Binary sensors gather information about the state of devices which have a "digital" return value (either 1 or 0). These can be switches, contacts, pins, etc. These sensors only have two states: 0/off/low/closed/false and 1/on/high/open/true
- BS: digital input linked to the signal wire of the binary sensor.
- Q: follows the input
but debounced. - EVENT: output high for one clock cycle when any event occurs on debounced input
. - EVENT_R: output high for one clock cycle when a rising edge is detected on debounced input
. - EVENT_F: output high for one clock cycle when a falling edge is detected on debounced input
InitMQTT: enables MQTT events on the FB, an overview of the parameters:
: datatype POINTER TO STRING, pointer to the MQTT publish prefix that should be used for publishing any messages/events for this FB. Suffix is automatically set to FB name.pMqttPublishQueue
: datatype POINTER TO FB_MqttPublishQueue, pointer to the MQTT queue to publish messages.
ConfigureFunctionBlock: configures the behaviour of output
using the parameters below:T_TurnOffDelay
: duration of the turn off delay added on outputQ
to prevent rapid ON/OFF behaviour on the output caused by a fast switching sensor on the digital input. Defaults to 0 seconds, can be extremely usefull when connecting a motion sensor the the PLC.
Requires method call InitMQTT
to enable MQTT capabilities.
Event | Description | MQTT payload | QoS | Retain flag | Published on startup |
input changes: BS | A change is detected on input BS . (*) |
2 | TRUE |
yes |
MQTT publish topic is a concatenation of the publish prefix variable and the function block name.
- variables initiation:
MQTTBinarySensorPrefix :STRING(100) := 'WAGO-PFC200/Out/DigitalInputs/BinarySensors/';
- Init MQTT method call (called once during startup):
FB_INPUT_BINARYSENSOR_MQTT.InitMQTT(MQTTPublishPrefix:= ADR(MQTTBinarySensorPrefix), (* pointer to string prefix for the MQTT publish topic *)
pMQTTPublishQueue := ADR(MQTTVariables.fbMQTTPublishQueue) (* pointer to MQTTPublishQueue to send a new MQTT event *)
The MQTT publish topic in this code example will be WAGO-PFC200/Out/DigitalInputs/BinarySensors/FB_DI_BS_001
(MQTTBinarySensorPrefix variable + function block name).
- Configuration of the function block with a 5 second turn off delay on the output (called once during startup):
FB_INPUT_BINARYSENSOR_MQTT.ConfigureFunctionBlock(T_TurnOffDelay:= T#5S); (* time to delay the negative edge on output Q *)
- reading digital input for events (cyclic):
FB_DI_BS_001(BS:= DI_001);
- integration with
FB_DO_SW_001(OUT=> DO_001, (* couple the function block to the physical output *)
PRIO_HIGH:= FALSE, (* brings the output high regardless of other input values *)
PRIO_LOW:= FALSE, (* brings the output low regardless of other input values. NOTE: Priohigh overrules Priolow input *)
TOGGLE:= FB_DI_BS_001.EVENT (* for toggling the output *)
To integrate with Home Assistant use the YAML code below in your MQTT binary sensor config:
- platform: mqtt
name: "FB_DI_BS_001"
state_topic: "WAGO-PFC200/Out/DigitalInputs/BinarySensors/FB_DI_BS_001"
qos: 2
payload_on: "ON"
payload_off: "OFF"
availability_topic: "Devices/WAGO-PFC200/availability"
payload_available: "online"
payload_not_available: "offline"