On the 28th of October students and professionals are invited to attend BarCamp Canterbury at the University of Kent from 9am to 5pm. BarCamp is a free-to-attend community unconference, where tech enthusiasts can get together to give talks loosely around the theme of technology. Unlike most conferences, the talk schedules are decided on the day and are made up of talks provided by the attendees. Don't worry, presenting a talk is encouraged but not mandatory! Subjects in the past have included, but are not limited to: home automation, car mechanics, automating stage lighting, building digital badges, science of creating vegan cheese, bio-hacking, home automation, led game-of-life clocks, karaoke systems, hacking electric bikes, stage lighting, experimental photography though water droplets, social-media for promoting skilled disabled musicians Lunch will also be provided and the event itself will be concluded with a closing talk followed by an amusing session of Slideshow karaoke! For more information, including how to order tickets, please visit https://barcampcanterbury.com/