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nekumelon edited this page Feb 13, 2022 · 7 revisions

File paths

If crackcat is running from the system PATH, file paths should be absolute, or the command line should be run from the relative directory.


Usage: crackcat -threads 8 Value: int Default: The number of cores the device has

If specified, sets the number of parallel threads crackcat will crack on. If the number of threads specified is greater than the number of cores the device has, a warning will be printed. If the number of threads specified is greater than the number of dictionary entries, it will be set to the length of the dictionary (The same as setting threads to 1) and a warning will be printed. It is recommended to use an amount of threads equal to that of the device for performance reasons, although if you still want to use the device while cracking you should use a lower number of threads.


Usage: crackcat -passwords ./passlists/passwords.txt Value: string (file path) Default: ./examples/big_passwords1.txt

If specified, sets the file to read the passwords from.


Usage: crackcat -session cr4ckC4T! Value: string Default: crackcat

If specified, sets the name of the current crackcat session. The session name is also the name of the folder the output files will be saved to.


Usage: crackcat -dictionary ../../dict/rockyou.txt Value: string (file path) Default: ./examples/big_dictionary1.txt

If specified, sets the file to read the dictionary entries from.


Usage: crackcat -rules ./cool_rules.rules Value: string (file path) Default: ./examples/small_rules1.txt

If specified, sets the file to read the rules from.


Usage: crackcat -cutoff 10000 Value: int Default: 0

If specified, or the value is not equal to 0, sets the number of dictionary entries to read. This is very useful if you are using a very large dictionary such as rockyou.txt which has millions of entries. Usually you want to set this to something like 10000-100000 for dictionaries where the most common passwords are found first.


Usage: crackcat -algorithm sha512 Value: string Default: sha256 Allowed: md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, auto

If specified, sets the hashing algorithm to crack with.


Usage: crackcat --prehash Value: bool Default: false

If specified, hashes the passwords before cracking (Useful for when you want to test with an unhashed password list).


Usage: crackcat --watermark Value: bool Default: true

If specified, prints the watermark


Usage: crackcat --kitty Value: bool Default: false

If specified, prints the crackcat ASCII kitty


Usage: crackcat -device CPU Value: string Default: CPU Allowed: CPU

If specified, sets the device to use when cracking. Currently only CPU is supported until the CUDA/OpenCL kernels are made.


Usage: crackcat --optimize_entries Value: bool Default: true

If specified, optimizes the dictionary entries and rules. Currently all it does is remove duplicate elements.


Usage: crackcat -max_time 240 Value: int (seconds) Default: 60

If specified, sets the max time that crackcat will crack for.


Usage: crackcat -cracking_method dictionary Value: string Default: dictionary Allowed: dictionary

If specified, sets the method that will be used to crack with. Bruteforce coming soon.


Usage: crackcat -cracking_mode left-right Value: string Default: left-right Allowed: left-right

If specified, sets the mode that will be used to crack with.


Usage: crackcat --log_found Value: bool Default: false

If specified, logs found passwords to the console. Only use this for small password lists or the console will be flooded.


Usage: crackcat --remove_found Value: bool Default: true

If specified, removes found passwords from the password list.

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