Cant tell kids high level concepts - show them Pretty narly idea of how to teach this - but it works Secretly you want to go in the ballpool - Especially if your on work time and are being paid.
Disband the Myth Learn to code = Load of bollox -Adults don't have time -Kids don't have focus No few hours of workshop is a magic wand
- Reference
- Short 1 A4 examples of real stuff
Goal is to
- highlight how computers work
- ignite your interest and attitude
- tit about and have fun by building something that does something
curl "" -O && python3 -m
curl "" -O && python3
telnet 80
GET / HTTP/1.1
curl "http://localhost:9872/"
Previously - How computers communicate
- Plain text editor
- Terminal
- ls
- cd
- python
- ctrl+c
- Terminology
- socket
- server
- ip address
- port
- files - open - read/append
- Terminal
- touch
- cat
- curl
- telnet
- Terminology
- Webserver
- Cookie
- Discussion
- Web Security
telnet localhost 8000
GET /messages.php HTTP/1.1
POST /messages.php HTTP/1.1
Cookie: username=Test
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 13
Youtube embed Alert
<script type="text/javascript">alert('You have been hacked!');</script>Use each others messageboards ifconfig http://{ipAddress}:8000/messages.php
curl -O && chmod 755 curl -O && chmod 755 ln -s ./ cgi-bin && touch messages.txt && python -m CGIHTTPServer 8000 python -m webbrowser -t "http://localhost:8000/cgi-bin/"
- Event loop
- Image Manipulation
- Transparency
- Web security (chrome)
(Questionably Titled - Mining Data Not Data Mining) Data Aggregation - Definition Data Mining - Definition
Data Transform: Input -> Output
Data Source:
- REGEX (html) [twitter, ebay]
- API (json) [postcode, police crimes, tfl]
Read into 'data structures'
- dict
- lists
Data Output:
- RSS (template)
- CSV (library)
Scraping is BAD! - API keys Beautiful Soup url=',uk&appid=b1b15e88fa797225412429c1c50c122a1'
C: gcc example.c -o main -ansi C++: g++ example.cpp -o main --std=c++11 then run with ./mainno, just put yourself in the folders and C: gcc example.c -o main -ansi C++: g++ example.cpp -o main --std=c++11 then run with ./main you need an "in.txt" file to run the file input with some lines the first thing it does is ask you for an input (but it doesnt say that) so you need to do std input insertion before it does the rest if you have problems compiling or running just tell me as you can imagine, C is a lot more basic than C++, doesnt have the nice types so you dont even know very well the length of the string when you declare it LOL there are multiple ways of doing it I went with the simplest but maybe I should correct it to a more instructive way line 52: for (int i = 0; username[i] != '\0'; i++) { is the smartest way in C, but the most confusing for the people who dont understand I'd like to see all this compared with Java side by side 🙂 when will you be able to show us? 🙂
Theory – What happens when you type - What a computer actually is – Prepare to have your mind blown (a high octane enlightening talk) (adders/multiplexers,
-- Data --
Binary Data types integer (unsigned/singed) hex floating point ASCII Images (bitmap/vector) Font Rasterisation
compression, (run length, lossy) JPG example [ACTIVITY]
Data is code - code is data
Von Neumann architecture (date is code and vice versa) Turing complete machines Emulators
-- Hardware --
And (transister) Or Not
Adder Multiplexer
Fetch execute cycle
Low level Syncronious/Asyncrontouls Serial/parallal Parity Signal Noise Stop bit
Conrol bus
MAR -> Address bus MBR -> data bus PCU PC CIR -> Instruction decoder -> control circits -> control bus ALU Registers
8bit macine 16 bit machine clock rate instruction sets
-- Cryptography --
Cryptography RSA Key exchange problem CA [Activity] https/rsa
-- Networks --
WIFI OSI model 7 layer network stack (wifi is different the ethernet), switch/hub-bus/csmacd gateways routing traceroute packet switched netwok tcp/ip load balancing
internet, webbrowser and www
Traceroute [ACTIVITY] - Transatlantic cable -
-- Data Representation --
set operators arrays 1d 2d 3d linked list stack queue graphs (directed/undirected) (adjacency list trees
-- Languages --
assembly Compiler Interpriter
imperitive functional event oo -> inhertence parallel (channels)
arethmetic operators
--- Algorithums ---
linear search Binary search
Sorting algorithums bubblesort quicksort (pivot)
- line crossing
- traveling salesman
- shortest path
- pathfinding levenstine distance
recursive algoithums - fibonarchi
p -> np
How many times can you fold a peice of paper before reaching the moon
-- Storage --
SSD Spinning HD (track, sector Raid Parity
-- OS --
operating systems Single core thredding/scheduling single core multicore - paralisation dining philosophers
-- Protocols --
protocols http ftp smtp imap
-- Content --
css separarte content from how it looks
-- Databases--
databases index's sql primary key - forigen key postgis
-- Software engeniering --
-- Experimental --
gentic algorithums - where the solution is unknown [ACTIVITY]
perceptron - AI