This package provides a tool to implement the BayRepulsive algorithm: a Bayesian repulsive deconvolution model.
You can manually obtain BayRepulsive.tar.gz and install it directly:
R CMD install BayRepulsive.tar.gz
Before using the package, please make sure that R packages "mvtnorm", "alabama", "psych", "optimx" are also installed.
Nobs <- 24
Nfeature <- 100
K0 <- 3
### randomly generate weight matrix W for 24 mixing samples
W <- matrix(0,nrow = K0, ncol = Nobs)
for(i in 1:Nobs){
Theta <- rgamma(K0,1/K0,1)
W[,i] <- Theta/sum(Theta)
### add some noise
error <- t(matrix(rnorm(Nfeature * Nobs, mean = 0, sd = 0.5), nrow = Nobs))
DATA <- CCLE$Z%*%W + error
### Note: please make sure that there are no negative values after adding the noise
result1 <- BayRepulsive_known(DATA = DATA, K = K0, Nobs = Nobs,
Nfeature = Nfeature)
cor(as.vector(result1$W), as.vector(W))
Full documentation and usage information is available in the manual:
This library is made available under the Johns Hopkins University License. This is an open-source project of Yanxun's lab.