Example: The app is showing ASDFGH.
Example: The app should show QWERTY.
- Example: Open the app with wifi enabled
- Click somewhere
- Go there and click that
- Leave the app and come back
- ...
App settings that might have anything to do with it, if any
- ROM, Android version
- Other OS-related info (Xposed, custom kernel, etc.), if any
- App version (clean install?) (if you haven't tried the latest, leave now)
- Installed firmware (by yourself or with the app?)
If any...
- I am not a 13 year old who is trying to disconnect his friends from their wifi.
- I know what this app is supposed to do.
- I know what monitor-mode and a wifi adapter is, and what the firmware has to do with it.
- I have read the project's README and it didn't help.
- I don't speak 3rd grade english and my sentences make sense.