Hi! Welcome to the Certbot project. We look forward to collaborating with you.
If you're reporting a bug in Certbot, please make sure to include:
- The version of Certbot you're running.
- The operating system you're running it on.
- The commands you ran.
- What you expected to happen, and
- What actually happened.
If you're a developer, we have some helpful information in our Developer's Guide to get you started. In particular, we recommend you read these sections
- Install Poetry: https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation
- Setup a Python virtual environment
$ poetry install -E docs
- Activate the Python virtual environment
# (On Linux)
$ source .venv/bin/activate
# (On Windows Powershell)
$ .\.venv\Script\activate
- Optionally set up pre-commit which will cause simple tests to be automatically run on your changes when you commit them
$ pre-commit install
- Configure a development environment (see above)
- Run the tests
$ tox
- You can also run specific tests
$ tox -e py
You can get a listing of the available tests by running
$ tox -l
Our poetry.lock file is only used during development so security
vulnerabilities in the pinned packages are rarely relevant. With that said, if
you want to update package versions, you can use the poetry update