1. Evaluation kr210.urdf.xacro file to perform kinematic analysis of Kuka KR210 robot and derive its DH parameters.
From URDF file it is obtained the following offsets between joints:
Joint Name | Parent Link | Child Link | x(m) | y(m) | z(m) | roll | pitch | yaw |
Joint_1 | base_link | link_1 | 0 | 0 | 0.33 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Joint_2 | link_1 | link_2 | 0.35 | 0 | 0.42 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Joint_3 | link_2 | link_3 | 0 | 0 | 1.25 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Joint_4 | link_3 | link_4 | 0.96 | 0 | -0.054 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Joint_5 | link_4 | link_5 | 0.54 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Joint_6 | link_5 | link_6 | 0.193 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
gripper_joint | link_6 | gripper_link | 0.11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Using the previous URDF parameters it is possible to obtain DH parameter table:
Links | alpha(i-1) | a(i-1) | d(i-1) | theta(i) |
0->1 | 0 | 0 | 0.75 | q1 |
1->2 | - pi/2 | 0.35 | 0 | -pi/2 + q2 |
2->3 | 0 | 1.25 | 0 | q3 |
3->4 | -pi/2 | -0.054 | 1.50 | q4 |
4->5 | pi/2 | 0 | 0 | q5 |
5->6 | -pi/2 | 0 | 0 | q6 |
6->EE | pi/2 | 0 | 0.303 | 0 |
The general expression to each joint transformation matrix is:
T = [[ cos(θ), -sin(θ), 0, a],
[ sin(θ)*cos(α), cos(θ)*cos(α), -sin(α), -sin(α)*d],
[ sin(θ)*sin(α), cos(θ)*sin(α), cos(α), cos(α)*d],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]]
Using the transformation matrix formula above, here are the joint transformation matrices for the arm:
T_0_1 = [[ cos(θ1), -sin(θ1), 0, 0],
[ sin(θ1), cos(θ1), 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0.75],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]]
T_1_2 = [[ sin(θ2), cos(θ2), 0, 0.35],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0],
[ cos(θ2), -sin(θ2), 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]]
T_2_3 = [[ cos(θ3), -sin(θ3), 0, 1.25],
[ sin(θ3), cos(θ3), 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]]
T_3_4 = [[ cos(θ4), -sin(θ4), 0, -0.054],
[ 0, 0, 1, 1.5],
[-sin(θ4), -cos(θ4), 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]]
T_4_5 = [[ cos(θ5), -sin(θ5), 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, -1, 0],
[ sin(θ5), cos(θ5), 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]]
T_5_6 = [[ cos(θ6), -sin(θ6), 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0],
[-sin(θ6), -cos(θ6), 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]]
The transformation matrix between base_link and end-effector is:
R_rpy = [[1.0*(sin(phi2)*cos(phi3) - sin(phi3))*cos(phi1), 1.0*(-sin(phi2)*cos(phi3) + sin(phi3))*cos(phi1),- sin(phi3))*sin(phi1) + 1.0*cos(phi2)*cos(phi3)],
[1.0*(sin(phi2)*sin(phi3) + cos(phi3))*cos(phi1), -1.0*(sin(phi2)*sin(phi3) + cos(phi3))*cos(phi1), cos(phi3))*sin(phi1) + 1.0*sin(phi3)*cos(phi2)],
where phi1 , phi2 and phi3 are respectively roll, pitch and yaw on base_link reference frame.
We aim to compute 6 joint angles corresponding to 6 DoF (theta_i, where i= {1,2,3,4,5,6}). For the purpose of computing the first three thetas we are using to use a geometric approach. For computing theta_1 let's use the following figure:
Firstly, we need to compute the coordinates of wrist center (WC) from the following expression:
w_x = px - (d7*R_rpy[0,2])
w_y = py - (d7*R_rpy[1,2])
w_z = pz - (d7*R_rpy[2,2])
where d7 comes from DH table in section 1 , R_rpy its the transform matrix from base_link to end-effector obtained in previous sectio and (px,py,pz) is the end-effector position. Using the WC coordinates, the expression for theta1 follows:
theta1 = atan2(w_y,w_x)
For the computation of theta2, we will need to derive distances A/B/C as well angles a/b. Regarding the distances A and B it follows easily from observing figure 3DTheta123 :
A= 1.501
B = sqrt(pow(w_z - d1,2) + pow(sqrt(w_x*w_x+w_y*w_y) - a1,2))
C = 1.25
where d1 and a1 are DH parameters from section1 ( d1 = 0.75m, a1= 0.35). The following step is applying the law of cos sin and we obtain angles a/b :
a = acos((pow(B,2) + pow(C,2) - pow(A,2))/(2*B*C))
b = acos((pow(C,2) + pow(A,2) - pow(B,2))/(2*C*A))
After obtaining A/B/C and a/b we can obtain a general expression to theta2 from the following the analysis of figure 3DTheta123 and the following one:
As a result, we can deduce that theta2 using a joint 2 frame , it will be given by:
theta2= pi/2 - a - offset
where from figure 2D perspective, the offset is obtained by:
offset = atan2(w_z - d1,sqrt(w_x*w_x+w_y*w_y) - a1)
Finally, using angle and parallel lines rule and regarding figure 2D perspective , it follows that:
pi/2 - theta3 = b+x
where theta3 has symmetric value since it is counterclockwise. So, it resuls that,
theta3 = pi/2 - (b+x)
where x is an offset resulting from robotic arm model design:
x = atan2(0.054, 1.5)
At this point, we obtained the first three joint angles theta1,theta2,theta3 which lead us to the orientation of WC (i.e, the rotation matrix transforming from base_link to WC),
R_0_3 = T_0_1[0:3,0:3]*T_1_2[0:3,0:3]*T_2_3[0:3,0:3]
replacing theta1, theta2 and theta3 obtained previously it follows :
R_0_3 = [[sin(theta2 + theta3)*cos(theta1), cos(theta1)*cos(theta2 + theta3), -sin(theta1)],
[sin(theta1)*sin(theta2 + theta3), sin(theta1)*cos(theta2 + theta3), cos(theta1)],
[ cos(theta2 + theta3), -sin(theta2 + theta3), 0]]
Following this result, the next step is obtaining the symbolic rotation matrix for theta4, theta5 and theta6 angles (i.e., orientation of end-effector on WC frame ) :
R_3_6 = T_3_4[0:3,0:3] * T_4_5[0:3,0:3] * T_5_6[0:3,0:3]
= [[-sin(theta4)*sin(theta6) + cos(theta4)*cos(theta5)*cos(theta6), -sin(theta4)*cos(theta6) - sin(theta6)*cos(theta4)*cos(theta5), -sin(theta5)*cos(theta4)],
[sin(theta5)*cos(theta6), -sin(theta5)*sin(theta6), cos(theta5)]
,[-sin(theta4)*cos(theta5)*cos(theta6) - sin(theta6)*cos(theta4), sin(theta4)*sin(theta6)*cos(theta5) - cos(theta4)*cos(theta6), sin(theta4)*sin(theta5)]]
On the other hand, we also have R_3_6 values using R_0_3 and *R_corr :
R_3_6 = R_0_3.T*R_rpy =
[[ 0.878176399737216, -0.878176399737217, -0.411396675699123],
[-0.0508002512060586, 0.0508002512060586, 0.705249532493766],
[-0.0888965057443953, 0.0888965057443953, 0.57738710770248]]
From algebric simplification, we simpify the following expressions to obtain theta4, theta5 and theta6 ,
tan(theta4) = R_3_6[2,2]/ (-R_3_6[0,2])
tan(theta5)= sqrt(pow(R_3_6[2,2],2) + pow(R_3_6[0,2],2))/ R_3_6[1,2]
tan(theta6) = (-R_3_6[1,1])/R_3_6[1,0]
which resuls that:
theta4 = atan2(R_3_6[2,2], -R_3_6[0,2])
theta5 = atan2( sqrt(pow(R_3_6[2,2],2) + pow(R_3_6[0,2],2)) , R_3_6[1,2])
theta6 = atan2(-R_3_6[1,1], R_3_6[1,0])
The first steps were the implementation of the following computations:
- forward kinematics
- correction matrix from URDF to DH
- rotation matrix transforming from base_link to end-effector reference frame
- rotation matrix transforming from base_link to WC reference frame
The previous computations were made outside the loop over robotic positions in order to save computation time.
Inside the end-effector positions loop the following calculation were evaluated:
- WC coordinates
- theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta5
The average time computation per end-effector position was less thant one second.
In order to reduce the end-effector position error the non-singular cases computing theta4, theta5, theta6. For instance, when sin(theta5)>0 or sin(theta5)<0 we will two different solutions for the previous joint angles. On the other hand, when theta5~0,i.e., we will have r13 = r23 = r31 = r32 = 0 and it will result in a infinite number of solutions. From the two previous cases we would need to define conditions to cover these cases.