- Change LICENSE to GPL v3
- Improve docs setup
- Mark repository as
- Refactoring code and implement search step in parallel (#147)
- Add route to update cube bands metadata
- Removed function ModelSchema (marshmallow_sqlalchemy)
- Allow creating grid with others SRID
- generate file with full nodata when not scenes in tile/step (#141)
- Add support to hamonization between landsat collections, using (sensor-harm) package
- Update get_qa_statistics function to use with landsat Collection 2 (qa_pixel band with bitwise)
- Accept nodata value parameter
- Create datasource band
- Changed the structure of the control table in dynamodb
- Fix endpoint to get cube status (#137)
- Fix reprocess tiles with force parameter (#128)
- Possibility to choose which types of cubes to generate (#12)
- Isolate the function to create the type of cubes (#13)
- Update endpoints responsible for managing grid ref sys (#68, #107)
- Update list cube infos endpoint with new bdc-catalog model (0.8.0) (#80, #101)
- Compute checksum of images (#82)
- Compute bbox (geom wsg84) of images (#83)
- Generate index based on an expression (#86)
- Fix code to generate cog using DEFLATE compression method (#88)
- Update file structure based on BDC packages (#91)
- Add route to edit cube metadata (#93)
- Add shape params if not is BDC grid (#95)
- Update get_mask function to use with fMask or sen2cor (Sentinel 2) (#96)
- Update function to create timeline (#97)
- Review data cube process id (#111)
- Add drone integration to running tests (#120)
- Add param to disable creating indices in irregular datacube (#129)
- First experimental version.
- Support of AWS lambdas to generate data cubes.
- Deploy with Serverless. and script to prepare enviroment.
- Package support through Setuptools.
- Installation, deployment and running instructions.
- Source code versioning based on Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.
- License: MIT.