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File metadata and controls

77 lines (65 loc) · 3.54 KB

Tests Deployment codecov

Creatures & Caves

A tool for DMs


Recommended Tools
  • pgAdmin4
  • Rider or Visual Studio
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Coffee



Create a file named appsettings.Development.json in the same directory as appsettings.json with the following:

    "Logging": {
        "LogLevel": {
            "Default": "Debug",
            "System": "Information",
            "Microsoft": "Information"
    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "DBConnectionString": "Host=localhost;Port=<PORT>;Username=cnc_admin;Password=<PASSWORD>;Database=cnc;"

<PORT> = the port of your postgres server. See instructions under the DATABASE instructions
<PASSWORD> = the password you set for the cnc_admin psql user. See instructions under the DATABASE instructions


Follow instructions here


  • To build the docker image, run docker build -t cnc:latest . in the same directory as the Dockerfile file.
  • To run the image in a container, run docker run -it -p 8080:80 cnc:latest. The app can now be accessed from localhost:8080
  • To get into the running container, you can run docker exec -it <container id> bash
  • You can retrieve the container id by running docker ps


  • Run npm install in the ClientApp dir to install node dependencies
  • Run dotnet restore in the root dir to install dotnet dependencies
  • Run dotnet build in the root dir to build the backend services
  • To build a production build of the app
    • Delete the node_modules folder in ClientApp
    • Run dotnet publish -c Release -o ./dist from the App's root folder
    • Create a folder named ClientApp in the created dist folder and copy over the contents in the ClientApp/build folder into there


  • To run the app, use dotnet run --project Server/Server.csproj from the root directory or dotnet run from the Server directory
  • Similarly, to run the app in watch mode, use dotnet watch --project Server/Server.csproj run.


  • To run backend tests run dotnet run test in the root directory
  • To run client tests, run npm test in the ClientApp directory

Below is no longer valid until updated

* To run server tests and generate coverage reports use ```dotnet test /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutput=TestResults/ /p:CoverletOutputFormat=\"lcov\" /p:Threshold=80```
* There is also a convenience bash script `````` that will run unit tests and place the coverage reports in the TestResults directory


Written in C# (.cs) with dotnet core


Client is written in Typescript (.ts) and React Typescript (.tsx). Uses Redux for state management

Making Commits

  • Add [skip-ci] in your commit message to skip ci