This repository hosts all source code related to the research done for my Bachelor's thesis in Computer Science.
The goal of the research is to create a tool that can generate probabilistic models of Sokoban levels that can be used as part of a larger test suite to benchmark existing probabilistic model checkers.
The generate_model script generates probabilistic models from .sok files.
As a .sok file can contain multiple levels, the script can output multiple files.
Levels can also be read from stdin
by omitting the -i
and can be outputted to stdout
by omitting the -o
Dependencies: None
$ python src/ --help
usage: [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] [-f] [-p {sok}] -m {jani,jani-ns,prism,prism-b,prism-ns} [-e PRECISION] [--debug] [-h]
-m {jani,jani-ns,prism,prism-b,prism-ns}, --model {jani,jani-ns,prism,prism-b,prism-ns}
model type
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
input file path
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file path
-f, --force overwrite output file
-p {sok}, --parser {sok}
parser type (default: sok)
precision of floating point numbers (default: 28)
--debug enable debug logging
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Example usage:
# Generate JANI models from the Microban level set
$ python src/ -m jani -i test_sets/microban.sok -o generated_models/microban/jani/microban.jani
# Generate PRISM models from the XSokoban level set
$ python src/ -m prism -i test_sets/xsokoban.sok -o generated_models/xsokoban/prism/xsokoban.jani
This script can convert .sok files into image representations of the levels.
Supplying levels using stdin
is also supported, as well as outputting the resulting png into stdout
Dependencies: Pillow==9.1.1
$ python src/ --help
usage: [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] [-ix INDICES [INDICES ...]] [-f] [-t] [-h]
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
input file path
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file path
-ix INDICES [INDICES ...], --indices INDICES [INDICES ...]
space seperated list of level indices. Omit to use all levels
-f, --force overwrite output file
-t, --text display tile position indices
-h, --help show this help message and exit
This script automates the running of benchmarks. Most arguments (engine, property etc.) are not validated,
so it is wise to store and check the log using the -l
argument and verify that the model checker is producing results.
The script can be killed (^C
) and resumed at a later time by rerunning the benchmark with the same output file.
Dependencies: None
$ python src/ --help
usage: -c {prism,storm,modest} -e ENGINE -mu MU [MU ...] -p PROPERTY [-t TIMEOUT] [-m MEMORY] [-l LOG] [--debug] [-h] input output
input input path. Supports glob patterns to run multiple files
output output result file path
-c {prism,storm,modest}, --checker {prism,storm,modest}
model checker
-e ENGINE, --engine ENGINE
engine to use
-mu MU [MU ...] values for mu. Can be a space-separated list of floating point numbers,or a string in the min:max:num steps (e.g 0:1:4 yields
0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00)
-p PROPERTY, --property PROPERTY
property to benchmark
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
timeout in seconds (default: 300)
-m MEMORY, --memory MEMORY
memory limit (in MB) (default: 6144)
-l LOG, --log LOG output log file path
--debug enable debug logging
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Example usage:
# Benchmark the Microban set using Storm's hybrid engine for mu=0.3 and mu=0.9. Also store the log file.
# Be mindful to quote glob patterns
$ python src/ "generated_models/microban/jani/*.jani" benchmarks/storm_hybrid.json -c storm -e hybrid -mu 0.3 0.9 -l benchmarks/storm_hybrid.txt -p goal_reached
# Benchmark the Microban set using Modest's mcsta engine for mu=0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.
$ python src/ "generated_models/microban/jani/*.jani" benchmarks/modest_mcsta.json -c modest -e mcsta -mu 0:1:4 -l benchmarks/modest_mcsta.txt -p goal_reached
# Benchmark the Microban set using PRISM's hybrid engine for mu=0.5.
# Properties are not stored in the model file, so they have to be supplied here.
$ python src/ "generated_models/microban/prism/*.prism" benchmarks/prism_hybrid.json -c prism -e hybrid -mu 0.5 -l benchmarks/prism_hybrid.txt -p "Pmax=? [F \"goal_reached\"]"
Run a PRISM experiment.
The script can be killed (^C
) and resumed at a later time by rerunning the experiment with the same output file.
$ python src/ --help
usage: -mu MU -p PROPERTY [-t TIMEOUT] [-m MEMORY] [-l LOG] [--debug] [-h] input output
input input path. Supports glob patterns to run multiple files
output output result file path
-mu MU values for mu in min:step:max format
-p PROPERTY, --property PROPERTY
property to use for experiment
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
timeout in seconds (default: 300)
-m MEMORY, --memory MEMORY
memory limit (in MB) (default: 6144)
-l LOG, --log LOG output log file path
--debug enable debug logging
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Example usage:
# Calculate Pmax=? [F goal_reached] for all levels with mu=0,0.1,0.2,..,0.9,1
python src/ "generated_models/microban/prism/*.prism" experiments/prism.json -mu 0:0.1:1 -p "Pmax=? [F \"goal_reached\"]" -l experiments/prism.log