A set of ROS nodes which allow a robot to perform simulated handwriting through motions which are synchronised with an android tablet's display.
- naoQi SDK for motion control,
- nao_robot for TF frames of the robot (either on a physical robot, or locally if using a simulated robot),
- (optional)cowriter-trajectory-generator for the SVG demo,
For more information, see the readmes in internal directories and the parameters which are available for specification in the launch files.
The nao_trajectory_following
nodes allow for receiving a message and getting a Nao robot to trace it in the air at the appropriate TF frame representing the writing surface.
####1 With a webots simulated Nao running Open the webots world at webots/projects/robots/nao/worlds/nao.wbt (you should see the nao's simulated camera, otherwise you may have license issues)
roslaunch nao_trajectory_following draw_svg_demo.launch
####2 With a ROS-enabled Nao: Install chrony on the computer so that the robot may sync its clock.
On the robot:
sudo /etc/init.d/ntpd stop
sudo ntpdate (computer's IP)
sudo /etc/init.d/ntpd start
ntpdate -q (computer's IP)
should then give ~0 offset, indicating that the clocks are synchronised.
export ROS_IP=(nao's IP)
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://(computer's IP):11311
roslaunch nao_bringup nao.launch
On the computer acting as the ROS master:
roslaunch nao_trajectory_following draw_svg_demo.launch use_sim_nao:=false nao_ip:=(nao's IP)