You can use Redis Enterprise on Azure Container Services (AKS). For this example we'l be using OSx (MacOS) High Sierra and Azure CLI 2.0.
Resource group will hold all the related resources together under a single name.
az group create --name redis-rg --location eastus
This may take a while. We'll use a 3 node cluster here.
az aks create --resource-group redis-aks-rg --name redis-aks --node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys
You can use "az aks show --resource-group redis-aks-rg --name redis-aks
" to monitor status under provisioningState attribute.
Then, add credentials;
az aks get-credentials --resource-group redis-aks-rg --name redis-aks
We'll use this to get to the Redis Enterprise Admin UI.
az network public-ip create --resource-group MC_redis-aks-rg_redis-aks_eastus --name redis-ip --allocation-method static
az network public-ip list --resource-group MC_redis-aks-rg_redis-aks_eastus --query [0].ipAddress --output tsv
use the redis-enterprise.yaml to deploy redis enterprise.
kubectl create -f redis-enterprise.yaml
Validate the deployment is accesible using "'kubectl get service redis'". You can also view the kubernetes admin UI using "'az aks browse --resource-group redis-aks-rg --name redis-aks'"