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Releases: braze-inc/braze-swift-sdk


22 Aug 18:32
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  • Fixes an issue affecting the Objective-C variants of BrazeDelegate, BrazeContentCardUIViewControllerDelegate and BrazeInAppMessageUIDelegate.
    • When setting these delegates in Objective-C a second time, the delegate would end up being set to nil.
    • This issue has been resolved and the delegates can now be set multiple times without issue.


05 Aug 18:18
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  • The following changes have been made when subscribing to Push events with Braze.Notifications.subscribeToUpdates(payloadTypes:_:):
    • The update closure will now be triggered by both "Push Opened" and "Push Received" events by default. Previously, it would only be triggered by "Push Opened" events.
      • To continue subscribing only to "Push Opened" events, pass in [.opened] for the parameter payloadTypes. Alternatively, implement your update closure to check that the type from the Braze.Notifications.Payload is .opened.
    • When receiving a push notification with content-available: true, the Braze.Notifications.Payload.type will now be .received instead of .opened.
  • Marks the following deprecated APIs as unavailable:
    • Braze.Configuration.Api.Flavor
    • Braze.Configuration.Api.flavor
    • Braze.Configuration.Api.SdkMetadata
    • Braze.Configuration.Api.addSdkMetadata(_:)
    • Braze.ContentCard.ClickAction.uri(_:useWebview:)
    • Braze.ContentCard.ClickAction.uri
    • Braze.InAppMessage.ClickAction.uri(_:useWebview:)
    • Braze.InAppMessage.ClickAction.uri
    • Braze.InAppMessage.ModalImage.imageUri
    • Braze.InAppMessage.Full.imageUri
    • Braze.InAppMessage.FullImage.imageUri
    • Braze.InAppMessage.Themes.default
    • Braze.deviceId(queue:completion:)
    • Braze._objc_deviceId(completion:)
    • Braze.deviceId()
    • Braze.User.setCustomAttributeArray(key:array:fileID:line:)
    • Braze.User.addToCustomAttributeArray(key:value:fileID:line:)
    • Braze.User.removeFromCustomAttributeArray(key:value:fileID:line:)
    • Braze.User._objc_addToCustomAttributeArray(key:value:)
    • Braze.User._objc_removeFromCustomAttributeArray(key:value:)
    • gifViewProvider
    • GifViewProvider.default
  • Removes the deprecated APIs:
    • Braze.Configuration.DeviceProperty.pushDisplayOptions
    • Braze.InAppMessageRaw.Context.Error.extraProcessClickAction
  • Removes the deprecated BrazeLocation class in favor of BrazeLocationProvider.
  • Fixes a crash when handling a scheme-based deep link containing a registered applink domain (e.g. with a deep link to app://
  • Adds support to subscribe to "Push Received" events via Braze.Notifications.subscribeToUpdates(payloadTypes:_:).
    • The following notifications will trigger this subscription:
      • Notifications received in the foreground
      • Notifications with the field content-available: true received in the foreground or background
    • The following notifications will not trigger this subscription:
      • Notifications received while terminated
      • Notifications received in the background without the field content-available: true
    • The new parameter payloadTypes will allow you to subscribe to "Push Opened" events, "Push Received" events, or both. If the parameter is omitted, it will subscribe to both by default.
    • If you are using manual push integration, you will need to first implement UNUserNotificationCenter.userNotificationCenter(_:willPresent:withCompletionHandler:), and make sure to call Braze.Notifications.handleForegroundNotification(notification:) within your implementation. Then, use subscribeToUpdates as noted above. See our guide on push notification integration for more info.
  • Adds the public property Braze.Notifications.Payload.type.
  • Adds the Braze.WebViewBridge.ScriptMessageHandler.init(braze:) initializer enabling a simpler way to initialize the ScriptMessageHandler for adding it to user-provided web views.


27 Jun 16:38
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  • Fixes an issue where the Braze.FeatureFlag.subscribeToUpdates(_:) callback was not triggered at app launch when the cached feature flags matched the remote feature flags.
  • Fixes an issue in Objective-C projects where the return value of Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonProperty(key:) would incorrectly encode any entry value equal to null under certain conditions.
    • [String: Any] dictionaries returned by the Swift API will now drop null values.
    • NSDictionary objects returned by the Objective-C API will now encode null values as NSNull.


30 May 14:18
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  • Adds Objective-C support for the BrazeInAppMessageUIDelegate.inAppMessage(_:prepareWith:) method.
    • Customization of ViewAttributes via the attributes property is not available in the Objective-C version of PresentationContextRaw.
  • Adds Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonProperty(key:type:decoder:) to decode jsonobject type Feature Flag properties into custom Decodable types.
  • Deprecates the existing Feature Flag APIs, to be removed in a future version:
    • Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonStringProperty(key:) has been deprecated.
    • Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonObjectProperty(key:) has been deprecated in favor of Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonProperty(key:).
  • Fixes an issue where the preferredOrientation on the presentation context of an in-app message would not be respected.


23 May 13:05
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  • Adds the openNewWindowLinksInBrowser configuration (default: false) to Braze.ModalContext.
    • Set this value in the braze(_:willPresentModalWithContext:) method of your BrazeDelegate to specify whether to launch the device browser to open web view hyperlinks that normally open a new tab or window.
  • Fixes an issue with the automatic push integration feature that could cause the SDK not to send the device token to Braze.
  • Fixes an issue that prevented external links, which open in a new tab, from being activated in presented web views.


14 May 15:50
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  • Adds support for 3 new Feature Flag property types and various APIs for accessing them:
    • Braze.FeatureFlag.timestampProperty(key:) for accessing Int Unix UTC millisecond timestamps.
    • Braze.FeatureFlag.imageProperty(key:) for accessing image URLs as Strings.
    • Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonObjectProperty(key:) for accessing JSONs as [String:Any] dictionaries.
    • Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonStringProperty(key:) for accessing JSONs as Strings.
  • Adds safeguards when reading the device model.
  • Fixes the duplicate symbols compilation errors and runtime warnings that may occur under specific conditions when integrating BrazeKit and either BrazeNotificationService or BrazePushStory via CocoaPods.


25 Apr 18:28
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  • Removes the default privacy tracking domains from the BrazeKit privacy manifest.
    • If you are using the Braze data tracking features, you will need to manually add your tracking endpoint to your app-level privacy manifest.
    • Refer to the updated tutorial for integration guidance.
  • Removes the deprecated BrazeDelegate.braze(_:sdkAuthenticationFailedWithError) method in favor of BrazeSDKAuthDelegate.braze(_:sdkAuthenticationFailedWithError).
    • This method was originally deprecated in release 5.14.0.
    • Failing to switch to the new delegate method will not trigger a compiler error; instead, the BrazeDelegate.braze(_:sdkAuthenticationFailedWithError) method you define will simply not be called.
  • Adds the missing NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypes key to the BrazePushStory privacy manifest.


09 Apr 14:42
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  • Expands Geofences behavior in the background while "When In Use" authorization is selected:
    • Adds the Braze.Location.Configuration.allowBackgroundGeofenceUpdates property to toggle whether geofences should be updated in the background.
      • When using this setting, verify that you have enabled the Location updates background mode.
    • Adds the Braze.Location.Configuration.distanceFilter property to configure the minimum distance sensitivity for triggering a location update.
  • Adds support for the message_extras Liquid tag for in-app messages.


04 Apr 18:15
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  • Adds early access for a third alternative repository which provides all Braze modules as mergeable XCFrameworks. For instructions on how to leverage it, refer to the repository README:
  • Adds a missing privacy manifest for BrazePushStory.
  • Fixes an invalid privacy manifest warning in BrazeLocation when submitting to the App Store as a dynamic XCFramework.
  • Fixes an issue where already enqueued in-app messages would not be removed from the stack after subsequent .reenqueue and .discard display actions.
  • Fixes an issue preventing retried requests from using an updated SDK authentication token until a new request was scheduled for processing.
  • Purchases, custom events, and nested custom user attributes can now include properties with values of any type conforming to BinaryInteger (Int64, UInt16, etc).
    • All values will be cast to Int before being logged.
    • This resolves an issue with a bugfix in 7.6.0.


19 Mar 18:55
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  • Fixes App Store validation issues when archiving with Xcode 15.3.