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278 lines (247 loc) · 14.4 KB

File metadata and controls

278 lines (247 loc) · 14.4 KB

List of functions


  • allcomb: - All combinations
  • cycliccell: repeats a cell as a cycle
  • first: gets the first element of the given argument
  • last: gets the last element of the given argument
  • limit: the given value between minimum and maximum
  • mat2tex: converts a matrix to LaTeX compatible tabular syntax
  • mergestructs: merges multiple structs into one
  • parallel_axis_inertia: determines the inertia of another point O following the
  • structtime2ts: Turn a simulink sink "struct with time" to a timeseries data
  • textable: is a MATLAB table object that supports export to TeX files
  • unmatchedcell: turns the given structure of unmatched IP parameters to a cell


  • em: wrapper for exps.manager.instance()


  • abspath: returns an absolute file path for the given arguments
  • alldirs: Finds all files in directory DIR and returns them in a structure
  • allfiles: Finds all files in directory DIR and returns them in a structure
  • datastorage: returns the path to the data storage of this project
  • emptydir: empties a directory
  • escapepath:
  • exppath: returns the path of the EXPERIMENTS project location
  • file2cell: Convert a text file to a cell array of lines.
  • fullpath: - Get absolute canonical path of a file or folder
  • path2cell: Convert search path to cell array.
  • path2file: Write the Matlabpath to a file, one directory on each line.


  • funcname: returns the current function's name
  • funcnew: creates a new function file based on a template
  • funcren: renames the function to a new name
  • isfunction: - true for valid matlab functions
  • packageroot: Determine the root directory of the given package.
  • parseswitcharg: parses the toggle arg to a valid and unified char.
  • runge: Calculates Runge's function 1 / (1 + x^2) over X
  • splitaxesargs: calls axescheck for a list with an object inside


  • aall: is a wrapper over recursive calls to all(all(all(....)))
  • ascol: returns elements of array as column vector
  • asrow: ensures the vector is a row vector
  • asvec: return elements of array X as a vector
  • fnsdim: First non-singleton dimension.
  • isalnum: True for alphanumerics (letters and digits).
  • isalpha: True for letters.
  • isascii: True for decimal digits.
  • iscolvector: True for column vector input.
  • isdigit: True for decimal digits.
  • isdivisibleby: checks if number is divisable by divisor
  • iseven: checks the given number(s) for being even
  • isint: checks the given value to be of natural numbers
  • islower: True for lowercase letters.
  • ismeshgrid: determines whether grid might come from meshgrid or not
  • ismonotonic: returns a boolean value indicating whether or not a vector is monotonic.
  • isnatural: True for arrays of positive i.e., non-negative natural nmbers.
  • isodd: checks the given number(s) for being odd
  • isposint: True for positive integers.
  • isprtchr: True for printable characters.
  • isrowvector: True for row vector input.
  • issize: - Check whether the given matrix is of provided size/dimensions
  • issquare: - Check whether the given matrix is square
  • isupper: True for uppercase letters.
  • isxdigit: True for hexadecimal digits.
  • ord: returns the ordinal for the given number
  • padcat: - concatenate vectors with different lengths by padding with NaN
  • tspan: creates a properly and evenly spaced vector
  • wraprad: Map angles measured in radians to the interval [-pi,pi).
  • xkron: Kronecker tensor product.


  • adjugate: Calculate the adjugate matrix of A
  • angle2rotm: Create Tait-Bryan rotation matrices from rotation angles
  • bbox: Calculates the 2D bounding box for the given points
  • bbox3: Calculates the 3D bounding box for the given points
  • binomcoef: Binomial coefficient.
  • cart2quadrant: returns the quadrant of the given Cartesian coordinates
  • closest: finds the row and column of the matrix element closest to a given
  • crossing: find the crossings of a given level of a signal
  • evec:
  • evec3:
  • evecn: Make sure we do not create vectors larger than the specified dimension by
  • f2w: turns ordinary frequency into angular frequency
  • factorial2: Factorial function.
  • fibonacci: Fibonacci numbers.
  • gausslegendre: Determine Gauss-Legendre Quadrature abscissae and weights
  • gcd2: Greatest common divisor of all elements.
  • haversin: creates the haversinersine function of argument z
  • iseven: checks the given number(s) for being even
  • isprime2: True for prime numbers.
  • lcm2: LCMALL Least common multiple of all elements.
  • loglim: returns logarithmic limits
  • mcols: Count number of columns of matrix A
  • mmax: behaves similar to MAX except that it automatically shrinks down to
  • mmin: behaves similar to MIN except that it automatically shrinks down to
  • mnormcol: Normalize a matrix per column
  • mnormrow: Normalize a matrix per row
  • nrows: Count number of rows of matrix A
  • quat2acc: Get angular acceleration from quaternion velocity, and acceleration
  • quat2ratem: Gives the quaternion rate matrices
  • quat2rotm: converts quaternions to rotation matrices
  • quat2rotzyx: Convert quaternion to Tait-Bryan angle rotation matrix
  • quat2vel: Converts quaternion velocity vector to angular velocity vector
  • reldiff: Calculate relative difference of X and Y
  • rot: Rotate with an angle about the given axis
  • rot2: creates the 2D rotation matrix of angles A
  • rot2d: ROT2d creates the 2D rotation matrix of angles A given in degree
  • rotm2row: converts a 3d rotation matrix to a row
  • rotmdiff: determine the difference between two rotation matrices
  • rotrow2m: converts a 1d rotation matrix row vector to its matrix representation
  • rotxsym: Symbolic rotation matrix about the x-axis
  • rotysym: Symbolic rotation matrix about the y-axis
  • rotzsym: Symbolic rotation matrix about the z-axis
  • sigdigits: Return significant digits in a numeric non-uint64 number
  • skew2vec: Convert skew-symmetric matrix into skew-symmetric vector representation
  • sym_eul2rotm: Convert symbolic Euler angles to rotation matrix
  • vec2skew: Turn the input into its skew-symmetrix matrix form
  • vec2tens: converts a vector to its 2d tensor matrix representation.
  • versin: calculates the versine of the argument
  • w2f: turns angular frequency into ordinary frequency


  • bdf: implements a linear multistep method to solve ODEs with BDF approximation
  • leapfrog: implements Leapfrog integration of ODEs
  • ode1: Solve differential equations with a non-adaptive method of order 1.
  • ode2: Solve differential equations with a non-adaptive method of order 2.
  • ode3: Solve differential equations with a non-adaptive method of order 3.
  • ode4: Solve differential equations with a non-adaptive method of order 4.
  • ode5: Solve differential equations with a non-adaptive method of order 5.
  • odeprogress: creates a progress bar window for use as simulation progress info


  • newtonraphson: Solve set of non-linear equations using Newton-Raphson method.


  • align_axislabel: This function first rotates x, y and z labels to the direction of their
  • align_axislabel_log: This function first rotates x, y and z labels to the direction of their
  • anim2d: animates 2-dimensional data over time.
  • anim3d: animates 3-dimensional data over time.
  • axislabel_rotation: This function rotates x, y and z labels to the direction of their
  • axislabel_rotation_angle: This function computes the proper angles of x, y and z labels in order to
  • axislabel_translation: This function moves axis labels to a proper distance from the axes. It is
  • axislabel_translation_slider: Create UI figure window and components
  • center_cos: centers the coordinate system at [0, 0] i.e., moves the axes
  • circle: draws a circle of specified radius
  • circle3: draws a circle in 3D
  • cmyk2rgb: convert CMYK colors to RGB colors
  • colororder_pre2014b: returns the color order of plot lines pre R2014b
  • distinguishableColors: pick colors that are maximally perceptually distinct
  • enlargelimits: Automatically enlarge limits of the curent axis
  • figcheck: Process figure objects from input list
  • figplot: opens a figure and plots inside this figure.
  • gpf: Get the given handles parent figure
  • isallaxes: Checks whether the given handle is purely axes or not
  • isfig: checks whether the given handle is a figure handle or not
  • isplot2d: Check the given axes against being a 2D plot i.e., created by plot()
  • isplot3d: Check the given axes against being a 3D plot i.e., created by plot3()
  • lame: plots the LAMÉ superellipses
  • max_fig: maximizes the current or given figure
  • maxplotvalue: Determine the maximum plotted value along all axes
  • minplotvalue: Determine the minimum plotted value along all axes
  • plot_addPointPlaneIntersection: Adds intersection indicator for a point on the
  • plot_colbox: plots a colored box (patch) for the given color
  • plot_coordaxes: Add a frame of reference to the current plot
  • plot_cyclelinestyles: adds different line styles to each plot in an axis
  • plot_houghlines: plot lines from houghlines
  • plot_markers: Plot some markers on the lines given in Axes
  • plot_zoom: plots a zoom region into the given axes
  • plotrange: Determine the range of plotted data from min to max
  • point: Define the input parser
  • rgb2cmyk: convert RGB colors to CMYK colors
  • rgb_darker:
  • rgb_lighter:
  • ruler: plots a vertical or horizontal ruler at the given position
  • semilogxy: plots a 3D plot with logarithmic X- and Y-axis
  • setfigureratio: sets the ratio of the current or given figure
  • shadow3: plots a 3D shadow3 plot of all data into the given axes onto the given
  • usdistcolors: creates distinguishable colors complying with University of
  • uslayout: applies the corresponding figure to University of Stuttgarts
  • uslinestyles: creates a list of N unique lineseries plot styles
  • zoomax: in or out into an axes depending on the scaling factor


  • append_pdfs: Appends/concatenates multiple PDF files
  • copyfig: Create a copy of a figure, without changing the figure
  • crop_borders: Crop the borders of an image or stack of images
  • eps2pdf: Convert an eps file to pdf format using ghostscript
  • export_fig: Exports figures in a publication-quality format
  • fix_lines: Improves the line style of eps files generated by print
  • ghostscript: Calls a local GhostScript executable with the input command
  • im2gif: Convert a multiframe image to an animated GIF file
  • isolate_axes: Isolate the specified axes in a figure on their own
  • pdf2eps: Convert a pdf file to eps format using pdftops
  • pdftops: Calls a local pdftops executable with the input command
  • print2array: Exports a figure to an image array
  • print2eps: Prints figures to eps with improved line styles
  • read_write_entire_textfile: Read or write a whole text file to/from memory
  • user_string: Get/set a user specific string
  • using_hg2: Determine if the HG2 graphics engine is used


  • bump: Bump function
  • gauss: calculates the 1D gaussian function along X
  • h2r: converts Hertz to radian per second
  • heaviside: Analytic heaviside function at X = 0
  • r2h: converts radian per second to Hertz
  • richard: Generalized logistics curve or Richards' curve
  • siggen_difflattraj: creates a differentially flat trajectory.
  • siggen_rectangular: generates a rectangular signal
  • siggen_sawtooth:
  • siggen_trapezoid:
  • smoothtrans: Evaluate a smooth transition function at value X


  • num2prefix: converts numbers to their SI unit prefix.
  • strdist: computes distances between strings
  • strlcfirst: lower cases the frist character of the string(s)
  • strnatsort: Alphanumeric / Natural-Order sort the strings in a cell array of strings.
  • strnatsortfiles: Alphanumeric / Natural-Order sort of a cell array of filenames/filepaths.
  • strucfirst: upper cases the frist character of the string(s)
  • strucwords: uppercases each word of the given strings


  • deriv: derives a symbolic expression with respect to another symbolic


  • argstring: truns a list of arguments into a human-readable string
  • bytes2str: turns the number of bytes into a human readable string
  • computername: returns the name of the computer in the local network
  • cprintf: displays styled formatted text in the Command Window
  • create_contents: creates the CONTENTS.M files for this project
  • create_docs: creates the docs for project MATLAB-Tooling from each functions'
  • datestr8601: Convert a Date Vector or Serial Date Number to an ISO 8601
  • dispstat: Prints overwritable message to the command line. If you dont want to keep
  • focus_cmdwin: gives focus to the command window
  • focus_editor: gives programmatic focus to the editor
  • git: A thin MATLAB wrapper for Git.
  • humansize: Default decimals
  • iif: Allows conditionals in inline and anonymous functions
  • isinpath: Checks whether the given path is part of MATLAB's environment path
  • matlab_logo:
  • objectcheck: checks for an object of a calling class in the list of arguments
  • pack_files_and_dependencies: packs dependent files into one folder
  • progressbar: creates a nicer progress bar window for progress information
  • pvparams: Split variable arguments into numeric and name/value pairs
  • restart: executes a few functions to reset MATLAB workspace
  • rgb: converts a conventional RGB representation into MATLAB RGB format
  • rmpaths: Remove directory from search path recursively
  • save_figure: Saves the figure under the specified filename with variable types
  • save_ws: saves the whole workspace to a unique filename
  • secs2hms: Convert seconds to a human readable time format
  • setrng: sets the random number generator to a set or pre-defined options
  • stopalltimers: stops all timers whether they are visible or not
  • tsave:
  • username: returns the current user's username
  • varsize: determines the size of each variable given


  • csv2tcscope: converts a TwinCat CSV scope file to a TCSCOPE object