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Merge pull request #322 from chaoming0625/master
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chaoming0625 authored Jan 25, 2023
2 parents 2fe4a29 + 130c2d3 commit c63447b
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Showing 14 changed files with 222 additions and 510 deletions.
361 changes: 3 additions & 358 deletions brainpy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__version__ = "2.3.2"
__version__ = "2.3.3"

# fundamental supporting modules
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,6 +207,7 @@
dyn.__dict__['LoopOverTime'] = LoopOverTime
dyn.__dict__['DSRunner'] = DSRunner

# neurons
dyn.__dict__['HH'] = neurons.HH
dyn.__dict__['MorrisLecar'] = neurons.MorrisLecar
dyn.__dict__['PinskyRinzelModel'] = neurons.PinskyRinzelModel
Expand All @@ -225,6 +226,7 @@
dyn.__dict__['PoissonGroup'] = neurons.PoissonGroup
dyn.__dict__['OUProcess'] = neurons.OUProcess

# synapses
from brainpy._src.dyn.synapses import compat
dyn.__dict__['DeltaSynapse'] = compat.DeltaSynapse
dyn.__dict__['ExpCUBA'] = compat.ExpCUBA
Expand All @@ -236,360 +238,3 @@
dyn.__dict__['NMDA'] = compat.NMDA
del compat

# import brainpy._src.math.arraycompatible as bm
# math.__dict__['full'] = bm.full
# math.__dict__['full_like'] = bm.full_like
# math.__dict__['eye'] = bm.eye
# math.__dict__['identity'] = bm.identity
# math.__dict__['diag'] = bm.diag
# math.__dict__['tri'] = bm.tri
# math.__dict__['tril'] = bm.tril
# math.__dict__['triu'] = bm.triu
# math.__dict__['real'] = bm.real
# math.__dict__['imag'] = bm.imag
# math.__dict__['conj'] = bm.conj
# math.__dict__['conjugate'] = bm.conjugate
# math.__dict__['ndim'] = bm.ndim
# math.__dict__['isreal'] = bm.isreal
# math.__dict__['isscalar'] = bm.isscalar
# math.__dict__['add'] = bm.add
# math.__dict__['reciprocal'] = bm.reciprocal
# math.__dict__['negative'] = bm.negative
# math.__dict__['positive'] = bm.positive
# math.__dict__['multiply'] = bm.multiply
# math.__dict__['divide'] = bm.divide
# math.__dict__['power'] = bm.power
# math.__dict__['subtract'] = bm.subtract
# math.__dict__['true_divide'] = bm.true_divide
# math.__dict__['floor_divide'] = bm.floor_divide
# math.__dict__['float_power'] = bm.float_power
# math.__dict__['fmod'] = bm.fmod
# math.__dict__['mod'] = bm.mod
# math.__dict__['modf'] = bm.modf
# math.__dict__['divmod'] = bm.divmod
# math.__dict__['remainder'] = bm.remainder
# math.__dict__['abs'] = bm.abs
# math.__dict__['exp'] = bm.exp
# math.__dict__['exp2'] = bm.exp2
# math.__dict__['expm1'] = bm.expm1
# math.__dict__['log'] = bm.log
# math.__dict__['log10'] = bm.log10
# math.__dict__['log1p'] = bm.log1p
# math.__dict__['log2'] = bm.log2
# math.__dict__['logaddexp'] = bm.logaddexp
# math.__dict__['logaddexp2'] = bm.logaddexp2
# math.__dict__['lcm'] = bm.lcm
# math.__dict__['gcd'] = bm.gcd
# math.__dict__['arccos'] = bm.arccos
# math.__dict__['arccosh'] = bm.arccosh
# math.__dict__['arcsin'] = bm.arcsin
# math.__dict__['arcsinh'] = bm.arcsinh
# math.__dict__['arctan'] = bm.arctan
# math.__dict__['arctan2'] = bm.arctan2
# math.__dict__['arctanh'] = bm.arctanh
# math.__dict__['cos'] = bm.cos
# math.__dict__['cosh'] = bm.cosh
# math.__dict__['sin'] = bm.sin
# math.__dict__['sinc'] = bm.sinc
# math.__dict__['sinh'] = bm.sinh
# math.__dict__['tan'] = bm.tan
# math.__dict__['tanh'] = bm.tanh
# math.__dict__['deg2rad'] = bm.deg2rad
# math.__dict__['hypot'] = bm.hypot
# math.__dict__['rad2deg'] = bm.rad2deg
# math.__dict__['degrees'] = bm.degrees
# math.__dict__['radians'] = bm.radians
# math.__dict__['round'] = bm.round
# math.__dict__['around'] = bm.around
# math.__dict__['round_'] = bm.round_
# math.__dict__['rint'] = bm.rint
# math.__dict__['floor'] = bm.floor
# math.__dict__['ceil'] = bm.ceil
# math.__dict__['trunc'] = bm.trunc
# math.__dict__['fix'] = bm.fix
# math.__dict__['prod'] =
# math.__dict__['sum'] = bm.sum
# math.__dict__['diff'] = bm.diff
# math.__dict__['median'] = bm.median
# math.__dict__['nancumprod'] = bm.nancumprod
# math.__dict__['nancumsum'] = bm.nancumsum
# math.__dict__['nanprod'] = bm.nanprod
# math.__dict__['nansum'] = bm.nansum
# math.__dict__['cumprod'] = bm.cumprod
# math.__dict__['cumsum'] = bm.cumsum
# math.__dict__['ediff1d'] = bm.ediff1d
# math.__dict__['cross'] = bm.cross
# math.__dict__['trapz'] = bm.trapz
# math.__dict__['isfinite'] = bm.isfinite
# math.__dict__['isinf'] = bm.isinf
# math.__dict__['isnan'] = bm.isnan
# math.__dict__['signbit'] = bm.signbit
# math.__dict__['copysign'] = bm.copysign
# math.__dict__['nextafter'] = bm.nextafter
# math.__dict__['ldexp'] = bm.ldexp
# math.__dict__['frexp'] = bm.frexp
# math.__dict__['convolve'] = bm.convolve
# math.__dict__['sqrt'] = bm.sqrt
# math.__dict__['cbrt'] = bm.cbrt
# math.__dict__['square'] = bm.square
# math.__dict__['absolute'] = bm.absolute
# math.__dict__['fabs'] = bm.fabs
# math.__dict__['sign'] = bm.sign
# math.__dict__['heaviside'] = bm.heaviside
# math.__dict__['maximum'] = bm.maximum
# math.__dict__['minimum'] = bm.minimum
# math.__dict__['fmax'] = bm.fmax
# math.__dict__['fmin'] = bm.fmin
# math.__dict__['interp'] = bm.interp
# math.__dict__['clip'] = bm.clip
# math.__dict__['angle'] = bm.angle
# math.__dict__['bitwise_and'] = bm.bitwise_and
# math.__dict__['bitwise_not'] = bm.bitwise_not
# math.__dict__['bitwise_or'] = bm.bitwise_or
# math.__dict__['bitwise_xor'] = bm.bitwise_xor
# math.__dict__['invert'] = bm.invert
# math.__dict__['left_shift'] = bm.left_shift
# math.__dict__['right_shift'] = bm.right_shift
# math.__dict__['equal'] = bm.equal
# math.__dict__['not_equal'] = bm.not_equal
# math.__dict__['greater'] = bm.greater
# math.__dict__['greater_equal'] = bm.greater_equal
# math.__dict__['less'] = bm.less
# math.__dict__['less_equal'] = bm.less_equal
# math.__dict__['array_equal'] = bm.array_equal
# math.__dict__['isclose'] = bm.isclose
# math.__dict__['allclose'] = bm.allclose
# math.__dict__['logical_and'] = bm.logical_and
# math.__dict__['logical_not'] = bm.logical_not
# math.__dict__['logical_or'] = bm.logical_or
# math.__dict__['logical_xor'] = bm.logical_xor
# math.__dict__['all'] = bm.all
# math.__dict__['any'] = bm.any
# math.__dict__['alltrue'] = bm.alltrue
# math.__dict__['sometrue'] = bm.sometrue
# math.__dict__['shape'] = bm.shape
# math.__dict__['size'] = bm.size
# math.__dict__['reshape'] = bm.reshape
# math.__dict__['ravel'] = bm.ravel
# math.__dict__['moveaxis'] = bm.moveaxis
# math.__dict__['transpose'] = bm.transpose
# math.__dict__['swapaxes'] = bm.swapaxes
# math.__dict__['concatenate'] = bm.concatenate
# math.__dict__['stack'] = bm.stack
# math.__dict__['vstack'] = bm.vstack
# math.__dict__['hstack'] = bm.hstack
# math.__dict__['dstack'] = bm.dstack
# math.__dict__['column_stack'] = bm.column_stack
# math.__dict__['split'] = bm.split
# math.__dict__['dsplit'] = bm.dsplit
# math.__dict__['hsplit'] = bm.hsplit
# math.__dict__['vsplit'] = bm.vsplit
# math.__dict__['tile'] = bm.tile
# math.__dict__['repeat'] = bm.repeat
# math.__dict__['unique'] = bm.unique
# math.__dict__['append'] = bm.append
# math.__dict__['flip'] = bm.flip
# math.__dict__['fliplr'] = bm.fliplr
# math.__dict__['flipud'] = bm.flipud
# math.__dict__['roll'] = bm.roll
# math.__dict__['atleast_1d'] = bm.atleast_1d
# math.__dict__['atleast_2d'] = bm.atleast_2d
# math.__dict__['atleast_3d'] = bm.atleast_3d
# math.__dict__['expand_dims'] = bm.expand_dims
# math.__dict__['squeeze'] = bm.squeeze
# math.__dict__['sort'] = bm.sort
# math.__dict__['argsort'] = bm.argsort
# math.__dict__['argmax'] = bm.argmax
# math.__dict__['argmin'] = bm.argmin
# math.__dict__['argwhere'] = bm.argwhere
# math.__dict__['nonzero'] = bm.nonzero
# math.__dict__['flatnonzero'] = bm.flatnonzero
# math.__dict__['where'] = bm.where
# math.__dict__['searchsorted'] = bm.searchsorted
# math.__dict__['extract'] = bm.extract
# math.__dict__['count_nonzero'] = bm.count_nonzero
# math.__dict__['max'] = bm.max
# math.__dict__['min'] = bm.min
# math.__dict__['amax'] = bm.amax
# math.__dict__['amin'] = bm.amin
# math.__dict__['array_split'] = bm.array_split
# math.__dict__['meshgrid'] = bm.meshgrid
# math.__dict__['vander'] = bm.vander
# math.__dict__['nonzero'] = bm.nonzero
# math.__dict__['where'] = bm.where
# math.__dict__['tril_indices'] = bm.tril_indices
# math.__dict__['tril_indices_from'] = bm.tril_indices_from
# math.__dict__['triu_indices'] = bm.triu_indices
# math.__dict__['triu_indices_from'] = bm.triu_indices_from
# math.__dict__['take'] = bm.take
# math.__dict__['select'] =
# math.__dict__['nanmin'] = bm.nanmin
# math.__dict__['nanmax'] = bm.nanmax
# math.__dict__['ptp'] = bm.ptp
# math.__dict__['percentile'] = bm.percentile
# math.__dict__['nanpercentile'] = bm.nanpercentile
# math.__dict__['quantile'] = bm.quantile
# math.__dict__['nanquantile'] = bm.nanquantile
# math.__dict__['median'] = bm.median
# math.__dict__['average'] = bm.average
# math.__dict__['mean'] = bm.mean
# math.__dict__['std'] = bm.std
# math.__dict__['var'] = bm.var
# math.__dict__['nanmedian'] = bm.nanmedian
# math.__dict__['nanmean'] = bm.nanmean
# math.__dict__['nanstd'] = bm.nanstd
# math.__dict__['nanvar'] = bm.nanvar
# math.__dict__['corrcoef'] = bm.corrcoef
# math.__dict__['correlate'] = bm.correlate
# math.__dict__['cov'] = bm.cov
# math.__dict__['histogram'] = bm.histogram
# math.__dict__['bincount'] = bm.bincount
# math.__dict__['digitize'] = bm.digitize
# math.__dict__['bartlett'] = bm.bartlett
# math.__dict__['blackman'] = bm.blackman
# math.__dict__['hamming'] = bm.hamming
# math.__dict__['hanning'] = bm.hanning
# math.__dict__['kaiser'] = bm.kaiser
# math.__dict__['e'] = bm.e
# math.__dict__['pi'] = bm.pi
# math.__dict__['inf'] = bm.inf
# math.__dict__['dot'] =
# math.__dict__['vdot'] = bm.vdot
# math.__dict__['inner'] = bm.inner
# math.__dict__['outer'] = bm.outer
# math.__dict__['kron'] = bm.kron
# math.__dict__['matmul'] = bm.matmul
# math.__dict__['trace'] = bm.trace
# math.__dict__['dtype'] = bm.dtype
# math.__dict__['finfo'] = bm.finfo
# math.__dict__['iinfo'] = bm.iinfo
# math.__dict__['uint8'] = bm.uint8
# math.__dict__['uint16'] = bm.uint16
# math.__dict__['uint32'] = bm.uint32
# math.__dict__['uint64'] = bm.uint64
# math.__dict__['int8'] = bm.int8
# math.__dict__['int16'] = bm.int16
# math.__dict__['int32'] = bm.int32
# math.__dict__['int64'] = bm.int64
# math.__dict__['float16'] = bm.float16
# math.__dict__['float32'] = bm.float32
# math.__dict__['float64'] = bm.float64
# math.__dict__['complex64'] = bm.complex64
# math.__dict__['complex128'] = bm.complex128
# math.__dict__['product'] = bm.product
# math.__dict__['row_stack'] = bm.row_stack
# math.__dict__['apply_over_axes'] = bm.apply_over_axes
# math.__dict__['apply_along_axis'] = bm.apply_along_axis
# math.__dict__['array_equiv'] = bm.array_equiv
# math.__dict__['array_repr'] = bm.array_repr
# math.__dict__['array_str'] = bm.array_str
# math.__dict__['block'] = bm.block
# math.__dict__['broadcast_arrays'] = bm.broadcast_arrays
# math.__dict__['broadcast_shapes'] = bm.broadcast_shapes
# math.__dict__['broadcast_to'] = bm.broadcast_to
# math.__dict__['compress'] = bm.compress
# math.__dict__['cumproduct'] = bm.cumproduct
# math.__dict__['diag_indices'] = bm.diag_indices
# math.__dict__['diag_indices_from'] = bm.diag_indices_from
# math.__dict__['diagflat'] = bm.diagflat
# math.__dict__['diagonal'] = bm.diagonal
# math.__dict__['einsum'] = bm.einsum
# math.__dict__['einsum_path'] = bm.einsum_path
# math.__dict__['geomspace'] = bm.geomspace
# math.__dict__['gradient'] = bm.gradient
# math.__dict__['histogram2d'] = bm.histogram2d
# math.__dict__['histogram_bin_edges'] = bm.histogram_bin_edges
# math.__dict__['histogramdd'] = bm.histogramdd
# math.__dict__['i0'] = bm.i0
# math.__dict__['in1d'] = bm.in1d
# math.__dict__['indices'] = bm.indices
# math.__dict__['insert'] = bm.insert
# math.__dict__['intersect1d'] = bm.intersect1d
# math.__dict__['iscomplex'] = bm.iscomplex
# math.__dict__['isin'] = bm.isin
# math.__dict__['ix_'] = bm.ix_
# math.__dict__['lexsort'] = bm.lexsort
# math.__dict__['load'] = bm.load
# math.__dict__['save'] =
# math.__dict__['savez'] = bm.savez
# math.__dict__['mask_indices'] = bm.mask_indices
# math.__dict__['msort'] = bm.msort
# math.__dict__['nan_to_num'] = bm.nan_to_num
# math.__dict__['nanargmax'] = bm.nanargmax
# math.__dict__['setdiff1d'] = bm.setdiff1d
# math.__dict__['nanargmin'] = bm.nanargmin
# math.__dict__['pad'] = bm.pad
# math.__dict__['poly'] = bm.poly
# math.__dict__['polyadd'] = bm.polyadd
# math.__dict__['polyder'] = bm.polyder
# math.__dict__['polyfit'] = bm.polyfit
# math.__dict__['polyint'] = bm.polyint
# math.__dict__['polymul'] = bm.polymul
# math.__dict__['polysub'] = bm.polysub
# math.__dict__['polyval'] = bm.polyval
# math.__dict__['resize'] = bm.resize
# math.__dict__['rollaxis'] = bm.rollaxis
# math.__dict__['roots'] = bm.roots
# math.__dict__['rot90'] = bm.rot90
# math.__dict__['setxor1d'] = bm.setxor1d
# math.__dict__['tensordot'] = bm.tensordot
# math.__dict__['trim_zeros'] = bm.trim_zeros
# math.__dict__['union1d'] = bm.union1d
# math.__dict__['unravel_index'] = bm.unravel_index
# math.__dict__['unwrap'] = bm.unwrap
# math.__dict__['take_along_axis'] = bm.take_along_axis
# math.__dict__['can_cast'] = bm.can_cast
# math.__dict__['choose'] = bm.choose
# math.__dict__['copy'] = bm.copy
# math.__dict__['frombuffer'] = bm.frombuffer
# math.__dict__['fromfile'] = bm.fromfile
# math.__dict__['fromfunction'] = bm.fromfunction
# math.__dict__['fromiter'] = bm.fromiter
# math.__dict__['fromstring'] = bm.fromstring
# math.__dict__['get_printoptions'] = bm.get_printoptions
# math.__dict__['iscomplexobj'] = bm.iscomplexobj
# math.__dict__['isneginf'] = bm.isneginf
# math.__dict__['isposinf'] = bm.isposinf
# math.__dict__['isrealobj'] = bm.isrealobj
# math.__dict__['issubdtype'] = bm.issubdtype
# math.__dict__['issubsctype'] = bm.issubsctype
# math.__dict__['iterable'] = bm.iterable
# math.__dict__['packbits'] = bm.packbits
# math.__dict__['piecewise'] = bm.piecewise
# math.__dict__['printoptions'] = bm.printoptions
# math.__dict__['set_printoptions'] = bm.set_printoptions
# math.__dict__['promote_types'] = bm.promote_types
# math.__dict__['ravel_multi_index'] = bm.ravel_multi_index
# math.__dict__['result_type'] = bm.result_type
# math.__dict__['sort_complex'] = bm.sort_complex
# math.__dict__['unpackbits'] = bm.unpackbits
# math.__dict__['delete'] = bm.delete
# math.__dict__['add_docstring'] = bm.add_docstring
# math.__dict__['add_newdoc'] = bm.add_newdoc
# math.__dict__['add_newdoc_ufunc'] = bm.add_newdoc_ufunc
# math.__dict__['array2string'] = bm.array2string
# math.__dict__['asanyarray'] = bm.asanyarray
# math.__dict__['ascontiguousarray'] = bm.ascontiguousarray
# math.__dict__['asfarray'] = bm.asfarray
# math.__dict__['asscalar'] = bm.asscalar
# math.__dict__['common_type'] = bm.common_type
# math.__dict__['disp'] = bm.disp
# math.__dict__['genfromtxt'] = bm.genfromtxt
# math.__dict__['loadtxt'] = bm.loadtxt
# math.__dict__['info'] =
# math.__dict__['issubclass_'] = bm.issubclass_
# math.__dict__['place'] =
# math.__dict__['polydiv'] = bm.polydiv
# math.__dict__['put'] = bm.put
# math.__dict__['putmask'] = bm.putmask
# math.__dict__['safe_eval'] = bm.safe_eval
# math.__dict__['savetxt'] = bm.savetxt
# math.__dict__['savez_compressed'] = bm.savez_compressed
# math.__dict__['show_config'] = bm.show_config
# math.__dict__['typename'] = bm.typename
# math.__dict__['copyto'] = bm.copyto
# math.__dict__['matrix'] = bm.matrix
# math.__dict__['asmatrix'] = bm.asmatrix
# math.__dict__['mat'] = bm.mat
# del bm

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