of parameters, no_[1..nn]\nno_ – (Optional) Orders of parameters to be filled if provided\n\nOutput\n\nret – Maximum order of TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_mono!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_mono!","text":"mad_desc_mono!(d::Ptr{Desc}, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_::Vector{Cuchar}, p_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar\n\nReturns the order of the monomial at index i, and if n and m_ are provided, then will also fill m_ with the monomial at this index. Also will optionally return the order of the parameters in the monomial if p_ is provided\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\ni – Slot index (must be valid)\nn – Monomial length (must be provided if m_ is to be filled)\n\nOutput\n\nret – Monomial order at slot index\nm_ – (Optional) Monomial to fill if provided\np_ – (Optional) Order of parameters in monomial if provided\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_newv","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_newv","text":"mad_desc_newv(nv::Cint, mo::Cuchar)::Ptr{Desc}\n\nCreates a TPSA descriptor with the specified number of variables and maximum order. The number of parameters is set to 0.\n\nInput\n\nnv – Number of variables in the TPSA\nmo – Maximum order of TPSA, mo = max(1, mo)\n\nOutput\n\nret – Descriptor with the specified number of variables and maximum order\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_newvp","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_newvp","text":"mad_desc_newvp(nv::Cint, mo::Cuchar, np_::Cint, po_::Cuchar)::Ptr{Desc}\n\nCreates a TPSA descriptor with the specifed number of variables, maximum order, number of parameters, and parameter order.\n\nInput\n\nnv – Number of variables\nmo – Maximum order of TPSA INCLUDING PARAMETERS, mo = max(1, mo)\nnp_ – (Optional) Number of parameters, default is 0\npo_ – (Optional) Order of parameters, po = max(1, po_)\n\nOutput\n\nret – Descriptor with the specified nv, mo, np, and po\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_newvpo","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_newvpo","text":"mad_desc_newvpo(nv::Cint, mo::Cuchar, np_::Cint, po_::Cuchar, no_::Vector{Cuchar})::Ptr{Desc}\n\nCreates a TPSA descriptor with the specifed number of variables, maximum order for both variables and parameters, number of parameters, parameter order, and individual variable/parameter orders specified in no. The first nv entries in no correspond to the variables' orders and the next np entries correspond the parameters' orders.\n\nInput\n\nnv – Number of variables\nmo – Maximum order of TPSA (mo = max(mo , no[0 :nn-1]), nn = nv+np)\nnp_ – (Optional) Number of parameters, default is 0\npo_ – (Optional) Order of parameters (po = max(po_, no[nv:nn-1]), po <= mo)\nno_ – (Optional) Array of orders of variables and parameters\n\nOutput\n\nret – Descriptor with the specified nv, mo, np, po, no.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_nxtbyord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_nxtbyord","text":"mad_desc_nxtbyord(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nReturns the next monomial after monomial m in the TPSA when sorted by order.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – Monomial length\nm – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nidx – Monomial index or -1 if no valid next monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_nxtbyvar","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_nxtbyvar","text":"mad_desc_nxtbyvar(d::Ptr{Desc}, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nReturns the next monomial after monomial m in the TPSA when sorted by variable.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nn – Monomial length\nm – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nidx – Monomial index or -1 if no valid next monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_desc_paropsth!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_desc_paropsth!","text":"mad_desc_paropsth!(d::Ptr{Desc}, mult_, comp_)\n\nSets the parallelised operations thresholds for multiplication (mult_) and/or composition (comp_). Will return in mult_ and/or comp_ the previous threshold.\n\nInput\n\nmult_ – (Optional) Ptr{Cint} to new multiplication OMP parallelization threshold\ncomp_ – (Optional) Ptr{Cint} to new composition OMP parallelization threshold\n\nOutput\n\nmult_ – (Optional) old multiplication parallelization threshold\ncomp_ – (Optional) old composition parallelization threshold\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#TPS{Float64}","page":"For Developers","title":"TPS{Float64}","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_abs!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_acc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_acos!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_acosh!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_acot!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_acoth!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_add!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_asin!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinh!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinhc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_atan!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_atan2!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_atanh!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpb!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpbypc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypb!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypbvwpc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypbzpc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_clear!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_clrord!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_compose!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_convert!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_copy!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cos!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cosh!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cot!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_coth!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpyi!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpym!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpys!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpysm!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cutord!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_cycle!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_debug\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_del!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_density\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_deriv!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_derivm!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_desc\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_dif!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_div!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_equ\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_erf!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_erfc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_eval!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_exp!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_exppb!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_fgrad!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_fld2vec!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_geti\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_getm\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_getord!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_gets\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_getsm\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_getv!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_hypot!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_hypot3!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxm\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxs\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxsm\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_init!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_integ!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_inv!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_invsqrt!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_isnul\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_isval\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_isvalid\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_len\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_liebra!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_log!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_logpb!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_logxdy!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_maxord!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_mconv!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_minv!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_mnrm\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_mo!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_mono!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_mord\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_mul!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_nam\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_new\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_newd\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_nrm\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_ord\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_ordv\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_pminv!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_poisbra!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_pow!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_powi!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_pown!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_print\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan_coef!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan_hdr\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_scl!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sclord!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_seti!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_setm!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_setprm!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sets!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_setsm!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_setv!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_setval!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_setvar!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sin!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sincos!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sincosh!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinh!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinhc!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sqrt!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_sub!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_tan!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_tanh!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_taylor!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_taylor_h!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_translate!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_uid!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_unit!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_update!\nGTPSA.mad_tpsa_vec2fld!","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_abs!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_abs!","text":"mad_tpsa_abs!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the absolute value of TPSA a. Specifically, the result contains a TPSA with the abs of all coefficients.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = |a|\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acc!","text":"mad_tpsa_acc!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)\n\nAdds a*v to TPSA c. Aliasing OK.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c += v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acos!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acos!","text":"mad_tpsa_acos!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acos of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = acos(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acosh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acosh!","text":"mad_tpsa_acosh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acosh of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA `c = acosh(a)'\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acot!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acot!","text":"mad_tpsa_acot!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acot of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = acot(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acoth!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_acoth!","text":"mad_tpsa_acoth!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acoth of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA `c = acoth(a)'\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_add!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_add!","text":"mad_tpsa_add!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a + b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a + b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asin!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asin!","text":"mad_tpsa_asin!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asin of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = asin(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinc!","text":"mad_tpsa_asinc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asinc(a) = asin(a)/a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = asinc(a) = asin(a)/a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinh!","text":"mad_tpsa_asinh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asinh of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA `c = asinh(a)'\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinhc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_asinhc!","text":"mad_tpsa_asinhc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asinhc of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA `c = asinhc(a)'\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_atan!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_atan!","text":"mad_tpsa_atan!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the atan of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = atan(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_atan2!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_atan2!","text":"mad_tpsa_atan2!(y::RealTPS, x::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA r to atan2(y,x)\n\nInput\n\ny – Source TPSA y\nx – Source TPSA x\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r = atan2(y,x)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_atanh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_atanh!","text":"mad_tpsa_atanh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the atanh of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA `c = atanh(a)'\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!","text":"mad_tpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, y::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, z::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = a*x^2 + b*y^2 + c*z^2\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb – Scalar b\ny – TPSA y\nc – Scalar c\nz – TPSA z\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpb!","text":"mad_tpsa_axpb!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = a*x + b\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb – Scalar b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpbypc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpbypc!","text":"mad_tpsa_axpbypc!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, y::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = a*x + b*y + c\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb – Scalar b\ny – TPSA y\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!","text":"mad_tpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!(x::RealTPS, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2)\n\nInput\n\nx – TPSA x\na – Scalar a\nb – Scalar b\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypb!","text":"mad_tpsa_axypb!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb – Scalar b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypbvwpc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypbvwpc!","text":"mad_tpsa_axypbvwpc!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, v::RealTPS, w::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b*v*w + c\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb – Scalar b\nv – TPSA v\nw – TPSA w\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypbzpc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_axypbzpc!","text":"mad_tpsa_axypbzpc!(a::Cdouble, x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, b::Cdouble, z::RealTPS, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b*z + c\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb – Scalar b\nz – TPSA z\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_clear!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_clear!","text":"mad_tpsa_clear!(t::RealTPS)\n\nClears the TPSA (reset to 0)\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_clrord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_clrord!","text":"mad_tpsa_clrord!(t::RealTPS, ord::Cuchar)\n\nClears all monomial coefficients of the TPSA at order ord\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nord – Order to clear monomial coefficients\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_compose!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_compose!","text":"mad_tpsa_compose!(na::Cint, ma, nb::Cint, mb, mc)\n\nComposes two maps.\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in map ma\nma – map ma\nnb – Number of TPSAs in map mb\nmb – map mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Composition of maps ma and mb\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_convert!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_convert!","text":"mad_tpsa_convert!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)\n\nGeneral function to convert TPSAs to different orders and reshuffle canonical coordinates. The destination TPSA will be of order n, and optionally have the variable reshuffling defined by t2r_ and poisson bracket sign. e.g. if t2r_ = {1,2,3,4,6,5} and pb = -1, canonical coordinates 6 and 5 are swapped and the new 5th canonical coordinate will be negated. Useful for comparing with different differential algebra packages.\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nn – Length of vector\nt2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup\npb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA with specified order and canonical coordinate reshuffling.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_copy!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_copy!","text":"mad_tpsa_copy!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nMakes a copy of the TPSA t to r.\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cos!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cos!","text":"mad_tpsa_cos!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the cos of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cosh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cosh!","text":"mad_tpsa_cosh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the cosh of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cot!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cot!","text":"mad_tpsa_cot!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the cot of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = cot(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_coth!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_coth!","text":"mad_tpsa_coth!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the coth of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = coth(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpyi!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpyi!","text":"mad_tpsa_cpyi!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, i::Cint)\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at index i in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \ni – Index of monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpym!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpym!","text":"mad_tpsa_cpym!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-vector-of-orders m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \nn – Length of monomial m\nm – Monomial as vector of orders\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpys!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpys!","text":"mad_tpsa_cpys!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-string-of-order s in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \nn – Length of string\ns – Monomial as string\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpysm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cpysm!","text":"mad_tpsa_cpysm!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-sparse-monomial m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \nn – Length of monomial m\nm – Monomial as sparse-monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cutord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cutord!","text":"mad_tpsa_cutord!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, ord::Cint)\n\nCuts the TPSA off at the given order and above, or if ord is negative, will cut orders below abs(ord) (e.g. if ord = -3, then orders 0-3 are cut off).\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nord – Cut order: 0..-ord or\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cycle!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_cycle!","text":"mad_tpsa_cycle!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_, v_)::Cint\n\nUsed for scanning through each nonzero monomial in the TPSA. Given a starting index (-1 if starting at 0), will optionally fill monomial m_ with the monomial at index i and the value at v_ with the monomials coefficient, and return the next NONZERO monomial index in the TPSA. This is useful for building an iterator through the TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to scan\ni – Index to start from (-1 to start at 0)\nn – Length of monomial\nm_ – (Optional) Monomial to be filled if provided\nv_ – (Optional) Pointer to value of coefficient\n\nOutput\n\ni – Index of next nonzero monomial in the TPSA, or -1 if reached the end\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_debug","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_debug","text":"mad_tpsa_debug(t::RealTPS, name_::Cstring, fnam_::Cstring, line_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Cint\n\nPrints TPSA with all information of data structure.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nname_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA\nfnam_ – (Optional) File name to print to\nline_ – (Optional) Line number in file to start at\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to print to, default is stdout\n\nOutput\n\nret – Cint reflecting internal state of TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_del!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_del!","text":"mad_tpsa_del!(t::Ptr{TPS{Float64}})\n\nCalls the destructor for the TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to destruct\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_density","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_density","text":"mad_tpsa_density(t::RealTPS, stat_, reset::Bool)::Cdouble\n\nComputes the ratio of nz/nc in [0] U [lo,hi] or stat_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_deriv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_deriv!","text":"mad_tpsa_deriv!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, iv::Cint)\n\nDifferentiates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA to differentiate\niv – Index of variable to take derivative wrt to (e.g. derivative wrt x, iv = 1). \n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_derivm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_derivm!","text":"mad_tpsa_derivm!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nDifferentiates TPSA with respect to the monomial defined by byte array m.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA to differentiate\nn – Length of monomial to differentiate wrt\nm – Monomial to take derivative wrt\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_desc","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_desc","text":"mad_tpsa_desc(t::RealTPS)::Ptr{Desc}\n\nGets the descriptor for the TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – Descriptor for the TPS{Float64}\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_dif!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_dif!","text":"mad_tpsa_dif!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nFor each homogeneous polynomial in TPSAs a and b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:\n\nc_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_div!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_div!","text":"mad_tpsa_div!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a / b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a / b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_equ","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_equ","text":"mad_tpsa_equ(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, tol_::Cdouble)::Bool\n\nChecks if the TPSAs a and b are equal within the specified tolerance tol_. If tol_ is not specified, DBL_GTPSA.show_epsILON is used.\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA a\nb – TPSA b\ntol_ – (Optional) Difference below which the TPSAs are considered equal\n\nOutput\n\nret - True if a == b within tol_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_erf!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_erf!","text":"mad_tpsa_erf!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the erf of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA `c = erf(a)'\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_erfc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_erfc!","text":"mad_tpsa_erfc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the erfc of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA `c = erfc(a)'\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_eval!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_eval!","text":"mad_tpsa_eval!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{Cdouble}, tc::Vector{Cdouble})\n\nEvaluates the map at the point tb\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in the map\nma – map ma\nnb – Length of tb\ntb – Point at which to evaluate the map\n\nOutput\n\ntc – Values for each TPSA in the map evaluated at the point tb\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_exp!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_exp!","text":"mad_tpsa_exp!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the exponential of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = exp(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_exppb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_exppb!","text":"mad_tpsa_exppb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})\n\nComputes the exponential of fgrad of the vector fields ma and mb, literally exppb(ma, mb) = mb + fgrad(ma, mb) + fgrad(ma, fgrad(ma, mb))/2! + ...\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma and mb\nma – Vector of TPSA ma\nmb – Vector of TPSA mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Destination vector of TPSA mc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_fgrad!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_fgrad!","text":"mad_tpsa_fgrad!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nCalculates dot(ma, grad(b))\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma consistent with number of variables in b\nma – Vector of TPSA\nb – TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nc – dot(ma, grad(b))\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_fld2vec!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_fld2vec!","text":"mad_tpsa_fld2vec!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, c::RealTPS)\n\nAssuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the Hamiltonian one obtains from ther vector field (in the form [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...])\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSA in ma consistent with number of variables in c\nma – Vector field \n\nOutput\n\nc – Hamiltonian as a TPSA derived from the vector field ma\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_geti","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_geti","text":"mad_tpsa_geti(t::RealTPS, i::Cint)::Cdouble\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial at index i. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Monomial index\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial at index i\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getm","text":"mad_tpsa_getm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cdouble\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a byte array. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getord!","text":"mad_tpsa_getord!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, ord::Cuchar)\n\nExtract one homogeneous polynomial of the given order\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nord – Order to retrieve\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_gets","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_gets","text":"mad_tpsa_gets(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cdouble\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial s defined as a string. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial s in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getsm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getsm","text":"mad_tpsa_getsm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cdouble\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a sparse monomial. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as sparse monomial\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_getv!","text":"mad_tpsa_getv!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v)\n\nVectorized getter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for extracting the 1st order parts of a TPSA to construct a matrix (i = 1, n = nv+np = nn). \n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Starting index of monomials to get coefficients\nn – Number of monomials to get coefficients of starting at i\n\nOutput\n\nv – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_hypot!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_hypot!","text":"mad_tpsa_hypot!(x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA r to sqrt(x^2+y^2). Used to oversimplify polymorphism in code but not optimized\n\nInput\n\nx – Source TPSA x\ny – Source TPSA y\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r = sqrt(x^2+y^2)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_hypot3!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_hypot3!","text":"mad_tpsa_hypot3!(x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, z::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA r to sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2). Does NOT allow for r = x, y, z !!!\n\nInput\n\nx – Source TPSA x\ny – Source TPSA y\nz – Source TPSA z\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxm","text":"mad_tpsa_idxm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nReturns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a byte array\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nret – Index of monomial in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxs","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxs","text":"mad_tpsa_idxs(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cint\n\nReturns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as string. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\n\nOutput\n\nret – Index of monomial in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxsm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_idxsm","text":"mad_tpsa_idxsm(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cint\n\nReturns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a sparse monomial. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as sparse monomial\n\nOutput\n\nret – Index of monomial in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_init!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_init!","text":"mad_tpsa_init(t::RealTPS, d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)::RealTPS\n\nUnsafe initialization of an already existing TPSA t with maximum order mo to the descriptor d. mo must be less than the maximum order of the descriptor. t is modified in place and also returned.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to initialize to descriptor d\nd – Descriptor\nmo – Maximum order of the TPSA (must be less than maximum order of the descriptor)\n\nOutput\n\nt – TPSA initialized to descriptor d with maximum order mo\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_integ!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_integ!","text":"mad_tpsa_integ!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, iv::Cint)\n\nIntegrates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA to integrate\niv – Index of variable to integrate over (e.g. integrate over x, iv = 1). \n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_inv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_inv!","text":"mad_tpsa_inv!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v/a. \n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v/a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_invsqrt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_invsqrt!","text":"mad_tpsa_invsqrt!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v/sqrt(a). \n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v/sqrt(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_isnul","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_isnul","text":"mad_tpsa_isnul(t::RealTPS)::Bool\n\nChecks if TPSA is 0 or not\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to check\n\nOutput\n\nret – True or false\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_isval","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_isval","text":"mad_tpsa_isval(t::RealTPS)::Bool\n\nSanity check of the TPSA integrity.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to check if valid\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_isvalid","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_isvalid","text":"mad_tpsa_isvalid(t::RealTPS)::Bool\n\nSanity check of the TPSA integrity.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to check if valid\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_len","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_len","text":"mad_tpsa_len(t::RealTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cint\n\nGets the length of the TPSA itself (e.g. the descriptor may be order 10 but TPSA may only be order 2)\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nhi_ – If true, returns the length up to the hi order in the TPSA, else up to mo. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nret – Length of TPS{Float64}\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_liebra!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_liebra!","text":"mad_tpsa_liebra!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})\n\nComputes the Lie bracket of the vector fields ma and mb, defined as sumi mai (dmb/dxi) - mbi (dma/dx_i).\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma and mb\nma – Vector of TPSA ma\nmb – Vector of TPSA mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Destination vector of TPSA mc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_log!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_log!","text":"mad_tpsa_log!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the log of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = log(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!","text":"mad_tpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!(x::RealTPS, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble, c::Cdouble, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = log(a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2))\n\nInput\n\nx – TPSA x\na – Scalar a\nb – Scalar b\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_logpb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_logpb!","text":"mad_tpsa_logpb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})\n\nComputes the log of the Poisson bracket of the vector of TPSA ma and mb; the result is the vector field F used to evolve to ma from mb.\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma and mb\nma – Vector of TPSA ma\nmb – Vector of TPSA mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Destination vector of TPSA mc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_logxdy!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_logxdy!","text":"mad_tpsa_logxdy!(x::RealTPS, y::RealTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nr = log(x / y)\n\nInput\n\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_maxord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_maxord!","text":"mad_tpsa_maxord!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, idx_::Vector{Cint})::Cint\n\nReturns the index to the monomial with maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA for all orders 0 to n. If idx_ is provided, it is filled with the indices for the maximum abs(coefficient) monomial for each order up to n. \n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Highest order to include in finding the maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA, length of idx_ if provided\n\nOutput\n\nidx_ – (Optional) If provided, is filled with indices to the monomial for each order up to n with maximum abs(coefficient)\nmi – Index to the monomial in the TPSA with maximum abs(coefficient)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mconv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mconv!","text":"mad_tpsa_mconv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nc::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)\n\nEquivalent to mad_tpsa_convert, but applies the conversion to all TPSAs in the map ma.\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in the map\nma – map ma\nnc – Number of TPSAs in the output map mc\nn – Length of vector (size of t2r_)\nt2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup\npb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd\n\nOutput\n\nmc – map mc with specified conversions \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_minv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_minv!","text":"mad_tpsa_minv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})\n\nInverts the map. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.\n\nInput\n\nna – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)\nma – Map ma\nnb – Output map length (generally = nv)\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Inversion of map ma\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mnrm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mnrm","text":"mad_tpsa_mnrm(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}})::Cdouble\n\nComputes the norm of the map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map).\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in the map\nma – map ma\n\nOutput\n\nnrm – Norm of map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mo!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mo!","text":"mad_tpsa_mo!(t::RealTPS, mo::Cuchar)::Cuchar\n\nSets the maximum order mo of the TPSA t, and returns the original mo. mo_ should be less than or equal to the allocated order ao.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nmo_ – Maximum order to set the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – Original mo of the TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mono!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mono!","text":"mad_tpsa_mono!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_::Vector{Cuchar}, p_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar\n\nReturns the order of the monomial at index i in the TPSA and optionally the monomial at that index is returned in m_ and the order of parameters in the monomial in p_\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Index valid in TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\n\nOutput\n\nm_ – (Optional) Monomial at index i in TPSA\np_ – (Optional) Order of parameters in monomial\nret – Order of monomial in TPSA at index i\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mord","text":"mad_tpsa_mord(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, hi::Bool)::Cuchar\n\nIf hi is false, getting the maximum mo among all TPSAs in ma. If hi is true, gets the maximum hi of the map instead of mo\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of map ma\nma – Map (vector of TPSAs)\nhi – If true, returns maximum hi, else returns maximum mo of the map\n\nOutput\n\nret – Maximum hi of the map if hi is true, else returns maximum mo of the map\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mul!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_mul!","text":"mad_tpsa_mul!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a * b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a * b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_nam","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_nam","text":"mad_tpsa_nam(t::RealTPS, nam_)::Cstring\n\nGet the name of the TPSA, and will optionally set if nam_ != null\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nnam_ – Name to set the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – Name of TPS{Float64} (null terminated in C)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_new","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_new","text":"mad_tpsa_new(t::Ptr{TPS{Float64}}, mo::Cuchar)\n\nCreates a blank TPSA with same number of variables/parameters of the inputted TPSA, with maximum order specified by mo. If MAD_TPSA_SAME is passed for mo, the mo currently in t is used for the created TPSA. Ok with t=(tpsa_t*)ctpsa\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nmo – Maximum order of new TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – New blank TPSA with maximum order mo\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_newd","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_newd","text":"mad_tpsa_newd(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)\n\nCreates a TPSA defined by the specified descriptor and maximum order. If MAD_TPSA_DEFAULT is passed for mo, the mo defined in the descriptor is used. If mo > d_mo, then mo = d_mo.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nmo – Maximum order\n\nOutput\n\nt – New TPSA defined by the descriptor\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_nrm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_nrm","text":"mad_tpsa_nrm(a::RealTPS)::Cdouble\n\nCalculates the 1-norm of TPSA a (sum of abs of all coefficients)\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nnrm – 1-Norm of TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_ord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_ord","text":"mad_tpsa_ord(t::RealTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cuchar\n\nGets the TPSA maximum order, or hi if hi_ is true.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nhi_ – Set true if hi is returned, else mo is returned\n\nOutput\n\nret – Order of TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_ordv","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_ordv","text":"mad_tpsa_ordv(t::RealTPS, ts::RealTPS...)::Cuchar\n\nReturns maximum order of all TPSAs provided.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nts – Variable number of TPSAs passed as parameters\n\nOutput\n\nmo – Maximum order of all TPSAs provided\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_pminv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_pminv!","text":"mad_tpsa_pminv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, select::Vector{Cint})\n\nComputes the partial inverse of the map with only the selected variables, specified by 0s or 1s in select. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.\n\nInput\n\nna – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)\nma – Map ma\nnb – Output map length (generally = nv)\nselect – Array of 0s or 1s defining which variables to do inverse on (atleast same size as na)'\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Partially inverted map using variables specified as 1 in the select array\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_poisbra!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_poisbra!","text":"mad_tpsa_poisbra!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS, nv::Cint)\n\nSets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPSAs a and b.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\nnv – Number of variables in the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_pow!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_pow!","text":"mad_tpsa_pow!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a ^ b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_powi!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_powi!","text":"mad_tpsa_powi!(a::RealTPS, n::Cint, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a ^ n where n is an integer.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nn – Integer power\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ n\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_pown!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_pown!","text":"mad_tpsa_pown!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a ^ v where v is of double precision.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – \"double\" precision power\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ v\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_print","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_print","text":"mad_tpsa_print(t::RealTPS, name_::Cstring, eps_::Cdouble, nohdr_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})\n\nPrints the TPSA coefficients with precision eps_. If nohdr_ is not zero, the header is not printed. \n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to print\nname_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA\neps_ – (Optional) Precision to output\nnohdr_ – (Optional) If True, no header is printed\nstream_ – (Optional) FILE pointer of output stream. Default is stdout\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan","text":"mad_tpsa_scan(stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::RealTPS\n\nScans in a TPSA from the stream_.\n\nInput\n\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream from which to read the TPSA, default is stdin\n\nOutput\n\nt – TPSA scanned from I/O stream_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan_coef!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan_coef!","text":"mad_tpsa_scan_coef!(t::RealTPS, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})\n\nRead TPSA coefficients into TPSA t. This should be used with mad_tpsa_scan_hdr for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.\n\nInput\n\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin\n\nOutput\n\nt – TPSA with coefficients scanned from stream_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan_hdr","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scan_hdr","text":"mad_tpsa_scan_hdr(kind_::Ref{Cint}, name_::Ptr{Cuchar}, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Ptr{Desc}\n\nRead TPSA header. Returns descriptor for TPSA given the header. This is useful for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.\n\nInput\n\nkind_ – (Optional) Real or complex TPSA, or detect automatically if not provided.\nname_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin\n\nOutput\n\nret – Descriptor for the TPSA \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scl!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_scl!","text":"mad_tpsa_scl!(a::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v*a. \n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sclord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sclord!","text":"mad_tpsa_sclord!(t::RealTPS, r::RealTPS, inv::Bool, prm::Bool)\n\nScales all coefficients by order. If inv == 0, scales coefficients by order (derivation), else scales coefficients by 1/order (integration).\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\ninv – Put order up, divide, scale by inv of value of order\nprm – Parameters flag. If set to 0x0, the scaling excludes the order of the parameters in the monomials. Else, scaling is with total order of monomial\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_seti!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_seti!","text":"mad_tpsa_seti!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial at index i to coef[i] = a*coef[i] + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Index of monomial\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setm!","text":"mad_tpsa_setm!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by byte array m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as byte array\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setprm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setprm!","text":"mad_tpsa_setprm!(t::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, ip::Cint)\n\nSets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified parameter, and sets the rest of the variables/parameters to 0. The 1st order value scl_ of a parameter is always 1.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nv – 0th order value (coefficient)\nip – Parameter index (e.g. iv = 1 is nn-nv+1)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sets!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sets!","text":"mad_tpsa_sets!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by string s to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setsm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setsm!","text":"mad_tpsa_setsm!(t::RealTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, a::Cdouble, b::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by sparse monomial m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as sparse monomial\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setv!","text":"mad_tpsa_setv!(t::RealTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v::Vector{Cdouble})\n\nVectorized setter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for putting a matrix into a map.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Starting index of monomials to set coefficients\nn – Number of monomials to set coefficients of starting at i\nv – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setval!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setval!","text":"mad_tpsa_setval!(t::RealTPS, v::Cdouble)\n\nSets the scalar part of the TPSA to v and all other values to 0 (sets the TPSA order to 0).\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to set to scalar\nv – Scalar value to set TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setvar!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_setvar!","text":"mad_tpsa_setvar!(t::RealTPS, v::Cdouble, iv::Cint, scl_::Cdouble)\n\nSets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified variable, and sets the rest of the variables/parameters to 0\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nv – 0th order value (coefficient)\niv – Variable index\nscl_ – 1st order variable value (typically will be 1)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sin!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sin!","text":"mad_tpsa_sin!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sin of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sin(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinc!","text":"mad_tpsa_sinc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sinc of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sinc(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sincos!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sincos!","text":"mad_tpsa_sincos!(a::RealTPS, s::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA s = sin(a) and TPSA c = cos(a)\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\ns – Destination TPSA s = sin(a)\nc – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sincosh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sincosh!","text":"mad_tpsa_sincosh!(a::RealTPS, s::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA s = sinh(a) and TPSA c = cosh(a)\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\ns – Destination TPSA s = sinh(a)\nc – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinh!","text":"mad_tpsa_sinh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sinh of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sinh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinhc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sinhc!","text":"mad_tpsa_sinhc!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sinhc of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sinhc(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sqrt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sqrt!","text":"mad_tpsa_sqrt!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sqrt of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sqrt(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sub!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_sub!","text":"mad_tpsa_sub!(a::RealTPS, b::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a - b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a - b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_tan!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_tan!","text":"mad_tpsa_tan!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the tan of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = tan(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_tanh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_tanh!","text":"mad_tpsa_tanh!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the tanh of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = tanh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_taylor!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_taylor!","text":"mad_tpsa_taylor!(a::RealTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{Cdouble}, c::RealTPS)\n\nComputes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA a\nn – Order-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array\ncoef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s\nc – Result\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_taylor_h!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_taylor_h!","text":"mad_tpsa_taylor_h!(a::RealTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{Cdouble}, c::RealTPS)\n\nComputes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a.\n\nSame as mad_tpsa_taylor, but uses Horner's method (which is 50%-100% slower because mul is always full order).\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA a\nn – Order-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array\ncoef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s\nc – Result\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_translate!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_translate!","text":"mad_tpsa_translate!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{Float64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{Cdouble}, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})\n\nTranslates the expansion point of the map by the amount tb.\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAS in the map\nma – map ma\nnb – Length of tb\ntb – Vector of amount to translate for each variable\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Map evaluated at the new point translated tb from the original evaluation point\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_uid!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_uid!","text":"mad_tpsa_uid!(t::RealTPS, uid_::Cint)::Cint\n\nSets the TPSA uid if uid_ != 0, and returns the current (previous if set) TPSA uid. \n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nuid_ – uid to set in the TPSA if uid_ != 0\n\nOutput\n\nret – Current (previous if set) TPSA uid\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_unit!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_unit!","text":"mad_tpsa_unit!(a::RealTPS, c::RealTPS)\n\nInterpreting TPSA as a vector, gets the \"unit vector\", e.g. c = a/norm(a). May be useful for checking for convergence.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_update!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_update!","text":"mad_tpsa_update!(t::RealTPS)\n\nUpdates the lo and hi fields of the TPSA to reflect the current state given the lowest/highest nonzero monomial coefficients.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_tpsa_vec2fld!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_tpsa_vec2fld!","text":"mad_tpsa_vec2fld!(na::Cint, a::RealTPS, mc::Vector{TPS{Float64}})\n\nAssuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the vector field (Hamilton's equations) from the passed Hamiltonian, defined as [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...]\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSA in mc consistent with number of variables in a\na – Hamiltonian as a TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Vector field derived from a using Hamilton's equations \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#TPS{ComplexF64}","page":"For Developers","title":"TPS{ComplexF64}","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"devel/","page":"For Developers","title":"For Developers","text":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acc_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acos!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acosh!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acot!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acoth!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_add!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_addt!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asin!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinh!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinhc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_atan!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_atanh!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpb!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpb_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpbypc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpbypc_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypb!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypb_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cabs!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_carg!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_clear!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_clrord!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_compose!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_conj!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_convert!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_copy!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cos!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cosh!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cot!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_coth!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cplx!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpyi!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpym!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpys!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpysm!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cutord!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cycle!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_debug\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_del!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_density\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_deriv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_derivm!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_desc\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_dif!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_dift!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_div!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_divt!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_equ\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_equt\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_erf!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_erfc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_eval!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_exp!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_exppb!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_fgrad!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_fld2vec!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_geti\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_geti_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getm\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getm_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getord!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_gets\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_gets_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getsm\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getsm_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_hypot!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_hypot3!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxm\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxs\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxsm\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_imag!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_init!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_integ!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_inv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_inv_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_invsqrt!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_invsqrt_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isnul\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isval\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isvalid\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_len\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_liebra!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_log!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logpb!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logxdy!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_maxord\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mconv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_minv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mnrm\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mo!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mono!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mord\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mul!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mult!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_nam\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_new\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_newd\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_nrm\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ord\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ordv\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pminv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_poisbra!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_poisbrat!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_polar!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pow!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_powi!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pown!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pown_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_powt!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_print\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_real!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_rect!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan_coef!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan_hdr\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scl!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scl_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sclord!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_seti!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_seti_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setm!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setm_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setprm!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setprm_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sets!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sets_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setsm!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setsm_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setval!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setval_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setvar!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setvar_r!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sin!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sincos!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sincosh!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinh!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinhc!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sqrt!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sub!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_subt!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tan!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tanh!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_taylor!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_taylor_h!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tdif!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tdiv!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tpoisbra!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tpow!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_translate!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tsub!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_uid!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_unit!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_update!\nGTPSA.mad_ctpsa_vec2fld!","category":"page"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_acc!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nAdds a*v to TPSA c. Aliasing OK.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c += v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acc_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acc_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_acc_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nAdds a*v to TPSA c. Aliasing OK. Without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv_re – Real part of scalar with double precision\nv_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c += v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acos!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acos!","text":"mad_ctpsa_acos!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acos of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = acos(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acosh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acosh!","text":"mad_ctpsa_acosh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acosh of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = acosh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acot!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acot!","text":"mad_ctpsa_acot!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acot of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = acot(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acoth!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_acoth!","text":"mad_ctpsa_acoth!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the acoth of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = acoth(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_add!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_add!","text":"mad_ctpsa_add!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a + b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a + b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_addt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_addt!","text":"mad_ctpsa_addt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a + b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – Source TPS{Float64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a + b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asin!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asin!","text":"mad_ctpsa_asin!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asin of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = asin(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_asinc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asinc(a) = asin(a)/a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = asinc(a) = asin(a)/a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinh!","text":"mad_ctpsa_asinh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asinh of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = asinh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinhc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_asinhc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_asinhc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the asinhc of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = asinhc(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_atan!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_atan!","text":"mad_ctpsa_atan!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the atan of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = atan(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_atanh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_atanh!","text":"mad_ctpsa_atanh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the atanh of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = atanh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!","text":"mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, y::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, z::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x^2 + b*y^2 + c*z^2\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb – Scalar b\ny – TPSA y\nc – Scalar c\nz – TPSA z\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, y::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, z::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x^2 + b*y^2 + c*z^2. Same as mad_ctpsa_ax2pby2pcz2 without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\ny – TPSA y\nc_re – Real part of Scalar c\nc_im – Imag part of Scalar c\nz – TPSA z\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpb!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axpb!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x + b\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb – Scalar b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpb_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpb_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axpb_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x + b. Same as mad_ctpsa_axpb without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpbypc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpbypc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axpbypc!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, y::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x+b*y+c\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb – Scalar b\ny – TPSA y\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpbypc_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpbypc_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axpbypc_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, y::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x + b*y + c. Same as mad_ctpsa_axpbypc without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\ny – TPSA y\nc_re – Real part of Scalar c\nc_im – Imag part of Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2!(x::ComplexTPS, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2)\n\nInput\n\nx – TPSA x\na – Scalar a\nb – Scalar b\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2_r!(x::ComplexTPS, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2). Same as mad_ctpsa_axpsqrtbpcx2 without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\nc_re – Real part of Scalar c\nc_im – Imag part of Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypb!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axypb!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb – Scalar b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypb_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypb_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axypb_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b. Same as mad_ctpsa_axypb without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, v::ComplexTPS, w::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b*v*w + c\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb – Scalar b\nv – TPSA v\nw – TPSA w\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, v::ComplexTPS, w::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b*v*w + c. Same as mad_ctpsa_axypbvwpc without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\nv – TPSA v\nw – TPSA w\nc_re – Real part of Scalar c\nc_im – Imag part of Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc!(a::ComplexF64, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexF64, z::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b*z + c\n\nInput\n\na – Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb – Scalar b\nz – TPSA z\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc_r!(a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, z::ComplexTPS, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = a*x*y + b*z + c. Same as mad_ctpsa_axypbzpc without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\nz – TPSA z\nc_re – Real part of Scalar c\nc_im – Imag part of Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cabs!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cabs!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cabs!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nSets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the aboslute value of TPS{ComplexF64} t. Specifically, the result contains a TPSA with the abs of all coefficients.\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPS{ComplexF64}\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = |t|\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_carg!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_carg!","text":"mad_ctpsa_carg!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nSets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the argument (phase) of TPS{ComplexF64} t\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPS{ComplexF64}\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = carg(t)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_clear!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_clear!","text":"mad_ctpsa_clear!(t::ComplexTPS)\n\nClears the TPSA (reset to 0)\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_clrord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_clrord!","text":"mad_ctpsa_clrord!(t::ComplexTPS, ord::Cuchar)\n\nClears all monomial coefficients of the TPSA at order ord\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nord – Order to clear monomial coefficients\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_compose!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_compose!","text":"mad_ctpsa_compose!(na::Cint, ma, nb::Cint, mb, mc)\n\nComposes two maps.\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in Map ma\nma – Map ma\nnb – Number of TPSAs in Map mb\nmb – Map mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Composition of maps ma and mb\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_conj!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_conj!","text":"mad_ctpsa_conj(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nCalculates the complex conjugate of of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = conj(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_convert!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_convert!","text":"mad_ctpsa_convert!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)\n\nGeneral function to convert TPSAs to different orders and reshuffle canonical coordinates. The destination TPSA will be of order n, and optionally have the variable reshuffling defined by t2r_ and poisson bracket sign. e.g. if t2r_ = {1,2,3,4,6,5} and pb = -1, canonical coordinates 6 and 5 are swapped and the new 5th canonical coordinate will be negated. Useful for comparing with different differential algebra packages.\n\nInput\n\nt – Source complex TPSA\nn – Length of vector\nt2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup\npb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination complex TPSA with specified order and canonical coordinate reshuffling.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_copy!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_copy!","text":"mad_ctpsa_copy!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nMakes a copy of the complex TPSA t to r.\n\nInput\n\nt – Source complex TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination complex TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cos!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cos!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cos!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the cos of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cosh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cosh!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cosh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the cosh of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cot!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cot!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cot!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the cot of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = cot(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_coth!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_coth!","text":"mad_ctpsa_coth!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the coth of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = coth(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cplx!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cplx!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cplx!(re_, im_, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nCreates a TPS{ComplexF64} with real and imaginary parts from the TPS{Float64}s re_ and im_ respectively.\n\nInput\n\nre_ – Real part of TPS{ComplexF64} to make\nim_ – Imaginary part of TPS{ComplexF64} to make\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} with r = re_ + im*im_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpyi!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpyi!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cpyi!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, i::Cint)\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at index i in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \ni – Index of monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpym!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpym!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cpym!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-vector-of-orders m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \nn – Length of monomial m\nm – Monomial as vector of orders\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpys!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpys!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cpys!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-string-of-order s in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \nn – Length of string\ns – Monomial as string\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpysm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cpysm!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cpysm!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})\n\nCopies the monomial coefficient at the monomial-as-sparse-monomial m in t into the same monomial coefficient in r\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPSA\nr – Destination TPSA \nn – Length of sparse monomial m\nm – Monomial as sparse-monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cutord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cutord!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cutord!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, ord::Cint)\n\nCuts the TPSA off at the given order and above, or if ord is negative, will cut orders below abs(ord) (e.g. if ord = -3, then orders 0-3 are cut off).\n\nInput\n\nt – Source complex TPSA\nord – Cut order: 0..-ord or\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination complex TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cycle!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_cycle!","text":"mad_ctpsa_cycle!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_, v_)::Cint\n\nUsed for scanning through each nonzero monomial in the TPSA. Given a starting index (-1 if starting at 0), will optionally fill monomial m_ with the monomial at index i and the value at v_ with the monomials coefficient, and return the next NONZERO monomial index in the TPSA. This is useful for building an iterator through the TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to scan\ni – Index to start from (-1 to start at 0)\nn – Size of monomial\nm_ – (Optional) Monomial to be filled if provided\nv_ – (Optional) Pointer to value of coefficient\n\nOutput\n\ni – Index of next nonzero monomial in the TPSA, or -1 if reached the end\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_debug","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_debug","text":"mad_ctpsa_debug(t::ComplexTPS, name_::Cstring, fnam_::Cstring, line_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Cint\n\nPrints TPSA with all information of data structure.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nname_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA\nfnam_ – (Optional) File name to print to\nline_ – (Optional) Line number in file to start at\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to print to, default is stdout\n\nOutput\n\nret – Cint reflecting internal state of TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_del!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_del!","text":"mad_ctpsa_del!(t::Ptr{TPS{ComplexF64}})\n\nCalls the destructor for the complex TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA to destruct\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_density","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_density","text":"mad_ctpsa_density(t::ComplexTPS, stat_, reset::Bool)::Cdouble\n\nComputes the ratio of nz/nc in [0] U [lo,hi] or stat_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_deriv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_deriv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_deriv!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, iv::Cint)\n\nDifferentiates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA to differentiate\niv – Index of variable to take derivative wrt to (e.g. derivative wrt x, iv = 1). \n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_derivm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_derivm!","text":"mad_ctpsa_derivm!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})\n\nDifferentiates TPSA with respect to the monomial defined by byte array m.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA to differentiate\nn – Length of monomial to differentiate wrt\nm – Monomial to take derivative wrt\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_desc","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_desc","text":"mad_ctpsa_desc(t::ComplexTPS)::Ptr{Desc}\n\nGets the descriptor for the complex TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – Descriptor for the TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_dif!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_dif!","text":"mad_ctpsa_dif!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nFor each homogeneous polynomial in TPSAs a and b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:\n\nc_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_dift!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_dift!","text":"mad_ctpsa_dift!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nFor each homogeneous polynomial in TPS{ComplexF64} a and TPS{Float64} b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:\n\nc_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – Source TPS{Float64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_div!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_div!","text":"mad_ctpsa_div!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a / b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a / b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_divt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_divt!","text":"mad_ctpsa_divt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – Source TPS{Float64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_equ","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_equ","text":"mad_ctpsa_equ(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, tol_::Cdouble)::Bool\n\nChecks if the TPSAs a and b are equal within the specified tolerance tol_. If tol_ is not specified, DBL_GTPSA.show_epsILON is used.\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA a\nb – TPSA b\ntol_ – (Optional) Difference below which the TPSAs are considered equal\n\nOutput\n\nret - True if a == b within tol_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_equt","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_equt","text":"mad_ctpsa_equt(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, tol::Cdouble)::Bool\n\nChecks if the TPS{ComplexF64} a is equal to the TPS{Float64} b within the specified tolerance tol_ (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – TPS{Float64} b\ntol_ – (Optional) Difference below which the TPSAs are considered equal\n\nOutput\n\nret - True if a == b within tol_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_erf!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_erf!","text":"mad_ctpsa_erf!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the erf of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = erf(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_erfc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_erfc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_erfc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the erfc of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = erfc(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_eval!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_eval!","text":"mad_ctpsa_eval!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{ComplexF64}, tc::Vector{ComplexF64})\n\nEvaluates the map at the point tb\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in the map\nma – Map ma\nnb – Length of tb\ntb – Point at which to evaluate the map\n\nOutput\n\ntc – Values for each TPSA in the map evaluated at the point tb\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_exp!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_exp!","text":"mad_ctpsa_exp!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the exp of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = exp(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_exppb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_exppb!","text":"mad_ctpsa_exppb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})\n\nComputes the exponential of fgrad of the vector fields ma and mb, literally exppb(ma, mb) = mb + fgrad(ma, mb) + fgrad(ma, fgrad(ma, mb))/2! + ...\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma and mb\nma – Vector of TPSA ma\nmb – Vector of TPSA mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Destination vector of TPSA mc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_fgrad!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_fgrad!","text":"mad_ctpsa_fgrad!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nCalculates dot(ma, grad(b))\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma consistent with number of variables in b\nma – Vector of TPSA\nb – TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nc – dot(ma, grad(b))\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_fld2vec!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_fld2vec!","text":"mad_ctpsa_fld2vec!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nAssuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the Hamiltonian one obtains from ther vector field (in the form [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...])\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSA in ma consistent with number of variables in c\nma – Vector field \n\nOutput\n\nc – Hamiltonian as a TPSA derived from the vector field ma\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_geti","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_geti","text":"mad_ctpsa_geti(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint)::ComplexF64\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial at index i. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Monomial index\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial at index i\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_geti_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_geti_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_geti_r!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, r::Ref{ComplexF64})\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial at index i in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Monomial index\n\nOutput\n\nr – Coefficient of monomial at index i\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getm","text":"mad_ctpsa_getm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::ComplexF64\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a byte array. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getm_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getm_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_getm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, r::Ref{ComplexF64})\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a byte array in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nr – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getord!","text":"mad_ctpsa_getord!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, ord::Cuchar)\n\nExtract one homogeneous polynomial of the given order\n\nInput\n\nt – Sourcecomplex TPSA\nord – Order to retrieve\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination complex TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_gets","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_gets","text":"mad_ctpsa_gets(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::ComplexF64\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial s defined as a string. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Size of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial s in TPSA \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_gets_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_gets_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_gets_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, r::Ref{ComplexF64})\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial s defined as a string in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\n\nOutput\n\nr – Coefficient of monomial s in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getsm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getsm","text":"mad_ctpsa_getsm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::ComplexF64\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a sparse monomial. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as sparse monomial\n\nOutput\n\nret – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getsm_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getsm_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_getsm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, r::Ref{ComplexF64})\n\nGets the coefficient of the monomial m defined as a sparse monomial in place. Generally should use mad_tpsa_cycle instead of this.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as sparse monomial\n\nOutput\n\nr – Coefficient of monomial m in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_getv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_getv!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v)\n\nVectorized getter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for extracting the 1st order parts of a TPSA to construct a matrix (i = 1, n = nv+np = nn). \n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Starting index of monomials to get coefficients\nn – Number of monomials to get coefficients of starting at i\n\nOutput\n\nv – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_hypot!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_hypot!","text":"mad_ctpsa_hypot!(x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA r to sqrt(real(x)^2+real(y)^2) + im*sqrt(imag(x)^2+imag(y)^2)\n\nInput\n\nx – Source TPSA x\ny – Source TPSA y\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA sqrt(real(x)^2+real(y)^2) + im*sqrt(imag(x)^2+imag(y)^2)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_hypot3!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_hypot3!","text":"mad_ctpsa_hypot3!(x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, z::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA r to sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2). Does NOT allow for r = x, y, z !!!\n\nInput\n\nx – Source TPSA x\ny – Source TPSA y\nz – Source TPSA z\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxm","text":"mad_ctpsa_idxm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar})::Cint\n\nReturns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a byte array. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as byte array\n\nOutput\n\nret – Index of monomial in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxs","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxs","text":"mad_ctpsa_idxs(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring)::Cint\n\nReturns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as string. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\n\nOutput\n\nret – Index of monomial in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxsm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_idxsm","text":"mad_ctpsa_idxsm(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint})::Cint\n\nReturns index of monomial in the TPSA given the monomial as a sparse monomial. This generally should not be used, as there are no assumptions about which monomial is attached to which index.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as sparse monomial\n\nOutput\n\nret – Index of monomial in TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_imag!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_imag!","text":"mad_ctpsa_imag!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nSets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the imaginary part of TPS{ComplexF64} t.\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPS{ComplexF64}\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = Im(t)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_init!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_init!","text":"mad_ctpsa_init(t::ComplexTPS, d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)::ComplexTPS\n\nUnsafe initialization of an already existing TPSA t with maximum order mo to the descriptor d. mo must be less than the maximum order of the descriptor. t is modified in place and also returned.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to initialize to descriptor d\nd – Descriptor\nmo – Maximum order of the TPSA (must be less than maximum order of the descriptor)\n\nOutput\n\nt – TPSA initialized to descriptor d with maximum order mo\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_integ!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_integ!","text":"mad_ctpsa_integ!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, iv::Cint)\n\nIntegrates TPSA with respect to the variable with index iv.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA to integrate\niv – Index of variable to integrate over (e.g. integrate over x, iv = 1). \n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_inv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_inv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_inv!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v/a. \n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v/a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_inv_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_inv_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_inv_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v/a. Without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv_re – Real part of scalar with double precision\nv_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_invsqrt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_invsqrt!","text":"mad_ctpsa_invsqrt!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v/sqrt(a). \n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v/sqrt(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_invsqrt_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_invsqrt_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_invsqrt_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v/sqrt(a). Without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv_re – Real part of scalar with double precision\nv_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isnul","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isnul","text":"mad_ctpsa_isnul(t::ComplexTPS)::Bool\n\nChecks if TPSA is 0 or not\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA to check\n\nOutput\n\nret – True or false\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isval","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isval","text":"mad_ctpsa_isval(t::ComplexTPS)::Bool\n\nSanity check of the TPSA integrity.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to check if valid\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isvalid","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_isvalid","text":"mad_ctpsa_isvalid(t::ComplexTPS)::Bool\n\nSanity check of the TPSA integrity.\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA to check if valid\n\nOutput\n\nret – True if valid TPSA, false otherwise\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_len","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_len","text":"mad_ctpsa_len(t::ComplexTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cint\n\nGets the length of the TPSA itself (e.g. the descriptor may be order 10 but TPSA may only be order 2)\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA\nhi_ – If true, returns the length up to the hi order in the TPSA, else up to mo. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nret – Length of TPS{ComplexF64}\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_liebra!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_liebra!","text":"mad_ctpsa_liebra!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})\n\nComputes the Lie bracket of the vector fields ma and mb, defined as sumi mai (dmb/dxi) - mbi (dma/dx_i).\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma and mb\nma – Vector of TPSA ma\nmb – Vector of TPSA mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Destination vector of TPSA mc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_log!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_log!","text":"mad_ctpsa_log!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the log of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = log(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!","text":"mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2!(x::ComplexTPS, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64, c::ComplexF64, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = log(a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2))\n\nInput\n\nx – TPSA x\na – Scalar a\nb – Scalar b\nc – Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2_r!(x::ComplexTPS, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble, c_re::Cdouble, c_im::Cdouble, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = log(a*x + sqrt(b + c*x^2)). Same as mad_ctpsa_logaxpsqrtbpcx2 without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na_re – Real part of Scalar a\na_im – Imag part of Scalar a\nb_re – Real part of Scalar b\nb_im – Imag part of Scalar b\nc_re – Real part of Scalar c\nc_im – Imag part of Scalar c\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logpb!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logpb!","text":"mad_ctpsa_logpb!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mb::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})\n\nComputes the log of the Poisson bracket of the vector of TPSA ma and mb; the result is the vector field F used to evolve to ma from mb.\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of ma and mb\nma – Vector of TPSA ma\nmb – Vector of TPSA mb\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Destination vector of TPSA mc\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logxdy!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_logxdy!","text":"mad_ctpsa_logxdy!(x::ComplexTPS, y::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nr = log(x / y)\n\nInput\n\nx – TPSA x\ny – TPSA y\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPSA r\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_maxord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_maxord","text":"mad_ctpsa_maxord(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, idx_::Vector{Cint})::Cint\n\nReturns the index to the monomial with maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA for all orders 0 to n. If idx_ is provided, it is filled with the indices for the maximum abs(coefficient) monomial for each order up to n. \n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA\nn – Highest order to include in finding the maximum abs(coefficient) in the TPSA, length of idx_ if provided\n\nOutput\n\nidx_ – (Optional) If provided, is filled with indices to the monomial for each order up to n with maximum abs(coefficient)\nmi – Index to the monomial in the TPSA with maximum abs(coefficient)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mconv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mconv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_mconv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nc::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, n::Cint, t2r_::Vector{Cint}, pb::Cint)\n\nEquivalent to mad_tpsa_convert, but applies the conversion to all TPSAs in the map ma.\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in the map\nma – Map ma\nnc – Number of TPSAs in the output map mc\nn – Length of vector (size of t2r_)\nt2r_ – (Optional) Vector of index lookup\npb – Poisson bracket, 0, 1:fwd, -1:bwd\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Map mc with specified conversions \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_minv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_minv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_minv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})\n\nInverts the map. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.\n\nInput\n\nna – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)\nma – Map ma\nnb – Output map length (generally = nv)\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Inversion of map ma\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mnrm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mnrm","text":"mad_ctpsa_mnrm(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})::Cdouble\n\nComputes the norm of the map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map).\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAs in the map\nma – Map ma\n\nOutput\n\nnrm – Norm of map (sum of absolute value of coefficients of all TPSAs in the map)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mo!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mo!","text":"mad_ctpsa_mo!(t::ComplexTPS, mo::Cuchar)::Cuchar\n\nSets the maximum order mo of the TPSA t, and returns the original mo. mo_ should be less than or equal to the allocated order ao.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nmo_ – Maximum order to set the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – Original mo of the TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mono!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mono!","text":"mad_ctpsa_mono!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, m_::Vector{Cuchar}, p_::Vector{Cuchar})::Cuchar\n\nReturns the order of the monomial at index i in the TPSA and optionally the monomial at that index is returned in m_ and the order of parameters in the monomial in p_\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Index valid in TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\n\nOutput\n\nm_ – (Optional) Monomial at index i in TPSA\np_ – (Optional) Order of parameters in monomial\nret – Order of monomial in TPSA a index i\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mord","text":"mad_ctpsa_mord(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, hi::Bool)::Cuchar\n\nIf hi is false, getting the maximum mo among all TPSAs in ma. If hi is true, gets the maximum hi of the map instead of mo\n\nInput\n\nna – Length of map ma\nma – Map (vector of TPSAs)\nhi – If true, returns maximum hi, else returns maximum mo of the map\n\nOutput\n\nret – Maximum hi of the map if hi is true, else returns maximum mo of the map\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mul!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mul!","text":"mad_ctpsa_mul!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a * b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a * b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mult!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_mult!","text":"mad_ctpsa_mult!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a * b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – Source TPS{Float64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a * b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_nam","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_nam","text":"mad_ctpsa_nam(t::ComplexTPS, nam_::Cstring)::Cstring\n\nGet the name of the TPSA, and will optionally set if nam_ != null\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nnam_ – Optional name to set the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – Name of TPS{ComplexF64} (Null terminated in C)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_new","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_new","text":"mad_ctpsa_new(t::Ptr{TPS{ComplexF64}}, mo::Cuchar)\n\nCreates a blank TPSA with same number of variables/parameters of the inputted TPSA, with maximum order specified by mo. If MAD_TPSA_SAME is passed for mo, the mo currently in t is used for the created TPSA. Ok with t=(tpsa_t*)ctpsa\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nmo – Maximum order of new TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nret – New blank TPSA with maximum order mo\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_newd","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_newd","text":"mad_ctpsa_newd(d::Ptr{Desc}, mo::Cuchar)\n\nCreates a complex TPSA defined by the specified descriptor and maximum order. If MADTPS{ComplexF64}DEFAULT is passed for mo, the mo defined in the descriptor is used. If mo > d_mo, then mo = d_mo.\n\nInput\n\nd – Descriptor\nmo – Maximum order\n\nOutput\n\nt – New complex TPSA defined by the descriptor\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_nrm","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_nrm","text":"mad_ctpsa_nrm(a::ComplexTPS)::Cdouble\n\nCalculates the 1-norm of TPSA a (sum of abs of all coefficients)\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nnrm – 1-Norm of TPSA a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ord","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ord","text":"mad_ctpsa_ord(t::ComplexTPS, hi_::Bool)::Cuchar\n\nGets the TPSA maximum order, or hi if hi_ is true.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nhi_ – Set true if hi is returned, else mo is returned\n\nOutput\n\nret – Order of TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ordv","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_ordv","text":"mad_ctpsa_ordv(t::ComplexTPS, ts::ComplexTPS...)::Cuchar\n\nReturns maximum order of all TPSAs provided.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nts – Variable number of TPSAs passed as parameters\n\nOutput\n\nmo – Maximum order of all TPSAs provided\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pminv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pminv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_pminv!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, select::Vector{Cint})\n\nComputes the partial inverse of the map with only the selected variables, specified by 0s or 1s in select. To include the parameters in the inversion, na = nn and the output map length only need be nb = nv.\n\nInput\n\nna – Input map length (should be nn to include parameters)\nma – Map ma\nnb – Output map length (generally = nv)\nselect – Array of 0s or 1s defining which variables to do inverse on (atleast same size as na)'\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Partially inverted map using variables specified as 1 in the select array\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_poisbra!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_poisbra!","text":"mad_ctpsa_poisbra!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, nv::Cint)\n\nSets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPSAs a and b.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\nnv – Number of variables in the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_poisbrat!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_poisbrat!","text":"mad_ctpsa_poisbrat!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS, nv::Cint)\n\nSets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPS{ComplexF64} aand TPS{Float64} b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – Source TPS{Float64} b\nnv – Number of variables in the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_polar!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_polar!","text":"mad_ctpsa_polar!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets r = |t| + im*atan2(Im(t), Re(t))\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPS{ComplexF64}\nr – Destination TPS{ComplexF64}\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pow!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pow!","text":"mad_ctpsa_pow!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a ^ b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_powi!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_powi!","text":"mad_ctpsa_powi!(a::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a ^ n where n is an integer.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nn – Integer power\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ n\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pown!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pown!","text":"mad_ctpsa_pown!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a ^ v where v is of double precision.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Power, ComplexF64\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ v\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pown_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_pown_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_pown_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a ^ v where v is of double precision. Without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv_re – Real part of power\nv_im – Imaginary part of power\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ v\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_powt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_powt!","text":"mad_ctpsa_powt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a ^ b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – Source TPS{Float64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a ^ b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_print","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_print","text":"mad_ctpsa_print(t::ComplexTPS, name_ eps_::Cdouble, nohdr_::Cint, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})\n\nPrints the TPSA coefficients with precision eps_. If nohdr_ is not zero, the header is not printed. \n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to print\nname_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA\neps_ – (Optional) Precision to output\nnohdr_ – (Optional) If True, no header is printed\nstream_ – (Optional) FILE pointer of output stream. Default is stdout\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_real!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_real!","text":"mad_ctpsa_real!(t::ComplexTPS, r::RealTPS)\n\nSets the TPS{Float64} r equal to the real part of TPS{ComplexF64} t.\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPS{ComplexF64}\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination TPS{Float64} with r = Re(t)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_rect!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_rect!","text":"mad_ctpsa_rect!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets r = Re(t)*cos(Im(t)) + im*Re(t)*sin(Im(t))\n\nInput\n\nt – Source TPS{ComplexF64}\nr – Destination TPS{ComplexF64}\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan","text":"mad_ctpsa_scan(stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::ComplexTPS\n\nScans in a TPSA from the stream_.\n\nInput\n\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream from which to read the TPSA, default is stdin\n\nOutput\n\nt – TPSA scanned from I/O stream_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan_coef!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan_coef!","text":"mad_ctpsa_scan_coef!(t::ComplexTPS, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})\n\nRead TPSA coefficients into TPSA t. This should be used with mad_tpsa_scan_hdr for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.\n\nInput\n\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin\n\nOutput\n\nt – TPSA with coefficients scanned from stream_\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan_hdr","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scan_hdr","text":"mad_ctpsa_scan_hdr(kind_::Ref{Cint}, name_::Ptr{Cuchar}, stream_::Ptr{Cvoid})::Ptr{Desc}\n\nRead TPSA header. Returns descriptor for TPSA given the header. This is useful for external languages using this library where the memory is managed NOT on the C side.\n\nInput\n\nkind_ – (Optional) Real or complex TPSA, or detect automatically if not provided.\nname_ – (Optional) Name of TPSA\nstream_ – (Optional) I/O stream to read TPSA from, default is stdin\n\nOutput\n\nret – Descriptor for the TPSA \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scl!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scl!","text":"mad_ctpsa_scl!(a::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v*a. \n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv – Scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scl_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_scl_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_scl_r!(a::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble,, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to v*a. Without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nv_re – Real part of scalar with double precision\nv_im – Imaginary part of scalar with double precision\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = v*a\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sclord!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sclord!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sclord!(t::ComplexTPS, r::ComplexTPS, inv::Bool, prm::Bool)\n\nScales all coefficients by order. If inv == 0, scales coefficients by order (derivation), else scales coefficients by 1/order (integration).\n\nInput\n\nt – Source complex TPSA\ninv – Put order up, divide, scale by inv of value of order\nprm – Parameters flag. If set to 0x0, the scaling excludes the order of the parameters in the monomials. Else, scaling is with total order of monomial\n\nOutput\n\nr – Destination complex TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_seti!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_seti!","text":"mad_ctpsa_seti!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial at index i to coef[i] = a*coef[i] + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Index of monomial\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_seti_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_seti_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_seti_r!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial at index i to coef[i] = a*coef[i] + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_seti but without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Index of monomial\na_re – Real part of a\na_im – Imaginary part of a\nb_re – Real part of b\nb_im – Imaginary part of b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setm!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setm!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by byte array m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as byte array\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setm_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setm_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cuchar}, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by byte array m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setm but without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as byte array\na_re – Real part of a\na_im – Imaginary part of a\nb_re – Real part of b\nb_im – Imaginary part of b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setprm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setprm!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setprm!(t::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, ip::Cint)\n\nSets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified parameter, and sets the rest of the variables/parameters to 0. The 1st order value scl_ of a parameter is always 1.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nv – 0th order value (coefficient)\nip – Parameter index (e.g. iv = 1 is nn-nv+1)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setprm_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setprm_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setprm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, ip::Cint)\n\nSets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified parameter. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setprm but without complex-by-value arguments. The 1st order value scl_ of a parameter is always 1.\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA\nv_re – Real part of 0th order value\nv_im – Imaginary part of 0th order value\nip – Parameter index\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sets!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sets!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sets!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by string s to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sets_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sets_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sets_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, s::Cstring, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by string s to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_set but without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\ns – Monomial as string\na_re – Real part of a\na_im – Imaginary part of a\nb_re – Real part of b\nb_im – Imaginary part of b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setsm!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setsm!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setsm!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, a::ComplexF64, b::ComplexF64)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by sparse monomial m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as sparse monomial\na – Scaling of current coefficient\nb – Constant added to current coefficient\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setsm_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setsm_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setsm_r!(t::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, m::Vector{Cint}, a_re::Cdouble, a_im::Cdouble, b_re::Cdouble, b_im::Cdouble)\n\nSets the coefficient of monomial defined by sparse monomial m to coef = a*coef + b. Does not modify other values in TPSA. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setsm but without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nn – Length of monomial\nm – Monomial as sparse monomial\na_re – Real part of a\na_im – Imaginary part of a\nb_re – Real part of b\nb_im – Imaginary part of b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setv!(t::ComplexTPS, i::Cint, n::Cint, v::Vector{ComplexF64})\n\nVectorized setter of the coefficients for monomials with indices i..i+n. Useful for putting a matrix into a map.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\ni – Starting index of monomials to set coefficients\nn – Number of monomials to set coefficients of starting at i\nv – Array of coefficients for monomials i..i+n\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setval!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setval!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setval!(t::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64)\n\nSets the scalar part of the TPSA to v and all other values to 0 (sets the TPSA order to 0).\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to set to scalar\nv – Scalar value to set TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setval_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setval_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setval_r!(t::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble)\n\nSets the scalar part of the TPSA to v and all other values to 0 (sets the TPSA order to 0). Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setval but without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA to set to scalar\nv_re – Real part of scalar value to set TPSA\nv_im – Imaginary part of scalar value to set TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setvar!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setvar!","text":"madctpsasetvar!(t::ComplexTPS, v::ComplexF64, iv::Cint, scl_::ComplexF64)\n\nSets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified variable, and sets the rest of the variables to 0\n\nInput\n\nt – TPSA\nv – 0th order value (coefficient)\niv – Variable index\nscl_ – 1st order variable value (typically will be 1)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setvar_r!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_setvar_r!","text":"mad_ctpsa_setvar_r!(t::ComplexTPS, v_re::Cdouble, v_im::Cdouble, iv::Cint, scl_re_::Cdouble, scl_im_::Cdouble)\n\nSets the 0th and 1st order values for the specified variable. Equivalent to mad_ctpsa_setvar but without complex-by-value arguments.\n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA\nv_re – Real part of 0th order value\nv_im – Imaginary part of 0th order value\niv – Variable index\nscl_re_ – (Optional) Real part of 1st order variable value\nscl_im_ – (Optional)Imaginary part of 1st order variable value\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sin!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sin!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sin!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sin of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sin(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sinc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sinc of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sinc(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sincos!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sincos!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sincos!(a::ComplexTPS, s::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA s = sin(a) and TPSA c = cos(a)\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\ns – Destination TPSA s = sin(a)\nc – Destination TPSA c = cos(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sincosh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sincosh!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sincosh!(a::ComplexTPS, s::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA s = sinh(a) and TPSA c = cosh(a)\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\ns – Destination TPSA s = sinh(a)\nc – Destination TPSA c = cosh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinh!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sinh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sinh of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sinh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinhc!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sinhc!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sinhc!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sinhc of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sinhc(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sqrt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sqrt!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sqrt!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the sqrt of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = sqrt(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sub!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_sub!","text":"mad_ctpsa_sub!(a::ComplexTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPSA c = a - b\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\nb – Source TPSA b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a - b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_subt!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_subt!","text":"mad_ctpsa_subt!(a::ComplexTPS, b::RealTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{ComplexF64} a\nb – Source TPS{Float64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tan!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tan!","text":"mad_ctpsa_tan!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the tan of TPSA a.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = tan(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tanh!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tanh!","text":"mad_ctpsa_tanh!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets TPSA c to the tanh of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = tanh(a)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_taylor!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_taylor!","text":"mad_ctpsa_taylor!(a::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{ComplexF64}, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nComputes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA a\nn – Order-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array\ncoef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s\nc – Result\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_taylor_h!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_taylor_h!","text":"mad_ctpsa_taylor_h!(a::ComplexTPS, n::Cint, coef::Vector{ComplexF64}, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nComputes the result of the Taylor series up to order n-1 with Taylor coefficients coef for the scalar value in a. That is, c = coef[0] + coef[1]*a_0 + coef[2]*a_0^2 + ... where a_0 is the scalar part of TPSA a.\n\nSame as mad_ctpsa_taylor, but uses Horner's method (which is 50%-100% slower because mul is always full order).\n\nInput\n\na – TPSA a\nn – Order-1 of Taylor expansion, size of coef array\ncoef – Array of coefficients in Taylor s\nc – Result\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tdif!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tdif!","text":"mad_ctpsa_tdif!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nFor each homogeneous polynomial in TPS{Float64} a and TPS{ComplexF64} b, calculates either the relative error or absolute error for each order. If the maximum coefficient for a given order in a is > 1, the relative error is computed for that order. Else, the absolute error is computed. This is very useful for comparing maps between codes or doing unit tests. In Julia, essentially:\n\nc_i = (a_i.-b_i)/maximum([abs.(a_i)...,1]) where a_i and b_i are vectors of the monomials for an order i\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{Float64} a\nb – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tdiv!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tdiv!","text":"mad_ctpsa_tdiv!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{Float64} a\nb – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a / b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tpoisbra!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tpoisbra!","text":"mad_ctpsa_tpoisbra!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS, nv::Cint)\n\nSets TPSA c to the poisson bracket of TPS{Float64} a and TPS{ComplexF64} b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{Float64} a\nb – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b\nnv – Number of variables in the TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tpow!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tpow!","text":"mad_ctpsa_tpow!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a ^ b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{Float64} a\nb – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c = a ^ b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_translate!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_translate!","text":"mad_ctpsa_translate!(na::Cint, ma::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}}, nb::Cint, tb::Vector{ComplexF64}, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})\n\nTranslates the expansion point of the map by the amount tb.\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSAS in the map\nma – Map ma\nnb – Length of tb\ntb – Vector of amount to translate for each variable\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Map evaluated at the new point translated tb from the original evaluation point\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tsub!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_tsub!","text":"mad_ctpsa_tsub!(a::RealTPS, b::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nSets the destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b (internal real-to-complex conversion).\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPS{Float64} a\nb – Source TPS{ComplexF64} b\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPS{ComplexF64} c = a - b\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_uid!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_uid!","text":"mad_ctpsa_uid!(t::ComplexTPS, uid_::Cint)::Cint\n\nSets the TPSA uid if uid_ != 0, and returns the current (previous if set) TPSA uid. \n\nInput\n\nt – Complex TPSA\nuid_ – uid to set in the TPSA if uid_ != 0\n\nOutput\n\nret – Current (previous if set) TPSA uid\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_unit!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_unit!","text":"mad_ctpsa_unit!(a::ComplexTPS, c::ComplexTPS)\n\nInterpreting TPSA as a vector, gets the \"unit vector\", e.g. c = a/norm(a). May be useful for checking for convergence.\n\nInput\n\na – Source TPSA a\n\nOutput\n\nc – Destination TPSA c\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_update!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_update!","text":"mad_ctpsa_update!(t::ComplexTPS)\n\nUpdates the lo and hi fields of the TPSA to reflect the current state given the lowest/highest nonzero monomial coefficients.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"devel/#GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_vec2fld!","page":"For Developers","title":"GTPSA.mad_ctpsa_vec2fld!","text":"mad_ctpsa_vec2fld!(na::Cint, a::ComplexTPS, mc::Vector{TPS{ComplexF64}})\n\nAssuming the variables in the TPSA are canonically-conjugate, and ordered so that the canonically- conjugate variables are consecutive (q1, p1, q2, p2, ...), calculates the vector field (Hamilton's equations) from the passed Hamiltonian, defined as [da/dp1, -da/dq1, ...]\n\nInput\n\nna – Number of TPSA in mc consistent with number of variables in a\na – Hamiltonian as a TPSA\n\nOutput\n\nmc – Vector field derived from a using Hamilton's equations \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/a_toc/#Table-of-Contents","page":"Table of Contents","title":"Table of Contents","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/a_toc/","page":"Table of Contents","title":"Table of Contents","text":"Definitions\nDescriptor: Defines the number of variables and parameters, and orders for each in the GTPSA\nTPS: Truncated Power Series struct\nvars, params: Creates a vector of TPSs corresponding to each variable/parameter in the GTPSA\ngradient, jacobian, hessian: Extracts specific partial derivatives from a TPS\nMonomial Indexing: Get/set individual monomial coefficients\nmono: Creates a TPS corresponding to a specific monomial\nSlicing and par: Indexing a specific polynomial within the TPS\nTPS Methods: Integrate, differentiate, composition, evaluation, etc.\n@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros: Speed up evaluation of expressions containing TPSs, transparent to other types\nI/O: Reading/writing TPSs\nAll Overloaded Functions: List of all overloaded Base functions and more ","category":"page"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#tpsmethods","page":"TPS Methods","title":"TPS Methods","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/j_methods/","page":"TPS Methods","title":"TPS Methods","text":"clearord\nclearord!\nclear!\ncomplex!\ncompose!\ncutord\ncutord!\ncycle!\nderiv\nderiv!\nevaluate\nevaluate!\ngetord\ngetord!\ninteg\ninteg!\nnormTPS\nnumcoefs\nscalar\nsetTPS!\ntranslate\ntranslate!","category":"page"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.clearord","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.clearord","text":"clearord(t1::TPS, order::Integer)\n\nReturns a new TPS equal to t1 but with all monomial coefficients at the given order cleared (set equal to 0).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.clearord!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.clearord!","text":"clearord!(t::TPS, order::Integer)\n\nClears all monomial coefficients in t at order order.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.clear!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.clear!","text":"clear!(t::TPS)\n\nClears all monomial coefficients in the TPS (sets to 0).\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.complex!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.complex!","text":"complex!(t::ComplexTPS64; tre=nothing, tim=nothing)\n\nSets t to so that real(t)=tre and imag(t)=tim in place.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.compose!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.compose!","text":"compose!(m::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}, m2::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}, m1::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}; work::Union{Nothing,AbstractVector{ComplexTPS64}}=nothing)\n\nComposes the vector functions m2 ∘ m1 and stores the result in-place in m. Promotion is allowed, provided the output vector function m has the correct type. \n\nIf promotion is occuring, then one of the input vectors must be promoted to ComplexTPS64. A vector of pre-allocated ComplexTPS64s can optionally provided in work, and has the requirement:\n\nIf eltype(m.x) != eltype(m1.x) (then m1 must be promoted): work = m1_prom # Length >= length(m1), Vector{ComplexTPS64}\n\nelse if eltype(m.x) != eltype(m2.x) (then m2 must be promoted): work = m2_prom # Length >= length(m2) = length(m), Vector{ComplexTPS64}\n\nThe ComplexTPS64s in work must be defined and have the same Descriptor.\n\n\n\n\n\ncompose!(m::TPS, m2::TPS, m1::AbstractVector{<:Union{TPS64,ComplexTPS64}}; work::Union{Nothing,ComplexTPS64,AbstractVector{ComplexTPS64}}=nothing)\n\nComposes the scalar TPS function m2 with vector function m1, and stores the result in-place in m. Promotion is allowed, provided the output function m has the correct type. \n\nIf promotion is occuring, then the inputs must be promoted to ComplexTPS64. If m1 is to be promoted, a vector of pre-allocated ComplexTPS64s can optionally provided in work, and has the requirement:\n\nIf eltype(m.x) != eltype(m1.x) (then m1 must be promoted): work = m1_prom # Length >= length(m1), Vector{ComplexTPS64}\n\nElse if m2 is to be promoted (typeof(m.x) != typeof(m2.x)), a single ComplexTPS64 can be provided in work: \n\nwork = m2_prom # ComplexTPS64\n\nThe ComplexTPS64(s) in work must be defined and have the same Descriptor.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.cutord","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.cutord","text":"cutord(t1::TPS, order::Integer)\n\nCuts out the monomials in t1 at the given order and above. Or, if order is negative, will cut monomials with orders at and below abs(order).\n\nExamples\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(1,10);\n\njulia> x = vars(d);\n\njulia> cutord(sin(x[1]), 5)\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1\n -1.6666666666666666e-01 3 3\n\n\njulia> cutord(sin(x[1]), -5)\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n -1.9841269841269841e-04 7 7\n 2.7557319223985893e-06 9 9\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.cutord!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.cutord!","text":"cutord!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, order::Integer) where {T<:TPS}\n\nCuts out the monomials in t1 at the given order and above. Or, if order is negative, will cut monomials with orders at and below abs(order). t is filled in-place with the result. See the documentation for cutord for examples.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.cycle!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.cycle!","text":"cycle!(t::TPS, i, n, m_, v_)\n\nGiven a starting index i (-1 if starting at 0), will optionally fill monomial m_ (if m != C_NULL, and m_ is a DenseVector{UInt8}) with the monomial at index i and optionally the value at v_ with the monomials coefficient (if v_ != C_NULL, and v_ is a Ref{<:Union{Float64,ComplexF64}}), and return the next NONZERO monomial index in the TPS. This is useful for iterating through each monomial in the TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPS to scan\ni – Index to start from (-1 to start at 0)\nn – Length of monomial\nm_ – (Optional) Monomial to be filled if provided\nv_ – (Optional) Pointer to value of coefficient\n\nOutput\n\ni – Index of next nonzero monomial in the TPSA, or -1 if reached the end\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.deriv","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.deriv","text":"deriv(t1::TPS, v::Union{TPSIndexType, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing)\n∂(t1::TPS, v::Union{TPSIndexType, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing)\n\nDifferentiates t1 wrt the variable/parameter specified by the variable/parameter index, or alternatively any monomial specified by indexing-by-order OR indexing-by-sparse monomial.\n\nInput\n\nv – An integer (for variable index), vector/tuple of orders for each variable (for indexing-by-order), or vector/tuple of pairs (sparse monomial)\nparam – (Keyword argument, optional) An integer for the parameter index\nparams – (Keyword argument, optional) Vector/tuple of pairs for sparse-monomial indexing\n\nExamples: Variable/Parameter Index:\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(1,5,1,5);\n\njulia> x1 = vars(d)[1]; k1 = params(d)[1];\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, 1)\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 1\n\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, param=1)\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1 0\n\nExamples: Monomial Index-by-Order\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, [1,0])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 1\n\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, [0,1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1 0\n\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, [1,1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0\n\nExamples: Monomial Index-by-Sparse Monomial\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, [1=>1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 1\n\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, params=[1=>1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1 0\n\n\njulia> deriv(x1*k1, [1=>1], params=[1=>1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.deriv!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.deriv!","text":"deriv!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, v::Union{TPSIndexType, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing) where {T}\n∂!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, v::Union{TPSIndexType, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing) where {T}\n\nDifferentiates t1 wrt the variable/parameter specified by the variable/parameter index, or alternatively any monomial specified by indexing-by-order OR indexing-by-sparse monomial, and sets t equal to the result in-place. See the deriv documentation for examples.\n\nInput\n\nv – An integer (for variable index), vector/tuple of orders for each variable (for indexing-by-order), or vector/tuple of pairs (sparse monomial)\nparam – (Keyword argument, optional) An integer for the parameter index\nparams – (Keyword argument, optional) Vector/tuple of pairs for sparse-monomial indexing\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.evaluate","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.evaluate","text":"evaluate(F::Vector{TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}\n\nEvaluates the vector function F at the point x, and returns the result.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.evaluate!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.evaluate!","text":"evaluate!(y::Vector{T}, F::Vector{TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}\n\nEvaluates the vector function F at the point x, and fills y with the result. \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.getord","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.getord","text":"getord(t1::TPS, order::Integer)\n\nExtracts one homogenous polynomial from t1 of the given order.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.getord!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.getord!","text":"getord!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, order::Integer) where {T}\n\nExtracts one homogenous polynomial from t1 of the given order and fills t with the result in-place.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.integ","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.integ","text":"integ(t1::TPS, var::Integer=1)\n∫(t1::TPS, var::Integer=1)\n\nIntegrates t1 wrt the variable var. Integration wrt parameters is not allowed, and integration wrt higher order monomials is not currently supported.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.integ!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.integ!","text":"integ!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, var::Integer=1) where {T}\n∫!(t::TPS{T}, t1::TPS{T}, var::Integer=1) where {T}\n\nIntegrates t1 wrt the variable var and fills t with the result. Integration wrt parameters is not allowed, and integration wrt higher order monomials is not currently supported.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.normTPS","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.normTPS","text":"normTPS(t1::TPS)\n\nCalculates the 1-norm of the TPS, which is the sum of the abs of all coefficients.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.numcoefs","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.numcoefs","text":"numcoefs(t::TPS)\n\nReturns the maximum number of monomials (including the scalar part) in the TPS/ComplexTPS64 given its Descriptor. \n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.scalar","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.scalar","text":"scalar(t::TPS)\n\nExtracts the scalar part of the TPS. Equivalent to t[0] but this can be easily broadcasted.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.setTPS!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.setTPS!","text":"setTPS!(t::TPS, t1::Number; change::Bool=false)\n\nGeneral function for setting a TPS/ComplexTPS64 t equal to t1. If change is true, then t and t1 can have different Descriptors (with invalid monomials removed) so long as the number of variables + number of parameters are equal.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.translate","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.translate","text":"translate(m1::Vector{<:TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}\n\nreturns a vector function equal to m1 with its expansion point translated by x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/j_methods/#GTPSA.translate!","page":"TPS Methods","title":"GTPSA.translate!","text":"translate!(m::Vector{<:TPS{T}}, m1::Vector{<:TPS{T}}, x::Vector{<:Number}) where {T}\n\nFills m with the vector function equal to m1 with its expansion point translated by x.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/#descriptor","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"Defines the number of variables, number of parameters, and order(s) for each in the GTPSA","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/#Syntax","page":"Descriptor","title":"Syntax","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"d = Descriptor(num_vars, max_order) \nd = Descriptor(vars_orders, max_order)\nd = Descriptor(num_vars, max_order, num_params, param_order) \nd = Descriptor(vars_orders, max_order, params_orders, param_order)\n\nGTPSA.desc_current = d","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/#Description","page":"Descriptor","title":"Description","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"d = Descriptor(num_vars, max_order) defines a GTPSA Descriptor with num_vars variables and a maximum truncation order max_order","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"d = Descriptor(vars_orders, max_order) defines a GTPSA Descriptor with length(var_orders) variables each having individual truncation orders specified in the var_orders vector, and a maximum truncation order max_order for the entire monomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"d = Descriptor(num_vars, max_order, num_params, param_order) defines a GTPSA Descriptor with num_vars variables and num_params parameters. The parameters part of a monomial is truncated at param_order, and the entire monomial is truncated at max_order (so param_order <= max_order)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"d = Descriptor(vars_orders, max_order, params_orders, param_order) defines a GTPSA Descriptor with length(var_orders) variables each having individual truncation orders specified in the vars_orders vector, and length(param_orders) parameters each having individual truncation orders specified in the params_orders vector. The parameters part of the monomial is truncated at param_order, and the entire monomial is truncated at max_order (so param_order <= max_order)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"GTPSA.desc_current is a global variable that is set each time a user creates a new Descriptor, and can also be set manually by a user. GTPSA.desc_current defines the Descriptor to use when that information is not explicitly (or implicitly in a TPS copy constructor) available, e.g. when calling TPS(a) where a is not a TPS. This also allows one to use general Number commands like convert(TPS, a) and zeros(TPS, 6).","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/#Examples","page":"Descriptor","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"using GTPSA #hide\nd1 = Descriptor(2, 10) \nd2 = Descriptor([1, 2, 3], 5) \nd3 = Descriptor(3, 4, 1, 2) \nd4 = Descriptor([6, 5], 8, [4, 3], 7) \nGTPSA.desc_current = d1","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/#Documentation","page":"Descriptor","title":"Documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/","page":"Descriptor","title":"Descriptor","text":"Descriptor","category":"page"},{"location":"man/c_descriptor/#GTPSA.Descriptor","page":"Descriptor","title":"GTPSA.Descriptor","text":"Descriptor(nv::Integer, mo::Integer)::Descriptor\n\nCreates a TPSA Descriptor with nv variables, and a maximum truncation order mo.\n\nInput\n\nnv – Number of variables in the TPSA\nmo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA\n\n\n\n\n\nDescriptor(vos::Vector{<:Integer}, mo::Integer)::Descriptor\n\nCreates a TPSA Descriptor with length(vos) variables with individual truncation orders specified in the Vector vos, and a maximum truncation order mo for the TPSA.\n\nInput\n\nvos – Vector of the individual truncation orders of each variable\nmo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA, <= sum(vos)\n\n\n\n\n\nDescriptor(nv::Integer, mo::Integer, np::Integer, po::Integer)::Descriptor\n\nCreates a TPSA Descriptor with nv variables and np parameters. The maximum truncation order is mo (including the parameters), and the truncation order for the parameters part of a monomial is po.\n\nInput\n\nnv – Number of variables in the TPSA\nmo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA including variables and parameters\nnp – Number of parameters in the TPSA\npo – Truncation order of the parameters part of a monomial\n\n\n\n\n\nDescriptor(vos::Vector{<:Integer}, mo::Integer, pos::Vector{<:Integer}, po::Integer)::Descriptor\n\nCreates a TPSA Descriptor with length(vos) variables with individual truncation orders specified in vos, and length(pos) parameters with individual truncation orders specified in pos. The maximum truncation order including both variables and parameters is mo, and the truncation order for just the parameters part of the is po.\n\nInput\n\nvos – Vector of the individual truncation orders of each variable\nmo – Maximum truncation order of the TPSA including variables and parameters\npos – Vector of the individual truncation orders of each parameter\npo – Truncation order of the parameters part of a monomial\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#gjh","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"Extracts specific partial derivatives from a TPS","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#Syntax","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"Syntax","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"grad = GTPSA.gradient(f [, include_params=bool])\nGTPSA.gradient!(grad, f [, include_params=bool])\n\nJ = GTPSA.jacobian(F [, include_params=bool])\nGTPSA.jacobian!(J, F [, include_params=bool])\n\nJt = GTPSA.jacobiant(F [, include_params=bool])\njacobiant!(Jt, F [, include_params=bool])\n\nH = GTPSA.hessian(f [, include_params=bool])\nGTPSA.hessian!(H, f [, include_params=bool])","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#Description","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"Description","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"grad = GTPSA.gradient(f) extracts the gradient from the TPS f, defined as nabla f","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"GTPSA.gradient!(grad, f) fills grad vector in-place with the gradient extracted from the TPS f","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"J = GTPSA.jacobian(F) extracts the Jacobian matrix from the array of TPSs F, defined as J_ij = fracpartial F_ipartial x_j","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"GTPSA.jacobian!(J, F) fills the J matrix in-place with the Jacobian extracted from the array of TPSs F","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"Jt = GTPSA.jacobiant(F) extracts the transpose of the Jacobian matrix from the vector of TPSs F, with the Jacobian defined as J_ij = fracpartial F_ipartial x_j","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"GTPSA.jacobiant!(Jt, F) fills the Jt matrix in-place with the transpose of the Jacobian extracted from the vector of TPSs F","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"H = GTPSA.hessian(f) extracts the Hessian matrix from the TPS f, defined as H_ij = fracpartial^2 fpartial x_ipartial x_j","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"GTPSA.hessian!(H, f) fills the H matrix in-place with the Hessian extracted from the TPS f","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#Optional-Argument","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"Optional Argument","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"include_params can be set to true (default is false) to include the partial derivatives with respect to the parameters in any of the extraction functions above.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#Examples","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"using GTPSA; #hide\nd = Descriptor(2,10);\nx = vars(d);\nf = x[1] + 2*x[2] + 3*x[1]^2 + 4*x[1]*x[2] + 5*x[2]^2;\ng = 5*x[1] + 4*x[2] + 3*x[1]^2 + 2*x[1]*x[2] + x[2]^2;\ngrad = GTPSA.gradient(f)\nJ = GTPSA.jacobian([f, g])\nH = GTPSA.hessian(f)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#Documentation","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"Documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","text":"GTPSA.gradient\nGTPSA.gradient!\nGTPSA.jacobian\nGTPSA.jacobian!\nGTPSA.jacobiant\nGTPSA.jacobiant!\nGTPSA.hessian\nGTPSA.hessian!","category":"page"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.gradient","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.gradient","text":"GTPSA.gradient(t::TPS; include_params=false)\n\nExtracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the gradient from\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\ngrad – Gradient of the TPS\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.gradient!","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.gradient!","text":"GTPSA.gradient!(result, t::TPS; include_params=false)\n\nExtracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS and fills the result vector in-place. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the gradient from\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nresult – Vector to fill with the gradient of the TPS, must be 1-based indexing\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.jacobian","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.jacobian","text":"GTPSA.jacobian(m::AbstractArray{<:TPS}; include_params=false)\n\nExtracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the array of TPSs. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs.\n\nInput\n\nm – Array of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nJ – Jacobian of m\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.jacobian!","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.jacobian!","text":"GTPSA.jacobian!(result, m::AbstractArray{<:TPS}; include_params=false)\n\nExtracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the array of TPSs. and fills the result matrix in-place. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs.\n\nInput\n\nm – Array of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nresult – Matrix to fill with the Jacobian of m, must be 1-based indexing\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.jacobiant","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.jacobiant","text":"GTPSA.jacobiant(m::AbstractVector{<:TPS}; include_params=false) where {N,P,I}\n\nExtracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the Vector of TPSs, as the transpose of the Jacobian. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs.\n\nInput\n\nm –`Vector of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nJt – Transpose of the Jacobian of m\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.jacobiant!","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.jacobiant!","text":"GTPSA.jacobiant!(result, m::AbstractVector{<:TPS}; include_params=false)\n\nExtracts the first-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the Vector of TPSs, as the transpose of the Jacobian. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the first-order monomial coefficients already in the TPSs and filling result.\n\nInput\n\nm – Vector of TPSs to extract the Jacobian from, must be 1-based indexing\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nresult – Matrix to fill with the transpose of the Jacobian of m, must be 1-based indexing\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.hessian","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.hessian","text":"GTPSA.hessian(t::TPS; include_params=false)\n\nExtracts the second-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the second-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the Hessian from\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\n\nOutput\n\nH – Hessian of the TPS\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/h_gjh/#GTPSA.hessian!","page":"gradient, jacobian, hessian","title":"GTPSA.hessian!","text":"GTPSA.hessian!(result, t::TPS; include_params=false, tmp_mono::Union{Nothing,Vector{UInt8}}=nothing, unsafe_fast::Bool=false)\n\nExtracts the second-order partial derivatives (evaluated at 0) from the TPS and fills the result matrix in-place. The partial derivatives wrt the parameters will also be extracted when the include_params flag is set to true. Note that this function is not calculating anything - just extracting the second-order monomial coefficients already in the TPS.\n\nInput\n\nt – TPS/ComplexTPS64 to extract the Hessian from\ninclude_params – (Optional) Extract partial derivatives wrt parameters. Default is false\ntmp_mono – (Optional) Vector{UInt8} to store the monomial, when different orders of truncation are used\nunsafe_fast – (Optional) Flag to specify that \"fast\" indexing should be used without checking. This will give incorrect results if any variable has a TO < 2. Default is false.\n\nOutput\n\nresult – Matrix to fill with the Hessian of the TPS, must be 1-based indexing\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/#monoindex","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"Get/set individual monomial coefficients","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"Individual monomial coefficients in a TPS can be get/set with two methods of indexing: by order, and by sparse monomial. ","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/#By-Order","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"By Order","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"t[[, ..., ,, ..., ]]\nt[(, ..., ,, ..., )]","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"A particular monomial can be indexed by specifying the orders of each variable and parameter. For example, for a TPS t with variables x_1, x_2 and parameters k_1, k_2, the x_1^3x_2^1k_1^2 monomial coefficient is accessed with t[[3,1,2,0]] or equivalently t[[3,1,2]], as leaving out trailing zeros for unincluded variables/parameters is allowed. A tuple is also allowed instead of a vector for the list of orders.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/#Examples","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false;#hide\nd = Descriptor(2, 6, 3, 6); # 2 variables, 3 parameters all to 6th order\nx = vars(d);\nk = params(d);\nf = 5 + sin(x[1])*sin(x[2])*cos(k[1])\nf[[3,1,2]] # Leave out trailing zeros for unincluded variables/parameters\nf[[0]] # Scalar part\nf[(1,1,1,1,1)] = 123; # Set monomial coefficient\nprint(f)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/#By-Sparse-Monomial","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"By Sparse Monomial","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"t[[ => , ...], params=[ => , ...]]\nt[( => , ...), params=( => , ...)]","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"In GTPSAs with many variables and parameters, indexing-by-order is inconvenient because each order needs to be included up to the last included variable/parameter with nonzero order. In this case, a particular monomial can be indexed instead by specifying each variable/parameter number and its corresponding order in pairs. For example, for a TPS with variables x_1 x_15 and parameters k_1 k_10, the x_1^3x_15^1k_10^2 monomial coefficient is accessed with t[[1=>3, 15=>1], params=[10=>2]]. The scalar part of the TPS cannot be get/set with this method. A tuple is also allowed instead of a vector for the list of pairs.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/#Examples-2","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false; #hide\nd = Descriptor(15, 6, 10, 6); # 15 variables, 10 parameters all to 6th order\nGTPSA.show_sparse = true; # Use sparse output\nx = vars(d);\nk = params(d);\nf = 5 + sin(x[1])*sin(x[15])*cos(k[10])\nf[[1=>3, 15=>1], params=[10=>2]]\nf[(1=>1, 15=>2), params=(10=>3,)] = 123; # Set monomial coefficient\nprint(f)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/#By-Monomial-Index","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"By Monomial Index","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"t[idx]\nt[param=param_idx]","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"This indexing method is not recommended/requires care when indexing monomials above first order. Indexes the TPS with all monomials sorted by order. For example, for a TPS with one variable x_1 and one parameter k_1 the x_1 monomial is indexed with t[1] and the x_1^2 monomial is indexed with either t[3]. The k_1 monomial can be indexed with either t[2] or equivalently using the param helper kwarg t[param=1], which simply adds the number of variables in the GTPSA to the provided index. Note that above first-order, the param kwarg is basically useless. The zeroth order part, or the scalar part of the TPS, can be set with t[0]. This method requires zero allocations for indexing, unlike the other two.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/#Examples-3","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/f_monoindex/","page":"Monomial Indexing","title":"Monomial Indexing","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false; #hide\n# Example of indexing by monomial index -----------\nd = Descriptor(2, 10, 1, 10);\nt = TPS(use=d); # Create zero TPS based on d\n\nt[0] = 0;\nt[1] = 1;\nt[2] = 2;\nt[3] = 3; # or t[param=1] = 3\nt[4] = 4;\nt[5] = 5; \nt[6] = 6;\nt[7] = 7;\nt[8] = 8;\nt[9] = 9;\nt[10] = 10;\nprint(t)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/l_io/#io","page":"I/O","title":"I/O","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/l_io/#Global-Variables","page":"I/O","title":"Global Variables","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/l_io/","page":"I/O","title":"I/O","text":"There are three non-constant global variables which can be set to customize the printed output of TPSs:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/l_io/","page":"I/O","title":"I/O","text":"show_eps::Float64 = 0.0 # Print epsilon\nshow_sparse::Bool = false # Use sparse monomial print\nshow_header::Bool = false # Print a header above each TPS","category":"page"},{"location":"man/l_io/","page":"I/O","title":"I/O","text":"show_eps defines the value below which the absolute value of a monomial coefficient is NOT printed","category":"page"},{"location":"man/l_io/","page":"I/O","title":"I/O","text":"show_sparse specifies whether the sparse monomial format is used for printing. This is useful for GTPSAs containing a large number of variables and parameters","category":"page"},{"location":"man/l_io/","page":"I/O","title":"I/O","text":"show_header specifies whether or not to print the GTPSA Descriptor information above each TPS output","category":"page"},{"location":"man/l_io/#Examples","page":"I/O","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/l_io/","page":"I/O","title":"I/O","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false; #hide\nd = Descriptor(100, 1, 10, 1)\nx = vars() # Doesn't fit on screen\nGTPSA.show_sparse = true;\nx\nGTPSA.show_header = true\nx[1]","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#slice","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"Indexing a specific polynomial within the TPS","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Slicing-a-TPS","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing a TPS","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"A polynomial within the TPS with certain variable orders can be extracted by slicing the TPS. When indexing by order, a colon (:) can be used in place for a variable order to include all orders of that variable. If the last specified index is a colon, then the rest of the variable indices are assumed to be colons (else, they are assumed to be zero, following the convention of monomial coefficient indexing).","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header = false; #hide\nd = Descriptor(5, 10, 2, 10);\nx = vars(d);\nk = params(d);\n f = 2*x[1]^2*x[3] + 3*x[1]^2*x[2]*x[3]*x[4]^2*x[5]*k[1] + 6*x[3] + 5\ng = f[[2,:,1]]\nh = f[[2,:,1,:]]","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"A TPS can also be sliced with indexing by sparse monomial. In this case, if a colon is included anywhere in the sparse monomial variable index, then all orders of all variables and parameters not explicity specified will be included (colon position does not matter in sparse monomial indexing):","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"g = f[[1=>2, :, 3=>1, 4=>0, 5=>0], params=[1=>0, 2=>0]]\nh = f[(1=>2, 3=>1, :)] # Colon position is irrelevant in slicing with sparse monomial indexing","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"When indexing by monomial index, a colon simply needs to be included after the variable index, or just a colon if a parameter is specified:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"fx3 = f[3,:]\nfk1 = f[:,param=1]","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#par","page":"Slicing and par","title":"par","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"par is very similar to slicing a TPS, with two differences:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"The specified variables and parameters are removed from the resulting slice\nWhen indexing by order, a colon is always presumed for unincluded variables/parameters","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Syntax","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Syntax","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"f = par(tps, orders)\n\nf = par(tps [, vars_sparse_mono] [, params=params_sparse_mono])\n\nf = par(tps, idx)\nf = par(tps, param=param_idx)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Description","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Description","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Indexing-by-Order","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Indexing by Order","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"f = par(tps, orders) extracts the polynomial from the TPS with the monomial indexed-by-order in orders, and removes the variables/parameters included in the indexing from the polynomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Indexing-by-Sparse-Monomial","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Indexing by Sparse Monomial","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"f = par(tps, vars_sparse_mono) extracts the polynomial from the TPS with the monomial indexed-by-sparse monomial in vars_sparse_mono, and removes the variables included in the indexing from the polynomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"f = par(tps, params=params_sparse_mono) extracts the polynomial from the TPS with the monomial indexed-by-sparse monomial in params_sparse_mono, and removes the parameters included in the indexing from the polynomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"f = par(tps, vars_sparse_mono, params=params_sparse_mono) extracts the polynomial from the TPS with the monomial indexed-by-sparse monomial in vars_sparse_mono and params_sparse_mono, and removes the variables and/or parameters included in the indexing from the polynomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Indexing-by-Monomial-Index","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Indexing by Monomial Index","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"f = par(tps, idx) extracts the polynomial from the TPS with a first-order dependence on the specified monomial, and removes the variable from the polynomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"f = par(tps, param=param_idx) extracts the polynomial from the TPS with a first-order dependence on the specified monomial with index param_idx+nv where nv is the number of variables in the GTPSA, and removes the parameter from the polynomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Examples","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false; #hide\nd = Descriptor(5, 10, 2, 10);\nx = vars(d);\nk = params(d);\nf = 2*x[1]^2*x[3] + 3*x[1]^2*x[2]*x[3]*x[4]^2*x[5]*k[1] + 6*x[3] + 5\npar(f, 3)\npar(f, param=1)\npar(f, [2,:,1])\npar(f, [2,0,1])\npar(f, [1=>2, 3=>1])\npar(f, params=[1=>1])","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#Documentation","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/i_slice/","page":"Slicing and par","title":"Slicing and par","text":"par","category":"page"},{"location":"man/i_slice/#GTPSA.par","page":"Slicing and par","title":"GTPSA.par","text":"par(t::TPS, v::Union{TPSColonIndexType, Vector{Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer}}, Vector{<:Integer}, Integer, Colon, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{SMIndexType, Nothing}=nothing)\n\nExtracts a polynomial from the TPS containing the specified monomial, and removes the monomial.\n\nInput\n\nv – An integer (for variable index), an array/tuple of orders for each variable (for indexing-by-order), or an array/tuple of pairs (sparse monomial)\nparam – (Keyword argument, optional) An integer for the parameter index\nparams – (Keyword argument, optional) An array of pairs for sparse-monomial indexing\n\nExamples: Variable/Parameter Index:\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(5, 10, 2, 10); x = vars(d); k = params(d);\n\njulia> f = 2*x[1]^2*x[3] + 3*x[1]^2*x[2]*x[3]*x[4]^2*x[5]*k[1] + 6*x[3] + 5\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 5.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 0\n 6.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 0 1 0 0 | 0 0\n 2.0000000000000000e+00 3 2 0 1 0 0 | 0 0\n 3.0000000000000000e+00 8 2 1 1 2 1 | 1 0\n\n\njulia> par(f, 3)\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 6.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 0\n 2.0000000000000000e+00 2 2 0 0 0 0 | 0 0\n 3.0000000000000000e+00 7 2 1 0 2 1 | 1 0\n\n\njulia> par(f, param=1)\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 3.0000000000000000e+00 7 2 1 1 2 1 | 0 0\n\nExamples: Monomial Index-by-Order\n\njulia> par(f, [2,:,1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 2.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 0\n 3.0000000000000000e+00 5 0 1 0 2 1 | 1 0\n\n\njulia> par(f, [2,0,1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 2.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 0\n\nExamples: Monomial Index-by-Sparse Monomial\n\njulia> par(f, [1=>2, 3=>1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 2.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 0\n 3.0000000000000000e+00 5 0 1 0 2 1 | 1 0\n\n \njulia> par(f, params=[1=>1])\nTPS:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 3.0000000000000000e+00 7 2 1 1 2 1 | 0 0\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#varsparams","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"Creates a vector of TPSs corresponding to each variable/parameter in the GTPSA","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#Syntax","page":"vars, params","title":"Syntax","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"x = vars([(descriptor|tps)])\nxc = complexvars([(descriptor|tps)])\n\nk = params([(descriptor|tps)])\nkc = complexparams([(descriptor|tps)])","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#Description","page":"vars, params","title":"Description","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"x = vars() creates a vector of TPS64s corresponding to each of the variables in the GTPSA defined by the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"x = complexvars() creates a vector of ComplexTPS64s corresponding to each of the variables in the GTPSA defined by the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"k = params() creates a vector of TPS64s corresponding to each of the parameters in the GTPSA defined by the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"k = complexparams() creates a vector of ComplexTPS64s corresponding to each of the parameters in the GTPSA defined by the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#Optional-Argument","page":"vars, params","title":"Optional Argument","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"descriptor tells vars/params to create a vector of TPSs corresponding to each of the variables/parameters in the GTPSA defined by the passed Descriptor","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"tps tells vars/params to create a vector of TPSs corresponding to each of the variables/parameters in the GTPSA defined by the Descriptor of the passed TPS","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#Examples","page":"vars, params","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; #hide\nGTPSA.show_header=true\nd1 = Descriptor(3, 5, 2, 5); # 3 vars, 2 params, all to order 5\nx1 = vars()\nk1 = params()\nd2 = Descriptor(2, 5, 1, 5); # 2 vars, 1 param, all to order 5\nx2 = vars()\nk2 = params()\nk1 = params(d1)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#Documentation","page":"vars, params","title":"Documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/","page":"vars, params","title":"vars, params","text":"vars\ncomplexvars\nparams\ncomplexparams","category":"page"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#GTPSA.vars","page":"vars, params","title":"GTPSA.vars","text":"vars(use::Union{Descriptor,TPS}=GTPSA.desc_current)\n\nReturns a vector of TPSs corresponding to the variables for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.\n\nInput\n\nuse – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current\n\nOutput\n\nx – Vector containing unit TPS{Float64}s corresponding to each variable\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#GTPSA.complexvars","page":"vars, params","title":"GTPSA.complexvars","text":"complexvars(use::Union{Descriptor,TPS}=GTPSA.desc_current)\n\nReturns a vector of ComplexTPS64s corresponding to the variables for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.\n\nInput\n\nuse – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current\n\nOutput\n\nx – Vector containing unit ComplexTPS64s corresponding to each variable\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#GTPSA.params","page":"vars, params","title":"GTPSA.params","text":"params(use::Union{Descriptor,TPS}=GTPSA.desc_current)\n\nReturns a vector of TPSs corresponding to the parameters for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.\n\nInput\n\nuse – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current\n\nOutput\n\nx – Vector containing unit TPS{Float64}s corresponding to each parameters\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/e_varsparams/#GTPSA.complexparams","page":"vars, params","title":"GTPSA.complexparams","text":"complexparams(use::Union{Descriptor,TPS}=GTPSA.desc_current)\n\nReturns a vector of ComplexTPS64s corresponding to the parameters for the Descriptor specified by use. Default value is GTPSA.desc_current.\n\nInput\n\nuse – (Optional) Specify which Descriptor to use, default is GTPSA.desc_current\n\nOutput\n\nx – Vector containing unit ComplexTPS64s corresponding to each parameters\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#mono","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"Creates a TPS corresponding to a specific monomial","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Syntax","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Syntax","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"m = mono(orders [, use=(descriptor|tps)])\n\nm = mono([vars_sparse_mono] [, params=params_sparse_mono] [, use=(descriptor|tps)])\n\nm = mono(idx [, use=(descriptor|tps)])\nm = mono(param=param_idx [, use=(descriptor|tps)])\n\nm = complexmono(...)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Description","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Description","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Indexing-by-Order","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Indexing by Order","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"m = mono(orders) creates a TPS equal to the monomial specified by the indexing-by-order vector/tuple orders using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Indexing-by-Sparse-Monomial","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Indexing by Sparse Monomial","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"m = mono(vars_sparse_mono, params=params_sparse_mono) creates a TPS equal to the monomial specified by the indexing-by-sparse monomial vector/tuple vars_sparse_mono and params_sparse_mono using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Indexing-by-Monomial-Index","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Indexing by Monomial Index","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"m = mono(idx) creates a TPS equal to the monomial specified by idx and the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"m = mono(param=param_idx) creates a TPS equal to the monomial specified by param_idx + nv where nv is the number of variables in the GTPSA, using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Optional-Keyword-Argument","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Optional Keyword Argument","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"use=(descriptor|tps) creates a mono using any of the above methods but using the Descriptor specified by use","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Complex-Monomial","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Complex Monomial","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"complexmono will create a ComplexTPS64 using any of the above methods without the overhead of creating a TPS and converting it to a ComplexTPS64","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Examples","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false;#hide\nd1 = Descriptor(3, 15, 2, 15); # 3 vars, 2 params, all to order 15\nx1 = mono(1)\nk1 = mono(param=1)\nm312 = mono([3,1,2])\nm31221 = mono((3,1,2,2,1)) # Tuples allowed for indexing\nm312 = mono([1=>3, 2=>1, 3=>3])\nm31221 = mono((1=>3, 2=>1, 3=>2), params=(1=>2, 2=>1))","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#Documentation","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"Documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/g_mono/","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"mono/complexmono","text":"mono","category":"page"},{"location":"man/g_mono/#GTPSA.mono","page":"mono/complexmono","title":"GTPSA.mono","text":"mono(v::Union{Integer, Vector{<:Union{<:Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer},<:Integer}}, Nothing}=nothing; param::Union{Integer,Nothing}=nothing, params::Union{Vector{<:Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer}}, Nothing}=nothing, use::Descriptor=GTPSA.desc_current)\n\nReturns a TPS{Float64} corresponding to a specific monomial, specified using the variable/parameter index, or monomial indexing-by-order OR monomial indexing-by-sparse monomial. \n\nInput\n\nv – An integer (for variable index), an array of orders for each variable (for indexing-by-order), or an array of pairs (sparse monomial)\nparam – (Keyword argument, optional) An integer for the parameter index\nparams – (Keyword argument, optional) An array of pairs for sparse-monomial indexing\nuse – (Keyword argument, optional) The descriptor to use to generate the monomial. Default is most recently-defined.\n\nExamples: Variable/Parameter Index:\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(3,10,2,10);\n\njulia> mono(1)\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1 0 0 0 0\n\n\njulia> mono(2, use=d)\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 1 0 0 0\n\n\njulia> mono(param=2)\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 0 0 0 1\n\nExamples: Monomial Index-by-Order\n\njulia> mono([1])\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1 0 0 0 0\n\n\njulia> mono([0,1])\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 1 0 0 0\n\n\njulia> mono([0,0,0,0,1], use=d)\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 0 0 0 1\n\n\njulia> mono([1,0,0,0,1])\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 2 1 0 0 0 1\n\nExamples: Monomial Index-by-Sparse Monomial\n\njulia> mono([1=>1])\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1 0 0 0 0\n\n\njulia> mono([2=>1])\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 1 0 0 0\n\n\njulia> mono([1=>1], params=[2=>1], use=d)\nTPS{Float64}:\n Coefficient Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 2 1 0 0 0 1\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"quickstart/#Quickstart-Guide","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/#Defining-the-GTPSA","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Defining the GTPSA","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"A Descriptor defines all information about the GTPSA, including the number of variables and truncation orders for each variable. The constructors for a Descriptor including only variables are:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA #hide\n# 2 variables with max truncation order 10\nd1 = Descriptor(2, 10) ","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"# 3 variables with individual truncation orders 1, 2, 3 and max truncation order 6\nd2 = Descriptor([1, 2, 3], 6)","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/#Calculating-a-TPS","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Calculating a TPS","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"After defining a Descriptor for the TPSA, the variables (which themselves are represented as TPSs) can be obtained using vars or complexvars. For example, to calculate the Taylor series for f(x_1x_2) = cos(x_1) + sqrt1+x_2 to 4th order in x_1 and but only 1st order in x_2 (up to maximally 1 + 4 = 5th order):","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_header=false; GTPSA.show_sparse=false;#hide\nd = Descriptor([4, 1], 5);\n\n# Returns a Vector of each variable as a TPS\nx = vars(d) ","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"These TPSs can then be manipulated just like any other mathematical quantity in Julia:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"f = cos(x[1]) + sqrt(1 + x[2])","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"A blank TPS with all coefficients equal to zero can be created using TPS(use=d). This will construct a new TPS where each monomial coefficient is a Float64. If use is not explicitly passed in the constructor, then the global GTPSA.desc_current, which is set each time a new Descriptor is defined, will be used. Equivalently, TPS64(use=d) or TPS{Float64}(use=d) could have been used; a TPS is a parametric type where the type parameter specifies the number type that the TPS represents, and therefore the number type for each monomial coefficient in the TPS. TPS64 is an alias for TPS{Float64}, and if no type parameter is specified, then the default is TPS64. Likewise, a blank complex TPS can be created used ComplexTPS64(use=d) or TPS{ComplexF64}(use=d), with ComplexTPS64 being an alias for TPS{ComplexF64}. Currently, the GTPSA library only supports TPSs representing Float64 and ComplexF64 number types.","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"A regular scalar number a can be promoted to a TPS using TPS(a) (note by excluding the use keyword argument, GTPSA.desc_current is used for the Descriptor). In this case, the type parameter of the TPS is inferred from the type of a.","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"When a TPS contains a lot of variables, the default output showing each variable exponent can be larger than the screen can show. A global variable GTPSA.show_sparse, which is by default set to false, can be set to true to instead show each specific monomial instead of the exponents for each variable:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_header=false; GTPSA.show_sparse=false;#hide\nd = Descriptor(10, 10);\nx = vars(d);\n\nGTPSA.show_sparse = true;\ng = sin(x[1]*x[3]^2) + cos(x[2]*x[7]);\n\nprint(g)","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"Another global variable GTPSA.show_eps can be set to exclude showing monomials with coefficients having an absolute value less than GTPSA.show_eps.","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/#Partial-Derivative-Getting/Setting","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Partial Derivative Getting/Setting","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/#Individual-Monomial-Coefficient","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Individual Monomial Coefficient","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"note: Note\nThe value of a partial derivative is equal to the monomial coefficient in the Taylor series multiplied by a constant factor. E.g. for an expansion around zero f(x)approx f(0) + fracpartial fpartial xrvert_0x + frac12fracpartial^2 fpartial x^2rvert_0 x^2 + , the 2nd order monomial coefficient is frac12fracpartial^2 fpartial x^2rvert_0. ","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"Individual monomial coefficients in a TPS t can be get/set with three methods of indexing:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"By Order: t[[, ..., ]]. For example, for a TPS with three variables x_1, x_2, and x_3, the x_1^3x_2^1 monomial coefficient is accessed with t[[3,1,0]] or equivalently t[[3,1]], as leaving out trailing zeros for unincluded variables is allowed. A tuple is also allowed instead of a vector for the list of orders.\nBy Sparse Monomial t[[ => , ...]]. This method of indexing is convenient when a TPS contains many variables and parameters. For example, for a TPS with variables x_1x_2x_100, the x_1^3x_99^1 monomial coefficient is accessed with t[[1=>3, 99=>1]]. A tuple is also allowed instead of a vector for the list of pairs.\nBy Monomial Index t[idx]. This method is generally not recommended for indexing above first order. Indexes the TPS with all monomials sorted by order. For example, for a TPS with two variables x_1 and x_2, the x_1 monomial is indexed with t[1] and the x_1^2 monomial is indexed with t[3]. The zeroth order part, or the scalar part of the TPS, can be set with t[0]. This method requires zero allocations for indexing, unlike the other two.","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"These three methods of indexing are best shown with an example:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_header=false; GTPSA.show_sparse=false;#hide\n# Example of indexing by order -----------\nd = Descriptor(3, 10);\nt = TPS(use=d); # Create zero TPS based on d\n\nt[[0]] = 1;\nt[[1]] = 2;\nt[[0,1]] = 3;\nt[(0,0,1)] = 4; # Tuples also allowed\nt[(2,1,3)] = 5;\n\nprint(t)","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_header=false; GTPSA.show_sparse=false; #hide\n# Example of indexing by sparse monomial -----------\nd = Descriptor(3, 10);\nt = TPS(use=d); # Create zero TPS based on d\n\nt[[1=>1]] = 2;\nt[[2=>1]] = 3;\nt[[3=>1]] = 4;\nt[(1=>2,2=>1,3=>3)] = 5; # Tuples also allowed\n\nprint(t)","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false; #hide\n# Example of indexing by monomial index -----------\nd = Descriptor(3, 10);\nt = TPS(use=d); # Create zero TPS based on d\n\nt[0] = 0;\nt[1] = 1;\nt[2] = 2;\nt[3] = 3;\nt[4] = 4;\nt[5] = 5; \nt[6] = 6;\nt[7] = 7;\nt[8] = 8;\nt[9] = 9;\nt[10] = 10;\nprint(t)","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/#Gradients,-Jacobians,-Hessians","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Gradients, Jacobians, Hessians","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"The convenience getters gradient, jacobian, and hessian (as well as their corresponding in-place methods gradient!, jacobian!, and hessian!) are also provided for extracting partial derivatives from a TPS/Vector of TPSs. Note that these functions are not actually calculating anything - at this point the TPS should already have been propagated through the system, and these functions are just extracting the corresponding partial derivatives. Note that these function names are not exported, because they are commonly used by other automatic differentiation packages.","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_header=false; GTPSA.show_sparse=false; #hide\n# 2nd Order TPSA with 100 variables\nd = Descriptor(100, 2);\nx = vars(d);\n\nout = cumsum(x);\n\n# Convenience getters for partial derivative extracting:\ngrad1 = GTPSA.gradient(out[1]);\nJ = GTPSA.jacobian(out);\nh1 = GTPSA.hessian(out[1]);\n\n# Also in-place getters\nGTPSA.gradient!(grad1, out[1]);\nGTPSA.jacobian!(J, out);\nGTPSA.hessian!(h1, out[1]);","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/#Slicing-a-TPS","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Slicing a TPS","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"Parts of a TPS with certain variable orders can be extracted by slicing the TPS. When indexing by order, a colon (:) can be used in place for a variable order to include all orders of that variable. If the last specified index is a colon, then the rest of the variable indices are assumed to be colons:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_header=false; GTPSA.show_sparse=false; #hide\nd = Descriptor(5, 10);\nx = vars(d);\n\nf = 2*x[1]^2*x[3] + 3*x[1]^2*x[2]*x[3]*x[4]^2*x[5] + 6*x[3] + 5;\ng = f[[2,:,1]];\nh = f[[2,:,1,:]];\n\nprint(f)\nprint(g)\nprint(h)","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"A TPS can also be sliced with indexing by sparse monomial. In this case, if a colon is included anywhere in the sparse monomial index, then all orders of all variables not explicity specified will be included:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":" # Colon position does not matter in sparse-monomial indexing\ng = f[[1=>2, :, 3=>1, 4=>0, 5=>0]];\nh = f[[1=>2, 3=>1, :]];\n\n\nprint(g)\nprint(h)","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/#@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA!-Macros","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"The macros @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! can be used to speed up evaluation of expressions that may contain TPSs. Both macros are completely transparent to all other types, so they can be prepended to any existing expressions while still maintaining type-generic code. Any functions in the expression that are not overloaded by GTPSA will be ignored. Both macros do NOT use any -ffast-math business (so still IEEE compliant), but instead will use a thread-safe pre-allocated buffer in the Descriptor for any temporaries that may be generated during evaluation of the expression.","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"The first macro, @FastGTPSA can be prepended to an expression following assignment (=, +=, etc) to only construct one TPS (which requires two allocations), instead of a TPS for every temporary:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools\n\nd = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);\n\n@btime $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n\ny = rand(3); # transparent to non-TPS types\n\n@btime $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"The second macro, @FastGTPSA! can be prepended to the LHS of an assignment, and will fill a preallocated TPS with the result of an expression. @FastGTPSA! will calculate a TPS expression with zero allocations, and will still have no impact if a non-TPS type is used. The only requirement is that all symbols in the expression are defined:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools # hide\nd = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d); # hide\n\nt = ComplexTPS64(); # pre-allocate\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA! $t = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; \n\ny = rand(3); @gensym z; # transparent to non-TPS types\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA! $z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"Both @FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! can also be prepended to a block of code, in which case they are applied to each assignment in the block:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools # hide\nd = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);\n\ny = rand(3);\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA begin\n t1 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n t2 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;\n end;\n\nt3 = ComplexTPS64(); t4 = ComplexTPS64(); @gensym w;\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA! begin\n $t3 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n $t4 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n $w = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;\n end;\n","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"Both macros are also compatible with broadcasted, vectorized operators:","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools # hide\nd = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d); y = rand(3);\n@btime @FastGTPSA begin\n out = @. $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im;\n end;\nout = zeros(ComplexTPS64, 3); # pre-allocate\n@btime @FastGTPSA! begin\n @. $out = $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im;\n end;","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"The advantages of using the macros become especially apparent in more complicated systems, for example in benchmark/track.jl. ","category":"page"},{"location":"quickstart/#Promotion-of-TPS64-to-ComplexTPS64","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Promotion of TPS64 to ComplexTPS64","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"quickstart/","page":"Quickstart Guide","title":"Quickstart Guide","text":"TPS64s and ComplexTPS64s can be mixed freely without concern. Any time an operation with a TPS64 and a ComplexTPS64 or a Complex number occurs, the result will be a ComplexTPS64. A ComplexTPS64 can be converted back to a TPS64 using the real and imag operators.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/#all","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"The following functions from Base have been overloaded for operations with TPS:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"+, -, *, /, ^, ∘, inv, atan, hypot, abs, sqrt, exp, log, sin, cos, \ntan, csc, sec, cot, sinc, sinh, cosh, tanh, csch, sech, coth, asin, \nacos, atan, acsc, asec, acot, asinh, acosh, atanh, acsch, asech, \nacoth, zero, zeros, one, ones, real, imag, conj, angle, complex, \npromote_rule, getindex, setindex!, ==, <, >, <=, >=, !=, isequal, \nisless, isinf, isnan, show, copy!, lastindex, firstindex, rand, \nunsafe_convert, eltype, eps, floatmin, floatmax","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"zeros and ones are overloaded from Base so that allocated TPSs are placed in each element. Because of the mutability of TPS, if we didn't explicity overload these functions every element would correspond to the exact same heap-allocated TPS.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"GTPSA.jl overloads (and exports) the following functions from the corresponding packages: LinearAlgebra: norm, mul! SpecialFunctions: erf, erfc","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"GTPSA.jl also provides the following math functions NOT included in Base or any of the above packages (and not already documented in TPS Methods):","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"unit, sinhc, asinc, asinhc, polar, rect","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"If there is a mathematical function in Base which you'd like and is not included in the above list, feel free to submit an issue.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/#Mutable-Mathematics-Interface","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"Mutable Mathematics Interface","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"For every math function, GTPSA.jl provides mutating functions to set an allocated TPS in-place. For non-arithmetic operators, this is denoted with a bang (!) symbol. E.g. for sin(a), there also exists GTPSA.sin!(b, a) where b is set equal to sin(a). Aliasing (b === a) for all operators is allowed in GTPSA.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/n_all/","page":"All Overloaded Functions","title":"All Overloaded Functions","text":"For the arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, ^, there are the corresponding in-place functions GTPSA.add!(c, a, b), GTPSA.sub!(c, a, b), GTPSA.mul!(c, a, b), GTPSA.div!(c, a, b), and GTPSA.pow!(c, a, b). While c must be an allocated TPS, a and b could be a TPS or any Number type, so long as they can be appropriately converted to the destination TPS parametric number type. Aliasing for all arithmetic operators (a === b === c) is allowed in GTPSA.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/#tps","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"Truncated Power Series struct TPS{T<:Union{Float64,ComplexF64}} <: Number","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/#Syntax","page":"TPS","title":"Syntax","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"t = TPS([number] [, use=(descriptor|tps)])\n\nt = TPS64([real] [, use=(descriptor|tps)])\n\nt = ComplexTPS64([number] [, use=(descriptor|tps)])","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/#Description","page":"TPS","title":"Description","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"Currently, GTPSA only supports TPSs with Float64 or ComplexF64 monomial coefficients.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"t = TPS() creates a new TPS{Float64} (=TPS64) with all coefficients equal to zero using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"t = TPS(number) creates a new TPS equal to number. If number is a TPS, then this acts as a copy constructor, using that TPS's Descriptor (nesting TPSs is not permitted). Else, a TPS with monomial coefficient type promote_type(Float64,typeof(number)) is constructed using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"t = TPS64() creates a new TPS{Float64} with all coefficients equal to zero using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"t = TPS64(real) creates a new TPS{Float64} equal to real. If real is a TPS, then this acts as a copy constructor, using that TPS's Descriptor (nesting TPSs is not permitted). Else, a TPS with monomial coefficient type Float64 is constructed using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"t = ComplexTPS64() creates a new TPS{ComplexF64} with all coefficients equal to zero using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"t = ComplexTPS64(number) creates a new TPS{ComplexF64} equal to number. If number is a TPS, then this acts as a copy constructor, using that TPS's Descriptor (nesting TPSs is not permitted). Else, a TPS with monomial coefficient type ComplexF64 is constructed using the Descriptor in GTPSA.desc_current","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/#Optional-Keyword-Argument","page":"TPS","title":"Optional Keyword Argument","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"use=descriptor creates a new TPS having a Descriptor equal to that passed. If changing the Descriptor of a TPS, the number of variable + number of parameters must be equivalent, and invalid monomials in the new Descriptor will be removed.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"use=tps creates a new TPS having a Descriptor equal to that used by the passed TPS. If changing the Descriptor of a TPS, the number of variable + number of parameters must be equivalent, and invalid monomials in the new Descriptor will be removed.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/#Examples","page":"TPS","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; #hide\nGTPSA.show_header = true\nd1 = Descriptor(1, 1); # 1 variable to order 1\nt1_1 = TPS()\nt2_1 = TPS(5)\nt3_1 = TPS(t2_1)\nd2 = Descriptor(1, 10); # New Descriptor to order 10\nt1_2 = ComplexTPS64() # Uses d2\nt2_2 = ComplexTPS64(6)\nt3_2 = ComplexTPS64(t3_1, use=d2) # Promotes and changes Descriptor\nGTPSA.show_header = false #hide","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/#Documentation","page":"TPS","title":"Documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/d_tps/","page":"TPS","title":"TPS","text":"TPS","category":"page"},{"location":"man/d_tps/#GTPSA.TPS","page":"TPS","title":"GTPSA.TPS","text":"TPS(ta::Union{Number,Nothing}=nothing; use::Union{Descriptor,TPS,Nothing}=nothing)\nTPS{T}(ta::Union{Number,Nothing}=nothing; use::Union{Descriptor,TPS,Nothing}=nothing) where {T<:Union{Float64,ComplexF64}}\n\nConstructor to create a new TPS equal to the real value ta. If ta is a TPS, this is equivalent to a copy constructor, with the result by default having the same Descriptor as ta. If ta is not a TPS, then the Descriptor used will by default be GTPSA.desc_current. The Descriptor for the constructed TPS can be set using use. If a TPS or ComplexTPS64 is passed to use, the Descriptor for that TPS will be used.\n\nThe constructor can also be used to create a copy of a TPS under one Descriptor to instead have a different Descriptor. In this case, invalid monomials under the new Descriptor are removed.\n\nInput\n\nta – Any Number\nuse – (Optional) specify which Descriptor to use, default is nothing which uses the Descriptor for ta if ta isa TPS, else uses GTPSA.desc_current\n\nOutput\n\nret – New TPS equal to ta, with removal of invalid monomials if ta is a TPS and a new Descriptor is specified\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"type"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/#fastgtpsa","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"Speed up evaluation of expressions containing TPSs, transparent to other types","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"The thread-safe macros @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! can be used to speed up evaluation of expressions that may contain TPSs. Both macros are completely transparent to all other types, so they can be prepended to any existing expressions while still maintaining type-generic code. Any functions in the expression that are not overloaded by GTPSA will be ignored. Both macros do not use any -ffast-math business (so still IEEE compliant), but instead will use a thread-safe pre-allocated buffer in the Descriptor for any temporaries that may be generated during evaluation of the expression.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"The first macro, @FastGTPSA can be prepended to an expression following assignment (=, +=, etc) to only construct one TPS (which requires two allocations), instead of a TPS for every temporary:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools\n\nd = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);\n\n@btime $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n\ny = rand(3); # transparent to non-TPS types\n\n@btime $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"The second macro, @FastGTPSA! can be prepended to the LHS of an assignment, and will fill a preallocated TPS with the result of an expression. @FastGTPSA! will calculate a TPS expression with zero allocations, and will still have no impact if a non-TPS type is used. The only requirement is that all symbols in the expression are defined:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools # hide\nd = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d); # hide\n\nt = ComplexTPS64(); # pre-allocate\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA! $t = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; \n\ny = rand(3); @gensym z; # transparent to non-TPS types\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA! $z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"Both @FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! can also be prepended to a block of code, in which case they are applied to each assignment in the block:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools # hide\nd = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);\n\ny = rand(3);\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA begin\n t1 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n t2 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;\n end;\n\nt3 = ComplexTPS64(); t4 = ComplexTPS64(); @gensym w;\n\n@btime @FastGTPSA! begin\n $t3 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n $t4 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n $w = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;\n end;\n","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"@FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! are also compatible with broadcasted, vectorized operators. This can be very useful for example if a structure-of-arrays (SoA) layout is used in a simulation program, but you would like to calculate a Taylor map of the output by propagating GTPSAs through. Note that for @FastGTPSA, which allocates the result, that there are two allocations per TPS and one for the Array. For @FastGTPSA!, which requires a pre-allocated output, there are zero allocations. Both are still transparent to non-TPS types for universally polymorphic use without cost.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools # hide\nd = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d); # hide\ny = rand(3); # hide\n@btime @FastGTPSA begin\n out = @. $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im;\n end;\nout = zeros(ComplexTPS64, 3); # pre-allocate\n@btime @FastGTPSA! begin\n @. $out = $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im;\n end;","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"If errors are thrown during usage of @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA!, temporaries in use may not have been properly popped from the stack. Therefore, if the Julia session is not terminated, the helper functions GTPSA.checktemps and `GTPSA.cleartemps! should be used to evaluate and correct the state of the buffer.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"Without using the macro, each time an operation is performed using a TPS, a new TPS is dynamically-allocated containing the result. For example in the above expression, the calculation of sin(x[2]) creates a new TPS, and the calculation of x[1]^3 also creates a new TPS. The multiplication of these two resulting TPSs creates a new TPS, and so on until a TPS containing the full result of the evaluated expression is obtained. The intermediate TPSs that must be created to evaluate the expression are referred to as temporaries, because they only exist temporarily. Julia's garbage collector notices when the dynamically-allocated temporaries are no longer in scope, and cleans up that memory when it decides it's a good time to. This process can cause slowdowns in performance critical code however, especially in more complicated expressions where a lot of temporaries are created.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"Both @FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! basically tell the code to instead use a permanent, pre-allocated thread-safe buffer of TPSs for the temporaries during evaluation of the expression, so there is no dynamic memory allocation; for @FastGTPSA, the number of allocations is reduced to two (which is one single TPS), and for @FastGTPSA! the number of allocations is zero. Furthermore, these temporaries are accessed and deleted in a stack-like manner from the buffer by each thread, so that temporaries involved in operations are right next to each other in memory. This ensures minimal cache misses throughout the evaluation of the expression.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"The speedup of using the macro can be quite significant. See our example, where we observe a x2 speedup at 2nd order. ","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/#Documentation","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"Documentation","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","text":"@FastGTPSA\n@FastGTPSA!\nGTPSA.cleartemps!\nGTPSA.checktemps","category":"page"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/#GTPSA.@FastGTPSA","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"GTPSA.@FastGTPSA","text":"@FastGTPSA(expr_or_block)\n\nMacro to speed up evaluation of mathematical expressions containing TPSs. The temporaries generated during evaluation of the expression are drawn from a thread-safe buffer, reducing the number of heap allocations to 2 (which is for a single TPS) for the result. @FastGTPSA is completely transparent to all other types, so it can be prepended to expressions while still maintaining type-generic code.\n\njulia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(3,7); x = vars(d);\n\njulia> t = @btime $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n 3.458 μs (20 allocations: 11.88 KiB)\n\njulia> t = @btime @FastGTPSA $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n 3.172 μs (2 allocations: 1.94 KiB)\n\n@FastGTPSA can also be prepended to a block of code, in which case it is applied after every = sign in the block: \n\njulia> @btime @FastGTPSA begin\n t1 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n t2 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n a = t1+t2\n L = 5+3*exp(7)\n end\n 6.317 μs (6 allocations: 5.81 KiB)\n\nBroadcasting is also compatible with @FastGTPSA (note two allocations per TPS and one allocation per Array):\n\njulia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d); y = rand(3);\n\njulia> @btime @FastGTPSA begin\n out = @. $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im;\n end;\n 7.573 μs (7 allocations: 5.89 KiB)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"macro"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/#GTPSA.@FastGTPSA!","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"GTPSA.@FastGTPSA!","text":"@FastGTPSA!(expr_or_block)\n\nMacro to speed up evaluation of mathematical expressions that may contain assignment to pre-allocated TPSs. The temporaries generated during evaluation of the expression are drawn from a thread-safe buffer. With this macro, the number of heap allocations during evaluation of expressions containing TPSs is 0, and it is fully transparent to non-TPS types.\n\nThis macro supports assignment using =, +=, -=, *=, /=, and ^=.\n\nImportant: The symbols must be defined prior to calling the macro regardless of whether or not the type is a TPS:\n\njulia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(3,7); x = vars(d); \n\njulia> t = ComplexTPS64(); # Pre-allocate\n\njulia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $t = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n 2.972 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)\n\njulia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $t ^= $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n 6.550 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)\n\njulia> y = rand(3); z = 2; # transparent to non-TPS types \n\njulia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im;\n 11.344 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)\n\nLike @FastGTPSA, @FastGTPSA! can prepended to a block of code, in which case it is applied before every line in the block containing assignment:\n\njulia> t1 = zero(ComplexTPS64); t2 = zero(ComplexTPS64); z = 0; \n\njulia> @btime @FastGTPSA! begin\n $t1 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n $t2 -= $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im;\n $z += 7\n end\n 5.965 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)\n\nBroadcasting is also compatible with @FastGTPSA!:\n\njulia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools\n\njulia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d); y = rand(3);\n\njulia> out = zeros(ComplexTPS64, 3) # pre-allocate\n\njulia> @btime @FastGTPSA! begin\n @. $out = $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im;\n end;\n 7.312 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"macro"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/#GTPSA.cleartemps!","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"GTPSA.cleartemps!","text":"GTPSA.cleartemps!(d::Descriptor=GTPSA.desc_current)\n\nClears the \"stack\" of temporaries currently in use by the Descriptor. This is necessary to run if GTPSA.checktemps(d::Descriptor=GTPSA.desc_current) returns false; this occurs if an error is thrown during evaluation of an expression using @FastGTPSA or @FastGTPSA!, and the Julia session is not terminated.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"man/k_fastgtpsa/#GTPSA.checktemps","page":"@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros","title":"GTPSA.checktemps","text":"GTPSA.checktemps(d::Descriptor=GTPSA.desc_current)\n\nSanity check of the temporary buffer in the Descriptor used by @FastGTPSA. Returns true if everything is OK, else false in which case GTPSA.cleartemps!(d::Descriptor=GTPSA.desc_current) should be run. This may occur if an error is thrown during evaluation of an expression using @FastGTPSA or @FastGTPSA!.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"function"},{"location":"#GTPSA.jl","page":"Home","title":"GTPSA.jl","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"A full-featured Julia interface to the Generalised Truncated Power Series Algebra library.","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"GTPSA.jl is a full-featured Julia interface to the Generalised Truncated Power Series Algebra (GTPSA) library, which computes Taylor expansions, or Truncated Power Series (TPSs), of real and complex multivariable functions to high orders.","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Truncated Power Series Algebra (TPSA) performs forward-mode automatic differentation (AD) similar to the typical dual-number implementation, as in ForwardDiff.jl. However, instead of nesting derivatives for higher orders, TPSA naturally extends to arbitary orders by directly using the power series expansions. Furthermore, because TPSA is designed for high order AD, extra focus is given to the data structure storing all partial derivatives, as well as indexing/propagating each of the nonzero partial derivatives in an efficient way. With these features, GTPSA.jl is significantly faster than ForwardDiff.jl for 2nd-order calculations and above, and has similar performance to 1st-order. See the benchmark/track.jl example for a speed comparison in calculating the partial derivatives for a system with 58 inputs and 6 outputs. In this example, GTPSA was x3.5 faster than ForwardDiff to 2nd order, and x19.8 faster to 3rd order.","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"GTPSA provides several advantages over current Julia AD packages:","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Speed: GTPSA.jl is significantly faster than ForwardDiff.jl for 2nd-order calculations and above, and has very similar performance at 1st-order\nEasy Monomial Indexing: Beyond 2nd order, accessing/manipulating the partial derivatives in an organized way can be a significant challenge when using other AD packages. In GTPSA, three simple indexing schemes for getting/setting monomial coefficients in a truncated power series is provided, as well as a cycle! function for cycling through all nonzero monomials\nCustom Orders in Individual Variables: Other packages use a single maximum order for all variables. With GTPSA, the maximum order can be set differently for individual variables, as well as for a separate part of the monomial. For example, computing the Taylor expansion of f(x_1x_2) to 2nd order in x_1 and 6th order in x_2 is possible\nComplex Numbers: GTPSA natively supports complex numbers and allows for mixing of complex and real truncated power series\nDistinction Between State Variables and Parameters: Distinguishing between dependent variables and parameters in the solution of a differential equation expressed as a power series in the dependent variables/parameters can be advantageous in analysis","category":"page"},{"location":"#Setup","page":"Home","title":"Setup","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"To use GTPSA.jl, in the Julia REPL run","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"import Pkg; Pkg.add(\"GTPSA\")","category":"page"},{"location":"#Basic-Usage","page":"Home","title":"Basic Usage","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"First, a Descriptor must be created specifying the number of variables, number of parameters, and truncation order(s) for the variables/parameters in the TPSA. A TPS can then be created based on the Descriptor. TPSs can be manipulated using all of the arithmetic operators (+,-,*,/,^) and math functions (e.g. abs, sqrt, sin, exp, log, tanh, etc.).","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"TPSs can be viewed as structures containing the coefficients for all of the monomials of a multivariable Taylor expansion up to the orders specified in the Descriptor. As an example, to compute the truncated power series of a function f(x_1 x_2) = cos(x_1)+isin(x_2) to 6th order in x_1 and x_2:","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"using GTPSA\n\n# Descriptor for TPSA with 2 variables to 6th order\nd = Descriptor(2, 6)\n\n# Get the TPSs corresponding to each variable based on the Descriptor\nx = vars()\n# x[1] corresponds to the first variable and x[2] corresponds to the second variable\n\n# Manipulate the TPSs as you would any other mathematical variable in Julia\nf = cos(x[1]) + im*sin(x[2])\n# f is a new ComplexTPS64 ","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Note that scalars do not need to be defined as TPSs when writing expressions. Running print(f) gives the output","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"ComplexTPS64:\n Real Imag Order Exponent\n 1.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0\n 0.0000000000000000e+00 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 1\n -5.0000000000000000e-01 0.0000000000000000e+00 2 2 0\n 0.0000000000000000e+00 -1.6666666666666666e-01 3 0 3\n 4.1666666666666664e-02 0.0000000000000000e+00 4 4 0\n 0.0000000000000000e+00 8.3333333333333332e-03 5 0 5\n -1.3888888888888887e-03 0.0000000000000000e+00 6 6 0","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"The GTPSA library currently only supports truncated power series representing Float64 and ComplexF64 number types.","category":"page"},{"location":"#Acknowledgements","page":"Home","title":"Acknowledgements","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Much thanks must be given to Laurent Deniau, the creator of the C GTPSA library, for his time and great patience in explaining his code. ","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Advanced users are referred to this paper discussing the inner workings of the C GTPSA library.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/#definitions","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"This section is incomplete, and will be expanded in the near future","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/#cto","page":"Definitions","title":"Custom Truncation Orders","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"GTPSA allows for significant customization in the truncation of specific variables within a monomial of the truncated power series (TPS). One can specify individually the truncation orders for each variable in a truncated power series, as well as the maximum truncation order for an entire monomial in the TPS. This is best shown with an example:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"Suppose we'd like to express a function f(x_1x_2) as a truncated power series, and keep only terms that are up to 1st-order in x_1 but up to 2nd order in x_2; basically, we should not have any monomials where x_1 has an exponent > 1, nor any monomials where x_2 has an exponent > 2. GTPSA allows one to select the individual truncation orders for variables in a monomial in this manner. The next question to consider is the maximum truncation order for the entire monomial; in the above example, note that the 3rd-order term x_1x_2^2 follows the rules we layed out so far. But what if we'd also like to truncate all monomials with order 3 and above, and not allow this monomial? This can be achieved by setting the maximum truncation order equal to 2. When defining a GTPSA, the user must always specify the maximum truncation order, which when specifying individual truncation orders must lie within the range textrmmax(textrmindividual truncation orders) textrmsum(textrmindividual truncation orders). If individual truncation orders are not specified, then they are automatically set to the maximum truncation order.","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"Example: allowed monomials for f(x_1x_2) with individual variable truncation orders [1,2] and different maximum truncation orders:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"Exponents Max Order = 2 Max Order = 3\n1quad 0 ✅ ✅\n0quad 1 ✅ ✅\n2quad 0 ❌ ❌\n1quad 1 ✅ ✅\n0quad 2 ✅ ✅\n3quad 0 ❌ ❌\n2quad 1 ❌ ❌\n1quad 2 ❌ ✅\n0quad 3 ❌ ❌","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/#Parameters","page":"Definitions","title":"Parameters","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"GTPSA allows one to explicitly distinguish between variables and parameters. Generally, a variable would be a dependent variable in a differential equation, and a parameter would be a variation in something defining or influencing the system (for example, in a harmonic oscillator the restoring constant k would be a parameter). Individual truncation orders can be specified for the parameters in the same way as described for the variables, however there is a special extra truncation order the can be specified for solely the parameters part of the monomial, referred to as the parameter order. The parameter order defines the truncation order for only the parameters part of a monomial. ","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"Example: allowed monomials for f(x_1k_1k_2) (one variable, two parameters) with individual variable truncation order [1], individual parameter truncation orders [1,1], maximum order = 3, and different parameter orders:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"Exponents Parameter Order = 1 Parameter Order = 2\n0quad quad 1 quad 0 ✅ ✅\n0quad quad 0 quad 1 ✅ ✅\n0quad quad 1 quad 1 ❌ ✅\n1quad quad 1 quad 0 ✅ ✅\n1quad quad 0 quad 1 ✅ ✅\n1quad quad 1 quad 1 ❌ ✅","category":"page"},{"location":"man/b_definitions/","page":"Definitions","title":"Definitions","text":"(Note: many monomials are excluded for brevity in the above table)","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/#global","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"The following non-constant global variables can be set:","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"desc_current::Descriptor # Current Descriptor to use\nshow_eps::Float64 = 0.0 # Print epsilon\nshow_sparse::Bool = false # Use sparse monomial print\nshow_header::Bool = false # Print a header above each TPS","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"desc_current defines the Descriptor to use when that information is not explicitly (or implicitly in a TPS copy constructor) available, e.g. when calling TPS(a) where a is not a TPS. This also allows one to use general Number commands like convert(TPS, a) and zeros(TPS, 6) ","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"show_eps defines the value below which the absolute value of a monomial coefficient is NOT printed","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"show_sparse specifies whether the sparse monomial format is used for printing. This is useful for GTPSAs containing a large number of variables and parameters","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"show_header specifies whether or not to print the GTPSA Descriptor information above each TPS output","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"man/m_global/#Examples","page":"Global Variables","title":"Examples","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"man/m_global/","page":"Global Variables","title":"Global Variables","text":"using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_sparse = false; GTPSA.show_header=false; #hide\nd1 = Descriptor(1, 6);\nx = vars()\nGTPSA.show_sparse = true;\nx\nGTPSA.show_sparse = false;\nGTPSA.show_sparse\nx","category":"page"}] }