Checklist for running BarCamp
- Hold meeting
- build a committee + mailing-list/thread
- Book venue
- Setup branding
- Twitter
- Header
- Description
- Facebook
- Header
- Description
- Twitter
- Announce event on social media
- Seek supporters (logos)
- Identify local events to cross-promote/speak at
- Assign dates to people
- Hold a progress meeting
- Have a date in advance
- Venue
- Risk assessment
- Security? First Aiders?
- Fire stewards?
- Electrical equipment, PAT Testing
- Under 18s
- Rubbish?
- Responsible names
- Tables? Setup-Teardown, Trollys for heavy equipment?
- Cleanup tools (slipping?`)
- Catering discussion
- Rough numbers
- Notify
- AV
- Security
- Other
- Parking arrangements
- Wifi Guest details
- Risk assessment
- Setup digital signage
- Get in touch with cool possible speakers
- Get them to tweet
- Organize after party/gathering space
- Consider puzzles/prizes at event
- Investigate Video-Camera Equipment hire
- Investigate coffee/catering provision
- Food quote
- Coffee
- Setup social media post auto/queue/timeline
- e.g. [[social_posts]]
- Setup posts for during the event (where the pizzas are etc)
- Setup posts for after the event (thanking sponsors and attendees)
- Attend local tech events to cross promote
- Ask hosting venues marketing team to assist in cross promotion (make them aware of what the event is)
- Parking investigation
- Hold a progress meeting
- Have a date in advance
- Print Vinyl Banners
- Print Mugs (2 weeks before)
- Cement coffee provision + catering?
- Get quotes from food suppliers
- Consider ways to identify volunteers/staff
- Bulk buy cheap plain colour tshirts £2.50 each?
- Trophies/Prizes?
- Buy and cute gifts or trophies
- Who will monitor social media during the event?
- Discord
- Reports/Harassment
- Book venue for after gathering
- Parking cementing arrangements
- Refresh/add social media post auto/queue/timeline
- Setup timing email for attendees (3 days before)
- Code of conduct
- What to bring
- Talk prep
- Swap shop
- Parking
- (reflect this on the website too - people don't read emails)
- Purchase
- Cans of Drink and Snacks
- (Book Pizzas's?)
- Print
- Badges (with names)
- Double check the name list - many sponsors/supports or people close to the project don't sign up for tickets - add them manually
- Consider what to do about people signing up the day before
- Code of conduct
- Privacy policy
- Signs
- Direction Arrows to building + identify locations + ways to attach these
- Photography will happen
- Room signs
- Lists
- Registration list + I have read code of conduct
- Emergency contact numbers/names
- Badges (with names)
- Consider venue/room layout
- Social/demo space
- Check Room AV Tech
- Book a feedback meeting (learning for next year, etc)
- Recruit volunteers for roles
- Setup talk online/open talk grid document
- Setup "On the day" section of website
- hashtag
- Trophies for awards?
- Check powerpoint presentation sites (are they still there)
- Confirm Catering
- Printing
- Signs
- Rooms
- Directions
- SwapShop
- Attendee List
- Code of conduct
- Signs
- Foyer
- Projector - Foyer - displaying timetable
- Power extender cassettes
- Signage
- DuckTape (for cables) + Trunking?
- Masking tape (for signs)
- Cleaning
- Cleaning Spray
- Vacuum Cleaner
- Black sacks
- Adaptors for projector/display USB-c, displayport, HDMI, etc
- White board pens + cleaner
- Food/Drink
- Paper tablecloths
- Paper Plates
- Water
- Fruit? Snacks?
- Video Camera + Xoom Box
- Setup link to talk grid
- Parking