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Keyboard Walk or Keyboard Strikeout? Is it a Key-Boardwalk? Is it a keyboard walk?

Classify keyboard walks


(This question is also a breakdown of this, algorithmically.)

A walk of a keyboard is any ordered traversal of the keyboard in which all characters in the walk have coordindates within (1, 1) of at least one other character.

From experimentation, implementation, and testing, I have determined there to be three distinct kinds of walks over a given keyboard.

For the purpose of this challenge, a string is only a walk over a keyboard iff the entire string is a walk -- partial walks are not. That is, any substring of a string can disqualify a string from being a walk.

Equally, any substring of a string can promote a walk from linear to simply nonlinear, or from simply nonlinear to complex nonlinear.

We're going to use a standard English (US) QWERTY keyboard for example, because that's what I use. We're only interested in the letter keys for now, but you must handle arbitrary keyboards.

A S D F G H J K L *
* Z X C V B N M * *
  • Linear: AASD, ERFG, and KUYHJK are all linear walks on the QWERTY keyboard above, in that if you follow each string's characters through the grid in order, the following is always true of any two successive elements A and B:

    | (Ax, Ay) − (Bx, By) | ≤ (1, 1)

    That is, for two immediately successive elements, their coordinate pairs (x,y) never differ by more than (1,1).

    A recursive algorithm is:

    1. Let S be the input string.

    2. If the sorted, absolute difference between the coordinates of S[1 + n] and S[2 + n] is in the set { (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1) }, repeat this step, letting n be the number of previous steps.

    3. Otherwise, only the part of S traversed thus far is a linear walk on keyboard, which may be empty.

    Strings of length 1 are always linear walks.

  • Simple or trivial nonlinear: FGHD, ASDQ, TGHR, and ZXCVBS are all simple nonlinear (or simply nonlinear) walks on the keyboard above, in that a single-lookaround, one-directional iterative algorithm on each of three or fewer states of SS (unsorted, sorted by xx then yy, and yy then xx) can show all elements have coordinates within { (0,0), … (1,1) }{ (0,0), … (1,1) } of at least one other element, such as:

    1. Let C be the coordinate pairs of each Sn, in the same order as S.

    2. Let X be the ordering of C by Cnx (C[n][x]), and Y the ordering of C by Cny (C[n][y]).

    3. Accumulate three sets Vn of the differences of successive pairs in each of C, X, Y.

    4. If any of Vn has all its elements within { (0, 0), … (1, 1) }, S is a simple nonlinear walk on M.

    5. Otherwise, S may be a complex nonlinear walk on M.

  • Complex nonlinear: ASDEZ, ASDQWEZXC, and RTYDFGXCV are all complex nonlinear walks on M in that

    • all elements have coordinates within { (0, 0), … (1, 1) } of at least one other element,

    • with a naive, single-lookaround, one-directional iterative algorithm, you need to test every possible permutation of S in order to tell if S is a simple nonlinear walk on M, and

    • there are at least two successive elements which have coordinates that differ by more than (1, 1), but both elements are within (1, 1) of at least one other element.

    For example, on the QWERTY keyboard above, the letters E and Z have coordinates (2, 0) and (1, 2), which are too far apart to be a walk. However, in the set ASDQWEZXC, S and D "bridge the gap" between E and Z, and cause it to be classed as a complex walk.

Note well, that all linear and simply nonlinear walks are in the set of complex nonlinear walks, but not the inverse.


  • A keyboard, as a list of strings or a string with newlines.
  • A test string, which may or may not be a walk.

You must properly handle these cases as well:

  • The test string may contain some or all of the characters in keyboard, or none at all, and vice versa.
  • The test string and the keyboard may each repeat characters, arbitrarily.

Your solution can fail, or spontaneously combust, or give the correct response, if:

  • There are non-ASCII byte values in the keyboard or the test, or
  • there are unprintable (whitespace, NUL, DEL, etc) characters in the test.


  • for a linear walk: the text Linear: walk the bases in order

  • for a simple nonlinear walk: Simple nonlinear: steal second, then home

  • for a complex nonlinear walk: Complex nonlinear: walk home from another dimension

  • else, if the string is not a walk at all, the text No walk: you struck out!

Test Cases

need some