High level project plan (compiler)
- aether compiler [o]
- aether standard library [ ]
- aether code port [ ]
- aether compiler v 2.0 [ ]
- hot swapping aether code [ ]
return value optimisation (RVO) [x]
with block + testing [x]
lambda + testing [o]
local vector<::> + testing [o]
global vector<::> + testing [ ]
coroutines/yield + testing [x]
try/catch/default/throw + testing [x]
goto/label blocks + testing [o]
local/global modules [ ]
constant propagation [o] - here
basic_shared_pointer [x] #0
heavy_code_review [] #1
fptrs, lambda fptrs, coroutine [x] #1.2
auto/typeof on types [x] #1.3
rvo, tvo, yvo on return, throw or yeild [x] #1.4
operator()/{}/[] like function call [] #1.5
types [x] #1.6
code review st_variable [x] #1.6.1
array begin/end test [x] #1.7
function_data needs to be present [] #1.8 ???
struct virtual functions [x] #1.10
constants [o] #2 - here
structure initialisation []
line numbers + errors [] #1.11
full code review [] #1.12 - just complete everything (go through all of the features again, fix up missing parts)
variable init [] #1.13
crashing bug [] #1.14 ???
ternary needs to handle destruction correctly [] #1.15
template spec tests [] #1.16
generated functions (reference first parameter) [] #1.9
types [] #3
initialisation [] #4
globals [] #5
low level concerns [] #6 - select, reverse stack, with-call on destructors, fptrs/lmbdaptrs takes pointer to structure
first parameter is a reference then pass by reference [o] #7
this/self destructor [] #8
line numbers [] #9
error(s) messages [] #10
incomplete operators [] #11
missing inbuilt functions [] #12
foreach break continue, foreach begin/end [] #13
stack needs to grow in the correct direction [] #14
include_ []
link_ []
import_ []
as_ []
friend_ []
namespace_ []
using_ []
direct_ []
true_ []
false_ []
result_ []
self_ []
if_ []
else_ []
switch_ []
case_ []
default_ []
try_ []
catch_ []
for_ []
for_base_ []
in_ []
while_ []
do_ []
when_ []
with_ []
label_ []
break_ []
continue_ []
goto_ []
return_ []
yield_ []
yield_return_ []
throw_ []
mutable_ []
immutable_ []
extern_ []
link_extern_ []
inline_ []
def_ []
alias_ []
proxy_ []
operator_ []
final_ []
delete_ []
explicit_ []
virtual_ []
system_function_ []
class_ []
struct_ []
enum_ []
build_type_ []
sizeof_ []
typeof_ []
spec_ []
expr_ []
except_ []
defer_ []
global_ []
local_ []
static_ []
host_ []
const_ []
volatile_ []
hidden_ []
no_alias_ []
capture_ []
init_set_ []
no_init_ []
auto_ []
this_ []
void_ []
signed_ []
unsigned_ []
bool_ []
char_ []
short_ []
int_ []
long_ []
float_ []
double_ []
int8_ []
int16_ []
int32_ []
int64_ []
int128_ []
uint8_ []
uint16_ []
uint32_ []
uint64_ []
uint128_ []
float32_ []
float64_ []
yield_no_lex []
except_no_lex []
mutable_no_lex []
global_no_lex []
local_no_lex []
host_no_lex []
const_no_lex []
volatile_no_lex []
no_alias_no_lex []
mem_loc []
mem_loc_no_lex []
identifier [x]
name [x]
<> NOTE these end as soon as we find a value that isn't a valid hex number
- HEX_CHAR [x]
- BIT_CHAR [x]
<> constants
<> integer constants
<> float constants <> 12345[eE][+-]123[lLfF]?
<> .123([[eE][+-]123)?[lLfF]?
<> 12345.([[eE][+-]123)?[lLfF]?
numberconstant []
strcnst []
tokenconstant []
constant []
cdecl:- []
include []
import []
compilerdirective []
defer_spec []
defer_spec_no_init []
params []
initializer []
templatespecifier []
namelist [x]
names []
<> (1, only those without initializers, 2 those where init_set is specified + those without initializers, 3 all except no_init with initializers, 4 all) <> no_init member = default, default no_init is to uninitialized
init_desc []
qualifiers []
qualifiers_no_lex []
funct_qlfrs_no_lex []
shrt_funct_qlfrs_no_lex []
funct_qlfrs []
shrt_funct_qlfrs []
stct []
arr []
dl []
star []
ref []
dref []
cref []
fptr []
nt []
sbknd []
subkind []
subtype []
basictype []
structuretype []
lmbdatype []
fptrtype []
autotype []
typeoftype []
<> cannot have reference to reference
subarraylen []
arraysize []
rf []
ptrarraydec []
innertype []
type []
membertype []
member []
basemember []
structuremember []
if [x]
elseif [x]
else [x]
switch [x]
case [x]
default [x]
try [x]
catch [x]
foreach []
forbaseeach []
for [x]
while [x]
dowhen [x]
dot []
arw []
index []
dotmem []
baseaccess []
memaccess []
funccall []
constructcall []
refconstructcall []
listconstructcall []
reflistconstructcall []
bracketexpression [x]
cast []
szeof [x]
variable []
preops []
postops []
scopeblock []
withblock []
labelblock []
lambdafunc []
constexpression []
fptrgen []
atom:- [x]
<> TODO select on || and &&
- op11 [x]
- op10 [x]
- op9 [x]
- op8 [x]
- op7 [x]
- op6 [x]
- op5 [x]
- op4 [x]
- op3 [x]
- op2 [x]
- op1 [x]
<> operator precendence hierarchy
op11g [x]
op10g [x]
op9g [x]
op8g [x]
op7g [x]
op6g [x]
op5g [x]
op4g [x]
op3g [x]
op2g [x]
op1g [x]
ternary []
expr [x]
valexpression [x]
rtn []
yld []
thrw []
loopctlr []
goto []
basiclabel []
expression []
exprend [x]
block [x]
expr_block []
func_expr_block []
<> classes/structs (first is match value, second is value, third is match type, fourth is type)
templateparam []
templateparams []
basedef [x]
vardef [x]
virtualfuncdec [x]
destructor []
proxy []
clsmember []
class []
<> functions and operators
prps [o]
genops [o]
funcdef []
genoperator []
preoperator []
castoperator []
<> global variable
- globalvar []
<> build a type, needed for template classes
- buildtype []
<> def/alias
- aliastype []
<> enum type
- enumname:- [x]
- enum [x]
<> declare friend of module / namespace
- friend []
<> declare using module / namespace (mean you don't need the "name." of the namespace or module)
- using [x]
<> declare namespace
namespace [x]
decl:- [x]
declaration:- [x]
decls [x]
main []
- compiler/virtual machine (all implementable features, X86-64 only) [here]
- remake all of the libraries (everything except dionysus and opengui)
- make new libraries
- copy
- deep copy
- comparison
- streaming (in, out)
- string printing
- cycle scan
- make opengui (concurrent with below)
- make each of the gui editors (keep adding)
- aether text editor
- make dionysus (concurrent with below)
- IDE (complete text editor to have other features)
- game engine editor
- 3D modelling editor
- 2D modelling editor
- 3D animation editor
- 2D animation editor
- terrain generator editor
- automation tools editor
- image editor
- sound editor
- video editor
- font editor
- business tools
- math tools
- flow chart programming (FSM)
- flow chart programming (flow diagram)
- 3D design editor
- 2D design editor
- video editor
- music editor
- sound effect editor
- math tools editor
- AI library (rule based programming)
- AI assistant
- AI designer
- AI driver
- AI oracle
- AI task library
- make each of the gui editors (keep adding)
- do self hosting compiler/virtual machine (aether compiles itself)
- compile to other targets (arm, gpu, wasm, etc.)
- hot swappable code (plugins)
- other compiler improvements
- remove c++ code base (move everything else across)
- download code/release code/online shop facilities
(KEY: X is complete, O is partial, empty is not started yet)