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Kinematics Pick & Place

robotic arm

Kinematic Analysis

1. Evaluation kr210.urdf.xacro file to perform kinematic analysis of Kuka KR210 robot and derive its DH parameters.

From URDF file it is obtained the following offsets between joints:

Joint Name Parent Link Child Link x(m) y(m) z(m) roll pitch yaw
Joint_1 base_link link_1 0 0 0.33 0 0 0
Joint_2 link_1 link_2 0.35 0 0.42 0 0 0
Joint_3 link_2 link_3 0 0 1.25 0 0 0
Joint_4 link_3 link_4 0.96 0 -0.054 0 0 0
Joint_5 link_4 link_5 0.54 0 0 0 0 0
Joint_6 link_5 link_6 0.193 0 0 0 0 0
gripper_joint link_6 gripper_link 0.11 0 0 0 0 0

Using the previous URDF parameters it is possible to obtain DH parameter table:

Links alpha(i-1) a(i-1) d(i-1) theta(i)
0->1 0 0 0.75 q1
1->2 - pi/2 0.35 0 -pi/2 + q2
2->3 0 1.25 0 q3
3->4 -pi/2 -0.054 1.50 q4
4->5 pi/2 0 0 q5
5->6 -pi/2 0 0 q6
6->EE pi/2 0 0.303 0

2. Derivation of individual transformation matrices about each joint using DH parameters

The general expression to each joint transformation matrix is:

T = [[        cos(θ),       -sin(θ),       0,         a],
      [ sin(θ)*cos(α), cos(θ)*cos(α), -sin(α), -sin(α)*d],
      [ sin(θ)*sin(α), cos(θ)*sin(α),  cos(α),  cos(α)*d],
      [             0,             0,       0,         1]]

Using the transformation matrix formula above, here are the joint transformation matrices for the arm:

T_0_1 = [[ cos(θ1), -sin(θ1),  0,     0],
          [ sin(θ1),  cos(θ1),  0,     0],
          [       0,        0,  1,  0.75],
          [       0,        0,  0,     1]]
T_1_2 =  [[ sin(θ2),  cos(θ2),  0,  0.35],
          [       0,        0,  1,     0],
          [ cos(θ2), -sin(θ2),  0,     0],
          [       0,        0,  0,     1]]
T_2_3 =  [[ cos(θ3), -sin(θ3),  0,  1.25],
          [ sin(θ3),  cos(θ3),  0,     0],
          [       0,        0,  1,     0],
          [       0,        0,  0,     1]]
T_3_4 = [[ cos(θ4), -sin(θ4),  0, -0.054],
          [       0,        0,  1,    1.5],
          [-sin(θ4), -cos(θ4),  0,      0],
          [       0,        0,  0,      1]]
T_4_5 = [[ cos(θ5), -sin(θ5),  0,      0],
          [       0,        0, -1,      0],
          [ sin(θ5),  cos(θ5),  0,      0],
          [       0,        0,  0,      1]]
T_5_6  = [[ cos(θ6), -sin(θ6),  0,      0],
          [       0,        0,  1,      0],
          [-sin(θ6), -cos(θ6),  0,      0],
          [       0,        0,  0,      1]]

3 Generalized homogeneous transform between base_link and gripper_link using only end-effector

The transformation matrix between base_link and end-effector is:

R_rpy = [[1.0*(sin(phi2)*cos(phi3) - sin(phi3))*cos(phi1), 1.0*(-sin(phi2)*cos(phi3) + sin(phi3))*cos(phi1),- sin(phi3))*sin(phi1) + 1.0*cos(phi2)*cos(phi3)],
[1.0*(sin(phi2)*sin(phi3) + cos(phi3))*cos(phi1), -1.0*(sin(phi2)*sin(phi3) + cos(phi3))*cos(phi1), cos(phi3))*sin(phi1) + 1.0*sin(phi3)*cos(phi2)],

where phi1 , phi2 and phi3 are respectively roll, pitch and yaw on base_link reference frame.

4. Derivation of the equations to calculate all individual joint angles

We aim to compute 6 joint angles corresponding to 6 DoF (theta_i, where i= {1,2,3,4,5,6}). For the purpose of computing the first three thetas we are using to use a geometric approach. For computing theta_1 let's use the following figure:


Firstly, we need to compute the coordinates of wrist center (WC) from the following expression:

w_x = px - (d7*R_rpy[0,2])
w_y = py - (d7*R_rpy[1,2])
w_z = pz - (d7*R_rpy[2,2])

where d7 comes from DH table in section 1 , R_rpy its the transform matrix from base_link to end-effector obtained in previous sectio and (px,py,pz) is the end-effector position. Using the WC coordinates, the expression for theta1 follows:

theta1 = atan2(w_y,w_x)

For the computation of theta2, we will need to derive distances A/B/C as well angles a/b. Regarding the distances A and B it follows easily from observing figure 3DTheta123 :

A= 1.501
B = sqrt(pow(w_z - d1,2) + pow(sqrt(w_x*w_x+w_y*w_y) - a1,2))
C = 1.25

where d1 and a1 are DH parameters from section1 ( d1 = 0.75m, a1= 0.35). The following step is applying the law of cos sin and we obtain angles a/b :

a = acos((pow(B,2) + pow(C,2) - pow(A,2))/(2*B*C))
b = acos((pow(C,2) + pow(A,2) - pow(B,2))/(2*C*A))

After obtaining A/B/C and a/b we can obtain a general expression to theta2 from the following the analysis of figure 3DTheta123 and the following one:


As a result, we can deduce that theta2 using a joint 2 frame , it will be given by:

theta2= pi/2 - a - offset

where from figure 2D perspective, the offset is obtained by:

offset = atan2(w_z - d1,sqrt(w_x*w_x+w_y*w_y) - a1)

Finally, using angle and parallel lines rule and regarding figure 2D perspective , it follows that:

pi/2 - theta3 = b+x 

where theta3 has symmetric value since it is counterclockwise. So, it resuls that,

theta3 = pi/2 - (b+x) 

where x is an offset resulting from robotic arm model design:

x = atan2(0.054, 1.5)

At this point, we obtained the first three joint angles theta1,theta2,theta3 which lead us to the orientation of WC (i.e, the rotation matrix transforming from base_link to WC),

R_0_3 = T_0_1[0:3,0:3]*T_1_2[0:3,0:3]*T_2_3[0:3,0:3]

replacing theta1, theta2 and theta3 obtained previously it follows :

R_0_3 = [[sin(theta2 + theta3)*cos(theta1), cos(theta1)*cos(theta2 + theta3), -sin(theta1)],
[sin(theta1)*sin(theta2 + theta3), sin(theta1)*cos(theta2 + theta3),  cos(theta1)],
[        cos(theta2 + theta3),        -sin(theta2 + theta3),        0]]

Following this result, the next step is obtaining the symbolic rotation matrix for theta4, theta5 and theta6 angles (i.e., orientation of end-effector on WC frame ) :

R_3_6 = T_3_4[0:3,0:3] * T_4_5[0:3,0:3] * T_5_6[0:3,0:3] 
= [[-sin(theta4)*sin(theta6) + cos(theta4)*cos(theta5)*cos(theta6), -sin(theta4)*cos(theta6) - sin(theta6)*cos(theta4)*cos(theta5), -sin(theta5)*cos(theta4)], 
[sin(theta5)*cos(theta6), -sin(theta5)*sin(theta6), cos(theta5)]
,[-sin(theta4)*cos(theta5)*cos(theta6) - sin(theta6)*cos(theta4), sin(theta4)*sin(theta6)*cos(theta5) - cos(theta4)*cos(theta6), sin(theta4)*sin(theta5)]]

On the other hand, we also have R_3_6 values using R_0_3 and *R_corr :

R_3_6 = R_0_3.T*R_rpy =
[[  0.878176399737216, -0.878176399737217, -0.411396675699123],
[-0.0508002512060586, 0.0508002512060586,  0.705249532493766],
[-0.0888965057443953, 0.0888965057443953,   0.57738710770248]]

From algebric simplification, we simpify the following expressions to obtain theta4, theta5 and theta6 ,

tan(theta4) = R_3_6[2,2]/ (-R_3_6[0,2])
tan(theta5)= sqrt(pow(R_3_6[2,2],2) + pow(R_3_6[0,2],2))/ R_3_6[1,2]
tan(theta6) =  (-R_3_6[1,1])/R_3_6[1,0]

which resuls that:

theta4 = atan2(R_3_6[2,2], -R_3_6[0,2])
theta5 = atan2( sqrt(pow(R_3_6[2,2],2) + pow(R_3_6[0,2],2)) , R_3_6[1,2])
theta6 =  atan2(-R_3_6[1,1], R_3_6[1,0])

Project Implementation

1. Implementation of inverse kinematics on ''

The first steps were the implementation of the following computations:

  • forward kinematics
  • correction matrix from URDF to DH
  • rotation matrix transforming from base_link to end-effector reference frame
  • rotation matrix transforming from base_link to WC reference frame

The previous computations were made outside the loop over robotic positions in order to save computation time.

Inside the end-effector positions loop the following calculation were evaluated:

  • WC coordinates
  • theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta5

The average time computation per end-effector position was less thant one second.

In order to reduce the end-effector position error the non-singular cases computing theta4, theta5, theta6. For instance, when sin(theta5)>0 or sin(theta5)<0 we will two different solutions for the previous joint angles. On the other hand, when theta5~0,i.e., we will have r13 = r23 = r31 = r32 = 0 and it will result in a infinite number of solutions. From the two previous cases we would need to define conditions to cover these cases.

robotic arm2