- Menus
- Refs!!
- documentation
- document using {'name': 'foo'} + inspector to investigate
- document using Refs as an escape hatch for efficiency or API patching
- document integrating with other Wx components (i.e. using something like FilterableDropdown declaratively)
- document that it works with exisitng projects. 'Progressive enhancement'
- document departures from WX's API (for instance, ListCtrl's simplified interface)
- document other API helpers, like block, bitmap button, etc..
- document layout philosophy and BoxSizer usage
- Document common wsx errors
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'
- Examples:
- Youtube-DL
- Gooey
- Basic Hello World
- Basic Stateful example (Clock)
- TODO App
- tutorials
- unmounting!
- Threads hang around if not given a chance to unmount (which is super not good)
- program title
- program icon?
- app size
- other
- document event types + relevant props