This workshop will walk us through creating a Snake Game. The game is built with Javascript and the purpose is to see and understand the different functions and components necessary to create the game.
JavaScript is a text-based programming language that allows you to make web pages interactive. JavaScript adds functionality to elements to engage users.
The object of Snake is to safely navigate a snake and eat as many apples as possible without touching the snake’s body or the walls.
1. Go to Code Pen and click the Start Coding
We need to create a stage and the snake.
2. Paste the folllowing in the section labeled HTML
<canvas id="gameStage" width="400" height="400"><canvas>
The id="gamestage"
is a unique identifier for the stage. We can use this id
when we need to target the stage.
The stage doesn't display bby default. We'll need to add some style before we can interact with it.
3. In the section titled CSS
, add the following.
#gamestage {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
4. In the JS section, add the following
const board_border = 'black';
const board_background = "white";
const snake_col = 'lightblue';
const snake_border = 'darkblue';