1.3.2 Fixed a bug in /library/src/robustregression.cpp in the functions iterative_outlier_removal_regression_linear and iterative_outlier_removal_regression_nonlinear that could cause segmentation faults with some implementations of the c++ standard library
Removed unnecessary computations in the S and Q estimator in /library/src/statisticfunctions
Included a fix that ensures pybind11 is found
The library now compiles sucessfully under linux
The test applications can be run under linux
Made extensive use of Open-MP simd instructions whenever possible now.
Added the Loss functions: logcosh, quantile, custom, custom uses a call back mechanism where the user can define own loss functions.
Documented the new loss functions in the header, the python bindings, as well as the Readme.MD
Documented the use of the custom loss function in the example programs
Updated the README.MD
Fixed a spelling error of a docstring in the python-bindings file.
Updated the documentation of the lowmedian function
Fixed the documentation of Linear and reoeated Median Regression in the Python file
Added literature references for the repeated median fit in the header files, the python bindings and the README.md
Added a Changelog.md file