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File metadata and controls

175 lines (123 loc) · 5.84 KB

One of the first steps in the pipeline is to create binaries and installers the process of building, deploying, testing, and releasing software visible to everybody involved, aiding collaboration

1- Keep Absolutely Everything in Version Control i================================================== keep configuration information . Developers should use it for source code, of course, but also for tests, database scripts, build and deployment scripts, documentation, libraries and configuration files for your application, your compiler and collection of tools, and so on—so that a new member of your team can start working from scratch.

for recreate and testing software and production environnement target:everybody use the same setting

recover exact snapshot of the state entire system from develepement zum production software stack, operating system for application software DNS zones files firewall configuration for everyone to use same setting, Project Manager should save plans, progress charts, ris logs

Related to your project in a version control repository. In addition to storing source code and configuration information, many projects also store binary images of their application servers, compilers, virtual machines, and other parts of their toolchain in version control.

speed up new environnement creation base confiugraiot are complet defined

whole environnement like virtual machine

keeping binary output from application first they are big second automated build script commit for source code, other commit for binary mor important for deployment pip

CHeck in regularly to Trunk first after step back and change, echo change is not only for developer, given birth to a build develeper want to be confident , ther code is in a good state

commit frequently=>change are availabel every body, mere are always small and namanageable

to resolve this dilemma is to create a separate branch for new frequently 1-integration proble only by merge with new functionality 2- several developer create branches, problem increases and morge become complex 3- automated merged tool, don't solve semantics conflcts. one rename methode in oe branch, other add new call from other branch 4- hard to refactor the codebase

better is to develop new feature incrementally and commti to trunk benefit:softwar working and integrated all time

Using Meaningful Commit Messgaes warum addiet, deleted, umbenned, zeit. Managin dependencies:

Manging External Librarieods

most binary form, unless inerpreted language normal installed in global system by package Ruby Gems, Perl

recommended copies external libraries somewhere local ability to reporduce offline your build add on repository bigger and checkoud longer Manging Componets

split applicatio into components to build into separate pipeline important to have binary dependencies between pipeline better thn source dependencies Managing Software configuration

configuration the behavior of software at build time, deploy time, and run time DELIVERY TEAMS

configuration and flexibility

In our experience, it is an enduring myth that configuration information is somehow less risky to change than source code

configuration less risky than source code

1.It frequently leads to analysis paralysis, in which the problem seems so big and so intractable that the team spends all of their time thinking about how to solve it and none of their time actually solving anything. 2. The system becomes so complex to configure that many of the benefits of its flexibility are lost, to the extent where the effort involved in its configuration is comparable to the cost of custom development.

Configuation needs to be managed carefully and consistenly

Your build scripts can pull configuration in and incorporate it into your binaries at build time. • Your packaging software can inject configuration at packaging time, such as when creating assemblies, ears, or gems. • Your deployment scripts or installers can fetch the necessary information or ask the user for it and pass it to your application at deployment time as part of the installation process. • Your application itself can fetch configuration at startup time or run time.

service depends upon (database, messaging server, external systems) database connection

runtime configuration

Managin Application Configuation

============================== a set of name value strings xml , yaml,.. database, a version control system, or a directory or registry.

It is often important to keep the actual configuration information specific to each of your application’s testing and production environments in a repository separate from your source code

don’t Check Passwords into Source Control or Hard-Code Them in Your Application

Accessing Configuation

easies way filesystem cross plattform, supported every language more pract Alternative centzralized repositroy , webservice ESCAP RESTful

simple facad class getThisProperty(), getThatProperty()

Modeling Configuration

Modeled as a Tuple The application The version of applicatoin the environnement it runs in (development, UAT, perfomrance, staging, or production)

database may be varied between developer and between production

configuation information XML, Rstfull web service shoudl abel to handle the veraios dimensions -Adding new enviroment (new developer, workstation) -Creatiing new version of app ==> new setting and use old settin -Promoting a new version (ensure that any new settings are available) -Managin environment using virtualization VMs vonfigured correcty

Best way , configuration default, override this devalut in other environnment

Testing System Configuation