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354 lines (322 loc) · 12.7 KB

Citi Bike (Motivate) API Documentation

An overview of the API endpoints required to unlock a Citi Bike. The information contained here is for research purposes only and was obtained by inspecting the traffic from a running instance of the official Citi Bike Android app (v12.20.0).


  • Transport: the Android app uses HTTP/2.0, but the API seems to accept HTTP/1.1 as well.
  • Multi-session: the API enforces a one-device-at-a-time policy that will invalidate a user's session on all other devices

Authentication (Login)

Generates user access tokens (see memberAccessToken.access_token in the response body) which can be used to access more privileged endpoints. It is unclear how long these tokens are valid for.


  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint:
  • Headers:
    • accept: application/json
    • accept-language: en
    • content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    • content-length: ...
    • accept-encoding: gzip
    • user-agent: citibike/12.20.0(322) Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 7.1.1; ONEPLUS A3010 Build/NMF26F)
    • x-mtvl-telemetry: app_version:12.20.0,is_location_services_enabled:false,is_push_notifications_enabled:true,is_bike_lanes_layer_enabled:true,is_bike_angels_layer_enabled:false
  • Payload:
        "deviceId": "...",
        "password": "...",
        "username": "..."
    • deviceId
    • password
      • account password, verbatim
    • username
      • email address associated with the account, verbatim


  • Headers
    • date
    • content-type: application/json
    • x-system: nyc
  • Status Code: 200
  • Payload:
        "accountStatus": "o",
        "firebaseToken": "<token>",
        "member": {
            "additionalFields": [
                    "code": "profile_image_last_update",
                    "value": "<epoch time>"
                    "code": "bike-angels",
                    "value": "true"
            "allowedAccessMethods": [
            "birthday": {
                "day": 1,
                "month": 1,
                "year": 1900
            "canActivateBikeKey": false,
            "canAssignBikeKey": true,
            "canPurchaseSubscription": false,
            "currentSubscription": {
                "corporateEmailConfirmed": "n",
                "endDateMs": 000000000,
                "externalId": "<UUID>",
                "id": "int32? identifer",
                "numberOfConcurrentBikes": 1,
                "status": "a",
                "type": {
                    "activationStrategy": "m",
                    "additionalFields": [
                            "code": "",
                            "value": "Localization text"
                    "configuration": {
                        "paymentStrategy": "o"
                    "description": "Join Citi Bike to unlock thousands of bikes across Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens & Jersey City, and enjoy unlimited 45-minute rides. Bike share is designed for quick, convenient trips – it’s faster than walking, cheaper than a taxi, and more fun than the subway. Customers using an eligible Citi® credit or Citibank® debit card at checkout receive 10% off the membership price.",
                    "expirationNotificationDelayMs": 0000000,
                    "externalId": "<UUID>",
                    "freeRentalPeriodDurationMs": 000000,
                    "id": "68",
                    "minimumDelayBetweenRentalsMs": 0,
                    "name": "Annual Membership from Citi Bike App"
            "email": "<user's email>",
            "firstName": "<user's first name>",
            "gender": "m",
            "hasAcceptedTermsAndConditions": true,
            "hasPassword": true,
            "id": "10-char identifer",
            "language": "en",
            "lastName": "<user's last name>",
            "memberSinceMs": 0000000,
            "needsFirstKey": true,
            "notificationConfiguration": {
                "bikeReturnEmail": false,
                "overageFeesEmail": false
            "partial": false,
            "phoneNumber": "<user's 10-digit phone number>",
            "rideInsightsEnabled": true,
            "subscriptionRenewDate": 00000000,
            "subscriptionRenewalConfiguration": {
                "canToggleRenewal": true,
                "enabled": true,
                "renewal": "s",
                "subscriptionType": {
                    "activationStrategy": "m",
                    "configuration": {
                        "description": "Join Citi Bike to unlock thousands of bikes across Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens & Jersey City, and enjoy unlimited 45-minute rides. Bike share is designed for quick, convenient trips – it’s faster than walking, cheaper than a taxi, and more fun than the subway. Customers using an eligible Citi® credit or Citibank® debit card at checkout receive 10% off the membership price.",
                        "paymentStrategy": "o",
                        "price": 16900
                    "description": "Join Citi Bike to unlock thousands of bikes across Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens & Jersey City, and enjoy unlimited 45-minute rides. Bike share is designed for quick, convenient trips – it’s faster than walking, cheaper than a taxi, and more fun than the subway. Customers using an eligible Citi® credit or Citibank® debit card at checkout receive 10% off the membership price.",
                    "externalId": "<UUID>",
                    "id": "68",
                    "minimumDelayBetweenRentalsMs": 0,
                    "name": "Annual Membership from Citi Bike App"
            "termsAndConditionsAcceptanceDateMs": 000000000,
            "type": "h"
        "memberAccessToken": {
            "access_token": "<UUID>"
        "memberType": "h"

Authentication (Token Validation)

Validates a user access token.


  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint:
  • Headers
    • authorization: the value of memberAccessToken.access_token from the /login response
    • accept: application/json
    • accept-language: en
    • content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    • content-length: ...
    • accept-encoding: gzip
    • user-agent: citibike/12.20.0(322) Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 7.1.1; ONEPLUS A3010 Build/NMF26F)
    • x-mtvl-telemetry: app_version:12.20.0,is_location_services_enabled:false,is_push_notifications_enabled:true,is_bike_lanes_layer_enabled:true,is_bike_angels_layer_enabled:false
  • Payload
        "deviceId": "...",
        "memberId": "..."
    • deviceId
      • 16 charater hexadecimal string, lowercase
      • must be the same identifier originally sent to the /login endpoint
    • memberId
      • the value of from the /login response


  • Status Code: 200, if the user's token is still valid for the given device & member tuple
  • Payload

Favorite Stations

Retrieves a list of identifiers for the authenticated user's favorite docking stations.


  • Method: GET
  • Endpoint:
  • Headers:
    • api-key: base-64 encoded Motivate API key (e.g. base64("name:secret"))
    • authorization: the value of memberAccessToken.access_token from the /login response
    • user-agent: citibike/12.20.0(322) Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 7.1.1; ONEPLUS A3010 Build/NMF26F)
    • accept: application/json
    • content-type: application/json
    • accept-language: en
    • accept-encoding: gzip


  • Status Code: 200
  • Headers
    • date
    • content-type: application/json
    • content-length: ...
    • x-system: nyc
  • Payload
        "ids": [

All Stations

Retrieves a list of all docking stations in the system. Does not require authentication.


  • Method: GET
  • Endpoint:
  • Headers:
    • user-agent: citibike/12.20.0(322) Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 7.1.1; ONEPLUS A3010 Build/NMF26F)
    • accept: application/json
    • content-type: application/json
    • accept-language: en
    • accept-encoding: gzip


  • Status Code: 200
  • Headers
    • date
    • content-type: application/json
    • content-length: ...
    • expires: Mon, 18 May 2020 01:44:33 GMT
    • etag: "600762c973ff04baadbed1d69526cc8af6dead17"
  • Payload
        "features": [
                "geometry": {
                    "coordinates": [
                    "type": "Point"
                "properties": {
                    "bike_angels": {
                        "score": 0
                    "bike_angels_action": "neutral",
                    "bike_angels_digits": 0,
                    "bike_angels_points": 0,
                    "bikes": [],
                    "icon_dot_bike_layer": "dot-green",
                    "icon_dot_dock_layer": "dot-green",
                    "icon_pin_bike_layer": "pin-bike-green-most",
                    "icon_pin_dock_layer": "pin-dock-green-half",
                    "station": {
                        "accepts_dockable_bikes": true,
                        "accepts_lockable_bikes": false,
                        "bikes_available": 31,
                        "bikes_disabled": 2,
                        "capacity": 55,
                        "docks_available": 22,
                        "docks_disabled": 0,
                        "ebike_surcharge_waiver": false,
                        "id": "72",
                        "id_public": "66db237e-0aca-11e7-82f6-3863bb44ef7c",
                        "installed": true,
                        "last_reported": 1589765744,
                        "name": "W 52 St & 11 Ave",
                        "renting": true,
                        "returning": true,
                        "terminal": "6926.01"
                "type": "Feature"
    • features[*].geometry.coordinates: [longitude, latitude]
    • identifier of the station (correlates with responses from /favoritestation)

Unlock Bike


  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint:
  • Headers:
    • api-key: base-64 encoded Motivate API key (e.g. base64("name:secret"))
    • authorization: the value of memberAccessToken.access_token from the /login response
    • user-agent: citibike/12.20.0(322) Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 7.1.1; ONEPLUS A3010 Build/NMF26F)
    • accept: application/json
    • accept-language: en
    • content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    • accept-encoding: gzip
  • Payload
        "stationId": 1234,
        "subscriptions": [
                "id": "...",
                "numberOfBikes": 1
    • must match the value of from the /login response


  • Status Code: 200
  • Headers
    • date
    • content-type: application/json
    • content-length: ...
  • Payload
        "rentals": [
                "rentalPin": {
                    "eligibleBikeCount": 1,
                    "pin": "11111",
                    "pinDurationMs": 30000
                "result": "a",
                "subscription": {
                    "id": "..."
    • is the 5-digit code that can be keyed into a station to unlock a bike
    • The rentalPin object is packed into an array of rentals seemingly to support the "Group Ride" feature which permits users to request unlock codes for guest riders.