A simple ROS 2 node which subscribes to ROS messages of the topic ros2_simple_talker_cpp
and publishes the value to the ctrlX Data Layer at the address ros/listenercpp/mymessage
. From there the value can be used in any ctrlX App.
snap. The base snap which provides the ROS 2 runtime binaries. Has to be installed on ctrlX OS. See ROS 2 Humble Base Snap.- An Ubuntu based build environment to build an app. See ctrlX Automation SDK.
This project is based on the official ROS 2 Tutorial: Writing a simple publisher and subscriber (C++).
Building a snap has two steps:
- Colcon build:
defines how compile and link the C++ sources. - snap build:
defines how the compiled binaries are packed into the snap and how they are called on ctrlX OS.
The colcon build tool is configured by CMakeLists.txt
This section defines the ROS 2 packages needed:
find_package(ament_cmake REQUIRED)
find_package(rclcpp REQUIRED)
find_package(std_msgs REQUIRED)
And here the executables and their dependencies are defined:
add_executable(listener src/subscriber_member_function.cpp)
ament_target_dependencies(listener rclcpp std_msgs)
defines how the snap will be build:
is dumped into the snap- also
- Two apps (talker and listener) are copied into the snap and started as services
- The snap - respectively the executables - uses the content interface of the
snap (here the ROS 2 runtime is provided).
Start this script:
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