This documentation page lists all
All parameterisations derive from the following base class:
Detailed description
```{doxygenclass} cepgen::strfun::Parameterisation
All of these may be used and linked against any external code.
The parameterisation types handled in CepGen are listed in the {code}cepgen::StructureFunctionsFactory
Below, a semi-detailed review of a subset of the modellings handled in CepGen is presented.
Whenever not specified explicitely in the modelling, the
F_L(\xbj,Q^2) = \left(1+\frac{4m_p^2\xbj^2}{Q^2}\right)\frac{R}{1+R}F_2(\xbj,Q^2).
Where this Abe:1998ym,Beringer:1900zz,Sibirtsev:2013cga,Whitlow:1990gk
As the name suggests, this class of model combines multiple extrapolation models valid in multiple kinematic ranges into a set of uniform, continuous structure functions.
- Legacy code: `302`
- Structure functions modelled: \$W_1\$, \$W_2\$, \$F_2\$
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::Shamov`
- [Module parameters](/raw-modules.md#strfunShamov)
This model is designed for soft, low-$Q^2$ regimes under a broad range of mode
, the standard, Suri and Yennie continuum (see below) ; -
, using a linear grid interpolation of the real photon cross section for$Q^2\to 0$ with resonances dependance as for$\Delta(1232)$ ; -
, like the earlier, and using the Suri and Yennie non-resonant contribution ; -
, using the Suri and Yennie non-resonant contribution ; -
, like theRealResAndNonRes
, but using a fit for the non-resonant contributions.
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- Legacy code: `303`
- Structure functions modelled: \$F_2\$, \$F_L\$
- Reference: {cite}`Kulagin:2021mee`
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::KulaginBarinov`
- [Module parameters](/raw-modules.md#strfunKulaginBarinov)
Resonances are modelled through Breit-Wigner contributions from five states. For the DIS part, a higher twist correction is available from a global QCD fit.
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- Legacy code: `304`
- Structure functions modelled: \$F_1\$, \$F_2\$
- Reference: {cite}`Bodek:2021bde`
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::BodekKangXu`
- [Module parameters](/raw-modules.md#strfunBodekKangXu)
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- Legacy code: `11` (and `12` for the alternative parameterisation)
- Structure functions modelled: \$F_E\$, \$F_M\$
- Reference: {cite}`Suri:1971yx`
- Implementations: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::SuriYennie` and {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::SuriYennieAlt`
- Module parameters: [main](/raw-modules.md#strfunSuriYennie) and [alternative](/raw-modules.md#strfunSuriYennieAlt) parameterisations
This set was used as a standard option in the LPAIR event generator. It provides a reasonable description of SLAC data in the resonance and continuum regions.
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- Legacy code: `12`
- Structure function modelled: \$F_2\$
- Reference: {cite}`Szczurek:1999wp`
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::SzczurekUleshchenko`, relying on the GRV Fortran interpolation subroutine
- [Module parameters](/raw-modules.md#strfunSzczurekUleshchenko)
This set puts an emphasis on the low-to-intermediate
- Legacy code: `13`
- Structure function modelled: \$F_2\$
- Reference: {cite}`Block:2014kza`
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::BlockDurandHa`
- [Module parameters](/raw-modules.md#strfunBlockDurandHa)
% This set puts an emphasis on the low-to-intermediate
- Structure function modelled: \$F_2\$
- References:
> A full reference of this parameterisation by *Abramowicz et al.* can be found in {cite}`Abramowicz:1991xz` (`ALLM91`) and {cite}`Abramowicz:1997ms` (`ALLM97`).
> The HERMES Collaboration refits of this modelling, labelled `GD07p` and `GD11p` may be found in {cite}`Airapetian:2011nu`.
- Parameterisations:
- ALLM91
- Legacy code: `201`
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::ALLM91`
- [Module parameters](/raw-modules.md#strfunALLM91)
- ALLM97
- Legacy code: `202`
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::ALLM97`
- [Module parameters](/raw-modules.md#strfunALLM97)
- GD07p
- Legacy code: `203`
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::GD07p`
- [Module parameters](/raw-modules.md#strfunGD07p)
- GD11p
- Legacy code: `204`
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::GD11p`
- [Module parameters](/raw-modules.md#strfunGD11p)
- Legacy code: `206`
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::HHTALLM`
- [Module parameters](/raw-modules.md#strfunhhtALLM)
- Legacy code: `207`
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::HHTALLMFT`
- [Module parameters](/raw-modules.md#strfunhhtALLMft)
In this continuum region modelling the
F_2(\xbj,Q^2) = \frac{Q^2}{Q^2+m_0^2}\left[F_2^{\Pom}(\xbj,Q^2)+F_2^{\Reg}(\xbj,Q^2)\right],
F_2^{\Pom,\Reg}(\xbj,Q^2) = c^{\Pom,\Reg}(t) x _ {\Pom,\Reg}^{a^{\Pom,\Reg}(t)} (1-\xbj)^{b^{\Pom,\Reg}(t)},
with the slowly-varying function
t(Q^2) = \ln\left(\ln\frac{Q^2+Q_0^2}{\Lambda^2}\right)-\ln\left(\ln\frac{Q_0^2}{\Lambda^2}\right),
and the modified Bjorken-$x$ functions:
x _ {\Pom,\Reg} = \left(1+\frac{w^2-m_p^2}{Q^2+m _ {\Pom,\Reg}}\right)^{-1}.
The six functionals
a^{\Pom}(t) = a^{\Pom}_1+(a^{\Pom}_1-a^{\Pom}_2)\left[\frac{1}{1+t^{a^{\Pom}_3}}-1\right],\\
b^{\Pom}(t) = b^{\Pom}_1 + b^{\Pom}_2 t^{b^{\Pom}_3},\\
c^{\Pom}(t) = c^{\Pom}_1+(c^{\Pom}_1-c^{\Pom}_2)\left[\frac{1}{1+t^{c^{\Pom}_3}}-1\right]
for the pomeron part, and
a^{\Reg}(t) = a^{\Reg}_1 + a^{\Reg}_2 t^{a^{\Reg}_3},\\
b^{\Reg}(t) = b^{\Reg}_1 + b^{\Reg}_2 t^{b^{\Reg}_3},\\
c^{\Reg}(t) = c^{\Reg}_1 + c^{\Reg}_2 t^{c^{\Reg}_3},
for the reggeon subset.
Currently, four tunings of the 23 model parameters are embedded within CepGen:
Parameter | Units | ALLM91 | ALLM97 | GD07p | GD11p |
GeV$^2$ | 0.30508 | 0.31985 | 0.454 | 0.5063 | |
GeV$^2$ | 10.676 | 49.457 | 30.7 | 34.75 | |
GeV$^2$ | 0.20623 | 0.15052 | 0.117 | 0.03190 | |
GeV$^2$ | 0.27799 | 0.52544 | 1.15 | 1.374 | |
GeV$^2$ | 0.06527 | 0.06527 | 0.06527 | 0.06527 | |
- | -0.04503 | -0.0808 | -0.105 | -0.11895 | |
- | -0.36407 | -0.44812 | -0.495 | -0.4783 | |
- | 8.17091 | 1.1709 | 1.29 | 1.353 | |
- | 0.49222 | 0.36292 | -1.42 | 1.0833 | |
- | 0.52116 | 1.8917 | 4.51 | 2.656 | |
- | 3.5515 | 1.8439 | 0.551 | 1.771 | |
- | 0.26550 | 0.28067 | 0.339 | 0.3638 | |
- | 0.04856 | 0.22291 | 0.127 | 0.1211 | |
- | 1.04682 | 2.1979 | 1.16 | 1.166 | |
- | 0.60408 | 0.584 | 0.374 | 0.3425 | |
- | 0.17353 | 0.37888 | 0.998 | 1.0603 | |
- | 1.61812 | 2.6063 | 0.775 | 0.5164 | |
- | 1.26066 | 0.01147 | 2.71 | -10.408 | |
- | 1.83624 | 3.7582 | 1.83 | 14.857 | |
- | 0.81141 | 0.49338 | 1.26 | 0.07739 | |
- | 0.67639 | 0.80107 | 0.838 | 1.3633 | |
- | 0.49027 | 0.97307 | 2.36 | 2.256 | |
- | 2.66275 | 3.4942 | 1.77 | 2.209 |
The ALLM91 tuning is fitted from all pre-HERA data points available.
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- Legacy code: `101` (core), and `104` (alternative)
- Structure function modelled: \$F_2\$
- References: {cite}`Fiore:2002re,Brasse:1976bf`
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::FioreBrasse`, and {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::FioreBrasseAlt`
- Modules parameters: [core](/raw-modules.md#strfunFioreBrasse) and [alternative](/raw-modules.md#strfunFioreBrasseAlt) parameterisations
This parameterisation gives a very good description of photoabsorption in the resonance region from low to large
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- Legacy code: `102`
- Structure functions modelled: \$F_2\$, \$F_L\$
- Reference: {cite}`Bosted:2007xd`
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::ChristyBosted`
- [Module parameters](/raw-modules.md#strfunChristyBosted)
The set developed by M.E. Christy and P.E. Bosted is emphasised on the very-low
- inclusive inelastic (up to
$Q^2simeq$ 7.5 GeV²), - photoproduction at
$Q^2$ = 0, and - DIS data at high-$(Q^2,W)$.
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- Legacy code: `103`
- Structure functions modelled: \$F_2\$
- Reference: {cite}`Osipenko:2003bu`
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::CLAS`
- [Module parameters](/raw-modules.md#strfunCLAS)
Several other models can also be interfaced through a base partonic structure functions interface allowing the conversion of PDFs into
The conversion of quark/gluon PDF content into
F_2^{\rm val}(\xbj,Q^2) = \sum_{i=1}^{n_q} e_i^2 \left[q_i(\xbj,Q^2)-\bar q_i(\xbj,Q^2)\right]\\
F_2^{\rm sea}(\xbj,Q^2) = 2 \sum_{i=1}^{n_q} e_i^2 \bar q_i(\xbj,Q^2)\\
F_2^{\rm tot}(\xbj,Q^2) = F_2^{\rm val}(\xbj,Q^2)+F_2^{\rm sea}(\xbj,Q^2)
- Legacy code: `401` ("standard" parameterisation), or a more complex scheme:
: The legacy-equivalent signature follows the convention `1MSSSSSS`, where:
- `M` specifies the set of partons included in the sum rule:
: - `0`: all partons,
- `1`: valence quarks only, and
- `2`: sea quarks only.
- `SSSSSS` is the integer LHAPDF ID code for the selected PDF set.
- Structure function modelled: \$F_2\$
- Reference: {cite}`Whalley:2005nh`
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::strfun::LHAPDFPartonic`
- [Module parameters](/raw-modules.md#strfunlhapdf)
- Legacy code: `405`
- Structure function modelled: \$F_2\$, \$F_L\$
- Reference: {cite}`Bertone:2017gds`
- Implementation: {cepgen}`cepgen::apfelpp::EvolutionStructureFunctions`
- [Module parameters](/raw-modules.md#strfunapfelppEvol)
This interface to the APFEL++ C++ rewriting of the famous APFEL library covers the computation of order-0/1/2/3 perturbative