- tok!: (interj.) hello!
- tok tok!: (interj.) hello (reply).
- juma: (v) to be cold.
- maka: (v) to be hot.
- shoke: (v) to be wet.
- sen: (v) saw, past observation.
- si: (v) see (currently).
- sin: (v) forsee, predict.
- tok: (v) talking.
- ase: (n) clouds.
- asi: (n) fog.
- fofe: (n) wind.
- kakatoka: (n) storm.
- lume: (n) sun, sunny, clear skies.
- meso: (n) weather (generally speaking).
- oshen: (n) snow.
- oton: (n) air.
- shu: (n) rain.
- shuka: (n) hail.
- konewi: (mod) expressing doubt, no precise probability.
- loshen: (mod) expressing a 50-50 chance.
- -ju: (mod) bigger, heavier, more intense.
- -ta: (mod) lighter, smaller, less intense.
- joken: (mod) bad, uncomfortable.
- eleja: (mod) good, comfortable.
- awi: (adverb?) indeed, "me too", agree.
- ake: (adverb?) no, disagree, I don't think so.
- i: (conj.) and.
- men: (conj.) or.
- o: (copula) turns a sentence into a question.
- tono: (adverb?) enough, the end, finish.
- atiwi: (time context) distant past.
- tiwa: (time context) yesterday.
- lesha: (time context) morning.
- powa: (time context) today.
- akile: (time context) evening.
- mutuja: (time context) night.
- lewa: (time context) tomorrow.
- alewan: (time context) distant future.
- epoli: (space context) from the North.
- lawuno: (space context) from the East.
- lushin: (space context) from the West.
- manete: (space context) from the South.
- mitawa: (space context) in the mountains, up, above.
- pewo: (space context) in the valley, below.