Scoring shitcode for the Scrabble Mahjong tourney
Requires Elixir 1.14 to run.
Before you use this, you have to obtain your MJS uid and token. This process is described in the Soulless library repo.
After that, set your credentials via environment variables:
export MAJSOUL_UID="0000000"
export MAJSOUL_TOKEN="effeffeffeffeffeffeffeffeffeff"
export MAJSOUL_TOKEN_KIND="transient"
There's no interface yet. This tool can only be used from the REPL, like so:
$ iex -S mix
iex(1)> Scrabble.contest_summary_to_csv_file(165201, "summary.csv")
iex(2)> Scrabble.contest_to_csv_file(165201, "full.csv")
iex(3)> Scrabble.game_to_csv_file("230721-2cc15589-bc9d-435b-a2d7-8a1e95cf9fd5", "game.csv")