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Current Status

Piotr Dziubecki edited this page Aug 17, 2021 · 37 revisions

Engineering Status

Current work and release 1.4.0

The team is wrapping up the third sprint of 1.4.x release cycle.

Release 1.4.x marks the fourth major production upgrade of the Casper protocol. The top priority is to keep Mainnet (casper network) and Testnet (capser-test network) stable.

The goal of 1.4.x release is to prepare a patch for casper network with the fourth round of sustainability features:

  • Fast sync
  • NFT support
  • Event stream enhancements
  • Brand new developer experience

Detailed release plan

Previous releases

Mainnet - Casper Network

Casper Network started on March 31th. Current status on for casper **Block Height: 181,182 ** with 100 Validators and 6,913,275,093 total stake bonded

Current Focus

Performance, hardening, and production engineering work.


Node - Rust

  • Fast Sync

Test and SRE

  • Support the network and release.
  • NCTL: extension and support.


Contract Runtime

Economics Research

  • Testing & improving a prototype generic CEP47 NFT auction.
  • Developing gas & storage pricing models.
  • Beginning to look at the intersection of ZKP and information disclosure models in economics.
  • Developing a simple platform robustness model for a client.

DEVxDAO Update

Community projects

Team & Company Update

Governance Status