All features and more (easy configuration, plugin structure to add
rebel-readline, pomegranate, ...), ...) now present in
_ \ ____| ___|__ __| _ \ ____| _ \ |
| | __| \___ \ | | | __| | | |
__ < | | | __ < | ___/ |
_| \_\_____|_____/ _| _| \_\_____|_| _____|
Clojure REPL that resembles a shell in regard the current working directory being an URL and allows sending request.
While tools like httpie
are nice to query some APIs with some nice
syntax and getting back some formatted JSON and even some colors, those
are not ideal to interact with the API. It comes down to interact with
the shell and do call after call and copy down values from your results
in your next request. Complex interactions are usually out of
You need to have [Leiningen( installed. Check out this repo and run
lein uberjar. Once finished there will be a
target/rest-repl-$VERSION-standalone.jar which can be run with
java -jar target/rest-repl-$VERSION-standalone.jar`
Ideally it gets started with rlwrap
(this is a full blown example):
rlwrap -m -M .clj -C rest-repl -H "`pwd`/.rest-repl_history" java -jar target/rest-repl-*-standalone.jar
(needs rlwrap
to be installed: the parameters there let edit the
current line with CTRL-^
and keeps it's own history file for each
project directory; make that an alias
in your shell)
Command line parameters:
rest-repl [options...] [url]
-i, --init script.clj Run the given file before the first prompt
-e, --eval string Evaluate the expression (after --init if both given)
-h, --help
On the prompt call (help)
for the functions available (also
To show off the color output and formatting by puget
, here is a
screenshot what it looks like:
By default once started the default URL is http://localhost:8080
results in the prompt:
http://localhost:8080 => _
marks the cursor)
This prompt shows the current URL and prompts for Clojure code as user input. So any Clojure code works here:
http://localhost:8080 => (+ 1 2 3)
The URL and the setup for clj-http
are held in an atom that can be
reviewed with @config
http://localhost:8080 => @config
{:base-url "http://localhost:8080",
:request {:as :auto, :coerce :always, :debug false, :throw-exceptions false}}
is the URL the application started at. :request
holds a map,
that is used for each request to be merged with the user input. The
available options are documented in the
The default request :request
on startup is chosen to allow for some smooth
usage for the standard use cases. They can be changed with the default
function. It takes keys as varargs and finally the value to set it.
http://localhost:8080 => (default :debug true)
{:base-url "http://localhost:8080",
:request {:as :auto, :coerce :always, :debug true, :throw-exceptions false}}
http://localhost:8080 => (default :headers "X-Auth-Token" "XYZ")
{:base-url "http://localhost:8080",
:request {:as :auto,
:coerce :always,
:debug true,
:headers {"X-Auth-Token" "XYZ"},
:throw-exceptions false}}
To change the URL, there is the cd
function, that behaves similar to
the same command of a shell. This behaves relative to the path, the
prompt shows. So a simple string goes down one level. Using ..
up. If the path starts with a ~
, the base URL is used. If two
parameters are passed, the first parameter gets replaced in the current
path with the second parameter. E.g.
http://localhost:8080 => (cd "user")
http://localhost:8080/user => (cd "role")
http://localhost:8080/user/role => (cd "~/group/role")
http://localhost:8080/group/role => (cd "..")
http://localhost:8080/group/ => (cd "group" "user")
Note, that changing the URL does not call that URL or ensures in any way, that this is a valid endpoint.
Requests are sent by default to the current URL with the request
function. It takes the HTTP verb as keyword as first parameter. The
next one is an optional absolute or relative path, that gets used like
when used with cd
, but only for that request. Finally a map get's
passed, that is the request as defined in
There are shortcut functions for GET
(so (GET ...)
is the shortcut for (request :get ...)
. => (GET {})
{:body "<!doctype html>...",
:chunked? true,
:content-type :text/html,
:content-type-params {:charset "ISO-8859-1"},
:cookies {...},
:headers {...},
:length -1,
:orig-content-encoding nil,
:protocol-version {:major 1, :minor 1, :name "HTTP"},
:reason-phrase "OK",
:repeatable? false,
:request-time 794,
:status 200,
:streaming? true,
:trace-redirects [""]}
Common values for the map contain :query-params
for GET
for POST
for more web style requests.
More likely in an API calling scenario, JSON or XML bodies are sent and
received. So there are helper functions to build a body common for
those kind of services: json
and xml
just takes a map, that get's converted to JSON via cheshire
http://localhost:9200/jukebox/artist => (json {"test" 1})
{:body "{\"test\":1}", :content-type :json}
http://localhost:9200/jukebox/artist => (:body (POST "_search" (json {:query {:term {:name.plain "Slayer"}}})))
{:_shards {:failed 0, :successful 1, :total 1},
:hits {:hits [{:_id "Slayer",
:_index "jukebox",
:_score 11.390072,
:_source {:created 1411731380102, :id "Slayer", :name "Slayer"},
:_type "artist"}],
:max_score 11.390072,
:total 1},
:timed_out false,
:took 9}
takes a vector with a tag, optional attributes, and optional
childs (like the popular format of hiccup
). E.g.
http://localhost:8080 => (xml [:root {"attr" "attr-value"} "content"])
{:body "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><root attr=\"attr-value\">content</root>",
:content-type :xml}
This is a short real life example, how I use rest-repl
in a project.
Usually there is some rest-repl.clj
or more than one for different
development environments. The file contains regular Clojure code to
bootstrap REPL with the -i
parameter like: rest-repl -i rest-repl.clj
It might look something like this:
(def login-url "http://localhost:8080/api/1.0/login")
(def login-cred {:username "username" :password "password"})
(defn login
(let [token (-> (request :post login-url (json login-cred)) :body :access_token)]
(default :headers "X-Auth-Token" token)))
(cd "/api/1.0")
There might be further functions or some requires like for
or a (load-file "some-common-tools.clj")
or ...
After all it's just Clojure code.
From that that I can now explore the API by sending requests,
interesting results, work with all the other great Clojure data
manipulation functions, debug larger results with
's tree-view
, etc. Repetitive tasks become
functions, that will be added to my bootstrap file.
How to use the REST-REPL for generative testing with clojure.spec
Shout out to all the great software, that made this possible: