- 📦 Added new Setting for Notification
which will takes an array["@yourName", "cannap"]
you get Notifications only when the message matches any word in the list - 👌 Added Feedback when you want to load the Userlist
- 👌 Notification Sound should now be disabled when you pass false when true it uses inbuild sound when string it tries to play when fails you will get a errorMessage wrong path
- 🐛 When Stream is offline the View counter will be 0(Offline)
- 🐛 Own Messages will now show in the Twitch chat explorer
- 📦 Viewerlist in Explorer
- 📦 Viewer counter updates every 3m
- 📦 New Command to clear the "internal" Config file which stores oauth and client-id
- 👌 Using new Twitch API
- 🐛 Fixed some bugs
- When ClientID is not provided you get an error
- 🌟 Add an Icon to send a Message to twitch chat
- 📦 Add Command to Set Oauth token (requires restart)
- 📦 Add Command to Set Client-ID (requires restart)
- 👌 Commands are now pushed to context
- Initial release