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File metadata and controls

59 lines (40 loc) · 1.99 KB


This basic Magento1 module exposes a new admin option and a couple of related methods to disable users (customers) registration on the frontend.

  1. The module defaults to "allow registrations" (no changes from Magento default behaviour)
  2. Activate it at default/website/store level via Admin -> System -> Configuration -> Prevent users registration
  3. As soon as the module is active, /customer/account/create/ redirects to /customer/account/login/
  4. You must manually edit your templates to hide all the links to the registration page: see a worked-for-me list at the bottom

Template example

if( Mage::helper('boraso_preventusersregistration')->allowUsersRegistration() ) { ?>

	<a href="/customer/account/create/">REGISTER NOW!</a>

}//end Registrazione abilitata

Template file list

These files have at least one link to the registration page. It must be wrapped as shown above.

  1. /app/design/frontend/custom_package_name/default/template/page/html/header.phtml
  2. /app/design/frontend/custom_package_name/default/template/persistent/checkout/onepage/login.phtml
  3. /app/design/frontend/custom_package_name/default/template/persistent/customer/form/login.phtml
  4. /app/design/frontend/custom_package_name/default/template/customer/form/login.phtml (unused?)

Install script

If you want to automatically disable disable users (customers) registration at install-time, package this code as an install/upgrade script:

 * Disabilito registrazione utenti su website EN
 * ---------------------------------------------
 * Questo valore viene letto da Boraso_PreventUsersRegistration

$installer = $this;


Mage::getConfig()->saveConfig('preventusersregistration/settings/allowusersregistration', '0', 'websites', 2);


Replace websites with the desired scope and 2 with the ID.