- This repository contains an iOS app, XYZFinanceU2.
- 1.0
- The app is a finance app that allows us to keep track of our incoming income and outgoing expenses. I build this app to fullfill my need and help me manage my finance.
- You will need Xcode 9 and onward
- nil
- Creator, cheebin hoh at hohcheebin@gmail.com
- Admin, cheebin hoh at hohcheebin@gmail.com
- working on 1.1 release
- prepare 1.1 release
- adding currency support to expense [Done]
- complete integration of Expenses tab with iCloudKit: End of Feb-2018 [Done]
- submit app for testflight: End of April-2018 [Done]
- pass 1st beta review [Done]
- Adding sharing via iCloudKit: End of March-2018 [Done]