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WLTS implementation depends essentially on:


Building the Docker Image

On the command line use the docker build command to create the docker image for the service:

docker build -t wlts:0.6.0 . --no-cache

The above command will create a Docker image named wlts and tag 0.6.0, as one can see with the docker images command:

docker images

REPOSITORY                                          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
wlts                                              0.6.0             ce2ba6a67896        16 hours ago          1.25GB

Preparing the Network for Containers

If you have the PostgreSQL server running in a Docker container and you want to have it accesible to the WLTS, you can create a Docker network and attach your PostgreSQL container to it [1].

To create a new network, you ca use the docker network command:

docker network create bdc_net

The above command will create a network named bdc_net. Now, it is possible to attach your database container in this network:

docker network connect bdc_net bdc_pg

In the above command, we are supposing that your database container is named bdc_pg.


[1]If you have a valid address for the PostgreSQL DBMS you can skip this section.

Launching the Docker Container with the WLTS

The docker run command can be used to launch a container from the image wlts:0.6.0. The command below shows an example on how to accomplish the launch of a container:

docker run --detach \
     --name wlts \
     --publish \
     --network=bdc_net \
     --env WLTS_URL="http://localhost:5000" \
     --env BDC_AUTH_CLIENT_ID=BDC_OAuth_ClientID \
     --env BDC_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=BDC_OAuth_ClientSecret \

Let's take a look at each parameter in the above command:/

  • --detach: tells Docker that the container will run in background (daemon).
  • --name wlts: names the container.
  • --publish by default the WLTS will be running on port 5000 of the container. You can bind a host port, such as 8080 to the container port 5000.
  • --network=bdc_net: if the container should connect to the database server through a docker network, this parameter will automatically attach the container to the bdc_net. You can ommit this parameter if the database server address can be resolved directly from a host address.
  • --env WLTS_URL="http://localhost:5000": Base URI of the service.
  • --env BDC_AUTH_CLIENT_ID=BDC_OAuth_ClientID: the OAuth 2 client id.
  • --env BDC_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=BDC_OAuth_ClientSecret: the OAuth 2 client secret.
  • --env BDC_AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL= OAuth 2 authentication url.
  • wlts:0.6.0: the name of the base Docker image used to create the container.

If you have launched the container, you can check if the service has initialized:

docker logs wlts

     * Environment: production
       WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
       Use a production WSGI server instead.
     * Debug mode: off
     * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Finally, to test if it is listening, use the curl command:

curl localhost:5000/wlts/list_collections
