gem install postoffice
or add the following to your Gemfile
gem 'postoffice'
To validate various world postal codes:
class MyClass < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :postcode, :postcode_format => {:country_code => :us, :message => "entered is not a valid postcode for #{PostOffice.country_name(options[:country_code])}."}
To validate Canadian postal codes, simply change the symbol :us to :ca, and you'll get:
Note: Don't forget to use the ':allow_blank => true' option, when needed.
Country name codes abide by the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. 155 countries are supported: see for the full list.
Validating correctness of postcodes directly:
# Validating an English postcode. Returns 0, since this postcode is valid, returns nil otherwise
PostOffice.validate_postcode('N1 9GU', :gb)
To produce a string of the name of a country, input a supported 2-digit country code as a symbol.
This will output "United States".
This will output "Luxembourg".
See the LICENSE file.