for a more comfortable shell experience.~/.bashrc
addumask 0007
for a more comfortable screen terminal multiplexing experience.~/.netrc
MUST NOT be LDAP passwords of regular users used to log into some remote servers. Always use technical accounts (e.g.: for OpenBIS which normally relies on LDAP accounts) or local server-specific accounts. Machines:machine bs-openbis04.ethz.ch
)machine fgcz-gstore.uzh.ch
)machine sftp.gc.health2030.ch
)- optionnally, credention for the database can be specified here
- otherwise, one must provide them in a YAML file listed inside
's porpertydbconfigfile
- otherwise, one must provide them in a YAML file listed inside
controls various parameters of SSH connection.- ControlMaster MUST NOT be enabled (otherwise part of the parallelism gains are lost)
- Hosts:
Host bs-openbis04.ethz.ch
: requires some special kex settings (See wiki) + special port (seegfb.conf
)Host fgcz-gstore.uzh.ch
: special port (seefcgz.conf
)Host sftp.gc.health2030.ch
: **relies on ** SSH key + optionnal special port (seeh2030.conf
)Host tsftp.viollier.ch
: relies on SSH key (not ED25519)Host euler.ethz.ch
: there is no@d
domain suffix on Euler
MUST NOT be a normal user key special-purpose SSH key used byquasimodo
to runbatman.sh
's subcommands on Euler with forced-commands.~/.ssh/id_ed25519_belfry
MUST NOT be a normal user key special-purpose SSH key used bybelfry
's subcommands to access stuff all around (rsync to Euler, lftp to SFTP servers) and to access belfry subcommands on other D-BSSE nodes~/.ssh/id_rsa_belfry
MUST NOT be a normal user key special-prupose SSH key for those target ofbelfry
's subcommand that do not support Ed25519 (e.g.: Viollier's SFTP doesn't)~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- operators
- forced commands
subcommands for other server
known fingerprints of the SSH servers that will be contacted by automation.bs-openbis04.ethz.ch
MUST NOT be LDAP password, MUST be in sync with rsyncd.secrets Password used to log into the rsyncd daemon, as an additional layer to SSH keys when performing rsyncd+ssh file exchange with forced commands.~/
SHOULD be loged with the technical user's LDAP password used by cron job to keep kerberos tickets, see below and on BSSE wiki
following instruction on BSSE wiki:
- create keytab for technical users in
- either create a crontab entry or a systemd timer to renew it every 30 min (note: user units are broken on RedHat/CentOS/Fedora, use a root unit with proper UID/GID for the technical account)
- check crontab's automatic ticker creation with
- ticket created by crontab should appear
- check access to network storage, e.g.:
- install the latest mambaforge (this installs a miniconda environment with conda-forge channel enabled and with the newer mamba package manager available):
# download installer wget https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/latest/download/Mambaforge-Linux-x86_64.sh # install it sh Mambaforge-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -p $HOME/miniconda3
- for legacy reasons, the prefix is still called
- You SHOULD NOT load blindly conda or any other environment in the user's profile.
- for legacy reasons, the prefix is still called
- extra software MAY be installed in the base conda environment:
this may be available from other source (module environments, etc.), but using the conda-forge versions enables us to have more recent ones.
# load environment . ~/miniconda3/bin/activate # update package released since installer mamba update --all # install extra software mamba install git lftp curl pyyaml
- install the conda environment with requirements for the sample sorting python scripts (PyBIS, etc.):
# if not done before, load environment: . ~/miniconda3/bin/activate # install environment from yaml mamba env create -f /links/shared/covid19-pangolin/backup/conda_pybis_env.yaml mamba env create -f /links/shared/covid19-pangolin/backup/conda_vineyard.yaml
- PyBIS it self isn't available on bioconda (yet), and will therefore be install by mamba using pip.
- all other dependencies should be coming from conda-forge and bioconda.
note: sudo rights need to be setup by admins over the pupper system
These are the 3 shell tabs that are used in the screen
htop -u bs-pangolin@d
sudo nethogs
cd /links/shared/covid19-pangolin/backup; ./quasimodo
- encrypt keys: prefered ssh-agent at D-BSSE ?