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Carbon Black - Cyphort Connector

Carbon Black now integrates with Cyphort for inspection, analysis and correlation of suspicious binaries discovered at the endpoint. Now Carbon Black can submit unknown or suspicious binaries to Cyphort Core--a secure threat analysis engine, which leverages Cyphort's multi-method behavioral detection technology and threat intelligence--to deliver threat scores used in Carbon Black to enhance detection, response and remediation efforts.

The Cyphort connector submits binaries collected by Carbon Black to a Cyphort appliance for binary analysis. The results are collected and placed into an Intelligence Feed on your Carbon Black server. The feed will then tag any binaries executed on your endpoints identified as malware by Cyphort. Only binaries submitted by the connector for analysis will be included in the generated Intelligence Feed.

Installation Quickstart

As root on your Carbon Black or other RPM based 64-bit Linux distribution server:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d
curl -O
yum install python-cb-cyphort-connector

Once the software is installed via YUM, copy the /etc/cb/integrations/cyphort/connector.conf.example file to /etc/cb/integrations/cyphort/connector.conf. Edit this file and place your Carbon Black API key into the carbonblack_server_token variable and your Carbon Black server's base URL into the carbonblack_server_url variable.

Next, you will have to point the connector to the Cyphort appliance. Set the cyphort_url and cyphort_api_key variables to the URL of the Cyphort appliance and your API key used to submit binaries.

Any errors will be logged into /var/log/cb/integrations/cyphort/cyphort.log.


If you suspect a problem, please first look at the Cyphort connector logs found here: /var/log/cb/integrations/cyphort/cyphort.log (There might be multiple files as the logger "rolls over" when the log file hits a certain size).

If you want to re-run the analysis across your binaries:

  1. Stop the service: service cb-cyphort-connector stop
  2. Remove the database file: rm /usr/share/cb/integrations/cyphort/db/sqlite.db
  3. Remove the feed from your Cb server's Threat Intelligence page
  4. Restart the service: service cb-cyphort-connector start


  1. Use the Developer Community Forum to discuss issues and ideas with other API developers in the Carbon Black Community.
  2. Report bugs and change requests through the GitHub issue tracker. Click on the + sign menu on the upper right of the screen and select New issue. You can also go to the Issues menu across the top of the page and click on New issue.
  3. View all API and integration offerings on the Developer Network along with reference documentation, video tutorials, and how-to guides.