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This section explains how to get the Cube-Builder-AWS up and running on Amazon Web Services. If you do not read yet the :doc:`installation`, take a look at this tutorial on how to install it in your system in devmode and be familiar with Python module.


Make sure to identify which region the dataset is available. For example, most of GEO Earth datasets like Sentinel-2, Landsat-8 are stored in Oregon (us-west-2). In this tutorial, we are going to use us-west-2.

If you generate data cubes on regions different from where the BDC services or dataset are, you may face high cost charges in the billing.


  • RDS PostgreSQL: A minimal instance of PostgreSQL database with PostGIS support. The instance_type depends essentially on how many parallel processing Lambdas are running. For this example, we can use the minimal instance db.t2.micro. For a Brazil territory, considerer more robust instances like db.t2.large which supports aroung 600 concurrent connections.

    After the instance up and running, you must initialize BDC-Catalog. Please, refer to Compatibility Table in :doc:`installation` for supported versions.

  • S3 - Simple Storage Service: A bucket to store Lambda codes and another bucket for data storage.

  • Kinesis: a Kinesis instance to streaming data cube step metadata be transfered along Lambdas and DynamoDB. For this example, minimal instance to support 1000 records (Default lambda parallel executions) is enough.

  • DynamoDB: a set of dynamo tables to store data cube metadata.

Prepare environment

The Cube-Builder-AWS command utilities uses NodeJS module named serverless to deploy the stack of data cubes on Amazon Web Services. First you need to install NodeJS. We recommend you to use nvm which can be easily installed with single command line and its supports to have multiple versions of nodejs installed. You can install it with command:

curl -o- | bash

Set the following entry into ~/.bashrc:

export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm

Install NodeJS 12+:

nvm install 12
nvm use 12 # Activate the version as current

After that, use the following command to install serverless and their dependencies:

npm install -g serverless

The second part is to have AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) credentials with right access to deploy the requirements section.

Prepare the infrastructure

We have prepared a script to set up a RDS PostgreSQL instance up and running. Use the following script:

cd deploy/step_1/

The AWS RDS database set up takes aroung 10 minutes to launch. You can monitore the status following


Make sure you are in region us-west-2 (Oregon).

Create database structure

Once RDS database is up and running, we need to create the BDC-Catalog model:

cd ../../deploy/step_2/

Deploy Lambda service

Before to proceed in Cube-Builder service, we need to create a cube-builder-aws/.env. We have prepared a minimal example cube-builder-aws/example.env and the following variables are available:

  • PROJECT_NAME: A name for the given project set up. This name will be set as prefix in Lambdas.
  • STAGE: A type of service environment context. Use dev or prod.
  • REGION: AWS region to launch services.
  • KEY_ID: AWS Access Key.
  • SECRET_KEY: AWS Access Secret Key.
  • SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI: URI for PostgreSQL instance. It have the following structure: postgresql://USER:PASSWD@HOST/DB_NAME

Once cube-builder-aws/.env is set, you can run then following script to launch Lambda into AWS:

cd ../../deploy/step_3/

The script helper will generate an URI for the Lambda location. You can access this resource and check if everything is running.

Next steps

After Cube-Builder-AWS backend is up and running, we recommend you to install the Data Cube Manager GUI