Various array related helpers. Each can be used individually. For particular helper please check the tests.
Map translate is useful to replace obvious if/switch structures. Let's say you design a controller factory dispatcher:
function get_node_controller_factory($bundle) {
return ArrayUtil::mapTranslate([
'article' => My\Controller\Article::class,
'blog' => My\Controller\Blog::class,
'cover' => My\Controller\Cover::class,
], $bundle, CW\Controller\NodeController::class);
Merging collections can be useful when you need to merge more than 2 (or even just 2) arrays. One example is if you define Theme classes for your hook_theme:
function my_module_theme() {
$theme_info = [];
ArrayUtil::mergeCollection($theme_info, [
return $theme_info;
This function comes handy when you need to do array_map however you want the keys also change. For example when you need a select form element option list using node id-title pairs from a list of nodes:
$fnKeyAndTitle = function ($node) { return [$node->nid, $node->title]; };
$form['nodes']['#options'] = ArrayUtil::transformWithKeys($nodes, $fnKeyAndTitle);