+ */
+ public function to_json(): array {
+ return array(
+ 'title' => $this->get_title(),
+ 'name' => $this->get_name(),
+ 'tagName' => $this->get_tag_name(),
+ 'className' => $this->get_class_name(),
+ 'icons' => $this->get_icons(),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/packages/iconography/package.json b/packages/iconography/package.json
index 71819c0..60914e4 100644
--- a/packages/iconography/package.json
+++ b/packages/iconography/package.json
@@ -15,18 +15,19 @@
"test:snapshots": "wp-scripts test-unit-js --updateSnapshot",
"packages-update": "wp-scripts packages-update",
"start": "wp-scripts start",
- "type-coverage": "type-coverage --strict --at-least 99.83"
+ "type-coverage": "type-coverage --strict --detail --at-least 97.5"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
"@jest/globals": "^29.7.0",
"@testing-library/react": "^16.0.0",
+ "@types/wordpress__block-editor": "^11.5.14",
"@wordpress/dom-ready": "^4.0.0",
"@wordpress/editor": "^14.1.0",
"@wordpress/icons": "^10.0.0",
"@wordpress/interface": "^6.0.0",
- "@wordpress/scripts": "^28.1.0",
+ "@wordpress/scripts": "^27.8.0",
"react": "^18.2.0",
"type-coverage": "^2.29.0"
diff --git a/packages/iconography/schema.json b/packages/iconography/schema.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9031ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/iconography/schema.json
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "$schema": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "title": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "The title used in the tabs of the icon picker."
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-/]+$",
+ "description": "The unique key of this icon set. Should follow pattern of `namespace/icon-set-name`. "
+ },
+ "tagName": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z]+$",
+ "description": "The tag name of the icon set. This is used to create the HTML element."
+ },
+ "className": {
+ "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$",
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "The class name of the icon set. This is used to create the HTML element."
+ },
+ "url": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uri",
+ "description": "The URL to the CSS file that is required to load the icons."
+ },
+ "additionalCss": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Additional CSS to be included in the icon picker. This should include the selector based on your class name."
+ },
+ "icons": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "description": "The list of icons in the set.",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "minLength": 1,
+ "properties": {
+ "label": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "The label of the icon, shown in the icon picker on hover, and for screen readers."
+ },
+ "content": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "The content of the icon. This will be inserted inside the HTML element constructed from the Tag and Class names of the icon set."
+ }
+ },
+ "required": [ "label", "content" ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "required": [ "title", "name", "tagName", "className", "url", "icons" ],
+ "additionalProperties": false
diff --git a/packages/iconography/src/IconModal.tsx b/packages/iconography/src/IconModal.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82ab1e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/iconography/src/IconModal.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import React, { Suspense, lazy } from 'react';
+/* WordPress Dependencies */
+import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
+import { Modal, TabPanel, SearchControl } from '@wordpress/components';
+import { insert } from '@wordpress/rich-text';
+import { useState, useMemo } from '@wordpress/element';
+/* Internal Dependencies */
+import { PlaceholderIconPanel } from './PlaceholderIconPanel';
+import { getIconGroups } from './utils';
+/* Types */
+import type { RichTextValue } from '@wordpress/rich-text';
+const IconPanel = lazy( () => import( './IconPanel' ) );
+export const IconModal = ( {
+ onChange,
+ value,
+ onRequestClose,
+}: {
+ onChange: ( value: RichTextValue ) => void;
+ value: RichTextValue;
+ onRequestClose: () => void;
+} ) => {
+ const [ searchTerm, setSearchTerm ] = useState( '' );
+ const iconGroups = useMemo( () => getIconGroups( false ), [] );
+ return (
+ ( {
+ title: iconGroup.title,
+ name: iconGroup.name,
+ iconGroup,
+ } ) ) ?? []
+ }
+ >
+ { ( tab ) => (
+ }>
+ {
+ onChange(
+ insert(
+ value,
+ richText,
+ value.start,
+ value.end
+ )
+ );
+ onRequestClose();
+ } }
+ />
+ ) }
+ );
diff --git a/packages/iconography/src/IconPanel.tsx b/packages/iconography/src/IconPanel.tsx
index 423050b..9e221ed 100644
--- a/packages/iconography/src/IconPanel.tsx
+++ b/packages/iconography/src/IconPanel.tsx
@@ -2,13 +2,23 @@ import React from 'react';
/* WordPress Dependencies */
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
-import { Flex, Button } from '@wordpress/components';
+import {
+ Button,
+ __experimentalGrid as Grid, // eslint-disable-line @wordpress/no-unsafe-wp-apis -- experimental package, but we know the risks!
+} from '@wordpress/components';
/* Internal Dependencies */
import { generateRichTextFormat } from './utils';
/* Types */
-import type { IconPanelProps } from './types';
+import type { IconGroup } from './types';
+import type { RichTextValue } from '@wordpress/rich-text';
+export type IconPanelProps = {
+ iconGroup: IconGroup;
+ onClick: ( icon: RichTextValue ) => void;
+ searchTerm: string;
export const IconPanel = ( {
@@ -26,34 +36,23 @@ export const IconPanel = ( {
: iconGroup.options;
return (
- <>
- { filteredIcons.map( ( Icon ) => (
- ) ) }
- >
+ { filteredIcons.map( ( Icon ) => (
+ ) ) }
+export default IconPanel;
diff --git a/packages/iconography/src/IconToolbarButton.tsx b/packages/iconography/src/IconToolbarButton.tsx
index eb30722..299486f 100644
--- a/packages/iconography/src/IconToolbarButton.tsx
+++ b/packages/iconography/src/IconToolbarButton.tsx
@@ -1,91 +1,42 @@
-import React, { ComponentProps } from 'react';
+import React from 'react';
/* WordPress Dependencies */
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { useState } from '@wordpress/element';
-import { BlockControls } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
-import {
- ToolbarGroup,
- Modal,
- ToolbarButton,
- TabPanel,
- SearchControl,
-} from '@wordpress/components';
-import { insert } from '@wordpress/rich-text';
+import { ToolbarButton } from '@wordpress/components';
/* Internal Dependencies */
-import { IconPanel } from './IconPanel';
-import { iconGroups } from './index';
import { ReactComponent as AddReactionOutlined } from './AddReactionOutlined.svg';
/* Types */
-import type { IconGroup, IconToolbarButtonProps } from './types';
import type { RichTextValue } from '@wordpress/rich-text';
+import { IconModal } from './IconModal';
+export type IconToolbarButtonProps = {
+ onChange: ( value: RichTextValue ) => void;
+ value: RichTextValue;
export const IconToolbarButton = ( {
- initialOpenState = false,
}: IconToolbarButtonProps ) => {
- const [ open, setOpen ] = useState( initialOpenState );
- const [ searchTerm, setSearchTerm ] = useState( '' );
+ const [ open, setOpen ] = useState( false );
return (
- }
- label={ __( 'Add an icon', 'okdo' ) }
- onClick={ () => setOpen( ! open ) }
- placeholder={ __( 'Add an icon', 'okdo' ) }
+ <>
+ }
+ label={ __( 'Add an icon', 'boxuk' ) }
+ onClick={ () => setOpen( ! open ) }
+ />
+ { open && (
+ setOpen( false ) }
+ onChange={ onChange }
+ value={ value }
- { open && (
- setOpen( false ) }
- title={ __( 'Select an icon', 'okdo' ) }
- >
- setSearchTerm( newValue )
- }
- />
- {
- return {
- title: iconGroup.title,
- name: iconGroup.name,
- iconGroup,
- };
- } ) }
- children={ ( tab ) => {
- const iconGroup: IconGroup = tab.iconGroup;
- return (
- {
- onChange(
- insert(
- value,
- richText,
- value.start,
- value.end
- )
- );
- setOpen( false );
- } }
- />
- );
- } }
- />
- ) }
+ ) }
+ >
diff --git a/packages/iconography/src/PlaceholderIconPanel.tsx b/packages/iconography/src/PlaceholderIconPanel.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea5f05c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/iconography/src/PlaceholderIconPanel.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import React from 'react';
+/* WordPress Dependencies */
+import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
+import {
+ Button,
+ Disabled,
+ Spinner,
+ __experimentalGrid as Grid, // eslint-disable-line @wordpress/no-unsafe-wp-apis -- experimental package, but we know the risks!
+} from '@wordpress/components';
+/* Types */
+import type { IconGroup } from './types';
+import type { RichTextValue } from '@wordpress/rich-text';
+export type IconPanelProps = {
+ iconGroup: IconGroup;
+ onClick: ( icon: RichTextValue ) => void;
+ searchTerm: string;
+export const PlaceholderIconPanel = () => {
+ return (
+ { [ ...Array( 300 ) ].map( ( _: any, index: number ) => (
+ ) ) }
+ );
diff --git a/packages/iconography/src/block/Attributes.type.ts b/packages/iconography/src/block/Attributes.type.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8960e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/iconography/src/block/Attributes.type.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import type { WPFormat } from '@wordpress/rich-text/build-types/register-format-type';
+export type Attributes = Partial< {
+ className: WPFormat[ 'className' ];
+ tagName: WPFormat[ 'tagName' ];
+ iconContent: string;
+} >;
diff --git a/packages/iconography/src/block/Edit.tsx b/packages/iconography/src/block/Edit.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aebe25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/iconography/src/block/Edit.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { IconToolbarButton } from '../IconToolbarButton';
+import {
+ BlockControls,
+ InspectorControls,
+ useBlockProps,
+} from '@wordpress/block-editor';
+import { store as RichTextStore } from '@wordpress/rich-text';
+import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
+import { useState } from '@wordpress/element';
+import { Button, Panel, PanelBody } from '@wordpress/components';
+/* Types */
+import type { Attributes } from './Attributes.type';
+import type { BlockEditProps } from '@wordpress/blocks';
+import type { RichTextValue } from '@wordpress/rich-text';
+import type { WPFormat } from '@wordpress/rich-text/build-types/register-format-type';
+import { IconModal } from '../IconModal';
+export const Edit = ( {
+ attributes,
+ setAttributes,
+}: BlockEditProps< Attributes > ) => {
+ const [ showIconModal, setShowIconModal ] = useState( false );
+ const blockProps = useBlockProps();
+ const { getFormatType } = useSelect(
+ ( select ) =>
+ select( RichTextStore ) as {
+ getFormatType: ( type: string ) => WPFormat;
+ },
+ []
+ );
+ const handleChange = ( value: RichTextValue ) => {
+ const formats = value.formats.shift();
+ if ( ! formats?.length ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const format = getFormatType( formats[ 0 ].type );
+ setAttributes( {
+ iconContent: value.text,
+ tagName: format.tagName,
+ className: format.className,
+ } );
+ };
+ const TagName =
+ ( attributes.tagName as keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap ) ?? 'span';
+ const ShowModalButton = () => (
+ );
+ return (
+ <>
+ { attributes.iconContent && (
+ { attributes.iconContent }
+ ) }
+ { ! attributes.iconContent && }
+ { showIconModal && (
+ setShowIconModal( false ) }
+ onChange={ handleChange }
+ value={ {
+ text: '',
+ formats: [],
+ replacements: [],
+ start: 0,
+ end: 0,
+ } }
+ />
+ ) }
+ >
+ );
diff --git a/packages/iconography/src/block/Save.tsx b/packages/iconography/src/block/Save.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f514a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/iconography/src/block/Save.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { useBlockProps } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
+/* Types */
+import type { Attributes } from './Attributes.type';
+import type { BlockSaveProps } from '@wordpress/blocks';
+export const Save = ( { attributes }: BlockSaveProps< Attributes > ) => {
+ const { className, tagName, iconContent } = attributes;
+ const TagName = ( tagName as keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap ) ?? 'span';
+ return (
+ { iconContent }
+ );
diff --git a/packages/iconography/src/block/block.json b/packages/iconography/src/block/block.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad0c210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/iconography/src/block/block.json
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ "$schema": "https://schemas.wp.org/trunk/block.json",
+ "apiVersion": 3,
+ "name": "boxuk/icon",
+ "title": "Icon",
+ "category": "media",
+ "description": "Display an icon as a block.",
+ "icon": "star-filled",
+ "keywords": [ "icon", "emoji", "symbol" ],
+ "textdomain": "boxuk",
+ "supports": {
+ "align": [ "wide", "full" ],
+ "alignWide": true,
+ "color": {
+ "background": true,
+ "text": true
+ },
+ "background": { "backgroundImage": true, "backgroundSize": true },
+ "anchor": false,
+ "ariaLabel": true,
+ "className": true,
+ "customClassName": true,
+ "dimensions": { "aspectRatio": false, "minHeight": true },
+ "filter": { "duotone": false },
+ "html": false,
+ "inserter": true,
+ "interactivity": false,
+ "layout": true,
+ "lock": true,
+ "multiple": true,
+ "position": {
+ "sticky": false
+ },
+ "renaming": true,
+ "reusable": true,
+ "shadow": false,
+ "spacing": {
+ "margin": true,
+ "padding": true
+ },
+ "typography": {
+ "fontSize": true,
+ "lineHeight": true,
+ "textAlign": true
+ }
+ },
+ "attributes": {
+ "className": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "tagName": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "iconContent": {
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "example": {}
diff --git a/packages/iconography/src/icons.json b/packages/iconography/src/icons.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8255d99..0000000
--- a/packages/iconography/src/icons.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10096 +0,0 @@
- "Abc",
- "AbcOutlined",
- "AbcRounded",
- "AbcSharp",
- "AbcTwoTone",
- "AcUnit",
- "AcUnitOutlined",
- "AcUnitRounded",
- "AcUnitSharp",
- "AcUnitTwoTone",
- "AccessAlarm",
- "AccessAlarmOutlined",
- "AccessAlarmRounded",
- "AccessAlarmSharp",
- "AccessAlarmTwoTone",
- "AccessAlarms",
- "AccessAlarmsOutlined",
- "AccessAlarmsRounded",
- "AccessAlarmsSharp",
- "AccessAlarmsTwoTone",
- "AccessTime",
- "AccessTimeFilled",
- "AccessTimeFilledOutlined",
- "AccessTimeFilledRounded",
- "AccessTimeFilledSharp",
- "AccessTimeFilledTwoTone",
- "AccessTimeOutlined",
- "AccessTimeRounded",
- "AccessTimeSharp",
- "AccessTimeTwoTone",
- "Accessibility",
- "AccessibilityNew",
- "AccessibilityNewOutlined",
- "AccessibilityNewRounded",
- "AccessibilityNewSharp",
- "AccessibilityNewTwoTone",
- "AccessibilityOutlined",
- "AccessibilityRounded",
- "AccessibilitySharp",
- "AccessibilityTwoTone",
- "Accessible",
- "AccessibleForward",
- "AccessibleForwardOutlined",
- "AccessibleForwardRounded",
- "AccessibleForwardSharp",
- "AccessibleForwardTwoTone",
- "AccessibleOutlined",
- "AccessibleRounded",
- "AccessibleSharp",
- "AccessibleTwoTone",
- "AccountBalance",
- "AccountBalanceOutlined",
- "AccountBalanceRounded",
- "AccountBalanceSharp",
- "AccountBalanceTwoTone",
- "AccountBalanceWallet",
- "AccountBalanceWalletOutlined",
- "AccountBalanceWalletRounded",
- "AccountBalanceWalletSharp",
- "AccountBalanceWalletTwoTone",
- "AccountBox",
- "AccountBoxOutlined",
- "AccountBoxRounded",
- "AccountBoxSharp",
- "AccountBoxTwoTone",
- "AccountCircle",
- "AccountCircleOutlined",
- "AccountCircleRounded",
- "AccountCircleSharp",
- "AccountCircleTwoTone",
- "AccountTree",
- "AccountTreeOutlined",
- "AccountTreeRounded",
- "AccountTreeSharp",
- "AccountTreeTwoTone",
- "AdUnits",
- "AdUnitsOutlined",
- "AdUnitsRounded",
- "AdUnitsSharp",
- "AdUnitsTwoTone",
- "Adb",
- "AdbOutlined",
- "AdbRounded",
- "AdbSharp",
- "AdbTwoTone",
- "Add",
- "AddAPhoto",
- "AddAPhotoOutlined",
- "AddAPhotoRounded",
- "AddAPhotoSharp",
- "AddAPhotoTwoTone",
- "AddAlarm",
- "AddAlarmOutlined",
- "AddAlarmRounded",
- "AddAlarmSharp",
- "AddAlarmTwoTone",
- "AddAlert",
- "AddAlertOutlined",
- "AddAlertRounded",
- "AddAlertSharp",
- "AddAlertTwoTone",
- "AddBox",
- "AddBoxOutlined",
- "AddBoxRounded",
- "AddBoxSharp",
- "AddBoxTwoTone",
- "AddBusiness",
- "AddBusinessOutlined",
- "AddBusinessRounded",
- "AddBusinessSharp",
- "AddBusinessTwoTone",
- "AddCard",
- "AddCardOutlined",
- "AddCardRounded",
- "AddCardSharp",
- "AddCardTwoTone",
- "AddCircle",
- "AddCircleOutline",
- "AddCircleOutlineOutlined",
- "AddCircleOutlineRounded",
- "AddCircleOutlineSharp",
- "AddCircleOutlineTwoTone",
- "AddCircleOutlined",
- "AddCircleRounded",
- "AddCircleSharp",
- "AddCircleTwoTone",
- "AddComment",
- "AddCommentOutlined",
- "AddCommentRounded",
- "AddCommentSharp",
- "AddCommentTwoTone",
- "AddHome",
- "AddHomeOutlined",
- "AddHomeRounded",
- "AddHomeSharp",
- "AddHomeTwoTone",
- "AddHomeWork",
- "AddHomeWorkOutlined",
- "AddHomeWorkRounded",
- "AddHomeWorkSharp",
- "AddHomeWorkTwoTone",
- "AddIcCall",
- "AddIcCallOutlined",
- "AddIcCallRounded",
- "AddIcCallSharp",
- "AddIcCallTwoTone",
- "AddLink",
- "AddLinkOutlined",
- "AddLinkRounded",
- "AddLinkSharp",
- "AddLinkTwoTone",
- "AddLocation",
- "AddLocationAlt",
- "AddLocationAltOutlined",
- "AddLocationAltRounded",
- "AddLocationAltSharp",
- "AddLocationAltTwoTone",
- "AddLocationOutlined",
- "AddLocationRounded",
- "AddLocationSharp",
- "AddLocationTwoTone",
- "AddModerator",
- "AddModeratorOutlined",
- "AddModeratorRounded",
- "AddModeratorSharp",
- "AddModeratorTwoTone",
- "AddOutlined",
- "AddPhotoAlternate",
- "AddPhotoAlternateOutlined",
- "AddPhotoAlternateRounded",
- "AddPhotoAlternateSharp",
- "AddPhotoAlternateTwoTone",
- "AddReaction",
- "AddReactionOutlined",
- "AddReactionRounded",
- "AddReactionSharp",
- "AddReactionTwoTone",
- "AddRoad",
- "AddRoadOutlined",
- "AddRoadRounded",
- "AddRoadSharp",
- "AddRoadTwoTone",
- "AddRounded",
- "AddSharp",
- "AddShoppingCart",
- "AddShoppingCartOutlined",
- "AddShoppingCartRounded",
- "AddShoppingCartSharp",
- "AddShoppingCartTwoTone",
- "AddTask",
- "AddTaskOutlined",
- "AddTaskRounded",
- "AddTaskSharp",
- "AddTaskTwoTone",
- "AddToDrive",
- "AddToDriveOutlined",
- "AddToDriveRounded",
- "AddToDriveSharp",
- "AddToDriveTwoTone",
- "AddToHomeScreen",
- "AddToHomeScreenOutlined",
- "AddToHomeScreenRounded",
- "AddToHomeScreenSharp",
- "AddToHomeScreenTwoTone",
- "AddToPhotos",
- "AddToPhotosOutlined",
- "AddToPhotosRounded",
- "AddToPhotosSharp",
- "AddToPhotosTwoTone",
- "AddToQueue",
- "AddToQueueOutlined",
- "AddToQueueRounded",
- "AddToQueueSharp",
- "AddToQueueTwoTone",
- "AddTwoTone",
- "Addchart",
- "AddchartOutlined",
- "AddchartRounded",
- "AddchartSharp",
- "AddchartTwoTone",
- "AdfScanner",
- "AdfScannerOutlined",
- "AdfScannerRounded",
- "AdfScannerSharp",
- "AdfScannerTwoTone",
- "Adjust",
- "AdjustOutlined",
- "AdjustRounded",
- "AdjustSharp",
- "AdjustTwoTone",
- "AdminPanelSettings",
- "AdminPanelSettingsOutlined",
- "AdminPanelSettingsRounded",
- "AdminPanelSettingsSharp",
- "AdminPanelSettingsTwoTone",
- "AdsClick",
- "AdsClickOutlined",
- "AdsClickRounded",
- "AdsClickSharp",
- "AdsClickTwoTone",
- "Agriculture",
- "AgricultureOutlined",
- "AgricultureRounded",
- "AgricultureSharp",
- "AgricultureTwoTone",
- "Air",
- "AirOutlined",
- "AirRounded",
- "AirSharp",
- "AirTwoTone",
- "AirlineSeatFlat",
- "AirlineSeatFlatAngled",
- "AirlineSeatFlatAngledOutlined",
- "AirlineSeatFlatAngledRounded",
- "AirlineSeatFlatAngledSharp",
- "AirlineSeatFlatAngledTwoTone",
- "AirlineSeatFlatOutlined",
- "AirlineSeatFlatRounded",
- "AirlineSeatFlatSharp",
- "AirlineSeatFlatTwoTone",
- "AirlineSeatIndividualSuite",
- "AirlineSeatIndividualSuiteOutlined",
- "AirlineSeatIndividualSuiteRounded",
- "AirlineSeatIndividualSuiteSharp",
- "AirlineSeatIndividualSuiteTwoTone",
- "AirlineSeatLegroomExtra",
- "AirlineSeatLegroomExtraOutlined",
- "AirlineSeatLegroomExtraRounded",
- "AirlineSeatLegroomExtraSharp",
- "AirlineSeatLegroomExtraTwoTone",
- "AirlineSeatLegroomNormal",
- "AirlineSeatLegroomNormalOutlined",
- "AirlineSeatLegroomNormalRounded",
- "AirlineSeatLegroomNormalSharp",
- "AirlineSeatLegroomNormalTwoTone",
- "AirlineSeatLegroomReduced",
- "AirlineSeatLegroomReducedOutlined",
- "AirlineSeatLegroomReducedRounded",
- "AirlineSeatLegroomReducedSharp",
- "AirlineSeatLegroomReducedTwoTone",
- "AirlineSeatReclineExtra",
- "AirlineSeatReclineExtraOutlined",
- "AirlineSeatReclineExtraRounded",
- "AirlineSeatReclineExtraSharp",
- "AirlineSeatReclineExtraTwoTone",
- "AirlineSeatReclineNormal",
- "AirlineSeatReclineNormalOutlined",
- "AirlineSeatReclineNormalRounded",
- "AirlineSeatReclineNormalSharp",
- "AirlineSeatReclineNormalTwoTone",
- "AirlineStops",
- "AirlineStopsOutlined",
- "AirlineStopsRounded",
- "AirlineStopsSharp",
- "AirlineStopsTwoTone",
- "Airlines",
- "AirlinesOutlined",
- "AirlinesRounded",
- "AirlinesSharp",
- "AirlinesTwoTone",
- "AirplaneTicket",
- "AirplaneTicketOutlined",
- "AirplaneTicketRounded",
- "AirplaneTicketSharp",
- "AirplaneTicketTwoTone",
- "AirplanemodeActive",
- "AirplanemodeActiveOutlined",
- "AirplanemodeActiveRounded",
- "AirplanemodeActiveSharp",
- "AirplanemodeActiveTwoTone",
- "AirplanemodeInactive",
- "AirplanemodeInactiveOutlined",
- "AirplanemodeInactiveRounded",
- "AirplanemodeInactiveSharp",
- "AirplanemodeInactiveTwoTone",
- "Airplay",
- "AirplayOutlined",
- "AirplayRounded",
- "AirplaySharp",
- "AirplayTwoTone",
- "AirportShuttle",
- "AirportShuttleOutlined",
- "AirportShuttleRounded",
- "AirportShuttleSharp",
- "AirportShuttleTwoTone",
- "Alarm",
- "AlarmAdd",
- "AlarmAddOutlined",
- "AlarmAddRounded",
- "AlarmAddSharp",
- "AlarmAddTwoTone",
- "AlarmOff",
- "AlarmOffOutlined",
- "AlarmOffRounded",
- "AlarmOffSharp",
- "AlarmOffTwoTone",
- "AlarmOn",
- "AlarmOnOutlined",
- "AlarmOnRounded",
- "AlarmOnSharp",
- "AlarmOnTwoTone",
- "AlarmOutlined",
- "AlarmRounded",
- "AlarmSharp",
- "AlarmTwoTone",
- "Album",
- "AlbumOutlined",
- "AlbumRounded",
- "AlbumSharp",
- "AlbumTwoTone",
- "AlignHorizontalCenter",
- "AlignHorizontalCenterOutlined",
- "AlignHorizontalCenterRounded",
- "AlignHorizontalCenterSharp",
- "AlignHorizontalCenterTwoTone",
- "AlignHorizontalLeft",
- "AlignHorizontalLeftOutlined",
- "AlignHorizontalLeftRounded",
- "AlignHorizontalLeftSharp",
- "AlignHorizontalLeftTwoTone",
- "AlignHorizontalRight",
- "AlignHorizontalRightOutlined",
- "AlignHorizontalRightRounded",
- "AlignHorizontalRightSharp",
- "AlignHorizontalRightTwoTone",
- "AlignVerticalBottom",
- "AlignVerticalBottomOutlined",
- "AlignVerticalBottomRounded",
- "AlignVerticalBottomSharp",
- "AlignVerticalBottomTwoTone",
- "AlignVerticalCenter",
- "AlignVerticalCenterOutlined",
- "AlignVerticalCenterRounded",
- "AlignVerticalCenterSharp",
- "AlignVerticalCenterTwoTone",
- "AlignVerticalTop",
- "AlignVerticalTopOutlined",
- "AlignVerticalTopRounded",
- "AlignVerticalTopSharp",
- "AlignVerticalTopTwoTone",
- "AllInbox",
- "AllInboxOutlined",
- "AllInboxRounded",
- "AllInboxSharp",
- "AllInboxTwoTone",
- "AllInclusive",
- "AllInclusiveOutlined",
- "AllInclusiveRounded",
- "AllInclusiveSharp",
- "AllInclusiveTwoTone",
- "AllOut",
- "AllOutOutlined",
- "AllOutRounded",
- "AllOutSharp",
- "AllOutTwoTone",
- "AltRoute",
- "AltRouteOutlined",
- "AltRouteRounded",
- "AltRouteSharp",
- "AltRouteTwoTone",
- "AlternateEmail",
- "AlternateEmailOutlined",
- "AlternateEmailRounded",
- "AlternateEmailSharp",
- "AlternateEmailTwoTone",
- "Analytics",
- "AnalyticsOutlined",
- "AnalyticsRounded",
- "AnalyticsSharp",
- "AnalyticsTwoTone",
- "Anchor",
- "AnchorOutlined",
- "AnchorRounded",
- "AnchorSharp",
- "AnchorTwoTone",
- "Android",
- "AndroidOutlined",
- "AndroidRounded",
- "AndroidSharp",
- "AndroidTwoTone",
- "Animation",
- "AnimationOutlined",
- "AnimationRounded",
- "AnimationSharp",
- "AnimationTwoTone",
- "Announcement",
- "AnnouncementOutlined",
- "AnnouncementRounded",
- "AnnouncementSharp",
- "AnnouncementTwoTone",
- "Aod",
- "AodOutlined",
- "AodRounded",
- "AodSharp",
- "AodTwoTone",
- "Apartment",
- "ApartmentOutlined",
- "ApartmentRounded",
- "ApartmentSharp",
- "ApartmentTwoTone",
- "Api",
- "ApiOutlined",
- "ApiRounded",
- "ApiSharp",
- "ApiTwoTone",
- "AppBlocking",
- "AppBlockingOutlined",
- "AppBlockingRounded",
- "AppBlockingSharp",
- "AppBlockingTwoTone",
- "AppRegistration",
- "AppRegistrationOutlined",
- "AppRegistrationRounded",
- "AppRegistrationSharp",
- "AppRegistrationTwoTone",
- "AppSettingsAlt",
- "AppSettingsAltOutlined",
- "AppSettingsAltRounded",
- "AppSettingsAltSharp",
- "AppSettingsAltTwoTone",
- "AppShortcut",
- "AppShortcutOutlined",
- "AppShortcutRounded",
- "AppShortcutSharp",
- "AppShortcutTwoTone",
- "Apple",
- "Approval",
- "ApprovalOutlined",
- "ApprovalRounded",
- "ApprovalSharp",
- "ApprovalTwoTone",
- "Apps",
- "AppsOutage",
- "AppsOutageOutlined",
- "AppsOutageRounded",
- "AppsOutageSharp",
- "AppsOutageTwoTone",
- "AppsOutlined",
- "AppsRounded",
- "AppsSharp",
- "AppsTwoTone",
- "Architecture",
- "ArchitectureOutlined",
- "ArchitectureRounded",
- "ArchitectureSharp",
- "ArchitectureTwoTone",
- "Archive",
- "ArchiveOutlined",
- "ArchiveRounded",
- "ArchiveSharp",
- "ArchiveTwoTone",
- "ArrowBack",
- "ArrowBackIos",
- "ArrowBackIosNew",
- "ArrowBackIosNewOutlined",
- "ArrowBackIosNewRounded",
- "ArrowBackIosNewSharp",
- "ArrowBackIosNewTwoTone",
- "ArrowBackIosOutlined",
- "ArrowBackIosRounded",
- "ArrowBackIosSharp",
- "ArrowBackIosTwoTone",
- "ArrowBackOutlined",
- "ArrowBackRounded",
- "ArrowBackSharp",
- "ArrowBackTwoTone",
- "ArrowCircleDown",
- "ArrowCircleDownOutlined",
- "ArrowCircleDownRounded",
- "ArrowCircleDownSharp",
- "ArrowCircleDownTwoTone",
- "ArrowCircleLeft",
- "ArrowCircleLeftOutlined",
- "ArrowCircleLeftRounded",
- "ArrowCircleLeftSharp",
- "ArrowCircleLeftTwoTone",
- "ArrowCircleRight",
- "ArrowCircleRightOutlined",
- "ArrowCircleRightRounded",
- "ArrowCircleRightSharp",
- "ArrowCircleRightTwoTone",
- "ArrowCircleUp",
- "ArrowCircleUpOutlined",
- "ArrowCircleUpRounded",
- "ArrowCircleUpSharp",
- "ArrowCircleUpTwoTone",
- "ArrowDownward",
- "ArrowDownwardOutlined",
- "ArrowDownwardRounded",
- "ArrowDownwardSharp",
- "ArrowDownwardTwoTone",
- "ArrowDropDown",
- "ArrowDropDownCircle",
- "ArrowDropDownCircleOutlined",
- "ArrowDropDownCircleRounded",
- "ArrowDropDownCircleSharp",
- "ArrowDropDownCircleTwoTone",
- "ArrowDropDownOutlined",
- "ArrowDropDownRounded",
- "ArrowDropDownSharp",
- "ArrowDropDownTwoTone",
- "ArrowDropUp",
- "ArrowDropUpOutlined",
- "ArrowDropUpRounded",
- "ArrowDropUpSharp",
- "ArrowDropUpTwoTone",
- "ArrowForward",
- "ArrowForwardIos",
- "ArrowForwardIosOutlined",
- "ArrowForwardIosRounded",
- "ArrowForwardIosSharp",
- "ArrowForwardIosTwoTone",
- "ArrowForwardOutlined",
- "ArrowForwardRounded",
- "ArrowForwardSharp",
- "ArrowForwardTwoTone",
- "ArrowLeft",
- "ArrowLeftOutlined",
- "ArrowLeftRounded",
- "ArrowLeftSharp",
- "ArrowLeftTwoTone",
- "ArrowOutward",
- "ArrowOutwardOutlined",
- "ArrowOutwardRounded",
- "ArrowOutwardSharp",
- "ArrowOutwardTwoTone",
- "ArrowRight",
- "ArrowRightAlt",
- "ArrowRightAltOutlined",
- "ArrowRightAltRounded",
- "ArrowRightAltSharp",
- "ArrowRightAltTwoTone",
- "ArrowRightOutlined",
- "ArrowRightRounded",
- "ArrowRightSharp",
- "ArrowRightTwoTone",
- "ArrowUpward",
- "ArrowUpwardOutlined",
- "ArrowUpwardRounded",
- "ArrowUpwardSharp",
- "ArrowUpwardTwoTone",
- "ArtTrack",
- "ArtTrackOutlined",
- "ArtTrackRounded",
- "ArtTrackSharp",
- "ArtTrackTwoTone",
- "Article",
- "ArticleOutlined",
- "ArticleRounded",
- "ArticleSharp",
- "ArticleTwoTone",
- "AspectRatio",
- "AspectRatioOutlined",
- "AspectRatioRounded",
- "AspectRatioSharp",
- "AspectRatioTwoTone",
- "Assessment",
- "AssessmentOutlined",
- "AssessmentRounded",
- "AssessmentSharp",
- "AssessmentTwoTone",
- "Assignment",
- "AssignmentInd",
- "AssignmentIndOutlined",
- "AssignmentIndRounded",
- "AssignmentIndSharp",
- "AssignmentIndTwoTone",
- "AssignmentLate",
- "AssignmentLateOutlined",
- "AssignmentLateRounded",
- "AssignmentLateSharp",
- "AssignmentLateTwoTone",
- "AssignmentOutlined",
- "AssignmentReturn",
- "AssignmentReturnOutlined",
- "AssignmentReturnRounded",
- "AssignmentReturnSharp",
- "AssignmentReturnTwoTone",
- "AssignmentReturned",
- "AssignmentReturnedOutlined",
- "AssignmentReturnedRounded",
- "AssignmentReturnedSharp",
- "AssignmentReturnedTwoTone",
- "AssignmentRounded",
- "AssignmentSharp",
- "AssignmentTurnedIn",
- "AssignmentTurnedInOutlined",
- "AssignmentTurnedInRounded",
- "AssignmentTurnedInSharp",
- "AssignmentTurnedInTwoTone",
- "AssignmentTwoTone",
- "AssistWalker",
- "AssistWalkerOutlined",
- "AssistWalkerRounded",
- "AssistWalkerSharp",
- "AssistWalkerTwoTone",
- "Assistant",
- "AssistantDirection",
- "AssistantDirectionOutlined",
- "AssistantDirectionRounded",
- "AssistantDirectionSharp",
- "AssistantDirectionTwoTone",
- "AssistantOutlined",
- "AssistantPhoto",
- "AssistantPhotoOutlined",
- "AssistantPhotoRounded",
- "AssistantPhotoSharp",
- "AssistantPhotoTwoTone",
- "AssistantRounded",
- "AssistantSharp",
- "AssistantTwoTone",
- "AssuredWorkload",
- "AssuredWorkloadOutlined",
- "AssuredWorkloadRounded",
- "AssuredWorkloadSharp",
- "AssuredWorkloadTwoTone",
- "Atm",
- "AtmOutlined",
- "AtmRounded",
- "AtmSharp",
- "AtmTwoTone",
- "AttachEmail",
- "AttachEmailOutlined",
- "AttachEmailRounded",
- "AttachEmailSharp",
- "AttachEmailTwoTone",
- "AttachFile",
- "AttachFileOutlined",
- "AttachFileRounded",
- "AttachFileSharp",
- "AttachFileTwoTone",
- "AttachMoney",
- "AttachMoneyOutlined",
- "AttachMoneyRounded",
- "AttachMoneySharp",
- "AttachMoneyTwoTone",
- "Attachment",
- "AttachmentOutlined",
- "AttachmentRounded",
- "AttachmentSharp",
- "AttachmentTwoTone",
- "Attractions",
- "AttractionsOutlined",
- "AttractionsRounded",
- "AttractionsSharp",
- "AttractionsTwoTone",
- "Attribution",
- "AttributionOutlined",
- "AttributionRounded",
- "AttributionSharp",
- "AttributionTwoTone",
- "AudioFile",
- "AudioFileOutlined",
- "AudioFileRounded",
- "AudioFileSharp",
- "AudioFileTwoTone",
- "Audiotrack",
- "AudiotrackOutlined",
- "AudiotrackRounded",
- "AudiotrackSharp",
- "AudiotrackTwoTone",
- "AutoAwesome",
- "AutoAwesomeMosaic",
- "AutoAwesomeMosaicOutlined",
- "AutoAwesomeMosaicRounded",
- "AutoAwesomeMosaicSharp",
- "AutoAwesomeMosaicTwoTone",
- "AutoAwesomeMotion",
- "AutoAwesomeMotionOutlined",
- "AutoAwesomeMotionRounded",
- "AutoAwesomeMotionSharp",
- "AutoAwesomeMotionTwoTone",
- "AutoAwesomeOutlined",
- "AutoAwesomeRounded",
- "AutoAwesomeSharp",
- "AutoAwesomeTwoTone",
- "AutoDelete",
- "AutoDeleteOutlined",
- "AutoDeleteRounded",
- "AutoDeleteSharp",
- "AutoDeleteTwoTone",
- "AutoFixHigh",
- "AutoFixHighOutlined",
- "AutoFixHighRounded",
- "AutoFixHighSharp",
- "AutoFixHighTwoTone",
- "AutoFixNormal",
- "AutoFixNormalOutlined",
- "AutoFixNormalRounded",
- "AutoFixNormalSharp",
- "AutoFixNormalTwoTone",
- "AutoFixOff",
- "AutoFixOffOutlined",
- "AutoFixOffRounded",
- "AutoFixOffSharp",
- "AutoFixOffTwoTone",
- "AutoGraph",
- "AutoGraphOutlined",
- "AutoGraphRounded",
- "AutoGraphSharp",
- "AutoGraphTwoTone",
- "AutoMode",
- "AutoModeOutlined",
- "AutoModeRounded",
- "AutoModeSharp",
- "AutoModeTwoTone",
- "AutoStories",
- "AutoStoriesOutlined",
- "AutoStoriesRounded",
- "AutoStoriesSharp",
- "AutoStoriesTwoTone",
- "AutofpsSelect",
- "AutofpsSelectOutlined",
- "AutofpsSelectRounded",
- "AutofpsSelectSharp",
- "AutofpsSelectTwoTone",
- "Autorenew",
- "AutorenewOutlined",
- "AutorenewRounded",
- "AutorenewSharp",
- "AutorenewTwoTone",
- "AvTimer",
- "AvTimerOutlined",
- "AvTimerRounded",
- "AvTimerSharp",
- "AvTimerTwoTone",
- "BabyChangingStation",
- "BabyChangingStationOutlined",
- "BabyChangingStationRounded",
- "BabyChangingStationSharp",
- "BabyChangingStationTwoTone",
- "BackHand",
- "BackHandOutlined",
- "BackHandRounded",
- "BackHandSharp",
- "BackHandTwoTone",
- "Backpack",
- "BackpackOutlined",
- "BackpackRounded",
- "BackpackSharp",
- "BackpackTwoTone",
- "Backspace",
- "BackspaceOutlined",
- "BackspaceRounded",
- "BackspaceSharp",
- "BackspaceTwoTone",
- "Backup",
- "BackupOutlined",
- "BackupRounded",
- "BackupSharp",
- "BackupTable",
- "BackupTableOutlined",
- "BackupTableRounded",
- "BackupTableSharp",
- "BackupTableTwoTone",
- "BackupTwoTone",
- "Badge",
- "BadgeOutlined",
- "BadgeRounded",
- "BadgeSharp",
- "BadgeTwoTone",
- "BakeryDining",
- "BakeryDiningOutlined",
- "BakeryDiningRounded",
- "BakeryDiningSharp",
- "BakeryDiningTwoTone",
- "Balance",
- "BalanceOutlined",
- "BalanceRounded",
- "BalanceSharp",
- "BalanceTwoTone",
- "Balcony",
- "BalconyOutlined",
- "BalconyRounded",
- "BalconySharp",
- "BalconyTwoTone",
- "Ballot",
- "BallotOutlined",
- "BallotRounded",
- "BallotSharp",
- "BallotTwoTone",
- "BarChart",
- "BarChartOutlined",
- "BarChartRounded",
- "BarChartSharp",
- "BarChartTwoTone",
- "BatchPrediction",
- "BatchPredictionOutlined",
- "BatchPredictionRounded",
- "BatchPredictionSharp",
- "BatchPredictionTwoTone",
- "Bathroom",
- "BathroomOutlined",
- "BathroomRounded",
- "BathroomSharp",
- "BathroomTwoTone",
- "Bathtub",
- "BathtubOutlined",
- "BathtubRounded",
- "BathtubSharp",
- "BathtubTwoTone",
- "Battery0Bar",
- "Battery0BarOutlined",
- "Battery0BarRounded",
- "Battery0BarSharp",
- "Battery0BarTwoTone",
- "Battery1Bar",
- "Battery1BarOutlined",
- "Battery1BarRounded",
- "Battery1BarSharp",
- "Battery1BarTwoTone",
- "Battery20",
- "Battery20Outlined",
- "Battery20Rounded",
- "Battery20Sharp",
- "Battery20TwoTone",
- "Battery2Bar",
- "Battery2BarOutlined",
- "Battery2BarRounded",
- "Battery2BarSharp",
- "Battery2BarTwoTone",
- "Battery30",
- "Battery30Outlined",
- "Battery30Rounded",
- "Battery30Sharp",
- "Battery30TwoTone",
- "Battery3Bar",
- "Battery3BarOutlined",
- "Battery3BarRounded",
- "Battery3BarSharp",
- "Battery3BarTwoTone",
- "Battery4Bar",
- "Battery4BarOutlined",
- "Battery4BarRounded",
- "Battery4BarSharp",
- "Battery4BarTwoTone",
- "Battery50",
- "Battery50Outlined",
- "Battery50Rounded",
- "Battery50Sharp",
- "Battery50TwoTone",
- "Battery5Bar",
- "Battery5BarOutlined",
- "Battery5BarRounded",
- "Battery5BarSharp",
- "Battery5BarTwoTone",
- "Battery60",
- "Battery60Outlined",
- "Battery60Rounded",
- "Battery60Sharp",
- "Battery60TwoTone",
- "Battery6Bar",
- "Battery6BarOutlined",
- "Battery6BarRounded",
- "Battery6BarSharp",
- "Battery6BarTwoTone",
- "Battery80",
- "Battery80Outlined",
- "Battery80Rounded",
- "Battery80Sharp",
- "Battery80TwoTone",
- "Battery90",
- "Battery90Outlined",
- "Battery90Rounded",
- "Battery90Sharp",
- "Battery90TwoTone",
- "BatteryAlert",
- "BatteryAlertOutlined",
- "BatteryAlertRounded",
- "BatteryAlertSharp",
- "BatteryAlertTwoTone",
- "BatteryCharging20",
- "BatteryCharging20Outlined",
- "BatteryCharging20Rounded",
- "BatteryCharging20Sharp",
- "BatteryCharging20TwoTone",
- "BatteryCharging30",
- "BatteryCharging30Outlined",
- "BatteryCharging30Rounded",
- "BatteryCharging30Sharp",
- "BatteryCharging30TwoTone",
- "BatteryCharging50",
- "BatteryCharging50Outlined",
- "BatteryCharging50Rounded",
- "BatteryCharging50Sharp",
- "BatteryCharging50TwoTone",
- "BatteryCharging60",
- "BatteryCharging60Outlined",
- "BatteryCharging60Rounded",
- "BatteryCharging60Sharp",
- "BatteryCharging60TwoTone",
- "BatteryCharging80",
- "BatteryCharging80Outlined",
- "BatteryCharging80Rounded",
- "BatteryCharging80Sharp",
- "BatteryCharging80TwoTone",
- "BatteryCharging90",
- "BatteryCharging90Outlined",
- "BatteryCharging90Rounded",
- "BatteryCharging90Sharp",
- "BatteryCharging90TwoTone",
- "BatteryChargingFull",
- "BatteryChargingFullOutlined",
- "BatteryChargingFullRounded",
- "BatteryChargingFullSharp",
- "BatteryChargingFullTwoTone",
- "BatteryFull",
- "BatteryFullOutlined",
- "BatteryFullRounded",
- "BatteryFullSharp",
- "BatteryFullTwoTone",
- "BatterySaver",
- "BatterySaverOutlined",
- "BatterySaverRounded",
- "BatterySaverSharp",
- "BatterySaverTwoTone",
- "BatteryStd",
- "BatteryStdOutlined",
- "BatteryStdRounded",
- "BatteryStdSharp",
- "BatteryStdTwoTone",
- "BatteryUnknown",
- "BatteryUnknownOutlined",
- "BatteryUnknownRounded",
- "BatteryUnknownSharp",
- "BatteryUnknownTwoTone",
- "BeachAccess",
- "BeachAccessOutlined",
- "BeachAccessRounded",
- "BeachAccessSharp",
- "BeachAccessTwoTone",
- "Bed",
- "BedOutlined",
- "BedRounded",
- "BedSharp",
- "BedTwoTone",
- "BedroomBaby",
- "BedroomBabyOutlined",
- "BedroomBabyRounded",
- "BedroomBabySharp",
- "BedroomBabyTwoTone",
- "BedroomChild",
- "BedroomChildOutlined",
- "BedroomChildRounded",
- "BedroomChildSharp",
- "BedroomChildTwoTone",
- "BedroomParent",
- "BedroomParentOutlined",
- "BedroomParentRounded",
- "BedroomParentSharp",
- "BedroomParentTwoTone",
- "Bedtime",
- "BedtimeOff",
- "BedtimeOffOutlined",
- "BedtimeOffRounded",
- "BedtimeOffSharp",
- "BedtimeOffTwoTone",
- "BedtimeOutlined",
- "BedtimeRounded",
- "BedtimeSharp",
- "BedtimeTwoTone",
- "Beenhere",
- "BeenhereOutlined",
- "BeenhereRounded",
- "BeenhereSharp",
- "BeenhereTwoTone",
- "Bento",
- "BentoOutlined",
- "BentoRounded",
- "BentoSharp",
- "BentoTwoTone",
- "BikeScooter",
- "BikeScooterOutlined",
- "BikeScooterRounded",
- "BikeScooterSharp",
- "BikeScooterTwoTone",
- "Biotech",
- "BiotechOutlined",
- "BiotechRounded",
- "BiotechSharp",
- "BiotechTwoTone",
- "Blender",
- "BlenderOutlined",
- "BlenderRounded",
- "BlenderSharp",
- "BlenderTwoTone",
- "Blind",
- "BlindOutlined",
- "BlindRounded",
- "BlindSharp",
- "BlindTwoTone",
- "Blinds",
- "BlindsClosed",
- "BlindsClosedOutlined",
- "BlindsClosedRounded",
- "BlindsClosedSharp",
- "BlindsClosedTwoTone",
- "BlindsOutlined",
- "BlindsRounded",
- "BlindsSharp",
- "BlindsTwoTone",
- "Block",
- "BlockOutlined",
- "BlockRounded",
- "BlockSharp",
- "BlockTwoTone",
- "Bloodtype",
- "BloodtypeOutlined",
- "BloodtypeRounded",
- "BloodtypeSharp",
- "BloodtypeTwoTone",
- "Bluetooth",
- "BluetoothAudio",
- "BluetoothAudioOutlined",
- "BluetoothAudioRounded",
- "BluetoothAudioSharp",
- "BluetoothAudioTwoTone",
- "BluetoothConnected",
- "BluetoothConnectedOutlined",
- "BluetoothConnectedRounded",
- "BluetoothConnectedSharp",
- "BluetoothConnectedTwoTone",
- "BluetoothDisabled",
- "BluetoothDisabledOutlined",
- "BluetoothDisabledRounded",
- "BluetoothDisabledSharp",
- "BluetoothDisabledTwoTone",
- "BluetoothDrive",
- "BluetoothDriveOutlined",
- "BluetoothDriveRounded",
- "BluetoothDriveSharp",
- "BluetoothDriveTwoTone",
- "BluetoothOutlined",
- "BluetoothRounded",
- "BluetoothSearching",
- "BluetoothSearchingOutlined",
- "BluetoothSearchingRounded",
- "BluetoothSearchingSharp",
- "BluetoothSearchingTwoTone",
- "BluetoothSharp",
- "BluetoothTwoTone",
- "BlurCircular",
- "BlurCircularOutlined",
- "BlurCircularRounded",
- "BlurCircularSharp",
- "BlurCircularTwoTone",
- "BlurLinear",
- "BlurLinearOutlined",
- "BlurLinearRounded",
- "BlurLinearSharp",
- "BlurLinearTwoTone",
- "BlurOff",
- "BlurOffOutlined",
- "BlurOffRounded",
- "BlurOffSharp",
- "BlurOffTwoTone",
- "BlurOn",
- "BlurOnOutlined",
- "BlurOnRounded",
- "BlurOnSharp",
- "BlurOnTwoTone",
- "Bolt",
- "BoltOutlined",
- "BoltRounded",
- "BoltSharp",
- "BoltTwoTone",
- "Book",
- "BookOnline",
- "BookOnlineOutlined",
- "BookOnlineRounded",
- "BookOnlineSharp",
- "BookOnlineTwoTone",
- "BookOutlined",
- "BookRounded",
- "BookSharp",
- "BookTwoTone",
- "Bookmark",
- "BookmarkAdd",
- "BookmarkAddOutlined",
- "BookmarkAddRounded",
- "BookmarkAddSharp",
- "BookmarkAddTwoTone",
- "BookmarkAdded",
- "BookmarkAddedOutlined",
- "BookmarkAddedRounded",
- "BookmarkAddedSharp",
- "BookmarkAddedTwoTone",
- "BookmarkBorder",
- "BookmarkBorderOutlined",
- "BookmarkBorderRounded",
- "BookmarkBorderSharp",
- "BookmarkBorderTwoTone",
- "BookmarkOutlined",
- "BookmarkRemove",
- "BookmarkRemoveOutlined",
- "BookmarkRemoveRounded",
- "BookmarkRemoveSharp",
- "BookmarkRemoveTwoTone",
- "BookmarkRounded",
- "BookmarkSharp",
- "BookmarkTwoTone",
- "Bookmarks",
- "BookmarksOutlined",
- "BookmarksRounded",
- "BookmarksSharp",
- "BookmarksTwoTone",
- "BorderAll",
- "BorderAllOutlined",
- "BorderAllRounded",
- "BorderAllSharp",
- "BorderAllTwoTone",
- "BorderBottom",
- "BorderBottomOutlined",
- "BorderBottomRounded",
- "BorderBottomSharp",
- "BorderBottomTwoTone",
- "BorderClear",
- "BorderClearOutlined",
- "BorderClearRounded",
- "BorderClearSharp",
- "BorderClearTwoTone",
- "BorderColor",
- "BorderColorOutlined",
- "BorderColorRounded",
- "BorderColorSharp",
- "BorderColorTwoTone",
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- "BorderHorizontalOutlined",
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- "BorderHorizontalTwoTone",
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- "BorderInnerTwoTone",
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- "BorderLeftTwoTone",
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- "BorderRightTwoTone",
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- "BorderStyleTwoTone",
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- "BorderTopTwoTone",
- "BorderVertical",
- "BorderVerticalOutlined",
- "BorderVerticalRounded",
- "BorderVerticalSharp",
- "BorderVerticalTwoTone",
- "Boy",
- "BoyOutlined",
- "BoyRounded",
- "BoySharp",
- "BoyTwoTone",
- "BrandingWatermark",
- "BrandingWatermarkOutlined",
- "BrandingWatermarkRounded",
- "BrandingWatermarkSharp",
- "BrandingWatermarkTwoTone",
- "BreakfastDining",
- "BreakfastDiningOutlined",
- "BreakfastDiningRounded",
- "BreakfastDiningSharp",
- "BreakfastDiningTwoTone",
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- "Brightness1Outlined",
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- "Brightness1TwoTone",
- "Brightness2",
- "Brightness2Outlined",
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- "Brightness2Sharp",
- "Brightness2TwoTone",
- "Brightness3",
- "Brightness3Outlined",
- "Brightness3Rounded",
- "Brightness3Sharp",
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- "Brightness4",
- "Brightness4Outlined",
- "Brightness4Rounded",
- "Brightness4Sharp",
- "Brightness4TwoTone",
- "Brightness5",
- "Brightness5Outlined",
- "Brightness5Rounded",
- "Brightness5Sharp",
- "Brightness5TwoTone",
- "Brightness6",
- "Brightness6Outlined",
- "Brightness6Rounded",
- "Brightness6Sharp",
- "Brightness6TwoTone",
- "Brightness7",
- "Brightness7Outlined",
- "Brightness7Rounded",
- "Brightness7Sharp",
- "Brightness7TwoTone",
- "BrightnessAuto",
- "BrightnessAutoOutlined",
- "BrightnessAutoRounded",
- "BrightnessAutoSharp",
- "BrightnessAutoTwoTone",
- "BrightnessHigh",
- "BrightnessHighOutlined",
- "BrightnessHighRounded",
- "BrightnessHighSharp",
- "BrightnessHighTwoTone",
- "BrightnessLow",
- "BrightnessLowOutlined",
- "BrightnessLowRounded",
- "BrightnessLowSharp",
- "BrightnessLowTwoTone",
- "BrightnessMedium",
- "BrightnessMediumOutlined",
- "BrightnessMediumRounded",
- "BrightnessMediumSharp",
- "BrightnessMediumTwoTone",
- "BroadcastOnHome",
- "BroadcastOnHomeOutlined",
- "BroadcastOnHomeRounded",
- "BroadcastOnHomeSharp",
- "BroadcastOnHomeTwoTone",
- "BroadcastOnPersonal",
- "BroadcastOnPersonalOutlined",
- "BroadcastOnPersonalRounded",
- "BroadcastOnPersonalSharp",
- "BroadcastOnPersonalTwoTone",
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- "BrokenImageOutlined",
- "BrokenImageRounded",
- "BrokenImageSharp",
- "BrokenImageTwoTone",
- "BrowseGallery",
- "BrowseGalleryOutlined",
- "BrowseGalleryRounded",
- "BrowseGallerySharp",
- "BrowseGalleryTwoTone",
- "BrowserNotSupported",
- "BrowserNotSupportedOutlined",
- "BrowserNotSupportedRounded",
- "BrowserNotSupportedSharp",
- "BrowserNotSupportedTwoTone",
- "BrowserUpdated",
- "BrowserUpdatedOutlined",
- "BrowserUpdatedRounded",
- "BrowserUpdatedSharp",
- "BrowserUpdatedTwoTone",
- "BrunchDining",
- "BrunchDiningOutlined",
- "BrunchDiningRounded",
- "BrunchDiningSharp",
- "BrunchDiningTwoTone",
- "Brush",
- "BrushOutlined",
- "BrushRounded",
- "BrushSharp",
- "BrushTwoTone",
- "BubbleChart",
- "BubbleChartOutlined",
- "BubbleChartRounded",
- "BubbleChartSharp",
- "BubbleChartTwoTone",
- "BugReport",
- "BugReportOutlined",
- "BugReportRounded",
- "BugReportSharp",
- "BugReportTwoTone",
- "Build",
- "BuildCircle",
- "BuildCircleOutlined",
- "BuildCircleRounded",
- "BuildCircleSharp",
- "BuildCircleTwoTone",
- "BuildOutlined",
- "BuildRounded",
- "BuildSharp",
- "BuildTwoTone",
- "Bungalow",
- "BungalowOutlined",
- "BungalowRounded",
- "BungalowSharp",
- "BungalowTwoTone",
- "BurstMode",
- "BurstModeOutlined",
- "BurstModeRounded",
- "BurstModeSharp",
- "BurstModeTwoTone",
- "BusAlert",
- "BusAlertOutlined",
- "BusAlertRounded",
- "BusAlertSharp",
- "BusAlertTwoTone",
- "Business",
- "BusinessCenter",
- "BusinessCenterOutlined",
- "BusinessCenterRounded",
- "BusinessCenterSharp",
- "BusinessCenterTwoTone",
- "BusinessOutlined",
- "BusinessRounded",
- "BusinessSharp",
- "BusinessTwoTone",
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- "CabinOutlined",
- "CabinRounded",
- "CabinSharp",
- "CabinTwoTone",
- "Cable",
- "CableOutlined",
- "CableRounded",
- "CableSharp",
- "CableTwoTone",
- "Cached",
- "CachedOutlined",
- "CachedRounded",
- "CachedSharp",
- "CachedTwoTone",
- "Cake",
- "CakeOutlined",
- "CakeRounded",
- "CakeSharp",
- "CakeTwoTone",
- "Calculate",
- "CalculateOutlined",
- "CalculateRounded",
- "CalculateSharp",
- "CalculateTwoTone",
- "CalendarMonth",
- "CalendarMonthOutlined",
- "CalendarMonthRounded",
- "CalendarMonthSharp",
- "CalendarMonthTwoTone",
- "CalendarToday",
- "CalendarTodayOutlined",
- "CalendarTodayRounded",
- "CalendarTodaySharp",
- "CalendarTodayTwoTone",
- "CalendarViewDay",
- "CalendarViewDayOutlined",
- "CalendarViewDayRounded",
- "CalendarViewDaySharp",
- "CalendarViewDayTwoTone",
- "CalendarViewMonth",
- "CalendarViewMonthOutlined",
- "CalendarViewMonthRounded",
- "CalendarViewMonthSharp",
- "CalendarViewMonthTwoTone",
- "CalendarViewWeek",
- "CalendarViewWeekOutlined",
- "CalendarViewWeekRounded",
- "CalendarViewWeekSharp",
- "CalendarViewWeekTwoTone",
- "Call",
- "CallEnd",
- "CallEndOutlined",
- "CallEndRounded",
- "CallEndSharp",
- "CallEndTwoTone",
- "CallMade",
- "CallMadeOutlined",
- "CallMadeRounded",
- "CallMadeSharp",
- "CallMadeTwoTone",
- "CallMerge",
- "CallMergeOutlined",
- "CallMergeRounded",
- "CallMergeSharp",
- "CallMergeTwoTone",
- "CallMissed",
- "CallMissedOutgoing",
- "CallMissedOutgoingOutlined",
- "CallMissedOutgoingRounded",
- "CallMissedOutgoingSharp",
- "CallMissedOutgoingTwoTone",
- "CallMissedOutlined",
- "CallMissedRounded",
- "CallMissedSharp",
- "CallMissedTwoTone",
- "CallOutlined",
- "CallReceived",
- "CallReceivedOutlined",
- "CallReceivedRounded",
- "CallReceivedSharp",
- "CallReceivedTwoTone",
- "CallRounded",
- "CallSharp",
- "CallSplit",
- "CallSplitOutlined",
- "CallSplitRounded",
- "CallSplitSharp",
- "CallSplitTwoTone",
- "CallToAction",
- "CallToActionOutlined",
- "CallToActionRounded",
- "CallToActionSharp",
- "CallToActionTwoTone",
- "CallTwoTone",
- "Camera",
- "CameraAlt",
- "CameraAltOutlined",
- "CameraAltRounded",
- "CameraAltSharp",
- "CameraAltTwoTone",
- "CameraEnhance",
- "CameraEnhanceOutlined",
- "CameraEnhanceRounded",
- "CameraEnhanceSharp",
- "CameraEnhanceTwoTone",
- "CameraFront",
- "CameraFrontOutlined",
- "CameraFrontRounded",
- "CameraFrontSharp",
- "CameraFrontTwoTone",
- "CameraIndoor",
- "CameraIndoorOutlined",
- "CameraIndoorRounded",
- "CameraIndoorSharp",
- "CameraIndoorTwoTone",
- "CameraOutdoor",
- "CameraOutdoorOutlined",
- "CameraOutdoorRounded",
- "CameraOutdoorSharp",
- "CameraOutdoorTwoTone",
- "CameraOutlined",
- "CameraRear",
- "CameraRearOutlined",
- "CameraRearRounded",
- "CameraRearSharp",
- "CameraRearTwoTone",
- "CameraRoll",
- "CameraRollOutlined",
- "CameraRollRounded",
- "CameraRollSharp",
- "CameraRollTwoTone",
- "CameraRounded",
- "CameraSharp",
- "CameraTwoTone",
- "Cameraswitch",
- "CameraswitchOutlined",
- "CameraswitchRounded",
- "CameraswitchSharp",
- "CameraswitchTwoTone",
- "Campaign",
- "CampaignOutlined",
- "CampaignRounded",
- "CampaignSharp",
- "CampaignTwoTone",
- "Cancel",
- "CancelOutlined",
- "CancelPresentation",
- "CancelPresentationOutlined",
- "CancelPresentationRounded",
- "CancelPresentationSharp",
- "CancelPresentationTwoTone",
- "CancelRounded",
- "CancelScheduleSend",
- "CancelScheduleSendOutlined",
- "CancelScheduleSendRounded",
- "CancelScheduleSendSharp",
- "CancelScheduleSendTwoTone",
- "CancelSharp",
- "CancelTwoTone",
- "CandlestickChart",
- "CandlestickChartOutlined",
- "CandlestickChartRounded",
- "CandlestickChartSharp",
- "CandlestickChartTwoTone",
- "CarCrash",
- "CarCrashOutlined",
- "CarCrashRounded",
- "CarCrashSharp",
- "CarCrashTwoTone",
- "CarRental",
- "CarRentalOutlined",
- "CarRentalRounded",
- "CarRentalSharp",
- "CarRentalTwoTone",
- "CarRepair",
- "CarRepairOutlined",
- "CarRepairRounded",
- "CarRepairSharp",
- "CarRepairTwoTone",
- "CardGiftcard",
- "CardGiftcardOutlined",
- "CardGiftcardRounded",
- "CardGiftcardSharp",
- "CardGiftcardTwoTone",
- "CardMembership",
- "CardMembershipOutlined",
- "CardMembershipRounded",
- "CardMembershipSharp",
- "CardMembershipTwoTone",
- "CardTravel",
- "CardTravelOutlined",
- "CardTravelRounded",
- "CardTravelSharp",
- "CardTravelTwoTone",
- "Carpenter",
- "CarpenterOutlined",
- "CarpenterRounded",
- "CarpenterSharp",
- "CarpenterTwoTone",
- "Cases",
- "CasesOutlined",
- "CasesRounded",
- "CasesSharp",
- "CasesTwoTone",
- "Casino",
- "CasinoOutlined",
- "CasinoRounded",
- "CasinoSharp",
- "CasinoTwoTone",
- "Cast",
- "CastConnected",
- "CastConnectedOutlined",
- "CastConnectedRounded",
- "CastConnectedSharp",
- "CastConnectedTwoTone",
- "CastForEducation",
- "CastForEducationOutlined",
- "CastForEducationRounded",
- "CastForEducationSharp",
- "CastForEducationTwoTone",
- "CastOutlined",
- "CastRounded",
- "CastSharp",
- "CastTwoTone",
- "Castle",
- "CastleOutlined",
- "CastleRounded",
- "CastleSharp",
- "CastleTwoTone",
- "Category",
- "CategoryOutlined",
- "CategoryRounded",
- "CategorySharp",
- "CategoryTwoTone",
- "Celebration",
- "CelebrationOutlined",
- "CelebrationRounded",
- "CelebrationSharp",
- "CelebrationTwoTone",
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- "CellTowerOutlined",
- "CellTowerRounded",
- "CellTowerSharp",
- "CellTowerTwoTone",
- "CellWifi",
- "CellWifiOutlined",
- "CellWifiRounded",
- "CellWifiSharp",
- "CellWifiTwoTone",
- "CenterFocusStrong",
- "CenterFocusStrongOutlined",
- "CenterFocusStrongRounded",
- "CenterFocusStrongSharp",
- "CenterFocusStrongTwoTone",
- "CenterFocusWeak",
- "CenterFocusWeakOutlined",
- "CenterFocusWeakRounded",
- "CenterFocusWeakSharp",
- "CenterFocusWeakTwoTone",
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- "ChairAlt",
- "ChairAltOutlined",
- "ChairAltRounded",
- "ChairAltSharp",
- "ChairAltTwoTone",
- "ChairOutlined",
- "ChairRounded",
- "ChairSharp",
- "ChairTwoTone",
- "Chalet",
- "ChaletOutlined",
- "ChaletRounded",
- "ChaletSharp",
- "ChaletTwoTone",
- "ChangeCircle",
- "ChangeCircleOutlined",
- "ChangeCircleRounded",
- "ChangeCircleSharp",
- "ChangeCircleTwoTone",
- "ChangeHistory",
- "ChangeHistoryOutlined",
- "ChangeHistoryRounded",
- "ChangeHistorySharp",
- "ChangeHistoryTwoTone",
- "ChargingStation",
- "ChargingStationOutlined",
- "ChargingStationRounded",
- "ChargingStationSharp",
- "ChargingStationTwoTone",
- "Chat",
- "ChatBubble",
- "ChatBubbleOutline",
- "ChatBubbleOutlineOutlined",
- "ChatBubbleOutlineRounded",
- "ChatBubbleOutlineSharp",
- "ChatBubbleOutlineTwoTone",
- "ChatBubbleOutlined",
- "ChatBubbleRounded",
- "ChatBubbleSharp",
- "ChatBubbleTwoTone",
- "ChatOutlined",
- "ChatRounded",
- "ChatSharp",
- "ChatTwoTone",
- "Check",
- "CheckBox",
- "CheckBoxOutlineBlank",
- "CheckBoxOutlineBlankOutlined",
- "CheckBoxOutlineBlankRounded",
- "CheckBoxOutlineBlankSharp",
- "CheckBoxOutlineBlankTwoTone",
- "CheckBoxOutlined",
- "CheckBoxRounded",
- "CheckBoxSharp",
- "CheckBoxTwoTone",
- "CheckCircle",
- "CheckCircleOutline",
- "CheckCircleOutlineOutlined",
- "CheckCircleOutlineRounded",
- "CheckCircleOutlineSharp",
- "CheckCircleOutlineTwoTone",
- "CheckCircleOutlined",
- "CheckCircleRounded",
- "CheckCircleSharp",
- "CheckCircleTwoTone",
- "CheckOutlined",
- "CheckRounded",
- "CheckSharp",
- "CheckTwoTone",
- "Checklist",
- "ChecklistOutlined",
- "ChecklistRounded",
- "ChecklistRtl",
- "ChecklistRtlOutlined",
- "ChecklistRtlRounded",
- "ChecklistRtlSharp",
- "ChecklistRtlTwoTone",
- "ChecklistSharp",
- "ChecklistTwoTone",
- "Checkroom",
- "CheckroomOutlined",
- "CheckroomRounded",
- "CheckroomSharp",
- "CheckroomTwoTone",
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- "ChevronLeftOutlined",
- "ChevronLeftRounded",
- "ChevronLeftSharp",
- "ChevronLeftTwoTone",
- "ChevronRight",
- "ChevronRightOutlined",
- "ChevronRightRounded",
- "ChevronRightSharp",
- "ChevronRightTwoTone",
- "ChildCare",
- "ChildCareOutlined",
- "ChildCareRounded",
- "ChildCareSharp",
- "ChildCareTwoTone",
- "ChildFriendly",
- "ChildFriendlyOutlined",
- "ChildFriendlyRounded",
- "ChildFriendlySharp",
- "ChildFriendlyTwoTone",
- "ChromeReaderMode",
- "ChromeReaderModeOutlined",
- "ChromeReaderModeRounded",
- "ChromeReaderModeSharp",
- "ChromeReaderModeTwoTone",
- "Church",
- "ChurchOutlined",
- "ChurchRounded",
- "ChurchSharp",
- "ChurchTwoTone",
- "Circle",
- "CircleNotifications",
- "CircleNotificationsOutlined",
- "CircleNotificationsRounded",
- "CircleNotificationsSharp",
- "CircleNotificationsTwoTone",
- "CircleOutlined",
- "CircleRounded",
- "CircleSharp",
- "CircleTwoTone",
- "Class",
- "ClassOutlined",
- "ClassRounded",
- "ClassSharp",
- "ClassTwoTone",
- "CleanHands",
- "CleanHandsOutlined",
- "CleanHandsRounded",
- "CleanHandsSharp",
- "CleanHandsTwoTone",
- "CleaningServices",
- "CleaningServicesOutlined",
- "CleaningServicesRounded",
- "CleaningServicesSharp",
- "CleaningServicesTwoTone",
- "Clear",
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- "ClearAllRounded",
- "ClearAllSharp",
- "ClearAllTwoTone",
- "ClearOutlined",
- "ClearRounded",
- "ClearSharp",
- "ClearTwoTone",
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- "CloseOutlined",
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- "ClosedCaptionDisabled",
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- "ClosedCaptionOffTwoTone",
- "ClosedCaptionOutlined",
- "ClosedCaptionRounded",
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- "ClosedCaptionTwoTone",
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- "CloudCircleOutlined",
- "CloudCircleRounded",
- "CloudCircleSharp",
- "CloudCircleTwoTone",
- "CloudDone",
- "CloudDoneOutlined",
- "CloudDoneRounded",
- "CloudDoneSharp",
- "CloudDoneTwoTone",
- "CloudDownload",
- "CloudDownloadOutlined",
- "CloudDownloadRounded",
- "CloudDownloadSharp",
- "CloudDownloadTwoTone",
- "CloudOff",
- "CloudOffOutlined",
- "CloudOffRounded",
- "CloudOffSharp",
- "CloudOffTwoTone",
- "CloudOutlined",
- "CloudQueue",
- "CloudQueueOutlined",
- "CloudQueueRounded",
- "CloudQueueSharp",
- "CloudQueueTwoTone",
- "CloudRounded",
- "CloudSharp",
- "CloudSync",
- "CloudSyncOutlined",
- "CloudSyncRounded",
- "CloudSyncSharp",
- "CloudSyncTwoTone",
- "CloudTwoTone",
- "CloudUpload",
- "CloudUploadOutlined",
- "CloudUploadRounded",
- "CloudUploadSharp",
- "CloudUploadTwoTone",
- "CoPresent",
- "CoPresentOutlined",
- "CoPresentRounded",
- "CoPresentSharp",
- "CoPresentTwoTone",
- "Code",
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- "CodeOffOutlined",
- "CodeOffRounded",
- "CodeOffSharp",
- "CodeOffTwoTone",
- "CodeOutlined",
- "CodeRounded",
- "CodeSharp",
- "CodeTwoTone",
- "Coffee",
- "CoffeeMaker",
- "CoffeeMakerOutlined",
- "CoffeeMakerRounded",
- "CoffeeMakerSharp",
- "CoffeeMakerTwoTone",
- "CoffeeOutlined",
- "CoffeeRounded",
- "CoffeeSharp",
- "CoffeeTwoTone",
- "Collections",
- "CollectionsBookmark",
- "CollectionsBookmarkOutlined",
- "CollectionsBookmarkRounded",
- "CollectionsBookmarkSharp",
- "CollectionsBookmarkTwoTone",
- "CollectionsOutlined",
- "CollectionsRounded",
- "CollectionsSharp",
- "CollectionsTwoTone",
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- "ColorLensSharp",
- "ColorLensTwoTone",
- "Colorize",
- "ColorizeOutlined",
- "ColorizeRounded",
- "ColorizeSharp",
- "ColorizeTwoTone",
- "Comment",
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- "CommentBankOutlined",
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- "CommentBankTwoTone",
- "CommentOutlined",
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- "CommentSharp",
- "CommentTwoTone",
- "CommentsDisabled",
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- "CommentsDisabledTwoTone",
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- "CommitOutlined",
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- "CommitTwoTone",
- "Commute",
- "CommuteOutlined",
- "CommuteRounded",
- "CommuteSharp",
- "CommuteTwoTone",
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- "CompareArrowsRounded",
- "CompareArrowsSharp",
- "CompareArrowsTwoTone",
- "CompareOutlined",
- "CompareRounded",
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- "CompareTwoTone",
- "CompassCalibration",
- "CompassCalibrationOutlined",
- "CompassCalibrationRounded",
- "CompassCalibrationSharp",
- "CompassCalibrationTwoTone",
- "Compress",
- "CompressOutlined",
- "CompressRounded",
- "CompressSharp",
- "CompressTwoTone",
- "Computer",
- "ComputerOutlined",
- "ComputerRounded",
- "ComputerSharp",
- "ComputerTwoTone",
- "ConfirmationNumber",
- "ConfirmationNumberOutlined",
- "ConfirmationNumberRounded",
- "ConfirmationNumberSharp",
- "ConfirmationNumberTwoTone",
- "ConnectWithoutContact",
- "ConnectWithoutContactOutlined",
- "ConnectWithoutContactRounded",
- "ConnectWithoutContactSharp",
- "ConnectWithoutContactTwoTone",
- "ConnectedTv",
- "ConnectedTvOutlined",
- "ConnectedTvRounded",
- "ConnectedTvSharp",
- "ConnectedTvTwoTone",
- "ConnectingAirports",
- "ConnectingAirportsOutlined",
- "ConnectingAirportsRounded",
- "ConnectingAirportsSharp",
- "ConnectingAirportsTwoTone",
- "Construction",
- "ConstructionOutlined",
- "ConstructionRounded",
- "ConstructionSharp",
- "ConstructionTwoTone",
- "ContactEmergency",
- "ContactEmergencyOutlined",
- "ContactEmergencyRounded",
- "ContactEmergencySharp",
- "ContactEmergencyTwoTone",
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- "ContactMailOutlined",
- "ContactMailRounded",
- "ContactMailSharp",
- "ContactMailTwoTone",
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- "ContactPageOutlined",
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- "ContactPageTwoTone",
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- "ContactPhoneOutlined",
- "ContactPhoneRounded",
- "ContactPhoneSharp",
- "ContactPhoneTwoTone",
- "ContactSupport",
- "ContactSupportOutlined",
- "ContactSupportRounded",
- "ContactSupportSharp",
- "ContactSupportTwoTone",
- "Contactless",
- "ContactlessOutlined",
- "ContactlessRounded",
- "ContactlessSharp",
- "ContactlessTwoTone",
- "Contacts",
- "ContactsOutlined",
- "ContactsRounded",
- "ContactsSharp",
- "ContactsTwoTone",
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- "ContentCopyTwoTone",
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- "ContentPaste",
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- "ContentPasteSharp",
- "ContentPasteTwoTone",
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- "ContrastSharp",
- "ContrastTwoTone",
- "ControlCamera",
- "ControlCameraOutlined",
- "ControlCameraRounded",
- "ControlCameraSharp",
- "ControlCameraTwoTone",
- "ControlPoint",
- "ControlPointDuplicate",
- "ControlPointDuplicateOutlined",
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- "ControlPointOutlined",
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- "ControlPointTwoTone",
- "Cookie",
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- "CookieTwoTone",
- "CopyAll",
- "CopyAllOutlined",
- "CopyAllRounded",
- "CopyAllSharp",
- "CopyAllTwoTone",
- "Copyright",
- "CopyrightOutlined",
- "CopyrightRounded",
- "CopyrightSharp",
- "CopyrightTwoTone",
- "Coronavirus",
- "CoronavirusOutlined",
- "CoronavirusRounded",
- "CoronavirusSharp",
- "CoronavirusTwoTone",
- "CorporateFare",
- "CorporateFareOutlined",
- "CorporateFareRounded",
- "CorporateFareSharp",
- "CorporateFareTwoTone",
- "Cottage",
- "CottageOutlined",
- "CottageRounded",
- "CottageSharp",
- "CottageTwoTone",
- "Countertops",
- "CountertopsOutlined",
- "CountertopsRounded",
- "CountertopsSharp",
- "CountertopsTwoTone",
- "Create",
- "CreateNewFolder",
- "CreateNewFolderOutlined",
- "CreateNewFolderRounded",
- "CreateNewFolderSharp",
- "CreateNewFolderTwoTone",
- "CreateOutlined",
- "CreateRounded",
- "CreateSharp",
- "CreateTwoTone",
- "CreditCard",
- "CreditCardOff",
- "CreditCardOffOutlined",
- "CreditCardOffRounded",
- "CreditCardOffSharp",
- "CreditCardOffTwoTone",
- "CreditCardOutlined",
- "CreditCardRounded",
- "CreditCardSharp",
- "CreditCardTwoTone",
- "CreditScore",
- "CreditScoreOutlined",
- "CreditScoreRounded",
- "CreditScoreSharp",
- "CreditScoreTwoTone",
- "Crib",
- "CribOutlined",
- "CribRounded",
- "CribSharp",
- "CribTwoTone",
- "CrisisAlert",
- "CrisisAlertOutlined",
- "CrisisAlertRounded",
- "CrisisAlertSharp",
- "CrisisAlertTwoTone",
- "Crop",
- "CropDin",
- "CropDinOutlined",
- "CropDinRounded",
- "CropDinSharp",
- "CropDinTwoTone",
- "CropFree",
- "CropFreeOutlined",
- "CropFreeRounded",
- "CropFreeSharp",
- "CropFreeTwoTone",
- "CropLandscape",
- "CropLandscapeOutlined",
- "CropLandscapeRounded",
- "CropLandscapeSharp",
- "CropLandscapeTwoTone",
- "CropOriginal",
- "CropOriginalOutlined",
- "CropOriginalRounded",
- "CropOriginalSharp",
- "CropOriginalTwoTone",
- "CropOutlined",
- "CropPortrait",
- "CropPortraitOutlined",
- "CropPortraitRounded",
- "CropPortraitSharp",
- "CropPortraitTwoTone",
- "CropRotate",
- "CropRotateOutlined",
- "CropRotateRounded",
- "CropRotateSharp",
- "CropRotateTwoTone",
- "CropRounded",
- "CropSharp",
- "CropSquare",
- "CropSquareOutlined",
- "CropSquareRounded",
- "CropSquareSharp",
- "CropSquareTwoTone",
- "CropTwoTone",
- "Css",
- "CssOutlined",
- "CssRounded",
- "CssSharp",
- "CssTwoTone",
- "CurrencyBitcoin",
- "CurrencyBitcoinOutlined",
- "CurrencyBitcoinRounded",
- "CurrencyBitcoinSharp",
- "CurrencyBitcoinTwoTone",
- "CurrencyExchange",
- "CurrencyExchangeOutlined",
- "CurrencyExchangeRounded",
- "CurrencyExchangeSharp",
- "CurrencyExchangeTwoTone",
- "CurrencyFranc",
- "CurrencyFrancOutlined",
- "CurrencyFrancRounded",
- "CurrencyFrancSharp",
- "CurrencyFrancTwoTone",
- "CurrencyLira",
- "CurrencyLiraOutlined",
- "CurrencyLiraRounded",
- "CurrencyLiraSharp",
- "CurrencyLiraTwoTone",
- "CurrencyPound",
- "CurrencyPoundOutlined",
- "CurrencyPoundRounded",
- "CurrencyPoundSharp",
- "CurrencyPoundTwoTone",
- "CurrencyRuble",
- "CurrencyRubleOutlined",
- "CurrencyRubleRounded",
- "CurrencyRubleSharp",
- "CurrencyRubleTwoTone",
- "CurrencyRupee",
- "CurrencyRupeeOutlined",
- "CurrencyRupeeRounded",
- "CurrencyRupeeSharp",
- "CurrencyRupeeTwoTone",
- "CurrencyYen",
- "CurrencyYenOutlined",
- "CurrencyYenRounded",
- "CurrencyYenSharp",
- "CurrencyYenTwoTone",
- "CurrencyYuan",
- "CurrencyYuanOutlined",
- "CurrencyYuanRounded",
- "CurrencyYuanSharp",
- "CurrencyYuanTwoTone",
- "Curtains",
- "CurtainsClosed",
- "CurtainsClosedOutlined",
- "CurtainsClosedRounded",
- "CurtainsClosedSharp",
- "CurtainsClosedTwoTone",
- "CurtainsOutlined",
- "CurtainsRounded",
- "CurtainsSharp",
- "CurtainsTwoTone",
- "Cyclone",
- "CycloneOutlined",
- "CycloneRounded",
- "CycloneSharp",
- "CycloneTwoTone",
- "Dangerous",
- "DangerousOutlined",
- "DangerousRounded",
- "DangerousSharp",
- "DangerousTwoTone",
- "DarkMode",
- "DarkModeOutlined",
- "DarkModeRounded",
- "DarkModeSharp",
- "DarkModeTwoTone",
- "Dashboard",
- "DashboardCustomize",
- "DashboardCustomizeOutlined",
- "DashboardCustomizeRounded",
- "DashboardCustomizeSharp",
- "DashboardCustomizeTwoTone",
- "DashboardOutlined",
- "DashboardRounded",
- "DashboardSharp",
- "DashboardTwoTone",
- "DataArray",
- "DataArrayOutlined",
- "DataArrayRounded",
- "DataArraySharp",
- "DataArrayTwoTone",
- "DataObject",
- "DataObjectOutlined",
- "DataObjectRounded",
- "DataObjectSharp",
- "DataObjectTwoTone",
- "DataSaverOff",
- "DataSaverOffOutlined",
- "DataSaverOffRounded",
- "DataSaverOffSharp",
- "DataSaverOffTwoTone",
- "DataSaverOn",
- "DataSaverOnOutlined",
- "DataSaverOnRounded",
- "DataSaverOnSharp",
- "DataSaverOnTwoTone",
- "DataThresholding",
- "DataThresholdingOutlined",
- "DataThresholdingRounded",
- "DataThresholdingSharp",
- "DataThresholdingTwoTone",
- "DataUsage",
- "DataUsageOutlined",
- "DataUsageRounded",
- "DataUsageSharp",
- "DataUsageTwoTone",
- "Dataset",
- "DatasetLinked",
- "DatasetLinkedOutlined",
- "DatasetLinkedRounded",
- "DatasetLinkedSharp",
- "DatasetLinkedTwoTone",
- "DatasetOutlined",
- "DatasetRounded",
- "DatasetSharp",
- "DatasetTwoTone",
- "DateRange",
- "DateRangeOutlined",
- "DateRangeRounded",
- "DateRangeSharp",
- "DateRangeTwoTone",
- "Deblur",
- "DeblurOutlined",
- "DeblurRounded",
- "DeblurSharp",
- "DeblurTwoTone",
- "Deck",
- "DeckOutlined",
- "DeckRounded",
- "DeckSharp",
- "DeckTwoTone",
- "Dehaze",
- "DehazeOutlined",
- "DehazeRounded",
- "DehazeSharp",
- "DehazeTwoTone",
- "Delete",
- "DeleteForever",
- "DeleteForeverOutlined",
- "DeleteForeverRounded",
- "DeleteForeverSharp",
- "DeleteForeverTwoTone",
- "DeleteOutline",
- "DeleteOutlineOutlined",
- "DeleteOutlineRounded",
- "DeleteOutlineSharp",
- "DeleteOutlineTwoTone",
- "DeleteOutlined",
- "DeleteRounded",
- "DeleteSharp",
- "DeleteSweep",
- "DeleteSweepOutlined",
- "DeleteSweepRounded",
- "DeleteSweepSharp",
- "DeleteSweepTwoTone",
- "DeleteTwoTone",
- "DensityLarge",
- "DensityLargeOutlined",
- "DensityLargeRounded",
- "DensityLargeSharp",
- "DensityLargeTwoTone",
- "DensityMedium",
- "DensityMediumOutlined",
- "DensityMediumRounded",
- "DensityMediumSharp",
- "DensityMediumTwoTone",
- "DensitySmall",
- "DensitySmallOutlined",
- "DensitySmallRounded",
- "DensitySmallSharp",
- "DensitySmallTwoTone",
- "DepartureBoard",
- "DepartureBoardOutlined",
- "DepartureBoardRounded",
- "DepartureBoardSharp",
- "DepartureBoardTwoTone",
- "Description",
- "DescriptionOutlined",
- "DescriptionRounded",
- "DescriptionSharp",
- "DescriptionTwoTone",
- "Deselect",
- "DeselectOutlined",
- "DeselectRounded",
- "DeselectSharp",
- "DeselectTwoTone",
- "DesignServices",
- "DesignServicesOutlined",
- "DesignServicesRounded",
- "DesignServicesSharp",
- "DesignServicesTwoTone",
- "Desk",
- "DeskOutlined",
- "DeskRounded",
- "DeskSharp",
- "DeskTwoTone",
- "DesktopAccessDisabled",
- "DesktopAccessDisabledOutlined",
- "DesktopAccessDisabledRounded",
- "DesktopAccessDisabledSharp",
- "DesktopAccessDisabledTwoTone",
- "DesktopMac",
- "DesktopMacOutlined",
- "DesktopMacRounded",
- "DesktopMacSharp",
- "DesktopMacTwoTone",
- "DesktopWindows",
- "DesktopWindowsOutlined",
- "DesktopWindowsRounded",
- "DesktopWindowsSharp",
- "DesktopWindowsTwoTone",
- "Details",
- "DetailsOutlined",
- "DetailsRounded",
- "DetailsSharp",
- "DetailsTwoTone",
- "DeveloperBoard",
- "DeveloperBoardOff",
- "DeveloperBoardOffOutlined",
- "DeveloperBoardOffRounded",
- "DeveloperBoardOffSharp",
- "DeveloperBoardOffTwoTone",
- "DeveloperBoardOutlined",
- "DeveloperBoardRounded",
- "DeveloperBoardSharp",
- "DeveloperBoardTwoTone",
- "DeveloperMode",
- "DeveloperModeOutlined",
- "DeveloperModeRounded",
- "DeveloperModeSharp",
- "DeveloperModeTwoTone",
- "DeviceHub",
- "DeviceHubOutlined",
- "DeviceHubRounded",
- "DeviceHubSharp",
- "DeviceHubTwoTone",
- "DeviceThermostat",
- "DeviceThermostatOutlined",
- "DeviceThermostatRounded",
- "DeviceThermostatSharp",
- "DeviceThermostatTwoTone",
- "DeviceUnknown",
- "DeviceUnknownOutlined",
- "DeviceUnknownRounded",
- "DeviceUnknownSharp",
- "DeviceUnknownTwoTone",
- "Devices",
- "DevicesFold",
- "DevicesFoldOutlined",
- "DevicesFoldRounded",
- "DevicesFoldSharp",
- "DevicesFoldTwoTone",
- "DevicesOther",
- "DevicesOtherOutlined",
- "DevicesOtherRounded",
- "DevicesOtherSharp",
- "DevicesOtherTwoTone",
- "DevicesOutlined",
- "DevicesRounded",
- "DevicesSharp",
- "DevicesTwoTone",
- "DialerSip",
- "DialerSipOutlined",
- "DialerSipRounded",
- "DialerSipSharp",
- "DialerSipTwoTone",
- "Dialpad",
- "DialpadOutlined",
- "DialpadRounded",
- "DialpadSharp",
- "DialpadTwoTone",
- "Diamond",
- "DiamondOutlined",
- "DiamondRounded",
- "DiamondSharp",
- "DiamondTwoTone",
- "Difference",
- "DifferenceOutlined",
- "DifferenceRounded",
- "DifferenceSharp",
- "DifferenceTwoTone",
- "Dining",
- "DiningOutlined",
- "DiningRounded",
- "DiningSharp",
- "DiningTwoTone",
- "DinnerDining",
- "DinnerDiningOutlined",
- "DinnerDiningRounded",
- "DinnerDiningSharp",
- "DinnerDiningTwoTone",
- "Directions",
- "DirectionsBike",
- "DirectionsBikeOutlined",
- "DirectionsBikeRounded",
- "DirectionsBikeSharp",
- "DirectionsBikeTwoTone",
- "DirectionsBoat",
- "DirectionsBoatFilled",
- "DirectionsBoatFilledOutlined",
- "DirectionsBoatFilledRounded",
- "DirectionsBoatFilledSharp",
- "DirectionsBoatFilledTwoTone",
- "DirectionsBoatOutlined",
- "DirectionsBoatRounded",
- "DirectionsBoatSharp",
- "DirectionsBoatTwoTone",
- "DirectionsBus",
- "DirectionsBusFilled",
- "DirectionsBusFilledOutlined",
- "DirectionsBusFilledRounded",
- "DirectionsBusFilledSharp",
- "DirectionsBusFilledTwoTone",
- "DirectionsBusOutlined",
- "DirectionsBusRounded",
- "DirectionsBusSharp",
- "DirectionsBusTwoTone",
- "DirectionsCar",
- "DirectionsCarFilled",
- "DirectionsCarFilledOutlined",
- "DirectionsCarFilledRounded",
- "DirectionsCarFilledSharp",
- "DirectionsCarFilledTwoTone",
- "DirectionsCarOutlined",
- "DirectionsCarRounded",
- "DirectionsCarSharp",
- "DirectionsCarTwoTone",
- "DirectionsOff",
- "DirectionsOffOutlined",
- "DirectionsOffRounded",
- "DirectionsOffSharp",
- "DirectionsOffTwoTone",
- "DirectionsOutlined",
- "DirectionsRailway",
- "DirectionsRailwayFilled",
- "DirectionsRailwayFilledOutlined",
- "DirectionsRailwayFilledRounded",
- "DirectionsRailwayFilledSharp",
- "DirectionsRailwayFilledTwoTone",
- "DirectionsRailwayOutlined",
- "DirectionsRailwayRounded",
- "DirectionsRailwaySharp",
- "DirectionsRailwayTwoTone",
- "DirectionsRounded",
- "DirectionsRun",
- "DirectionsRunOutlined",
- "DirectionsRunRounded",
- "DirectionsRunSharp",
- "DirectionsRunTwoTone",
- "DirectionsSharp",
- "DirectionsSubway",
- "DirectionsSubwayFilled",
- "DirectionsSubwayFilledOutlined",
- "DirectionsSubwayFilledRounded",
- "DirectionsSubwayFilledSharp",
- "DirectionsSubwayFilledTwoTone",
- "DirectionsSubwayOutlined",
- "DirectionsSubwayRounded",
- "DirectionsSubwaySharp",
- "DirectionsSubwayTwoTone",
- "DirectionsTransit",
- "DirectionsTransitFilled",
- "DirectionsTransitFilledOutlined",
- "DirectionsTransitFilledRounded",
- "DirectionsTransitFilledSharp",
- "DirectionsTransitFilledTwoTone",
- "DirectionsTransitOutlined",
- "DirectionsTransitRounded",
- "DirectionsTransitSharp",
- "DirectionsTransitTwoTone",
- "DirectionsTwoTone",
- "DirectionsWalk",
- "DirectionsWalkOutlined",
- "DirectionsWalkRounded",
- "DirectionsWalkSharp",
- "DirectionsWalkTwoTone",
- "DirtyLens",
- "DirtyLensOutlined",
- "DirtyLensRounded",
- "DirtyLensSharp",
- "DirtyLensTwoTone",
- "DisabledByDefault",
- "DisabledByDefaultOutlined",
- "DisabledByDefaultRounded",
- "DisabledByDefaultSharp",
- "DisabledByDefaultTwoTone",
- "DiscFull",
- "DiscFullOutlined",
- "DiscFullRounded",
- "DiscFullSharp",
- "DiscFullTwoTone",
- "DisplaySettings",
- "DisplaySettingsOutlined",
- "DisplaySettingsRounded",
- "DisplaySettingsSharp",
- "DisplaySettingsTwoTone",
- "Diversity1",
- "Diversity1Outlined",
- "Diversity1Rounded",
- "Diversity1Sharp",
- "Diversity1TwoTone",
- "Diversity2",
- "Diversity2Outlined",
- "Diversity2Rounded",
- "Diversity2Sharp",
- "Diversity2TwoTone",
- "Diversity3",
- "Diversity3Outlined",
- "Diversity3Rounded",
- "Diversity3Sharp",
- "Diversity3TwoTone",
- "Dns",
- "DnsOutlined",
- "DnsRounded",
- "DnsSharp",
- "DnsTwoTone",
- "DoDisturb",
- "DoDisturbAlt",
- "DoDisturbAltOutlined",
- "DoDisturbAltRounded",
- "DoDisturbAltSharp",
- "DoDisturbAltTwoTone",
- "DoDisturbOff",
- "DoDisturbOffOutlined",
- "DoDisturbOffRounded",
- "DoDisturbOffSharp",
- "DoDisturbOffTwoTone",
- "DoDisturbOn",
- "DoDisturbOnOutlined",
- "DoDisturbOnRounded",
- "DoDisturbOnSharp",
- "DoDisturbOnTwoTone",
- "DoDisturbOutlined",
- "DoDisturbRounded",
- "DoDisturbSharp",
- "DoDisturbTwoTone",
- "DoNotDisturb",
- "DoNotDisturbAlt",
- "DoNotDisturbAltOutlined",
- "DoNotDisturbAltRounded",
- "DoNotDisturbAltSharp",
- "DoNotDisturbAltTwoTone",
- "DoNotDisturbOff",
- "DoNotDisturbOffOutlined",
- "DoNotDisturbOffRounded",
- "DoNotDisturbOffSharp",
- "DoNotDisturbOffTwoTone",
- "DoNotDisturbOn",
- "DoNotDisturbOnOutlined",
- "DoNotDisturbOnRounded",
- "DoNotDisturbOnSharp",
- "DoNotDisturbOnTotalSilence",
- "DoNotDisturbOnTotalSilenceOutlined",
- "DoNotDisturbOnTotalSilenceRounded",
- "DoNotDisturbOnTotalSilenceSharp",
- "DoNotDisturbOnTotalSilenceTwoTone",
- "DoNotDisturbOnTwoTone",
- "DoNotDisturbOutlined",
- "DoNotDisturbRounded",
- "DoNotDisturbSharp",
- "DoNotDisturbTwoTone",
- "DoNotStep",
- "DoNotStepOutlined",
- "DoNotStepRounded",
- "DoNotStepSharp",
- "DoNotStepTwoTone",
- "DoNotTouch",
- "DoNotTouchOutlined",
- "DoNotTouchRounded",
- "DoNotTouchSharp",
- "DoNotTouchTwoTone",
- "Dock",
- "DockOutlined",
- "DockRounded",
- "DockSharp",
- "DockTwoTone",
- "DocumentScanner",
- "DocumentScannerOutlined",
- "DocumentScannerRounded",
- "DocumentScannerSharp",
- "DocumentScannerTwoTone",
- "Domain",
- "DomainAdd",
- "DomainAddOutlined",
- "DomainAddRounded",
- "DomainAddSharp",
- "DomainAddTwoTone",
- "DomainDisabled",
- "DomainDisabledOutlined",
- "DomainDisabledRounded",
- "DomainDisabledSharp",
- "DomainDisabledTwoTone",
- "DomainOutlined",
- "DomainRounded",
- "DomainSharp",
- "DomainTwoTone",
- "DomainVerification",
- "DomainVerificationOutlined",
- "DomainVerificationRounded",
- "DomainVerificationSharp",
- "DomainVerificationTwoTone",
- "Done",
- "DoneAll",
- "DoneAllOutlined",
- "DoneAllRounded",
- "DoneAllSharp",
- "DoneAllTwoTone",
- "DoneOutline",
- "DoneOutlineOutlined",
- "DoneOutlineRounded",
- "DoneOutlineSharp",
- "DoneOutlineTwoTone",
- "DoneOutlined",
- "DoneRounded",
- "DoneSharp",
- "DoneTwoTone",
- "DonutLarge",
- "DonutLargeOutlined",
- "DonutLargeRounded",
- "DonutLargeSharp",
- "DonutLargeTwoTone",
- "DonutSmall",
- "DonutSmallOutlined",
- "DonutSmallRounded",
- "DonutSmallSharp",
- "DonutSmallTwoTone",
- "DoorBack",
- "DoorBackOutlined",
- "DoorBackRounded",
- "DoorBackSharp",
- "DoorBackTwoTone",
- "DoorFront",
- "DoorFrontOutlined",
- "DoorFrontRounded",
- "DoorFrontSharp",
- "DoorFrontTwoTone",
- "DoorSliding",
- "DoorSlidingOutlined",
- "DoorSlidingRounded",
- "DoorSlidingSharp",
- "DoorSlidingTwoTone",
- "Doorbell",
- "DoorbellOutlined",
- "DoorbellRounded",
- "DoorbellSharp",
- "DoorbellTwoTone",
- "DoubleArrow",
- "DoubleArrowOutlined",
- "DoubleArrowRounded",
- "DoubleArrowSharp",
- "DoubleArrowTwoTone",
- "DownhillSkiing",
- "DownhillSkiingOutlined",
- "DownhillSkiingRounded",
- "DownhillSkiingSharp",
- "DownhillSkiingTwoTone",
- "Download",
- "DownloadDone",
- "DownloadDoneOutlined",
- "DownloadDoneRounded",
- "DownloadDoneSharp",
- "DownloadDoneTwoTone",
- "DownloadForOffline",
- "DownloadForOfflineOutlined",
- "DownloadForOfflineRounded",
- "DownloadForOfflineSharp",
- "DownloadForOfflineTwoTone",
- "DownloadOutlined",
- "DownloadRounded",
- "DownloadSharp",
- "DownloadTwoTone",
- "Downloading",
- "DownloadingOutlined",
- "DownloadingRounded",
- "DownloadingSharp",
- "DownloadingTwoTone",
- "Drafts",
- "DraftsOutlined",
- "DraftsRounded",
- "DraftsSharp",
- "DraftsTwoTone",
- "DragHandle",
- "DragHandleOutlined",
- "DragHandleRounded",
- "DragHandleSharp",
- "DragHandleTwoTone",
- "DragIndicator",
- "DragIndicatorOutlined",
- "DragIndicatorRounded",
- "DragIndicatorSharp",
- "DragIndicatorTwoTone",
- "Draw",
- "DrawOutlined",
- "DrawRounded",
- "DrawSharp",
- "DrawTwoTone",
- "DriveEta",
- "DriveEtaOutlined",
- "DriveEtaRounded",
- "DriveEtaSharp",
- "DriveEtaTwoTone",
- "DriveFileMove",
- "DriveFileMoveOutlined",
- "DriveFileMoveRounded",
- "DriveFileMoveSharp",
- "DriveFileMoveTwoTone",
- "DriveFileRenameOutline",
- "DriveFileRenameOutlineOutlined",
- "DriveFileRenameOutlineRounded",
- "DriveFileRenameOutlineSharp",
- "DriveFileRenameOutlineTwoTone",
- "DriveFolderUpload",
- "DriveFolderUploadOutlined",
- "DriveFolderUploadRounded",
- "DriveFolderUploadSharp",
- "DriveFolderUploadTwoTone",
- "Dry",
- "DryCleaning",
- "DryCleaningOutlined",
- "DryCleaningRounded",
- "DryCleaningSharp",
- "DryCleaningTwoTone",
- "DryOutlined",
- "DryRounded",
- "DrySharp",
- "DryTwoTone",
- "Duo",
- "DuoOutlined",
- "DuoRounded",
- "DuoSharp",
- "DuoTwoTone",
- "Dvr",
- "DvrOutlined",
- "DvrRounded",
- "DvrSharp",
- "DvrTwoTone",
- "DynamicFeed",
- "DynamicFeedOutlined",
- "DynamicFeedRounded",
- "DynamicFeedSharp",
- "DynamicFeedTwoTone",
- "DynamicForm",
- "DynamicFormOutlined",
- "DynamicFormRounded",
- "DynamicFormSharp",
- "DynamicFormTwoTone",
- "EMobiledata",
- "EMobiledataOutlined",
- "EMobiledataRounded",
- "EMobiledataSharp",
- "EMobiledataTwoTone",
- "Earbuds",
- "EarbudsBattery",
- "EarbudsBatteryOutlined",
- "EarbudsBatteryRounded",
- "EarbudsBatterySharp",
- "EarbudsBatteryTwoTone",
- "EarbudsOutlined",
- "EarbudsRounded",
- "EarbudsSharp",
- "EarbudsTwoTone",
- "East",
- "EastOutlined",
- "EastRounded",
- "EastSharp",
- "EastTwoTone",
- "EdgesensorHigh",
- "EdgesensorHighOutlined",
- "EdgesensorHighRounded",
- "EdgesensorHighSharp",
- "EdgesensorHighTwoTone",
- "EdgesensorLow",
- "EdgesensorLowOutlined",
- "EdgesensorLowRounded",
- "EdgesensorLowSharp",
- "EdgesensorLowTwoTone",
- "Edit",
- "EditAttributes",
- "EditAttributesOutlined",
- "EditAttributesRounded",
- "EditAttributesSharp",
- "EditAttributesTwoTone",
- "EditCalendar",
- "EditCalendarOutlined",
- "EditCalendarRounded",
- "EditCalendarSharp",
- "EditCalendarTwoTone",
- "EditLocation",
- "EditLocationAlt",
- "EditLocationAltOutlined",
- "EditLocationAltRounded",
- "EditLocationAltSharp",
- "EditLocationAltTwoTone",
- "EditLocationOutlined",
- "EditLocationRounded",
- "EditLocationSharp",
- "EditLocationTwoTone",
- "EditNote",
- "EditNoteOutlined",
- "EditNoteRounded",
- "EditNoteSharp",
- "EditNoteTwoTone",
- "EditNotifications",
- "EditNotificationsOutlined",
- "EditNotificationsRounded",
- "EditNotificationsSharp",
- "EditNotificationsTwoTone",
- "EditOff",
- "EditOffOutlined",
- "EditOffRounded",
- "EditOffSharp",
- "EditOffTwoTone",
- "EditOutlined",
- "EditRoad",
- "EditRoadOutlined",
- "EditRoadRounded",
- "EditRoadSharp",
- "EditRoadTwoTone",
- "EditRounded",
- "EditSharp",
- "EditTwoTone",
- "Egg",
- "EggAlt",
- "EggAltOutlined",
- "EggAltRounded",
- "EggAltSharp",
- "EggAltTwoTone",
- "EggOutlined",
- "EggRounded",
- "EggSharp",
- "EggTwoTone",
- "Eject",
- "EjectOutlined",
- "EjectRounded",
- "EjectSharp",
- "EjectTwoTone",
- "Elderly",
- "ElderlyOutlined",
- "ElderlyRounded",
- "ElderlySharp",
- "ElderlyTwoTone",
- "ElderlyWoman",
- "ElderlyWomanOutlined",
- "ElderlyWomanRounded",
- "ElderlyWomanSharp",
- "ElderlyWomanTwoTone",
- "ElectricBike",
- "ElectricBikeOutlined",
- "ElectricBikeRounded",
- "ElectricBikeSharp",
- "ElectricBikeTwoTone",
- "ElectricBolt",
- "ElectricBoltOutlined",
- "ElectricBoltRounded",
- "ElectricBoltSharp",
- "ElectricBoltTwoTone",
- "ElectricCar",
- "ElectricCarOutlined",
- "ElectricCarRounded",
- "ElectricCarSharp",
- "ElectricCarTwoTone",
- "ElectricMeter",
- "ElectricMeterOutlined",
- "ElectricMeterRounded",
- "ElectricMeterSharp",
- "ElectricMeterTwoTone",
- "ElectricMoped",
- "ElectricMopedOutlined",
- "ElectricMopedRounded",
- "ElectricMopedSharp",
- "ElectricMopedTwoTone",
- "ElectricRickshaw",
- "ElectricRickshawOutlined",
- "ElectricRickshawRounded",
- "ElectricRickshawSharp",
- "ElectricRickshawTwoTone",
- "ElectricScooter",
- "ElectricScooterOutlined",
- "ElectricScooterRounded",
- "ElectricScooterSharp",
- "ElectricScooterTwoTone",
- "ElectricalServices",
- "ElectricalServicesOutlined",
- "ElectricalServicesRounded",
- "ElectricalServicesSharp",
- "ElectricalServicesTwoTone",
- "Elevator",
- "ElevatorOutlined",
- "ElevatorRounded",
- "ElevatorSharp",
- "ElevatorTwoTone",
- "Email",
- "EmailOutlined",
- "EmailRounded",
- "EmailSharp",
- "EmailTwoTone",
- "EmergencyRecording",
- "EmergencyRecordingOutlined",
- "EmergencyRecordingRounded",
- "EmergencyRecordingSharp",
- "EmergencyRecordingTwoTone",
- "EmergencyShare",
- "EmergencyShareOutlined",
- "EmergencyShareRounded",
- "EmergencyShareSharp",
- "EmergencyShareTwoTone",
- "EmojiEmotions",
- "EmojiEmotionsOutlined",
- "EmojiEmotionsRounded",
- "EmojiEmotionsSharp",
- "EmojiEmotionsTwoTone",
- "EmojiEvents",
- "EmojiEventsOutlined",
- "EmojiEventsRounded",
- "EmojiEventsSharp",
- "EmojiEventsTwoTone",
- "EmojiFlags",
- "EmojiFlagsOutlined",
- "EmojiFlagsRounded",
- "EmojiFlagsSharp",
- "EmojiFlagsTwoTone",
- "EmojiFoodBeverage",
- "EmojiFoodBeverageOutlined",
- "EmojiFoodBeverageRounded",
- "EmojiFoodBeverageSharp",
- "EmojiFoodBeverageTwoTone",
- "EmojiNature",
- "EmojiNatureOutlined",
- "EmojiNatureRounded",
- "EmojiNatureSharp",
- "EmojiNatureTwoTone",
- "EmojiObjects",
- "EmojiObjectsOutlined",
- "EmojiObjectsRounded",
- "EmojiObjectsSharp",
- "EmojiObjectsTwoTone",
- "EmojiPeople",
- "EmojiPeopleOutlined",
- "EmojiPeopleRounded",
- "EmojiPeopleSharp",
- "EmojiPeopleTwoTone",
- "EmojiSymbols",
- "EmojiSymbolsOutlined",
- "EmojiSymbolsRounded",
- "EmojiSymbolsSharp",
- "EmojiSymbolsTwoTone",
- "EmojiTransportation",
- "EmojiTransportationOutlined",
- "EmojiTransportationRounded",
- "EmojiTransportationSharp",
- "EmojiTransportationTwoTone",
- "EnergySavingsLeaf",
- "EnergySavingsLeafOutlined",
- "EnergySavingsLeafRounded",
- "EnergySavingsLeafSharp",
- "EnergySavingsLeafTwoTone",
- "Engineering",
- "EngineeringOutlined",
- "EngineeringRounded",
- "EngineeringSharp",
- "EngineeringTwoTone",
- "EnhancedEncryption",
- "EnhancedEncryptionOutlined",
- "EnhancedEncryptionRounded",
- "EnhancedEncryptionSharp",
- "EnhancedEncryptionTwoTone",
- "Equalizer",
- "EqualizerOutlined",
- "EqualizerRounded",
- "EqualizerSharp",
- "EqualizerTwoTone",
- "Error",
- "ErrorOutline",
- "ErrorOutlineOutlined",
- "ErrorOutlineRounded",
- "ErrorOutlineSharp",
- "ErrorOutlineTwoTone",
- "ErrorOutlined",
- "ErrorRounded",
- "ErrorSharp",
- "ErrorTwoTone",
- "Escalator",
- "EscalatorOutlined",
- "EscalatorRounded",
- "EscalatorSharp",
- "EscalatorTwoTone",
- "EscalatorWarning",
- "EscalatorWarningOutlined",
- "EscalatorWarningRounded",
- "EscalatorWarningSharp",
- "EscalatorWarningTwoTone",
- "Euro",
- "EuroOutlined",
- "EuroRounded",
- "EuroSharp",
- "EuroSymbol",
- "EuroSymbolOutlined",
- "EuroSymbolRounded",
- "EuroSymbolSharp",
- "EuroSymbolTwoTone",
- "EuroTwoTone",
- "EvStation",
- "EvStationOutlined",
- "EvStationRounded",
- "EvStationSharp",
- "EvStationTwoTone",
- "Event",
- "EventAvailable",
- "EventAvailableOutlined",
- "EventAvailableRounded",
- "EventAvailableSharp",
- "EventAvailableTwoTone",
- "EventBusy",
- "EventBusyOutlined",
- "EventBusyRounded",
- "EventBusySharp",
- "EventBusyTwoTone",
- "EventNote",
- "EventNoteOutlined",
- "EventNoteRounded",
- "EventNoteSharp",
- "EventNoteTwoTone",
- "EventOutlined",
- "EventRepeat",
- "EventRepeatOutlined",
- "EventRepeatRounded",
- "EventRepeatSharp",
- "EventRepeatTwoTone",
- "EventRounded",
- "EventSeat",
- "EventSeatOutlined",
- "EventSeatRounded",
- "EventSeatSharp",
- "EventSeatTwoTone",
- "EventSharp",
- "EventTwoTone",
- "ExitToApp",
- "ExitToAppOutlined",
- "ExitToAppRounded",
- "ExitToAppSharp",
- "ExitToAppTwoTone",
- "Expand",
- "ExpandCircleDown",
- "ExpandCircleDownOutlined",
- "ExpandCircleDownRounded",
- "ExpandCircleDownSharp",
- "ExpandCircleDownTwoTone",
- "ExpandLess",
- "ExpandLessOutlined",
- "ExpandLessRounded",
- "ExpandLessSharp",
- "ExpandLessTwoTone",
- "ExpandMore",
- "ExpandMoreOutlined",
- "ExpandMoreRounded",
- "ExpandMoreSharp",
- "ExpandMoreTwoTone",
- "ExpandOutlined",
- "ExpandRounded",
- "ExpandSharp",
- "ExpandTwoTone",
- "Explicit",
- "ExplicitOutlined",
- "ExplicitRounded",
- "ExplicitSharp",
- "ExplicitTwoTone",
- "Explore",
- "ExploreOff",
- "ExploreOffOutlined",
- "ExploreOffRounded",
- "ExploreOffSharp",
- "ExploreOffTwoTone",
- "ExploreOutlined",
- "ExploreRounded",
- "ExploreSharp",
- "ExploreTwoTone",
- "Exposure",
- "ExposureOutlined",
- "ExposureRounded",
- "ExposureSharp",
- "ExposureTwoTone",
- "Extension",
- "ExtensionOff",
- "ExtensionOffOutlined",
- "ExtensionOffRounded",
- "ExtensionOffSharp",
- "ExtensionOffTwoTone",
- "ExtensionOutlined",
- "ExtensionRounded",
- "ExtensionSharp",
- "ExtensionTwoTone",
- "Face",
- "Face2",
- "Face2Outlined",
- "Face2Rounded",
- "Face2Sharp",
- "Face2TwoTone",
- "Face3",
- "Face3Outlined",
- "Face3Rounded",
- "Face3Sharp",
- "Face3TwoTone",
- "Face4",
- "Face4Outlined",
- "Face4Rounded",
- "Face4Sharp",
- "Face4TwoTone",
- "Face5",
- "Face5Outlined",
- "Face5Rounded",
- "Face5Sharp",
- "Face5TwoTone",
- "Face6",
- "Face6Outlined",
- "Face6Rounded",
- "Face6Sharp",
- "Face6TwoTone",
- "FaceOutlined",
- "FaceRetouchingNatural",
- "FaceRetouchingNaturalOutlined",
- "FaceRetouchingNaturalRounded",
- "FaceRetouchingNaturalSharp",
- "FaceRetouchingNaturalTwoTone",
- "FaceRetouchingOff",
- "FaceRetouchingOffOutlined",
- "FaceRetouchingOffRounded",
- "FaceRetouchingOffSharp",
- "FaceRetouchingOffTwoTone",
- "FaceRounded",
- "FaceSharp",
- "FaceTwoTone",
- "FactCheck",
- "FactCheckOutlined",
- "FactCheckRounded",
- "FactCheckSharp",
- "FactCheckTwoTone",
- "Factory",
- "FactoryOutlined",
- "FactoryRounded",
- "FactorySharp",
- "FactoryTwoTone",
- "FamilyRestroom",
- "FamilyRestroomOutlined",
- "FamilyRestroomRounded",
- "FamilyRestroomSharp",
- "FamilyRestroomTwoTone",
- "FastForward",
- "FastForwardOutlined",
- "FastForwardRounded",
- "FastForwardSharp",
- "FastForwardTwoTone",
- "FastRewind",
- "FastRewindOutlined",
- "FastRewindRounded",
- "FastRewindSharp",
- "FastRewindTwoTone",
- "Fastfood",
- "FastfoodOutlined",
- "FastfoodRounded",
- "FastfoodSharp",
- "FastfoodTwoTone",
- "Favorite",
- "FavoriteBorder",
- "FavoriteBorderOutlined",
- "FavoriteBorderRounded",
- "FavoriteBorderSharp",
- "FavoriteBorderTwoTone",
- "FavoriteOutlined",
- "FavoriteRounded",
- "FavoriteSharp",
- "FavoriteTwoTone",
- "Fax",
- "FaxOutlined",
- "FaxRounded",
- "FaxSharp",
- "FaxTwoTone",
- "FeaturedPlayList",
- "FeaturedPlayListOutlined",
- "FeaturedPlayListRounded",
- "FeaturedPlayListSharp",
- "FeaturedPlayListTwoTone",
- "FeaturedVideo",
- "FeaturedVideoOutlined",
- "FeaturedVideoRounded",
- "FeaturedVideoSharp",
- "FeaturedVideoTwoTone",
- "Feed",
- "FeedOutlined",
- "FeedRounded",
- "FeedSharp",
- "FeedTwoTone",
- "Feedback",
- "FeedbackOutlined",
- "FeedbackRounded",
- "FeedbackSharp",
- "FeedbackTwoTone",
- "Female",
- "FemaleOutlined",
- "FemaleRounded",
- "FemaleSharp",
- "FemaleTwoTone",
- "Fence",
- "FenceOutlined",
- "FenceRounded",
- "FenceSharp",
- "FenceTwoTone",
- "Festival",
- "FestivalOutlined",
- "FestivalRounded",
- "FestivalSharp",
- "FestivalTwoTone",
- "FiberDvr",
- "FiberDvrOutlined",
- "FiberDvrRounded",
- "FiberDvrSharp",
- "FiberDvrTwoTone",
- "FiberManualRecord",
- "FiberManualRecordOutlined",
- "FiberManualRecordRounded",
- "FiberManualRecordSharp",
- "FiberManualRecordTwoTone",
- "FiberNew",
- "FiberNewOutlined",
- "FiberNewRounded",
- "FiberNewSharp",
- "FiberNewTwoTone",
- "FiberPin",
- "FiberPinOutlined",
- "FiberPinRounded",
- "FiberPinSharp",
- "FiberPinTwoTone",
- "FiberSmartRecord",
- "FiberSmartRecordOutlined",
- "FiberSmartRecordRounded",
- "FiberSmartRecordSharp",
- "FiberSmartRecordTwoTone",
- "FileCopy",
- "FileCopyOutlined",
- "FileCopyRounded",
- "FileCopySharp",
- "FileCopyTwoTone",
- "FileDownload",
- "FileDownloadDone",
- "FileDownloadDoneOutlined",
- "FileDownloadDoneRounded",
- "FileDownloadDoneSharp",
- "FileDownloadDoneTwoTone",
- "FileDownloadOff",
- "FileDownloadOffOutlined",
- "FileDownloadOffRounded",
- "FileDownloadOffSharp",
- "FileDownloadOffTwoTone",
- "FileDownloadOutlined",
- "FileDownloadRounded",
- "FileDownloadSharp",
- "FileDownloadTwoTone",
- "FileOpen",
- "FileOpenOutlined",
- "FileOpenRounded",
- "FileOpenSharp",
- "FileOpenTwoTone",
- "FilePresent",
- "FilePresentOutlined",
- "FilePresentRounded",
- "FilePresentSharp",
- "FilePresentTwoTone",
- "FileUpload",
- "FileUploadOutlined",
- "FileUploadRounded",
- "FileUploadSharp",
- "FileUploadTwoTone",
- "Filter",
- "Filter1",
- "Filter1Outlined",
- "Filter1Rounded",
- "Filter1Sharp",
- "Filter1TwoTone",
- "Filter2",
- "Filter2Outlined",
- "Filter2Rounded",
- "Filter2Sharp",
- "Filter2TwoTone",
- "Filter3",
- "Filter3Outlined",
- "Filter3Rounded",
- "Filter3Sharp",
- "Filter3TwoTone",
- "Filter4",
- "Filter4Outlined",
- "Filter4Rounded",
- "Filter4Sharp",
- "Filter4TwoTone",
- "Filter5",
- "Filter5Outlined",
- "Filter5Rounded",
- "Filter5Sharp",
- "Filter5TwoTone",
- "Filter6",
- "Filter6Outlined",
- "Filter6Rounded",
- "Filter6Sharp",
- "Filter6TwoTone",
- "Filter7",
- "Filter7Outlined",
- "Filter7Rounded",
- "Filter7Sharp",
- "Filter7TwoTone",
- "Filter8",
- "Filter8Outlined",
- "Filter8Rounded",
- "Filter8Sharp",
- "Filter8TwoTone",
- "Filter9",
- "Filter9Outlined",
- "Filter9Plus",
- "Filter9PlusOutlined",
- "Filter9PlusRounded",
- "Filter9PlusSharp",
- "Filter9PlusTwoTone",
- "Filter9Rounded",
- "Filter9Sharp",
- "Filter9TwoTone",
- "FilterAlt",
- "FilterAltOff",
- "FilterAltOffOutlined",
- "FilterAltOffRounded",
- "FilterAltOffSharp",
- "FilterAltOffTwoTone",
- "FilterAltOutlined",
- "FilterAltRounded",
- "FilterAltSharp",
- "FilterAltTwoTone",
- "FilterBAndW",
- "FilterBAndWOutlined",
- "FilterBAndWRounded",
- "FilterBAndWSharp",
- "FilterBAndWTwoTone",
- "FilterCenterFocus",
- "FilterCenterFocusOutlined",
- "FilterCenterFocusRounded",
- "FilterCenterFocusSharp",
- "FilterCenterFocusTwoTone",
- "FilterDrama",
- "FilterDramaOutlined",
- "FilterDramaRounded",
- "FilterDramaSharp",
- "FilterDramaTwoTone",
- "FilterFrames",
- "FilterFramesOutlined",
- "FilterFramesRounded",
- "FilterFramesSharp",
- "FilterFramesTwoTone",
- "FilterHdr",
- "FilterHdrOutlined",
- "FilterHdrRounded",
- "FilterHdrSharp",
- "FilterHdrTwoTone",
- "FilterList",
- "FilterListOff",
- "FilterListOffOutlined",
- "FilterListOffRounded",
- "FilterListOffSharp",
- "FilterListOffTwoTone",
- "FilterListOutlined",
- "FilterListRounded",
- "FilterListSharp",
- "FilterListTwoTone",
- "FilterNone",
- "FilterNoneOutlined",
- "FilterNoneRounded",
- "FilterNoneSharp",
- "FilterNoneTwoTone",
- "FilterOutlined",
- "FilterRounded",
- "FilterSharp",
- "FilterTiltShift",
- "FilterTiltShiftOutlined",
- "FilterTiltShiftRounded",
- "FilterTiltShiftSharp",
- "FilterTiltShiftTwoTone",
- "FilterTwoTone",
- "FilterVintage",
- "FilterVintageOutlined",
- "FilterVintageRounded",
- "FilterVintageSharp",
- "FilterVintageTwoTone",
- "FindInPage",
- "FindInPageOutlined",
- "FindInPageRounded",
- "FindInPageSharp",
- "FindInPageTwoTone",
- "FindReplace",
- "FindReplaceOutlined",
- "FindReplaceRounded",
- "FindReplaceSharp",
- "FindReplaceTwoTone",
- "Fingerprint",
- "FingerprintOutlined",
- "FingerprintRounded",
- "FingerprintSharp",
- "FingerprintTwoTone",
- "FireExtinguisher",
- "FireExtinguisherOutlined",
- "FireExtinguisherRounded",
- "FireExtinguisherSharp",
- "FireExtinguisherTwoTone",
- "FireTruck",
- "FireTruckOutlined",
- "FireTruckRounded",
- "FireTruckSharp",
- "FireTruckTwoTone",
- "Fireplace",
- "FireplaceOutlined",
- "FireplaceRounded",
- "FireplaceSharp",
- "FireplaceTwoTone",
- "FirstPage",
- "FirstPageOutlined",
- "FirstPageRounded",
- "FirstPageSharp",
- "FirstPageTwoTone",
- "FitScreen",
- "FitScreenOutlined",
- "FitScreenRounded",
- "FitScreenSharp",
- "FitScreenTwoTone",
- "FitnessCenter",
- "FitnessCenterOutlined",
- "FitnessCenterRounded",
- "FitnessCenterSharp",
- "FitnessCenterTwoTone",
- "Flag",
- "FlagCircle",
- "FlagCircleOutlined",
- "FlagCircleRounded",
- "FlagCircleSharp",
- "FlagCircleTwoTone",
- "FlagOutlined",
- "FlagRounded",
- "FlagSharp",
- "FlagTwoTone",
- "Flaky",
- "FlakyOutlined",
- "FlakyRounded",
- "FlakySharp",
- "FlakyTwoTone",
- "Flare",
- "FlareOutlined",
- "FlareRounded",
- "FlareSharp",
- "FlareTwoTone",
- "FlashAuto",
- "FlashAutoOutlined",
- "FlashAutoRounded",
- "FlashAutoSharp",
- "FlashAutoTwoTone",
- "FlashOff",
- "FlashOffOutlined",
- "FlashOffRounded",
- "FlashOffSharp",
- "FlashOffTwoTone",
- "FlashOn",
- "FlashOnOutlined",
- "FlashOnRounded",
- "FlashOnSharp",
- "FlashOnTwoTone",
- "FlashlightOff",
- "FlashlightOffOutlined",
- "FlashlightOffRounded",
- "FlashlightOffSharp",
- "FlashlightOffTwoTone",
- "FlashlightOn",
- "FlashlightOnOutlined",
- "FlashlightOnRounded",
- "FlashlightOnSharp",
- "FlashlightOnTwoTone",
- "Flatware",
- "FlatwareOutlined",
- "FlatwareRounded",
- "FlatwareSharp",
- "FlatwareTwoTone",
- "Flight",
- "FlightClass",
- "FlightClassOutlined",
- "FlightClassRounded",
- "FlightClassSharp",
- "FlightClassTwoTone",
- "FlightLand",
- "FlightLandOutlined",
- "FlightLandRounded",
- "FlightLandSharp",
- "FlightLandTwoTone",
- "FlightOutlined",
- "FlightRounded",
- "FlightSharp",
- "FlightTakeoff",
- "FlightTakeoffOutlined",
- "FlightTakeoffRounded",
- "FlightTakeoffSharp",
- "FlightTakeoffTwoTone",
- "FlightTwoTone",
- "Flip",
- "FlipCameraAndroid",
- "FlipCameraAndroidOutlined",
- "FlipCameraAndroidRounded",
- "FlipCameraAndroidSharp",
- "FlipCameraAndroidTwoTone",
- "FlipCameraIos",
- "FlipCameraIosOutlined",
- "FlipCameraIosRounded",
- "FlipCameraIosSharp",
- "FlipCameraIosTwoTone",
- "FlipOutlined",
- "FlipRounded",
- "FlipSharp",
- "FlipToBack",
- "FlipToBackOutlined",
- "FlipToBackRounded",
- "FlipToBackSharp",
- "FlipToBackTwoTone",
- "FlipToFront",
- "FlipToFrontOutlined",
- "FlipToFrontRounded",
- "FlipToFrontSharp",
- "FlipToFrontTwoTone",
- "FlipTwoTone",
- "Flood",
- "FloodOutlined",
- "FloodRounded",
- "FloodSharp",
- "FloodTwoTone",
- "Fluorescent",
- "FluorescentOutlined",
- "FluorescentRounded",
- "FluorescentSharp",
- "FluorescentTwoTone",
- "FlutterDash",
- "FlutterDashOutlined",
- "FlutterDashRounded",
- "FlutterDashSharp",
- "FlutterDashTwoTone",
- "FmdBad",
- "FmdBadOutlined",
- "FmdBadRounded",
- "FmdBadSharp",
- "FmdBadTwoTone",
- "FmdGood",
- "FmdGoodOutlined",
- "FmdGoodRounded",
- "FmdGoodSharp",
- "FmdGoodTwoTone",
- "Folder",
- "FolderCopy",
- "FolderCopyOutlined",
- "FolderCopyRounded",
- "FolderCopySharp",
- "FolderCopyTwoTone",
- "FolderDelete",
- "FolderDeleteOutlined",
- "FolderDeleteRounded",
- "FolderDeleteSharp",
- "FolderDeleteTwoTone",
- "FolderOff",
- "FolderOffOutlined",
- "FolderOffRounded",
- "FolderOffSharp",
- "FolderOffTwoTone",
- "FolderOpen",
- "FolderOpenOutlined",
- "FolderOpenRounded",
- "FolderOpenSharp",
- "FolderOpenTwoTone",
- "FolderOutlined",
- "FolderRounded",
- "FolderShared",
- "FolderSharedOutlined",
- "FolderSharedRounded",
- "FolderSharedSharp",
- "FolderSharedTwoTone",
- "FolderSharp",
- "FolderSpecial",
- "FolderSpecialOutlined",
- "FolderSpecialRounded",
- "FolderSpecialSharp",
- "FolderSpecialTwoTone",
- "FolderTwoTone",
- "FolderZip",
- "FolderZipOutlined",
- "FolderZipRounded",
- "FolderZipSharp",
- "FolderZipTwoTone",
- "FollowTheSigns",
- "FollowTheSignsOutlined",
- "FollowTheSignsRounded",
- "FollowTheSignsSharp",
- "FollowTheSignsTwoTone",
- "FontDownload",
- "FontDownloadOff",
- "FontDownloadOffOutlined",
- "FontDownloadOffRounded",
- "FontDownloadOffSharp",
- "FontDownloadOffTwoTone",
- "FontDownloadOutlined",
- "FontDownloadRounded",
- "FontDownloadSharp",
- "FontDownloadTwoTone",
- "FoodBank",
- "FoodBankOutlined",
- "FoodBankRounded",
- "FoodBankSharp",
- "FoodBankTwoTone",
- "Forest",
- "ForestOutlined",
- "ForestRounded",
- "ForestSharp",
- "ForestTwoTone",
- "ForkLeft",
- "ForkLeftOutlined",
- "ForkLeftRounded",
- "ForkLeftSharp",
- "ForkLeftTwoTone",
- "ForkRight",
- "ForkRightOutlined",
- "ForkRightRounded",
- "ForkRightSharp",
- "ForkRightTwoTone",
- "FormatAlignCenter",
- "FormatAlignCenterOutlined",
- "FormatAlignCenterRounded",
- "FormatAlignCenterSharp",
- "FormatAlignCenterTwoTone",
- "FormatAlignJustify",
- "FormatAlignJustifyOutlined",
- "FormatAlignJustifyRounded",
- "FormatAlignJustifySharp",
- "FormatAlignJustifyTwoTone",
- "FormatAlignLeft",
- "FormatAlignLeftOutlined",
- "FormatAlignLeftRounded",
- "FormatAlignLeftSharp",
- "FormatAlignLeftTwoTone",
- "FormatAlignRight",
- "FormatAlignRightOutlined",
- "FormatAlignRightRounded",
- "FormatAlignRightSharp",
- "FormatAlignRightTwoTone",
- "FormatBold",
- "FormatBoldOutlined",
- "FormatBoldRounded",
- "FormatBoldSharp",
- "FormatBoldTwoTone",
- "FormatClear",
- "FormatClearOutlined",
- "FormatClearRounded",
- "FormatClearSharp",
- "FormatClearTwoTone",
- "FormatColorFill",
- "FormatColorFillOutlined",
- "FormatColorFillRounded",
- "FormatColorFillSharp",
- "FormatColorFillTwoTone",
- "FormatColorReset",
- "FormatColorResetOutlined",
- "FormatColorResetRounded",
- "FormatColorResetSharp",
- "FormatColorResetTwoTone",
- "FormatColorText",
- "FormatColorTextOutlined",
- "FormatColorTextRounded",
- "FormatColorTextSharp",
- "FormatColorTextTwoTone",
- "FormatIndentDecrease",
- "FormatIndentDecreaseOutlined",
- "FormatIndentDecreaseRounded",
- "FormatIndentDecreaseSharp",
- "FormatIndentDecreaseTwoTone",
- "FormatIndentIncrease",
- "FormatIndentIncreaseOutlined",
- "FormatIndentIncreaseRounded",
- "FormatIndentIncreaseSharp",
- "FormatIndentIncreaseTwoTone",
- "FormatItalic",
- "FormatItalicOutlined",
- "FormatItalicRounded",
- "FormatItalicSharp",
- "FormatItalicTwoTone",
- "FormatLineSpacing",
- "FormatLineSpacingOutlined",
- "FormatLineSpacingRounded",
- "FormatLineSpacingSharp",
- "FormatLineSpacingTwoTone",
- "FormatListBulleted",
- "FormatListBulletedOutlined",
- "FormatListBulletedRounded",
- "FormatListBulletedSharp",
- "FormatListBulletedTwoTone",
- "FormatListNumbered",
- "FormatListNumberedOutlined",
- "FormatListNumberedRounded",
- "FormatListNumberedRtl",
- "FormatListNumberedRtlOutlined",
- "FormatListNumberedRtlRounded",
- "FormatListNumberedRtlSharp",
- "FormatListNumberedRtlTwoTone",
- "FormatListNumberedSharp",
- "FormatListNumberedTwoTone",
- "FormatOverline",
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- "FormatOverlineSharp",
- "FormatOverlineTwoTone",
- "FormatPaint",
- "FormatPaintOutlined",
- "FormatPaintRounded",
- "FormatPaintSharp",
- "FormatPaintTwoTone",
- "FormatQuote",
- "FormatQuoteOutlined",
- "FormatQuoteRounded",
- "FormatQuoteSharp",
- "FormatQuoteTwoTone",
- "FormatShapes",
- "FormatShapesOutlined",
- "FormatShapesRounded",
- "FormatShapesSharp",
- "FormatShapesTwoTone",
- "FormatSize",
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- "FormatSizeSharp",
- "FormatSizeTwoTone",
- "FormatStrikethrough",
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- "FormatTextdirectionLToR",
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- "FormatTextdirectionLToRTwoTone",
- "FormatTextdirectionRToL",
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- "FormatTextdirectionRToLTwoTone",
- "FormatUnderlined",
- "FormatUnderlinedOutlined",
- "FormatUnderlinedRounded",
- "FormatUnderlinedSharp",
- "FormatUnderlinedTwoTone",
- "Fort",
- "FortOutlined",
- "FortRounded",
- "FortSharp",
- "FortTwoTone",
- "Forum",
- "ForumOutlined",
- "ForumRounded",
- "ForumSharp",
- "ForumTwoTone",
- "Forward",
- "Forward10",
- "Forward10Outlined",
- "Forward10Rounded",
- "Forward10Sharp",
- "Forward10TwoTone",
- "Forward30",
- "Forward30Outlined",
- "Forward30Rounded",
- "Forward30Sharp",
- "Forward30TwoTone",
- "Forward5",
- "Forward5Outlined",
- "Forward5Rounded",
- "Forward5Sharp",
- "Forward5TwoTone",
- "ForwardOutlined",
- "ForwardRounded",
- "ForwardSharp",
- "ForwardToInbox",
- "ForwardToInboxOutlined",
- "ForwardToInboxRounded",
- "ForwardToInboxSharp",
- "ForwardToInboxTwoTone",
- "ForwardTwoTone",
- "Foundation",
- "FoundationOutlined",
- "FoundationRounded",
- "FoundationSharp",
- "FoundationTwoTone",
- "FreeBreakfast",
- "FreeBreakfastOutlined",
- "FreeBreakfastRounded",
- "FreeBreakfastSharp",
- "FreeBreakfastTwoTone",
- "Fullscreen",
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- "FullscreenExitTwoTone",
- "FullscreenOutlined",
- "FullscreenRounded",
- "FullscreenSharp",
- "FullscreenTwoTone",
- "Functions",
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- "FunctionsRounded",
- "FunctionsSharp",
- "FunctionsTwoTone",
- "GMobiledata",
- "GMobiledataOutlined",
- "GMobiledataRounded",
- "GMobiledataSharp",
- "GMobiledataTwoTone",
- "GTranslate",
- "GTranslateOutlined",
- "GTranslateRounded",
- "GTranslateSharp",
- "GTranslateTwoTone",
- "Gamepad",
- "GamepadOutlined",
- "GamepadRounded",
- "GamepadSharp",
- "GamepadTwoTone",
- "Games",
- "GamesOutlined",
- "GamesRounded",
- "GamesSharp",
- "GamesTwoTone",
- "Garage",
- "GarageOutlined",
- "GarageRounded",
- "GarageSharp",
- "GarageTwoTone",
- "GasMeter",
- "GasMeterOutlined",
- "GasMeterRounded",
- "GasMeterSharp",
- "GasMeterTwoTone",
- "Gavel",
- "GavelOutlined",
- "GavelRounded",
- "GavelSharp",
- "GavelTwoTone",
- "Gesture",
- "GestureOutlined",
- "GestureRounded",
- "GestureSharp",
- "GestureTwoTone",
- "GetApp",
- "GetAppOutlined",
- "GetAppRounded",
- "GetAppSharp",
- "GetAppTwoTone",
- "Gif",
- "GifBox",
- "GifBoxOutlined",
- "GifBoxRounded",
- "GifBoxSharp",
- "GifBoxTwoTone",
- "GifOutlined",
- "GifRounded",
- "GifSharp",
- "GifTwoTone",
- "Girl",
- "GirlOutlined",
- "GirlRounded",
- "GirlSharp",
- "GirlTwoTone",
- "GitHub",
- "Gite",
- "GiteOutlined",
- "GiteRounded",
- "GiteSharp",
- "GiteTwoTone",
- "GolfCourse",
- "GolfCourseOutlined",
- "GolfCourseRounded",
- "GolfCourseSharp",
- "GolfCourseTwoTone",
- "Google",
- "GppBad",
- "GppBadOutlined",
- "GppBadRounded",
- "GppBadSharp",
- "GppBadTwoTone",
- "GppGood",
- "GppGoodOutlined",
- "GppGoodRounded",
- "GppGoodSharp",
- "GppGoodTwoTone",
- "GppMaybe",
- "GppMaybeOutlined",
- "GppMaybeRounded",
- "GppMaybeSharp",
- "GppMaybeTwoTone",
- "GpsFixed",
- "GpsFixedOutlined",
- "GpsFixedRounded",
- "GpsFixedSharp",
- "GpsFixedTwoTone",
- "GpsNotFixed",
- "GpsNotFixedOutlined",
- "GpsNotFixedRounded",
- "GpsNotFixedSharp",
- "GpsNotFixedTwoTone",
- "GpsOff",
- "GpsOffOutlined",
- "GpsOffRounded",
- "GpsOffSharp",
- "GpsOffTwoTone",
- "Grade",
- "GradeOutlined",
- "GradeRounded",
- "GradeSharp",
- "GradeTwoTone",
- "Gradient",
- "GradientOutlined",
- "GradientRounded",
- "GradientSharp",
- "GradientTwoTone",
- "Grading",
- "GradingOutlined",
- "GradingRounded",
- "GradingSharp",
- "GradingTwoTone",
- "Grain",
- "GrainOutlined",
- "GrainRounded",
- "GrainSharp",
- "GrainTwoTone",
- "GraphicEq",
- "GraphicEqOutlined",
- "GraphicEqRounded",
- "GraphicEqSharp",
- "GraphicEqTwoTone",
- "Grass",
- "GrassOutlined",
- "GrassRounded",
- "GrassSharp",
- "GrassTwoTone",
- "GridGoldenratio",
- "GridGoldenratioOutlined",
- "GridGoldenratioRounded",
- "GridGoldenratioSharp",
- "GridGoldenratioTwoTone",
- "GridOff",
- "GridOffOutlined",
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- "GridOffSharp",
- "GridOffTwoTone",
- "GridOn",
- "GridOnOutlined",
- "GridOnRounded",
- "GridOnSharp",
- "GridOnTwoTone",
- "GridView",
- "GridViewOutlined",
- "GridViewRounded",
- "GridViewSharp",
- "GridViewTwoTone",
- "Group",
- "GroupAdd",
- "GroupAddOutlined",
- "GroupAddRounded",
- "GroupAddSharp",
- "GroupAddTwoTone",
- "GroupOutlined",
- "GroupRemove",
- "GroupRemoveOutlined",
- "GroupRemoveRounded",
- "GroupRemoveSharp",
- "GroupRemoveTwoTone",
- "GroupRounded",
- "GroupSharp",
- "GroupTwoTone",
- "GroupWork",
- "GroupWorkOutlined",
- "GroupWorkRounded",
- "GroupWorkSharp",
- "GroupWorkTwoTone",
- "Groups",
- "Groups2",
- "Groups2Outlined",
- "Groups2Rounded",
- "Groups2Sharp",
- "Groups2TwoTone",
- "Groups3",
- "Groups3Outlined",
- "Groups3Rounded",
- "Groups3Sharp",
- "Groups3TwoTone",
- "GroupsOutlined",
- "GroupsRounded",
- "GroupsSharp",
- "GroupsTwoTone",
- "HMobiledata",
- "HMobiledataOutlined",
- "HMobiledataRounded",
- "HMobiledataSharp",
- "HMobiledataTwoTone",
- "HPlusMobiledata",
- "HPlusMobiledataOutlined",
- "HPlusMobiledataRounded",
- "HPlusMobiledataSharp",
- "HPlusMobiledataTwoTone",
- "Hail",
- "HailOutlined",
- "HailRounded",
- "HailSharp",
- "HailTwoTone",
- "Handshake",
- "HandshakeOutlined",
- "HandshakeRounded",
- "HandshakeSharp",
- "HandshakeTwoTone",
- "Handyman",
- "HandymanOutlined",
- "HandymanRounded",
- "HandymanSharp",
- "HandymanTwoTone",
- "Hardware",
- "HardwareOutlined",
- "HardwareRounded",
- "HardwareSharp",
- "HardwareTwoTone",
- "Hd",
- "HdOutlined",
- "HdRounded",
- "HdSharp",
- "HdTwoTone",
- "HdrAuto",
- "HdrAutoOutlined",
- "HdrAutoRounded",
- "HdrAutoSelect",
- "HdrAutoSelectOutlined",
- "HdrAutoSelectRounded",
- "HdrAutoSelectSharp",
- "HdrAutoSelectTwoTone",
- "HdrAutoSharp",
- "HdrAutoTwoTone",
- "HdrEnhancedSelect",
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- "HdrEnhancedSelectRounded",
- "HdrEnhancedSelectSharp",
- "HdrEnhancedSelectTwoTone",
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- "HdrOffRounded",
- "HdrOffSelect",
- "HdrOffSelectOutlined",
- "HdrOffSelectRounded",
- "HdrOffSelectSharp",
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- "HdrOffSharp",
- "HdrOffTwoTone",
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- "HdrOnSelect",
- "HdrOnSelectOutlined",
- "HdrOnSelectRounded",
- "HdrOnSelectSharp",
- "HdrOnSelectTwoTone",
- "HdrOnSharp",
- "HdrOnTwoTone",
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- "HdrPlusRounded",
- "HdrPlusSharp",
- "HdrPlusTwoTone",
- "HdrStrong",
- "HdrStrongOutlined",
- "HdrStrongRounded",
- "HdrStrongSharp",
- "HdrStrongTwoTone",
- "HdrWeak",
- "HdrWeakOutlined",
- "HdrWeakRounded",
- "HdrWeakSharp",
- "HdrWeakTwoTone",
- "Headphones",
- "HeadphonesBattery",
- "HeadphonesBatteryOutlined",
- "HeadphonesBatteryRounded",
- "HeadphonesBatterySharp",
- "HeadphonesBatteryTwoTone",
- "HeadphonesOutlined",
- "HeadphonesRounded",
- "HeadphonesSharp",
- "HeadphonesTwoTone",
- "Headset",
- "HeadsetMic",
- "HeadsetMicOutlined",
- "HeadsetMicRounded",
- "HeadsetMicSharp",
- "HeadsetMicTwoTone",
- "HeadsetOff",
- "HeadsetOffOutlined",
- "HeadsetOffRounded",
- "HeadsetOffSharp",
- "HeadsetOffTwoTone",
- "HeadsetOutlined",
- "HeadsetRounded",
- "HeadsetSharp",
- "HeadsetTwoTone",
- "Healing",
- "HealingOutlined",
- "HealingRounded",
- "HealingSharp",
- "HealingTwoTone",
- "HealthAndSafety",
- "HealthAndSafetyOutlined",
- "HealthAndSafetyRounded",
- "HealthAndSafetySharp",
- "HealthAndSafetyTwoTone",
- "Hearing",
- "HearingDisabled",
- "HearingDisabledOutlined",
- "HearingDisabledRounded",
- "HearingDisabledSharp",
- "HearingDisabledTwoTone",
- "HearingOutlined",
- "HearingRounded",
- "HearingSharp",
- "HearingTwoTone",
- "HeartBroken",
- "HeartBrokenOutlined",
- "HeartBrokenRounded",
- "HeartBrokenSharp",
- "HeartBrokenTwoTone",
- "HeatPump",
- "HeatPumpOutlined",
- "HeatPumpRounded",
- "HeatPumpSharp",
- "HeatPumpTwoTone",
- "Height",
- "HeightOutlined",
- "HeightRounded",
- "HeightSharp",
- "HeightTwoTone",
- "Help",
- "HelpCenter",
- "HelpCenterOutlined",
- "HelpCenterRounded",
- "HelpCenterSharp",
- "HelpCenterTwoTone",
- "HelpOutline",
- "HelpOutlineOutlined",
- "HelpOutlineRounded",
- "HelpOutlineSharp",
- "HelpOutlineTwoTone",
- "HelpOutlined",
- "HelpRounded",
- "HelpSharp",
- "HelpTwoTone",
- "Hevc",
- "HevcOutlined",
- "HevcRounded",
- "HevcSharp",
- "HevcTwoTone",
- "Hexagon",
- "HexagonOutlined",
- "HexagonRounded",
- "HexagonSharp",
- "HexagonTwoTone",
- "HideImage",
- "HideImageOutlined",
- "HideImageRounded",
- "HideImageSharp",
- "HideImageTwoTone",
- "HideSource",
- "HideSourceOutlined",
- "HideSourceRounded",
- "HideSourceSharp",
- "HideSourceTwoTone",
- "HighQuality",
- "HighQualityOutlined",
- "HighQualityRounded",
- "HighQualitySharp",
- "HighQualityTwoTone",
- "Highlight",
- "HighlightOff",
- "HighlightOffOutlined",
- "HighlightOffRounded",
- "HighlightOffSharp",
- "HighlightOffTwoTone",
- "HighlightOutlined",
- "HighlightRounded",
- "HighlightSharp",
- "HighlightTwoTone",
- "Hiking",
- "HikingOutlined",
- "HikingRounded",
- "HikingSharp",
- "HikingTwoTone",
- "History",
- "HistoryEdu",
- "HistoryEduOutlined",
- "HistoryEduRounded",
- "HistoryEduSharp",
- "HistoryEduTwoTone",
- "HistoryOutlined",
- "HistoryRounded",
- "HistorySharp",
- "HistoryToggleOff",
- "HistoryToggleOffOutlined",
- "HistoryToggleOffRounded",
- "HistoryToggleOffSharp",
- "HistoryToggleOffTwoTone",
- "HistoryTwoTone",
- "Hive",
- "HiveOutlined",
- "HiveRounded",
- "HiveSharp",
- "HiveTwoTone",
- "Hls",
- "HlsOff",
- "HlsOffOutlined",
- "HlsOffRounded",
- "HlsOffSharp",
- "HlsOffTwoTone",
- "HlsOutlined",
- "HlsRounded",
- "HlsSharp",
- "HlsTwoTone",
- "HolidayVillage",
- "HolidayVillageOutlined",
- "HolidayVillageRounded",
- "HolidayVillageSharp",
- "HolidayVillageTwoTone",
- "Home",
- "HomeMax",
- "HomeMaxOutlined",
- "HomeMaxRounded",
- "HomeMaxSharp",
- "HomeMaxTwoTone",
- "HomeMini",
- "HomeMiniOutlined",
- "HomeMiniRounded",
- "HomeMiniSharp",
- "HomeMiniTwoTone",
- "HomeOutlined",
- "HomeRepairService",
- "HomeRepairServiceOutlined",
- "HomeRepairServiceRounded",
- "HomeRepairServiceSharp",
- "HomeRepairServiceTwoTone",
- "HomeRounded",
- "HomeSharp",
- "HomeTwoTone",
- "HomeWork",
- "HomeWorkOutlined",
- "HomeWorkRounded",
- "HomeWorkSharp",
- "HomeWorkTwoTone",
- "HorizontalRule",
- "HorizontalRuleOutlined",
- "HorizontalRuleRounded",
- "HorizontalRuleSharp",
- "HorizontalRuleTwoTone",
- "HorizontalSplit",
- "HorizontalSplitOutlined",
- "HorizontalSplitRounded",
- "HorizontalSplitSharp",
- "HorizontalSplitTwoTone",
- "HotTub",
- "HotTubOutlined",
- "HotTubRounded",
- "HotTubSharp",
- "HotTubTwoTone",
- "Hotel",
- "HotelOutlined",
- "HotelRounded",
- "HotelSharp",
- "HotelTwoTone",
- "HourglassBottom",
- "HourglassBottomOutlined",
- "HourglassBottomRounded",
- "HourglassBottomSharp",
- "HourglassBottomTwoTone",
- "HourglassDisabled",
- "HourglassDisabledOutlined",
- "HourglassDisabledRounded",
- "HourglassDisabledSharp",
- "HourglassDisabledTwoTone",
- "HourglassEmpty",
- "HourglassEmptyOutlined",
- "HourglassEmptyRounded",
- "HourglassEmptySharp",
- "HourglassEmptyTwoTone",
- "HourglassFull",
- "HourglassFullOutlined",
- "HourglassFullRounded",
- "HourglassFullSharp",
- "HourglassFullTwoTone",
- "HourglassTop",
- "HourglassTopOutlined",
- "HourglassTopRounded",
- "HourglassTopSharp",
- "HourglassTopTwoTone",
- "House",
- "HouseOutlined",
- "HouseRounded",
- "HouseSharp",
- "HouseSiding",
- "HouseSidingOutlined",
- "HouseSidingRounded",
- "HouseSidingSharp",
- "HouseSidingTwoTone",
- "HouseTwoTone",
- "Houseboat",
- "HouseboatOutlined",
- "HouseboatRounded",
- "HouseboatSharp",
- "HouseboatTwoTone",
- "HowToReg",
- "HowToRegOutlined",
- "HowToRegRounded",
- "HowToRegSharp",
- "HowToRegTwoTone",
- "HowToVote",
- "HowToVoteOutlined",
- "HowToVoteRounded",
- "HowToVoteSharp",
- "HowToVoteTwoTone",
- "Html",
- "HtmlOutlined",
- "HtmlRounded",
- "HtmlSharp",
- "HtmlTwoTone",
- "Http",
- "HttpOutlined",
- "HttpRounded",
- "HttpSharp",
- "HttpTwoTone",
- "Https",
- "HttpsOutlined",
- "HttpsRounded",
- "HttpsSharp",
- "HttpsTwoTone",
- "Hub",
- "HubOutlined",
- "HubRounded",
- "HubSharp",
- "HubTwoTone",
- "Hvac",
- "HvacOutlined",
- "HvacRounded",
- "HvacSharp",
- "HvacTwoTone",
- "IceSkating",
- "IceSkatingOutlined",
- "IceSkatingRounded",
- "IceSkatingSharp",
- "IceSkatingTwoTone",
- "Icecream",
- "IcecreamOutlined",
- "IcecreamRounded",
- "IcecreamSharp",
- "IcecreamTwoTone",
- "Image",
- "ImageAspectRatio",
- "ImageAspectRatioOutlined",
- "ImageAspectRatioRounded",
- "ImageAspectRatioSharp",
- "ImageAspectRatioTwoTone",
- "ImageNotSupported",
- "ImageNotSupportedOutlined",
- "ImageNotSupportedRounded",
- "ImageNotSupportedSharp",
- "ImageNotSupportedTwoTone",
- "ImageOutlined",
- "ImageRounded",
- "ImageSearch",
- "ImageSearchOutlined",
- "ImageSearchRounded",
- "ImageSearchSharp",
- "ImageSearchTwoTone",
- "ImageSharp",
- "ImageTwoTone",
- "ImagesearchRoller",
- "ImagesearchRollerOutlined",
- "ImagesearchRollerRounded",
- "ImagesearchRollerSharp",
- "ImagesearchRollerTwoTone",
- "ImportContacts",
- "ImportContactsOutlined",
- "ImportContactsRounded",
- "ImportContactsSharp",
- "ImportContactsTwoTone",
- "ImportExport",
- "ImportExportOutlined",
- "ImportExportRounded",
- "ImportExportSharp",
- "ImportExportTwoTone",
- "ImportantDevices",
- "ImportantDevicesOutlined",
- "ImportantDevicesRounded",
- "ImportantDevicesSharp",
- "ImportantDevicesTwoTone",
- "Inbox",
- "InboxOutlined",
- "InboxRounded",
- "InboxSharp",
- "InboxTwoTone",
- "IndeterminateCheckBox",
- "IndeterminateCheckBoxOutlined",
- "IndeterminateCheckBoxRounded",
- "IndeterminateCheckBoxSharp",
- "IndeterminateCheckBoxTwoTone",
- "Info",
- "InfoOutlined",
- "InfoRounded",
- "InfoSharp",
- "InfoTwoTone",
- "Input",
- "InputOutlined",
- "InputRounded",
- "InputSharp",
- "InputTwoTone",
- "InsertChart",
- "InsertChartOutlined",
- "InsertChartOutlinedOutlined",
- "InsertChartOutlinedRounded",
- "InsertChartOutlinedSharp",
- "InsertChartOutlinedTwoTone",
- "InsertChartRounded",
- "InsertChartSharp",
- "InsertChartTwoTone",
- "InsertComment",
- "InsertCommentOutlined",
- "InsertCommentRounded",
- "InsertCommentSharp",
- "InsertCommentTwoTone",
- "InsertDriveFile",
- "InsertDriveFileOutlined",
- "InsertDriveFileRounded",
- "InsertDriveFileSharp",
- "InsertDriveFileTwoTone",
- "InsertEmoticon",
- "InsertEmoticonOutlined",
- "InsertEmoticonRounded",
- "InsertEmoticonSharp",
- "InsertEmoticonTwoTone",
- "InsertInvitation",
- "InsertInvitationOutlined",
- "InsertInvitationRounded",
- "InsertInvitationSharp",
- "InsertInvitationTwoTone",
- "InsertLink",
- "InsertLinkOutlined",
- "InsertLinkRounded",
- "InsertLinkSharp",
- "InsertLinkTwoTone",
- "InsertPageBreak",
- "InsertPageBreakOutlined",
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- "InsertPageBreakTwoTone",
- "InsertPhoto",
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- "InsertPhotoRounded",
- "InsertPhotoSharp",
- "InsertPhotoTwoTone",
- "Insights",
- "InsightsOutlined",
- "InsightsRounded",
- "InsightsSharp",
- "InsightsTwoTone",
- "Instagram",
- "InstallDesktop",
- "InstallDesktopOutlined",
- "InstallDesktopRounded",
- "InstallDesktopSharp",
- "InstallDesktopTwoTone",
- "InstallMobile",
- "InstallMobileOutlined",
- "InstallMobileRounded",
- "InstallMobileSharp",
- "InstallMobileTwoTone",
- "IntegrationInstructions",
- "IntegrationInstructionsOutlined",
- "IntegrationInstructionsRounded",
- "IntegrationInstructionsSharp",
- "IntegrationInstructionsTwoTone",
- "Interests",
- "InterestsOutlined",
- "InterestsRounded",
- "InterestsSharp",
- "InterestsTwoTone",
- "InterpreterMode",
- "InterpreterModeOutlined",
- "InterpreterModeRounded",
- "InterpreterModeSharp",
- "InterpreterModeTwoTone",
- "Inventory",
- "Inventory2",
- "Inventory2Outlined",
- "Inventory2Rounded",
- "Inventory2Sharp",
- "Inventory2TwoTone",
- "InventoryOutlined",
- "InventoryRounded",
- "InventorySharp",
- "InventoryTwoTone",
- "InvertColors",
- "InvertColorsOff",
- "InvertColorsOffOutlined",
- "InvertColorsOffRounded",
- "InvertColorsOffSharp",
- "InvertColorsOffTwoTone",
- "InvertColorsOutlined",
- "InvertColorsRounded",
- "InvertColorsSharp",
- "InvertColorsTwoTone",
- "IosShare",
- "IosShareOutlined",
- "IosShareRounded",
- "IosShareSharp",
- "IosShareTwoTone",
- "Iron",
- "IronOutlined",
- "IronRounded",
- "IronSharp",
- "IronTwoTone",
- "Iso",
- "IsoOutlined",
- "IsoRounded",
- "IsoSharp",
- "IsoTwoTone",
- "Javascript",
- "JavascriptOutlined",
- "JavascriptRounded",
- "JavascriptSharp",
- "JavascriptTwoTone",
- "JoinFull",
- "JoinFullOutlined",
- "JoinFullRounded",
- "JoinFullSharp",
- "JoinFullTwoTone",
- "JoinInner",
- "JoinInnerOutlined",
- "JoinInnerRounded",
- "JoinInnerSharp",
- "JoinInnerTwoTone",
- "JoinLeft",
- "JoinLeftOutlined",
- "JoinLeftRounded",
- "JoinLeftSharp",
- "JoinLeftTwoTone",
- "JoinRight",
- "JoinRightOutlined",
- "JoinRightRounded",
- "JoinRightSharp",
- "JoinRightTwoTone",
- "Kayaking",
- "KayakingOutlined",
- "KayakingRounded",
- "KayakingSharp",
- "KayakingTwoTone",
- "KebabDining",
- "KebabDiningOutlined",
- "KebabDiningRounded",
- "KebabDiningSharp",
- "KebabDiningTwoTone",
- "Key",
- "KeyOff",
- "KeyOffOutlined",
- "KeyOffRounded",
- "KeyOffSharp",
- "KeyOffTwoTone",
- "KeyOutlined",
- "KeyRounded",
- "KeySharp",
- "KeyTwoTone",
- "Keyboard",
- "KeyboardAlt",
- "KeyboardAltOutlined",
- "KeyboardAltRounded",
- "KeyboardAltSharp",
- "KeyboardAltTwoTone",
- "KeyboardArrowDown",
- "KeyboardArrowDownOutlined",
- "KeyboardArrowDownRounded",
- "KeyboardArrowDownSharp",
- "KeyboardArrowDownTwoTone",
- "KeyboardArrowLeft",
- "KeyboardArrowLeftOutlined",
- "KeyboardArrowLeftRounded",
- "KeyboardArrowLeftSharp",
- "KeyboardArrowLeftTwoTone",
- "KeyboardArrowRight",
- "KeyboardArrowRightOutlined",
- "KeyboardArrowRightRounded",
- "KeyboardArrowRightSharp",
- "KeyboardArrowRightTwoTone",
- "KeyboardArrowUp",
- "KeyboardArrowUpOutlined",
- "KeyboardArrowUpRounded",
- "KeyboardArrowUpSharp",
- "KeyboardArrowUpTwoTone",
- "KeyboardBackspace",
- "KeyboardBackspaceOutlined",
- "KeyboardBackspaceRounded",
- "KeyboardBackspaceSharp",
- "KeyboardBackspaceTwoTone",
- "KeyboardCapslock",
- "KeyboardCapslockOutlined",
- "KeyboardCapslockRounded",
- "KeyboardCapslockSharp",
- "KeyboardCapslockTwoTone",
- "KeyboardCommandKey",
- "KeyboardCommandKeyOutlined",
- "KeyboardCommandKeyRounded",
- "KeyboardCommandKeySharp",
- "KeyboardCommandKeyTwoTone",
- "KeyboardControlKey",
- "KeyboardControlKeyOutlined",
- "KeyboardControlKeyRounded",
- "KeyboardControlKeySharp",
- "KeyboardControlKeyTwoTone",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowDown",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowDownOutlined",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowDownRounded",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowDownSharp",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowDownTwoTone",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowLeft",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowLeftOutlined",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowLeftRounded",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowLeftSharp",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowLeftTwoTone",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowRight",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowRightOutlined",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowRightRounded",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowRightSharp",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowRightTwoTone",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowUp",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowUpOutlined",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowUpRounded",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowUpSharp",
- "KeyboardDoubleArrowUpTwoTone",
- "KeyboardHide",
- "KeyboardHideOutlined",
- "KeyboardHideRounded",
- "KeyboardHideSharp",
- "KeyboardHideTwoTone",
- "KeyboardOptionKey",
- "KeyboardOptionKeyOutlined",
- "KeyboardOptionKeyRounded",
- "KeyboardOptionKeySharp",
- "KeyboardOptionKeyTwoTone",
- "KeyboardOutlined",
- "KeyboardReturn",
- "KeyboardReturnOutlined",
- "KeyboardReturnRounded",
- "KeyboardReturnSharp",
- "KeyboardReturnTwoTone",
- "KeyboardRounded",
- "KeyboardSharp",
- "KeyboardTab",
- "KeyboardTabOutlined",
- "KeyboardTabRounded",
- "KeyboardTabSharp",
- "KeyboardTabTwoTone",
- "KeyboardTwoTone",
- "KeyboardVoice",
- "KeyboardVoiceOutlined",
- "KeyboardVoiceRounded",
- "KeyboardVoiceSharp",
- "KeyboardVoiceTwoTone",
- "KingBed",
- "KingBedOutlined",
- "KingBedRounded",
- "KingBedSharp",
- "KingBedTwoTone",
- "Kitchen",
- "KitchenOutlined",
- "KitchenRounded",
- "KitchenSharp",
- "KitchenTwoTone",
- "Kitesurfing",
- "KitesurfingOutlined",
- "KitesurfingRounded",
- "KitesurfingSharp",
- "KitesurfingTwoTone",
- "Label",
- "LabelImportant",
- "LabelImportantOutlined",
- "LabelImportantRounded",
- "LabelImportantSharp",
- "LabelImportantTwoTone",
- "LabelOff",
- "LabelOffOutlined",
- "LabelOffRounded",
- "LabelOffSharp",
- "LabelOffTwoTone",
- "LabelOutlined",
- "LabelRounded",
- "LabelSharp",
- "LabelTwoTone",
- "Lan",
- "LanOutlined",
- "LanRounded",
- "LanSharp",
- "LanTwoTone",
- "Landscape",
- "LandscapeOutlined",
- "LandscapeRounded",
- "LandscapeSharp",
- "LandscapeTwoTone",
- "Landslide",
- "LandslideOutlined",
- "LandslideRounded",
- "LandslideSharp",
- "LandslideTwoTone",
- "Language",
- "LanguageOutlined",
- "LanguageRounded",
- "LanguageSharp",
- "LanguageTwoTone",
- "Laptop",
- "LaptopChromebook",
- "LaptopChromebookOutlined",
- "LaptopChromebookRounded",
- "LaptopChromebookSharp",
- "LaptopChromebookTwoTone",
- "LaptopMac",
- "LaptopMacOutlined",
- "LaptopMacRounded",
- "LaptopMacSharp",
- "LaptopMacTwoTone",
- "LaptopOutlined",
- "LaptopRounded",
- "LaptopSharp",
- "LaptopTwoTone",
- "LaptopWindows",
- "LaptopWindowsOutlined",
- "LaptopWindowsRounded",
- "LaptopWindowsSharp",
- "LaptopWindowsTwoTone",
- "LastPage",
- "LastPageOutlined",
- "LastPageRounded",
- "LastPageSharp",
- "LastPageTwoTone",
- "Launch",
- "LaunchOutlined",
- "LaunchRounded",
- "LaunchSharp",
- "LaunchTwoTone",
- "Layers",
- "LayersClear",
- "LayersClearOutlined",
- "LayersClearRounded",
- "LayersClearSharp",
- "LayersClearTwoTone",
- "LayersOutlined",
- "LayersRounded",
- "LayersSharp",
- "LayersTwoTone",
- "Leaderboard",
- "LeaderboardOutlined",
- "LeaderboardRounded",
- "LeaderboardSharp",
- "LeaderboardTwoTone",
- "LeakAdd",
- "LeakAddOutlined",
- "LeakAddRounded",
- "LeakAddSharp",
- "LeakAddTwoTone",
- "LeakRemove",
- "LeakRemoveOutlined",
- "LeakRemoveRounded",
- "LeakRemoveSharp",
- "LeakRemoveTwoTone",
- "LegendToggle",
- "LegendToggleOutlined",
- "LegendToggleRounded",
- "LegendToggleSharp",
- "LegendToggleTwoTone",
- "Lens",
- "LensBlur",
- "LensBlurOutlined",
- "LensBlurRounded",
- "LensBlurSharp",
- "LensBlurTwoTone",
- "LensOutlined",
- "LensRounded",
- "LensSharp",
- "LensTwoTone",
- "LibraryAdd",
- "LibraryAddCheck",
- "LibraryAddCheckOutlined",
- "LibraryAddCheckRounded",
- "LibraryAddCheckSharp",
- "LibraryAddCheckTwoTone",
- "LibraryAddOutlined",
- "LibraryAddRounded",
- "LibraryAddSharp",
- "LibraryAddTwoTone",
- "LibraryBooks",
- "LibraryBooksOutlined",
- "LibraryBooksRounded",
- "LibraryBooksSharp",
- "LibraryBooksTwoTone",
- "LibraryMusic",
- "LibraryMusicOutlined",
- "LibraryMusicRounded",
- "LibraryMusicSharp",
- "LibraryMusicTwoTone",
- "Light",
- "LightMode",
- "LightModeOutlined",
- "LightModeRounded",
- "LightModeSharp",
- "LightModeTwoTone",
- "LightOutlined",
- "LightRounded",
- "LightSharp",
- "LightTwoTone",
- "Lightbulb",
- "LightbulbCircle",
- "LightbulbCircleOutlined",
- "LightbulbCircleRounded",
- "LightbulbCircleSharp",
- "LightbulbCircleTwoTone",
- "LightbulbOutlined",
- "LightbulbRounded",
- "LightbulbSharp",
- "LightbulbTwoTone",
- "LineAxis",
- "LineAxisOutlined",
- "LineAxisRounded",
- "LineAxisSharp",
- "LineAxisTwoTone",
- "LineStyle",
- "LineStyleOutlined",
- "LineStyleRounded",
- "LineStyleSharp",
- "LineStyleTwoTone",
- "LineWeight",
- "LineWeightOutlined",
- "LineWeightRounded",
- "LineWeightSharp",
- "LineWeightTwoTone",
- "LinearScale",
- "LinearScaleOutlined",
- "LinearScaleRounded",
- "LinearScaleSharp",
- "LinearScaleTwoTone",
- "Link",
- "LinkOff",
- "LinkOffOutlined",
- "LinkOffRounded",
- "LinkOffSharp",
- "LinkOffTwoTone",
- "LinkOutlined",
- "LinkRounded",
- "LinkSharp",
- "LinkTwoTone",
- "LinkedCamera",
- "LinkedCameraOutlined",
- "LinkedCameraRounded",
- "LinkedCameraSharp",
- "LinkedCameraTwoTone",
- "LinkedIn",
- "Liquor",
- "LiquorOutlined",
- "LiquorRounded",
- "LiquorSharp",
- "LiquorTwoTone",
- "List",
- "ListAlt",
- "ListAltOutlined",
- "ListAltRounded",
- "ListAltSharp",
- "ListAltTwoTone",
- "ListOutlined",
- "ListRounded",
- "ListSharp",
- "ListTwoTone",
- "LiveHelp",
- "LiveHelpOutlined",
- "LiveHelpRounded",
- "LiveHelpSharp",
- "LiveHelpTwoTone",
- "LiveTv",
- "LiveTvOutlined",
- "LiveTvRounded",
- "LiveTvSharp",
- "LiveTvTwoTone",
- "Living",
- "LivingOutlined",
- "LivingRounded",
- "LivingSharp",
- "LivingTwoTone",
- "LocalActivity",
- "LocalActivityOutlined",
- "LocalActivityRounded",
- "LocalActivitySharp",
- "LocalActivityTwoTone",
- "LocalAirport",
- "LocalAirportOutlined",
- "LocalAirportRounded",
- "LocalAirportSharp",
- "LocalAirportTwoTone",
- "LocalAtm",
- "LocalAtmOutlined",
- "LocalAtmRounded",
- "LocalAtmSharp",
- "LocalAtmTwoTone",
- "LocalBar",
- "LocalBarOutlined",
- "LocalBarRounded",
- "LocalBarSharp",
- "LocalBarTwoTone",
- "LocalCafe",
- "LocalCafeOutlined",
- "LocalCafeRounded",
- "LocalCafeSharp",
- "LocalCafeTwoTone",
- "LocalCarWash",
- "LocalCarWashOutlined",
- "LocalCarWashRounded",
- "LocalCarWashSharp",
- "LocalCarWashTwoTone",
- "LocalConvenienceStore",
- "LocalConvenienceStoreOutlined",
- "LocalConvenienceStoreRounded",
- "LocalConvenienceStoreSharp",
- "LocalConvenienceStoreTwoTone",
- "LocalDining",
- "LocalDiningOutlined",
- "LocalDiningRounded",
- "LocalDiningSharp",
- "LocalDiningTwoTone",
- "LocalDrink",
- "LocalDrinkOutlined",
- "LocalDrinkRounded",
- "LocalDrinkSharp",
- "LocalDrinkTwoTone",
- "LocalFireDepartment",
- "LocalFireDepartmentOutlined",
- "LocalFireDepartmentRounded",
- "LocalFireDepartmentSharp",
- "LocalFireDepartmentTwoTone",
- "LocalFlorist",
- "LocalFloristOutlined",
- "LocalFloristRounded",
- "LocalFloristSharp",
- "LocalFloristTwoTone",
- "LocalGasStation",
- "LocalGasStationOutlined",
- "LocalGasStationRounded",
- "LocalGasStationSharp",
- "LocalGasStationTwoTone",
- "LocalGroceryStore",
- "LocalGroceryStoreOutlined",
- "LocalGroceryStoreRounded",
- "LocalGroceryStoreSharp",
- "LocalGroceryStoreTwoTone",
- "LocalHospital",
- "LocalHospitalOutlined",
- "LocalHospitalRounded",
- "LocalHospitalSharp",
- "LocalHospitalTwoTone",
- "LocalHotel",
- "LocalHotelOutlined",
- "LocalHotelRounded",
- "LocalHotelSharp",
- "LocalHotelTwoTone",
- "LocalLaundryService",
- "LocalLaundryServiceOutlined",
- "LocalLaundryServiceRounded",
- "LocalLaundryServiceSharp",
- "LocalLaundryServiceTwoTone",
- "LocalLibrary",
- "LocalLibraryOutlined",
- "LocalLibraryRounded",
- "LocalLibrarySharp",
- "LocalLibraryTwoTone",
- "LocalMall",
- "LocalMallOutlined",
- "LocalMallRounded",
- "LocalMallSharp",
- "LocalMallTwoTone",
- "LocalMovies",
- "LocalMoviesOutlined",
- "LocalMoviesRounded",
- "LocalMoviesSharp",
- "LocalMoviesTwoTone",
- "LocalOffer",
- "LocalOfferOutlined",
- "LocalOfferRounded",
- "LocalOfferSharp",
- "LocalOfferTwoTone",
- "LocalParking",
- "LocalParkingOutlined",
- "LocalParkingRounded",
- "LocalParkingSharp",
- "LocalParkingTwoTone",
- "LocalPharmacy",
- "LocalPharmacyOutlined",
- "LocalPharmacyRounded",
- "LocalPharmacySharp",
- "LocalPharmacyTwoTone",
- "LocalPhone",
- "LocalPhoneOutlined",
- "LocalPhoneRounded",
- "LocalPhoneSharp",
- "LocalPhoneTwoTone",
- "LocalPizza",
- "LocalPizzaOutlined",
- "LocalPizzaRounded",
- "LocalPizzaSharp",
- "LocalPizzaTwoTone",
- "LocalPlay",
- "LocalPlayOutlined",
- "LocalPlayRounded",
- "LocalPlaySharp",
- "LocalPlayTwoTone",
- "LocalPolice",
- "LocalPoliceOutlined",
- "LocalPoliceRounded",
- "LocalPoliceSharp",
- "LocalPoliceTwoTone",
- "LocalPostOffice",
- "LocalPostOfficeOutlined",
- "LocalPostOfficeRounded",
- "LocalPostOfficeSharp",
- "LocalPostOfficeTwoTone",
- "LocalPrintshop",
- "LocalPrintshopOutlined",
- "LocalPrintshopRounded",
- "LocalPrintshopSharp",
- "LocalPrintshopTwoTone",
- "LocalSee",
- "LocalSeeOutlined",
- "LocalSeeRounded",
- "LocalSeeSharp",
- "LocalSeeTwoTone",
- "LocalShipping",
- "LocalShippingOutlined",
- "LocalShippingRounded",
- "LocalShippingSharp",
- "LocalShippingTwoTone",
- "LocalTaxi",
- "LocalTaxiOutlined",
- "LocalTaxiRounded",
- "LocalTaxiSharp",
- "LocalTaxiTwoTone",
- "LocationCity",
- "LocationCityOutlined",
- "LocationCityRounded",
- "LocationCitySharp",
- "LocationCityTwoTone",
- "LocationDisabled",
- "LocationDisabledOutlined",
- "LocationDisabledRounded",
- "LocationDisabledSharp",
- "LocationDisabledTwoTone",
- "LocationOff",
- "LocationOffOutlined",
- "LocationOffRounded",
- "LocationOffSharp",
- "LocationOffTwoTone",
- "LocationOn",
- "LocationOnOutlined",
- "LocationOnRounded",
- "LocationOnSharp",
- "LocationOnTwoTone",
- "LocationSearching",
- "LocationSearchingOutlined",
- "LocationSearchingRounded",
- "LocationSearchingSharp",
- "LocationSearchingTwoTone",
- "Lock",
- "LockClock",
- "LockClockOutlined",
- "LockClockRounded",
- "LockClockSharp",
- "LockClockTwoTone",
- "LockOpen",
- "LockOpenOutlined",
- "LockOpenRounded",
- "LockOpenSharp",
- "LockOpenTwoTone",
- "LockOutlined",
- "LockPerson",
- "LockPersonOutlined",
- "LockPersonRounded",
- "LockPersonSharp",
- "LockPersonTwoTone",
- "LockReset",
- "LockResetOutlined",
- "LockResetRounded",
- "LockResetSharp",
- "LockResetTwoTone",
- "LockRounded",
- "LockSharp",
- "LockTwoTone",
- "Login",
- "LoginOutlined",
- "LoginRounded",
- "LoginSharp",
- "LoginTwoTone",
- "LogoDev",
- "LogoDevOutlined",
- "LogoDevRounded",
- "LogoDevSharp",
- "LogoDevTwoTone",
- "Logout",
- "LogoutOutlined",
- "LogoutRounded",
- "LogoutSharp",
- "LogoutTwoTone",
- "Looks",
- "Looks3",
- "Looks3Outlined",
- "Looks3Rounded",
- "Looks3Sharp",
- "Looks3TwoTone",
- "Looks4",
- "Looks4Outlined",
- "Looks4Rounded",
- "Looks4Sharp",
- "Looks4TwoTone",
- "Looks5",
- "Looks5Outlined",
- "Looks5Rounded",
- "Looks5Sharp",
- "Looks5TwoTone",
- "Looks6",
- "Looks6Outlined",
- "Looks6Rounded",
- "Looks6Sharp",
- "Looks6TwoTone",
- "LooksOne",
- "LooksOneOutlined",
- "LooksOneRounded",
- "LooksOneSharp",
- "LooksOneTwoTone",
- "LooksOutlined",
- "LooksRounded",
- "LooksSharp",
- "LooksTwo",
- "LooksTwoOutlined",
- "LooksTwoRounded",
- "LooksTwoSharp",
- "LooksTwoTone",
- "LooksTwoTwoTone",
- "Loop",
- "LoopOutlined",
- "LoopRounded",
- "LoopSharp",
- "LoopTwoTone",
- "Loupe",
- "LoupeOutlined",
- "LoupeRounded",
- "LoupeSharp",
- "LoupeTwoTone",
- "LowPriority",
- "LowPriorityOutlined",
- "LowPriorityRounded",
- "LowPrioritySharp",
- "LowPriorityTwoTone",
- "Loyalty",
- "LoyaltyOutlined",
- "LoyaltyRounded",
- "LoyaltySharp",
- "LoyaltyTwoTone",
- "LteMobiledata",
- "LteMobiledataOutlined",
- "LteMobiledataRounded",
- "LteMobiledataSharp",
- "LteMobiledataTwoTone",
- "LtePlusMobiledata",
- "LtePlusMobiledataOutlined",
- "LtePlusMobiledataRounded",
- "LtePlusMobiledataSharp",
- "LtePlusMobiledataTwoTone",
- "Luggage",
- "LuggageOutlined",
- "LuggageRounded",
- "LuggageSharp",
- "LuggageTwoTone",
- "LunchDining",
- "LunchDiningOutlined",
- "LunchDiningRounded",
- "LunchDiningSharp",
- "LunchDiningTwoTone",
- "Lyrics",
- "LyricsOutlined",
- "LyricsRounded",
- "LyricsSharp",
- "LyricsTwoTone",
- "MacroOff",
- "MacroOffOutlined",
- "MacroOffRounded",
- "MacroOffSharp",
- "MacroOffTwoTone",
- "Mail",
- "MailLock",
- "MailLockOutlined",
- "MailLockRounded",
- "MailLockSharp",
- "MailLockTwoTone",
- "MailOutline",
- "MailOutlineOutlined",
- "MailOutlineRounded",
- "MailOutlineSharp",
- "MailOutlineTwoTone",
- "MailOutlined",
- "MailRounded",
- "MailSharp",
- "MailTwoTone",
- "Male",
- "MaleOutlined",
- "MaleRounded",
- "MaleSharp",
- "MaleTwoTone",
- "Man",
- "Man2",
- "Man2Outlined",
- "Man2Rounded",
- "Man2Sharp",
- "Man2TwoTone",
- "Man3",
- "Man3Outlined",
- "Man3Rounded",
- "Man3Sharp",
- "Man3TwoTone",
- "Man4",
- "Man4Outlined",
- "Man4Rounded",
- "Man4Sharp",
- "Man4TwoTone",
- "ManOutlined",
- "ManRounded",
- "ManSharp",
- "ManTwoTone",
- "ManageAccounts",
- "ManageAccountsOutlined",
- "ManageAccountsRounded",
- "ManageAccountsSharp",
- "ManageAccountsTwoTone",
- "ManageHistory",
- "ManageHistoryOutlined",
- "ManageHistoryRounded",
- "ManageHistorySharp",
- "ManageHistoryTwoTone",
- "ManageSearch",
- "ManageSearchOutlined",
- "ManageSearchRounded",
- "ManageSearchSharp",
- "ManageSearchTwoTone",
- "Map",
- "MapOutlined",
- "MapRounded",
- "MapSharp",
- "MapTwoTone",
- "MapsHomeWork",
- "MapsHomeWorkOutlined",
- "MapsHomeWorkRounded",
- "MapsHomeWorkSharp",
- "MapsHomeWorkTwoTone",
- "MapsUgc",
- "MapsUgcOutlined",
- "MapsUgcRounded",
- "MapsUgcSharp",
- "MapsUgcTwoTone",
- "Margin",
- "MarginOutlined",
- "MarginRounded",
- "MarginSharp",
- "MarginTwoTone",
- "MarkAsUnread",
- "MarkAsUnreadOutlined",
- "MarkAsUnreadRounded",
- "MarkAsUnreadSharp",
- "MarkAsUnreadTwoTone",
- "MarkChatRead",
- "MarkChatReadOutlined",
- "MarkChatReadRounded",
- "MarkChatReadSharp",
- "MarkChatReadTwoTone",
- "MarkChatUnread",
- "MarkChatUnreadOutlined",
- "MarkChatUnreadRounded",
- "MarkChatUnreadSharp",
- "MarkChatUnreadTwoTone",
- "MarkEmailRead",
- "MarkEmailReadOutlined",
- "MarkEmailReadRounded",
- "MarkEmailReadSharp",
- "MarkEmailReadTwoTone",
- "MarkEmailUnread",
- "MarkEmailUnreadOutlined",
- "MarkEmailUnreadRounded",
- "MarkEmailUnreadSharp",
- "MarkEmailUnreadTwoTone",
- "MarkUnreadChatAlt",
- "MarkUnreadChatAltOutlined",
- "MarkUnreadChatAltRounded",
- "MarkUnreadChatAltSharp",
- "MarkUnreadChatAltTwoTone",
- "Markunread",
- "MarkunreadMailbox",
- "MarkunreadMailboxOutlined",
- "MarkunreadMailboxRounded",
- "MarkunreadMailboxSharp",
- "MarkunreadMailboxTwoTone",
- "MarkunreadOutlined",
- "MarkunreadRounded",
- "MarkunreadSharp",
- "MarkunreadTwoTone",
- "Masks",
- "MasksOutlined",
- "MasksRounded",
- "MasksSharp",
- "MasksTwoTone",
- "Maximize",
- "MaximizeOutlined",
- "MaximizeRounded",
- "MaximizeSharp",
- "MaximizeTwoTone",
- "MediaBluetoothOff",
- "MediaBluetoothOffOutlined",
- "MediaBluetoothOffRounded",
- "MediaBluetoothOffSharp",
- "MediaBluetoothOffTwoTone",
- "MediaBluetoothOn",
- "MediaBluetoothOnOutlined",
- "MediaBluetoothOnRounded",
- "MediaBluetoothOnSharp",
- "MediaBluetoothOnTwoTone",
- "Mediation",
- "MediationOutlined",
- "MediationRounded",
- "MediationSharp",
- "MediationTwoTone",
- "MedicalInformation",
- "MedicalInformationOutlined",
- "MedicalInformationRounded",
- "MedicalInformationSharp",
- "MedicalInformationTwoTone",
- "MedicalServices",
- "MedicalServicesOutlined",
- "MedicalServicesRounded",
- "MedicalServicesSharp",
- "MedicalServicesTwoTone",
- "Medication",
- "MedicationLiquid",
- "MedicationLiquidOutlined",
- "MedicationLiquidRounded",
- "MedicationLiquidSharp",
- "MedicationLiquidTwoTone",
- "MedicationOutlined",
- "MedicationRounded",
- "MedicationSharp",
- "MedicationTwoTone",
- "MeetingRoom",
- "MeetingRoomOutlined",
- "MeetingRoomRounded",
- "MeetingRoomSharp",
- "MeetingRoomTwoTone",
- "Memory",
- "MemoryOutlined",
- "MemoryRounded",
- "MemorySharp",
- "MemoryTwoTone",
- "Menu",
- "MenuBook",
- "MenuBookOutlined",
- "MenuBookRounded",
- "MenuBookSharp",
- "MenuBookTwoTone",
- "MenuOpen",
- "MenuOpenOutlined",
- "MenuOpenRounded",
- "MenuOpenSharp",
- "MenuOpenTwoTone",
- "MenuOutlined",
- "MenuRounded",
- "MenuSharp",
- "MenuTwoTone",
- "Merge",
- "MergeOutlined",
- "MergeRounded",
- "MergeSharp",
- "MergeTwoTone",
- "MergeType",
- "MergeTypeOutlined",
- "MergeTypeRounded",
- "MergeTypeSharp",
- "MergeTypeTwoTone",
- "Message",
- "MessageOutlined",
- "MessageRounded",
- "MessageSharp",
- "MessageTwoTone",
- "Mic",
- "MicExternalOff",
- "MicExternalOffOutlined",
- "MicExternalOffRounded",
- "MicExternalOffSharp",
- "MicExternalOffTwoTone",
- "MicExternalOn",
- "MicExternalOnOutlined",
- "MicExternalOnRounded",
- "MicExternalOnSharp",
- "MicExternalOnTwoTone",
- "MicNone",
- "MicNoneOutlined",
- "MicNoneRounded",
- "MicNoneSharp",
- "MicNoneTwoTone",
- "MicOff",
- "MicOffOutlined",
- "MicOffRounded",
- "MicOffSharp",
- "MicOffTwoTone",
- "MicOutlined",
- "MicRounded",
- "MicSharp",
- "MicTwoTone",
- "Microsoft",
- "Microwave",
- "MicrowaveOutlined",
- "MicrowaveRounded",
- "MicrowaveSharp",
- "MicrowaveTwoTone",
- "MilitaryTech",
- "MilitaryTechOutlined",
- "MilitaryTechRounded",
- "MilitaryTechSharp",
- "MilitaryTechTwoTone",
- "Minimize",
- "MinimizeOutlined",
- "MinimizeRounded",
- "MinimizeSharp",
- "MinimizeTwoTone",
- "MinorCrash",
- "MinorCrashOutlined",
- "MinorCrashRounded",
- "MinorCrashSharp",
- "MinorCrashTwoTone",
- "MissedVideoCall",
- "MissedVideoCallOutlined",
- "MissedVideoCallRounded",
- "MissedVideoCallSharp",
- "MissedVideoCallTwoTone",
- "Mms",
- "MmsOutlined",
- "MmsRounded",
- "MmsSharp",
- "MmsTwoTone",
- "MobileFriendly",
- "MobileFriendlyOutlined",
- "MobileFriendlyRounded",
- "MobileFriendlySharp",
- "MobileFriendlyTwoTone",
- "MobileOff",
- "MobileOffOutlined",
- "MobileOffRounded",
- "MobileOffSharp",
- "MobileOffTwoTone",
- "MobileScreenShare",
- "MobileScreenShareOutlined",
- "MobileScreenShareRounded",
- "MobileScreenShareSharp",
- "MobileScreenShareTwoTone",
- "MobiledataOff",
- "MobiledataOffOutlined",
- "MobiledataOffRounded",
- "MobiledataOffSharp",
- "MobiledataOffTwoTone",
- "Mode",
- "ModeComment",
- "ModeCommentOutlined",
- "ModeCommentRounded",
- "ModeCommentSharp",
- "ModeCommentTwoTone",
- "ModeEdit",
- "ModeEditOutline",
- "ModeEditOutlineOutlined",
- "ModeEditOutlineRounded",
- "ModeEditOutlineSharp",
- "ModeEditOutlineTwoTone",
- "ModeEditOutlined",
- "ModeEditRounded",
- "ModeEditSharp",
- "ModeEditTwoTone",
- "ModeFanOff",
- "ModeFanOffOutlined",
- "ModeFanOffRounded",
- "ModeFanOffSharp",
- "ModeFanOffTwoTone",
- "ModeNight",
- "ModeNightOutlined",
- "ModeNightRounded",
- "ModeNightSharp",
- "ModeNightTwoTone",
- "ModeOfTravel",
- "ModeOfTravelOutlined",
- "ModeOfTravelRounded",
- "ModeOfTravelSharp",
- "ModeOfTravelTwoTone",
- "ModeOutlined",
- "ModeRounded",
- "ModeSharp",
- "ModeStandby",
- "ModeStandbyOutlined",
- "ModeStandbyRounded",
- "ModeStandbySharp",
- "ModeStandbyTwoTone",
- "ModeTwoTone",
- "ModelTraining",
- "ModelTrainingOutlined",
- "ModelTrainingRounded",
- "ModelTrainingSharp",
- "ModelTrainingTwoTone",
- "MonetizationOn",
- "MonetizationOnOutlined",
- "MonetizationOnRounded",
- "MonetizationOnSharp",
- "MonetizationOnTwoTone",
- "Money",
- "MoneyOff",
- "MoneyOffCsred",
- "MoneyOffCsredOutlined",
- "MoneyOffCsredRounded",
- "MoneyOffCsredSharp",
- "MoneyOffCsredTwoTone",
- "MoneyOffOutlined",
- "MoneyOffRounded",
- "MoneyOffSharp",
- "MoneyOffTwoTone",
- "MoneyOutlined",
- "MoneyRounded",
- "MoneySharp",
- "MoneyTwoTone",
- "Monitor",
- "MonitorHeart",
- "MonitorHeartOutlined",
- "MonitorHeartRounded",
- "MonitorHeartSharp",
- "MonitorHeartTwoTone",
- "MonitorOutlined",
- "MonitorRounded",
- "MonitorSharp",
- "MonitorTwoTone",
- "MonitorWeight",
- "MonitorWeightOutlined",
- "MonitorWeightRounded",
- "MonitorWeightSharp",
- "MonitorWeightTwoTone",
- "MonochromePhotos",
- "MonochromePhotosOutlined",
- "MonochromePhotosRounded",
- "MonochromePhotosSharp",
- "MonochromePhotosTwoTone",
- "Mood",
- "MoodBad",
- "MoodBadOutlined",
- "MoodBadRounded",
- "MoodBadSharp",
- "MoodBadTwoTone",
- "MoodOutlined",
- "MoodRounded",
- "MoodSharp",
- "MoodTwoTone",
- "More",
- "MoreHoriz",
- "MoreHorizOutlined",
- "MoreHorizRounded",
- "MoreHorizSharp",
- "MoreHorizTwoTone",
- "MoreOutlined",
- "MoreRounded",
- "MoreSharp",
- "MoreTime",
- "MoreTimeOutlined",
- "MoreTimeRounded",
- "MoreTimeSharp",
- "MoreTimeTwoTone",
- "MoreTwoTone",
- "MoreVert",
- "MoreVertOutlined",
- "MoreVertRounded",
- "MoreVertSharp",
- "MoreVertTwoTone",
- "Mosque",
- "MosqueOutlined",
- "MosqueRounded",
- "MosqueSharp",
- "MosqueTwoTone",
- "MotionPhotosAuto",
- "MotionPhotosAutoOutlined",
- "MotionPhotosAutoRounded",
- "MotionPhotosAutoSharp",
- "MotionPhotosAutoTwoTone",
- "MotionPhotosOff",
- "MotionPhotosOffOutlined",
- "MotionPhotosOffRounded",
- "MotionPhotosOffSharp",
- "MotionPhotosOffTwoTone",
- "Mouse",
- "MouseOutlined",
- "MouseRounded",
- "MouseSharp",
- "MouseTwoTone",
- "MoveDown",
- "MoveDownOutlined",
- "MoveDownRounded",
- "MoveDownSharp",
- "MoveDownTwoTone",
- "MoveToInbox",
- "MoveToInboxOutlined",
- "MoveToInboxRounded",
- "MoveToInboxSharp",
- "MoveToInboxTwoTone",
- "MoveUp",
- "MoveUpOutlined",
- "MoveUpRounded",
- "MoveUpSharp",
- "MoveUpTwoTone",
- "Movie",
- "MovieCreation",
- "MovieCreationOutlined",
- "MovieCreationRounded",
- "MovieCreationSharp",
- "MovieCreationTwoTone",
- "MovieFilter",
- "MovieFilterOutlined",
- "MovieFilterRounded",
- "MovieFilterSharp",
- "MovieFilterTwoTone",
- "MovieOutlined",
- "MovieRounded",
- "MovieSharp",
- "MovieTwoTone",
- "Moving",
- "MovingOutlined",
- "MovingRounded",
- "MovingSharp",
- "MovingTwoTone",
- "Mp",
- "MpOutlined",
- "MpRounded",
- "MpSharp",
- "MpTwoTone",
- "MultilineChart",
- "MultilineChartOutlined",
- "MultilineChartRounded",
- "MultilineChartSharp",
- "MultilineChartTwoTone",
- "MultipleStop",
- "MultipleStopOutlined",
- "MultipleStopRounded",
- "MultipleStopSharp",
- "MultipleStopTwoTone",
- "Museum",
- "MuseumOutlined",
- "MuseumRounded",
- "MuseumSharp",
- "MuseumTwoTone",
- "MusicNote",
- "MusicNoteOutlined",
- "MusicNoteRounded",
- "MusicNoteSharp",
- "MusicNoteTwoTone",
- "MusicOff",
- "MusicOffOutlined",
- "MusicOffRounded",
- "MusicOffSharp",
- "MusicOffTwoTone",
- "MusicVideo",
- "MusicVideoOutlined",
- "MusicVideoRounded",
- "MusicVideoSharp",
- "MusicVideoTwoTone",
- "MyLocation",
- "MyLocationOutlined",
- "MyLocationRounded",
- "MyLocationSharp",
- "MyLocationTwoTone",
- "Nat",
- "NatOutlined",
- "NatRounded",
- "NatSharp",
- "NatTwoTone",
- "Nature",
- "NatureOutlined",
- "NaturePeople",
- "NaturePeopleOutlined",
- "NaturePeopleRounded",
- "NaturePeopleSharp",
- "NaturePeopleTwoTone",
- "NatureRounded",
- "NatureSharp",
- "NatureTwoTone",
- "NavigateBefore",
- "NavigateBeforeOutlined",
- "NavigateBeforeRounded",
- "NavigateBeforeSharp",
- "NavigateBeforeTwoTone",
- "NavigateNext",
- "NavigateNextOutlined",
- "NavigateNextRounded",
- "NavigateNextSharp",
- "NavigateNextTwoTone",
- "Navigation",
- "NavigationOutlined",
- "NavigationRounded",
- "NavigationSharp",
- "NavigationTwoTone",
- "NearMe",
- "NearMeDisabled",
- "NearMeDisabledOutlined",
- "NearMeDisabledRounded",
- "NearMeDisabledSharp",
- "NearMeDisabledTwoTone",
- "NearMeOutlined",
- "NearMeRounded",
- "NearMeSharp",
- "NearMeTwoTone",
- "NearbyError",
- "NearbyErrorOutlined",
- "NearbyErrorRounded",
- "NearbyErrorSharp",
- "NearbyErrorTwoTone",
- "NearbyOff",
- "NearbyOffOutlined",
- "NearbyOffRounded",
- "NearbyOffSharp",
- "NearbyOffTwoTone",
- "NestCamWiredStand",
- "NestCamWiredStandOutlined",
- "NestCamWiredStandRounded",
- "NestCamWiredStandSharp",
- "NestCamWiredStandTwoTone",
- "NetworkCell",
- "NetworkCellOutlined",
- "NetworkCellRounded",
- "NetworkCellSharp",
- "NetworkCellTwoTone",
- "NetworkCheck",
- "NetworkCheckOutlined",
- "NetworkCheckRounded",
- "NetworkCheckSharp",
- "NetworkCheckTwoTone",
- "NetworkLocked",
- "NetworkLockedOutlined",
- "NetworkLockedRounded",
- "NetworkLockedSharp",
- "NetworkLockedTwoTone",
- "NetworkPing",
- "NetworkPingOutlined",
- "NetworkPingRounded",
- "NetworkPingSharp",
- "NetworkPingTwoTone",
- "NetworkWifi",
- "NetworkWifi1Bar",
- "NetworkWifi1BarOutlined",
- "NetworkWifi1BarRounded",
- "NetworkWifi1BarSharp",
- "NetworkWifi1BarTwoTone",
- "NetworkWifi2Bar",
- "NetworkWifi2BarOutlined",
- "NetworkWifi2BarRounded",
- "NetworkWifi2BarSharp",
- "NetworkWifi2BarTwoTone",
- "NetworkWifi3Bar",
- "NetworkWifi3BarOutlined",
- "NetworkWifi3BarRounded",
- "NetworkWifi3BarSharp",
- "NetworkWifi3BarTwoTone",
- "NetworkWifiOutlined",
- "NetworkWifiRounded",
- "NetworkWifiSharp",
- "NetworkWifiTwoTone",
- "NewReleases",
- "NewReleasesOutlined",
- "NewReleasesRounded",
- "NewReleasesSharp",
- "NewReleasesTwoTone",
- "Newspaper",
- "NewspaperOutlined",
- "NewspaperRounded",
- "NewspaperSharp",
- "NewspaperTwoTone",
- "NextPlan",
- "NextPlanOutlined",
- "NextPlanRounded",
- "NextPlanSharp",
- "NextPlanTwoTone",
- "NextWeek",
- "NextWeekOutlined",
- "NextWeekRounded",
- "NextWeekSharp",
- "NextWeekTwoTone",
- "Nfc",
- "NfcOutlined",
- "NfcRounded",
- "NfcSharp",
- "NfcTwoTone",
- "NightShelter",
- "NightShelterOutlined",
- "NightShelterRounded",
- "NightShelterSharp",
- "NightShelterTwoTone",
- "Nightlife",
- "NightlifeOutlined",
- "NightlifeRounded",
- "NightlifeSharp",
- "NightlifeTwoTone",
- "Nightlight",
- "NightlightOutlined",
- "NightlightRound",
- "NightlightRoundOutlined",
- "NightlightRoundRounded",
- "NightlightRoundSharp",
- "NightlightRoundTwoTone",
- "NightlightRounded",
- "NightlightSharp",
- "NightlightTwoTone",
- "NightsStay",
- "NightsStayOutlined",
- "NightsStayRounded",
- "NightsStaySharp",
- "NightsStayTwoTone",
- "NoAccounts",
- "NoAccountsOutlined",
- "NoAccountsRounded",
- "NoAccountsSharp",
- "NoAccountsTwoTone",
- "NoAdultContent",
- "NoAdultContentOutlined",
- "NoAdultContentRounded",
- "NoAdultContentSharp",
- "NoAdultContentTwoTone",
- "NoBackpack",
- "NoBackpackOutlined",
- "NoBackpackRounded",
- "NoBackpackSharp",
- "NoBackpackTwoTone",
- "NoCrash",
- "NoCrashOutlined",
- "NoCrashRounded",
- "NoCrashSharp",
- "NoCrashTwoTone",
- "NoDrinks",
- "NoDrinksOutlined",
- "NoDrinksRounded",
- "NoDrinksSharp",
- "NoDrinksTwoTone",
- "NoEncryption",
- "NoEncryptionGmailerrorred",
- "NoEncryptionGmailerrorredOutlined",
- "NoEncryptionGmailerrorredRounded",
- "NoEncryptionGmailerrorredSharp",
- "NoEncryptionGmailerrorredTwoTone",
- "NoEncryptionOutlined",
- "NoEncryptionRounded",
- "NoEncryptionSharp",
- "NoEncryptionTwoTone",
- "NoFlash",
- "NoFlashOutlined",
- "NoFlashRounded",
- "NoFlashSharp",
- "NoFlashTwoTone",
- "NoFood",
- "NoFoodOutlined",
- "NoFoodRounded",
- "NoFoodSharp",
- "NoFoodTwoTone",
- "NoLuggage",
- "NoLuggageOutlined",
- "NoLuggageRounded",
- "NoLuggageSharp",
- "NoLuggageTwoTone",
- "NoMeals",
- "NoMealsOutlined",
- "NoMealsRounded",
- "NoMealsSharp",
- "NoMealsTwoTone",
- "NoMeetingRoom",
- "NoMeetingRoomOutlined",
- "NoMeetingRoomRounded",
- "NoMeetingRoomSharp",
- "NoMeetingRoomTwoTone",
- "NoPhotography",
- "NoPhotographyOutlined",
- "NoPhotographyRounded",
- "NoPhotographySharp",
- "NoPhotographyTwoTone",
- "NoSim",
- "NoSimOutlined",
- "NoSimRounded",
- "NoSimSharp",
- "NoSimTwoTone",
- "NoStroller",
- "NoStrollerOutlined",
- "NoStrollerRounded",
- "NoStrollerSharp",
- "NoStrollerTwoTone",
- "NoTransfer",
- "NoTransferOutlined",
- "NoTransferRounded",
- "NoTransferSharp",
- "NoTransferTwoTone",
- "NoiseAware",
- "NoiseAwareOutlined",
- "NoiseAwareRounded",
- "NoiseAwareSharp",
- "NoiseAwareTwoTone",
- "NoiseControlOff",
- "NoiseControlOffOutlined",
- "NoiseControlOffRounded",
- "NoiseControlOffSharp",
- "NoiseControlOffTwoTone",
- "NordicWalking",
- "NordicWalkingOutlined",
- "NordicWalkingRounded",
- "NordicWalkingSharp",
- "NordicWalkingTwoTone",
- "North",
- "NorthEast",
- "NorthEastOutlined",
- "NorthEastRounded",
- "NorthEastSharp",
- "NorthEastTwoTone",
- "NorthOutlined",
- "NorthRounded",
- "NorthSharp",
- "NorthTwoTone",
- "NorthWest",
- "NorthWestOutlined",
- "NorthWestRounded",
- "NorthWestSharp",
- "NorthWestTwoTone",
- "NotAccessible",
- "NotAccessibleOutlined",
- "NotAccessibleRounded",
- "NotAccessibleSharp",
- "NotAccessibleTwoTone",
- "NotInterested",
- "NotInterestedOutlined",
- "NotInterestedRounded",
- "NotInterestedSharp",
- "NotInterestedTwoTone",
- "NotListedLocation",
- "NotListedLocationOutlined",
- "NotListedLocationRounded",
- "NotListedLocationSharp",
- "NotListedLocationTwoTone",
- "NotStarted",
- "NotStartedOutlined",
- "NotStartedRounded",
- "NotStartedSharp",
- "NotStartedTwoTone",
- "Note",
- "NoteAdd",
- "NoteAddOutlined",
- "NoteAddRounded",
- "NoteAddSharp",
- "NoteAddTwoTone",
- "NoteAlt",
- "NoteAltOutlined",
- "NoteAltRounded",
- "NoteAltSharp",
- "NoteAltTwoTone",
- "NoteOutlined",
- "NoteRounded",
- "NoteSharp",
- "NoteTwoTone",
- "Notes",
- "NotesOutlined",
- "NotesRounded",
- "NotesSharp",
- "NotesTwoTone",
- "NotificationAdd",
- "NotificationAddOutlined",
- "NotificationAddRounded",
- "NotificationAddSharp",
- "NotificationAddTwoTone",
- "NotificationImportant",
- "NotificationImportantOutlined",
- "NotificationImportantRounded",
- "NotificationImportantSharp",
- "NotificationImportantTwoTone",
- "Notifications",
- "NotificationsActive",
- "NotificationsActiveOutlined",
- "NotificationsActiveRounded",
- "NotificationsActiveSharp",
- "NotificationsActiveTwoTone",
- "NotificationsNone",
- "NotificationsNoneOutlined",
- "NotificationsNoneRounded",
- "NotificationsNoneSharp",
- "NotificationsNoneTwoTone",
- "NotificationsOff",
- "NotificationsOffOutlined",
- "NotificationsOffRounded",
- "NotificationsOffSharp",
- "NotificationsOffTwoTone",
- "NotificationsOutlined",
- "NotificationsPaused",
- "NotificationsPausedOutlined",
- "NotificationsPausedRounded",
- "NotificationsPausedSharp",
- "NotificationsPausedTwoTone",
- "NotificationsRounded",
- "NotificationsSharp",
- "NotificationsTwoTone",
- "Numbers",
- "NumbersOutlined",
- "NumbersRounded",
- "NumbersSharp",
- "NumbersTwoTone",
- "OfflineBolt",
- "OfflineBoltOutlined",
- "OfflineBoltRounded",
- "OfflineBoltSharp",
- "OfflineBoltTwoTone",
- "OfflinePin",
- "OfflinePinOutlined",
- "OfflinePinRounded",
- "OfflinePinSharp",
- "OfflinePinTwoTone",
- "OfflineShare",
- "OfflineShareOutlined",
- "OfflineShareRounded",
- "OfflineShareSharp",
- "OfflineShareTwoTone",
- "OilBarrel",
- "OilBarrelOutlined",
- "OilBarrelRounded",
- "OilBarrelSharp",
- "OilBarrelTwoTone",
- "OnDeviceTraining",
- "OnDeviceTrainingOutlined",
- "OnDeviceTrainingRounded",
- "OnDeviceTrainingSharp",
- "OnDeviceTrainingTwoTone",
- "OndemandVideo",
- "OndemandVideoOutlined",
- "OndemandVideoRounded",
- "OndemandVideoSharp",
- "OndemandVideoTwoTone",
- "OnlinePrediction",
- "OnlinePredictionOutlined",
- "OnlinePredictionRounded",
- "OnlinePredictionSharp",
- "OnlinePredictionTwoTone",
- "Opacity",
- "OpacityOutlined",
- "OpacityRounded",
- "OpacitySharp",
- "OpacityTwoTone",
- "OpenInBrowser",
- "OpenInBrowserOutlined",
- "OpenInBrowserRounded",
- "OpenInBrowserSharp",
- "OpenInBrowserTwoTone",
- "OpenInFull",
- "OpenInFullOutlined",
- "OpenInFullRounded",
- "OpenInFullSharp",
- "OpenInFullTwoTone",
- "OpenInNew",
- "OpenInNewOff",
- "OpenInNewOffOutlined",
- "OpenInNewOffRounded",
- "OpenInNewOffSharp",
- "OpenInNewOffTwoTone",
- "OpenInNewOutlined",
- "OpenInNewRounded",
- "OpenInNewSharp",
- "OpenInNewTwoTone",
- "OpenWith",
- "OpenWithOutlined",
- "OpenWithRounded",
- "OpenWithSharp",
- "OpenWithTwoTone",
- "OtherHouses",
- "OtherHousesOutlined",
- "OtherHousesRounded",
- "OtherHousesSharp",
- "OtherHousesTwoTone",
- "Outbound",
- "OutboundOutlined",
- "OutboundRounded",
- "OutboundSharp",
- "OutboundTwoTone",
- "Outbox",
- "OutboxOutlined",
- "OutboxRounded",
- "OutboxSharp",
- "OutboxTwoTone",
- "OutdoorGrill",
- "OutdoorGrillOutlined",
- "OutdoorGrillRounded",
- "OutdoorGrillSharp",
- "OutdoorGrillTwoTone",
- "Outlet",
- "OutletOutlined",
- "OutletRounded",
- "OutletSharp",
- "OutletTwoTone",
- "OutlinedFlag",
- "OutlinedFlagRounded",
- "OutlinedFlagSharp",
- "OutlinedFlagTwoTone",
- "Output",
- "OutputOutlined",
- "OutputRounded",
- "OutputSharp",
- "OutputTwoTone",
- "Padding",
- "PaddingOutlined",
- "PaddingRounded",
- "PaddingSharp",
- "PaddingTwoTone",
- "Pages",
- "PagesOutlined",
- "PagesRounded",
- "PagesSharp",
- "PagesTwoTone",
- "Pageview",
- "PageviewOutlined",
- "PageviewRounded",
- "PageviewSharp",
- "PageviewTwoTone",
- "Paid",
- "PaidOutlined",
- "PaidRounded",
- "PaidSharp",
- "PaidTwoTone",
- "Palette",
- "PaletteOutlined",
- "PaletteRounded",
- "PaletteSharp",
- "PaletteTwoTone",
- "PanTool",
- "PanToolAlt",
- "PanToolAltOutlined",
- "PanToolAltRounded",
- "PanToolAltSharp",
- "PanToolAltTwoTone",
- "PanToolOutlined",
- "PanToolRounded",
- "PanToolSharp",
- "PanToolTwoTone",
- "Panorama",
- "PanoramaFishEye",
- "PanoramaFishEyeOutlined",
- "PanoramaFishEyeRounded",
- "PanoramaFishEyeSharp",
- "PanoramaFishEyeTwoTone",
- "PanoramaHorizontal",
- "PanoramaHorizontalOutlined",
- "PanoramaHorizontalRounded",
- "PanoramaHorizontalSharp",
- "PanoramaHorizontalTwoTone",
- "PanoramaOutlined",
- "PanoramaPhotosphere",
- "PanoramaPhotosphereOutlined",
- "PanoramaPhotosphereRounded",
- "PanoramaPhotosphereSharp",
- "PanoramaPhotosphereTwoTone",
- "PanoramaRounded",
- "PanoramaSharp",
- "PanoramaTwoTone",
- "PanoramaVertical",
- "PanoramaVerticalOutlined",
- "PanoramaVerticalRounded",
- "PanoramaVerticalSharp",
- "PanoramaVerticalTwoTone",
- "PanoramaWideAngle",
- "PanoramaWideAngleOutlined",
- "PanoramaWideAngleRounded",
- "PanoramaWideAngleSharp",
- "PanoramaWideAngleTwoTone",
- "Paragliding",
- "ParaglidingOutlined",
- "ParaglidingRounded",
- "ParaglidingSharp",
- "ParaglidingTwoTone",
- "Park",
- "ParkOutlined",
- "ParkRounded",
- "ParkSharp",
- "ParkTwoTone",
- "PartyMode",
- "PartyModeOutlined",
- "PartyModeRounded",
- "PartyModeSharp",
- "PartyModeTwoTone",
- "Password",
- "PasswordOutlined",
- "PasswordRounded",
- "PasswordSharp",
- "PasswordTwoTone",
- "Pattern",
- "PatternOutlined",
- "PatternRounded",
- "PatternSharp",
- "PatternTwoTone",
- "Pause",
- "PauseCircle",
- "PauseCircleFilled",
- "PauseCircleFilledOutlined",
- "PauseCircleFilledRounded",
- "PauseCircleFilledSharp",
- "PauseCircleFilledTwoTone",
- "PauseCircleOutline",
- "PauseCircleOutlineOutlined",
- "PauseCircleOutlineRounded",
- "PauseCircleOutlineSharp",
- "PauseCircleOutlineTwoTone",
- "PauseCircleOutlined",
- "PauseCircleRounded",
- "PauseCircleSharp",
- "PauseCircleTwoTone",
- "PauseOutlined",
- "PausePresentation",
- "PausePresentationOutlined",
- "PausePresentationRounded",
- "PausePresentationSharp",
- "PausePresentationTwoTone",
- "PauseRounded",
- "PauseSharp",
- "PauseTwoTone",
- "Payment",
- "PaymentOutlined",
- "PaymentRounded",
- "PaymentSharp",
- "PaymentTwoTone",
- "Payments",
- "PaymentsOutlined",
- "PaymentsRounded",
- "PaymentsSharp",
- "PaymentsTwoTone",
- "PedalBike",
- "PedalBikeOutlined",
- "PedalBikeRounded",
- "PedalBikeSharp",
- "PedalBikeTwoTone",
- "Pending",
- "PendingActions",
- "PendingActionsOutlined",
- "PendingActionsRounded",
- "PendingActionsSharp",
- "PendingActionsTwoTone",
- "PendingOutlined",
- "PendingRounded",
- "PendingSharp",
- "PendingTwoTone",
- "Pentagon",
- "PentagonOutlined",
- "PentagonRounded",
- "PentagonSharp",
- "PentagonTwoTone",
- "People",
- "PeopleAlt",
- "PeopleAltOutlined",
- "PeopleAltRounded",
- "PeopleAltSharp",
- "PeopleAltTwoTone",
- "PeopleOutline",
- "PeopleOutlineOutlined",
- "PeopleOutlineRounded",
- "PeopleOutlineSharp",
- "PeopleOutlineTwoTone",
- "PeopleOutlined",
- "PeopleRounded",
- "PeopleSharp",
- "PeopleTwoTone",
- "Percent",
- "PercentOutlined",
- "PercentRounded",
- "PercentSharp",
- "PercentTwoTone",
- "PermCameraMic",
- "PermCameraMicOutlined",
- "PermCameraMicRounded",
- "PermCameraMicSharp",
- "PermCameraMicTwoTone",
- "PermContactCalendar",
- "PermContactCalendarOutlined",
- "PermContactCalendarRounded",
- "PermContactCalendarSharp",
- "PermContactCalendarTwoTone",
- "PermDataSetting",
- "PermDataSettingOutlined",
- "PermDataSettingRounded",
- "PermDataSettingSharp",
- "PermDataSettingTwoTone",
- "PermDeviceInformation",
- "PermDeviceInformationOutlined",
- "PermDeviceInformationRounded",
- "PermDeviceInformationSharp",
- "PermDeviceInformationTwoTone",
- "PermIdentity",
- "PermIdentityOutlined",
- "PermIdentityRounded",
- "PermIdentitySharp",
- "PermIdentityTwoTone",
- "PermMedia",
- "PermMediaOutlined",
- "PermMediaRounded",
- "PermMediaSharp",
- "PermMediaTwoTone",
- "PermPhoneMsg",
- "PermPhoneMsgOutlined",
- "PermPhoneMsgRounded",
- "PermPhoneMsgSharp",
- "PermPhoneMsgTwoTone",
- "PermScanWifi",
- "PermScanWifiOutlined",
- "PermScanWifiRounded",
- "PermScanWifiSharp",
- "PermScanWifiTwoTone",
- "Person",
- "Person2",
- "Person2Outlined",
- "Person2Rounded",
- "Person2Sharp",
- "Person2TwoTone",
- "Person3",
- "Person3Outlined",
- "Person3Rounded",
- "Person3Sharp",
- "Person3TwoTone",
- "Person4",
- "Person4Outlined",
- "Person4Rounded",
- "Person4Sharp",
- "Person4TwoTone",
- "PersonAdd",
- "PersonAddAlt",
- "PersonAddAltOutlined",
- "PersonAddAltRounded",
- "PersonAddAltSharp",
- "PersonAddAltTwoTone",
- "PersonAddDisabled",
- "PersonAddDisabledOutlined",
- "PersonAddDisabledRounded",
- "PersonAddDisabledSharp",
- "PersonAddDisabledTwoTone",
- "PersonAddOutlined",
- "PersonAddRounded",
- "PersonAddSharp",
- "PersonAddTwoTone",
- "PersonOff",
- "PersonOffOutlined",
- "PersonOffRounded",
- "PersonOffSharp",
- "PersonOffTwoTone",
- "PersonOutline",
- "PersonOutlineOutlined",
- "PersonOutlineRounded",
- "PersonOutlineSharp",
- "PersonOutlineTwoTone",
- "PersonOutlined",
- "PersonPin",
- "PersonPinCircle",
- "PersonPinCircleOutlined",
- "PersonPinCircleRounded",
- "PersonPinCircleSharp",
- "PersonPinCircleTwoTone",
- "PersonPinOutlined",
- "PersonPinRounded",
- "PersonPinSharp",
- "PersonPinTwoTone",
- "PersonRemove",
- "PersonRemoveOutlined",
- "PersonRemoveRounded",
- "PersonRemoveSharp",
- "PersonRemoveTwoTone",
- "PersonRounded",
- "PersonSearch",
- "PersonSearchOutlined",
- "PersonSearchRounded",
- "PersonSearchSharp",
- "PersonSearchTwoTone",
- "PersonSharp",
- "PersonTwoTone",
- "PersonalVideo",
- "PersonalVideoOutlined",
- "PersonalVideoRounded",
- "PersonalVideoSharp",
- "PersonalVideoTwoTone",
- "PestControl",
- "PestControlOutlined",
- "PestControlRodent",
- "PestControlRodentOutlined",
- "PestControlRodentRounded",
- "PestControlRodentSharp",
- "PestControlRodentTwoTone",
- "PestControlRounded",
- "PestControlSharp",
- "PestControlTwoTone",
- "Pets",
- "PetsOutlined",
- "PetsRounded",
- "PetsSharp",
- "PetsTwoTone",
- "Phishing",
- "PhishingOutlined",
- "PhishingRounded",
- "PhishingSharp",
- "PhishingTwoTone",
- "Phone",
- "PhoneAndroid",
- "PhoneAndroidOutlined",
- "PhoneAndroidRounded",
- "PhoneAndroidSharp",
- "PhoneAndroidTwoTone",
- "PhoneBluetoothSpeaker",
- "PhoneBluetoothSpeakerOutlined",
- "PhoneBluetoothSpeakerRounded",
- "PhoneBluetoothSpeakerSharp",
- "PhoneBluetoothSpeakerTwoTone",
- "PhoneCallback",
- "PhoneCallbackOutlined",
- "PhoneCallbackRounded",
- "PhoneCallbackSharp",
- "PhoneCallbackTwoTone",
- "PhoneDisabled",
- "PhoneDisabledOutlined",
- "PhoneDisabledRounded",
- "PhoneDisabledSharp",
- "PhoneDisabledTwoTone",
- "PhoneEnabled",
- "PhoneEnabledOutlined",
- "PhoneEnabledRounded",
- "PhoneEnabledSharp",
- "PhoneEnabledTwoTone",
- "PhoneForwarded",
- "PhoneForwardedOutlined",
- "PhoneForwardedRounded",
- "PhoneForwardedSharp",
- "PhoneForwardedTwoTone",
- "PhoneInTalk",
- "PhoneInTalkOutlined",
- "PhoneInTalkRounded",
- "PhoneInTalkSharp",
- "PhoneInTalkTwoTone",
- "PhoneIphone",
- "PhoneIphoneOutlined",
- "PhoneIphoneRounded",
- "PhoneIphoneSharp",
- "PhoneIphoneTwoTone",
- "PhoneLocked",
- "PhoneLockedOutlined",
- "PhoneLockedRounded",
- "PhoneLockedSharp",
- "PhoneLockedTwoTone",
- "PhoneMissed",
- "PhoneMissedOutlined",
- "PhoneMissedRounded",
- "PhoneMissedSharp",
- "PhoneMissedTwoTone",
- "PhoneOutlined",
- "PhonePaused",
- "PhonePausedOutlined",
- "PhonePausedRounded",
- "PhonePausedSharp",
- "PhonePausedTwoTone",
- "PhoneRounded",
- "PhoneSharp",
- "PhoneTwoTone",
- "Phonelink",
- "PhonelinkErase",
- "PhonelinkEraseOutlined",
- "PhonelinkEraseRounded",
- "PhonelinkEraseSharp",
- "PhonelinkEraseTwoTone",
- "PhonelinkLock",
- "PhonelinkLockOutlined",
- "PhonelinkLockRounded",
- "PhonelinkLockSharp",
- "PhonelinkLockTwoTone",
- "PhonelinkOff",
- "PhonelinkOffOutlined",
- "PhonelinkOffRounded",
- "PhonelinkOffSharp",
- "PhonelinkOffTwoTone",
- "PhonelinkOutlined",
- "PhonelinkRing",
- "PhonelinkRingOutlined",
- "PhonelinkRingRounded",
- "PhonelinkRingSharp",
- "PhonelinkRingTwoTone",
- "PhonelinkRounded",
- "PhonelinkSetup",
- "PhonelinkSetupOutlined",
- "PhonelinkSetupRounded",
- "PhonelinkSetupSharp",
- "PhonelinkSetupTwoTone",
- "PhonelinkSharp",
- "PhonelinkTwoTone",
- "Photo",
- "PhotoAlbum",
- "PhotoAlbumOutlined",
- "PhotoAlbumRounded",
- "PhotoAlbumSharp",
- "PhotoAlbumTwoTone",
- "PhotoCamera",
- "PhotoCameraBack",
- "PhotoCameraBackOutlined",
- "PhotoCameraBackRounded",
- "PhotoCameraBackSharp",
- "PhotoCameraBackTwoTone",
- "PhotoCameraFront",
- "PhotoCameraFrontOutlined",
- "PhotoCameraFrontRounded",
- "PhotoCameraFrontSharp",
- "PhotoCameraFrontTwoTone",
- "PhotoCameraOutlined",
- "PhotoCameraRounded",
- "PhotoCameraSharp",
- "PhotoCameraTwoTone",
- "PhotoFilter",
- "PhotoFilterOutlined",
- "PhotoFilterRounded",
- "PhotoFilterSharp",
- "PhotoFilterTwoTone",
- "PhotoLibrary",
- "PhotoLibraryOutlined",
- "PhotoLibraryRounded",
- "PhotoLibrarySharp",
- "PhotoLibraryTwoTone",
- "PhotoOutlined",
- "PhotoRounded",
- "PhotoSharp",
- "PhotoSizeSelectActual",
- "PhotoSizeSelectActualOutlined",
- "PhotoSizeSelectActualRounded",
- "PhotoSizeSelectActualSharp",
- "PhotoSizeSelectActualTwoTone",
- "PhotoSizeSelectLarge",
- "PhotoSizeSelectLargeOutlined",
- "PhotoSizeSelectLargeRounded",
- "PhotoSizeSelectLargeSharp",
- "PhotoSizeSelectLargeTwoTone",
- "PhotoSizeSelectSmall",
- "PhotoSizeSelectSmallOutlined",
- "PhotoSizeSelectSmallRounded",
- "PhotoSizeSelectSmallSharp",
- "PhotoSizeSelectSmallTwoTone",
- "PhotoTwoTone",
- "Php",
- "PhpOutlined",
- "PhpRounded",
- "PhpSharp",
- "PhpTwoTone",
- "Piano",
- "PianoOff",
- "PianoOffOutlined",
- "PianoOffRounded",
- "PianoOffSharp",
- "PianoOffTwoTone",
- "PianoOutlined",
- "PianoRounded",
- "PianoSharp",
- "PianoTwoTone",
- "PictureAsPdf",
- "PictureAsPdfOutlined",
- "PictureAsPdfRounded",
- "PictureAsPdfSharp",
- "PictureAsPdfTwoTone",
- "PictureInPicture",
- "PictureInPictureAlt",
- "PictureInPictureAltOutlined",
- "PictureInPictureAltRounded",
- "PictureInPictureAltSharp",
- "PictureInPictureAltTwoTone",
- "PictureInPictureOutlined",
- "PictureInPictureRounded",
- "PictureInPictureSharp",
- "PictureInPictureTwoTone",
- "PieChart",
- "PieChartOutline",
- "PieChartOutlineOutlined",
- "PieChartOutlineRounded",
- "PieChartOutlineSharp",
- "PieChartOutlineTwoTone",
- "PieChartOutlined",
- "PieChartRounded",
- "PieChartSharp",
- "PieChartTwoTone",
- "Pin",
- "PinDrop",
- "PinDropOutlined",
- "PinDropRounded",
- "PinDropSharp",
- "PinDropTwoTone",
- "PinOutlined",
- "PinRounded",
- "PinSharp",
- "PinTwoTone",
- "Pinch",
- "PinchOutlined",
- "PinchRounded",
- "PinchSharp",
- "PinchTwoTone",
- "Pinterest",
- "PivotTableChart",
- "PivotTableChartOutlined",
- "PivotTableChartRounded",
- "PivotTableChartSharp",
- "PivotTableChartTwoTone",
- "Place",
- "PlaceOutlined",
- "PlaceRounded",
- "PlaceSharp",
- "PlaceTwoTone",
- "Plagiarism",
- "PlagiarismOutlined",
- "PlagiarismRounded",
- "PlagiarismSharp",
- "PlagiarismTwoTone",
- "PlayArrow",
- "PlayArrowOutlined",
- "PlayArrowRounded",
- "PlayArrowSharp",
- "PlayArrowTwoTone",
- "PlayCircle",
- "PlayCircleFilled",
- "PlayCircleOutlined",
- "PlayCircleRounded",
- "PlayCircleSharp",
- "PlayCircleTwoTone",
- "PlayDisabled",
- "PlayDisabledOutlined",
- "PlayDisabledRounded",
- "PlayDisabledSharp",
- "PlayDisabledTwoTone",
- "PlayForWork",
- "PlayForWorkOutlined",
- "PlayForWorkRounded",
- "PlayForWorkSharp",
- "PlayForWorkTwoTone",
- "PlayLesson",
- "PlayLessonOutlined",
- "PlayLessonRounded",
- "PlayLessonSharp",
- "PlayLessonTwoTone",
- "PlaylistAdd",
- "PlaylistAddCheck",
- "PlaylistAddCheckCircle",
- "PlaylistAddCheckCircleOutlined",
- "PlaylistAddCheckCircleRounded",
- "PlaylistAddCheckCircleSharp",
- "PlaylistAddCheckCircleTwoTone",
- "PlaylistAddCheckOutlined",
- "PlaylistAddCheckRounded",
- "PlaylistAddCheckSharp",
- "PlaylistAddCheckTwoTone",
- "PlaylistAddCircle",
- "PlaylistAddCircleOutlined",
- "PlaylistAddCircleRounded",
- "PlaylistAddCircleSharp",
- "PlaylistAddCircleTwoTone",
- "PlaylistAddOutlined",
- "PlaylistAddRounded",
- "PlaylistAddSharp",
- "PlaylistAddTwoTone",
- "PlaylistPlay",
- "PlaylistPlayOutlined",
- "PlaylistPlayRounded",
- "PlaylistPlaySharp",
- "PlaylistPlayTwoTone",
- "PlaylistRemove",
- "PlaylistRemoveOutlined",
- "PlaylistRemoveRounded",
- "PlaylistRemoveSharp",
- "PlaylistRemoveTwoTone",
- "Plumbing",
- "PlumbingOutlined",
- "PlumbingRounded",
- "PlumbingSharp",
- "PlumbingTwoTone",
- "PlusOne",
- "PlusOneOutlined",
- "PlusOneRounded",
- "PlusOneSharp",
- "PlusOneTwoTone",
- "Podcasts",
- "PodcastsOutlined",
- "PodcastsRounded",
- "PodcastsSharp",
- "PodcastsTwoTone",
- "PointOfSale",
- "PointOfSaleOutlined",
- "PointOfSaleRounded",
- "PointOfSaleSharp",
- "PointOfSaleTwoTone",
- "Policy",
- "PolicyOutlined",
- "PolicyRounded",
- "PolicySharp",
- "PolicyTwoTone",
- "Poll",
- "PollOutlined",
- "PollRounded",
- "PollSharp",
- "PollTwoTone",
- "Polyline",
- "PolylineOutlined",
- "PolylineRounded",
- "PolylineSharp",
- "PolylineTwoTone",
- "Pool",
- "PoolOutlined",
- "PoolRounded",
- "PoolSharp",
- "PoolTwoTone",
- "PortableWifiOff",
- "PortableWifiOffOutlined",
- "PortableWifiOffRounded",
- "PortableWifiOffSharp",
- "PortableWifiOffTwoTone",
- "Portrait",
- "PortraitOutlined",
- "PortraitRounded",
- "PortraitSharp",
- "PortraitTwoTone",
- "PostAdd",
- "PostAddOutlined",
- "PostAddRounded",
- "PostAddSharp",
- "PostAddTwoTone",
- "Power",
- "PowerInput",
- "PowerInputOutlined",
- "PowerInputRounded",
- "PowerInputSharp",
- "PowerInputTwoTone",
- "PowerOff",
- "PowerOffOutlined",
- "PowerOffRounded",
- "PowerOffSharp",
- "PowerOffTwoTone",
- "PowerOutlined",
- "PowerRounded",
- "PowerSettingsNew",
- "PowerSettingsNewOutlined",
- "PowerSettingsNewRounded",
- "PowerSettingsNewSharp",
- "PowerSettingsNewTwoTone",
- "PowerSharp",
- "PowerTwoTone",
- "PrecisionManufacturing",
- "PrecisionManufacturingOutlined",
- "PrecisionManufacturingRounded",
- "PrecisionManufacturingSharp",
- "PrecisionManufacturingTwoTone",
- "PregnantWoman",
- "PregnantWomanOutlined",
- "PregnantWomanRounded",
- "PregnantWomanSharp",
- "PregnantWomanTwoTone",
- "PresentToAll",
- "PresentToAllOutlined",
- "PresentToAllRounded",
- "PresentToAllSharp",
- "PresentToAllTwoTone",
- "Preview",
- "PreviewOutlined",
- "PreviewRounded",
- "PreviewSharp",
- "PreviewTwoTone",
- "PriceChange",
- "PriceChangeOutlined",
- "PriceChangeRounded",
- "PriceChangeSharp",
- "PriceChangeTwoTone",
- "PriceCheck",
- "PriceCheckOutlined",
- "PriceCheckRounded",
- "PriceCheckSharp",
- "PriceCheckTwoTone",
- "Print",
- "PrintDisabled",
- "PrintDisabledOutlined",
- "PrintDisabledRounded",
- "PrintDisabledSharp",
- "PrintDisabledTwoTone",
- "PrintOutlined",
- "PrintRounded",
- "PrintSharp",
- "PrintTwoTone",
- "PriorityHigh",
- "PriorityHighOutlined",
- "PriorityHighRounded",
- "PriorityHighSharp",
- "PriorityHighTwoTone",
- "PrivacyTip",
- "PrivacyTipOutlined",
- "PrivacyTipRounded",
- "PrivacyTipSharp",
- "PrivacyTipTwoTone",
- "ProductionQuantityLimits",
- "ProductionQuantityLimitsOutlined",
- "ProductionQuantityLimitsRounded",
- "ProductionQuantityLimitsSharp",
- "ProductionQuantityLimitsTwoTone",
- "Propane",
- "PropaneOutlined",
- "PropaneRounded",
- "PropaneSharp",
- "PropaneTank",
- "PropaneTankOutlined",
- "PropaneTankRounded",
- "PropaneTankSharp",
- "PropaneTankTwoTone",
- "PropaneTwoTone",
- "Psychology",
- "PsychologyAlt",
- "PsychologyAltOutlined",
- "PsychologyAltRounded",
- "PsychologyAltSharp",
- "PsychologyAltTwoTone",
- "PsychologyOutlined",
- "PsychologyRounded",
- "PsychologySharp",
- "PsychologyTwoTone",
- "Public",
- "PublicOff",
- "PublicOffOutlined",
- "PublicOffRounded",
- "PublicOffSharp",
- "PublicOffTwoTone",
- "PublicOutlined",
- "PublicRounded",
- "PublicSharp",
- "PublicTwoTone",
- "Publish",
- "PublishOutlined",
- "PublishRounded",
- "PublishSharp",
- "PublishTwoTone",
- "PublishedWithChanges",
- "PublishedWithChangesOutlined",
- "PublishedWithChangesRounded",
- "PublishedWithChangesSharp",
- "PublishedWithChangesTwoTone",
- "PunchClock",
- "PunchClockOutlined",
- "PunchClockRounded",
- "PunchClockSharp",
- "PunchClockTwoTone",
- "PushPin",
- "PushPinOutlined",
- "PushPinRounded",
- "PushPinSharp",
- "PushPinTwoTone",
- "QrCode",
- "QrCode2",
- "QrCode2Outlined",
- "QrCode2Rounded",
- "QrCode2Sharp",
- "QrCode2TwoTone",
- "QrCodeOutlined",
- "QrCodeRounded",
- "QrCodeScanner",
- "QrCodeScannerOutlined",
- "QrCodeScannerRounded",
- "QrCodeScannerSharp",
- "QrCodeScannerTwoTone",
- "QrCodeSharp",
- "QrCodeTwoTone",
- "QueryBuilder",
- "QueryBuilderOutlined",
- "QueryBuilderRounded",
- "QueryBuilderSharp",
- "QueryBuilderTwoTone",
- "QueryStats",
- "QueryStatsOutlined",
- "QueryStatsRounded",
- "QueryStatsSharp",
- "QueryStatsTwoTone",
- "QuestionAnswer",
- "QuestionAnswerOutlined",
- "QuestionAnswerRounded",
- "QuestionAnswerSharp",
- "QuestionAnswerTwoTone",
- "QuestionMark",
- "QuestionMarkOutlined",
- "QuestionMarkRounded",
- "QuestionMarkSharp",
- "QuestionMarkTwoTone",
- "Queue",
- "QueueMusic",
- "QueueMusicOutlined",
- "QueueMusicRounded",
- "QueueMusicSharp",
- "QueueMusicTwoTone",
- "QueueOutlined",
- "QueuePlayNext",
- "QueuePlayNextOutlined",
- "QueuePlayNextRounded",
- "QueuePlayNextSharp",
- "QueuePlayNextTwoTone",
- "QueueRounded",
- "QueueSharp",
- "QueueTwoTone",
- "Quickreply",
- "QuickreplyOutlined",
- "QuickreplyRounded",
- "QuickreplySharp",
- "QuickreplyTwoTone",
- "Quiz",
- "QuizOutlined",
- "QuizRounded",
- "QuizSharp",
- "QuizTwoTone",
- "RMobiledata",
- "RMobiledataOutlined",
- "RMobiledataRounded",
- "RMobiledataSharp",
- "RMobiledataTwoTone",
- "Radar",
- "RadarOutlined",
- "RadarRounded",
- "RadarSharp",
- "RadarTwoTone",
- "Radio",
- "RadioButtonChecked",
- "RadioButtonCheckedOutlined",
- "RadioButtonCheckedRounded",
- "RadioButtonCheckedSharp",
- "RadioButtonCheckedTwoTone",
- "RadioButtonUnchecked",
- "RadioButtonUncheckedOutlined",
- "RadioButtonUncheckedRounded",
- "RadioButtonUncheckedSharp",
- "RadioButtonUncheckedTwoTone",
- "RadioOutlined",
- "RadioRounded",
- "RadioSharp",
- "RadioTwoTone",
- "RailwayAlert",
- "RailwayAlertOutlined",
- "RailwayAlertRounded",
- "RailwayAlertSharp",
- "RailwayAlertTwoTone",
- "RamenDining",
- "RamenDiningOutlined",
- "RamenDiningRounded",
- "RamenDiningSharp",
- "RamenDiningTwoTone",
- "RampLeft",
- "RampLeftOutlined",
- "RampLeftRounded",
- "RampLeftSharp",
- "RampLeftTwoTone",
- "RampRight",
- "RampRightOutlined",
- "RampRightRounded",
- "RampRightSharp",
- "RampRightTwoTone",
- "RateReview",
- "RateReviewOutlined",
- "RateReviewRounded",
- "RateReviewSharp",
- "RateReviewTwoTone",
- "RawOff",
- "RawOffOutlined",
- "RawOffRounded",
- "RawOffSharp",
- "RawOffTwoTone",
- "RawOn",
- "RawOnOutlined",
- "RawOnRounded",
- "RawOnSharp",
- "RawOnTwoTone",
- "ReadMore",
- "ReadMoreOutlined",
- "ReadMoreRounded",
- "ReadMoreSharp",
- "ReadMoreTwoTone",
- "Receipt",
- "ReceiptLong",
- "ReceiptLongOutlined",
- "ReceiptLongRounded",
- "ReceiptLongSharp",
- "ReceiptLongTwoTone",
- "ReceiptOutlined",
- "ReceiptRounded",
- "ReceiptSharp",
- "ReceiptTwoTone",
- "RecentActors",
- "RecentActorsOutlined",
- "RecentActorsRounded",
- "RecentActorsSharp",
- "RecentActorsTwoTone",
- "Recommend",
- "RecommendOutlined",
- "RecommendRounded",
- "RecommendSharp",
- "RecommendTwoTone",
- "RecordVoiceOver",
- "RecordVoiceOverOutlined",
- "RecordVoiceOverRounded",
- "RecordVoiceOverSharp",
- "RecordVoiceOverTwoTone",
- "Rectangle",
- "RectangleOutlined",
- "RectangleRounded",
- "RectangleSharp",
- "RectangleTwoTone",
- "Recycling",
- "RecyclingOutlined",
- "RecyclingRounded",
- "RecyclingSharp",
- "RecyclingTwoTone",
- "Reddit",
- "Redeem",
- "RedeemOutlined",
- "RedeemRounded",
- "RedeemSharp",
- "RedeemTwoTone",
- "Redo",
- "RedoOutlined",
- "RedoRounded",
- "RedoSharp",
- "RedoTwoTone",
- "ReduceCapacity",
- "ReduceCapacityOutlined",
- "ReduceCapacityRounded",
- "ReduceCapacitySharp",
- "ReduceCapacityTwoTone",
- "Refresh",
- "RefreshOutlined",
- "RefreshRounded",
- "RefreshSharp",
- "RefreshTwoTone",
- "RememberMe",
- "RememberMeOutlined",
- "RememberMeRounded",
- "RememberMeSharp",
- "RememberMeTwoTone",
- "Remove",
- "RemoveCircle",
- "RemoveCircleOutline",
- "RemoveCircleOutlineOutlined",
- "RemoveCircleOutlineRounded",
- "RemoveCircleOutlineSharp",
- "RemoveCircleOutlineTwoTone",
- "RemoveCircleOutlined",
- "RemoveCircleRounded",
- "RemoveCircleSharp",
- "RemoveCircleTwoTone",
- "RemoveDone",
- "RemoveDoneOutlined",
- "RemoveDoneRounded",
- "RemoveDoneSharp",
- "RemoveDoneTwoTone",
- "RemoveFromQueue",
- "RemoveFromQueueOutlined",
- "RemoveFromQueueRounded",
- "RemoveFromQueueSharp",
- "RemoveFromQueueTwoTone",
- "RemoveModerator",
- "RemoveModeratorOutlined",
- "RemoveModeratorRounded",
- "RemoveModeratorSharp",
- "RemoveModeratorTwoTone",
- "RemoveOutlined",
- "RemoveRedEye",
- "RemoveRedEyeOutlined",
- "RemoveRedEyeRounded",
- "RemoveRedEyeSharp",
- "RemoveRedEyeTwoTone",
- "RemoveRoad",
- "RemoveRoadOutlined",
- "RemoveRoadRounded",
- "RemoveRoadSharp",
- "RemoveRoadTwoTone",
- "RemoveRounded",
- "RemoveSharp",
- "RemoveShoppingCart",
- "RemoveShoppingCartOutlined",
- "RemoveShoppingCartRounded",
- "RemoveShoppingCartSharp",
- "RemoveShoppingCartTwoTone",
- "RemoveTwoTone",
- "Reorder",
- "ReorderOutlined",
- "ReorderRounded",
- "ReorderSharp",
- "ReorderTwoTone",
- "Repartition",
- "RepartitionOutlined",
- "RepartitionRounded",
- "RepartitionSharp",
- "RepartitionTwoTone",
- "Repeat",
- "RepeatOn",
- "RepeatOnOutlined",
- "RepeatOnRounded",
- "RepeatOnSharp",
- "RepeatOnTwoTone",
- "RepeatOne",
- "RepeatOneOn",
- "RepeatOneOnOutlined",
- "RepeatOneOnRounded",
- "RepeatOneOnSharp",
- "RepeatOneOnTwoTone",
- "RepeatOneOutlined",
- "RepeatOneRounded",
- "RepeatOneSharp",
- "RepeatOneTwoTone",
- "RepeatOutlined",
- "RepeatRounded",
- "RepeatSharp",
- "RepeatTwoTone",
- "Replay",
- "Replay10",
- "Replay10Outlined",
- "Replay10Rounded",
- "Replay10Sharp",
- "Replay10TwoTone",
- "Replay30",
- "Replay30Outlined",
- "Replay30Rounded",
- "Replay30Sharp",
- "Replay30TwoTone",
- "Replay5",
- "Replay5Outlined",
- "Replay5Rounded",
- "Replay5Sharp",
- "Replay5TwoTone",
- "ReplayCircleFilled",
- "ReplayCircleFilledOutlined",
- "ReplayCircleFilledRounded",
- "ReplayCircleFilledSharp",
- "ReplayCircleFilledTwoTone",
- "ReplayOutlined",
- "ReplayRounded",
- "ReplaySharp",
- "ReplayTwoTone",
- "Reply",
- "ReplyAll",
- "ReplyAllOutlined",
- "ReplyAllRounded",
- "ReplyAllSharp",
- "ReplyAllTwoTone",
- "ReplyOutlined",
- "ReplyRounded",
- "ReplySharp",
- "ReplyTwoTone",
- "Report",
- "ReportGmailerrorred",
- "ReportGmailerrorredOutlined",
- "ReportGmailerrorredRounded",
- "ReportGmailerrorredSharp",
- "ReportGmailerrorredTwoTone",
- "ReportOff",
- "ReportOffOutlined",
- "ReportOffRounded",
- "ReportOffSharp",
- "ReportOffTwoTone",
- "ReportOutlined",
- "ReportProblem",
- "ReportProblemOutlined",
- "ReportProblemRounded",
- "ReportProblemSharp",
- "ReportProblemTwoTone",
- "ReportRounded",
- "ReportSharp",
- "ReportTwoTone",
- "RequestPage",
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- "RequestPageSharp",
- "RequestPageTwoTone",
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- "RequestQuoteOutlined",
- "RequestQuoteRounded",
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- "RequestQuoteTwoTone",
- "ResetTv",
- "ResetTvOutlined",
- "ResetTvRounded",
- "ResetTvSharp",
- "ResetTvTwoTone",
- "RestartAlt",
- "RestartAltOutlined",
- "RestartAltRounded",
- "RestartAltSharp",
- "RestartAltTwoTone",
- "Restaurant",
- "RestaurantMenu",
- "RestaurantMenuOutlined",
- "RestaurantMenuRounded",
- "RestaurantMenuSharp",
- "RestaurantMenuTwoTone",
- "RestaurantOutlined",
- "RestaurantRounded",
- "RestaurantSharp",
- "RestaurantTwoTone",
- "Restore",
- "RestoreFromTrash",
- "RestoreFromTrashOutlined",
- "RestoreFromTrashRounded",
- "RestoreFromTrashSharp",
- "RestoreFromTrashTwoTone",
- "RestoreOutlined",
- "RestorePage",
- "RestorePageOutlined",
- "RestorePageRounded",
- "RestorePageSharp",
- "RestorePageTwoTone",
- "RestoreRounded",
- "RestoreSharp",
- "RestoreTwoTone",
- "Reviews",
- "ReviewsOutlined",
- "ReviewsRounded",
- "ReviewsSharp",
- "ReviewsTwoTone",
- "RiceBowl",
- "RiceBowlOutlined",
- "RiceBowlRounded",
- "RiceBowlSharp",
- "RiceBowlTwoTone",
- "RingVolume",
- "RingVolumeOutlined",
- "RingVolumeRounded",
- "RingVolumeSharp",
- "RingVolumeTwoTone",
- "Rocket",
- "RocketLaunch",
- "RocketLaunchOutlined",
- "RocketLaunchRounded",
- "RocketLaunchSharp",
- "RocketLaunchTwoTone",
- "RocketOutlined",
- "RocketRounded",
- "RocketSharp",
- "RocketTwoTone",
- "RollerShades",
- "RollerShadesClosed",
- "RollerShadesClosedOutlined",
- "RollerShadesClosedRounded",
- "RollerShadesClosedSharp",
- "RollerShadesClosedTwoTone",
- "RollerShadesOutlined",
- "RollerShadesRounded",
- "RollerShadesSharp",
- "RollerShadesTwoTone",
- "RollerSkating",
- "RollerSkatingOutlined",
- "RollerSkatingRounded",
- "RollerSkatingSharp",
- "RollerSkatingTwoTone",
- "Roofing",
- "RoofingOutlined",
- "RoofingRounded",
- "RoofingSharp",
- "RoofingTwoTone",
- "Room",
- "RoomOutlined",
- "RoomPreferences",
- "RoomPreferencesOutlined",
- "RoomPreferencesRounded",
- "RoomPreferencesSharp",
- "RoomPreferencesTwoTone",
- "RoomRounded",
- "RoomService",
- "RoomServiceOutlined",
- "RoomServiceRounded",
- "RoomServiceSharp",
- "RoomServiceTwoTone",
- "RoomSharp",
- "RoomTwoTone",
- "Rotate90DegreesCcw",
- "Rotate90DegreesCcwOutlined",
- "Rotate90DegreesCcwRounded",
- "Rotate90DegreesCcwSharp",
- "Rotate90DegreesCcwTwoTone",
- "Rotate90DegreesCw",
- "Rotate90DegreesCwOutlined",
- "Rotate90DegreesCwRounded",
- "Rotate90DegreesCwSharp",
- "Rotate90DegreesCwTwoTone",
- "RotateLeft",
- "RotateLeftOutlined",
- "RotateLeftRounded",
- "RotateLeftSharp",
- "RotateLeftTwoTone",
- "RotateRight",
- "RotateRightOutlined",
- "RotateRightRounded",
- "RotateRightSharp",
- "RotateRightTwoTone",
- "RoundaboutLeft",
- "RoundaboutLeftOutlined",
- "RoundaboutLeftRounded",
- "RoundaboutLeftSharp",
- "RoundaboutLeftTwoTone",
- "RoundaboutRight",
- "RoundaboutRightOutlined",
- "RoundaboutRightRounded",
- "RoundaboutRightSharp",
- "RoundaboutRightTwoTone",
- "RoundedCorner",
- "RoundedCornerOutlined",
- "RoundedCornerSharp",
- "RoundedCornerTwoTone",
- "Route",
- "RouteOutlined",
- "RouteRounded",
- "RouteSharp",
- "RouteTwoTone",
- "Router",
- "RouterOutlined",
- "RouterRounded",
- "RouterSharp",
- "RouterTwoTone",
- "Rowing",
- "RowingOutlined",
- "RowingRounded",
- "RowingSharp",
- "RowingTwoTone",
- "RssFeed",
- "RssFeedOutlined",
- "RssFeedRounded",
- "RssFeedSharp",
- "RssFeedTwoTone",
- "Rsvp",
- "RsvpOutlined",
- "RsvpRounded",
- "RsvpSharp",
- "RsvpTwoTone",
- "Rtt",
- "RttOutlined",
- "RttRounded",
- "RttSharp",
- "RttTwoTone",
- "Rule",
- "RuleFolder",
- "RuleFolderOutlined",
- "RuleFolderRounded",
- "RuleFolderSharp",
- "RuleFolderTwoTone",
- "RuleOutlined",
- "RuleRounded",
- "RuleSharp",
- "RuleTwoTone",
- "RunCircle",
- "RunCircleOutlined",
- "RunCircleRounded",
- "RunCircleSharp",
- "RunCircleTwoTone",
- "RunningWithErrors",
- "RunningWithErrorsOutlined",
- "RunningWithErrorsRounded",
- "RunningWithErrorsSharp",
- "RunningWithErrorsTwoTone",
- "RvHookup",
- "RvHookupOutlined",
- "RvHookupRounded",
- "RvHookupSharp",
- "RvHookupTwoTone",
- "SafetyCheck",
- "SafetyCheckOutlined",
- "SafetyCheckRounded",
- "SafetyCheckSharp",
- "SafetyCheckTwoTone",
- "SafetyDivider",
- "SafetyDividerOutlined",
- "SafetyDividerRounded",
- "SafetyDividerSharp",
- "SafetyDividerTwoTone",
- "Sailing",
- "SailingOutlined",
- "SailingRounded",
- "SailingSharp",
- "SailingTwoTone",
- "Sanitizer",
- "SanitizerOutlined",
- "SanitizerRounded",
- "SanitizerSharp",
- "SanitizerTwoTone",
- "Satellite",
- "SatelliteAlt",
- "SatelliteAltOutlined",
- "SatelliteAltRounded",
- "SatelliteAltSharp",
- "SatelliteAltTwoTone",
- "SatelliteOutlined",
- "SatelliteRounded",
- "SatelliteSharp",
- "SatelliteTwoTone",
- "Save",
- "SaveAlt",
- "SaveAltOutlined",
- "SaveAltRounded",
- "SaveAltSharp",
- "SaveAltTwoTone",
- "SaveAs",
- "SaveAsOutlined",
- "SaveAsRounded",
- "SaveAsSharp",
- "SaveAsTwoTone",
- "SaveOutlined",
- "SaveRounded",
- "SaveSharp",
- "SaveTwoTone",
- "SavedSearch",
- "SavedSearchOutlined",
- "SavedSearchRounded",
- "SavedSearchSharp",
- "SavedSearchTwoTone",
- "Savings",
- "SavingsOutlined",
- "SavingsRounded",
- "SavingsSharp",
- "SavingsTwoTone",
- "Scale",
- "ScaleOutlined",
- "ScaleRounded",
- "ScaleSharp",
- "ScaleTwoTone",
- "Scanner",
- "ScannerOutlined",
- "ScannerRounded",
- "ScannerSharp",
- "ScannerTwoTone",
- "ScatterPlot",
- "ScatterPlotOutlined",
- "ScatterPlotRounded",
- "ScatterPlotSharp",
- "ScatterPlotTwoTone",
- "Schedule",
- "ScheduleOutlined",
- "ScheduleRounded",
- "ScheduleSend",
- "ScheduleSendOutlined",
- "ScheduleSendRounded",
- "ScheduleSendSharp",
- "ScheduleSendTwoTone",
- "ScheduleSharp",
- "ScheduleTwoTone",
- "Schema",
- "SchemaOutlined",
- "SchemaRounded",
- "SchemaSharp",
- "SchemaTwoTone",
- "School",
- "SchoolOutlined",
- "SchoolRounded",
- "SchoolSharp",
- "SchoolTwoTone",
- "Science",
- "ScienceOutlined",
- "ScienceRounded",
- "ScienceSharp",
- "ScienceTwoTone",
- "Score",
- "ScoreOutlined",
- "ScoreRounded",
- "ScoreSharp",
- "ScoreTwoTone",
- "Scoreboard",
- "ScoreboardOutlined",
- "ScoreboardRounded",
- "ScoreboardSharp",
- "ScoreboardTwoTone",
- "ScreenLockLandscape",
- "ScreenLockLandscapeOutlined",
- "ScreenLockLandscapeRounded",
- "ScreenLockLandscapeSharp",
- "ScreenLockLandscapeTwoTone",
- "ScreenLockPortrait",
- "ScreenLockPortraitOutlined",
- "ScreenLockPortraitRounded",
- "ScreenLockPortraitSharp",
- "ScreenLockPortraitTwoTone",
- "ScreenLockRotation",
- "ScreenLockRotationOutlined",
- "ScreenLockRotationRounded",
- "ScreenLockRotationSharp",
- "ScreenLockRotationTwoTone",
- "ScreenRotation",
- "ScreenRotationAlt",
- "ScreenRotationAltOutlined",
- "ScreenRotationAltRounded",
- "ScreenRotationAltSharp",
- "ScreenRotationAltTwoTone",
- "ScreenRotationOutlined",
- "ScreenRotationRounded",
- "ScreenRotationSharp",
- "ScreenRotationTwoTone",
- "ScreenSearchDesktop",
- "ScreenSearchDesktopOutlined",
- "ScreenSearchDesktopRounded",
- "ScreenSearchDesktopSharp",
- "ScreenSearchDesktopTwoTone",
- "ScreenShare",
- "ScreenShareOutlined",
- "ScreenShareRounded",
- "ScreenShareSharp",
- "ScreenShareTwoTone",
- "Screenshot",
- "ScreenshotMonitor",
- "ScreenshotMonitorOutlined",
- "ScreenshotMonitorRounded",
- "ScreenshotMonitorSharp",
- "ScreenshotMonitorTwoTone",
- "ScreenshotOutlined",
- "ScreenshotRounded",
- "ScreenshotSharp",
- "ScreenshotTwoTone",
- "ScubaDiving",
- "ScubaDivingOutlined",
- "ScubaDivingRounded",
- "ScubaDivingSharp",
- "ScubaDivingTwoTone",
- "Sd",
- "SdCard",
- "SdCardAlert",
- "SdCardAlertOutlined",
- "SdCardAlertRounded",
- "SdCardAlertSharp",
- "SdCardAlertTwoTone",
- "SdCardOutlined",
- "SdCardRounded",
- "SdCardSharp",
- "SdCardTwoTone",
- "SdOutlined",
- "SdRounded",
- "SdSharp",
- "SdStorage",
- "SdStorageOutlined",
- "SdStorageRounded",
- "SdStorageSharp",
- "SdStorageTwoTone",
- "SdTwoTone",
- "Search",
- "SearchOff",
- "SearchOffOutlined",
- "SearchOffRounded",
- "SearchOffSharp",
- "SearchOffTwoTone",
- "SearchOutlined",
- "SearchRounded",
- "SearchSharp",
- "SearchTwoTone",
- "Security",
- "SecurityOutlined",
- "SecurityRounded",
- "SecuritySharp",
- "SecurityTwoTone",
- "SecurityUpdate",
- "SecurityUpdateGood",
- "SecurityUpdateGoodOutlined",
- "SecurityUpdateGoodRounded",
- "SecurityUpdateGoodSharp",
- "SecurityUpdateGoodTwoTone",
- "SecurityUpdateOutlined",
- "SecurityUpdateRounded",
- "SecurityUpdateSharp",
- "SecurityUpdateTwoTone",
- "SecurityUpdateWarning",
- "SecurityUpdateWarningOutlined",
- "SecurityUpdateWarningRounded",
- "SecurityUpdateWarningSharp",
- "SecurityUpdateWarningTwoTone",
- "Segment",
- "SegmentOutlined",
- "SegmentRounded",
- "SegmentSharp",
- "SegmentTwoTone",
- "SelectAll",
- "SelectAllOutlined",
- "SelectAllRounded",
- "SelectAllSharp",
- "SelectAllTwoTone",
- "SelfImprovement",
- "SelfImprovementOutlined",
- "SelfImprovementRounded",
- "SelfImprovementSharp",
- "SelfImprovementTwoTone",
- "Sell",
- "SellOutlined",
- "SellRounded",
- "SellSharp",
- "SellTwoTone",
- "Send",
- "SendAndArchive",
- "SendAndArchiveOutlined",
- "SendAndArchiveRounded",
- "SendAndArchiveSharp",
- "SendAndArchiveTwoTone",
- "SendOutlined",
- "SendRounded",
- "SendSharp",
- "SendTimeExtension",
- "SendTimeExtensionOutlined",
- "SendTimeExtensionRounded",
- "SendTimeExtensionSharp",
- "SendTimeExtensionTwoTone",
- "SendToMobile",
- "SendToMobileOutlined",
- "SendToMobileRounded",
- "SendToMobileSharp",
- "SendToMobileTwoTone",
- "SendTwoTone",
- "SensorDoor",
- "SensorDoorOutlined",
- "SensorDoorRounded",
- "SensorDoorSharp",
- "SensorDoorTwoTone",
- "SensorOccupied",
- "SensorOccupiedOutlined",
- "SensorOccupiedRounded",
- "SensorOccupiedSharp",
- "SensorOccupiedTwoTone",
- "SensorWindow",
- "SensorWindowOutlined",
- "SensorWindowRounded",
- "SensorWindowSharp",
- "SensorWindowTwoTone",
- "Sensors",
- "SensorsOff",
- "SensorsOffOutlined",
- "SensorsOffRounded",
- "SensorsOffSharp",
- "SensorsOffTwoTone",
- "SensorsOutlined",
- "SensorsRounded",
- "SensorsSharp",
- "SensorsTwoTone",
- "SentimentDissatisfied",
- "SentimentDissatisfiedOutlined",
- "SentimentDissatisfiedRounded",
- "SentimentDissatisfiedSharp",
- "SentimentDissatisfiedTwoTone",
- "SentimentNeutral",
- "SentimentNeutralOutlined",
- "SentimentNeutralRounded",
- "SentimentNeutralSharp",
- "SentimentNeutralTwoTone",
- "SentimentSatisfied",
- "SentimentSatisfiedAlt",
- "SentimentSatisfiedAltOutlined",
- "SentimentSatisfiedAltRounded",
- "SentimentSatisfiedAltSharp",
- "SentimentSatisfiedAltTwoTone",
- "SentimentSatisfiedOutlined",
- "SentimentSatisfiedRounded",
- "SentimentSatisfiedSharp",
- "SentimentSatisfiedTwoTone",
- "SentimentVeryDissatisfied",
- "SentimentVeryDissatisfiedOutlined",
- "SentimentVeryDissatisfiedRounded",
- "SentimentVeryDissatisfiedSharp",
- "SentimentVeryDissatisfiedTwoTone",
- "SentimentVerySatisfied",
- "SentimentVerySatisfiedOutlined",
- "SentimentVerySatisfiedRounded",
- "SentimentVerySatisfiedSharp",
- "SentimentVerySatisfiedTwoTone",
- "SetMeal",
- "SetMealOutlined",
- "SetMealRounded",
- "SetMealSharp",
- "SetMealTwoTone",
- "Settings",
- "SettingsAccessibility",
- "SettingsAccessibilityOutlined",
- "SettingsAccessibilityRounded",
- "SettingsAccessibilitySharp",
- "SettingsAccessibilityTwoTone",
- "SettingsApplications",
- "SettingsApplicationsOutlined",
- "SettingsApplicationsRounded",
- "SettingsApplicationsSharp",
- "SettingsApplicationsTwoTone",
- "SettingsBackupRestore",
- "SettingsBackupRestoreOutlined",
- "SettingsBackupRestoreRounded",
- "SettingsBackupRestoreSharp",
- "SettingsBackupRestoreTwoTone",
- "SettingsBluetooth",
- "SettingsBluetoothOutlined",
- "SettingsBluetoothRounded",
- "SettingsBluetoothSharp",
- "SettingsBluetoothTwoTone",
- "SettingsBrightness",
- "SettingsBrightnessOutlined",
- "SettingsBrightnessRounded",
- "SettingsBrightnessSharp",
- "SettingsBrightnessTwoTone",
- "SettingsCell",
- "SettingsCellOutlined",
- "SettingsCellRounded",
- "SettingsCellSharp",
- "SettingsCellTwoTone",
- "SettingsEthernet",
- "SettingsEthernetOutlined",
- "SettingsEthernetRounded",
- "SettingsEthernetSharp",
- "SettingsEthernetTwoTone",
- "SettingsInputAntenna",
- "SettingsInputAntennaOutlined",
- "SettingsInputAntennaRounded",
- "SettingsInputAntennaSharp",
- "SettingsInputAntennaTwoTone",
- "SettingsInputComponent",
- "SettingsInputComponentOutlined",
- "SettingsInputComponentRounded",
- "SettingsInputComponentSharp",
- "SettingsInputComponentTwoTone",
- "SettingsInputComposite",
- "SettingsInputCompositeOutlined",
- "SettingsInputCompositeRounded",
- "SettingsInputCompositeSharp",
- "SettingsInputCompositeTwoTone",
- "SettingsInputHdmi",
- "SettingsInputHdmiOutlined",
- "SettingsInputHdmiRounded",
- "SettingsInputHdmiSharp",
- "SettingsInputHdmiTwoTone",
- "SettingsInputSvideo",
- "SettingsInputSvideoOutlined",
- "SettingsInputSvideoRounded",
- "SettingsInputSvideoSharp",
- "SettingsInputSvideoTwoTone",
- "SettingsOutlined",
- "SettingsOverscan",
- "SettingsOverscanOutlined",
- "SettingsOverscanRounded",
- "SettingsOverscanSharp",
- "SettingsOverscanTwoTone",
- "SettingsPhone",
- "SettingsPhoneOutlined",
- "SettingsPhoneRounded",
- "SettingsPhoneSharp",
- "SettingsPhoneTwoTone",
- "SettingsPower",
- "SettingsPowerOutlined",
- "SettingsPowerRounded",
- "SettingsPowerSharp",
- "SettingsPowerTwoTone",
- "SettingsRemote",
- "SettingsRemoteOutlined",
- "SettingsRemoteRounded",
- "SettingsRemoteSharp",
- "SettingsRemoteTwoTone",
- "SettingsRounded",
- "SettingsSharp",
- "SettingsSuggest",
- "SettingsSuggestOutlined",
- "SettingsSuggestRounded",
- "SettingsSuggestSharp",
- "SettingsSuggestTwoTone",
- "SettingsSystemDaydream",
- "SettingsSystemDaydreamOutlined",
- "SettingsSystemDaydreamRounded",
- "SettingsSystemDaydreamSharp",
- "SettingsSystemDaydreamTwoTone",
- "SettingsTwoTone",
- "SettingsVoice",
- "SettingsVoiceOutlined",
- "SettingsVoiceRounded",
- "SettingsVoiceSharp",
- "SettingsVoiceTwoTone",
- "SevereCold",
- "SevereColdOutlined",
- "SevereColdRounded",
- "SevereColdSharp",
- "SevereColdTwoTone",
- "ShapeLine",
- "ShapeLineOutlined",
- "ShapeLineRounded",
- "ShapeLineSharp",
- "ShapeLineTwoTone",
- "Share",
- "ShareLocation",
- "ShareLocationOutlined",
- "ShareLocationRounded",
- "ShareLocationSharp",
- "ShareLocationTwoTone",
- "ShareOutlined",
- "ShareRounded",
- "ShareSharp",
- "ShareTwoTone",
- "Shield",
- "ShieldMoon",
- "ShieldMoonOutlined",
- "ShieldMoonRounded",
- "ShieldMoonSharp",
- "ShieldMoonTwoTone",
- "ShieldOutlined",
- "ShieldRounded",
- "ShieldSharp",
- "ShieldTwoTone",
- "Shop",
- "Shop2",
- "Shop2Outlined",
- "Shop2Rounded",
- "Shop2Sharp",
- "Shop2TwoTone",
- "ShopOutlined",
- "ShopRounded",
- "ShopSharp",
- "ShopTwo",
- "ShopTwoOutlined",
- "ShopTwoRounded",
- "ShopTwoSharp",
- "ShopTwoTone",
- "ShopTwoTwoTone",
- "ShoppingBag",
- "ShoppingBagOutlined",
- "ShoppingBagRounded",
- "ShoppingBagSharp",
- "ShoppingBagTwoTone",
- "ShoppingBasket",
- "ShoppingBasketOutlined",
- "ShoppingBasketRounded",
- "ShoppingBasketSharp",
- "ShoppingBasketTwoTone",
- "ShoppingCart",
- "ShoppingCartCheckout",
- "ShoppingCartCheckoutOutlined",
- "ShoppingCartCheckoutRounded",
- "ShoppingCartCheckoutSharp",
- "ShoppingCartCheckoutTwoTone",
- "ShoppingCartOutlined",
- "ShoppingCartRounded",
- "ShoppingCartSharp",
- "ShoppingCartTwoTone",
- "ShortText",
- "ShortTextOutlined",
- "ShortTextRounded",
- "ShortTextSharp",
- "ShortTextTwoTone",
- "Shortcut",
- "ShortcutOutlined",
- "ShortcutRounded",
- "ShortcutSharp",
- "ShortcutTwoTone",
- "ShowChart",
- "ShowChartOutlined",
- "ShowChartRounded",
- "ShowChartSharp",
- "ShowChartTwoTone",
- "Shower",
- "ShowerOutlined",
- "ShowerRounded",
- "ShowerSharp",
- "ShowerTwoTone",
- "Shuffle",
- "ShuffleOn",
- "ShuffleOnOutlined",
- "ShuffleOnRounded",
- "ShuffleOnSharp",
- "ShuffleOnTwoTone",
- "ShuffleOutlined",
- "ShuffleRounded",
- "ShuffleSharp",
- "ShuffleTwoTone",
- "ShutterSpeed",
- "ShutterSpeedOutlined",
- "ShutterSpeedRounded",
- "ShutterSpeedSharp",
- "ShutterSpeedTwoTone",
- "Sick",
- "SickOutlined",
- "SickRounded",
- "SickSharp",
- "SickTwoTone",
- "SignLanguage",
- "SignLanguageOutlined",
- "SignLanguageRounded",
- "SignLanguageSharp",
- "SignLanguageTwoTone",
- "SignalCellular0Bar",
- "SignalCellular0BarOutlined",
- "SignalCellular0BarRounded",
- "SignalCellular0BarSharp",
- "SignalCellular0BarTwoTone",
- "SignalCellular1Bar",
- "SignalCellular1BarOutlined",
- "SignalCellular1BarRounded",
- "SignalCellular1BarSharp",
- "SignalCellular1BarTwoTone",
- "SignalCellular2Bar",
- "SignalCellular2BarOutlined",
- "SignalCellular2BarRounded",
- "SignalCellular2BarSharp",
- "SignalCellular2BarTwoTone",
- "SignalCellular3Bar",
- "SignalCellular3BarOutlined",
- "SignalCellular3BarRounded",
- "SignalCellular3BarSharp",
- "SignalCellular3BarTwoTone",
- "SignalCellular4Bar",
- "SignalCellular4BarOutlined",
- "SignalCellular4BarRounded",
- "SignalCellular4BarSharp",
- "SignalCellular4BarTwoTone",
- "SignalCellularAlt",
- "SignalCellularAlt1Bar",
- "SignalCellularAlt1BarOutlined",
- "SignalCellularAlt1BarRounded",
- "SignalCellularAlt1BarSharp",
- "SignalCellularAlt1BarTwoTone",
- "SignalCellularAlt2Bar",
- "SignalCellularAlt2BarOutlined",
- "SignalCellularAlt2BarRounded",
- "SignalCellularAlt2BarSharp",
- "SignalCellularAlt2BarTwoTone",
- "SignalCellularAltOutlined",
- "SignalCellularAltRounded",
- "SignalCellularAltSharp",
- "SignalCellularAltTwoTone",
- "SignalCellularNoSim",
- "SignalCellularNoSimOutlined",
- "SignalCellularNoSimRounded",
- "SignalCellularNoSimSharp",
- "SignalCellularNoSimTwoTone",
- "SignalCellularNodata",
- "SignalCellularNodataOutlined",
- "SignalCellularNodataRounded",
- "SignalCellularNodataSharp",
- "SignalCellularNodataTwoTone",
- "SignalCellularNull",
- "SignalCellularNullOutlined",
- "SignalCellularNullRounded",
- "SignalCellularNullSharp",
- "SignalCellularNullTwoTone",
- "SignalCellularOff",
- "SignalCellularOffOutlined",
- "SignalCellularOffRounded",
- "SignalCellularOffSharp",
- "SignalCellularOffTwoTone",
- "SignalWifi0Bar",
- "SignalWifi0BarOutlined",
- "SignalWifi0BarRounded",
- "SignalWifi0BarSharp",
- "SignalWifi0BarTwoTone",
- "SignalWifiBad",
- "SignalWifiBadOutlined",
- "SignalWifiBadRounded",
- "SignalWifiBadSharp",
- "SignalWifiBadTwoTone",
- "SignalWifiOff",
- "SignalWifiOffOutlined",
- "SignalWifiOffRounded",
- "SignalWifiOffSharp",
- "SignalWifiOffTwoTone",
- "SignalWifiStatusbar4Bar",
- "SignalWifiStatusbar4BarOutlined",
- "SignalWifiStatusbar4BarRounded",
- "SignalWifiStatusbar4BarSharp",
- "SignalWifiStatusbar4BarTwoTone",
- "SignalWifiStatusbarNull",
- "SignalWifiStatusbarNullOutlined",
- "SignalWifiStatusbarNullRounded",
- "SignalWifiStatusbarNullSharp",
- "SignalWifiStatusbarNullTwoTone",
- "Signpost",
- "SignpostOutlined",
- "SignpostRounded",
- "SignpostSharp",
- "SignpostTwoTone",
- "SimCard",
- "SimCardAlert",
- "SimCardAlertOutlined",
- "SimCardAlertRounded",
- "SimCardAlertSharp",
- "SimCardAlertTwoTone",
- "SimCardDownload",
- "SimCardDownloadOutlined",
- "SimCardDownloadRounded",
- "SimCardDownloadSharp",
- "SimCardDownloadTwoTone",
- "SimCardOutlined",
- "SimCardRounded",
- "SimCardSharp",
- "SimCardTwoTone",
- "SingleBed",
- "SingleBedOutlined",
- "SingleBedRounded",
- "SingleBedSharp",
- "SingleBedTwoTone",
- "Sip",
- "SipOutlined",
- "SipRounded",
- "SipSharp",
- "SipTwoTone",
- "Skateboarding",
- "SkateboardingOutlined",
- "SkateboardingRounded",
- "SkateboardingSharp",
- "SkateboardingTwoTone",
- "SkipNext",
- "SkipNextOutlined",
- "SkipNextRounded",
- "SkipNextSharp",
- "SkipNextTwoTone",
- "SkipPrevious",
- "SkipPreviousOutlined",
- "SkipPreviousRounded",
- "SkipPreviousSharp",
- "SkipPreviousTwoTone",
- "Sledding",
- "SleddingOutlined",
- "SleddingRounded",
- "SleddingSharp",
- "SleddingTwoTone",
- "Slideshow",
- "SlideshowOutlined",
- "SlideshowRounded",
- "SlideshowSharp",
- "SlideshowTwoTone",
- "SlowMotionVideo",
- "SlowMotionVideoOutlined",
- "SlowMotionVideoRounded",
- "SlowMotionVideoSharp",
- "SlowMotionVideoTwoTone",
- "SmartButton",
- "SmartButtonOutlined",
- "SmartButtonRounded",
- "SmartButtonSharp",
- "SmartButtonTwoTone",
- "SmartDisplay",
- "SmartDisplayOutlined",
- "SmartDisplayRounded",
- "SmartDisplaySharp",
- "SmartDisplayTwoTone",
- "SmartScreen",
- "SmartScreenOutlined",
- "SmartScreenRounded",
- "SmartScreenSharp",
- "SmartScreenTwoTone",
- "SmartToy",
- "SmartToyOutlined",
- "SmartToyRounded",
- "SmartToySharp",
- "SmartToyTwoTone",
- "Smartphone",
- "SmartphoneOutlined",
- "SmartphoneRounded",
- "SmartphoneSharp",
- "SmartphoneTwoTone",
- "SmokeFree",
- "SmokeFreeOutlined",
- "SmokeFreeRounded",
- "SmokeFreeSharp",
- "SmokeFreeTwoTone",
- "SmokingRooms",
- "SmokingRoomsOutlined",
- "SmokingRoomsRounded",
- "SmokingRoomsSharp",
- "SmokingRoomsTwoTone",
- "Sms",
- "SmsFailed",
- "SmsFailedOutlined",
- "SmsFailedRounded",
- "SmsFailedSharp",
- "SmsFailedTwoTone",
- "SmsOutlined",
- "SmsRounded",
- "SmsSharp",
- "SmsTwoTone",
- "SnippetFolder",
- "SnippetFolderOutlined",
- "SnippetFolderRounded",
- "SnippetFolderSharp",
- "SnippetFolderTwoTone",
- "Snooze",
- "SnoozeOutlined",
- "SnoozeRounded",
- "SnoozeSharp",
- "SnoozeTwoTone",
- "Snowboarding",
- "SnowboardingOutlined",
- "SnowboardingRounded",
- "SnowboardingSharp",
- "SnowboardingTwoTone",
- "Snowmobile",
- "SnowmobileOutlined",
- "SnowmobileRounded",
- "SnowmobileSharp",
- "SnowmobileTwoTone",
- "Snowshoeing",
- "SnowshoeingOutlined",
- "SnowshoeingRounded",
- "SnowshoeingSharp",
- "SnowshoeingTwoTone",
- "Soap",
- "SoapOutlined",
- "SoapRounded",
- "SoapSharp",
- "SoapTwoTone",
- "SocialDistance",
- "SocialDistanceOutlined",
- "SocialDistanceRounded",
- "SocialDistanceSharp",
- "SocialDistanceTwoTone",
- "SolarPower",
- "SolarPowerOutlined",
- "SolarPowerRounded",
- "SolarPowerSharp",
- "SolarPowerTwoTone",
- "Sort",
- "SortByAlpha",
- "SortByAlphaOutlined",
- "SortByAlphaRounded",
- "SortByAlphaSharp",
- "SortByAlphaTwoTone",
- "SortOutlined",
- "SortRounded",
- "SortSharp",
- "SortTwoTone",
- "Sos",
- "SosOutlined",
- "SosRounded",
- "SosSharp",
- "SosTwoTone",
- "SoupKitchen",
- "SoupKitchenOutlined",
- "SoupKitchenRounded",
- "SoupKitchenSharp",
- "SoupKitchenTwoTone",
- "Source",
- "SourceOutlined",
- "SourceRounded",
- "SourceSharp",
- "SourceTwoTone",
- "South",
- "SouthAmerica",
- "SouthAmericaOutlined",
- "SouthAmericaRounded",
- "SouthAmericaSharp",
- "SouthAmericaTwoTone",
- "SouthEast",
- "SouthEastOutlined",
- "SouthEastRounded",
- "SouthEastSharp",
- "SouthEastTwoTone",
- "SouthOutlined",
- "SouthRounded",
- "SouthSharp",
- "SouthTwoTone",
- "SouthWest",
- "SouthWestOutlined",
- "SouthWestRounded",
- "SouthWestSharp",
- "SouthWestTwoTone",
- "Spa",
- "SpaOutlined",
- "SpaRounded",
- "SpaSharp",
- "SpaTwoTone",
- "SpaceBar",
- "SpaceBarOutlined",
- "SpaceBarRounded",
- "SpaceBarSharp",
- "SpaceBarTwoTone",
- "SpaceDashboard",
- "SpaceDashboardOutlined",
- "SpaceDashboardRounded",
- "SpaceDashboardSharp",
- "SpaceDashboardTwoTone",
- "SpatialAudio",
- "SpatialAudioOff",
- "SpatialAudioOffOutlined",
- "SpatialAudioOffRounded",
- "SpatialAudioOffSharp",
- "SpatialAudioOffTwoTone",
- "SpatialAudioOutlined",
- "SpatialAudioRounded",
- "SpatialAudioSharp",
- "SpatialAudioTwoTone",
- "SpatialTracking",
- "SpatialTrackingOutlined",
- "SpatialTrackingRounded",
- "SpatialTrackingSharp",
- "SpatialTrackingTwoTone",
- "Speaker",
- "SpeakerGroup",
- "SpeakerGroupOutlined",
- "SpeakerGroupRounded",
- "SpeakerGroupSharp",
- "SpeakerGroupTwoTone",
- "SpeakerNotes",
- "SpeakerNotesOff",
- "SpeakerNotesOffOutlined",
- "SpeakerNotesOffRounded",
- "SpeakerNotesOffSharp",
- "SpeakerNotesOffTwoTone",
- "SpeakerNotesOutlined",
- "SpeakerNotesRounded",
- "SpeakerNotesSharp",
- "SpeakerNotesTwoTone",
- "SpeakerOutlined",
- "SpeakerPhone",
- "SpeakerPhoneOutlined",
- "SpeakerPhoneRounded",
- "SpeakerPhoneSharp",
- "SpeakerPhoneTwoTone",
- "SpeakerRounded",
- "SpeakerSharp",
- "SpeakerTwoTone",
- "Speed",
- "SpeedOutlined",
- "SpeedRounded",
- "SpeedSharp",
- "SpeedTwoTone",
- "Spellcheck",
- "SpellcheckOutlined",
- "SpellcheckRounded",
- "SpellcheckSharp",
- "SpellcheckTwoTone",
- "Splitscreen",
- "SplitscreenOutlined",
- "SplitscreenRounded",
- "SplitscreenSharp",
- "SplitscreenTwoTone",
- "Spoke",
- "SpokeOutlined",
- "SpokeRounded",
- "SpokeSharp",
- "SpokeTwoTone",
- "Sports",
- "SportsBar",
- "SportsBarOutlined",
- "SportsBarRounded",
- "SportsBarSharp",
- "SportsBarTwoTone",
- "SportsBaseball",
- "SportsBaseballOutlined",
- "SportsBaseballRounded",
- "SportsBaseballSharp",
- "SportsBaseballTwoTone",
- "SportsBasketball",
- "SportsBasketballOutlined",
- "SportsBasketballRounded",
- "SportsBasketballSharp",
- "SportsBasketballTwoTone",
- "SportsCricket",
- "SportsCricketOutlined",
- "SportsCricketRounded",
- "SportsCricketSharp",
- "SportsCricketTwoTone",
- "SportsEsports",
- "SportsEsportsOutlined",
- "SportsEsportsRounded",
- "SportsEsportsSharp",
- "SportsEsportsTwoTone",
- "SportsFootball",
- "SportsFootballOutlined",
- "SportsFootballRounded",
- "SportsFootballSharp",
- "SportsFootballTwoTone",
- "SportsGolf",
- "SportsGolfOutlined",
- "SportsGolfRounded",
- "SportsGolfSharp",
- "SportsGolfTwoTone",
- "SportsGymnastics",
- "SportsGymnasticsOutlined",
- "SportsGymnasticsRounded",
- "SportsGymnasticsSharp",
- "SportsGymnasticsTwoTone",
- "SportsHandball",
- "SportsHandballOutlined",
- "SportsHandballRounded",
- "SportsHandballSharp",
- "SportsHandballTwoTone",
- "SportsHockey",
- "SportsHockeyOutlined",
- "SportsHockeyRounded",
- "SportsHockeySharp",
- "SportsHockeyTwoTone",
- "SportsKabaddi",
- "SportsKabaddiOutlined",
- "SportsKabaddiRounded",
- "SportsKabaddiSharp",
- "SportsKabaddiTwoTone",
- "SportsMartialArts",
- "SportsMartialArtsOutlined",
- "SportsMartialArtsRounded",
- "SportsMartialArtsSharp",
- "SportsMartialArtsTwoTone",
- "SportsMma",
- "SportsMmaOutlined",
- "SportsMmaRounded",
- "SportsMmaSharp",
- "SportsMmaTwoTone",
- "SportsMotorsports",
- "SportsMotorsportsOutlined",
- "SportsMotorsportsRounded",
- "SportsMotorsportsSharp",
- "SportsMotorsportsTwoTone",
- "SportsOutlined",
- "SportsRounded",
- "SportsRugby",
- "SportsRugbyOutlined",
- "SportsRugbyRounded",
- "SportsRugbySharp",
- "SportsRugbyTwoTone",
- "SportsScore",
- "SportsScoreOutlined",
- "SportsScoreRounded",
- "SportsScoreSharp",
- "SportsScoreTwoTone",
- "SportsSharp",
- "SportsSoccer",
- "SportsSoccerOutlined",
- "SportsSoccerRounded",
- "SportsSoccerSharp",
- "SportsSoccerTwoTone",
- "SportsTennis",
- "SportsTennisOutlined",
- "SportsTennisRounded",
- "SportsTennisSharp",
- "SportsTennisTwoTone",
- "SportsTwoTone",
- "SportsVolleyball",
- "SportsVolleyballOutlined",
- "SportsVolleyballRounded",
- "SportsVolleyballSharp",
- "SportsVolleyballTwoTone",
- "Square",
- "SquareFoot",
- "SquareFootOutlined",
- "SquareFootRounded",
- "SquareFootSharp",
- "SquareFootTwoTone",
- "SquareOutlined",
- "SquareRounded",
- "SquareSharp",
- "SquareTwoTone",
- "SsidChart",
- "SsidChartOutlined",
- "SsidChartRounded",
- "SsidChartSharp",
- "SsidChartTwoTone",
- "StackedBarChart",
- "StackedBarChartOutlined",
- "StackedBarChartRounded",
- "StackedBarChartSharp",
- "StackedBarChartTwoTone",
- "StackedLineChart",
- "StackedLineChartOutlined",
- "StackedLineChartRounded",
- "StackedLineChartSharp",
- "StackedLineChartTwoTone",
- "Stadium",
- "StadiumOutlined",
- "StadiumRounded",
- "StadiumSharp",
- "StadiumTwoTone",
- "Stairs",
- "StairsOutlined",
- "StairsRounded",
- "StairsSharp",
- "StairsTwoTone",
- "Star",
- "StarBorder",
- "StarBorderOutlined",
- "StarBorderRounded",
- "StarBorderSharp",
- "StarBorderTwoTone",
- "StarHalf",
- "StarHalfOutlined",
- "StarHalfRounded",
- "StarHalfSharp",
- "StarHalfTwoTone",
- "StarOutline",
- "StarOutlineOutlined",
- "StarOutlineRounded",
- "StarOutlineSharp",
- "StarOutlineTwoTone",
- "StarOutlined",
- "StarRate",
- "StarRateOutlined",
- "StarRateRounded",
- "StarRateSharp",
- "StarRateTwoTone",
- "StarRounded",
- "StarSharp",
- "StarTwoTone",
- "Stars",
- "StarsOutlined",
- "StarsRounded",
- "StarsSharp",
- "StarsTwoTone",
- "Start",
- "StartOutlined",
- "StartRounded",
- "StartSharp",
- "StartTwoTone",
- "StayCurrentLandscape",
- "StayCurrentLandscapeOutlined",
- "StayCurrentLandscapeRounded",
- "StayCurrentLandscapeSharp",
- "StayCurrentLandscapeTwoTone",
- "StayCurrentPortrait",
- "StayCurrentPortraitOutlined",
- "StayCurrentPortraitRounded",
- "StayCurrentPortraitSharp",
- "StayCurrentPortraitTwoTone",
- "StayPrimaryLandscape",
- "StayPrimaryLandscapeOutlined",
- "StayPrimaryLandscapeRounded",
- "StayPrimaryLandscapeSharp",
- "StayPrimaryLandscapeTwoTone",
- "StayPrimaryPortrait",
- "StayPrimaryPortraitOutlined",
- "StayPrimaryPortraitRounded",
- "StayPrimaryPortraitSharp",
- "StayPrimaryPortraitTwoTone",
- "StickyNote2",
- "StickyNote2Outlined",
- "StickyNote2Rounded",
- "StickyNote2Sharp",
- "StickyNote2TwoTone",
- "Stop",
- "StopCircle",
- "StopCircleOutlined",
- "StopCircleRounded",
- "StopCircleSharp",
- "StopCircleTwoTone",
- "StopOutlined",
- "StopRounded",
- "StopScreenShare",
- "StopScreenShareOutlined",
- "StopScreenShareRounded",
- "StopScreenShareSharp",
- "StopScreenShareTwoTone",
- "StopSharp",
- "StopTwoTone",
- "Storage",
- "StorageOutlined",
- "StorageRounded",
- "StorageSharp",
- "StorageTwoTone",
- "Store",
- "StoreMallDirectory",
- "StoreMallDirectoryOutlined",
- "StoreMallDirectoryRounded",
- "StoreMallDirectorySharp",
- "StoreMallDirectoryTwoTone",
- "StoreOutlined",
- "StoreRounded",
- "StoreSharp",
- "StoreTwoTone",
- "Storefront",
- "StorefrontOutlined",
- "StorefrontRounded",
- "StorefrontSharp",
- "StorefrontTwoTone",
- "Storm",
- "StormOutlined",
- "StormRounded",
- "StormSharp",
- "StormTwoTone",
- "Straight",
- "StraightOutlined",
- "StraightRounded",
- "StraightSharp",
- "StraightTwoTone",
- "Straighten",
- "StraightenOutlined",
- "StraightenRounded",
- "StraightenSharp",
- "StraightenTwoTone",
- "Stream",
- "StreamOutlined",
- "StreamRounded",
- "StreamSharp",
- "StreamTwoTone",
- "Streetview",
- "StreetviewOutlined",
- "StreetviewRounded",
- "StreetviewSharp",
- "StreetviewTwoTone",
- "StrikethroughS",
- "StrikethroughSOutlined",
- "StrikethroughSRounded",
- "StrikethroughSSharp",
- "StrikethroughSTwoTone",
- "Stroller",
- "StrollerOutlined",
- "StrollerRounded",
- "StrollerSharp",
- "StrollerTwoTone",
- "Style",
- "StyleOutlined",
- "StyleRounded",
- "StyleSharp",
- "StyleTwoTone",
- "SubdirectoryArrowLeft",
- "SubdirectoryArrowLeftOutlined",
- "SubdirectoryArrowLeftRounded",
- "SubdirectoryArrowLeftSharp",
- "SubdirectoryArrowLeftTwoTone",
- "SubdirectoryArrowRight",
- "SubdirectoryArrowRightOutlined",
- "SubdirectoryArrowRightRounded",
- "SubdirectoryArrowRightSharp",
- "SubdirectoryArrowRightTwoTone",
- "Subject",
- "SubjectOutlined",
- "SubjectRounded",
- "SubjectSharp",
- "SubjectTwoTone",
- "Subscript",
- "SubscriptOutlined",
- "SubscriptRounded",
- "SubscriptSharp",
- "SubscriptTwoTone",
- "Subscriptions",
- "SubscriptionsOutlined",
- "SubscriptionsRounded",
- "SubscriptionsSharp",
- "SubscriptionsTwoTone",
- "Subtitles",
- "SubtitlesOff",
- "SubtitlesOffOutlined",
- "SubtitlesOffRounded",
- "SubtitlesOffSharp",
- "SubtitlesOffTwoTone",
- "SubtitlesOutlined",
- "SubtitlesRounded",
- "SubtitlesSharp",
- "SubtitlesTwoTone",
- "Subway",
- "SubwayOutlined",
- "SubwayRounded",
- "SubwaySharp",
- "SubwayTwoTone",
- "Summarize",
- "SummarizeOutlined",
- "SummarizeRounded",
- "SummarizeSharp",
- "SummarizeTwoTone",
- "Superscript",
- "SuperscriptOutlined",
- "SuperscriptRounded",
- "SuperscriptSharp",
- "SuperscriptTwoTone",
- "SupervisedUserCircle",
- "SupervisedUserCircleOutlined",
- "SupervisedUserCircleRounded",
- "SupervisedUserCircleSharp",
- "SupervisedUserCircleTwoTone",
- "SupervisorAccount",
- "SupervisorAccountOutlined",
- "SupervisorAccountRounded",
- "SupervisorAccountSharp",
- "SupervisorAccountTwoTone",
- "Support",
- "SupportAgent",
- "SupportAgentOutlined",
- "SupportAgentRounded",
- "SupportAgentSharp",
- "SupportAgentTwoTone",
- "SupportOutlined",
- "SupportRounded",
- "SupportSharp",
- "SupportTwoTone",
- "Surfing",
- "SurfingOutlined",
- "SurfingRounded",
- "SurfingSharp",
- "SurfingTwoTone",
- "SurroundSound",
- "SurroundSoundOutlined",
- "SurroundSoundRounded",
- "SurroundSoundSharp",
- "SurroundSoundTwoTone",
- "SwapCalls",
- "SwapCallsOutlined",
- "SwapCallsRounded",
- "SwapCallsSharp",
- "SwapCallsTwoTone",
- "SwapHoriz",
- "SwapHorizOutlined",
- "SwapHorizRounded",
- "SwapHorizSharp",
- "SwapHorizTwoTone",
- "SwapHorizontalCircle",
- "SwapHorizontalCircleOutlined",
- "SwapHorizontalCircleRounded",
- "SwapHorizontalCircleSharp",
- "SwapHorizontalCircleTwoTone",
- "SwapVert",
- "SwapVertOutlined",
- "SwapVertRounded",
- "SwapVertSharp",
- "SwapVertTwoTone",
- "SwapVerticalCircle",
- "SwapVerticalCircleOutlined",
- "SwapVerticalCircleRounded",
- "SwapVerticalCircleSharp",
- "SwapVerticalCircleTwoTone",
- "Swipe",
- "SwipeDown",
- "SwipeDownAlt",
- "SwipeDownAltOutlined",
- "SwipeDownAltRounded",
- "SwipeDownAltSharp",
- "SwipeDownAltTwoTone",
- "SwipeDownOutlined",
- "SwipeDownRounded",
- "SwipeDownSharp",
- "SwipeDownTwoTone",
- "SwipeLeft",
- "SwipeLeftAlt",
- "SwipeLeftAltOutlined",
- "SwipeLeftAltRounded",
- "SwipeLeftAltSharp",
- "SwipeLeftAltTwoTone",
- "SwipeLeftOutlined",
- "SwipeLeftRounded",
- "SwipeLeftSharp",
- "SwipeLeftTwoTone",
- "SwipeOutlined",
- "SwipeRight",
- "SwipeRightAlt",
- "SwipeRightAltOutlined",
- "SwipeRightAltRounded",
- "SwipeRightAltSharp",
- "SwipeRightAltTwoTone",
- "SwipeRightOutlined",
- "SwipeRightRounded",
- "SwipeRightSharp",
- "SwipeRightTwoTone",
- "SwipeRounded",
- "SwipeSharp",
- "SwipeTwoTone",
- "SwipeUp",
- "SwipeUpAlt",
- "SwipeUpAltOutlined",
- "SwipeUpAltRounded",
- "SwipeUpAltSharp",
- "SwipeUpAltTwoTone",
- "SwipeUpOutlined",
- "SwipeUpRounded",
- "SwipeUpSharp",
- "SwipeUpTwoTone",
- "SwipeVertical",
- "SwipeVerticalOutlined",
- "SwipeVerticalRounded",
- "SwipeVerticalSharp",
- "SwipeVerticalTwoTone",
- "SwitchAccessShortcut",
- "SwitchAccessShortcutAdd",
- "SwitchAccessShortcutAddOutlined",
- "SwitchAccessShortcutAddRounded",
- "SwitchAccessShortcutAddSharp",
- "SwitchAccessShortcutAddTwoTone",
- "SwitchAccessShortcutOutlined",
- "SwitchAccessShortcutRounded",
- "SwitchAccessShortcutSharp",
- "SwitchAccessShortcutTwoTone",
- "SwitchAccount",
- "SwitchAccountOutlined",
- "SwitchAccountRounded",
- "SwitchAccountSharp",
- "SwitchAccountTwoTone",
- "SwitchCamera",
- "SwitchCameraOutlined",
- "SwitchCameraRounded",
- "SwitchCameraSharp",
- "SwitchCameraTwoTone",
- "SwitchLeft",
- "SwitchLeftOutlined",
- "SwitchLeftRounded",
- "SwitchLeftSharp",
- "SwitchLeftTwoTone",
- "SwitchRight",
- "SwitchRightOutlined",
- "SwitchRightRounded",
- "SwitchRightSharp",
- "SwitchRightTwoTone",
- "SwitchVideo",
- "SwitchVideoOutlined",
- "SwitchVideoRounded",
- "SwitchVideoSharp",
- "SwitchVideoTwoTone",
- "Synagogue",
- "SynagogueOutlined",
- "SynagogueRounded",
- "SynagogueSharp",
- "SynagogueTwoTone",
- "Sync",
- "SyncAlt",
- "SyncAltOutlined",
- "SyncAltRounded",
- "SyncAltSharp",
- "SyncAltTwoTone",
- "SyncDisabled",
- "SyncDisabledOutlined",
- "SyncDisabledRounded",
- "SyncDisabledSharp",
- "SyncDisabledTwoTone",
- "SyncLock",
- "SyncLockOutlined",
- "SyncLockRounded",
- "SyncLockSharp",
- "SyncLockTwoTone",
- "SyncOutlined",
- "SyncProblem",
- "SyncProblemOutlined",
- "SyncProblemRounded",
- "SyncProblemSharp",
- "SyncProblemTwoTone",
- "SyncRounded",
- "SyncSharp",
- "SyncTwoTone",
- "SystemSecurityUpdate",
- "SystemSecurityUpdateGood",
- "SystemSecurityUpdateGoodOutlined",
- "SystemSecurityUpdateGoodRounded",
- "SystemSecurityUpdateGoodSharp",
- "SystemSecurityUpdateGoodTwoTone",
- "SystemSecurityUpdateOutlined",
- "SystemSecurityUpdateRounded",
- "SystemSecurityUpdateSharp",
- "SystemSecurityUpdateTwoTone",
- "SystemSecurityUpdateWarning",
- "SystemSecurityUpdateWarningOutlined",
- "SystemSecurityUpdateWarningRounded",
- "SystemSecurityUpdateWarningSharp",
- "SystemSecurityUpdateWarningTwoTone",
- "SystemUpdate",
- "SystemUpdateAlt",
- "SystemUpdateAltOutlined",
- "SystemUpdateAltRounded",
- "SystemUpdateAltSharp",
- "SystemUpdateAltTwoTone",
- "SystemUpdateOutlined",
- "SystemUpdateRounded",
- "SystemUpdateSharp",
- "SystemUpdateTwoTone",
- "Tab",
- "TabOutlined",
- "TabRounded",
- "TabSharp",
- "TabTwoTone",
- "TabUnselected",
- "TabUnselectedOutlined",
- "TabUnselectedRounded",
- "TabUnselectedSharp",
- "TabUnselectedTwoTone",
- "TableBar",
- "TableBarOutlined",
- "TableBarRounded",
- "TableBarSharp",
- "TableBarTwoTone",
- "TableChart",
- "TableChartOutlined",
- "TableChartRounded",
- "TableChartSharp",
- "TableChartTwoTone",
- "TableRestaurant",
- "TableRestaurantOutlined",
- "TableRestaurantRounded",
- "TableRestaurantSharp",
- "TableRestaurantTwoTone",
- "TableRows",
- "TableRowsOutlined",
- "TableRowsRounded",
- "TableRowsSharp",
- "TableRowsTwoTone",
- "TableView",
- "TableViewOutlined",
- "TableViewRounded",
- "TableViewSharp",
- "TableViewTwoTone",
- "Tablet",
- "TabletAndroid",
- "TabletAndroidOutlined",
- "TabletAndroidRounded",
- "TabletAndroidSharp",
- "TabletAndroidTwoTone",
- "TabletMac",
- "TabletMacOutlined",
- "TabletMacRounded",
- "TabletMacSharp",
- "TabletMacTwoTone",
- "TabletOutlined",
- "TabletRounded",
- "TabletSharp",
- "TabletTwoTone",
- "Tag",
- "TagFaces",
- "TagFacesOutlined",
- "TagFacesRounded",
- "TagFacesSharp",
- "TagFacesTwoTone",
- "TagOutlined",
- "TagRounded",
- "TagSharp",
- "TagTwoTone",
- "TakeoutDining",
- "TakeoutDiningOutlined",
- "TakeoutDiningRounded",
- "TakeoutDiningSharp",
- "TakeoutDiningTwoTone",
- "TapAndPlay",
- "TapAndPlayOutlined",
- "TapAndPlayRounded",
- "TapAndPlaySharp",
- "TapAndPlayTwoTone",
- "Tapas",
- "TapasOutlined",
- "TapasRounded",
- "TapasSharp",
- "TapasTwoTone",
- "Task",
- "TaskAlt",
- "TaskAltOutlined",
- "TaskAltRounded",
- "TaskAltSharp",
- "TaskAltTwoTone",
- "TaskOutlined",
- "TaskRounded",
- "TaskSharp",
- "TaskTwoTone",
- "TaxiAlert",
- "TaxiAlertOutlined",
- "TaxiAlertRounded",
- "TaxiAlertSharp",
- "TaxiAlertTwoTone",
- "Telegram",
- "TempleBuddhist",
- "TempleBuddhistOutlined",
- "TempleBuddhistRounded",
- "TempleBuddhistSharp",
- "TempleBuddhistTwoTone",
- "TempleHindu",
- "TempleHinduOutlined",
- "TempleHinduRounded",
- "TempleHinduSharp",
- "TempleHinduTwoTone",
- "Terminal",
- "TerminalOutlined",
- "TerminalRounded",
- "TerminalSharp",
- "TerminalTwoTone",
- "Terrain",
- "TerrainOutlined",
- "TerrainRounded",
- "TerrainSharp",
- "TerrainTwoTone",
- "TextDecrease",
- "TextDecreaseOutlined",
- "TextDecreaseRounded",
- "TextDecreaseSharp",
- "TextDecreaseTwoTone",
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- "TextFieldsOutlined",
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- "TextFieldsSharp",
- "TextFieldsTwoTone",
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- "TextFormatOutlined",
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- "TextFormatSharp",
- "TextFormatTwoTone",
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- "TextIncreaseOutlined",
- "TextIncreaseRounded",
- "TextIncreaseSharp",
- "TextIncreaseTwoTone",
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- "TextRotateUpSharp",
- "TextRotateUpTwoTone",
- "TextRotateVertical",
- "TextRotateVerticalOutlined",
- "TextRotateVerticalRounded",
- "TextRotateVerticalSharp",
- "TextRotateVerticalTwoTone",
- "TextRotationAngledown",
- "TextRotationAngledownOutlined",
- "TextRotationAngledownRounded",
- "TextRotationAngledownSharp",
- "TextRotationAngledownTwoTone",
- "TextRotationAngleup",
- "TextRotationAngleupOutlined",
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- "TextRotationAngleupTwoTone",
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- "TextRotationDownTwoTone",
- "TextRotationNone",
- "TextRotationNoneOutlined",
- "TextRotationNoneRounded",
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- "TextRotationNoneTwoTone",
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- "Textsms",
- "TextsmsOutlined",
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- "TextsmsSharp",
- "TextsmsTwoTone",
- "Texture",
- "TextureOutlined",
- "TextureRounded",
- "TextureSharp",
- "TextureTwoTone",
- "TheaterComedy",
- "TheaterComedyOutlined",
- "TheaterComedyRounded",
- "TheaterComedySharp",
- "TheaterComedyTwoTone",
- "Theaters",
- "TheatersOutlined",
- "TheatersRounded",
- "TheatersSharp",
- "TheatersTwoTone",
- "Thermostat",
- "ThermostatAuto",
- "ThermostatAutoOutlined",
- "ThermostatAutoRounded",
- "ThermostatAutoSharp",
- "ThermostatAutoTwoTone",
- "ThermostatOutlined",
- "ThermostatRounded",
- "ThermostatSharp",
- "ThermostatTwoTone",
- "ThumbDown",
- "ThumbDownAlt",
- "ThumbDownAltOutlined",
- "ThumbDownAltRounded",
- "ThumbDownAltSharp",
- "ThumbDownAltTwoTone",
- "ThumbDownOffAlt",
- "ThumbDownOffAltOutlined",
- "ThumbDownOffAltRounded",
- "ThumbDownOffAltSharp",
- "ThumbDownOffAltTwoTone",
- "ThumbDownOutlined",
- "ThumbDownRounded",
- "ThumbDownSharp",
- "ThumbDownTwoTone",
- "ThumbUp",
- "ThumbUpAlt",
- "ThumbUpAltOutlined",
- "ThumbUpAltRounded",
- "ThumbUpAltSharp",
- "ThumbUpAltTwoTone",
- "ThumbUpOffAlt",
- "ThumbUpOffAltOutlined",
- "ThumbUpOffAltRounded",
- "ThumbUpOffAltSharp",
- "ThumbUpOffAltTwoTone",
- "ThumbUpOutlined",
- "ThumbUpRounded",
- "ThumbUpSharp",
- "ThumbUpTwoTone",
- "ThumbsUpDown",
- "ThumbsUpDownOutlined",
- "ThumbsUpDownRounded",
- "ThumbsUpDownSharp",
- "ThumbsUpDownTwoTone",
- "Thunderstorm",
- "ThunderstormOutlined",
- "ThunderstormRounded",
- "ThunderstormSharp",
- "ThunderstormTwoTone",
- "TimeToLeave",
- "TimeToLeaveOutlined",
- "TimeToLeaveRounded",
- "TimeToLeaveSharp",
- "TimeToLeaveTwoTone",
- "Timelapse",
- "TimelapseOutlined",
- "TimelapseRounded",
- "TimelapseSharp",
- "TimelapseTwoTone",
- "Timeline",
- "TimelineOutlined",
- "TimelineRounded",
- "TimelineSharp",
- "TimelineTwoTone",
- "Timer",
- "Timer10",
- "Timer10Outlined",
- "Timer10Rounded",
- "Timer10Select",
- "Timer10SelectOutlined",
- "Timer10SelectRounded",
- "Timer10SelectSharp",
- "Timer10SelectTwoTone",
- "Timer10Sharp",
- "Timer10TwoTone",
- "Timer3",
- "Timer3Outlined",
- "Timer3Rounded",
- "Timer3Select",
- "Timer3SelectOutlined",
- "Timer3SelectRounded",
- "Timer3SelectSharp",
- "Timer3SelectTwoTone",
- "Timer3Sharp",
- "Timer3TwoTone",
- "TimerOff",
- "TimerOffOutlined",
- "TimerOffRounded",
- "TimerOffSharp",
- "TimerOffTwoTone",
- "TimerOutlined",
- "TimerRounded",
- "TimerSharp",
- "TimerTwoTone",
- "TipsAndUpdates",
- "TipsAndUpdatesOutlined",
- "TipsAndUpdatesRounded",
- "TipsAndUpdatesSharp",
- "TipsAndUpdatesTwoTone",
- "TireRepair",
- "TireRepairOutlined",
- "TireRepairRounded",
- "TireRepairSharp",
- "TireRepairTwoTone",
- "Title",
- "TitleOutlined",
- "TitleRounded",
- "TitleSharp",
- "TitleTwoTone",
- "Toc",
- "TocOutlined",
- "TocRounded",
- "TocSharp",
- "TocTwoTone",
- "Today",
- "TodayOutlined",
- "TodayRounded",
- "TodaySharp",
- "TodayTwoTone",
- "ToggleOff",
- "ToggleOffOutlined",
- "ToggleOffRounded",
- "ToggleOffSharp",
- "ToggleOffTwoTone",
- "ToggleOn",
- "ToggleOnOutlined",
- "ToggleOnRounded",
- "ToggleOnSharp",
- "ToggleOnTwoTone",
- "Token",
- "TokenOutlined",
- "TokenRounded",
- "TokenSharp",
- "TokenTwoTone",
- "Toll",
- "TollOutlined",
- "TollRounded",
- "TollSharp",
- "TollTwoTone",
- "Tonality",
- "TonalityOutlined",
- "TonalityRounded",
- "TonalitySharp",
- "TonalityTwoTone",
- "Topic",
- "TopicOutlined",
- "TopicRounded",
- "TopicSharp",
- "TopicTwoTone",
- "Tornado",
- "TornadoOutlined",
- "TornadoRounded",
- "TornadoSharp",
- "TornadoTwoTone",
- "TouchApp",
- "TouchAppOutlined",
- "TouchAppRounded",
- "TouchAppSharp",
- "TouchAppTwoTone",
- "Tour",
- "TourOutlined",
- "TourRounded",
- "TourSharp",
- "TourTwoTone",
- "Toys",
- "ToysOutlined",
- "ToysRounded",
- "ToysSharp",
- "ToysTwoTone",
- "TrackChanges",
- "TrackChangesOutlined",
- "TrackChangesRounded",
- "TrackChangesSharp",
- "TrackChangesTwoTone",
- "Traffic",
- "TrafficOutlined",
- "TrafficRounded",
- "TrafficSharp",
- "TrafficTwoTone",
- "Train",
- "TrainOutlined",
- "TrainRounded",
- "TrainSharp",
- "TrainTwoTone",
- "Tram",
- "TramOutlined",
- "TramRounded",
- "TramSharp",
- "TramTwoTone",
- "Transcribe",
- "TranscribeOutlined",
- "TranscribeRounded",
- "TranscribeSharp",
- "TranscribeTwoTone",
- "TransferWithinAStation",
- "TransferWithinAStationOutlined",
- "TransferWithinAStationRounded",
- "TransferWithinAStationSharp",
- "TransferWithinAStationTwoTone",
- "Transform",
- "TransformOutlined",
- "TransformRounded",
- "TransformSharp",
- "TransformTwoTone",
- "Transgender",
- "TransgenderOutlined",
- "TransgenderRounded",
- "TransgenderSharp",
- "TransgenderTwoTone",
- "TransitEnterexit",
- "TransitEnterexitOutlined",
- "TransitEnterexitRounded",
- "TransitEnterexitSharp",
- "TransitEnterexitTwoTone",
- "Translate",
- "TranslateOutlined",
- "TranslateRounded",
- "TranslateSharp",
- "TranslateTwoTone",
- "TravelExplore",
- "TravelExploreOutlined",
- "TravelExploreRounded",
- "TravelExploreSharp",
- "TravelExploreTwoTone",
- "TrendingDown",
- "TrendingDownOutlined",
- "TrendingDownRounded",
- "TrendingDownSharp",
- "TrendingDownTwoTone",
- "TrendingFlat",
- "TrendingFlatOutlined",
- "TrendingFlatRounded",
- "TrendingFlatSharp",
- "TrendingFlatTwoTone",
- "TrendingUp",
- "TrendingUpOutlined",
- "TrendingUpRounded",
- "TrendingUpSharp",
- "TrendingUpTwoTone",
- "TripOrigin",
- "TripOriginOutlined",
- "TripOriginRounded",
- "TripOriginSharp",
- "TripOriginTwoTone",
- "Troubleshoot",
- "TroubleshootOutlined",
- "TroubleshootRounded",
- "TroubleshootSharp",
- "TroubleshootTwoTone",
- "Try",
- "TryOutlined",
- "TryRounded",
- "TrySharp",
- "TryTwoTone",
- "Tsunami",
- "TsunamiOutlined",
- "TsunamiRounded",
- "TsunamiSharp",
- "TsunamiTwoTone",
- "Tty",
- "TtyOutlined",
- "TtyRounded",
- "TtySharp",
- "TtyTwoTone",
- "Tune",
- "TuneOutlined",
- "TuneRounded",
- "TuneSharp",
- "TuneTwoTone",
- "Tungsten",
- "TungstenOutlined",
- "TungstenRounded",
- "TungstenSharp",
- "TungstenTwoTone",
- "TurnLeftOutlined",
- "TurnLeftRounded",
- "TurnRightOutlined",
- "TurnRightRounded",
- "TurnSharpLeft",
- "TurnSharpLeftOutlined",
- "TurnSharpLeftRounded",
- "TurnSharpLeftTwoTone",
- "TurnSharpRight",
- "TurnSharpRightOutlined",
- "TurnSharpRightRounded",
- "TurnSharpRightTwoTone",
- "TurnSlightLeft",
- "TurnSlightLeftOutlined",
- "TurnSlightLeftRounded",
- "TurnSlightLeftSharp",
- "TurnSlightLeftTwoTone",
- "TurnSlightRight",
- "TurnSlightRightOutlined",
- "TurnSlightRightRounded",
- "TurnSlightRightSharp",
- "TurnSlightRightTwoTone",
- "TurnedIn",
- "TurnedInNot",
- "TurnedInNotOutlined",
- "TurnedInNotRounded",
- "TurnedInNotSharp",
- "TurnedInNotTwoTone",
- "TurnedInOutlined",
- "TurnedInRounded",
- "TurnedInSharp",
- "TurnedInTwoTone",
- "Tv",
- "TvOff",
- "TvOffOutlined",
- "TvOffRounded",
- "TvOffSharp",
- "TvOffTwoTone",
- "TvOutlined",
- "TvRounded",
- "TvSharp",
- "TvTwoTone",
- "Twitter",
- "TwoWheeler",
- "TwoWheelerOutlined",
- "TwoWheelerRounded",
- "TwoWheelerSharp",
- "TwoWheelerTwoTone",
- "TypeSpecimen",
- "TypeSpecimenOutlined",
- "TypeSpecimenRounded",
- "TypeSpecimenSharp",
- "TypeSpecimenTwoTone",
- "UTurnLeft",
- "UTurnLeftOutlined",
- "UTurnLeftRounded",
- "UTurnLeftSharp",
- "UTurnLeftTwoTone",
- "UTurnRight",
- "UTurnRightOutlined",
- "UTurnRightRounded",
- "UTurnRightSharp",
- "UTurnRightTwoTone",
- "Umbrella",
- "UmbrellaOutlined",
- "UmbrellaRounded",
- "UmbrellaSharp",
- "UmbrellaTwoTone",
- "Unarchive",
- "UnarchiveOutlined",
- "UnarchiveRounded",
- "UnarchiveSharp",
- "UnarchiveTwoTone",
- "Undo",
- "UndoOutlined",
- "UndoRounded",
- "UndoSharp",
- "UndoTwoTone",
- "UnfoldLess",
- "UnfoldLessDouble",
- "UnfoldLessDoubleOutlined",
- "UnfoldLessDoubleRounded",
- "UnfoldLessDoubleSharp",
- "UnfoldLessDoubleTwoTone",
- "UnfoldLessOutlined",
- "UnfoldLessRounded",
- "UnfoldLessSharp",
- "UnfoldLessTwoTone",
- "UnfoldMore",
- "UnfoldMoreDouble",
- "UnfoldMoreDoubleOutlined",
- "UnfoldMoreDoubleRounded",
- "UnfoldMoreDoubleSharp",
- "UnfoldMoreDoubleTwoTone",
- "UnfoldMoreOutlined",
- "UnfoldMoreRounded",
- "UnfoldMoreSharp",
- "UnfoldMoreTwoTone",
- "Unpublished",
- "UnpublishedOutlined",
- "UnpublishedRounded",
- "UnpublishedSharp",
- "UnpublishedTwoTone",
- "Unsubscribe",
- "UnsubscribeOutlined",
- "UnsubscribeRounded",
- "UnsubscribeSharp",
- "UnsubscribeTwoTone",
- "Upcoming",
- "UpcomingOutlined",
- "UpcomingRounded",
- "UpcomingSharp",
- "UpcomingTwoTone",
- "Update",
- "UpdateDisabled",
- "UpdateDisabledOutlined",
- "UpdateDisabledRounded",
- "UpdateDisabledSharp",
- "UpdateDisabledTwoTone",
- "UpdateOutlined",
- "UpdateRounded",
- "UpdateSharp",
- "UpdateTwoTone",
- "Upgrade",
- "UpgradeOutlined",
- "UpgradeRounded",
- "UpgradeSharp",
- "UpgradeTwoTone",
- "Upload",
- "UploadFile",
- "UploadFileOutlined",
- "UploadFileRounded",
- "UploadFileSharp",
- "UploadFileTwoTone",
- "UploadOutlined",
- "UploadRounded",
- "UploadSharp",
- "UploadTwoTone",
- "Usb",
- "UsbOff",
- "UsbOffOutlined",
- "UsbOffRounded",
- "UsbOffSharp",
- "UsbOffTwoTone",
- "UsbOutlined",
- "UsbRounded",
- "UsbSharp",
- "UsbTwoTone",
- "Vaccines",
- "VaccinesOutlined",
- "VaccinesRounded",
- "VaccinesSharp",
- "VaccinesTwoTone",
- "VapeFree",
- "VapeFreeOutlined",
- "VapeFreeRounded",
- "VapeFreeSharp",
- "VapeFreeTwoTone",
- "VapingRooms",
- "VapingRoomsOutlined",
- "VapingRoomsRounded",
- "VapingRoomsSharp",
- "VapingRoomsTwoTone",
- "Verified",
- "VerifiedOutlined",
- "VerifiedRounded",
- "VerifiedSharp",
- "VerifiedTwoTone",
- "VerifiedUser",
- "VerifiedUserOutlined",
- "VerifiedUserRounded",
- "VerifiedUserSharp",
- "VerifiedUserTwoTone",
- "VerticalAlignBottom",
- "VerticalAlignBottomOutlined",
- "VerticalAlignBottomRounded",
- "VerticalAlignBottomSharp",
- "VerticalAlignBottomTwoTone",
- "VerticalAlignCenter",
- "VerticalAlignCenterOutlined",
- "VerticalAlignCenterRounded",
- "VerticalAlignCenterSharp",
- "VerticalAlignCenterTwoTone",
- "VerticalAlignTop",
- "VerticalAlignTopOutlined",
- "VerticalAlignTopRounded",
- "VerticalAlignTopSharp",
- "VerticalAlignTopTwoTone",
- "VerticalShades",
- "VerticalShadesClosed",
- "VerticalShadesClosedOutlined",
- "VerticalShadesClosedRounded",
- "VerticalShadesClosedSharp",
- "VerticalShadesClosedTwoTone",
- "VerticalShadesOutlined",
- "VerticalShadesRounded",
- "VerticalShadesSharp",
- "VerticalShadesTwoTone",
- "VerticalSplit",
- "VerticalSplitOutlined",
- "VerticalSplitRounded",
- "VerticalSplitSharp",
- "VerticalSplitTwoTone",
- "Vibration",
- "VibrationOutlined",
- "VibrationRounded",
- "VibrationSharp",
- "VibrationTwoTone",
- "VideoCall",
- "VideoCallOutlined",
- "VideoCallRounded",
- "VideoCallSharp",
- "VideoCallTwoTone",
- "VideoCameraBack",
- "VideoCameraBackOutlined",
- "VideoCameraBackRounded",
- "VideoCameraBackSharp",
- "VideoCameraBackTwoTone",
- "VideoCameraFront",
- "VideoCameraFrontOutlined",
- "VideoCameraFrontRounded",
- "VideoCameraFrontSharp",
- "VideoCameraFrontTwoTone",
- "VideoChat",
- "VideoChatOutlined",
- "VideoChatRounded",
- "VideoChatSharp",
- "VideoChatTwoTone",
- "VideoFile",
- "VideoFileOutlined",
- "VideoFileRounded",
- "VideoFileSharp",
- "VideoFileTwoTone",
- "VideoLabel",
- "VideoLabelOutlined",
- "VideoLabelRounded",
- "VideoLabelSharp",
- "VideoLabelTwoTone",
- "VideoLibrary",
- "VideoLibraryOutlined",
- "VideoLibraryRounded",
- "VideoLibrarySharp",
- "VideoLibraryTwoTone",
- "VideoSettings",
- "VideoSettingsOutlined",
- "VideoSettingsRounded",
- "VideoSettingsSharp",
- "VideoSettingsTwoTone",
- "VideoStable",
- "VideoStableOutlined",
- "VideoStableRounded",
- "VideoStableSharp",
- "VideoStableTwoTone",
- "Videocam",
- "VideocamOff",
- "VideocamOffOutlined",
- "VideocamOffRounded",
- "VideocamOffSharp",
- "VideocamOffTwoTone",
- "VideocamOutlined",
- "VideocamRounded",
- "VideocamSharp",
- "VideocamTwoTone",
- "VideogameAsset",
- "VideogameAssetOff",
- "VideogameAssetOffOutlined",
- "VideogameAssetOffRounded",
- "VideogameAssetOffSharp",
- "VideogameAssetOffTwoTone",
- "VideogameAssetOutlined",
- "VideogameAssetRounded",
- "VideogameAssetSharp",
- "VideogameAssetTwoTone",
- "ViewAgenda",
- "ViewAgendaOutlined",
- "ViewAgendaRounded",
- "ViewAgendaSharp",
- "ViewAgendaTwoTone",
- "ViewArray",
- "ViewArrayOutlined",
- "ViewArrayRounded",
- "ViewArraySharp",
- "ViewArrayTwoTone",
- "ViewCarousel",
- "ViewCarouselOutlined",
- "ViewCarouselRounded",
- "ViewCarouselSharp",
- "ViewCarouselTwoTone",
- "ViewColumn",
- "ViewColumnOutlined",
- "ViewColumnRounded",
- "ViewColumnSharp",
- "ViewColumnTwoTone",
- "ViewComfy",
- "ViewComfyAlt",
- "ViewComfyAltOutlined",
- "ViewComfyAltRounded",
- "ViewComfyAltSharp",
- "ViewComfyAltTwoTone",
- "ViewComfyOutlined",
- "ViewComfyRounded",
- "ViewComfySharp",
- "ViewComfyTwoTone",
- "ViewCompact",
- "ViewCompactAlt",
- "ViewCompactAltOutlined",
- "ViewCompactAltRounded",
- "ViewCompactAltSharp",
- "ViewCompactAltTwoTone",
- "ViewCompactOutlined",
- "ViewCompactRounded",
- "ViewCompactSharp",
- "ViewCompactTwoTone",
- "ViewCozy",
- "ViewCozyOutlined",
- "ViewCozyRounded",
- "ViewCozySharp",
- "ViewCozyTwoTone",
- "ViewDay",
- "ViewDayOutlined",
- "ViewDayRounded",
- "ViewDaySharp",
- "ViewDayTwoTone",
- "ViewHeadline",
- "ViewHeadlineOutlined",
- "ViewHeadlineRounded",
- "ViewHeadlineSharp",
- "ViewHeadlineTwoTone",
- "ViewInAr",
- "ViewInArOutlined",
- "ViewInArRounded",
- "ViewInArSharp",
- "ViewInArTwoTone",
- "ViewKanban",
- "ViewKanbanOutlined",
- "ViewKanbanRounded",
- "ViewKanbanSharp",
- "ViewKanbanTwoTone",
- "ViewList",
- "ViewListOutlined",
- "ViewListRounded",
- "ViewListSharp",
- "ViewListTwoTone",
- "ViewModule",
- "ViewModuleOutlined",
- "ViewModuleRounded",
- "ViewModuleSharp",
- "ViewModuleTwoTone",
- "ViewQuilt",
- "ViewQuiltOutlined",
- "ViewQuiltRounded",
- "ViewQuiltSharp",
- "ViewQuiltTwoTone",
- "ViewSidebar",
- "ViewSidebarOutlined",
- "ViewSidebarRounded",
- "ViewSidebarSharp",
- "ViewSidebarTwoTone",
- "ViewStream",
- "ViewStreamOutlined",
- "ViewStreamRounded",
- "ViewStreamSharp",
- "ViewStreamTwoTone",
- "ViewTimeline",
- "ViewTimelineOutlined",
- "ViewTimelineRounded",
- "ViewTimelineSharp",
- "ViewTimelineTwoTone",
- "ViewWeek",
- "ViewWeekOutlined",
- "ViewWeekRounded",
- "ViewWeekSharp",
- "ViewWeekTwoTone",
- "Vignette",
- "VignetteOutlined",
- "VignetteRounded",
- "VignetteSharp",
- "VignetteTwoTone",
- "Villa",
- "VillaOutlined",
- "VillaRounded",
- "VillaSharp",
- "VillaTwoTone",
- "Visibility",
- "VisibilityOff",
- "VisibilityOffOutlined",
- "VisibilityOffRounded",
- "VisibilityOffSharp",
- "VisibilityOffTwoTone",
- "VisibilityOutlined",
- "VisibilityRounded",
- "VisibilitySharp",
- "VisibilityTwoTone",
- "VoiceChat",
- "VoiceChatOutlined",
- "VoiceChatRounded",
- "VoiceChatSharp",
- "VoiceChatTwoTone",
- "VoiceOverOff",
- "VoiceOverOffOutlined",
- "VoiceOverOffRounded",
- "VoiceOverOffSharp",
- "VoiceOverOffTwoTone",
- "Voicemail",
- "VoicemailOutlined",
- "VoicemailRounded",
- "VoicemailSharp",
- "VoicemailTwoTone",
- "Volcano",
- "VolcanoOutlined",
- "VolcanoRounded",
- "VolcanoSharp",
- "VolcanoTwoTone",
- "VolumeDown",
- "VolumeDownOutlined",
- "VolumeDownRounded",
- "VolumeDownSharp",
- "VolumeDownTwoTone",
- "VolumeMute",
- "VolumeMuteOutlined",
- "VolumeMuteRounded",
- "VolumeMuteSharp",
- "VolumeMuteTwoTone",
- "VolumeOff",
- "VolumeOffOutlined",
- "VolumeOffRounded",
- "VolumeOffSharp",
- "VolumeOffTwoTone",
- "VolumeUp",
- "VolumeUpOutlined",
- "VolumeUpRounded",
- "VolumeUpSharp",
- "VolumeUpTwoTone",
- "VolunteerActivism",
- "VolunteerActivismOutlined",
- "VolunteerActivismRounded",
- "VolunteerActivismSharp",
- "VolunteerActivismTwoTone",
- "VpnKey",
- "VpnKeyOff",
- "VpnKeyOffOutlined",
- "VpnKeyOffRounded",
- "VpnKeyOffSharp",
- "VpnKeyOffTwoTone",
- "VpnKeyOutlined",
- "VpnKeyRounded",
- "VpnKeySharp",
- "VpnKeyTwoTone",
- "VpnLock",
- "VpnLockOutlined",
- "VpnLockRounded",
- "VpnLockSharp",
- "VpnLockTwoTone",
- "Vrpano",
- "VrpanoOutlined",
- "VrpanoRounded",
- "VrpanoSharp",
- "VrpanoTwoTone",
- "Wallet",
- "WalletOutlined",
- "WalletRounded",
- "WalletSharp",
- "WalletTwoTone",
- "Wallpaper",
- "WallpaperOutlined",
- "WallpaperRounded",
- "WallpaperSharp",
- "WallpaperTwoTone",
- "Warehouse",
- "WarehouseOutlined",
- "WarehouseRounded",
- "WarehouseSharp",
- "WarehouseTwoTone",
- "Warning",
- "WarningAmber",
- "WarningAmberOutlined",
- "WarningAmberRounded",
- "WarningAmberSharp",
- "WarningAmberTwoTone",
- "WarningOutlined",
- "WarningRounded",
- "WarningSharp",
- "WarningTwoTone",
- "Wash",
- "WashOutlined",
- "WashRounded",
- "WashSharp",
- "WashTwoTone",
- "Watch",
- "WatchLater",
- "WatchLaterOutlined",
- "WatchLaterRounded",
- "WatchLaterSharp",
- "WatchLaterTwoTone",
- "WatchOff",
- "WatchOffOutlined",
- "WatchOffRounded",
- "WatchOffSharp",
- "WatchOffTwoTone",
- "WatchOutlined",
- "WatchRounded",
- "WatchSharp",
- "WatchTwoTone",
- "Water",
- "WaterDamage",
- "WaterDamageOutlined",
- "WaterDamageRounded",
- "WaterDamageSharp",
- "WaterDamageTwoTone",
- "WaterDrop",
- "WaterDropOutlined",
- "WaterDropRounded",
- "WaterDropSharp",
- "WaterDropTwoTone",
- "WaterOutlined",
- "WaterRounded",
- "WaterSharp",
- "WaterTwoTone",
- "WaterfallChart",
- "WaterfallChartOutlined",
- "WaterfallChartRounded",
- "WaterfallChartSharp",
- "WaterfallChartTwoTone",
- "Waves",
- "WavesOutlined",
- "WavesRounded",
- "WavesSharp",
- "WavesTwoTone",
- "WavingHand",
- "WavingHandOutlined",
- "WavingHandRounded",
- "WavingHandSharp",
- "WavingHandTwoTone",
- "WbAuto",
- "WbAutoOutlined",
- "WbAutoRounded",
- "WbAutoSharp",
- "WbAutoTwoTone",
- "WbCloudy",
- "WbCloudyOutlined",
- "WbCloudyRounded",
- "WbCloudySharp",
- "WbCloudyTwoTone",
- "WbIncandescent",
- "WbIncandescentOutlined",
- "WbIncandescentRounded",
- "WbIncandescentSharp",
- "WbIncandescentTwoTone",
- "WbIridescent",
- "WbIridescentOutlined",
- "WbIridescentRounded",
- "WbIridescentSharp",
- "WbIridescentTwoTone",
- "WbShade",
- "WbShadeOutlined",
- "WbShadeRounded",
- "WbShadeSharp",
- "WbShadeTwoTone",
- "WbSunny",
- "WbSunnyOutlined",
- "WbSunnyRounded",
- "WbSunnySharp",
- "WbSunnyTwoTone",
- "WbTwilight",
- "WbTwilightOutlined",
- "WbTwilightRounded",
- "WbTwilightSharp",
- "WbTwilightTwoTone",
- "Wc",
- "WcOutlined",
- "WcRounded",
- "WcSharp",
- "WcTwoTone",
- "Web",
- "WebAsset",
- "WebAssetOff",
- "WebAssetOffOutlined",
- "WebAssetOffRounded",
- "WebAssetOffSharp",
- "WebAssetOffTwoTone",
- "WebAssetOutlined",
- "WebAssetRounded",
- "WebAssetSharp",
- "WebAssetTwoTone",
- "WebOutlined",
- "WebRounded",
- "WebSharp",
- "WebStories",
- "WebStoriesOutlined",
- "WebStoriesRounded",
- "WebStoriesSharp",
- "WebStoriesTwoTone",
- "WebTwoTone",
- "Webhook",
- "WebhookOutlined",
- "WebhookRounded",
- "WebhookSharp",
- "WebhookTwoTone",
- "Weekend",
- "WeekendOutlined",
- "WeekendRounded",
- "WeekendSharp",
- "WeekendTwoTone",
- "West",
- "WestOutlined",
- "WestRounded",
- "WestSharp",
- "WestTwoTone",
- "WhatsApp",
- "Whatshot",
- "WhatshotOutlined",
- "WhatshotRounded",
- "WhatshotSharp",
- "WhatshotTwoTone",
- "WheelchairPickup",
- "WheelchairPickupOutlined",
- "WheelchairPickupRounded",
- "WheelchairPickupSharp",
- "WheelchairPickupTwoTone",
- "WhereToVote",
- "WhereToVoteOutlined",
- "WhereToVoteRounded",
- "WhereToVoteSharp",
- "WhereToVoteTwoTone",
- "Widgets",
- "WidgetsOutlined",
- "WidgetsRounded",
- "WidgetsSharp",
- "WidgetsTwoTone",
- "WidthFull",
- "WidthFullOutlined",
- "WidthFullRounded",
- "WidthFullSharp",
- "WidthFullTwoTone",
- "WidthNormal",
- "WidthNormalOutlined",
- "WidthNormalRounded",
- "WidthNormalSharp",
- "WidthNormalTwoTone",
- "WidthWide",
- "WidthWideOutlined",
- "WidthWideRounded",
- "WidthWideSharp",
- "WidthWideTwoTone",
- "Wifi",
- "Wifi1Bar",
- "Wifi1BarOutlined",
- "Wifi1BarRounded",
- "Wifi1BarSharp",
- "Wifi1BarTwoTone",
- "Wifi2Bar",
- "Wifi2BarOutlined",
- "Wifi2BarRounded",
- "Wifi2BarSharp",
- "Wifi2BarTwoTone",
- "WifiCalling",
- "WifiCalling3",
- "WifiCalling3Outlined",
- "WifiCalling3Rounded",
- "WifiCalling3Sharp",
- "WifiCalling3TwoTone",
- "WifiCallingOutlined",
- "WifiCallingRounded",
- "WifiCallingSharp",
- "WifiCallingTwoTone",
- "WifiChannel",
- "WifiChannelOutlined",
- "WifiChannelRounded",
- "WifiChannelSharp",
- "WifiChannelTwoTone",
- "WifiFind",
- "WifiFindOutlined",
- "WifiFindRounded",
- "WifiFindSharp",
- "WifiFindTwoTone",
- "WifiLock",
- "WifiLockOutlined",
- "WifiLockRounded",
- "WifiLockSharp",
- "WifiLockTwoTone",
- "WifiOff",
- "WifiOffOutlined",
- "WifiOffRounded",
- "WifiOffSharp",
- "WifiOffTwoTone",
- "WifiOutlined",
- "WifiPassword",
- "WifiPasswordOutlined",
- "WifiPasswordRounded",
- "WifiPasswordSharp",
- "WifiPasswordTwoTone",
- "WifiProtectedSetup",
- "WifiProtectedSetupOutlined",
- "WifiProtectedSetupRounded",
- "WifiProtectedSetupSharp",
- "WifiProtectedSetupTwoTone",
- "WifiRounded",
- "WifiSharp",
- "WifiTethering",
- "WifiTetheringError",
- "WifiTetheringErrorOutlined",
- "WifiTetheringErrorRounded",
- "WifiTetheringErrorSharp",
- "WifiTetheringErrorTwoTone",
- "WifiTetheringOff",
- "WifiTetheringOffOutlined",
- "WifiTetheringOffRounded",
- "WifiTetheringOffSharp",
- "WifiTetheringOffTwoTone",
- "WifiTetheringOutlined",
- "WifiTetheringRounded",
- "WifiTetheringSharp",
- "WifiTetheringTwoTone",
- "WifiTwoTone",
- "WindPower",
- "WindPowerOutlined",
- "WindPowerRounded",
- "WindPowerSharp",
- "WindPowerTwoTone",
- "Window",
- "WindowOutlined",
- "WindowRounded",
- "WindowSharp",
- "WindowTwoTone",
- "WineBar",
- "WineBarOutlined",
- "WineBarRounded",
- "WineBarSharp",
- "WineBarTwoTone",
- "Woman",
- "Woman2",
- "Woman2Outlined",
- "Woman2Rounded",
- "Woman2Sharp",
- "Woman2TwoTone",
- "WomanOutlined",
- "WomanRounded",
- "WomanSharp",
- "WomanTwoTone",
- "Work",
- "WorkHistory",
- "WorkHistoryOutlined",
- "WorkHistoryRounded",
- "WorkHistorySharp",
- "WorkHistoryTwoTone",
- "WorkOff",
- "WorkOffOutlined",
- "WorkOffRounded",
- "WorkOffSharp",
- "WorkOffTwoTone",
- "WorkOutline",
- "WorkOutlineOutlined",
- "WorkOutlineRounded",
- "WorkOutlineSharp",
- "WorkOutlineTwoTone",
- "WorkOutlined",
- "WorkRounded",
- "WorkSharp",
- "WorkTwoTone",
- "WorkspacePremium",
- "WorkspacePremiumOutlined",
- "WorkspacePremiumRounded",
- "WorkspacePremiumSharp",
- "WorkspacePremiumTwoTone",
- "Workspaces",
- "WorkspacesOutlined",
- "WorkspacesRounded",
- "WorkspacesSharp",
- "WorkspacesTwoTone",
- "WrapText",
- "WrapTextOutlined",
- "WrapTextRounded",
- "WrapTextSharp",
- "WrapTextTwoTone",
- "WrongLocation",
- "WrongLocationOutlined",
- "WrongLocationRounded",
- "WrongLocationSharp",
- "WrongLocationTwoTone",
- "Wysiwyg",
- "WysiwygOutlined",
- "WysiwygRounded",
- "WysiwygSharp",
- "WysiwygTwoTone",
- "X",
- "Yard",
- "YardOutlined",
- "YardRounded",
- "YardSharp",
- "YardTwoTone",
- "YouTube",
- "YoutubeSearchedFor",
- "YoutubeSearchedForOutlined",
- "YoutubeSearchedForRounded",
- "YoutubeSearchedForSharp",
- "YoutubeSearchedForTwoTone",
- "ZoomIn",
- "ZoomInMap",
- "ZoomInMapOutlined",
- "ZoomInMapRounded",
- "ZoomInMapSharp",
- "ZoomInMapTwoTone",
- "ZoomInOutlined",
- "ZoomInRounded",
- "ZoomInSharp",
- "ZoomInTwoTone",
- "ZoomOut",
- "ZoomOutMap",
- "ZoomOutMapOutlined",
- "ZoomOutMapRounded",
- "ZoomOutMapSharp",
- "ZoomOutMapTwoTone",
- "ZoomOutOutlined",
- "ZoomOutRounded",
- "ZoomOutSharp",
- "ZoomOutTwoTone"
diff --git a/packages/iconography/src/index.ts b/packages/iconography/src/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 279bdb7..0000000
--- a/packages/iconography/src/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-/* WordPress Dependencies */
-import { registerFormatType } from '@wordpress/rich-text';
-/* Internal Dependencies */
-import { IconToolbarButton } from './IconToolbarButton';
-import { getIconOptions, selectIconAtCurrentCursor } from './utils';
-/* Types */
-import type { IconGroup } from './types';
-import domReady from '@wordpress/dom-ready';
- * The supported icon groups.
- */
-export const iconGroups: IconGroup[] = [
- {
- title: 'Outlined',
- name: 'content-only/ms-outlined',
- className: 'material-symbols-outlined',
- tagName: 'span',
- edit: IconToolbarButton,
- options: getIconOptions( 'Outlined' ),
- interactive: false,
- },
- {
- title: 'Rounded',
- name: 'content-only/ms-rounded',
- className: 'material-symbols-rounded',
- tagName: 'span',
- edit: () => {}, // only render the button on the first icon group. It contains markup for evertything in a grouped layout.
- options: getIconOptions( 'Rounded' ),
- interactive: false,
- },
- {
- title: 'Sharp',
- name: 'content-only/ms-sharp',
- className: 'material-symbols-sharp',
- tagName: 'span',
- options: getIconOptions( 'Sharp' ),
- edit: () => {}, // only render the button on the first icon group. It contains markup for evertything in a grouped layout.
- interactive: false,
- },
- * Keydown event listener for handling the selection of an icon at the current cursor.
- * @param {KeyboardEvent} event The keyboard event.
- */
-export const handleKeyDown = ( event: KeyboardEvent ) => {
- switch ( event.key ) {
- case 'ArrowLeft':
- case 'Backspace':
- case 'Delete':
- selectIconAtCurrentCursor();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- * Handle keyup event for ArrowRight.
- * @param {KeyboardEvent} event The keyboard event.
- */
-export const handleKeyUp = ( event: KeyboardEvent ) => {
- if ( 'ArrowRight' === event.key ) {
- const { selection, icon } = selectIconAtCurrentCursor();
- // Move the cursor one-right after the icon.
- if ( selection && icon ) {
- selection.setPosition( icon, 1 );
- selection.selectAllChildren( icon );
- }
- }
- * Handles the key event for Iconography.
- * @param {KeyboardEvent} event The keyboard event.
- */
-export const handleKeyEvent = ( event: KeyboardEvent ) => {
- switch ( event.type ) {
- case 'keydown':
- handleKeyDown( event );
- break;
- case 'keyup':
- handleKeyUp( event );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- * Registers the formats, and the event listeners required for Iconography.
- */
-const registerIconography = () => {
- iconGroups.forEach( ( iconGroup ) => {
- registerFormatType( iconGroup.name, iconGroup );
- } );
- // ArrowLeft, Backspace, and Delete need to be handled on KeyDown, because the selection is updated before the event fires.
- document.addEventListener( 'keydown', handleKeyEvent );
- // ArrowRight needs a special case for KeyUp, because the selection needs to happen after the event has moved the cursor into the next character.
- document.addEventListener( 'keyup', handleKeyEvent );
-domReady( registerIconography );
diff --git a/packages/iconography/src/index.tsx b/packages/iconography/src/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67c28d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/iconography/src/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+import React, { ComponentProps } from 'react';
+/* WordPress Dependencies */
+import domReady from '@wordpress/dom-ready';
+import { registerFormatType } from '@wordpress/rich-text';
+import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks';
+import { BlockControls } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
+/* Internal deps */
+import metadata from './block/block.json';
+import { Edit } from './block/Edit';
+import { Save } from './block/Save';
+import { IconToolbarButton } from './IconToolbarButton';
+import { getIconGroups, selectIconAtCurrentCursor } from './utils';
+/* Types */
+import type { IconGroup } from './types';
+export const handleKeyDown =
+ ( iconGroups: IconGroup[] | undefined ) => ( event: KeyboardEvent ) => {
+ switch ( event.key ) {
+ case 'ArrowLeft':
+ case 'Backspace':
+ case 'Delete':
+ selectIconAtCurrentCursor( iconGroups );
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ };
+export const handleKeyUp =
+ ( iconGroups: IconGroup[] | undefined ) => ( event: KeyboardEvent ) => {
+ if ( 'ArrowRight' === event.key ) {
+ const { selection, icon } = selectIconAtCurrentCursor( iconGroups );
+ // Move the cursor one-right after the icon.
+ if ( selection && icon ) {
+ selection.setPosition( icon, 1 );
+ selection.selectAllChildren( icon );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+export const handleKeyEvent =
+ ( iconGroups: IconGroup[] | undefined ) => ( event: KeyboardEvent ) => {
+ switch ( event.type ) {
+ case 'keydown':
+ handleKeyDown( iconGroups )( event );
+ break;
+ case 'keyup':
+ handleKeyUp( iconGroups )( event );
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ };
+export const registerIconography = () => {
+ const iconGroups = getIconGroups();
+ if ( ! iconGroups ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ iconGroups.forEach( ( iconGroup, index ) => {
+ if ( index === 0 ) {
+ iconGroup.edit = (
+ props: ComponentProps< typeof IconToolbarButton >
+ ) => (
+ );
+ }
+ registerFormatType( iconGroup.name, iconGroup );
+ } );
+ // ArrowLeft, Backspace, and Delete need to be handled on KeyDown, because the selection is updated before the event fires.
+ document.addEventListener( 'keydown', handleKeyEvent( iconGroups ) );
+ // ArrowRight needs a special case for KeyUp, because the selection needs to happen after the event has moved the cursor into the next character.
+ document.addEventListener( 'keyup', handleKeyEvent( iconGroups ) );
+domReady( () => {
+ registerIconography();
+} );
+registerBlockType( metadata, {
+ edit: Edit,
+ save: Save,
+} );
diff --git a/packages/iconography/src/readme.md b/packages/iconography/src/readme.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 44ffbdd..0000000
--- a/packages/iconography/src/readme.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# Iconography
-The data for the iconography is defined here _instead_ of deriving it directly from
-the MUI-Symbols package. This is because if we import all the MUI-Symbols the bundle
-size is _massive_ where we don't actually need any of the SVG elements. As a result,
-we define the names of all the supported icons. This package will need to be updated
-periodically to ensure it is in sync with the MUI-Symbols package.
diff --git a/packages/iconography/src/tests/IconPanel.test.tsx b/packages/iconography/src/tests/IconPanel.test.tsx
index f191cea..1e9eee0 100644
--- a/packages/iconography/src/tests/IconPanel.test.tsx
+++ b/packages/iconography/src/tests/IconPanel.test.tsx
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import { IconPanel } from '../IconPanel';
jest.mock( '../utils', () => ( {
generateRichTextFormat: jest.fn(),
- getIconOptions: jest.fn(),
} ) );
const iconGroup = {
@@ -46,6 +45,19 @@ describe( 'IconPanel', () => {
} );
+ test( 'search term filters icons', () => {
+ render(
+ );
+ expect( screen.queryByText( 'accessibility' ) ).toBe( null );
+ expect( screen.queryByText( 'add' ) ).not.toBe( null );
+ } );
test( 'clicking icon triggers onClick', () => {
const onClick = jest.fn();
diff --git a/packages/iconography/src/tests/__snapshots__/IconPanel.test.tsx.snap b/packages/iconography/src/tests/__snapshots__/IconPanel.test.tsx.snap
index 47d34d6..6776fbf 100644
--- a/packages/iconography/src/tests/__snapshots__/IconPanel.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/packages/iconography/src/tests/__snapshots__/IconPanel.test.tsx.snap
@@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ exports[`IconPanel rendered IconPanel matches snapshot 1`] = `