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File metadata and controls

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Usage with ethers and IPFS

If you want to use the core-sdk in combination with ethers and IPFS as the metadata storage, then follow this guide.


npm i @bosonprotocol/core-sdk @bosonprotocol/ethers-sdk @bosonprotocol/ipfs-storage ethers



The core-sdk can be initialized by explicitly passing in the required arguments

import { CoreSDK } from "@bosonprotocol/core-sdk";
import { EthersAdapter } from "@bosonprotocol/ethers-sdk";
import { IpfsMetadata } from "@bosonprotocol/ipfs-storage";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

// injected web3 provider
const web3Provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);

// initialize explicitly
const coreSDK = new CoreSDK({
  web3Lib: new EthersAdapter(web3Provider),
  subgraphUrl: "",
  protocolDiamond: "0x5E3f5127e320aD0C38a21970E327eefEf12561E5",
  chainId: 137,
  // optional
  metadataStorage: new IpfsMetadata({
    url: ""
  // optional
  theGraphStorage: new IpfsMetadata({
    url: ""

Default configuration

It is also possible to use the default configuration provided through the @bosonprotocol/common package. Take a look at configs.ts to see the available default configurations.

import { CoreSDK } from "@bosonprotocol/core-sdk";
import { EthersAdapter } from "@bosonprotocol/ethers-sdk";
import { IpfsMetadata } from "@bosonprotocol/ipfs-storage";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

// injected web3 provider
const web3Provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);

// initialize via default config of "testing" environment
const coreSDK = CoreSDK.fromDefaultConfig({
  web3Lib: new EthersAdapter(web3Provider),
  envName: "testing"
  // ...other optional args

Create an offer

After initializing an instance of the CoreSDK as described above, you can create an offer.

1. Upload offer metadata to IPFS

To create an offer, first upload the offer metadata to IPFS

const cid = await coreSDK.storeMetadata(offerMetadata);

2. Create seller account

If this is the first offer, the connected signer creates, then you first need to create a seller account by calling

const txResponse = await coresSDK.createSeller({
  assistant: "...",
  admin: "...",
  treasury: "...",
  contractUri: "...",
  royaltyPercentage: "...",
  authTokenId: "...",
  authTokenType: "...",
  metadataUri: "..."
const receipt = await txResponse.wait();
const createdSellerId = coreSDK.getCreatedSellerIdFromLogs(receipt.logs);

3. Create offer

Now create an offer by calling

const txResponse = await coresSDK.createOffer({
  price: "...",
  sellerDeposit: "...",
  agentId: "...",
  buyerCancelPenalty: "...",
  quantityAvailable: "...",
  validFromDateInMS: "...",
  validUntilDateInMS: "...",
  voucherRedeemableFromDateInMS: "...",
  voucherRedeemableUntilDateInMS: "...",
  disputePeriodDurationInMS: "...",
  resolutionPeriodDurationInMS: "...",
  exchangeToken: "...",
  disputeResolverId: "...",
  metadataUri: `ipfs://${cid}`, // from step 1.
  metadataHash: cid, // from step 1.
  collectionIndex: "..."
const receipt = await txResponse.wait();
const createdOfferId = coreSDK.getCreatedOfferIdFromLogs(receipt.logs);

Commit to an offer

After creating an offer, anyone can view and commit to that offer.

1. Get offer data

To retrieve all relevant data of a given offer id, you can query the subgraph

const offer = await coreSDK.getOfferById(createdOfferId);

The returned object contains all on-chain and off-chain data that are indexed by the subgraph.

2. Commit to offer

To commit to a given offer id, just call

const txResponse = await coreSDK.commitToOffer(createdOfferId);
const receipt = await txResponse.wait();
const createdExchangeId = coreSDK.getCommittedExchangeIdFromLogs(receipt.logs);

If a buyer commits to an offer, an exchange gets created. This exchange can further be redeemed, revoked, canceled, expired or completed.