- Add more examples
- Using the NamedTupleAdaptor, and remove the convert_to_ntp kwargs in component running
- Write more error messages
- macro building
- The package is too heavy, which needs to be splitted into small packages
- Flux output need constraint
- Add NoneMeanFlux
- GPU support (limited by scalar index)
- DataInterpolations.jl is not support for now
- meta should store variables and parameters
- compact problem
- ensemble model
- base merge for component meta
- Neural Flux make the gradient computation slow a lot
- @btime gradient计算: NeuralFlux (84 us) 略大于 常规计算 (69 us)
- @btime gradient计算: TotalModel (90s) 显著大于 常规计算 (23 s)
- 原因:
- 多个bucket遍历插值
- 针对multiple nodes模型参数的最佳设置方式,需要考虑计算效率, 考虑采用 ComponentVector(params=(p1=[2,3,4], p2=[3,3,4]))
- 添加gradient的test
- 添加参数检查, 参数默认设置的功能
- 添加说明文档