Experimental Wheels for Python for Windows on ARM64
- 187 packages for Python 3.12
- Updates for v2024.6.15
- Scipy build is unstable
Binary wheels for the following packages for Python 3.12 are included in the release:
- aggdraw 1.3.19
- aiohttp 3.10.10
- apsw
- astropy 6.1.4
- asv 0.6.4
- atom 0.11.0
- basemap 1.4.1
- bcrypt 4.2.0
- biopython 1.84
- bitarray 2.9.3
- bitshuffle 0.5.2
- blosc2 2.7.1
- blosc 1.11.2
- boost_histogram 1.5.0
- Bottleneck 1.4.2
- bsdiff4 1.2.5
- BTrees 6.1
- cairocffi 1.7.1
- Cartopy 0.24.1
- celiagg 2.1.6
- centrosome 1.2.3
- cf_units 3.3.0
- cffi 1.17.1
- cftime 1.6.4.post1
- contourpy 1.3.0
- coverage 7.6.4
- cx_Logging 3.2.1
- cytoolz 1.0.0
- debugpy 1.8.7
- discretize 0.11.0
- dtaidistance 2.3.12
- dulwich 0.22.4
- enaml 0.18.0
- ephem 4.1.6
- ewah_bool_utils 1.2.2
- fabio 2024.9.0
- fast_histogram 0.14
- fastremap 1.15.0
- fasttext 0.9.3
- fiona 1.10.1
- fisx 1.3.2
- fonttools 4.54.1
- fpzip 1.2.4
- freetype_py 2.5.1
- frozendict 2.4.6
- frozenlist 1.5.0
- GDAL 3.9.3
- gevent 24.10.3
- glcontext 3.0.0
- Glymur 0.13.6
- google_crc32c 1.6.0
- greenlet 3.1.1
- h5py 3.12.1
- hdbscan 0.8.39
- hmmlearn 0.3.3
- imagecodecs 2024.9.22
- imread 0.7.6
- intbitset 4.0.0
- JCC 3.15
- jellyfish 1.1.0
- jsonobject 2.2.0
- kiwisolver 1.4.7
- lfdfiles 2024.9.15
- lightgbm 4.5.0
- lmdb 1.5.1
- Logbook 1.8.0
- lxml 5.3.0
- mahotas 1.4.18
- marisa_trie 1.2.1
- MarkupSafe 3.0.2
- matplotlib 3.9.2
- maturin 1.7.4
- mercurial 6.8.2
- ml_dtypes 0.5.0
- moderngl 5.12.0
- mplcairo 0.6
- msgpack 1.1.0
- multidict 6.1.0
- ndindex 1.9.2
- netCDF4 1.7.2
- nh3 0.2.18
- numcodecs 0.13.1
- numexpr 2.10.1
- numpy 2.1.3
- numpy_quaternion 2024.0.3
- OpenEXR 3.3.1
- OpenImageIO
- openTSNE 1.0.2
- optree 0.13.0
- orjson 3.10.11
- osqp 0.6.7.post1
- pandas 2.2.3
- PartSegCore_compiled_backend 0.15.7
- pcodec 0.3.0
- peewee 3.17.7
- persistent 6.1
- phasorpy 0.1
- pillow 11.0.0
- pillow_avif_plugin 1.4.6
- polars 1.12.0
- protobuf 5.28.3
- psd_tools 1.10.2
- psutil 6.1.0
- psycopg2 2.9.10
- ptufile 2024.10.10
- pyamg 5.2.1
- pycairo 1.27.0
- pycrdt 0.10.6
- pydantic_core 2.25.1
- pygame 2.6.1
- pygeos 0.14.0
- pygit2 1.16.0
- PyICU 2.14
- pylibCZIrw 4.1.3
- pylibjpeg_openjpeg 2.4.0
- pymatgen 2024.10.29
- PyMCubes 0.1.6
- pymmcore
- pymol 3.1.0a0
- pymol_launcher 3.0
- pymongo 4.10.1
- pymssql 2.3.1
- pyodbc 5.2.0
- pyogrio 0.10.0
- pyopencl 2024.3
- PyOpenGL 3.1.8
- PyOpenGL_accelerate 3.1.8
- pypmc 1.2.4
- pyproj 3.7.0
- pyreadstat 1.2.8
- pystackreg 0.2.8
- pytensor 2.25.5
- python_box 7.2.0
- python_curses 2.2.3
- python_rapidjson 1.20
- PyTurboJPEG 1.7.7
- pywavelets 1.7.0
- pywin32 308
- pywinpty 2.0.14
- PyYAML 6.0.2
- pyzmq 26.2.0
- pyzstd 0.16.2
- qdldl 0.1.7.post4
- qutip 5.0.4
- rapidfuzz 3.10.0
- rasterio 1.4.2
- recordclass 0.22.1
- regex 2024.9.11
- rosettasciio 0.6
- rpds_py 0.20.1
- Rtree 1.3.0
- ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.12
- scalene 1.5.46
- scikit_image 0.24.0
- scikit_learn 1.5.2
- scipy 1.14.1
- scs 3.2.7
- sfepy 2024.3
- shapely 2.0.6
- simplejson 3.19.3
- sounddevice 0.5.1
- soundfile 0.12.1
- SQLAlchemy 2.0.36
- statsmodels 0.14.4
- TA_Lib 0.4.32
- tables 3.10.1
- thrift 0.21.0
- thriftpy2 0.5.2
- tokenizers 0.20.1
- treelite 4.3.0
- ujson 5.10.0
- vispy 0.14.3
- wavpack_numcodecs 0.2.1
- wrapt 1.16.0
- xgboost 2.1.2
- xxhash 3.5.0
- yarl 1.17.1
- zfpy 1.0.0
- zodbpickle 4.1.1
- zope.interface 7.1.1
- zope.proxy 6.1
- zopflipy 1.11
- zstandard 0.23.0
- zstd