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Change Log

5.0.2 (2020-08-08)

Various bugfixes.

  • Fixed bug to allow cameraDistanceRadiusScale to affect the initial globe camera distance. This prop has the same exact behavior as initialCameraDistanceRadiusScale, which is now reserved as a useful semantic prop alias.
  • Fixed bug where the globe's glow was not removed when options is updated. This led to creation and attachment of increasing amounts of glow meshes, and also not honoring the enableGlobeGlow prop.
  • Remove console.log
  • Increase cameraMaxDistanceRadiusScale default value to better support the initialCameraDistanceRadiusScale prop.
  • Add names to three objects for easier development/debugging.

5.0.1 (2020-08-08)

Add delay support to exported tween utility.

5.0.0 (2020-08-07)

Refactoring and simplification of codebase and exposed public APIs.


  • New props (see section below).
  • Flattened options prop (improves and simplifies component rendering lifecycle with hooks).
  • Improved Globe instance support.
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements.
    • Fixed various GH issues.
    • Memory leaks with marker callbacks.
  • Simplified and decoupled internal implementation.
  • Detypescriptify source code to improve future OSS development.
  • Updated dev tools and build pipeline (microbundle, xo).
  • Updated docs and examples.

Breaking Changes

Named Exports

Only the Globe class, ReactGlobe component, defaultCallbacks, defaultInitialCoordinates, defaultOptions, and tween util are now exported to limit the exposed public API.


Various exported types have changed. The new types form a smaller and simplified set.


Various props are replaced, updated (interface updates), removed, or unchanged. The following table tracks the status of old vs new props.

Status Old New
updated animations animations
updated onDefocus onDefocus
replaced cameraOptions options
replaced focusOptions options
replaced globeOptions options
replaced lightOptions options
replaced markerOptions options
replaced size height, width
unchanged focus focus
unchanged initialCoordinates initialCoordinates
unchanged markers markers
unchanged onClickMarker onClickMarker
unchanged onMouseOutMarker onMouseOutMarker
unchanged onMouseOverMarker onMouseOverMarker
renamed onGetGlobeInstance onGetGlobe
renamed onTextureLoaded onGlobeTextureLoaded
added globeBackgroundTexture
added globeCloudsTexture
added globeTexture
added onGlobeBackgroundTextureLoaded
added onGlobeCloudsTextureLoaded


react-globe provides useful and convenient configurations to customize the globe. These configurations still exist, but are managed in a flat options object. This allows easier code/documentation management of globe configuration.

Most options are renamed in an organized way that allows easy refactoring.

Status Old New
removed globeOptions.enableBackground
removed globeOptions.enableClouds
removed markerOptions.activeScale
renamed cameraOptions.autoRotateSpeed options.cameraAutoRotateSpeed
renamed cameraOptions.distanceRadiusScale options.cameraDistanceRadiusScale
renamed cameraOptions.enableAutoRotate options.enableCameraAutoRotate
renamed cameraOptions.enableRotate options.enableCameraRotate
renamed cameraOptions.enableZoom options.enableCameraZoom
renamed cameraOptions.maxDistanceRadiusScale options.cameraMaxDistanceRadiusScale
renamed cameraOptions.maxPolarAngle options.cameraMaxPolarAngle
renamed cameraOptions.minPolarAngle options.cameraMinPolarAngle
renamed cameraOptions.rotateSpeed options.cameraRotateSpeed
renamed cameraOptions.zoomSpeed options.cameraZoomSpeed
renamed focusOptions.animationDuration options.focusAnimationDuration
renamed focusOptions.distanceRadiusScale options.focusDistanceRadiusScale
renamed focusOptions.easingFunction options.focusEasingFunction
renamed focusOptions.enableDefocus options.enableDefocus
renamed globeOptions.backgroundTexture options.globeBackgroundTexture
renamed globeOptions.cloudsOpacity options.globeCloudsOpacity
renamed globeOptions.cloudsTexture options.globeCloudsTexture
renamed globeOptions.enableGlow options.enableGlobeGlow
renamed globeOptions.glowCoefficient options.globeGlowCoefficient
renamed globeOptions.glowColor options.globeGlowColor
renamed globeOptions.glowPower options.globeGlowPower
renamed globeOptions.glowRadiusScale options.globeGlowRadiusScale
renamed globeOptions.texture options.globeTexture
renamed lightOptions.ambientLightColor options.ambientLightColor
renamed lightOptions.ambientLightIntensity options.ambientLightIntensity
renamed lightOptions.pointLightColor options.pointLightColor
renamed lightOptions.pointLightIntensity options.pointLightIntensity
renamed lightOptions.pointLightPositionRadiusScales options.pointLightPositionRadiusScales
renamed markerOptions.enableGlow options.enableMarkerGlow
renamed markerOptions.enableTooltip options.enableMarkerTooltip
renamed markerOptions.enterAnimationDuration options.markerEnterAnimationDuration
renamed markerOptions.enterEasingFunction options.markerEnterEasingFunction
renamed markerOptions.exitAnimationDuration options.markerExitAnimationDuration
renamed markerOptions.exitEasingFunction options.markerExitEasingFunction
renamed markerOptions.getTooltipContent options.markerTooltipRenderer
renamed markerOptions.glowCoefficient options.markerGlowCoefficient
renamed markerOptions.glowPower options.markerGlowPower
renamed markerOptions.glowRadiusScale options.markerGlowRadiusScale
renamed markerOptions.offsetRadiusScale options.markerOffsetRadiusScale
renamed markerOptions.radiusScaleRange options.markerRadiusScaleRange
renamed markerOptions.renderer options.markerRenderer
renamed markerOptions.type options.markerType

Globe instance

As mentioned in the v4.0.0 docs, the Globe instance APIs are unstable and not formally maintained. The Globe class instance is now managed through a new set of class methods, and the old methods are no longer compatible.

v5.0.0 introduces more formal support for the Globe instance.


Tooltip (tippy) CSS is no longer bundled with the project. You can optionally import it with:

import 'tippy.js/dist/tippy.css';
import 'tippy.js/animations/scale.css';

4.0.0 (2019-10-17)

v4.0.0 brings huge improvements to marker transition behaviors and other features!

Features and Improvements

  • Markers now update and apply transitions without resetting the globe or other markers. This creates a simple way to add/remove/update markers with intuitive visual feedback.
  • Globe avoids resetting and re-rendering when props change.
  • Globe animations are better optimized and less 'lag' is encountered.
  • Additional named exports (e.g. Globe, Tooltip) empower useful ways to work with react-globe.
  • You can now retrieve the Globe instance via the onGetGlobeInstance prop, which allows you to fully access and control the Globe class outside of the React lifecycle.
    • This also opens up powerful new ways to work with the globe (e.g. freeze and unfreeze methods).
    • Note that we still strongly recommend that you keep to React props to control behaviors of the globe.
  • Updated docs and examples.

Breaking Changes

  • lookAt prop is renamed to initialCoordinates.
  • Some exported Typescript types have changed. Address and import the relevant types accordingly. Noticeably, all *Options prop are now explicitly renamed to *OptionsProp. The former is used internally in the codebase while the *OptionsProp supports specifying optional option key/value pair in the component props.
  • The underlying defaultCameraOptions values are updated to reflect changes in dependent libraries. You might need to update these option values if custom values were previously used.
  • Tooltip behaviors have changed slightly to improve rendering performance. Tooltips are auto-disabled on non-interactable scenarios (e.g. focusing, animating).
  • globeOptions.cloudsSpeed option is removed because it was not very useful, and was overcomplicating the animation cycle. We should explore a better way to implement/customize cloud speeds in every rotation axis in the future.

Internal Changes

  • Refactor rendering logic to use Globe.ts class instead of custom React hooks.
    • While React hooks organized the code better, it created unneccessary complexity when dealing with hook dependencies.
    • This refactor decouples the React component and the ThreeJS rendering responsibilities. The React component is basically now a thin wrapper to pass props to the Globe instance and control how the Globe instance should be updated when props change.
    • The refactor was also required to better support and control marker transitions, and optimizing globe re-rendering when props change.

3.1.1 (2019-06-17)

Bug Fixes and Enhancements

  • Use three-glow-mesh and react-cached-callback.
  • Add onTextureLoaded callback to detect if globe texture has successfully loaded. Updated Texture.mdx docs. (#2)
  • Fix focusOptions.distanceRadiusScale not updating on change. (#4)
  • Support customizing offset of markers using markersOptions.offsetRadiusScale.(#5)
  • Fix Typescript bugs. (#7)
  • Type *Options props with optional fields. (#9)

3.0.2 (2019-04-23)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix component re-renders when pointLightPositionRadiusScales is updated.
  • Export tween method.
  • Support customizing markers glow options.
  • Dissable min/max polar angles when focus is applied.
  • Support TouchEvents on markers
  • Export types


  • Update dependencies and docs

[3.0.0] react-globe is live!

Check the documentation to begin building interactive globe visualizations!


  • Original development of react-globe begun as react-3d-globe.
  • The release of React hooks was a huge motivation to rewrite react-3d-globe. Writing code in hooks allowed complete separation of responsibility of ThreeJS entities (e.g. camera, globe, markers, renderer). These separate effects can be updated in a controlled manner by listening explicitly to their dependencies passed down from the component props.
  • The react-globe project is heavily inspired by the metoorising visualization project. Many features in react-globe are based around requirements in this project.
  • The react-globe NPM package was transferred to me from the original package. Code is published to this package at version 3.0.0 to dissociate features and goals from the old package.