An image that includes a configuration file set up to run with Odoo.
The configuration file should work from Odoo 8.0 to 12.0 and up.
By default, nginx is configured to proxy pass on the host named "odoo".
This can be changed with the environment variable NGX_ODOO_HOST
By default, nginx is configured to proxy cahce of 10m.
This can be changed with the environment variable NGX_CACHE_SIZE
By default, nginx is configured to root longpolling url on port 8072.
This can be changed with the environment variable NGX_ODOO_LONGPOLLING
In some casesthe pdfjs cannot compute the byte_content
correctly, to fix the issue, we deactivate this issue on nginx
(More info: #29)
This can be activated with the environment variable NGX_ODOO_PDFCONTENT
Custom access allow/deny can be configured using the environment variable NGX_HTTP_ACCESS
with using a multiline content such as:
deny all;
You can restrict access to one or more specific location using environment variable NGX_ODOO_EXTRA_LOCATION
such as:
or multiple locations
you must use environment variable NGX_HTPASSWD
to set user/password
you will need htpasswd to generate users/password, it's present in package apache2_utils
sudo apt-get install apache2_utils
htpasswd syntax:
htpasswd -nb <LOGIN> <PASSWORD>
htpasswd -nb vrenaville camptocamp
set the result in the variable 'NGX_HTPASSWD' ex:
If you want all cookies to be have the Secure attribute, then you can set the environment variable NGX_ODOO_SECURE_COOKIES to 1.