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CMake for Boost Developers

Header-only Libraries

Automatic Generation with Boostdep

The easiest way to add CMake support to a header-only Boost library is to generate a CMakeLists.txt file with Boostdep using the command boostdep --cmake <libname>, where <libname> is the name of the repository (or the directory name).

For example, a CMakeLists.txt file for Boost.Core can be generated with boostdep --cmake core, and the result will be, as of this writing,

# Generated by `boostdep --cmake core`
# Copyright 2020 Peter Dimov
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5...3.16)


add_library(boost_core INTERFACE)
add_library(Boost::core ALIAS boost_core)

target_include_directories(boost_core INTERFACE include)





Most header-only libraries require no modification to this boostdep output.

You are not required to use this exact file, but if you can, there are benefits for doing so:

  • You can regenerate the file at any time, to pick up style changes as the Boost CMake infrastructure evolves and Boostdep is updated to match;
  • Boostdep computes the library dependencies automatically (as this is its primary purpose as a tool), and if you make changes to the library that cause its dependencies to change, a simple regeneration can keep the list up to date;
  • You can add a CI job that compares the output of Boostdep to your current CMakeLists.txt file, which will inform you if the file needs to be regenerated.

Even if you decide to make changes to your CMakeLists.txt file, the generated output provides a useful starting point. Its contents are explained below.

Version Requirement

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5...3.16)

This directive sets the minimum required version of CMake and must be the first thing in it. If CMake is older than 3.5, the result will be a fatal error at configure time, and inability to proceed with building.

In addition, this number changes the behavior of newer CMake versions to attempt to be compatible with the stated version. If this only said

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)

a newer version of CMake would have emulated version 3.5. The additional ...3.16 suffix, however, requests newer versions to emulate 3.16 instead. This is typically the latest version of CMake with which the CMakeLists.txt file has been tested. If you make changes to the file for other reasons, you may want to update the directive to, say,

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5...3.20)

You should avoid increasing the minimal CMake requirement above the Boost minimum, which is at present tentatively and conservatively set to 3.5, but will likely be increased in the near future. If you use a higher minimum, configuring Boost will fail with earlier CMake versions, even if the user is not interested in your library. He will then be forced to manually exclude your library from the build with -DBOOST_EXCLUDE_LIBRARIES, which is not an ideal user experience.

Project Declaration


The project declaration must generally be preceded only by the above version requirement directive, and sets the project name, the project version, and the languages (C, C++) that the source files will use.

Boost projects by convention are named boost_libname, in lowercase, as in the above. (Libraries in numeric such as numeric/conversion use an underscore in place of the slash: boost_numeric_conversion.)

The version is set to match the variable BOOST_SUPERPROJECT_VERSION, which the Boost superproject CMakeLists.txt file sets to the current Boost version (such as 1.77.0.)

If your library is included directly in a user project with add_subdirectory, BOOST_SUPERPROJECT_VERSION will not be set and the project version will be empty, as if it weren't given:

project(boost_core LANGUAGES CXX)

This is usually what one wants. Since manually maintaining a version is time consuming and doesn't bring much, most libraries that do include one fail to maintain it properly. It's better to leave it empty; the version is of no significance in an add_subdirectory workflow.

The LANGUAGES portion should be left at the default CXX, which enables the C++ language. If removed, CMake will configure both C and C++. C is only needed if the library has C source files, which a header-only library does not have.

Library Target Declaration

add_library(boost_core INTERFACE)

The first add_library declares the library target, which by convention is boost_libname, same as the project name. INTERFACE means that this library is header-only and requires no building.

add_library(Boost::core ALIAS boost_core)

The second add_library declares an alternative name for the library, which by convention is Boost::libname. It's good CMake practice to only link to targets of this form (more specifically, to targets containing ::), because they are unambiguously CMake target names, whereas the alphanumeric boost_core may refer to either a target or to a library on disk named f.ex.

Include Directory Declaration

target_include_directories(boost_core INTERFACE include)

This directive declares the directory containing the library headers, which for Boost libraries is the include subdirectory. (A relative path is interpreted as relative to CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR, that is, to the location of the current CMakeLists.txt file.)

If you are familiar with CMake, your first impulse would be to declare this line wrong, and replace it with

target_include_directories(boost_core INTERFACE


target_include_directories(boost_core INTERFACE

or perhaps

target_include_directories(boost_core INTERFACE

You shouldn't; the line is, in fact, correct. The Boost superproject will automatically invoke boost_install for your target, which will patch the value of the include path to something like that last alternative (but it will take into account the Boost-specific variables BOOST_INSTALL_LAYOUT and BOOST_INSTALL_INCLUDE_SUBDIR.)



Traditionally, Boost has had all the headers copied (in a release) or linked (in a modular layout) into a single boost/ directory. This made it possible to include headers from any library (A) into any other (B), without the need to declare that B depends on A.

With CMake, we will no longer maintain a single boost/ directory where all the headers are copied. Headers of A will remain in libs/A/include, and if this directory isn't in the include path of B, B will not be able to include a header from A.

In order for the include path of B to contain libs/A/include, B must explicitly declare a dependency on A. In CMake, this is accomplished by "linking" to A, even when A is header-only.

This is the purpose of the target_link_libraries directive above. In this specific case, it declares that boost_core depends on Boost::assert, Boost::config, and Boost::static_assert, and will result into libs/assert/include, libs/config/include, and libs/static_assert/include being added to the include path of Core. (More precisely, they will be added to the include paths of the users of Boost::core. Core itself needs no include path because it doesn't require any compilation. This is what the INTERFACE keyword means - it sets the "usage requirements" of the target, which are propagated upwards to its users.)

The exact form of the directive, with each Boost::libname target on its own line, with nothing else, is significant. (In particular, the closing parenthesis should not be placed on the same line as the last target.) This requirement is imposed by the behavior of the user-settable BOOST_INCLUDE_LIBRARIES option of the superproject, which requests only the listed libraries and their dependencies to be configured, built, and/or installed. To determine the dependencies, a simple-minded parser scans the CMakeLists.txt files, looking for strings matching Boost::libname on their own line.

Testing Support




The final portion of the generated CMakeLists.txt file adds support for invoking the library tests from the Boost superproject. Since not all libraries have one, this is only enabled when libs/libname/test/CMakeLists.txt exists.

In principle, since you know whether this file exists for your library or not, you can either remove this condition or remove this entire section; but doing so will make your CMakeLists.txt file not match the generated output, which has its downsides.

BUILD_TESTING is the standard CMake option (typically defined by the CTest CMake module) that allows the user to enable or disable tests for a project. It's used here to skip the inclusion of the test subproject in order to speed up the configure and build phases of Boost when testing is not required or desired.

If your library has a test/CMakeLists.txt file that is not intended to be used from the Boost superproject, and is incompatible with it, replace this block with either




when your test suite is only intended to be used when your library is the root project (that's usually the case, so this option is the recommended one), or




when your test suite is also intended to be invoked when your library is a subproject of a user project. (This case is rare and user projects are typically not interested in running their subprojects' tests, so you probably don't want this.)

Installation Support

You may have noticed by now that no installation support is declared in the CMakeLists.txt file. Nevertheless, the library can in fact be installed. The Boost superproject automatically adds the necessary support to libraries which declare a target boost_libname that matches the directory of the CMakeLists.txt file (libs/libname) and whose target_include_directories directive matches the one above.

It is recommended that you don't attempt to add your own installation support. Let the superproject handle it.

Required C++ Standard

If your library needs C++11 or above, you can declare this requirement by adding the following directive:

target_compile_features(boost_libname INTERFACE cxx_std_11)

(use cxx_std_14 for C++14, cxx_std_17 for C++17, and so on.)

This will increase your CMake requirement to 3.8, so you should also update the preamble to reflect this.

If your meta/libraries.json already declares the C++ requirement by means of "cxxstd": "xx", Boostdep 1.77+ will automatically take this into account and add the above target_compile_features.

Additional Functionality

This is all you need to have a header-only library that integrates into the Boost CMake infrastructure. It is also a well-behaved suproject that can be included into user CMake projects via add_subdirectory. Avoid the urge to add more functionality unless it's really necessary, as it will compromise the usability of your library as a subproject.

Many library authors who use CMake, however, add development-centric functionality to their CMakeLists.txt file; you might already have. In this case, try to keep the CMakeLists.txt portions described so far as close to unchanged as possible, and at the end, add a section guarded with


  # Functionality enabled only when we're the root project


and put all your current developer-centric functionality there. This way, subproject use will be unaffected, and you can still use CMake from your library directory for development-related activities such as generating Visual Studio workspaces, or testing outside the Boost tree.

Compiled Libraries

A Starting Point

Even if your library requires compilation, you can still use boostdep --cmake libname at least as a starting point. We'll take Timer as an example, with the output of boostdep --cmake timer given below:

# Generated by `boostdep --cmake timer`
# Copyright 2020 Peter Dimov
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5...3.16)



add_library(Boost::timer ALIAS boost_timer)

target_include_directories(boost_timer PUBLIC include)



  target_compile_definitions(boost_timer PUBLIC BOOST_TIMER_DYN_LINK)
  target_compile_definitions(boost_timer PUBLIC BOOST_TIMER_STATIC_LINK)




We won't be repeating the explanations of the sections that match the header-only case, and will only focus on the differences.

Source Files


For a compiled library, you need to declare your source files. This is accomplished by listing them in the add_library directive. boostdep uses the contents of your src subdirectory (but ignores any subdirectories.)

Since Timer is a simple library, this works as-is. Many compiled libraries however might require adjusting the source file list, or choosing it based on the platform. For example, Thread needs something like






add_library(boost_thread ${THREAD_SOURCES})

The logic for choosing the source files is already spelled out in your Jamfile, so you will need to port it to CMake.

If your library has C source files, you'll need to also enable C as a language in your project declaration:


although boostdep might already have done so for you.

The add_library(libname sources...) declaration generates either a static or a shared library depending on whether BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is set to ON or OFF. This is idiomatic CMake behavior and is what we want.

Directive Scope

target_include_directories(boost_timer PUBLIC include)

The only difference with the header-only case is the use of PUBLIC instead of INTERFACE. PUBLIC applies to both the library and its dependents; in b2 terms it declares both a requirement and a usage-requirement.


Again, the difference here is in the use of the scope keywords PUBLIC and PRIVATE (applies only to the library, not to dependents) instead of INTERFACE. boostdep puts the dependencies referred to from the include subdirectory in the PUBLIC section, and those referred to from the src subdirectory in the PRIVATE section.

Compile Definitions


The compile definitions are passed to the compiler with a -D option and define macros. In this case by Boost convention we define BOOST_TIMER_NO_LIB to disable autolink and BOOST_TIMER_SOURCE when compiling the library to properly declare exported functions as exported (as opposed to imported, which will be the case when using the library.)

  target_compile_definitions(boost_timer PUBLIC BOOST_TIMER_DYN_LINK)
  target_compile_definitions(boost_timer PUBLIC BOOST_TIMER_STATIC_LINK)

When building shared libraries, we define BOOST_TIMER_DYN_LINK, and when building static libraries, we define BOOST_TIMER_STATIC_LINK. Again, this is needed to properly export and import functions from dynamic libraries, in particular on the Windows platform.

These defines are described in the Boost document about separate compilation and you can look at how the Timer library uses them as an example.

Building More Than One Library Target

If your build results in more than one library being built, or if the name of your library target does not match your directory name, you need to invoke the installation support manually. As an example, Serialization builds two library targets, boost_serialization and boost_wserialization, and the procedure to install them entails adding the following section to CMakeLists.txt:

  boost_install(TARGETS boost_serialization boost_wserialization

The check for BOOST_SUPERPROJECT_VERSION is necessary because without the superproject, boost_install is not available. The check for the CMake version is needed because the automatic Boost installation support requires CMake 3.13. Even though boost_install will work on earlier CMake versions, you will likely get errors at generate time because the dependencies of your library will lack install support.

For another example of a CMakeLists.txt file building and installing more than one library, see Boost.Test.

Using Threads

If your library uses multiple threads or threading primitives, you need to add the following snippet to your CMakeLists.txt file:

find_package(Threads REQUIRED)

and then link to the target Threads::Threads in your target_link_libraries directive. Typically, this would go in the PUBLIC section (or INTERFACE if your library is header-only.)

(PRIVATE would imply that your library needs threading, but the clients of your library do not, which is rarely the case.)

Note that this will abort the CMake configure phase with an error if threading support can't be enabled. This is usually acceptable, but it's also possible to omit the REQUIRED in find_package(Threads REQUIRED) and then check Threads_FOUND and take some appropriate action when it's FALSE, such as setting a preprocessor definition via target_compile_definitions.

Build Options

Some libraries allow different functionality or backends. For example, Iostreams has optional support for compressed streams and can use one or more of the compression libraries ZLib, BZip2, LibLZMA, or Zstd, if these are present on the system when the library is built. Locale, for another example, can use Iconv, ICU, POSIX newlocale, or the Windows API, again depending on availability at build time.

The recommended way to provide such optional functionality is to allow user configuration with sensible defaults, as shown in the following example that allows optional use of ZLib:

find_package(ZLIB QUIET) # Look for ZLib

option(BOOST_MYLIB_ENABLE_ZLIB "Boost.MyLib: enable ZLib support" ${ZLIB_FOUND})


  find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED) # For real this time

  target_compile_definitions(boost_mylib PRIVATE BOOST_MYLIB_ENABLE_ZLIB=1)
  target_add_sources(boost_mylib PRIVATE src/zlib.cpp)
  target_link_libraries(boost_mylib PRIVATE ZLIB::ZLIB)


The general pattern is

  • determine a sensible default
  • add a CMake option to allow user control and override
  • if the option is ON, enable functionality

Avoid silently enabling functionality on the basis of autodetection; it's better to allow user control, in both directions. That is, the user should be allowed to disable the functionality even if it's possible to incorporate it, and the user should also be allowed to enable the functionality even if autodetection says it won't work.

find_package in quiet mode is not the only possible way to determine the default. You can also use platform detection (if(WIN32)), the result of a configure check (cxx_check_source_compiles), and other measures.

After all the build options have been declared and taken into account, the library should emit a single line of status output that shows the selected configuration. For Iostreams, this output is of the form

-- Boost.Iostreams: ZLIB OFF, BZip2 OFF, LZMA OFF, Zstd OFF

Other Boost libraries that allow configuration are Context, Fiber, Locale, Python, Stacktrace, Thread. For reference, their corresponding output is

-- Boost.Context: architecture x86_64, binary format pe, ABI ms, assembler masm, suffix .asm, implementation fcontext
-- Boost.Fiber: NUMA target OS is windows
-- Boost.Locale: iconv OFF, ICU OFF, POSIX OFF, std ON, winapi ON
-- Boost.Python: using Python 3.9.5 with NumPy at C:/Python39/Lib/site-packages/numpy/core/include
-- Boost.Stacktrace: noop ON, backtrace OFF, addr2line OFF, basic ON, windbg ON, windbg_cached ON
-- Boost.Thread: threading API is win32

Guidelines and Best Practices

Avoid Unnecessary Options

When your library is built as part of Boost, it should only add CMake options and cache variables when they materially affect the way it's built or it will operate.

Remember that Boost contains more than 140 libraries. If every such library adds four "nice to have" options, this will result in 560 options in total in cmake-gui for the user to wade through, most of which of no relevance for the use at hand.

Either add the options only when BOOST_SUPERPROJECT_VERSION is not defined, or only add them when your project is the root project (recommended).

(The difference is whether you insist on your options appearing when someone uses the library with add_subdirectory. Typically, the options people add to their libraries are only relevant when the library is the root project.)

Definitely don't do this:



  # Do highly valuable optional things


This displays the option, but makes it do nothing. Instead, either put the option declaration inside an if, or use CMakeDependentOption:



  # Do highly valuable optional things


Avoid Unnecessary Status Output

When your library is built as part of Boost, avoid the urge to emit status output unless it's relevant.

Remember that Boost contains more than 140 libraries. If every such library emits two lines of status output, this will result in 280 lines in total, most of them of no interest to the user.

Status output should be reserved for information that is of importance to the user building and installing Boost, which usually means that it should only be emitted by libraries that materially alter their operation on the basis of user configuration or properties of the build environment.

Starting with CMake 3.15, message now supports VERBOSE and DEBUG message types, which would be ideal for the purpose of developer-centric output, if we could require CMake 3.15. We don't (yet), so the current convention is to only emit "debug" output when Boost_DEBUG is ON, and only emit "verbose" output when Boost_DEBUG is ON or Boost_VERBOSE is ON.

(The rule of thumb separating "verbose" from "debug" is that the target audience of the "debug" output is the person authoring the CMakeLists.txt file, whereas the target audience of the "verbose" output is the user who prefers verbosity over conciseness.)

Prefix Target Names

Target names are global. Always prefix your target names with the name of your project/library, such as boost_mylib-mytarget.

(This is typically only of relevance if you write your own tests by hand using add_executable and add_test.)

Do Not Add Tests Unless BUILD_TESTING Is ON

BUILD_TESTING is the standard CMake variable that controls whether add_test does anything. Unless BUILD_TESTING is ON, to save time, you should avoid creating any tests or targets on which they depend. Usually, this translates to


Do Not Overuse Generator Expressions

Since CMake doesn't support any inline function calls or expressions, programmers are tempted to use generator expressions. In a situation where one would write in C++ foo? "bar": "baz", one could write in CMake $<IF:$<BOOL:${FOO}>,BAR,BAZ>.

Don't do this. It's not the same. Generator expressions are evaluated in the generate phase, which happens after the configure phase. If you do


(and assuming BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is ON), you're not setting the COMPILE_DEFINITIONS property of boost_mylib to BOOST_MYLIB_DYN_LINK, but to $<IF:$<BOOL:ON>,BOOST_MYLIB_DYN_LINK,BOOST_MYLINK_STATIC_LINK>.

Yes, it will still be evaluated to the right thing during generation, but it's better to perform evaluations that only depend on configuration-time values at configuration time and write the less "clever"

  target_compile_definitions(boost_mylib PUBLIC BOOST_MYLIB_DYN_LINK)
  target_compile_definitions(boost_mylib PUBLIC BOOST_MYLINK_STATIC_LINK)

Usage Scenarios

Building and Installing Boost

The primary scenario we will support is, obviously, building and installing Boost with CMake (and optionally, running the tests, if one has a few days to spare).

The building procedure would generally involve issuing (from the Boost root)

mkdir __build
cd __build
cmake <configuration options> ..
cmake --build . -j <threads>

which should result in Boost libraries being built with the specified configuration options in subdirectories of the "stage" directory, by default stage/lib and stage/bin.

Subsequent installation would be performed with

cmake --build . --target install

assuming that CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX was set beforehand to the desired destination directory.

Under Windows, when using the default Visual Studio generator, the building and installation procedure would need to be performed twice, once with --config Debug, and once with --config Release (or perhaps with --config RelWithDebInfo, as desired.)

Testing the entire Boost would be performed with

cmake --build . --target tests -j <threads>
ctest --output-on-failure -j <threads>

Again, when using the Visual Studio generator, this would be

cmake --build . --target tests -j <threads> --config Debug
ctest --output-on-failure -j <threads> -C Debug


cmake --build . --target tests -j <threads> --config Release
ctest --output-on-failure -j <threads> -C Release

Using Boost libraries as Subprojects

The secondary scenario we would like to support would be user projects "consuming" Boost libraries piecemeal without the superproject, by having them in subdirectories in their project (as Git submodules, or acquired with FetchContent), and then using add_subdirectory to incorporate them in the master CMake project.

A sample project that demonstrates how users would consume individual Boost libraries in this manner is available at

Note that BOOST_SUPERPROJECT_VERSION is not set in this scenario, but all of the recommendations in the preceding sections still apply. Be sure to not degrade the experience of the users choosing to embed Boost libraries in this manner because your logic relies on checking BOOST_SUPERPROJECT_VERSION.

Sole Boost Library as Subproject

Some Boost developers wish to support a scenario in which their library is included via add_subdirectory into the user project, but other Boost libraries are not. To obtain access to their Boost dependencies, they rely on preexisting Boost installations, found using find_package(Boost).

This rarely makes sense. Since the library is a Boost library, if find_package(Boost) works for it, it will also work for the user, which will make that library available (it being part of Boost.) There is no need to incorporate it individually.

The cases where this does make sense generally concern a new library that is not yet accepted into Boost, has not yet appeared in a Boost release, or is sufficiently new that the typical find_package(Boost) finds a Boost release that does not contain it.

These conditions only apply in the short term, and supporting this use case is not recommended, because in the long term it's both a maintenance burden and a source of problems. (When find_package(Boost) does find a Boost release containing the library, it will rarely be the same version, which can easily lead to the user project containing two versions of the library, with the associated ODR violations which would at best manifest as link errors.)

If you insist on supporting this scenario, please make sure to not compromise the user experience in the previous two cases.

"Standalone" Installation

Installing an individual Boost library, without the rest of Boost, is an even worse idea. It can easily lead to a broken Boost, and there's not much to be gained even if it "works". Don't do it. If you do, please don't use the same package name (boost_libname) or target names (boost_libname, Boost::libname) as the legitimate Boost installation; if possible, also do not use the boost namespace, to avoid link errors or ODR violations when the "standalone" library and the legitimate Boost library end up in the same binary (this happens more often than you might think.)

"Standalone" Development and Testing

- Creating IDE Projects

CI Quick Testing

Building the Library

Testing add_subdirectory Use

Testing Use after Installation


Using boost_test

Using boost_test_jamfile

Using "Plain" CMake Tests