This is legacy documentation for Capistrano 2.x. For Capistrano 3.x, please refer to [[]].
If you are new to Capistrano 2.x please read [[Getting Started|2.x Getting Started]]; once you are familiar with the basics, you may want to read [[From the beginning|2.x-From-The-Beginning]] which is a much more detailed tutorial. There is also an FAQ [[here|FAQ]].
You may also want to read and/or contribute to the [[Capistrano handbook|]] - an immature document that holds some really useful tips, but needs a lot more work!
- [[Github Guide to Deploying with Capistrano|]]
[[Using Capistrano 2.x with Rails 2.x]]
[[Using Capistrano 2.x with Bundler|]]
[[Using Capistrano 2.x with RVM|]]
- [[Default Deployment Behaviour|2.x-Default-Deployment-Behaviour]]
- [[Managing
Securely|]] - [[Packaging Recipes|]]
- [[Writing Extensions]]
- [[API Documentation|]]
- DSL Documentation
- [[Action Module|2.x-DSL-Documentation-Action-Module]] (
, etc) - [[Configuration Module|2.x-DSL-Documentation-Configuration-Module]] (
, etc)
- [[Action Module|2.x-DSL-Documentation-Action-Module]] (
- [[Configuration Variables|2.x-Significant-Configuration-Variables]]
- [[Capistrano Tasks]]
- [[Formatting Logs]]
- [[Upgrading to Rails 4]]
Unix Shell
- [[Unix shell skills|]] (Wordpress guide, but very readable for beginners)
- [[Shell scripting for beginners|]]
- [[Getting Started with SSH|]]
- [[What is an SSH Agent|]]
- [[How SSH Agent Forwarding Works|]]
- [[What are deploy keys?|]]
- [[Capistrano Multistage, Deploying to Multiple Environments|2.x Multistage Extension]]
- [[Rails-less Deploy|]]
- [[capistrano-windows-server|]] Deploy Rails apps to Windows servers
- [[capistrano-offroad|]] For deploying non-rails apps, specifically Django
- [[capistrano-nc|]] OS X Notification center add-on to Capistrano
- [[capistrano_winrm|]] Run commands against MS Windows servers with WinRM
- [[capify-ec2|]] A number of utilities to help with deploying to amazon ec2 instances
- [[resque_utils|]] Helper tasks for remote Resque deployments (requeue & remove failed jobs)
- [[capistrano-ash|]] For deploying Magento, Drupal, WordPress, and Zend/Doctrine apps
- [[play-capistrano|]] For deploying/controlling remote Play Framework apps
- [[capifony|]] For deploying symfony and Symfony2 apps
- [[capcake|]] extension of Capistrano, deploy CakePHP apps
- [[capistrano-chef|]] Integrates Capistrano with Chef search
- [[capistrano-puppet|]] Integrates Capistrano with [[Puppet|]]
- [[capistrano-deploytags|]] Track your current and all previous releases with Git tags automatically at deployment time
- [[cap_git_tools|]] Another approach to automatically git tagging at deployment, guarding against deploying with uncommitted changes, multi-stage deployment with git, and other git tasks.
- [[capistrano-detect-migrations|]] Automatically discover and warn about pending Rails migrations with Git before you deploy
- [[capistrano-notifier|]] Notify via mail and StatsD when deploying
- [[capistrano-remote-cache-with-project-root|]] Adds a new deployment strategy to deploy your app from an internal folder (non-root).
- [[magentify|]] Deployment recipes customised for deployment of Magento projects.
- [[uberspacify|]] Uberspacify helps you deploy a Ruby on Rails app on [[Uberspace|]], a popular shared hosting provider.
- [[Capistrano::Rsync|]] Deploy with Rsync from any local (or remote) repository. Works (only) with the new Capistrano v3!
- [[capistrano-conditional|]] Adds support for conditionally running deployment tasks based on which files have been changed.
- [[cap-elb|]] Deploy to AWS instance sets behind an Amazon ELB (load balancer).
- [[capistrano-db-tasks|]] Useful DB and Assets tasks
- Testing
- [[Testing Capistrano with Cucumber|]]
- Other Software Packages
- Drupal
- [[]]
- [[Combining Capistrano and Drush for deploying Drupal websites|]]
- Magento
- Wordpress
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- Ezpublish
- Drupal
- Other Languages / Frameworks
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[]]
- [[Using Capistrano for deploying PHP and other none Rails based websites|]]
- [[]]
- [[Any Non-Rails Project|]]
Help first and foremost via the [[Capistrano Google Group|]]. Community support is also also often available in [[#Capistrano on freenode|]].
There are extensive archives of questions and answers also at [[, tagged #capistrano|]].
For bugs and problems please open an issue in the [[Github issues page|]] - preferably with a patch, test-case, or steps-to-reproduce. Pull requests on Github will be ignored without a corresponding ticket, as there is no history of changes or forum for discussion without submitting a ticket.